Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.
Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!
Ouch. James made a mental note to keep far, far away from that subject. He could never quite wrap his head around the idea of anyone who could drop their family like that. Of course, abuse and all that was absolutely grounds to cut people off but just cause a kid’s a bit different? James shook his head as Sunshine lead them deeper into the sewers. Admittedly, James has been forced to confront the darker side of his family since his father’s death but he shoved those thoughts away. Panicking now wouldn’t help; he could do it later on his own time.
He almost ran into the others when Sunshine suddenly stopped. He looked around as she did, confused about how she could tell someone was here. James didn’t see anyone but he figured Sunshine knew it better than he. James moved past Grey near Sunshine, trying to get a better look. That's when he finally heard the footsteps that must have caught the girl's attention. “Um, hello?” James called out. He eyed Sunshine's hands, wispy green slipping from between her fingers. It reminded him of campfire smoke.
“Not really sure what's going on but maybe we can talk about it?”
Mana Payback (3) - Every time user casts any spell, there is a 10% chance of recovering 50% of spent mana. Passive.
Arcane Resistance (6) - User and any friendlies within a short distance gain 5% spell resistance. Passive.
Spell Essence Collector (10) - User gains 150MP whenever any nearby friendlies cast a Spell. Passive.
Double Casting (12) - User may cast 2 spells at the same time, provided they are level 11 or lower Pure Magic Discipline spells. Passive.
Boost Intel (14) - User gains +15 INT permanently. Passive.
Attuned to One’s Body (3) - User gains 100HP whenever they cast a spell from the Body Discipline. Passive.
Essence Gain (6) - User gains +100MP every time they heal by using spells from the Body Discipline. Does not activate with “Attuned to One’s Body”. Passive.
Mind Shock (3) -Any opponents affected by Mind Discipline spells have a 5% chance to be stunned in addition to other affects. Passive.
Mind’s Eye(6) - User gains +10 Intelligence for a minute after casting a Mind Discipline spell. Passive.
Hidden in the Shadows (3) - Whenever user casts a spell from the Darkness Discipline, user becomes covered in shadows, grating +5% Evasion chance. Passive.
Attuned to the Night (6) - User slowly regenerates mana during nighttime. 50 mana per hour. Passive.
Night Vision (9) - User gains near-perfect night vision. Passive.
Bounty (1/Universal) - User gains D10 extra Renn whenever they receive Renn from GM. Passive.
Greater Bounty (5/Universal) - User gains D10 extra Renn whenever they receive Renn from GM. Stacks with Bounty. Passive.
Grand Bounty (10/Universal) - User gains D10 extra Renn whenever they receive Renn from GM. Stacks with Bounty and Greater Bounty. Passive.
Cloth Armor (Common): 5U / 6P / 10B / 3C
Glove of Magi: +5 Int, +200 Mana
Cloak of Magi: +150 Mana
Sorcerer's Shoes: +100 Mana
Teleport Ring: 1/day wear may teleport a short distance.
Ring of Protection: +1% to all items’ reductions.
Wand of Affinity(uncommon): -25 Mana Cost
Greater Blue Potion (2): Restores 50% Mana.
First Aid Kit
It was like a nightmare. No. It was a nightmare. Scarlet ran like tears, striking harder than boulders and punishing anything that thought to stand against the deluge. It was punishment for their hubris, not setting up an observation team against the horde, and it would be a lesson learned and paid with the lives of the slow or unlucky. Now it was a game with the stakes as high as they could be.
A burst of expletives rang across the field as Willow swore between spells. They had been stupid and naive. They were better than this. How many days, weeks, months had their little group lasted together through dungeon and raid and contest? And yet a single damn war brought them to the brink. A brink Willow would die before she let the others fall over.
“River, keep me Quickened and then heal as fast as you can.” Willow shouted over the screaming, the sound of pixels-friend and foe alike-, the cacophony of explosions. “Kipper, we need to focus on overla-” She was cut off as she barely avoided a droplet, “Focus on overlapping our Arcane Resistances! Keep Weaken Magic on cooldown and add your Quicken on me! Everyone else, just focus on dodging! Let the damn rain kill them!” Her voice barely loud enough over the terror of combat. Or rather, the slaughter. She’d run the concept over and over in her head, just in case. She hadn't chosen her spells lightly and it was time to flex her muscles so to speak. One fucking hell of a test run. She took a deep breath, feeling the rush from her AGI supplemented and, flipping her wand like a bad old western movie, cast her web.
