Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.
Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!
The car dropped Varis off and pulled away, leaving the vampire looking over the nobles’ homes alone. The Marivaldi house sported boards on every entrance. Good. With his daughter in Nox’s custody, the leader of the merry band of rebels should think twice before refusing Ryner’s requests again. He turned his head, watching a bird fly across the roofs and swoop down silently with talons extended. He could barely hear the swish of the grass as the owl vanished back into the forest to devour its meal. Maybe he would take some time just to watch the forest tonight. It would make an excellent view while the Starag oaf suffered the consequences of his actions.
Varis turned on his heel, the satisfying snap of his jacket following him down the short path to the door. He tried it, pleased the boy left it unlocked, and took his time opening it so it would make as little noise as possible. The mage looked distraught when the Count left him in the dining room. Varis wanted to catch the boy in whatever method he used to calm himself and he walked softly through the dorm. He noticed the things on his desk, neatly piled on the side. He would have to correct that. Varis wanted his mage as far away from that desk as possible while he was away but it did remind him to send out new invitations for a noble soiree. School, getting the boy’s piercings, and a little party would mean a busy day tomorrow.
He stopped just outside the mage’s door, closing his eyes and letting his hearing sharpen. A quiet tap, tap, taptaptaptap could be hear, likely the boy playing on his phone. Or texting someone. Maybe he should have some fun with that too. Varis let his senses return to normal and whipped quickly around the door frame, clearing his throat loudly and crossing his arms. A raised eyebrow and a bored expression gave the feeling he wasn’t terribly impressed with Aaron’s choice of actions.
> What > wait seriously > you went to see the Queen????
> Yeah, I think she and Lady Sinnenodel were here for business or something.
> uh > that sounded like it was a stressful time
> … Yes XD > Their families butt heads on a lot of issues so there’s usually tension, heh.
Aaron was about halfway through typing a further reply when the sound of a throat clearing made his heart stop; his phone fell from his hands, clattering to the floor. Every ounce of fear and panic that had gripped him before his conversation came crashing back in an instant, Aaron jumping to his feet as if the bed had grown spikes. He kicked his phone aside like it was some kind of pest; it collided with the corner of his nightstand and slid, spinning, somewhere under his bed. An impressive string of expletives exploded through his mind as he bowed deeply to the Count, hands wrung with a death grip behind his back. To his surprise, his heart moved out of his throat long enough to croak out a curt greeting of, "Master."
“I allow you time to consider the night of your actions and instead you're messaging away on your phone.” Varis snapped, mentally adjusting the punishment already. He'll loop in whoever he was messaging into it and watch the guilt build up. “I'll be on the back patio. Bring your cell phone and a shoe shining kit, if you have one.” He turned, relishing in the snap of his jacket and stepped out to the back porch.
It was pleasant outside, a screened in patio with comfortable furniture and a grill. He took a seat on the couch, putting a pillow just inside where his feet could reach. While the boy did need to suffer consequences, the Starag was plenty resilient against his own embarrassment and shame. He'd adapt sooner than Varis would expect; the service types always did. Instead, Varis had to target other people on the boy's behalf with plenty of public notice. He carefully crafted a stern expression; smiling at a time like this would ruin the effect. He crossed his legs and stretched his arms along the back of the couch as he waited eagerly for the boy to make his appearance.
Aaron figuratively flinched at the Count’s reprimand; he had a point, though Aaron was still fairly confident he would have passed out if not for the distraction. He kept his gaze trained firmly on the floor in front of Varis as he gave his orders, setting to it the second the vampire was gone. His fingers nearly shook as he felt under his bed for his phone, and he fished his shoe shining kit out of his closet, making his way promptly to the patio when he had everything collected.
He slid the glass door closed carefully behind him when he stepped onto the patio, the cool air helping a little to pull him out of his head. Of course, it did next to nothing for the pounding of his heart or the twisting of his stomach. Placing his phone and the shoe shining kit on the coffee table near Varis, he stood at attention once more, catching a gut-wrenching glimpse of Varis’ unamused expression before eyeing the pillow on the floor.
