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8 yrs ago
So tired, sleep why do you spurn me?!
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Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.

Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!

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‘What the absolute-’ A slew of expletives exploded in her head following Karuu’s declaration. Willow was 200 percent certain Kira heard hit fast, hit hard, and keep count and filtered out all the spots where common sense would insert a few safety concerns. The girl leveled a look at Karuu, easily deciphered as “We will be having words later”, and then immediately gripped Kira’s arm and smiled at her.

“Of course, Karuu means it in a safe and sane way. No pulling ahead even if you can handle it because us measly mortals may not be able to.” Willow patted Kira’s arm. “And on that note, perhaps we should talk a bit of strategy before we head in? I’ll be opening our fights, stepping around Tower and back in to establish group wide debuffs and possibly a few stuns so we can focus down single enemies with openers from our single target damagers and maximize our initial damage. Tower can use his Living Wall action on me after to give him some time to peel aggro off me if he needs and I’ll top him off with a few heals. This should help keep them focused on Tower so the other frontliners can focus on their DPS for a minute or two before Tower runs out of aggro skills.”

Naomi fished her purple potion out of her bag and downed it, watching the +10 to her intelligence bing into place.
@ilovepapa Accepted! Feel free to move your sheet into the Character tab.

“Hm.” Willow said as she scrolled through her spells. “It's likely. Since one dungeon already has a wolf-esk theme, chances are it's not a word boss.” She closed her menu and looked around, looking serious but an excited glint in her eye betrayed her.

“Now as your primary healer, and Prome pay attention please, I have a few safety reminders. First, unless we are forced out of position, those who cast spells please try and stay within five feet of me when you cast. Your spells replenish my mana and it is critical we maximize that return so I can help with debuffs. I will be about five feet behind Tower unless I have to move so be extra chummy with our favorite meat shield if you need a point of reference in the fight. Second, if and when you see a big magic attack, stack behind Tower. My passive will give us some magic damage mitigation and that should give River and I some leeway to get everyone's health back up. Thirdly and probably the most important, AoEs are neither friends nor food. They are not casual acquaintances or romantic interests either before someone Willow slowly made eye contact with everyone, only moving her head until she stared straight at ZK, “suggests it. Do not stand in them. Do not eat them for the sake of DPS or aggravating your healers. Because if you do, I will personally blow out your kneecaps after this dungeon and again when we escape this hell hole!” Willow ended cheerfully.
'Beautiful’ The thought came unbidden as she looked out across the silent landscape. The tread of the horses rang out through the woods for a moment before swallowing the sound. She pulled her helmet off and raised her face to the sky, a smile on her lips as the chilly mountain air played through the messy strands. A peal of laughter caught her ear and her smile turned fond as she watched her soldiers joke and talk. It was nearly enough to forget the the whole sordid affair of breaches and monster. Almost, but not quite.

Ahead of her, fifty handpicked Hieromancers and infantry stretched in three rows, the more lightly armored Hieromancers riding between the two rows of heavily armored infantry. Her second in command, Wolfram, lead the group towards their destination. These were men and women she personally trained and guided through their careers and she would trust no one more in the field than them. Her Hieromancers started falling back momentarily to whisper in the next one's ear before riding back into position until finally Alianna, her first circle adept drew back next to her.

“Wolfram would like us to remind you we are almost arrived and that starting a mud fight would greatly hamper our diplomatic intents.” Alianna spoke, mocking the man's speech. Beatrix cackled, the noise richoching off the trees.

“One of these days, that incident will slip his mind and I will take that golden opportunity.” Beatrix chuckled. The mud fight happened nearly a decade ago now, the perfect opportunity to teach a colleague and his retinue how to have fun in the rain. When it turned out said colleague made border assignment decisions, she regretted her teaching tools. But only slightly. “If a mud fight is what we need, then its a mud fight we’re going to have, crotchy ex-mercenaries be damned!” Beatrix shouted to the front, only to double over in laughter with Alianna as Wolfram raised a hand and shot her the finger. Laughter broke out amongst the ranks and Beatrix nodded at Alianna as she moved back to her position. The woman put her helmet back on and took off to the front of the group.

“Take the platform, Wolfram. Point's mine for now.” Wolfram turned and headed back with a muttered “Somewhere I can keep a proper eye on ya.” She shook her head. For a brigand who once enjoyed the thrill of the kill, the man really definitely did a 180.

