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8 yrs ago
So tired, sleep why do you spurn me?!
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Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.

Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!

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Health: 2700/2700
Mana: 3100/3550(+450)

Willow sighed as strategy talks fell apart and Cecilia took off like a shot. Admittedly, it was rather fun watching Cecilia fly around the battlefield but Willow would much rather have an exit plan. One of these days, these impatient idiots would be the death of her but until then, she'd try her hardest to keep them alive.

“Okay River, round 2 it looks like. Greater chakra magic.” The blue aura wrapped around River and then vanished, restoring his MP. “Empower mind.” The purple beam lept from her hand to River, boosting his max MP for a short while.


  • Casts Greater Chakra Magic on River, restoring 300 MP.
  • Casts Empower Mind on River, increasing his MP by 300. -200 MP
  • Mind's Eye triggers. +10 Int
The hours following the Luvalonians’ arrival were busy and fast paced. Beatrix’s hieromancers warded the village area, keeping prying eyes and ears unaware of the slowly amassing army’s intentions and setting alarms to notify them when the perimeter was breached. The High Hieromancer spoke at length with several of Aurran soldiers as she helped care for the unit’s horses. She didn’t get much of a response but she always could hold a conversation for two, especially when meeting new faces. More than once, her soldiers stepped in to free the poor soul caught in the endless conversations she held.

“Remember, leave everything as, or better, than you found it.” Beatrix reminded her people. “We are guests and far better off than these people. It wouldn’t do for us to worsen their lot in these conditions.” The Aasimar looked around at the faces of her people as they went about their tasks. Wolfram’s first act upon arrival was to draw up tasks lists and schedules, the organized man that he was, and stubbornly left her off rotations for the first night. Her Hieromancers were sitting in a circle, doing their nightly meditations. Beatrix would have joined them if a soldier hadn’t requested her presence at the mayor’s office. Somewere finishing brushing down their horses and others doing inventory on equipment and supplies. Beatrix smiled to herself and stepped away from their area, those lingering outside saluting her as she walked by.

The air had grown colder as the day passed and the sun started dipping beneath the horizon. It was refreshing, the change of pace from the warm climate of her home enjoyable, but she distinctly missed the salt sweet breezes sweeping in from the harbor. She smiled at nothing as she walked, content in observing the others that shared the village. It was always interesting to see how new people and places came together but this wasn’t just some random occurrence. Beatrix could feel the tension in the air, a heavy somberness that seeped into her that was only briefly lifted with sparks of joy and excitement. Her smile thinned, a touch sadder, as their task reared its head again in her mind and the cost it would likely demand.

Beatrix walked into the mayor’s building confidently, her smile brightening. The cost could be high but she would try her damndest to keep that from happening. These fools would shatter across her shield like the ocean on the rocks. A creeping worry and sense of unease rushed across her skin and she followed it to the source. Commander S’venna, commander of the Snow Leopards and leader of this little expedition. She certainly looked the part of a battle worn veteran, stone faced and postured. It took more than a cool exterior to hide from a Hieromancer however. Both their blessing and their curse, a Hieromancer’s vows heightened their sensitivity to emotions and emotional changes. Emotions flaring suddenly and intensely often left a Hieromancer overwhelmed for a few moments as they struggle against the raw feelings. S’venna’s concern felt like pin pricks over Beatrix’s skin and it warmed her heart. What little they had on the commander suggested her stoic. The Hieromancer was glad they were wrong.

“Commander S’venna!” Beatrix said excitedly. She approached the woman and clapped her on the arm. “We meet at last! When we received your call, I jumped on my horse as quickly as possible. Luvalson will do all it can to help you find your missing Goddess.”

Interacting with: @Jade Blades

“Yep. But you might get more than you bargained for. Rowan takes her position hella serious. I’d make sure you had a few hours of down time before you ask.” Evalyn sighed. “I asked her for help with a few things and suddenly I was being treated to a history lesson through lunch.”

“Evalyn come on! Rowan wanted the design settled by the time she got back!” Nick threw his pencil at her. “Let him free for a second while we finish and then we can kick his ass on your console.”