“Phone.” Varis demanded, holding out his hand and snapping at the pillow with the other. “Get your kit and kneel. I don't need you fidgeting while I discuss how disappointing you were tonight.” Varis let out a long sigh and shook his head, waiting for the boy to obey. He flicked through the phone as Aaron knelt, putting one foot in his lap as soon as he complied. Varis didn't bother explaining. The boy should be able to figure out this at least.
A few dings caught Varis's attention, two notifications popping up on the screen. Two new messages from Lilie. That must have been who he was messaging before. He opened the messages, scrolling up to read. He stayed silent as he did, eyebrows shooting up at partner. Another correction to be made. As if they were equals. The boy could barely find his way out of a shoe box, let alone handle Varis' responsibilities. And this Lilie seemed just as inane. One message was just a series of undecipherable symbols after discussing magic. Must be a mage quirk. Varis snorted at the newest messages. He would ensure that turned out a lie.
“Of course. The first thing you do is find some girl. Her name is pretty at least. But her conversation suggests that's all there is to her.” Varis spoke almost absently before turning his attention back to the boy. “However, the Eve mage? If you hadn't proved yourself incapable of such feats of social acumen, I would congratulate you on impressing me. Tell me about the girl.”
Aaron was quick to his knees, promptly putting two and two together when he received Varis’ foot in his lap. As the vampire flipped through his phone - Aaron would have time and energy to feel violated later - he opened his kit on the porch next to him, starting with a few swipes of a leather cleaner and conditioner. He was carefully applying shoe polish, thankful for a task he could focus on, when Varis spoke up. Despite the rudeness that made Aaron bristle more than he would have expected, the request was rather innocuous; however, Aaron couldn't deny there was something in it that sounded a little… dangerous.
“She's the sparring partner I was tasked to find,” Aaron reported, readying his brush, “A fencer. Ten years of training, same as me, but it was clear that her regimen wasn't as intense as mine. Her offenses were easily dealt with and she seemed to have a tendency for more aggressive strikes than the style is suited to.” It all came out rather robotic, Aaron drawing on ten years of technical education, and leaving out the fact that he'd only let her last as long as he had because he had been enjoying watching her go. “She found me at the mages’ orientation, though we did cross paths at the opening ceremony as well.” His words were punctuated by the steady swishing of his polishing brush.
“Easily dealt with? It sounds like she's the only one benefiting from this arrangement.” Varis dismissed her. So he went and found someone easy. Disappointing. “She is unacceptable. You need someone of equal or greater skill otherwise your sword arm will grow slow and lazy. Since you squandered your opportunity, I will find someone more fitting. Another disappointment.” Varis shook his head.
“And how to address this disaster of a night.” Varis tapped the phone against his chin thoughtfully. “Direct orders. I didn't test you, didn't play games with you, and yet you still managed to disobey me. What would have happened in the Noila household if you acted this way?”
Varis was right about Lilie being a poor sparring partner, but Aaron didn't know how Varis expected him to know her combat prowess without actually sparring her first. He was considering suggesting that Varis allow him to continue his training under Lucan, but the Count moved right along, to Aaron’s considerable horror.
He nearly flinched at the reminder of his abysmal conduct at dinner, pausing in his polishing as another wave of guilt and shame washed over him. He dropped his head a little more, and forced himself to focus on Varis’ shoe as his head started to swim.
“Hard to say, given the circumstances,” Aaron answered honestly, remembering Dora’s cries. He was fairly sure they would have been understanding; the Noilas did take an interest in their mages’ well-being, treated them with dignity, and his closeness with his relatives had never been discouraged. But in different circumstances, well, it wasn't fun to think about. “Absent a good reason for my disobedience, I would probably have been caned.”
