Ryner watched the boys enter the car and drive off from a second story window, actively avoiding Varis for a bit so he could cool his head. What was left of her heart went out to the boys. Salem’s forward thinking was what their world needed but he lashed out at the wrong vampires and now he’ll pay the price. And Aaron… she sighed at the thought of the sweet light mage. If it hadn’t been necessary, she would have never paired him with Varis. No one needed to be under his authority and the word Master twisted a knife in her gut. She shivered at the thought. Aaron’s upbringing convinced the boy would start higher on his training regimen but apparently Varis found him lacking. It would be a rough few years if Aaron couldn’t figure out the Count’s pace. Perhaps a helpful push from the shadows…
She shook away the thought. Varis’s inhumane treatment of the boy worked nicely in their favor and she knew Varis would turn up the heat soon. Interfering would only hinder their progress or worse, send everything in the completely wrong direction. And if Varis found out she helped, Aaron would be collared faster than Ryner blinked. She turned away from the window after a murmured “Good Luck” and squared her shoulders as she made her way downstairs. His temper tantrum was likely near its end so quieting the Count down would be easy.
She threw the doors to her study open with a bang and swept into the room with as much regality as she could muster, actively ignoring the obviously brooding vampire in one of the leather chairs in front of her desk. She took another moment to look around her office space, a beautiful rug decorating the wooden floors and bookshelves containing books on every subject and a variety of archeological treasures. She let out a little sigh and finally turned to look at Varis, a pleasant smile on her face that fell flat when she saw Varis paying no attention to her. Instead, he was reading the folder she predicted he’d request later on the students he would be teaching. A folder that was safely stashed in her desk drawers she might add. The Princess cleared her throat loudly.
“Yes, yes. A wonderful entrance. Excellent poise. Perfect pause. The dress hit the desk with the turn but almost perfect.” Varis drawled as he read. “Congratulations. You’ve graduated from C-list to B-list.” Ryner rolled her eyes and sat down behind the desk.
“I’m glad to discover your temper under control.” Varis sent her a disbelieving look. “You were very convincing for someone just acting.”
“The anger was real. The direction was not.” Varis shrugged. “The Astorio deal still irritates me and the Spellman mage’s earlier commentary made it an easy wound to open.” Ryner laughed.
“And your opinion of the boy?” She asked, pulling out a few pieces of paper and looking them over.
“An idiot. Completely out of control and naive.” Varis snorted as he flipped a page. “However, he’ll serve as a useful fracture point. Aaron will get close to the boy on my order and report back everything he says and does under the guise of wanting to crush the imbecile. I’ll indirectly encourage their friendship, build up their bonds and trust, until either the Spellman discovers his close friend’s treachery or the boy betrays me.” Varis explained. “All the while, I’ll be interfering with the investigation. I’ll be sure to extend it, plant false leads and evidence based on what the Salem boy reveals to Aaron. And when something happens? Well, suddenly Aaron is a willing accomplice and both mages should loathe me more than they do now. An excellent way to galvanize the boy. If we’re lucky, the Spellman will exacerbate the polarization and get us exactly what we need.”
“You enjoy this too much.” Ryner sighed. Varis hummed in agreement as he flipped to the part explaining Alder’s changes. A comfortable silence stretched between them, broken only by scoffs from Varis.
“Has this man ever read the treaty? The changes he made to my lessons are horrifying.” Varis grumbled. “He writes like an enthralled mage. Is this the garbage the self important peacock teaches?”
“He does tent to wax poetic about it but his material is solid. I think you just don’t like him.” Ryner laughed. “However, I have arraigned for Alder to be preoccupied most of his class time. It will leave you as the primary instructor as you requested.”
“What business does Alder have?” Varis asked.
“Nothing for you to worry about.” Ryner said sweetly. “In fact, it may even help you with Aaron.” Varis glared suspiciously but didn’t push the topic. Instead, he look at the miniature chess board on her table with its pieces moved. Since he last saw it, a black rook had taken a white bishop. He picked up the newly taken piece, rolling it between his fingers while he considered it. This piece should have stayed in play for another few months. He frowned at it.
“You killed the Eve early. We said end of the year.” Varis placed the piece back down on the table. “My assets weren’t prepared to handle this event and now you’ve forced them out of position while they scramble to cover your tracks. Sloppy job, Ryner.”