The sound of approaching hooves caught her attention and she waved the rider over. She listened as they rode and she clapped the man on the back. “Excellent! How kind of you to guide us on our path.” Beatrix chatted away with the sentry as they rode in, only letting him go once she swing out if her saddle and handed the reins over to Alianna as Wolfram joined her.

“Find out what defensive measures they've taken and how long we'll be here. If we are here longer than half a day, standard protocol. No noise, in or out of the village.” Alianna saluted and set out to find where to stable their horses. “Now, let’s find our hosts! I’m eager to meet everyone!”

@MagratheanWhaleSent you a PM with my character submission!
After Lunch

Lunch ended with another bell, signalling that students were free to carry on with their day. People spilled out of the large cafeteria back onto the campus and scattered about to explore with new friends or their partners. Some skulked away towards the dorm and the library, likely to hide away the rest of the day. The collared mage who attempted to maintain some semblance of pride was snatched aside by a shorter female vampire, likely his partner, who wrapped a finger under the collar and dragged him away as she talked animatedly with several others. *

The cafeteria acted as a central hub. Off to the left was the administration building and the mage buildings. Off to the right were the vampire buildings and, much further, the arena. A shuttle was parked in the lot just a ways in front of the cafeteria, advertising rides to the dorms and the adjacent town. Paths spiraled every which way across the grounds and small signs offered directions at intersections.

the Arena

The arena sat on the far edge of campus, closer to the ocean than anything else. The stone structure dominated the landscape. The exterior was well lit and students could easily see the various arches carved into the outside. Several paths lead to the building, each one branching to one of the four larger arches that served as entrances. The salt-sweet breeze trailed behind the students as they hurried to and from the arena. A short stairway on the inside of each arch let duelists slip down to the passages that connect directly to the area and out onto the wooden boards covered in sand. The Arena Guild and Arena Master Dracion had meeting space as well as storage and training facilities down in these passages. The clashing of metal on metal could be heard echoing over the muted voices of various students. Several senior students and an instructor all wearing light green robes walked the grounds, deep in discussion about various Life magic applications. A Guild mage, the guild crest pinned to red robes, cheerily directed overwhelmed students with grandiose gestures and a hearty laugh. A wand, made of stone and carved with multiple runes, swayed has his hip in a holster.

As the group approached, Varis stepped up from behind the guild mage with a man at his side. The man stood almost a foot over Varis and was built like a tree trunk. He showed signs of balding and a huge handlebar mustache decorated a heavily scarred face.He wore simple clothes, well fitting shirt and pants and steel toed shoes. The man and Varis spoke quietly so as not to be heard over the general din as they cross the arch. Varis maintained eye contact, looking genuinely pleased with the other as the man handed over a sheet of paper and an envelope. Varis looked down and the man blinked stood unmoving for a few moments before he seemed to come to his senses. A satisfied smirk curled at the corner of Varis’s mouth as he read, patting down a few loose strands of hair and smoothing wrinkles in his vest, as the man turned away and spoke briefly with the guild mage who responded with an excited “Yes Dracion!”

The Main Library

The main library is housed in the administrative building, which hosts the same courtyard from last night’s events. The decorations and lights have been stripped away and several tables filled the arena around the fountain. Candles flickered on each one and a few had occupants enjoying the clear night air. Passing through the courtyard and entering the building, signs clearly directed visitors and the library didn’t take much to find. It was a plain door set at the end of a long plain hallway. It almost seemed out of place, no art displays like the rest of the building, no signs, nothing but the walls and the floor. A rug with intricate designs, all red and black, lay on the floor just in front of the door.

Opening the wooden door led to a room that seemed larger than the building it sat in. Row after row of bookshelves stretched behind several desks where a few librarians sat. Odd enough, the bookshelves continued up the walls and on the ceiling, apparently defying gravity. The rows of bookshelves were interrupted periodically by spaces of tables and computers. One librarian held a book up as he wrote on a piece of paper and it launched itself from his hand into the air, spun in place for a moment, before flying off onto a bookshelf on the ceiling. Other people were perusing the the bookshelves, unconcerned the were upside down or walking on the walls. One person blurred and move in a blink of an eye from one bookshelf to another.
@MagratheanWhale Okay, cool! I'm at work but I will read everything over once I get off and send you some questions, if that's okay.
@MagratheanWhaleHey Trainerblue192 mentioned you guys were looked ng for another person. Are you still needing a seventh?
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