“Barbaric.” Varis shuddered. “We won’t use that nonsense as a guide. No. How should we correct this? After all, I’m sure our Lady swimming through your head was unpleasant enough that it was its own punishment. But what about all the people you exposed to our Lady? She could have seen anything she wanted, plucked any fond memory or embarrassing tale right out of your head, and put everyone and everything involved directly under her microscope. People and events she would have never interacted with, never would have given a second glance, now in the center of her consideration. How awful.” Varis glanced down at the phone again. “You were momentarily the subject of her scrutiny. Would you suggest anyone draw it?”
Aaron nearly shuddered, too, as Varis laid out the magnitude of what had happened. The whole hellish vision that he had been subjected to ran through Aaron’s mind again. Who had been in it? Lucan, the royal family, his own family, one of the palace guards… And was that even the extent of what she saw? Had she wrenched more from his memories than she had shown him? And what would she do with what she had learned? Aaron hoped that it would all be below her notice, but the way Varis spoke, he wasn't so sure.
“No,” he answered simply, a myriad of worst-case scenarios flooding his mind. He paused again in his polishing as it all flashed before his eyes, having to shake his head a little to get started again.
“And yet you allowed it. You had a perfect defense against her intrusion and yet you, no one else, allowed her in. I wonder if she saw this Lilie you’ve been speaking to. I wonder how easily she would be snatched away and broken. Maybe she’d end up like Vanessa.” Varis mused. He planned to dig this knife as deep as he could. “You saw what she did to the Queen’s mage at the end. Could you imagine what she does to some she wanted to break?” Varis sighed, tossing the phone down next to him. “Sometimes I still hear their begging. Honestly, mages are so dramatic.”
“That being said, I believe you owe some people an apology. Definitely this Lilie girl, the Queen’s attendant and her vampire since you put him at risk as well,” Varis lifted his foot, pushing Aaron’s chin up to make eye contact. “Who else do you owe? What did she show you?”
Aaron nodded as Varis reprimanded him, knowing the Count was right. But at the mention of Vanessa, his breath caught in his throat, another wave of nausea washing over him. His breathing became quicker, more purposeful as he fought down the urge to vomit. And Dora, too… What went on in this House? What sort of monster was his new Lady? Horror flooded his mind at the possibilities, and he had to consciously tell himself to pay attention so as not to get swallowed up in panic again.
Something like a nervous twinge shot up Aaron’s spine when Varis lifted his face with his shoe, the eye contact adding to his burgeoning discomfort. “I don’t think she saw Lilie,” he admitted, eyes flicking elsewhere as he collected his thoughts. He took a deep breath before he spoke, dispelling some of the nausea.
“She showed me… influential moments in my life, I think. Starting at the present and working backwards; most of them… unpleasant.” He paused again to think, taking stock of everyone he could remember who had showed up. “There was the royal family, my aunts, my mother,” he closed his eyes a second as he remembered the glimpses, from his grandmother’s funeral to his Awakening to that horrible day he’d had to be physically removed from the infirmary after trying to see his mother. He opened his eyes again. “My tutors, from the opening ceremony, and Sir Bordeleaux as well.”
His mind was momentarily filled with confusing, broken images of a struggle and a blurry figure below him, his own left side painted red the mirror, a hot rush dripping down his arm. His free hand came up to brush his scarred ear, unbeknownst to him. “Some were just experiences, with no names or faces attached.”
“Then we’ll add one to your family and one to Sir Bordeleaux as well.” Varis kept Aaron’s face up for just a moment longer, relishing in the turmoil that flashed through them. Unruly and unnecessary but mortal emotions were always a pleasure to watch run rampant. He took his foot away, putting it back in the boy’s lap. “So, an apology for Lilie just to be safe. An apology to the attendant for what she suffered through. A general one to your family for bringing them to our Lady’s attention. And one more to Sir Bordeleaux. For each of those I’ve listed, you’ll write a personalized letter of apology expressing your regret over failing to follow orders and why you’ll endeavour to follow them more closely in the future.” Varis switched which foot was in the boy’s lap.