Willow drew on every ounce of experience she had, moving her group around and through the droplets. She set into a rotation, the mana loop between Kipper and herself keeping her consistent, and soon the movements and the words blurred away into a calm focus as she spun her web.
The noise, the screams and the crying and the jeering of goblins, disappeared as she whirled as best she could, shifting, moving, pulling. The sting and pain of hits and the relieving glow of River’s light became secondary to survive. And so she tried, spinning and respining tendrils of inky dark and sudden shifts into a web to hold her friend’s friends alive.
Mana Payback (3) - Every time user casts any spell, there is a 10% chance of recovering 50% of spent mana. Passive.
Arcane Resistance (6) - User and any friendlies within a short distance gain 5% spell resistance. Passive.
Spell Essence Collector (10) - User gains 150MP whenever any nearby friendlies cast a Spell. Passive.
Double Casting (12) - User may cast 2 spells at the same time, provided they are level 11 or lower Pure Magic Discipline spells. Passive.
Boost Intel (14) - User gains +15 INT permanently. Passive.
Attuned to One’s Body (3) - User gains 100HP whenever they cast a spell from the Body Discipline. Passive.
Essence Gain (6) - User gains +100MP every time they heal by using spells from the Body Discipline. Does not activate with “Attuned to One’s Body”. Passive.
Mind Shock (3) -Any opponents affected by Mind Discipline spells have a 5% chance to be stunned in addition to other affects. Passive.
Mind’s Eye(6) - User gains +10 Intelligence for a minute after casting a Mind Discipline spell. Passive.
Hidden in the Shadows (3) - Whenever user casts a spell from the Darkness Discipline, user becomes covered in shadows, grating +5% Evasion chance. Passive.
Attuned to the Night (6) - User slowly regenerates mana during nighttime. 50 mana per hour. Passive.
Night Vision (9) - User gains near-perfect night vision. Passive.
Bounty (1/Universal) - User gains D10 extra Renn whenever they receive Renn from GM. Passive.
Greater Bounty (5/Universal) - User gains D10 extra Renn whenever they receive Renn from GM. Stacks with Bounty. Passive.
Grand Bounty (10/Universal) - User gains D10 extra Renn whenever they receive Renn from GM. Stacks with Bounty and Greater Bounty. Passive.
Cloth Armor (Common): 5U / 6P / 10B / 3C
Glove of Magi: +5 Int, +200 Mana
Cloak of Magi: +150 Mana
Sorcerer's Shoes: +100 Mana
Teleport Ring: 1/day wear may teleport a short distance.
Ring of Protection: +1% to all items’ reductions.
Wand of Affinity(uncommon): -25 Mana Cost
Greater Blue Potion (2): Restores 50% Mana.
First Aid Kit
Damn it. Three bolts slammed into her, inflicting status debuff after status debuff. Damn it. She was clocking Charles in the damn face if they got out of this alive. The healing the trainer provided have her enough time to see the Fire Wall help categorize some of the gash the goblins managed to make in their formation, reaching out to copy the spell while her intelligence was boosted to help control the influx of enemies. Kipper’s wall doubled in length as Willow connected the tips of their spells together. Another shadowraze sent Prome’s way dealt with the irritable creature chipping away at the Tinker’s health.
She flicked out healing spell after healing spell and a quicken on herself as necessary, riding the mana wave of River’s barrage, and using her body passive to minimize the debuff damage until they finally wore off. A few movement spells here and there, coupled with a shadow raze, brought enemies rounding the wall right back into it. She grumbled at River’s shouted threat.
“Yeah, you apparently. Can you care a bit more about us and a little less about the pixels?” Willow muttered irritably, sending another heal out before shouting above the noise. "Intimidate going out!" The following ripple of magic washing over the goblins.
“Those two are just being dicks honestly. Their vampire lost a wager with them or something so they picked out the most garish outfit they could and now he has to wear it. I dunno, I don't question it. I don't really like that whole relationship but…” Ryan shrugged. “Not really my place to bitch about it. If it makes 'em happy, more power to 'em I guess.” Ryan cast a critical eye over Joryldin, obviously weighing his own response.
