Cam let out a small growl of frustration, as the freshly spawned clown, now normal sized, swung in her direction. She was not so sleepy and slow so as to miss the obvious attack, dodging deftly out of range. She had seen the doors pop open after all, she had been ready. Darting forwards and ducking under clumsy swings that sailed over her head with comical cartoonish sounds from the clown, Cam swung bloodied claws across whatever passed for the swollen stomach of the creature. Silly string entrails tore free with a sickening POP! partly showering Cam with bitter fruit punch tasting blood as the clown expired.
Spitting as she fought a new wave of disgust, Cam wasted no time. She had too little already and she needed more. She needed to stall. She needed something that would go boom. She needed something heavier. She needed something that could smash a car in one fell swoop. But she could hear fighting. She could hear dying. Everyone was busy. She needed to buy time.
Jumping forward, Cam put her entire weight into a heavy kick more like a full body stomp that smashed into the right side door of the upturned clown car monstrosity. She hoped it would jam, but she didn't wait to see if her new strategy would bear fruit, instead she dashed around the upturned half-man sized car, sensing a pattern in her biomechanical supernatural foe. She would be ready by the door should another clown pop into existence.
Raising her voice, not quite shouting, but hopefully loud enough to be heard over the battle unfolding around her, Cam spoke as she moved,"If you aren't too busy fighting, I need something big enough to smash this car. Before more clowns crash our party!"