“For those we can, you’ll read them out loud in public view and have the recipient sign the bottom. I’ll be there to witness as well just in case something were to happen.” Varis picked up Aaron’s phone again, fiddling with it. “After that, we’ll frame and hang each page separately in your room. It’ll be an excellent reminder about your failure and why you should strive to follow my orders to the letter. I expect each apology letter to be at least three pages long and I will read over your drafts to approve them. Each time you fail to bring me one that I believe expresses how much you care, you will write a new one with an additional page added. Do you have any questions?”
Aaron deflated more and more as the Count explained his punishment, stooping lower over the new shoe as he began the shining process over again. Degradation seemed to be a theme with Varis, and Aaron was mortified to hear that public humiliation wasn’t just a test, or the result of a heated moment like he’d hoped, but apparently a training tool. He almost found himself longing for the the canings; at least they happened privately.
There was only one person on that list that Aaron didn’t know well personally; he wasn’t sure if that made it worse or better. Nodding as he cleaned the new shoe, Aaron asked, “When should I have them completed?”
“Hm, that is a good question considering you still have another punishment to handle.” Varis hummed again. “You’ll complete one per day after school or during whatever free time you have starting tomorrow in addition to completing your lines every morning. Now, it’s late now. You should be going to bed. Off with you.” Varis took his foot away and sat back, turning his attention away from Aaron and back to the forest. He snapped his fingers, adding almost as an afterthought, “Even in your messages, you will refer to me as master now. You’ve lost the right to my name for the foreseeable future, in private and public.” Varis shooed the boy away, waiting to relax for a bit by himself before the sun rose. Life would get busy from here on out. He would take the quiet while he could.
Aaron nodded again, gathering his things and standing. “Yes, Master,” he assented, bowing and taking his leave.
Name: Charles Liu Age: 15 Birthday: April 10th Nationality: American Gender: Male
Height: 1.68 M Weight: 63 Kg Eyes: Sky Blue Hair: White Skin Tone: Light Tan Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: Faint burn marks cover his arms and hands, the results of training with his noble arm
Charles comes from a military background and it shows. He stays organized and focused, showing a level of discipline beyond his years. Charles works best with clear instructions and an obvious goal and organizes his plan of action accordingly. He isn't one to back down from a challenging assignment but isn’t ashamed to ask clarification questions. He respects institutional hierarchies, agreeing they are necessary to maintain a strong world order, but will be the first to question and challenge orders that put too many arms master in unnecessary and careless dangers.
Charles is outgoing and pleasant, smiling and greeting every arm master that crosses his path. He is always willing to accept social invitations and make friends with arm masters, as long as his duties are complete, and usually drags along others if he can. Given the opportunity, he will talk with a person far into the night without getting bored or tired. He pushes his friends to be their best and actively encourages them, even if he doesn’t really understand exactly what they are doing. Sometimes he comes off as a little pushy but he has their best intentions in mind.
However, Charles truly believes arm masters are above common folk. He hides the fact well enough normally but on off days, he’ll completely ignore the “lesser” folk even if he needs them. His perfectionist streak often times causes him to skip meals and sleep in favor of training or studying, even though he hates it, and more than once, he’s been found collapsed or asleep in a random place. Coupled with his secretive nature, Charles struggles to ask for help and often bottles his emotions and uses his variety of physical activities as an outlet for that aggression.
Stuffed Animals
Herbal Tea
Dark Chocolate
White Chocolate
Non-Arm Masters
Failing his family
Coming out
Habits: Practices Tai Chi daily, writes in cursive, hums as he works Hobbies: Gymnastics, Juggling, Training
Noble Arm
Noble Arm Name: The Southern Dragon’s Fang (B Rank) Appearance:
Summary: The Southern Dragon’s Fang conjurers at the hip and the black wooden sheath features a twining dragon spitting fire. The hilt mimics dragon hide, covered in dull red scales. This Jian (Chinese Longsword) commands the chaotic and clashing noble fury of the Southern Dragons.
Tumbling Flight: Tumbling Flight grants increased agility and speed as well as allowing Charles to step on air like solid ground. This ability only allows four steps before needing to touch a solid surface again.