“They compromised earlier than we expected. Allowing the breeding bill to move off the table would ruin everything we’ve done so far.” Ryner defended as she pulled out a bottle of blood and two glasses. Vitae Felix specifically. She knew Varis’s favorite and expected the Count to have… objections. He never handled sudden change well. She open the bottle to Varis’s irritable look and poured, passing the ount a glass.
“We made a plan and we work the plan.” Varis snapped, the offering somewhat mollifying him. “We work the plan, with a few spot adjustments, and everything works. Murdering the leader of the Eve traditionalists early is more than a spot adjustment, Ryner.”
“Everything is under control. Just worry about doing what you’re good at.” Ryner smirked over the edge of her glass. “Being an ass.” Varis deadpanned but couldn't hold it, shaking his head with a smile. They sat quietly for another hour, enjoying the silence as they went around their tasks, until Varis stood and stretched. His shirt rode up just a bit, revealing a distinctive set of spiderweb scars jutting up from the helm line of his pants. Ryner did a double take as Varis adjusted his shirt and gave her an inquisitive look.
“Its nothing.” Ryner said, her voice trembling. “Have a good night. Make sure to ask the guards for a car back.” She couldn’t even bring herself to laugh as he grumbled on his way out about not getting a car for the way here. She waited several long moments after he left and her head fell into her hands. Scars on a vampire were nearly rare, especially so on a Sinnenodel the least physically combative of them all, and that pattern itself even more so. The even spacing and grid of the scars screamed Lacrime Solis. Ryner felt sick. She could practically smell the skin burning, the screams and broken pleas of the old days. And she sent him to her. The very one who… She felt the prickle of blood at the edge of her eyes and it took everything in her to keep them at bay. She knew it was his decision, that they rushed in with much less information than they usually had She knew he demanded they take the opportunity but she still felt responsible.
“Well, you’ve made a right mess of things haven’t ya.” A deep voice echoed through the room and Ryner whipped around, an obsidian dagger springing into her hand from a secret compartment in her desk. The wall behind her bulged outwards, forming into an arm and a leg, a torso, the other limbs, and finally a head. Ryner sighed and relaxed, slipping the dagger back into place as her old friend made his way around the desk. The colors of the wall still stuck to his skin and clothes so he shook himself like a dog until his colors went back to normal. A bald man with a salt and pepper beard dropped into the chair Varis previously occupied, not caring that his rugged clothing sat awkwardly at his angle. He kicked his boots up on the desk, earning a raised eyebrow and shrugging in return.
“Yes, I have. I mean, I should- we should- we were too hasty.” Ryner sighed wearily. The man grunted.
“He’d tell ya all pretty like but shut the fuck up and get over it.” The man growled as he reached for the open bottle of blood. He took a long swig. “Shit ya drink fancy crap now. If I didn’t know better, I’d accuse you of falling.” He shook the bottle a bit, growling in displeasure when he discovered it empty. “You still have a bottle or two of that Starag guy’s blood yeah? What was his name… Lathan? Londor? Well, whatever. I’m parched so hand it over.”
“Yes I do but thats for when our youngest comes back. He loved that man’s blood and he deserves something after going through the hell we put him through. Voluntarily or not.” Ryner handed him another bottle, which earned her an eye roll as he bit the glass off, spat it out, and drank the bottle greedily. Ryner picked up the glass he scattered everywhere as he ate.
“Have you found Biero?” Ryner asked. When the man gave her an odd look, she sighed and repeated her question but this time the words sounded more like a song carried too far on the wind.
“That's what he goes by? Awful name.” The man grunted. “Not bad. Your old man locked him up in torpor at the old rite site. Shouldn’t be hard to kill him when its time. Found something better though.” He dug around in his coat for a bit and pulled out a small notebook, flipping it open and slapping it down on Ryner’s desk. The whole book was written in a language most considered dead with little to no existing translations. Ryner had no issue reading it and gasped at the content.
“You found Yvaine?” Ryner demanded in disbelief.
“And if I did, you can bet your undead ass they will soon.” The man stood, retrieving his book. “I’m recovering her before they do.” Ryner nodded and the man stood to leave, walking back to a wall.
“And now its noon.” Ryner whispered. The man paused and clapped a comforting hand on her shoulder.
“We’re almost there. Just a little longer.” The man said, obviously uncomfortable by her emotions. “Keep in touch. The wilds are a bit lonely now, priestess.” Ryner chuckled and a thought struck her.
