“Yeah, Evalyn made most of these. A few others were gifts from other students or commissions. She likes to surround herself with her milestones.” Ryan explained.
“She picks up pieces she thinks are way above her level and tries to “beat” them. Not really sure what beating them entails but it gets her real fired up so it works I guess.” Ryan shrugged and grabbed the disk, placing it on top of the console. He sat on the bed with a bounce.
“But yeah, tons of talent. The Princess is a big patron of the arts. The Academy has ridiculous art program if you’re interested. Evalyn can give you the rundown once the President lets go of her and Nick.” Ryan looked back out at Evalyn and Nick, disapproval briefly flitting across his face, before he turned back to Joryldin.
“So, any plans for your first year? I know it takes a bit to adjust to.”
Shortly after Amaris’s invitation, sirens could be heard in the distance. Several cars, each stamped with the Royal Guard's insignia, whipped into the dormitory area and down to the Cul-de-Sac. They screeched to a halt in front of the Marivaldi house. Four of the cars were standard size and lightly reinforced. Four guards piled out, two loading crossbows and two drawing their blades. The fifth vehicle was an armored truck, heavily reinforced. The two guards stayed in the trucked, keeping it idling. The back opened quietly and Lucan Bordeleaux stepped out, surveyed his surroundings, and gave a few muffled orders. The Royal Guard spread out, crossbows aimed at the door, while others circle the building and covered the back. He held his hand up to help another vampire step out.
This vampire was covered head to toe in gleaming black plate armor, golden swirls branching out from the Noila royal symbol on the back. A long, thin blade in a plain leather hung at the vampire’s waist and a heavy war axe, the same gold sword adorning the handle, in their right hand. The vampire barely made a sound as they approached the pair in the street and moved almost entirely unencumbered. The slammed the butt of the axe on the ground and pushed to keep it upright and took off the helmet. Princess Nox stared at them, her usual frown firmly in place. Her hair was shaved completely and she had several faint scars across her face. Her eyes flicked from Cassandra to Amarais and back again.
“You will be Countess Marivaldi’s mage. The Astorio whelp turned left with his tail between his legs shortly after orientation.” She address Cassandra curtly before turning to Amaris.
“By the authority of the Royal Guard invested by Queen Noila and the Moonlight Council, your belongings, including your mage and hers, have been seized as possible threats to the Council. Once your belongings have been cleared by the Royal Guard, they will be returned to you and you may return to your lodgings along with your new mage. You and your mage are required to return to the Asotrio dormitory at once.” Nox slammed her helmet back on her head, picked up her axe from the ground with a slight crack, and stalked back to the van. Sir Bordeleaux drew his blade as Nox passed him and walked up to the Marivaldi dorm. Attempting to open it, she found it locked, stepped back, and kicked the door in. Lucan snapped and a few guards stormed in after him. Shouting could be heard briefing and Minfillia flew out of the door, obviously thrown, just to slam against the van with a sickening crack and slumped to the pavement. The guards quickly grabbed her and tossed her unceremoniously into the back of the van. Others were moving grabbing metal cases from the back of the cars and tromping inside with them, probably collecting things from inside.