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8 yrs ago
So tired, sleep why do you spurn me?!
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Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.

Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!

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James Kingston

Location: Comic Shop, Millennium Plaza
Skills: N/A

“Thanks.” James gratefully accepted the helping hand and grabbed his sandwich. He really needed to learn to keep his nose out of other people’s business. “We gotta move fast. Someone triggered an alarm at a store down a ways and a few cops were already on scene.” He looked bewildered at the man’s choice to steal on top of whatever hot water they were already in. Why add-

Oh. His train of thought froze as a bewilderingly large top hat popping into place around her head. He stared at it for a few moments before snapping his jaw shut and taking off after the other guy. The whole ordeal reminded him of a Looney Tunes cartoon. “So what's your deal then? You mimic cartoons or something? Can you do the whole anvil dropping for the sky kinda thing too?” His body felt sore and a little heavy, still recovering from helping the girl-Sunshine?- get back up. He would be feeling this in the morning alright.
Let the Dance Begin.

The plant mage snatched Varis’s response to Aaron off his tongue as he suggested radical change to the monarchy. To the Queen. No hesitation, no brief consideration of his future, no passing self preservation instinct. Laughter threatened to bubble out of Varis but he suppressed it. Compared to Aaron’s puritanical Noila ingrained beliefs, Salem presented an entertaining point of view on the current order. The gears in Varis’s head picked up the pace as the vampire recognize an opportunity in this. Salem presented the perfect hammer with which to shatter his new mage’s silly preconceptions.

In the corner of his eye, he noticed the slight flinch in the Queen’s temporary attendant. The motion smoothly transitioned into a full movement away from the table but someone looking for it would have noticed. The mage’s flanking his Lady kept their eyes firmly trained on Salem after his little speech. Varis smiled at Salem as his and Ryner’s gamble played itself out. Earlier than the Count would have cared for but Salem accelerated the plan unexpectedly. The pair spent countless nights conceiving a way to counter this nasty habit of his Lady but instead they agreed to use an unprotected mage as bait, someone with little more than rumors and guesses about their internal affairs. The empath would invariably give away his Lady’s actions as she assualted his mind with a cacophony of suffering and Ryner would break the spell as she did. He saw his Lady’s mage turn her head slightly to the Queen’s attendant.

Just as planned. Now Varis had an easily identifiable boundary to work with. As long as the empath was in the room, she wouldn’t try her little tricks again. He would make sure the boy was on his heels while the attendant was out.

“Lets entertain the boy for a moment. What is to stop the vampires, anyof them not just the Council, from enthralling the mages like they do now? Wouldn't the mage Monarchy turn into a puppet government?” Varis asked, “And boy, what do you think of Mr.Spellman’s suggestion? Does it warrant any serious consideration?”


Health: 2700/2700
Mana: 3300/3550(+450)

“Can’t they just die already.” Willow grumbled. “Dual Cast: Chakra Magic and Greater Chakra Magic.” Willow restored mana in Cecilia and Karuu, making sure they had mana to spare. “Healing Beam.” The dim light shot out at Tower. These brutes made the mage nervous. With the capacity to shred their defenses to bits, the party would be incredibly vulnerable if another wave spawned before they could repair their equipment.

  • Dual Cast Chakra Magic and Greater Chakra Magic, restoring 150 MP to Karuu and 300 MP in Cecilia.
  • Cast Healing Beam on Tower, restoring 791 HP. -100 MP
  • Triggers Essence Gain. +100 MP


Interacting with: @Jade Blades

“Yeah, Evalyn made most of these. A few others were gifts from other students or commissions. She likes to surround herself with her milestones.” Ryan explained. “She picks up pieces she thinks are way above her level and tries to “beat” them. Not really sure what beating them entails but it gets her real fired up so it works I guess.” Ryan shrugged and grabbed the disk, placing it on top of the console. He sat on the bed with a bounce. “But yeah, tons of talent. The Princess is a big patron of the arts. The Academy has ridiculous art program if you’re interested. Evalyn can give you the rundown once the President lets go of her and Nick.” Ryan looked back out at Evalyn and Nick, disapproval briefly flitting across his face, before he turned back to Joryldin.