“Well, guess we can wipe your memory if the President says so why not. We call ourselves the Champions of the Small, or the Champs for short. We kick back at vampires and mages who like to beat on those who can't or won't stand up for themselves.” Ryan explained. A bit of Ryan's shadow bolted out the door and over to the TAs who looked up questioningly. “The Princess’s whole “don’t interfere unless someone is going to die” policy leaves a lot of room for abuse. Leaves a whole lotta room for us to fight back though too.” People shifted out of the TAs line of sight to Joryldin, who watched the pair with interest. “Don’t worry about them. Just gotta make sure you don't do anything too drastic. Secrets and stuff to protect.” Ryan shrugged.
Mana Payback (3) - Every time user casts any spell, there is a 10% chance of recovering 50% of spent mana. Passive.
Arcane Resistance (6) - User and any friendlies within a short distance gain 5% spell resistance. Passive.
Spell Essence Collector (10) - User gains 150MP whenever any nearby friendlies cast a Spell. Passive.
Double Casting (12) - User may cast 2 spells at the same time, provided they are level 11 or lower Pure Magic Discipline spells. Passive.
Boost Intel (14) - User gains +15 INT permanently. Passive.
Attuned to One’s Body (3) - User gains 100HP whenever they cast a spell from the Body Discipline. Passive.
Essence Gain (6) - User gains +100MP every time they heal by using spells from the Body Discipline. Does not activate with “Attuned to One’s Body”. Passive.
Mind Shock (3) -Any opponents affected by Mind Discipline spells have a 5% chance to be stunned in addition to other affects. Passive.
Mind’s Eye(6) - User gains +10 Intelligence for a minute after casting a Mind Discipline spell. Passive.
Hidden in the Shadows (3) - Whenever user casts a spell from the Darkness Discipline, user becomes covered in shadows, grating +5% Evasion chance. Passive.
Attuned to the Night (6) - User slowly regenerates mana during nighttime. 50 mana per hour. Passive.
Night Vision (9) - User gains near-perfect night vision. Passive.
Bounty (1/Universal) - User gains D10 extra Renn whenever they receive Renn from GM. Passive.
Greater Bounty (5/Universal) - User gains D10 extra Renn whenever they receive Renn from GM. Stacks with Bounty. Passive.
Grand Bounty (10/Universal) - User gains D10 extra Renn whenever they receive Renn from GM. Stacks with Bounty and Greater Bounty. Passive.
Cloth Armor (Common): 5U / 6P / 10B / 3C
Glove of Magi: +5 Int, +200 Mana
Cloak of Magi: +150 Mana
Sorcerer's Shoes: +100 Mana
Teleport Ring: 1/day wear may teleport a short distance.
Ring of Protection: +1% to all items’ reductions.
Wand of Affinity(uncommon): -25 Mana Cost
Greater Blue Potion (2): Restores 50% Mana.
First Aid Kit
Willow nearly tripped in surprise as she stumbled back from Pepper’s fully grown form. But a series of notifications quickly brought her back from the stunning sight to the battle. Again healing spell after healing spell went out, both to her party members and a few others in dire need. She popped her intimidation periodically, keeping her intelligence boosted, until Willow noticed her battery make a mad dash into enemy lines. Willow let loose a string of expletives, preparing to snatch the idiotic trainer back but a goblin headed for her again and she was forced to nether push it into crossfire instead. By the time she looked up, River was gone. She kept an eye on his heath bar from the menu but had to continue healing or lose someone else.
Willow’s head snapped up at River’s shout, barely audible over the roar around her. She disrupted an arrow headed for Kira before turning her telekinetic move on River. With that, she almost turned away but a sudden ping on the status page brought her attention back. Immobilized. Who had the audacity…
A sneaky little goblin managed to snag her friend in the middle of her spell. What a damn waste of MP. She stomped closer to the frontline of the fight, pushing Tower off to the side, and pointed at the little fiend.
“Neither pull.” She snapped. The goblin and its hostage jerked towards her, howling all the way. As it flew, she triggered clear mind and shot her intelligence over 100. “Don’t interrupt my spell again, you little shit stain. Intimidate.” She growled at the creature once its forehead tapped against her wand. “Shadow raze.” And she watched shadow energy shred the goblin to ribbons. She snatched the trainer by the ear and ducked behind the tanks again, marching back towards the mages, healing along the way.
“Absolutely unacceptable, Charles.” She yelled over the din. “You do not move from my side, do you understand?”