“Alright, alright.” Evalyn grumbled. “Sorry, gotta fix this up for Rowan fist and then we can hang. Actually you know what, Ryan show Joryldin the games! We can play something when Rowan gives us the all clear!” Ryan gave her a short salute and slung his arm around the vampire again.

“Got a preference? Video games, board games, you name it we probably got it. We do a lot of waiting around here so all our stuff just sort of accumulates.” Ryan said as he steered the vampire out of the living room into a bedroom. Various art pieces hung on the wall, drawings and paintings alike. The bed was unmade and clothes were thrown everywhere. The closet was opened but instead of clothes, a horde of neatly organized games sat. Like Ryan said, it seemed like they had a bit of everything.

Now, what to wear?

Interacting with: @Trainerblue192

Five minutes shy of an hour, Salem heard a knock at the door. Two vampires dressed in Noila colors and armed with longswords nodded at the mage, stepping aside to show the car idling behind them. They guided the mage to it, one sitting beside him in the back seat and the other sitting in the passenger seat.

The car ride was silent. Outside, the Academy pulled away and the forest quickly took its place. Salem’s magic recoiled from the world around it. A sickly stillness sat where the thrum of life usually greeted him and it called to his magic, trying to pull it into its web. Brief glances into the shadows showed roaming patrols. Salem could feel the faint buzz of magic skitter across his skin as the patrols noticed the car. The magic receded as quickly as it had come, the patrols vanishing along with it.

Salem’s magic calmed once a large tudor style mansion broke the darkness. A wrought iron fence surrounded the glowing home and the car pulled up the long drive, just shy of a large fountain. Princess Ryner stood there in a sleeveless red mermaid dress, flowing in tiers for a foot behind her. A slit in the dress’s front showcased her black ankle strap heels, the goldstrap matching the golden and diamond matinee necklace. The guard sitting in front of Salem stepped out to open the mage’s door. Car drove off almost as soon as the mage was out.

“Welcome, Salem.” The princess greeted him with a smile. “Hopefully we’ll see Lucan at the dinner but it seems my sister pulled him away for Council business. Count Sinnenodel and his mage will be joining us shortly but I wanted a few minutes before the Count tries to pick you apart. How are you feeling? The first time you have dinner with the Queen can be nerve wracking I’m told.”


Interacting with: @Jade Blades

“Can’t even adhere to a theme? The doorman should have turned you away!” Evalyn mocked dramatically and rolled her eyes. “Nah, no one gives a shit. The princess struts around every night in high fashion. Fancy clothes are fancy clothes. It’ll get you some brownie points with the nobles here though.” She stood from her work and walked over to him. “But yeah come on, we’ll do the rounds.” She hauled him off the couch and walked over to the group huddled around a laptop.

“So these two losers are Kanalie and Alexander, seniors here at school.” The pair waved at him. Alexander leaned against the wall with the laptop in his lap, dressed in jeans and a hoodie. Kanalie seemed vaguely familiar and it clicked she was the one locking lips with a vampire during orientation. “The others come and go depending on who needs help. Kanalie TAs one of the freshman Affinity Mastery classes and Alexander TAs Advanced Spell Theory for primary elements. Primary elemental mages struggle the most with arcane magic by the way. Good info for making bets and dares. And probably what they should be studying instead of spying on their poor partner.” Alexander stuck his tongue out at her in response. Kanalie smack his shoulder.

“Nice meeting you Joryldin. Let us know if there's anything you need help with! Evalyn mentioned earlier you were a freshman and we’re here to help!” Kanalie said, smiling at him.

“Then the mini Ryan over their is Nick, Ryan’s younger brother and my partner. Also has a shadow affinity but prefers arcane magic.” Nick looked up and waved from where he was drawing intently on the paper Evalyn was working on earlier. “On the couch is Anna, Jerome, and the sleeping one is Rachel. Except for Rachel they’re all turned. We have more vampires, partners of the mages getting tutored, but they probably slipped away into one of our rooms to do something or another.” Evalyn shrugged. "And if you are interested in making some connections, student council president will be here soon too. She had some business to handle at the Arena I guess but she'll appreciate your clothes at least."