Growing Rage: While drawn, The Southern Dragon's Fang leaves a trail of flames in any cut it makes. These flames become hotter the longer the weapon remains drawn until they turn into explosions that eventually match the destructive power of a volcano with every cut. This ability puts more stress on Charles the more powerful it becomes, with results ranging from unconsciousness to cascading organ failure, and endangers Charles with its explosive power as well.
Dragon Fumes: Volcanic gases billow out of Charles’s mouth, covering the area in a thick black smog. Water vapor, carbon dioxide, and sulfuric dioxide create a blistering hot smokescreen that stretches out to ten meters in front of Charles. While spewing the cloud, Charles is unable to move.
Honor, Glory, and Obligation: The Southern Dragon’s Fang embodies the nobility of the beast in its name. When drawn, the sword cannot be sheathed until it fulfills the purpose for which it was drawn or if Charles can no longer handle the weight of its fury.
Righteous Fury: The Southern Dragon’s Fang responds directly to inner conflict. If Charles’s resolve is weak, the sword will not allow itself to be drawn.
Commander Fa Liu, Charles’s father, was born and raised in Illinois to two first generation Chinese immigrants who actively opposed the noble arms and the pedestal society placed them on. They were horrified when their child displayed a noble arm and attempted to force the boy to separate from the object over the course of his adult life, subjecting him to a variety of torturous methods. The courts emancipated him at 16 and locked away his parents for extreme child abuse and he joined the military, making a name for himself in several overseas tours at the time. He encountered the terrorist group the Hammer of Masters and reveled in the sense of power and authority it gave him.
Dr. Leigh Aslin,Charles’s mother, grew up the opposite. The child of a Noble Arms researcher, Leigh grew up in the fascinating world of applied Arms studies, a subject she would eventually come to earn a Doctorates in. Her mother and father worked for the Hammer of Masters to scientifically prove a link that Arms wielders were in fact a new race of humans. They were arrested and jailed before they could complete their research. Leigh grew up furious,her anger driving her to join her parents’ organization with her own Noble Arm and infiltrate the Arms of Nobility on their behalf. It was on a mission the two encountered each other and it was love at first sight.
Charles was born two years after their marriage and grew up as a military brat, moving from base to base throughout his early life. His mother constantly left home on one work assignment or another and left his father to raise him single handedly. Fa Liu did his best juggling his responsibilities in the military and his obligation to his family, instilling a strict sense of responsibility and family values. Some criticized the man on how he raised his child, resorting to corporal punishment far too quickly, but Charles took it in stride if it meant keeping one of his parents around. He outgrew his childish attention seeking antics, learning early his father made more of an effort to see him when he behaved and excelled. And so he soaked up his father’s lessons desperately and always sought the man’s approval. He treated his mother politely as he had been raised but he was secretly bitter towards her, resenting what he viewed as abandoning him.
As members of the Hammer of Masters, Fa Liu and Leigh indoctrinated their son with their divine right views. Charles wholehearted believes Arms Masters are meant to inherit the world and that those lacking Noble Arms are weak and useless, lower life forms that are meant to be subjugated. His parents mapped out his life, from early schooling to his deathbed, and he always strove to keep pace with it. He checks it regularly, making little notes on the digital document when he feels the need to record important details. He ignores the marriage portion, fully aware his own interests set him on path away from the standard wife and child path. He refuses to think about it, diving into training or work with abandon with he thinks too much about a boy’s smile or how they look exercising. He’s decided he would cross that bridge when he got there and deal with the eventual fallout. It still terrifies him, losing the one person he’s seeked approval from his entire life.
When he was given notice he would be attending this school, Charles packed the same night. He’d been given his first assignment and he was determined not to fail the organization.
Current Goal: Enter the top ten and find possible converts to the cause within the student population. Student Rank: 500
@Letter Bee Okay, what do you think? Sorry about the formatting. I used the same one cause we both like it. I can change it if I need to!