Mana Payback (3) - Every time user casts any spell, there is a 10% chance of recovering 50% of spent mana. Passive.
Arcane Resistance (6) - User and any friendlies within a short distance gain 5% spell resistance. Passive.
Spell Essence Collector (10) - User gains 150MP whenever any nearby friendlies cast a Spell. Passive.
Double Casting (12) - User may cast 2 spells at the same time, provided they are level 11 or lower Pure Magic Discipline spells. Passive.
Boost Intel (14) - User gains +15 INT permanently. Passive.
Attuned to One’s Body (3) - User gains 100HP whenever they cast a spell from the Body Discipline. Passive.
Essence Gain (6) - User gains +100MP every time they heal by using spells from the Body Discipline. Does not activate with “Attuned to One’s Body”. Passive.
Mind Shock (3) -Any opponents affected by Mind Discipline spells have a 5% chance to be stunned in addition to other affects. Passive.
Mind’s Eye(6) - User gains +10 Intelligence for a minute after casting a Mind Discipline spell. Passive.
Hidden in the Shadows (3) - Whenever user casts a spell from the Darkness Discipline, user becomes covered in shadows, grating +5% Evasion chance. Passive.
Attuned to the Night (6) - User slowly regenerates mana during nighttime. 50 mana per hour. Passive.
Night Vision (9) - User gains near-perfect night vision. Passive.
Bounty (1/Universal) - User gains D10 extra Renn whenever they receive Renn from GM. Passive.
Greater Bounty (5/Universal) - User gains D10 extra Renn whenever they receive Renn from GM. Stacks with Bounty. Passive.
Grand Bounty (10/Universal) - User gains D10 extra Renn whenever they receive Renn from GM. Stacks with Bounty and Greater Bounty. Passive.
Cloth Armor (Common): 5U / 6P / 10B / 3C
Glove of Magi: +5 Int, +200 Mana
Cloak of Magi: +150 Mana
Sorcerer's Shoes: +100 Mana
Teleport Ring: 1/day wear may teleport a short distance.
Ring of Protection: +1% to all items’ reductions.
Wand of Affinity(uncommon): -25 Mana Cost
Greater Blue Potion (2): Restores 50% Mana.
First Aid Kit
As the party rejoined the main force, Willow focused on getting Health and Mana back to full for the party. Since she generated a net gain of MP on heals, she cast Healing Beam and Chakra Magic as quickly as they came off cooldown. Willow fretted over Tower’s lack of shield. Karuu kept a backup set of chainmail but Tower lost his access to his shield skill and more than once it had kept him standing in that last skirmish. She would just have to keep an eye on the tank and prioritize his healing. Maybe. Hopefully, everyone else faired better than her poor paladin.
Moments of internal crisis liked to sneak up on the girl unexpectedly and as she looked over the field of players amassed at the gate, one hit her like a truck. How many of these people, trapped like rats, would die today? On a virtual battlefield buried deep within the internet. No family other than what they made, their friends struggling alongside them. How many of them would watch those they cared reduced to shimmering pixels, tear fresh on their faces? How many of them could recover from it? She had flashbacks to the people taking their lives at the beginning of the game. How many would crack under the pressure this time?
Willow felt her chest tighten and her breathing quicken, tears prickling at the corner of her eyes. She took a few moments away from the group to just breath, in through her nose and out through her mouth. She had to focus on the things should could help; her immediate party demanded her attention and that's where she would focus. Otherwise, the work ahead threatened to overwhelm her.
She managed to get a grip on herself for strategy talks, advocating strongly for the party sticking with the main force. Maybe, she would never admit it, she pushed too hard to stay with the main force but Cecilia breaking party only made Willow voice her opinion louder. Staying with the main force would ensure Willow could hide her friends inside the bulk of the army until they recovered. Relief washed over her when they agreed, somewhat easing the knot in her chest that had been forming since the dungeon started.
This is it, we've talked about our strategy. In the case the win-condition of this dungeon is not the death of the "Goblin Warchief" or the Kill Team fails, we'll regroup at this spawn spot to retreat together. Good luck all.