Now, what to wear?

Interacting with: @Trainerblue192

A text notification broke the serene atmosphere of Salem’s bath shortly after he started soaking.


Your presence is expected for dinner tonight at Princess Ryner’s manor. A guard will be along in an hour to guide you there. Back tie attire is expected.”

Collision Course

Interacting with: @Scribe of Thoth

The way back to the dorms was crowded, heavily armed guards starting to coral the student populace back to their dorms. All around people were whispering excitedly about the Queen possibly showing up and the possibility of Lady Sinnenodel walking around he administrative building. Others were abuzz about the nobles attending school, sympathizing for those serving the Astorio and Sinnenodel and excited to meet the others. Someone was discussing the Champions and if they’d be active again this year but were quickly shushed by their friends. Salem, who trailed Maxwell for a bit, disappeared into the crowd.

As Maxwell approached his dorm, the area grew less populated. It seemed most of his neighbors were either home already or were elsewhere. Already, a few dorms sported a variety of paraphernalia on their doors, ranging from team logos to a door with bells and colored fairy lights. Two students, one vampire and one mage, walked by hand in hand as they chattered excitedly before disappearing into the fairy light door.

Loud heavy thudding grew from behind Maxwell. It grew louder and louder until WHAM! A body collided with Maxwell, sending them both sprawling. A man barely missed landing on the mage, scattering his things all across the pavement in the process. The man seemed about Maxwell’s height but his limbs seemed a bit to long for his body. The man straightened out his tee shirt and dusted off his shorts as he stood, offering help up and several stuttered apologies. He froze as a chorus of laughter rang from behind them.

“This is as far as you got? Fucking pathetic.” A vampire built like a semi truck in a wife beater and sweats shouted at the mage. “We wanted to have some fun hunting. Gotta whip you into shape then.” The five others behind him snickered and smirked. “And what’s this? Have you found a friend?”




Health: 2700/2700
Mana: 3300/3550(+450)

Willow resisted the urge to sigh as Cecilia launched herself over the river. Willow’s wand hand twitched towards the lancer, tempted to telekinetic move the girl back to the group… or the river, purely out of pettiness but she stopped herself. She needed to set a good example for the group in the dungeon, no lower herself to petty insults or pranks. Outside of here however… She shook her head and opened her inventory, switching her wand for her Staff of Power.

“Well River, let’s give them a light show to remember.” Willow said, casting Empower Mind on him with a purple ray from her fingertips.

River watched as his mana pushed passed his maximum limit. If there was one thing Willow did that he absolutely loved, it was her Empower Mind.

“You got it Willow! Pepper start us off with a little Pepper Spray.”

She flew off his shoulder and above the archers who began to take aim at the small, agile creature. Before their arrows were cast, Pepper spewed out the toxic purple smoke on the archer causing the to shoot wildly. River took this opportunity to attempt to take down as many of the ranged fighters as possible.

River flicked his wand at an Archer and threw a Lightning Shot at one, setting off Energize and having the Archer next to it to be blasted as well. The Goblins arms singed as the electricity crackled against their skin. Giving no room for mercy, River continued his barrage with a Plasma Burst centered at the to Archers for Double Damage,having it Energize to then hit the Goblin Soldiers. Rivers speed rose higher and higher as each spell was cast, causing his movements to become swifter and more fluid.

“Time for the Grande Finale! Get ready Willow!”

Like a conductor waving his baton, River was orchestrating a song of destruction and mayhem for the Goblins. Lightning shot out of his wand and arced into the sky, crashing down at the Goblin Archers and then Energizing for a final time against the remaining 5 Archers. Singed leather, skin, and hair now began to fill the air as a wicked grin spread further and further on Rivers face.

“You’re enjoying this too much.” Willow muttered as her fingertips glowed, leaving behind a shimmering circle. “Copy Magic: Chain Lighting.” Electricity crackled from the circle and slammed into the archers, targeting River’s first five victims again. The thrill of electricity, and the speed boost from the system, ran through her and perhaps there was a reason River enjoyed slinging destructive spells so much. Still, she was glad he didn’t have access to this outside the game.