“So, any plans for your first year? I know it takes a bit to adjust to.”

The Red Hand

Interacting with: @WeepingLiberty@Gisk

Shortly after Amaris’s invitation, sirens could be heard in the distance. Several cars, each stamped with the Royal Guard's insignia, whipped into the dormitory area and down to the Cul-de-Sac. They screeched to a halt in front of the Marivaldi house. Four of the cars were standard size and lightly reinforced. Four guards piled out, two loading crossbows and two drawing their blades. The fifth vehicle was an armored truck, heavily reinforced. The two guards stayed in the trucked, keeping it idling. The back opened quietly and Lucan Bordeleaux stepped out, surveyed his surroundings, and gave a few muffled orders. The Royal Guard spread out, crossbows aimed at the door, while others circle the building and covered the back. He held his hand up to help another vampire step out.

This vampire was covered head to toe in gleaming black plate armor, golden swirls branching out from the Noila royal symbol on the back. A long, thin blade in a plain leather hung at the vampire’s waist and a heavy war axe, the same gold sword adorning the handle, in their right hand. The vampire barely made a sound as they approached the pair in the street and moved almost entirely unencumbered. The slammed the butt of the axe on the ground and pushed to keep it upright and took off the helmet. Princess Nox stared at them, her usual frown firmly in place. Her hair was shaved completely and she had several faint scars across her face. Her eyes flicked from Cassandra to Amarais and back again.

“You will be Countess Marivaldi’s mage. The Astorio whelp turned left with his tail between his legs shortly after orientation.” She address Cassandra curtly before turning to Amaris. “By the authority of the Royal Guard invested by Queen Noila and the Moonlight Council, your belongings, including your mage and hers, have been seized as possible threats to the Council. Once your belongings have been cleared by the Royal Guard, they will be returned to you and you may return to your lodgings along with your new mage. You and your mage are required to return to the Asotrio dormitory at once.” Nox slammed her helmet back on her head, picked up her axe from the ground with a slight crack, and stalked back to the van. Sir Bordeleaux drew his blade as Nox passed him and walked up to the Marivaldi dorm. Attempting to open it, she found it locked, stepped back, and kicked the door in. Lucan snapped and a few guards stormed in after him. Shouting could be heard briefing and Minfillia flew out of the door, obviously thrown, just to slam against the van with a sickening crack and slumped to the pavement. The guards quickly grabbed her and tossed her unceremoniously into the back of the van. Others were moving grabbing metal cases from the back of the cars and tromping inside with them, probably collecting things from inside.
Let the Dance Begin.

Silence lingered after Salem spoke, the vampires watching the mages expectantly. After it was apparent they had finished, the mage’s polite smile thinned. Varis sent Ryner a look across the table. The mages clearly prioritized her clarification on the point rather than addressing the Queen’s original statement. She clearly didn’t want possible solutions floating around after the stunt she pulled with the Eves. Still, her attempt was painfully heavy handed. Varis sneered. Cut down the mages and save Ryner’s skin; Varis would have to thank her for the opportunity later.

“As expected of mages, completely missing the point.” Varis said dryly to the mage. “So opinionated and yet incapable responding appropriately. The Queen asks for solutions and the mages hand her opinions. This is why vampires are the ruling class. On the subject of breeding however, have we any news from Countess Lavintra? Though her pet is a brute, he is a perfect match for Eloise.”

“She was always a poor communicator. He was removed permanently from the breeding pool. Apparently, the mage fell in love and had a child under her nose. She’s practically ruined, the poor thing. Any vampire with existing contracts parted ways and I hear she is struggling to find new ones.” The mage sipped at her drink before handing it away as the next course was served, Culetto and thin Bamboo Melon slices with sparkling water.

“Absolutely disgraceful.” Varis sighed, picking up the glass of blood that was just set in front of him and swirling it. “As the boy pointed out, mage’s have a duty to their betters. In fact,” Varis looked at Aaron, “what do you think is an appropriate punishment for a mage fornicating and impregnating others without permission?”

