Avatar of Achronum


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8 yrs ago
So tired, sleep why do you spurn me?!
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Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.

Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!

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Declan, leave the boy alone.” The woman said, rolling her eyes as the man clutched his chest dramatically. “We’ll take our leave. My apologies again for our hasty judgement. If I there is anything I can do to repay the insult, ask for Rowan Batisma at the Student Council office after classes end.” She curtsied and walked off, Declan falling into step with her.

I hope your partners are willing to share copies of that audio. I’ll need something to laugh at when student council gets hectic.” Declan groaned and grumbled under Rowna’s laugher as they disappeared out of the arena.


Interacting with: @Jade Blades

Yeah, you right.” Ryan slung an arm around Joryldin’s shoulders. “Hold on. I’m the best in the group when it comes to this but sometimes my landings are a tad… violent?” The boy dug pulled a thin wand, with more than a few scorch marks on it, a held in in front of the pair.

Eloozqxr fyselmriq ke umdumufh.” He spoke softly and slowly, the words thick and heavy in the air. He flicked his wand as he did, silver lettering shimmering in the air before swirling around them. The world folded together, slowly at first but speeding up as he spoke, and they tilted, falling along the collapsed skyline until everything turned dark and snapped into place, the open sky above them replaced with a ceiling mere centimeters from their noses. Ryan whispered “Oh, fuck” from a few feet away and screamed as the pair plummeted. The vampire landed on a couch and a few other voices shouted angrily as Ryan dropped on them.

The dorm Joryldin dropped into was similar to his own with a much more lived in feel to it. Art decorated every wall in a wide variety of mediums. Two mages sat side by side across for the couch sharing a pair of headphones plugged into a laptop, laughing with a few others across from them. The male wiped his eyes as he laughed, mockingly saying “I’m a lover, not a fighter. If that makes me seem a coward, then I coward I shall act.” The girl next to him doubled over as she wheezed. “He used to be so suave!

Evalyn sat in the middle of the room, glaring at a younger version of Ryan. “Figure out what you want before asking me to help! Its too much like last year’s, Thats no enough like last year’s. Which one do you want?” She huffed and turned her attention to Joryldin. “Sorry ‘bout that! Ryan’s the only one who has a decent enough grasp of that stuff to safely bring you over. You can punch him for the shit landing if you want.” Ryan, after being shoved out of the laps of a few others working on another set of papers, flicked the girl off.
Looking for more brave adventurers!

Interacting with: @Jade Blades

The conversation went silent after the picture sent. The night stayed quiet until movement on the Academy grounds changed. Men and women ushered students off the grounds and towards the halls and dorms. Unlike the standard guards that stood watch over the Academy, these were more heavily armed and wore noticeable armor. They didn’t bother concealing their presence and patrols across the ground started quickly.

Next to the vampire, something started to bubble up from between the shingles. It was wispy and gaseous and boiled as it rose. It slowly settled into the rough shape of a human and dissipated. A male mage, around the same age as Joryldin’s apparent one, sat next to him on the roof, tracking the movements on the Academy ground for a few moments before shaking his head. He smiled at Joryldin and held up his fist.

“Yo. Evalyn said you wanted to chill with us. The name’s Ryan, I’m her partner’s older brother.” The mage introduced himself. “Ever teleported before?”

“Oh dear. My apologies then.” Guilt flickered across her for just a moment before smoothing out again. “The first week back is always a touch tense. Too many hotheads trying to provide their superiority in the hierarchy and the student council doesn’t have enough resources to be everywhere at once. To be fair, Declan did warn me and I owe him an apology for the comments I made.”

“I’m a lover, not a fighter. If that makes me seem a coward, then I coward I shall act.” Declan shrugged and smiled a Maxwell, bowing to the mage. “And I would very much like to make the inconvenience up to you, if such a beauty would allow me. Perhaps, dinner? After I shred these abominable clothes of course.”

Health: 2700/2700
Mana: 3300/3550(+450)

Willow watched Kira’s health plummet. The first time this had happened, when they first started pursuing dungeons, Willow panicked. She almost forgot to heal. This time however, she was ready. It wasn’t worry or concern that welled up inside her. There was some to be sure but mostly it was irritation. Irritation at Kira for getting caught in that situation, irritation at the Wargs for ganging up on her friend that way.