“Karuu, keep decimate on cooldown. I’ll make sure you have the mana to handle it.” Willow shouted to the Marauder.


Health: 2700/2700
Mana: 3375/3550(+450)

Cecilia’s comment glanced off her with a shake of her head as she grabbed the wolf pelt and entered it into her inventory. The issue wasn’t the act of disappearing but rather the lack of communication. The only notification that Zk would have been in danger would have been a dropping health bar. They wouldn’t have known where he was or what was attacking him. They probably wouldn’t have made it in time.

The thought sent chills down her spine so she forced herself to pay attention to Karuu. They hadn’t really had a chance to talk about the implications of this situation. Willow went on a violent tirade about being forced down to her actual height when Malgoth “gifted” them their original appearances. She played fantasy games to fantasize about how life could have been, about reaching the top shelf and keeping up with everyone at a reasonable pace. She could feel the irritation at the thought and squashed it. Not the time or place.

But the amazing thing was Karuu could walk. Free from the confines of his wheelchair, Karuu could fight and play and run with everyone. It was exciting and terrifying. Willow worried about what would happen when he had to return after all this. Losing that freedom would hurt at the least.

“Yep, it's important! If it was a mob, I would just heal her up in the fight; it’s more efficient on my cooldowns. Since the archers can get some free hits in though…” she pointed her wand at Cecilia, “Healing Beam.” A beam of light lanced out to Cecilia, restoring 517 health. “Now, let's crush some goblins!”


Health: 2700/2700
Mana: 3350/3550(+450)

Willow watched as River, Kira, and Cecilia mopped up the mob. She tapped her finger on her wand absently, thinking. Obviously, focusing so heavily into one attribute early on wasn’t the worst idea but she would definitely need to start pouring more points into agility and stamina if she wanted to maintain any degree of relevance further on. The rate she was popping heals out at wasn’t bad now but the choice between a heal and crowd control wasn’t one she wanted to dwell on too hard so perhaps more was better than harder. Would have been back then but the floor boss would be a better indicator. "Oh, let me top off your mana really quick River. That way I can cap your mana next fight. Chakra Magic, Greater Chakra Magic!" River was engulfed in a pair of crystal blue lights, restoring 450 MP.

“May I have one of the wolf pelts?” Willow asked as she swiped away the reward screen with a sigh and smiled at herself ruefully. She was getting greedy if that much Renn from a trash mob didn’t balance out the subpar bonus from her bounty lines. She shook her head and then jumped as River cracked his whip at Zk’s feet. She silently berated herself for not noticing his absence as he spoke, nodding along with River’s rant. While everything may have worked out this time, communication was a must moving forward. Willow fully expected to get everyone out alive and his vanishing act set her on edge.

Zk and I will have a heart to heart after the dungeon. It’s important we stay focused and together going forward however.” Willow said with a sharp smile at Zk. “Do you have a status report as well? Mobs, traps, hidden loot because I like stuff?”

Health: 2700 / 2700
Mana: 3350 / 3550

Willow heard the rapid fire pining of her passives triggering and her mana jumping up as River barraged the mob. She gave the warg attacking Tower a flat look. “Really? He’s busy, leave him alone. Nether Push.” With a flick of her wand, the Warg went flying back towards its friends and shadows wrapped around her once again. That should let them continue AoEing all the wargs.

She took a second to check the status list. Cecilia and Tower both took a good chunk of damage and the mob was looking rough. Kira could still use a couple hundred hit points too. Popping a healing AoE would have it off cooldown by their next engagement or shortly into it, just in case. May as well. She stepped forward, making sure everyone would be in her radius. She held her wand high and swirled it, a pulse of weak light radiating from it. “Restore Vitality.”

  • Quicken buff wears off.
  • Spell Essence Collector triggers 5 times from River’s spells. Caps after the second cast. +250 MP
  • Casts Nether Push on Warg 3 to knock it back towards Warg 1 and Warg 2. -100MP
  • Hidden in Shadows triggers, +5% evasion.
  • Casts Restore Vitality on the party, healing everyone 517 HP. -250 MP
  • Essence Gain triggers, restoring 100 MP.
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