As soon as the message went out, time seemed to fast forward all at once. The drums were quickly drowned out by the Vanguard's battle cry as they charged and Willow readied her wand. She watched them crash against the goblins, breaking their ranks, and then the main host was off. Fire, Lightning, and Ice filled the sky, roaring from the thousands of wands and staffs before the main host crashed into the swarming horde. The goblins buckle momentarily, long enough for the vanguard to start falling back, before its shamans and brutes surged forward with a beastial vengance. She focused on healing, topping up anyone in range, and moving enemies around to keep them off balance. Shadows obscured their vision, enemies suddenly flew backwards form the fray to bowl over their allies, and light flashed from her as she watched health bars and mana from the party screen.
And as screaming and yelling filled her ears, with arrows and magic thrashing through the air around her, Willow sent a prayer to anyone listening for Cecelia to come back safe.
James shrugged at Sunshine’s response. She seemed experienced in all this so following her was probably the safest bet. When she pointed out the sewer grate, James let Max head down first. A stray bullet would do a wicked number on the others but James wasn’t nearly as concerned. Probably hurt more than he was interested in but he’d live. Made a great meat shield really.
“Nice moves!” James cheered on Max’s fancy descent and made his way down the ladder a bit slower. He grunted as he dragged the cover back on and stepped down from the ladder, looking around. “Gotta say, didn’t really expect this when I woke up this morning. At least I’m getting my workout.” James joked. He wrinkled his nose at the smell but shrugged it off. “How long have you been doing this anyways, Sunshine?”
Mana Payback (3) - Every time user casts any spell, there is a 10% chance of recovering 50% of spent mana. Passive.
Arcane Resistance (6) - User and any friendlies within a short distance gain 5% spell resistance. Passive.
Spell Essence Collector (10) - User gains 150MP whenever any nearby friendlies cast a Spell. Passive.
Double Casting (12) - User may cast 2 spells at the same time, provided they are level 11 or lower Pure Magic Discipline spells. Passive.
Boost Intel (14) - User gains +15 INT permanently. Passive.
Attuned to One’s Body (3) - User gains 100HP whenever they cast a spell from the Body Discipline. Passive.
Essence Gain (6) - User gains +100MP every time they heal by using spells from the Body Discipline. Does not activate with “Attuned to One’s Body”. Passive.
Mind Shock (3) -Any opponents affected by Mind Discipline spells have a 5% chance to be stunned in addition to other affects. Passive.
Mind’s Eye(6) - User gains +10 Intelligence for a minute after casting a Mind Discipline spell. Passive.
Hidden in the Shadows (3) - Whenever user casts a spell from the Darkness Discipline, user becomes covered in shadows, grating +5% Evasion chance. Passive.
Attuned to the Night (6) - User slowly regenerates mana during nighttime. 50 mana per hour. Passive.
Night Vision (9) - User gains near-perfect night vision. Passive.
Bounty (1/Universal) - User gains D10 extra Renn whenever they receive Renn from GM. Passive.
Greater Bounty (5/Universal) - User gains D10 extra Renn whenever they receive Renn from GM. Stacks with Bounty. Passive.
Grand Bounty (10/Universal) - User gains D10 extra Renn whenever they receive Renn from GM. Stacks with Bounty and Greater Bounty. Passive.
Cloth Armor (Common): 5U / 6P / 10B / 3C
Glove of Magi: +5 Int, +200 Mana
Cloak of Magi: +150 Mana
Sorcerer's Shoes: +100 Mana
Teleport Ring: 1/day wear may teleport a short distance.
Ring of Protection: +1% to all items’ reductions.
Wand of Affinity(uncommon): -25 Mana Cost
Greater Blue Potion (2): Restores 50% Mana.
First Aid Kit
“Just use this right before we go in. I’ll give you the bonus right before the pull or it’ll wear off.” Willow pulled out her Ancient Mage’s Talisman and tossed it at the mana hungry trainer. “I expect that back and for you to invest in one yourself after all this.”
Willow cast a critical look over the party status window she pulled up. Tower definitely needed some attention in his health and mana. She swapped out her staff for her wand again.
“Healing Beam. Chakra Magic.” She said with a few flicks of her wrist. It would be long going but she’d spend the rest of the walk bolstering the tank’s mana since she let it fall so low in favor of pushing out more damage from River. “Yeah, that was a nasty effect those goblins had. I think Karuu has some back up armor if I remember correctly. We definitely need to do something about a shield though.” Such a brutal fight and no experience or Renn. Willow sighed at the thought but shook her head. No time to lose focus over small things like that. They had a boss fight coming up and she needed to stay focused.
Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.
Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.<br><br>Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day! </div>