Charles Liu
Character Summary
Name: Charles Liu Age: 15 Birthday: April 10th Nationality: American Gender: Male
Height: 1.68 M Weight: 63 Kg Eyes: Sky Blue Hair: White Skin Tone: Light Tan Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: Faint burn marks cover his arms and hands, the results of training with his noble arm
Charles comes from a military background and it shows. He stays organized and focused, showing a level of discipline beyond his years. Charles works best with clear instructions and an obvious goal and organizes his plan of action accordingly. He isn't one to back down from a challenging assignment but isn’t ashamed to ask clarification questions. He respects institutional hierarchies, agreeing they are necessary to maintain a strong world order, but will be the first to question and challenge orders that put too many arms master in unnecessary and careless dangers.
Charles is outgoing and pleasant, smiling and greeting every arm master that crosses his path. He is always willing to accept social invitations and make friends with arm masters, as long as his duties are complete, and usually drags along others if he can. Given the opportunity, he will talk with a person far into the night without getting bored or tired. He pushes his friends to be their best and actively encourages them, even if he doesn’t really understand exactly what they are doing. Sometimes he comes off as a little pushy but he has their best intentions in mind.
However, Charles truly believes arm masters are above common folk. He hides the fact well enough normally but on off days, he’ll completely ignore the “lesser” folk even if he needs them. His perfectionist streak often times causes him to skip meals and sleep in favor of training or studying, even though he hates it, and more than once, he’s been found collapsed or asleep in a random place. Coupled with his secretive nature, Charles struggles to ask for help and often bottles his emotions and uses his variety of physical activities as an outlet for that aggression.
Stuffed Animals
Herbal Tea
Dark Chocolate
White Chocolate
Non-Arm Masters
Failing his family
Coming out
Habits: Practices Tai Chi daily, writes in cursive, hums as he works Hobbies: Gymnastics, Juggling, Training
Noble Arm
Noble Arm Name: The Southern Dragon’s Fang (B Rank) Appearance:
Summary: The Southern Dragon’s Fang conjurers at the hip and the black wooden sheath features a twining dragon spitting fire. The hilt mimics dragon hide, covered in dull red scales. This Jian (Chinese Longsword) commands the chaotic and clashing noble fury of the Southern Dragons.
Tumbling Flight: Tumbling Flight grants increased agility and speed as well as allowing Charles to step on air like solid ground. This ability only allows four steps before needing to touch a solid surface again.
Growing Rage: While drawn, The Southern Dragon's Fang leaves a trail of flames in any cut it makes. These flames become hotter the longer the weapon remains drawn until they turn into explosions that eventually match the destructive power of a volcano with every cut. This ability puts more stress on Charles the more powerful it becomes, with results ranging from unconsciousness to cascading organ failure, and endangers Charles with its explosive power as well.
Dragon Fumes: Volcanic gases billow out of Charles’s mouth, covering the area in a thick black smog. Water vapor, carbon dioxide, and sulfuric dioxide create a blistering hot smokescreen that stretches out to ten meters in front of Charles. While spewing the cloud, Charles is unable to move.
Honor, Glory, and Obligation: The Southern Dragon’s Fang embodies the nobility of the beast in its name. When drawn, the sword cannot be sheathed until it fulfills the purpose for which it was drawn or if Charles can no longer handle the weight of its fury.
Righteous Fury: The Southern Dragon’s Fang responds directly to inner conflict. If Charles’s resolve is weak, the sword will not allow itself to be drawn.
Commander Fa Liu, Charles’s father, was born and raised in Illinois to two first generation Chinese immigrants who actively opposed the noble arms and the pedestal society placed them on. They were horrified when their child displayed a noble arm and attempted to force the boy to separate from the object over the course of his adult life, subjecting him to a variety of torturous methods. The courts emancipated him at 16 and locked away his parents for extreme child abuse and he joined the military, making a name for himself in several overseas tours at the time. He encountered the terrorist group the Hammer of Masters and reveled in the sense of power and authority it gave him.
