Avatar of Achronum


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8 yrs ago
So tired, sleep why do you spurn me?!
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Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.

Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!

Most Recent Posts

“Welcome, welcome!” Anu shouted across the room at Kira as the rest of the inn, Nerile included, gave the swordswoman odd looks for a few moments until she reached the Last Genesis table. A few whispers, “Who the fuck?” and “Damn game got another one.”, ran through the small crowd but disappeared quickly in the general din of people mourning and celebrating.

Willow, on the other hand, drank deeply from the tankard she ordered and slammed it down with a pleased sigh. It wasn’t bad, obviously a bit weak, but it would do. She dug into her stew, the stress of the day driving her to eat. As Kira announced her approached, she sighed internally at who was proclaiming. She really hoped it was Kira but apparently the alter ego had made her appearance. Another headache but one she’d gladly suffer a thousand times over right now. At least Kira was still here.

“But for now, you’re stuck in a mortal form and that form still needs rest and nourishment.” Willow gently reminded the girl. She’d dealt with the “demoness” before and this sounded like she was ready to charge off on the next adventure. “Cece found the guild hall where quest info and such is. Maybe you should do some reconnaissance, make a plan for tomorrow, and then come back for rest so that weak shell doesn’t give out trying to contain your power for too long.”

The red player at the bar pushed away once he drained his drink and made his way upstairs as quickly as possible. A few people muttered, talking about reporting him to the Council. Another NPC, Drash, made his way from the back and took over for Nerile, who immediately slipped into the back after a sharp nod and a muted whisper.

The man at the desk, tagged Aluet, looked up at Cecilia’s question, his fountain pen hovering over a long page in foreigh script. He gave her a quizzical look over the rim of his glasses.

“I take it you’re new to the island. The Guild Hall is staffed from 6am to 11pm daily but is always open to travellers in need of respite.” Aleut explained seriously but he smiled slightly with his next question. “Welcome to the Foglands, Madam. How can we be of assistance tonight?”

Next to Aluet, a woman named Adsilah, recoiled slightly as Prome made his demand. Visible only to Prome, his dashboard opened automatically and displayed a series of Open Quests with one suddenly turning bold.

Quest information Request
Hidden Knowledge: Subclass
See Warrior Dracion or Shaman Rania for information on Subclasses

Someone cleared their throat from behind Prome and Cecelia. Dracion, a hand held on Rania’s shoulder clearly restraining her from intervening, stared at Prome with an evaluating glare.

“What’s all this hollering about, boy?” The man demanded, his voice deep and gravelly. “You may be new here to the Foglands but you’d best learn quick we don’t care for bothrian bothering our people. Plus, I don’t think I much like this talk of destruction on this island.”
James Kingston

Location: Inside the Quinjet
Skills: N/A

James’s incorporeal lip twitched as he got his way. Sure, resorting to sophomoric methods wasn’t a particularly proud moment but the job got done. Either way, being separated from his body wasn't an experience he ever wanted to repeat.

James blinked his eyes open a few moments later, stretching with what limited capacity he had since he was still apparently stuck in Clarke's ice. Slouching like that, even for a just a little bit, was killer on the spine. James glanced around, noting what people were up to and decided for now it was probably best to wait and see how things played. He was surrounded by enemies at this point. He’d have to wait for the right moment to slip away. And he fully intended to do so.

He had a favor to return now.

”My way it is.” With a frown bordering on a grimace, a few moments past and massive slabs of the Arena floor flew up behind the remaining students, acting like moving platforms that forced them out of the Arena and then sealed off the entryways behind them. ”Damn brats.” Dracion muttered irritably.

Inside the staging rooms, the only light was from the fluorescent bulbs above.

Many of the morning’s last periods were still in session, although a few may have released early considering the traffic on the walkways. Dame Patel must have been one of them since she was making her way briskly towards the Arena as she chatted glowingly with Nasir who continued to toss his pineapple up and down. Nasir seemed to make his farewells and he took a hard left off the grounds, wrapping his arm around a student’s shoulder as he went. The girl stumbled as he launched into some discussion and resignation flashed over her face as she waved to the group she was with.

Varis finished off his sentence before acknowledging the other vampire, careful to put the pen in its stand. He arched an eyebrow at Eris, rolling his eyes at the comment. Had he over indulged? Probably. Was he going to admit that? Absolutely not.

“We’ll see if the boy noticed as well.” Varis replied instead of dealing with it. He capped his inks, carefully settling them back into his desk so nothing happened. Knowing the by, he’d likely spill it all over Varis’s work and he wasn’t willing to risk that. “For a Starag, he’s incredibly unperceptive. It’s quite exhausting.” Varis sighed.

“I’d offer you a seat but we should be on our way soon. I saw you enjoyed your tussle with the Countess and the Turned boy earlier. I also noticed you hid your aptitude from the Academy.” Varis mentioned. “I found it amusing. Especially with that star stuck thing hovering around you. And then the Astorio demonstrated the boy’s choice of sparring partner as pathetic as I expected. Not my preferred method but effective nonetheless.” Varis finished making sure everything was put away neatly and finished folding the letter to Eris’s acquaintance.