“Rhalgar, your box. He changed the time and I’m worried he may hurt the boy accidently. He needs something in case Varis takes control and I’m not present.” Rhalgar squinted at her, weighing the pros and cons briefly, before handing over a black box from hs coat. He stepped back into the wall, melding seamlessly into it, and vanished.
Ryner wrote a short note on it and put it in the basket for outgoing delivery, labelled Aaron Starag.
She shook away the thought. Varis’s inhumane treatment of the boy worked nicely in their favor and she knew Varis would turn up the heat soon. Interfering would only hinder their progress or worse, send everything in the completely wrong direction. And if Varis found out she helped, Aaron would be collared faster than Ryner blinked. She turned away from the window after a murmured “Good Luck” and squared her shoulders as she made her way downstairs. His temper tantrum was likely near its end so quieting the Count down would be easy.
She threw the doors to her study open with a bang and swept into the room with as much regality as she could muster, actively ignoring the obviously brooding vampire in one of the leather chairs in front of her desk. She took another moment to look around her office space, a beautiful rug decorating the wooden floors and bookshelves containing books on every subject and a variety of archeological treasures. She let out a little sigh and finally turned to look at Varis, a pleasant smile on her face that fell flat when she saw Varis paying no attention to her. Instead, he was reading the folder she predicted he’d request later on the students he would be teaching. A folder that was safely stashed in her desk drawers she might add. The Princess cleared her throat loudly.
“Yes, yes. A wonderful entrance. Excellent poise. Perfect pause. The dress hit the desk with the turn but almost perfect.” Varis drawled as he read. “Congratulations. You’ve graduated from C-list to B-list.” Ryner rolled her eyes and sat down behind the desk.
“I’m glad to discover your temper under control.” Varis sent her a disbelieving look. “You were very convincing for someone just acting.”
“The anger was real. The direction was not.” Varis shrugged. “The Astorio deal still irritates me and the Spellman mage’s earlier commentary made it an easy wound to open.” Ryner laughed.
“And your opinion of the boy?” She asked, pulling out a few pieces of paper and looking them over.
“An idiot. Completely out of control and naive.” Varis snorted as he flipped a page. “However, he’ll serve as a useful fracture point. Aaron will get close to the boy on my order and report back everything he says and does under the guise of wanting to crush the imbecile. I’ll indirectly encourage their friendship, build up their bonds and trust, until either the Spellman discovers his close friend’s treachery or the boy betrays me.” Varis explained. “All the while, I’ll be interfering with the investigation. I’ll be sure to extend it, plant false leads and evidence based on what the Salem boy reveals to Aaron. And when something happens? Well, suddenly Aaron is a willing accomplice and both mages should loathe me more than they do now. An excellent way to galvanize the boy. If we’re lucky, the Spellman will exacerbate the polarization and get us exactly what we need.”
“You enjoy this too much.” Ryner sighed. Varis hummed in agreement as he flipped to the part explaining Alder’s changes. A comfortable silence stretched between them, broken only by scoffs from Varis.
“Has this man ever read the treaty? The changes he made to my lessons are horrifying.” Varis grumbled. “He writes like an enthralled mage. Is this the garbage the self important peacock teaches?”
“He does tent to wax poetic about it but his material is solid. I think you just don’t like him.” Ryner laughed. “However, I have arraigned for Alder to be preoccupied most of his class time. It will leave you as the primary instructor as you requested.”
“What business does Alder have?” Varis asked.
“Nothing for you to worry about.” Ryner said sweetly. “In fact, it may even help you with Aaron.” Varis glared suspiciously but didn’t push the topic. Instead, he look at the miniature chess board on her table with its pieces moved. Since he last saw it, a black rook had taken a white bishop. He picked up the newly taken piece, rolling it between his fingers while he considered it. This piece should have stayed in play for another few months. He frowned at it.
“You killed the Eve early. We said end of the year.” Varis placed the piece back down on the table. “My assets weren’t prepared to handle this event and now you’ve forced them out of position while they scramble to cover your tracks. Sloppy job, Ryner.”
“They compromised earlier than we expected. Allowing the breeding bill to move off the table would ruin everything we’ve done so far.” Ryner defended as she pulled out a bottle of blood and two glasses. Vitae Felix specifically. She knew Varis’s favorite and expected the Count to have… objections. He never handled sudden change well. She open the bottle to Varis’s irritable look and poured, passing the ount a glass.
“We made a plan and we work the plan.” Varis snapped, the offering somewhat mollifying him. “We work the plan, with a few spot adjustments, and everything works. Murdering the leader of the Eve traditionalists early is more than a spot adjustment, Ryner.”