“I find Mr. Spellman brings up an interesting point as well.” Ryner spoke up quickly, just as Varis finished his question. ”Your discussion suggested a mage's opinion should count for more in their treatment. How much weight should a mage's opinion have in your opinion?”
James Kingston

Location: Comic Shop, Millennium Plaza
Skills: Accelerated Healing Factor

James managed to keep his wandering eyes to himself as far as the comic shop. The memory of the man and woman crossing outside the nail salon piqued his curiosity. Perhaps one of them triggered the alarm. He considered briefly poking into the comic shop, satisfy a tad of his curiosity, but instead he only glanced in and… He paused a moment and looked harder. Was that a baseball bat on that person’s shoulder?

James opened the door and stepped inside the comic shop, his curiosity winning against his common sense. Even if things took a turn for the worst, what could a bat do that he hadn’t already tried. He took a moment to look around the shop. James could definitely see the appeal of some of the merchandise but it all still seemed somewhat frivolous. He shrugged and sipped at his coffee.

“Hey, you know what's going on with the alarm?” James asked, walking further in. He practically jumped out of his skin however when he noticed the girl from earlier laid out in front of the baseball bat person. What the hell was going on with today? Alarms and passed out people. “Shit, did you just straight up kill her?” He dropped his sandwich on the floor and knelt next to her, feeling for her pulse on her wrist. His eyes unfocused, her heartbeat pounded in his ears, and his breathing was ragged as he tried to soothe away any injury.

When he sat back, he trembled. This part of his ability took more than he liked out of him. The girl stirred and opened her eyes. It was then James noticed the man from earlier was also there, pillowing the woman's head in his lap, though now wearing a domino mask. He shrugged mentally. Whatever floats this guy’s boat.

“Hey there! Nice to meet you all, the name’s James. This was fun and all but let's try not to meet up like this again. I recommend movies next time” He joked as he caught his breath, shooting them a weak smile.
Let the Dance Begin.

Varis listened to Salem’s wandering explanation. Did the boy just add words for the fun of it? No wonder Salem didn’t want him around the business. The clientele would fall asleep before the boy reached his point. The personal products briefly caught his interest, a little research for later, but otherwise Salem bored him. “Nobles have little use for drug store remedies when we have the means and resources to afford life mages.” Varis dismissed the product, further disappointed in Salem. The little spitfire outside vanished, leaving this husk of a plant mage who walked right into Varis’s palm and handed the Count a variety of ways to gut the boy’s ambition. Varis almost didn’t want to bother. Almost.

“We’ve always told Anastasia she should let her minnows swim with the sharks. No better way to learn.” The mage laughed. “We are pleased you agree. We imagine your progress will be of great entertainment. We’ll endeavour to keep an eye on you although Varis does enjoy his secrets. He does impeccable work most of the time so we afford him the luxury. He trained Vanessa here for us quite nicely so we are confident you will benefit from your time with him. In fact…” The mage waited for a moment as Varis finished his comment to Salem. “Where exactly is Mr. Starag in your little regimen, Varis?”

“A one and a half.” Varis said without hesitation. The doors opened again and two servants carrying trays came in with glasses of Lillet Blanc and orange. Isadora set one in front of the Queen first, allowing her to sip at it and approve it, before the others were passed around to everyone but Varis. “Originally, I thought the boy less than one. He failed to follow instructions punctually, more concerned about his public image than his obedience, but his use of free questions under pressure caused me to reevaluate and I scored him a two. Unfortunately, the boy requires strict external guidelines and has proven incapable of extrapolating meaning from his environment. Struggle with breaches of routine, I believe were his words. He has been assigned standard lines to complete thus far. Hopefully, they'll have their intended affect."

“Anastasia does enjoy everything proper and in place. Mr. Starag will find our house far less predictable however.” The mage’s smile disappeared. “Varis’s lessons will smooth your transition. We recommend you learn quickly. Our House tends to tilt every few years. It would be a shame to lose you in it.” Varis kept his face pleasant but his mouth tightened slightly at the mention.

“Enough, Sybil.” The Queen spoke. Her words were slow and heavy, burdened with millennia of experience. Her movements kept pace, slow and steady as if her arms were weighted with boulders. “I would like. To hear what. The mages believe. Is an. Appropriate. Solution to our. Current topic. At Council.”