“I finished the invitation to your tailor. I’ll have it expedited with this morning’s mail. It should arrive in a few days.” Varis informed the movie star. He turned his full attention to the vampire leaning against his door frame, eyes crystal clear. “Did you manage to hint down your mage? Or did it manage to wiggle away from you already?”
@AXIS It has! It's currently running actually: roleplayerguild.com/topics/177760-tal…
James Kingston

Location: Morlock Tunnel
Skills: Healing Factor

“Thank you.” James nodded his head at Jack after he pulled him through the portal. “Didn’t need to add a murder on top of destriction of property, you know?” He reached over to Casper after noticing his hand pressed firmly against his head and tried to heal him twice more, growing more frustrated with each attempt. He probably barely managed to stop the bleeding with the fourth attempt. At least he did that. James was starting to wonder if he’d hallucinated the ability the entire time.

“Well, fuck me..” James sighed in irritation. “Maybe I’ll be more helpful once I finish the electrical stuff. Never was much good at distancing myself once I had a project. And we didn’t even get the heat shrink tubing.” James let out a groan as he surveyed the set up again. Down a generator and insulation. Wonder if Blink would pop him in just to pick it up…

“No, that is Bad Idea number one. He muttered to himself before turning to everyone returning from the Warehouse. “Could use some help getting this all fixed if anyone’s up to it. Makes it all the easier.” He said.. He moved over to the generator and gave it a look over, glancing up as Max was finished with whatever he was saying. “Oye Max. You’ve been enlisted in helping me fix this crap since someone shut down my tubing.” James said loudly, jerking his head towards the generator.


Location: Frost International HQ
Skills: N/A

Requiem sometimes wanted to command the monkey to dance in a busy street. The second Jinx opened that aggravating mouth, Requiem was half tempted to back hand him into the next century. When it possible trouble with someone with a power like Emma Frost, tone was important. Requiem would give the boy credit for the half truth, he quite liked it if he was being honest, but that tone really got under his skin.

”Jinx is quite right, Ms.Frost.” Requiem agreed, although far more kindly. “Time is money in this world. I’d prefer to be done sooner rather than later. I have plans this evening for this one. And although he’d just decided, Requiem started outlining a thorough discussion of proper etiquette when speaking to someone above your station.
James Kingston

Location: Outside the Quinjet
Skills: N/A

Oh ho. So someone at least could hear him. James chuckled at it, watching the rest of the team scramble for ideas as the Hulk put one dent after another in the Jet. He hummed as he did, drawing great satisfaction as Bautista suggested using him and Mystique as bargaining tools. What an outstanding move. He clapped his ghostly hands together. Using your teammates as fodder. At least someone had a few brain cells left!

James swam around the whole Diggby pity party with a shrug and left, swimming down to find Runa. She was his only connection to the rest of the world so she could only blame herself for this. He settled next to her and watched the Hulk.

“I see why the higher ups want him to finish his research.” James said absently. “Did you know they want to use my body and the unconscious Agent Darkholme as bargaining chips? Two helpless victims forced into the hands of a big green ape. Great plan honestly, you should absolutely support it because I would, but it doesn’t look so great on paper.” James commented.


Health: 2700/2700
Mana: 3550/3550(+450)

“No kidding. They just don’t give us a break.” Willow agreed with Holly. It was bullshit but they didn’t have much of a choice other than continue on. She felt the prickle of tears but she squashed that down. There would be time for that in a little bit. She smiled up at River as she passed, half heartedly swatting at the hand he mussed her hair with.

“I don’t imagine anyone is going to leave town. A few will probably get a head start on subclasses now that the rain let up.” Willow said, clearing the notification. Cecilia would definitely have made her way there and really, Willow should follow her lead but the last fight was brutal and she needed time to reset. “It’s probably a world monster we can kill at some point. Hopefully that means every storm doesn’t have this awful condition and if it really is this monster, we now know at least one of its mechanics so we can prepare.

“Tomorrow, we’ll all get together and figure out how we want to move forward. There is a lot to be done and there will hopefully be a Council meeting again soon on top of it.” Willow tapped her finger on the table as she thought. There were bound to be a lot of upset people, reasonably so, and it would probably give them an advantage if they could push through the next few days.

“But for tonight we should just relax. We sur-“ The word caught in her throat and she took a deep breath. “We won tonight. And that’s what we should focus on. We’re here with people we know and we like and that’s what will get us through all this. And planning and communication and everything else but it makes it that much easier.”

Anu swung by, balancing everything with the ease of experience and sliding everyone’s food in front of them.

“Make sure you let us know where your water is goin’ Mister or we’ll put it in a random room.” She reminded River and glanced at the other two. “And if you want to relax, I’d order hot bath water too. If ya have the time tomorrow, pick up some herb packets to soak in the water too. Makes a world of difference.” She turned as someone else called her over and she hurried away with a cheerful goodbye.