“Get back here, Kira. Nether pull!” Willow pointed the wand at the other girl, a thin black rope lashing around Kira and yanking her towards the mage. “Healing beam!” A light shot out and wrapped around Kira for a moment then faded. “Don’t make me worry young lady! Watch you back next time. Tower move with me!” She shouted as she bolted out in front of the tank. She pointed her wand at the mass of enemies that had formed around Kira’s original spot.

“Shadow raze.” she snarled and flicked her wand horizontally, sending a thin black line slicing through the group. Dark tendrils wrapped around her body and undulated, making in harder to pinpoint her position.

  • Cast nether pull (Target is pulled towards the User by shadow energy) on Kira. -75 MP
  • Triggered Hidden in the Shadows, making it harder to see and hit Willow.
  • Cast Healing beam on Kira, restoring 425 HP. -75MP
  • Triggered Essence Gain. +100 MP
  • Moved forward, requesting Tower to as well.
  • Cast Shadow Raze (User razes an area in front of them with shadow energy, dealing damage) on the mob that attacked Kira. -200MP
  • Triggered hidden in Shadows, refreshing its duration.


“Sorry, can’t do that.” The man sighed and shoved off the wall, slipping his hands into his pockets in a comfortable mimic of Maxwell’s earlier action as he blocked the mage’s path. “My associate needs to check something first.” The woman made her way to Salem, her steps barely making sound. She looked him up and down careful, eyes darting here and there.

“Are you injured?” she asked, genuine concern in her voice. “We saw him cut you off and box you in from across the Arena. I apologize we weren’t able to make it here sooner.”

“Is there a problem here?” A voice rang out from beside the pair. A woman stood on one side of the pair, hands clasped behind her back and a brow raised. She wore a black sleeveless victorian corset dress on top of a white silk shirt, left open to frame the gold and rubies at her neck. Black hair framed dark skin and fell straight down her back, stopping just beneath her shoulders. She seemed calm but sent an inquisitive look in Salem’s direction. A voice rang out from the other side of the two.

“It seems there is.” A man approached them, dark red leather trench coat flaring dramatically as he moved. Besides the fitted grey shirt, the man wore all leather. The coat stopped at his knees and one could see a variety of knives on his belt. A single heart shaped earring hung from his right ear, nearly covered by red hair. The faintest scent of smoke wrapped around him. He leaned up against the barrier himself and watched the pair with a warm smile. “You’re both beautiful. It would be a shame if you hurt each other.” He spoke with a sigh and the smile faded, cold irritation taking its place.

Both were obviously vampires and, if their stances were anything to go by, expected a fight.

Health: 2700
Mana: 3550/3550 (+450)

"Alright guys, lets do this!" Willow shouted as she ran past Tower, Wand of Affintiy in hand, and shouted "Indimidate!" A colorless pulse rippled through the air. Hopefully, her mind shock passive would trigger on at least one of them. She hear the quiet ding of Mind's Eye triggering and shouted "Telekinetic Move!", pointing at the spot a few feet behind Tower. She felt herself whisked back and she pulled up the party list, keeping an eye on everyone's status.


-Casts Intimidate just past Tower. -25MP
-Triggers Mind's Eye: +10 Int for 1 minute.
-Casts Telekinetic Move, targets self and moves four feet behind Tower. -75 MP
-Triggers Mind's Eye, refreshing duration.
-Opens party list.

Allison walked briskly, slow enough for the mage to keep up but at a less than comfortable pace. She stayed silent as they walked across the grounds, a harsh contrast to the lively student presence around them. A few curious eyes followed them but for the most part, the vampire and mage passed unnoticed. Allison led the pair to the administrative building and into an office whose name plate read Allison Eve. The door shut behind them quietly. Two chairs sat in front of the vampire’s desk and she gestured for Lilie to sit even as she remained standing.

“I apologize for the abruptness of our meeting but circumstances demanded. Countess Arianna will be retiring from the school this evening for private reasons. In order to avoid the debacle from three years ago, the Eves will instead be sending a replacement for the Countess. His name is Ikelos Eve, a young vampire who may benefit from some prolonged exposure to his peers from other Houses. He will be here before the night is out. We will meet the Countess at the front gate were you will meet Ikelos and give him a brief tour of the facilities and your living arrangements.” Allison handed Lilie a photo of Ikelos. “You may ask any questions you have now.. After we leave this office, this topic will not be discussed.”