Dr. Leigh Aslin,Charles’s mother, grew up the opposite. The child of a Noble Arms researcher, Leigh grew up in the fascinating world of applied Arms studies, a subject she would eventually come to earn a Doctorates in. Her mother and father worked for the Hammer of Masters to scientifically prove a link that Arms wielders were in fact a new race of humans. They were arrested and jailed before they could complete their research. Leigh grew up furious,her anger driving her to join her parents’ organization with her own Noble Arm and infiltrate the Arms of Nobility on their behalf. It was on a mission the two encountered each other and it was love at first sight.
Charles was born two years after their marriage and grew up as a military brat, moving from base to base throughout his early life. His mother constantly left home on one work assignment or another and left his father to raise him single handedly. Fa Liu did his best juggling his responsibilities in the military and his obligation to his family, instilling a strict sense of responsibility and family values. Some criticized the man on how he raised his child, resorting to corporal punishment far too quickly, but Charles took it in stride if it meant keeping one of his parents around. He outgrew his childish attention seeking antics, learning early his father made more of an effort to see him when he behaved and excelled. And so he soaked up his father’s lessons desperately and always sought the man’s approval. He treated his mother politely as he had been raised but he was secretly bitter towards her, resenting what he viewed as abandoning him.
As members of the Hammer of Masters, Fa Liu and Leigh indoctrinated their son with their divine right views. Charles wholehearted believes Arms Masters are meant to inherit the world and that those lacking Noble Arms are weak and useless, lower life forms that are meant to be subjugated. His parents mapped out his life, from early schooling to his deathbed, and he always strove to keep pace with it. He checks it regularly, making little notes on the digital document when he feels the need to record important details. He ignores the marriage portion, fully aware his own interests set him on path away from the standard wife and child path. He refuses to think about it, diving into training or work with abandon with he thinks too much about a boy’s smile or how they look exercising. He’s decided he would cross that bridge when he got there and deal with the eventual fallout. It still terrifies him, losing the one person he’s seeked approval from his entire life.
When he was given notice he would be attending this school, Charles packed the same night. He’d been given his first assignment and he was determined not to fail the organization.
Current Goal: Enter the top ten and find possible converts to the cause within the student population. Student Rank: 1001
@Letter Bee How are Noble Arms tested? Is there a way to evaulate them without active testing? I can't imagine it's a good idea to field test a weapon that may or may not cause explosions of unknown sizes.
Also, I apologize in advance if I flood you with questions. I tend to get carried away sometimes.
“I’m sure you are. You seem like a cool guy.” Ryan’s tone turned sympathetic. “Unfortunately, its not me you have to convince; Rowan has the final say on that on but I’m sure you’ll do great.” As if on cue, the lock on the front door clicked open and the door opened to a chorus of greetings. Ryan stood, gesturing for Joryldin.
“Yes, yes Declan. For the last time, you were right and I was wrong.” The voice sounded fondly exasperated as a woman wearing a black sleeveless victorian corset dress on top of a white silk shirt, left open to frame the gold and rubies at her neck. Black hair framed dark skin and fell straight down her back, stopping just beneath her shoulders. She paused in front of the TAs as a vampire in all red leather slipped into the other bedroom and something passed between them before Rowan turned on Joryldin. “A visitor. How nice.” Her voice much colder than when she enter, Rowan sent Evalyn an unamused look. “I thought we talked about bringing friends on work nights.” Evalyn shrugged sheepishly.
The TAs stood to flank her, their faces a poor imitation of neutrality. Kanalie looked rather amused while Alexander seemed irritated. The bedroom near them cracked open and a male vampire buttoned up his dress shirt sleeve emerged after a fast wardrobe change. He evaluated the room, shrugged, and dropped onto one of the couches, pulling out his phone and snapping pictures of the trio. Alexander shot him an exasperated look and Kanalie held back a laugh.
“Ryan, bring our guest here.” Rowan commanded. Ryan followed her command immediately, walking back out into the living room. “Welcome to our little group. I’m sure you understand why I’m not particularly pleased you’re here but we’ll make do. Tell me, what do you intend to do with what you’ve learned?”
Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.
Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.<br><br>Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day! </div>