“Everything is under control. Just worry about doing what you’re good at.” Ryner smirked over the edge of her glass. “Being an ass.” Varis deadpanned but couldn't hold it, shaking his head with a smile. They sat quietly for another hour, enjoying the silence as they went around their tasks, until Varis stood and stretched. His shirt rode up just a bit, revealing a distinctive set of spiderweb scars jutting up from the helm line of his pants. Ryner did a double take as Varis adjusted his shirt and gave her an inquisitive look.
“Its nothing.” Ryner said, her voice trembling. “Have a good night. Make sure to ask the guards for a car back.” She couldn’t even bring herself to laugh as he grumbled on his way out about not getting a car for the way here. She waited several long moments after he left and her head fell into her hands. Scars on a vampire were nearly rare, especially so on a Sinnenodel the least physically combative of them all, and that pattern itself even more so. The even spacing and grid of the scars screamed Lacrime Solis. Ryner felt sick. She could practically smell the skin burning, the screams and broken pleas of the old days. And she sent him to her. The very one who… She felt the prickle of blood at the edge of her eyes and it took everything in her to keep them at bay. She knew it was his decision, that they rushed in with much less information than they usually had She knew he demanded they take the opportunity but she still felt responsible.
“Well, you’ve made a right mess of things haven’t ya.” A deep voice echoed through the room and Ryner whipped around, an obsidian dagger springing into her hand from a secret compartment in her desk. The wall behind her bulged outwards, forming into an arm and a leg, a torso, the other limbs, and finally a head. Ryner sighed and relaxed, slipping the dagger back into place as her old friend made his way around the desk. The colors of the wall still stuck to his skin and clothes so he shook himself like a dog until his colors went back to normal. A bald man with a salt and pepper beard dropped into the chair Varis previously occupied, not caring that his rugged clothing sat awkwardly at his angle. He kicked his boots up on the desk, earning a raised eyebrow and shrugging in return.
“Yes, I have. I mean, I should- we should- we were too hasty.” Ryner sighed wearily. The man grunted.
“He’d tell ya all pretty like but shut the fuck up and get over it.” The man growled as he reached for the open bottle of blood. He took a long swig. “Shit ya drink fancy crap now. If I didn’t know better, I’d accuse you of falling.” He shook the bottle a bit, growling in displeasure when he discovered it empty. “You still have a bottle or two of that Starag guy’s blood yeah? What was his name… Lathan? Londor? Well, whatever. I’m parched so hand it over.”
“Yes I do but thats for when our youngest comes back. He loved that man’s blood and he deserves something after going through the hell we put him through. Voluntarily or not.” Ryner handed him another bottle, which earned her an eye roll as he bit the glass off, spat it out, and drank the bottle greedily. Ryner picked up the glass he scattered everywhere as he ate.
“Have you found Biero?” Ryner asked. When the man gave her an odd look, she sighed and repeated her question but this time the words sounded more like a song carried too far on the wind.
“That's what he goes by? Awful name.” The man grunted. “Not bad. Your old man locked him up in torpor at the old rite site. Shouldn’t be hard to kill him when its time. Found something better though.” He dug around in his coat for a bit and pulled out a small notebook, flipping it open and slapping it down on Ryner’s desk. The whole book was written in a language most considered dead with little to no existing translations. Ryner had no issue reading it and gasped at the content.
“You found Yvaine?” Ryner demanded in disbelief.
“And if I did, you can bet your undead ass they will soon.” The man stood, retrieving his book. “I’m recovering her before they do.” Ryner nodded and the man stood to leave, walking back to a wall.
“And now its noon.” Ryner whispered. The man paused and clapped a comforting hand on her shoulder.
“We’re almost there. Just a little longer.” The man said, obviously uncomfortable by her emotions. “Keep in touch. The wilds are a bit lonely now, priestess.” Ryner chuckled and a thought struck her.
“Rhalgar, your box. He changed the time and I’m worried he may hurt the boy accidently. He needs something in case Varis takes control and I’m not present.” Rhalgar squinted at her, weighing the pros and cons briefly, before handing over a black box from hs coat. He stepped back into the wall, melding seamlessly into it, and vanished.
Ryner wrote a short note on it and put it in the basket for outgoing delivery, labelled Aaron Starag.
When the snake grows too venomous, find him and ring twice to escape and thrice for help.