Her jaw would have dropped if sheer confusion hadn't kept it from moving. This just seemed so sudden, the vampire explaining things in succession. There were a million questions running through Lilie's head, but she had no idea where to start. For one, she thought that Arianna had gotten along with her well. But if it was for private reasons, maybe it had something to do with her family? She was a countess, after all, but she had assumed her assignment was permanent. Changing partners out of the blue gave her a sense of unease. Especially with someone named after the personification of nightmares.

“I--I don't understand,” She finally managed to get the words out, still bewildered but getting a better handle on things. “Is this something that typically happens?”

“It does not. Usually, we do what we can to ensure it doesn’t. However, Arianna’s case is unique.” The vampire responded.

Remembering that she never got a response from her message, the girl shifted in her seat nervously. “Is she okay? I mean, I know it was personal, but...I feel like it has to be something big to just up and leave out of the blue, right?” She wasn't expecting too much, her questions coming off more like a child losing a parent and not particularly understanding the why and how. It really bothered her, knowing that Arianna was nothing but kind to her. “Can I see her before she leaves?”

“We are not permitted to discuss students private matters with others. The countess is in quite a state however and has retired to the Princess’s personal chambers. You will see her again at the gate and may make your goodbyes as she leaves.”

Her gaze dropped for a moment, landing somewhere on the desk as multiple scenarios ran through her head. Maybe she would get her answers from Arianna herself, but if it was only going to be a goodbye, she probably wasn't going to find anything out at all. “And this...Ikelos, he'll be staying with me?” The realization that she was staying with a guy bothered her slightly, too.

“Yes, Ikelos will be occupying the Countess’s previous quarters. Her belongings are being packed as we speak.” Allison finally took a seat and sighed. “As I’ve said, this is an incredibly unusual occurrence. She wouldn’t be leaving if it wasn’t serious. From what I understand, Ikelos is a relatively laid back individual. I haven’t personally met him but he should be comparatively more pleasant than your friend’s partner at the very least.”

Friend? She must have been talking about Aaron. True, while Arianna showed her that not all vampires were to be feared, Varis showed her that said fear had merit to it. Fiddling with the hem of her dress, she finally met Allison's gaze again, though she found herself at a loss. “That's...a relief,” She paused as she said that, only just realizing that others were aware of her friendship with Aaron. Unless she meant Salem? Lucan was quite the spectacle in battle, but she couldn't say she knew him personally. “Wait, how did you know about that?” She asked. One question after another, she wouldn't be surprised if she got reprimanded for it.

“Know about what? I'm not sure I understand the question?” She responded.

Lilie opened her mouth to respond, but hesitated. Maybe she was just being paranoid. “About Ikelos,” She lied.

“Like my door says, I am an Eve. You know a little bit about everyone in the House.” Allison shrugged. “Tell me about your time here so far. I know you haven't been here long but is there anything you need or want?”

“No, I--Well, truthfully everything here is a step up from my town,” Lilie admitted. That was an understatement, though; her humble home was probably considered less than a servants if their dorms were anything to go by. “Everything's been good so far, and I've been in good company.” Which was why she was finding Arianna's departure a shame.

“I'm pleased to hear that. If there is anything you need, don't hesitate to ask.” Allison turned on her computer. “Ikelos will arrive within an hour. You'll stay here until we meet Arianna at the car.”

Lilie nodded in understanding, her fingers still messing with the hem of her dress. That probably meant she wasn't going to be able to get back to Salem. She hoped he didn't think she had abandoned him, he seemed so excited during the match. Honestly, she had wanted to get back to him and Aaron to see the rest of the battles. She would make sure the next time they saw each other, she would grab his number, too. Torn between wanting to ask if she should take her phone out and thinking it was rude, the girl sat in her seat, blue eyes looking around the office.

Getting a little restless, she decided to ask if she could reunite with the others. “If he isn't here yet, is it okay if I go back to the arena?” She asked.

“You may not. You are to remain under my supervision until Ikelos arrives.”

The girl shrank in her seat, though she wouldn’t argue against it. She felt very much like a young child in the principal’s office, waiting for an adult to come by and pick her up.
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