Guin Stark

Location: The Palace - New York City, New York (
Skills: N/A
She rolled her eyes slightly at Pietro.
"Since when would I do something rash and cause an explosion?" she asked him.
"But yes, yes, I'll have Leo and Fortes come with us," she reassured him. She didn't truthfully feel the need to have bodyguards and found it annoying that they followed her around, but it was less annoying than Pietro hovering over her constantly or asking that she not leave the Palace without him. Giving him a quick kiss, Guin then nodded at Allison, indicating that she was ready and she left the ballroom with her.
Outside of the ballroom, Guin's bodyguards were more or less already there, having been on stand by to escort her if needed.
"Miss Stark, are you leaving the grounds?" Leo Luwoye asked. Her other bodyguard,
Fortes stood next to him silently.
"Yes. Loose follow, please. Miss Andrews and I are going to the lab," she told her bodyguards. She would have ditched them if she wasn't completely convinced Pietro would freak out and drag her back here. She still wasn't sure if Allison was telling the truth or not - though her intuition was telling her to trust Allison. There were so many questions as well then as to what to do about the world. For some people to achieve happiness, others were likely suffering. She had seen the treatment of humans at the hands of mutants first hand - she
hated it and didn't take kindly to it, despite marrying into the family that perpetuated it.
But she could also see opposing argument - that maybe this world was better for enough people and that reality was such a flimsy concept that... who was to say who should suffer and who shouldn't? Was there any meaning to
the way things were is how they should be? Shaking off the thought, Guin headed with Allison to the garage, getting into the back of one of her cars. Fortes was her driver and once everyone was settled, Leo got into the shotgun seat and the car pulled out, driving them from the Palace to Stark Tower. Guin smirked a little bit at Allison in the back seat.
"Were you calling me dumb here?" she teased. She knew that most likely wasn't Allison's meaning, but the words did hit a bit of a sore spot. She hadn't dreamt of being a princess. She was born to Tony Stark and Pepper Potts, growing up as just another kid of humans in a world ruled over by mutants. While she loved her mother, she was always closer with her father, working with him on little projects since before she could walk. Her dream had been to be just like her father - to make the world a better place through technology, like Tony and also like her grandfather, Howard.
"I'm more than just Pietro's fiancĂŠe - no matter the reality," Guin said. Maybe it was a promise to herself or just a statement for Allison.
Casper Theriot

Location: Outside - New Orleans, Louisiana
Skills: Mediumship
Casper wasn't too sure of what to make of Chrysi. She reminded him a lot of his sister, Val - she was pretty sweet and kind at first, even seeming approachable, but she had a vicious streak to her. When they were kids, Val had almost severed their brother David's vocal chords during a fight over a sock monkey. He couldn't help but wonder who Chrysi's anger and violence was directed towards - who had taken her sock monkey and threw it into the pond. Of course, he hadn't told either of them that
Casper had been the one playing with the sock monkey, trying to take the toy with him for a swim... But neither David nor Val figured that one out and it was so long ago that he wasn't about to fess up to it.
However, he
had heard of infinity stones before. His father told him about them. Ben's face paled slightly - he had heard stories of them as well, stones that represented an aspect of existence and allowed the user to control it.
"Time..." Ben whispered.
"Space..." "Soul..." "Power..." "Reality..." "And Mind..." Casper whispered.
"The Incident happened because of Loki and just two of these stones... What's the Red Guard and why the hell do they have one? Also..." Ben was cut off by Casper, but they were on the same page at the moment. They both had the same final question.
"How the hell do you know where an infinity stone is?" Casper asked.
"Cassie, this is bad. We can't let the Thieves Guild get their hands on an infinity stone... I don't even what to think about what could happen. And you KNOW that it's bad when the ghost is scared!" Ben insisted. Casper just nodded slightly at him, biting his lip and fidgeting slightly. He didn't want to believe that Jack, his baby brother, was a villain in this world but... If he was part of a group trying to steal an infinity stone, a group that this psychopath was also in, then maybe it was true. Maybe Jack wasn't the person he thought he was.
"As for which stone it is..." "It has to be mind or reality," he mumbled to Ben. The ghost nodded in agreement. Casper was about to ask Chrysi another question when his baby brother showed up and he couldn't help but groan slightly.
"Jackie, I love you but I'm in the middle of a conversation here. And I can't tell you what's going on because you're maybe a super villain now - which makes sense, your hair looks FANTASTIC and villains always have better hair."
Runa Blake

Location: Banner Residence - Sydney, Australia
Skills: N/A
Runa relaxed, a bit relieved when Lance moved to close the door and that he was picking up on the potential danger of the situation. Midgardians didn't just show up with a ship, come up in a large force, and then inquire as to where a doctor was. It spelled trouble. It reminded her of the tales her uncle Thor told - of his work with the Avengers in defending the realm of Midgard against Loki. Was Loki behind this? It seemed likely to her. It was also his style, with the exception that someone else had been installed as king and not him... Her nerves shot up again as the people asked where Banner was on December 3rd.
If these people were police, why hadn't they led with that? Her false memories of this world informed her that people were expected to present symbols - badges - in order to certify that they were tasked with upholding the law. She was completely oblivious as to everything else going around her for some reason, more of just focused on what was directly in front of her - her boyfriend and the door he had almost entirely shut.
"What master do you serve?" Runa asked the agents, her voice a bit soft. She winced slightly, realizing that in this world, she wouldn't phrase something like that. At least her accent seemed more or less the same - that was a comfort.
"I mean... What authority do you have to come ask questions?" she corrected, hoping that Lance wouldn't be alarmed at that. The fairy tale was quickly turning into a nightmare, but she wanted to draw it out even still. She didn't want to see the hatred in his eyes when he found out what she was.
"Lance I think we should call your father..." Runa whispered to him.
"This doesn't feel right..."
Dominika Novikova

Location: Banner Residence - Sydney, Australia
Skills: Earth Manipulation
Novikova internally winced, seeing Maria reach for her bow. The situation was escalating and she needed more time to decide what to do. She twitched her fingers slightly, before trying to remember everything she could about Australia. They had earthquakes from time to time, right? She had to imagine that it wouldn't be that unusual if an earthquake occurred... And if she ended up being fired or made an outlaw from the Red Guard, well... Her visions never lied. Lance had the same soul as her best friend, Sparky. She had already set the world on fire in order to bring Sparky home safe.
Why not do it again?
"I'm so sorry," she whispered to Maria.
"I shouldn't put you through this again," she told her girlfriend. She took a breath and started to focus on the ground below them, attempting to feel the earth like an extension of herself. She couldn't get a good grip on it, but after another few centering breaths she managed to encase the feet of each and every Red Guard member in earth, preventing them from moving.
"Sp-Mr. Banner, we need to run now or you and your girlfriend will be killed," she told him. She held out a hand to him, hoping no one started shooting.
"We don't have much time. We really need to go."