Avatar of Achronum


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8 yrs ago
So tired, sleep why do you spurn me?!
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Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.

Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!

Most Recent Posts

James Kingston

Location: Morlock Tunnels
Skills: N/A

“Then, no time like the present.” James put his fingers on Casper’s wrist again and let out a frustrated huff as the same thing happened. “Damn it! Concussions I can do but apparently a black eye is out of the question?” The man grumbled, staring at the offending swelling. Why was it being such as resistant little shit. Something pricked in the back of his head as he tried to figure out why this was such a problem and he blinked once, twice, and smiled sheepishly at the man.

“Oh shit, I never introduced myself. I’m James, the failure of a fixer upper extraordinaire. You all good outside of the black eye? That guy was a nasty piece of work.” He asked along with his belated introduction. He had a bad case of tunnel vision when he felt like there was something he could do and it wouldn’t be the first time he skipped straight to business without being a decent person. “How’d you get tied up in that mess? I know we went up to help out Jack and, uh... James blinked for a few moments as he realized he actually didn’t remember her name. Lighton? Lighten? Light something. “The pair of them―not that they needed it―but you didn’t go out with them, I think?”


Location: The Luxury
Skills: N/A

Requiem accepted the drink with a soft thank you as he kept his attention on the Black King. He sipped at it as Jinx spewed ceaseless naivety. Of course they wouldn’t be protected. In the event they were caught solving this little problem, Shaw’s contingency would likely trigger and the failed pawn would be taken without a trace of connection to the Black King. Requiem knew the game; perhaps it was time the boy understood as well. He’d consider it. The boy would benefit from such a lesson after all.

He adjusted his cane, leaning it against his chair as he considered the assignment. At first glance, it presented itself as straight forward. Find the perpetrator and deliver their head on a plate. What concerned him was the phrase asset, intentionally vague, and not demanding its return. An oddity considering the man was ordering a full investigation into the matter. He took another sip as he considered his options.

“The vermouth in this is superb. Even with as little as there is, its flavors compliment the juniper perfectly. I personally find most modern vermouth’s struggle against the gin. Is it from Turin?” Requiem inquired before turning back to business. “What is the asset and how long has it been missing?”




James Kingston

Location: Red Guard Mobile Unit - Sydney, Australia
Skills: N/A

James didn’t bother responding. This was why he refused to commit full time to this team―a regular inability to plan, follow through, and adjust on the fly. It made his head hurt and he often forgot why he bothered coming at all if no one cared about protocol. Why be prepared and make the job easy? He let out a soft sigh and refocused. He still had a job to complete.

He followed the group outside, making sure the wire was recording and adjusting the taser. On his way out, he stopped by his briefcase and pulled out the bypass tools he used when he picked up a junk car for parts but there wasn’t a key. Windows could be recycled too; no point in breaking them if he didn’t have too.

When they reached the back door, James pulled out the four piece kit and promptly dropped them in front of the door, muttering a long string of curses under his breath as he worked at the door lock. It took longer than he would have liked but he did eventually figure it out, the door clicking as he put away his tools. He stepped away, allowing someone else to take point. Stealth in an enclosed, quiet place was not his forte. He was a crowds type of guy.

The battlefield fell silent as a new light radiated across the field, pulsing from a door dominating the skyline. Ornate designs swirled along its wooden surface, golden foliage and silver insects shifted and flowed over crumbling ruins. A winged lancer gazed down upon the world depicted and spears of gold spun around her. Armano swept through the players, an irritable healer following him as his health ticked upwards, and knocked gently, the rap of knuckles against wood booming like a gong.

The winged lancer drove her lance down the middle of the door and a line of brilliant light followed her, spreading outwards until the door shattered and an open portal to the next level remained. Lightning flashed and thunder boomed through the opening. The brief flashes of light revealed a muddy road, lined with a few plant covered buildings and dark figures rushing between the buildings. Little more could be made out in the dark of the thunder storm.

As the portal opened fully, a series of pop ups appeared in front of every player in the room.

Foglands Unlocked. Reliquia Map Unlocked.

Severe Weather Alert. 
Find Shelter Immediately.
Inns Available: River Run Inn, The Verdant, The Tipsy Troodon

As soon as the messages cleared, a bright flash took over the field and suddenly it was dark. The door vanished and the ruined goblin city were replaced by the dark and raining city of Reliquia. A small glass disk floated above a large stone platform where the door once stood.
Reserved: NPC List and Sheets

James Kingston

Location: Alleyway near Coldstones -> Morlock Tunnels
Skills: N/A

James nodded and put his hand on the man’s wrist, frowning slightly in concentration. His eyes unfocused, his heartbeat matching with the man’s and roaring in his ears, his breathing grew short, and then- Nothing. James blinked briefly as he shook his head, his breathing still fast, and he sighed at the still remaining injury. He didn’t have as good a handle on this as he thought apparently.

“Uh, well that didn’t go exactly like I hoped. I’m sorry.” James apologized as he scratched the back of his neck sheepishly, moving into the portal. “Maybe I can help you get some ice after the supply run and I patch up their electrical system? Or try again? Never tried a second time.” James could feel the back of his ears burning, the embarrassment scalding. That was pathetic; it’s just a black eye. He really needed to spend some time working on that apparently but electrical systems first. Electrical systems first. Those he could do just fine.


Location: The Luxury
Skills: N/A



Requiem grimaced as a flare of pain flashed lanced through his leg but faded rather quickly. The slight rocking of the boat didn’t particularly agree with his bad leg but he’d suffered through worse. A little pain wouldn’t stop him from honoring an engagement with the white king. His cane tapped along as he limped with a dignity he’d managed to regain just recently. The smell of lobster drifted his way and his stomach did grumble but first an aperitif, a martini should prime the pallet perfectly for lobster, and business.

“A moment please.” Requiem smiled at a server, catching his attention with a slight wave. “A dry martini with a twist please, naked if you can. I would greatly appreciate it.” Requiem turned his attention back to Dr. Shaw, a contemplative furrow in his brow. “Something tells me these vacancies may be less than optional and if that is the case Dr. Shaw, you have my full attention.”

The freshman class rose as the bell rang, the other students mostly ignoring it and continuing on with their meals. The campus grounds were quiet and still until students poured out of the dining hall and made their way to their respective classes.



James Kingston

Location: Red Guard Mobile Unit - Sydney, Australia
Skills: N/A

James noted the warning. They should have sent fewer people in, not everyone at once, and now they had them on their guard. Things were already out of hand and James planned to start the contingencies. He left the group without speaking to them, returning to the jet and only sending a single critical look over the drinking going on. James slipped off his jacket, grabbing a shoulder holster and strapping it on before sticking a taser gun in it. His jacket hid it well and he started running a wire on the inside, threading it up under his shirt and letting it sit just inside his jacket collar. The transmitting portion when into the inside pocket.

“The human girl has begun using her magic. The main group is still attempting to move inside the house but I’m going to explore the outside, look for another way in so I’m in position to neutralize any issues that may come up and limit their conventional options of escape.” He reported, leaning over the chair and pulling up the external cameras so he could see what happens next. Hopefully, they’d either cause a scene or successfully infiltrate. Either way, he’d make his move soon. “The boy is suspicious of the group but we have confirmed Dr. Banner is not present.”
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