“Mother means to ask, what are your opinions on the Mage Breeding rights amendment on the council table right now.” Ryner clarified, particularly for Salem. She sent him a reassuring smile. “After I introduced the measure, there has been no shortage of bickering on the subject and the Council has hit a bit of a stand still.”
Let the Dance Begin.

“I look forward to taking advantage of it.” Varis lifted his eyebrow at the phrase. Hopefully, though the Count doubted it, the boy considered how that phrase may draw her attention. Considering the rest of his response perfectly dull, Varis expected a bit more squirming from his mage before the first course was served. Salem’s comment caught his attention however.

“A non-profit still requires funds.” Varis pointed out. “Human blood banks sell blood to hospitals, a necessity to cover operating costs, and are still considered non-profit. Your business model demands dependency on other financial entities, rendering your clinic incapable of independent functions. How do you plan to handle a poor year for your Mother’s company? I imagine a good number of your clients have no other options and turn into regulars quickly, not to mention the number that likely abuse your family’s charity.”

As Varis spoke to Salem, the mage directed her attention back to Aaron once more. “Taking advantage?” She repeated. “How do you intend to take advantage of this experience?”

The Queen nodded her approval at one of the boxes and the servant bowed before flicking his wrist. Cutlery, napkins, plates, and classes went whizzing around the room, all set with a blue and gold tree motif, as the servant set the table. The Queen turned her attention back to the conversations at hand, seeming to particular focus on Aaron.
Let the Dance Begin.

As everyone settled, Isadora took her place behind the Queen with her hands neatly behind behind her. Another servant came out with a tray of boxes and the Queen inspected each one, opening them and lifting cutlery out one at a time for a while. A tiny smile ghosted over Lady Sinnenodel’s lips.

“While Anastasia selects our dinnerware, why don’t we make introductions?” the blindfolded mage spoke. She looked directly at Salem and considered him a moment. “Salem Spellman, son of Salem Spellman and Alice Spellman, age 21, plant affinity. We spent a few hours looking into you before arrival. Owner and operator of Magi Care, a free clinic offering a variety of magical services. Your family, and its ambition, is commendable for mages. We are curious as to the nature of your income for the clinic.” She looked at Aaron next.

“Aaron Starag of the vaulted line Starag, age 20, light affinity. Close to Landar’s affinity but a touch off, hm? Excels in swordsmanship and etiquette. Little exposure to the outside world until now.” She cocked her head slightly. “And how do you find the outside world, Mr. Starag? We are quite interested in your view so far.”

Collision Course

Interacting with: @Scribe of Thoth

The girl watched Maxwell threaten the poor boy, unimpressed. She reached out a plucked in Max’s direction. His skin heated momentarily and then returned to normal. The other mage seemed to vanish away in the middle of stuttering out a hasity apology.

“How about not being a dick next time? It's all the rage these days.” The girl drawled as she adjusted her bag and headed away. “Have a nice night.”
James Kingston

Location: Dunkin Donuts, Millennium Plaza
Skills: N/A

James turned his head at the sound of the alarm after waving hello to the cashier greeting him. He would be the first to admit that he had a tiny, miniscule, virtually non-existent tendency to stick his nose where it didn’t belong and it took a good portion of his self control not to stick his head back out and find the source of the sound. James stepped quickly into line as the officers stood and looked about ready to jump into action. It would probably be better to make himself scarce after his coffee, just in case.

James chatted briefly with the cashier, again commenting on the business and asking about the alarm. He didn’t find anything much, the alarm only recently set off after all, and ordered a small iced coffee. He thanked them and made his way out, throwing a quick glance to see where the alarm was coming from before hurrying back he originally came. It seemed the alarm came from a Boutique. A robbery maybe? Again, his curiosity reared its head but he waved it away firmly. The cops were involved and he didn’t need to get caught up in that. They’d probably be checking for mutants and he fit that bill real easy. He hurried away from the strip mall the way he came and made a mental note, that would likely be forgotten before he found his way home, to check the news later that night,.
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