Suddenly, the lightning ceases and the wind and the rain quiet down. A massive roar ripped across the town, buildings and trees shaking slightly in its wake, and the Static Charge debuff vanished. Just a light drizzle was left and you could see a few NPCs poking their heads out of windows and doors to check the damage.

The NPCs stilled for a moment as a mighty roar resounded in the Inn, holding for a few moments before sighing in relief, and resuming their duties. Anu nodded as she accepted the payments and rushed off to fill their orders. Nerile nodded at the calming storm outside.

“The Rathan’s a mighty beast full of lightning and fury. Always know when its here abouts when the storms so bad. Lurks in the rivers and comes out to feed on the Chitters and the Welkin and sometimes the big Maledoeons when the belly pains demand it.” Nerile shrugged as she took the coin and deposited eight room keys in front of him. They were all in poor condition, a bit dented and bent. Each one had a big wooden tag with a number between 1 and 8. “Let me know when you’re ready for the water and which room you want it in. Anu and Drash will bring it up. Fruit will be out in a half a shake.”

More people started meandering in once the storm let up and the bar slots filled up quickly, most people edging away from a great axe wielding guy at the end. He wore low grade armor and stared into the bar after ordering a cup of ale in a small voice.

“Don’t cause no trouble or I’ll haul you out myself.” Nervile warned him as she slammed down his cup, sloshing some of the ale onto the bar.

His name was red.

As Cecilia ran, feeling the wind whip around her as she pushed herself faster and faster against the odds, her static charge grew and grew and grew. She stepped onto the bridge just past the first watch tower on the edge of town and the heavens opened up. In a blinding flash of white, a deafening roar, and boiling heat, lightning arced between the clouds and struck.

Next to Cecelia.

Half a hair to the left and Cecilia would have been struck. The small “Evade!” notice popped up and the charge restarted. The air around her still boiled for half a moment before the wind and rain whisked it away and the sharp cold returned. Another flash of lighting in the distance and another…

No boom, no epic crash. Instead, a roar that shook the ground reverberated across the storm torn world and in the next flash of lightning, Cecilia could see it. A towering monster half submerged in the wide river the bridge spanned. A massive fin rose from it’s back with lightning dancing across it and the worst of the storm writhed above it. It let out another mighty roar and sank into the depths of the river. As it did, the storm lessened, the wind all but stilled and the rain slowed to a drizzle. The Static Charge notice vanished.

The Guild Hall was only a few minutes past the bridge, with nothing more than a little mud hampering the journey. Unlike the rest of the town, the Guild Hall was a towering building of marble and stone but various plants still climbed it’s surface. A towering double door would open as a Player approached it and inside was as elegant as it was on the outside. A long single hall ending in a few stairs, a chair, and a full sized window overlooking the story sea greeted all those who entered, a variety of doors on the left side leading further into the building while a long counter was on the right and a few NPCs sat behind them. Two NPCs however, Dracion and Rania, stood towards the left side and seemed to be discussing something serious despite Rania’s periodic chuckling.

Dracion watched with disbelief that turned into outright frustration as almost all of them stayed in his Arena. What was wrong with these brats? Dracion let out an irritated sigh and cleared his throat loudly.

“Take all this…” Dracion gestured at everyone before him. “And leave! Ye all gots one minute ‘fore I stop askin’ and start doin’!” As if to emphasize the point,he tapped the ground and a body sized hole opened next to him. A giggle escaped under Aine’s breath as she waved to Lilie and Aaron before rushing away to get the medications sent out.

The rest of the Arena was empty and silent, no one left in the stands. Even the mages who had protected the students while Dracion cleared the Arena departed moments after his command.

As Max and Eris left the Arena, whispers and startled gasps erupted around the pair. Various students watched the vampire as he sauntered across the campus, more than one shooting Max an envious look. More than one student worked up the courage to approach, asking for photos or an autograph and almost all of them mages. Most vampires had the common sense not to do that and actively stopped their mages from doing the same since it could be easily misconstrued as an insult.

In Aaron’s stately dash across campus, he’d notice is was still quiet since many of the last periods were still in session. A few people, either lucky to avoid classes this late or skipping, were headed towards the bus. He passed a pair of vampires gossiping along the way.

“Did you hear? The Noila minions are fucking up left and right apparently. The woman chortled. “Apparently the Knight of the Evening had to clean up the Starag mage’s mess and is being punished for it. Can’t fight or anything.”

“No kidding? Poor dude. They should just double punish the mage but I guess he’s too privileged for that huh?” The man shook his head. “Hope the Starag knows how lucky he is. Any other mage would have been ripped to pieces."

Suddenly, the lightning ceases and the wind and the rain quiet down. A massive roar ripped across the town, buildings and trees shaking slightly in its wake, and the Static Charge debuff vanished.


The NPCs stilled for a moment as a mighty roar resounded in the Inn, holding for a few moments before sighing in relief, and resuming their duties. Anu nodded as he accepted the payments and rushed off to fill their orders. Nerile nodded at the calming storm outside.

“The Rathan’s a mighty beast full of lightning and fury. Always know when its here abouts when the storms so bad. Lurks in the rivers and comes out to feed on the Chitters and the Welkin and sometimes the big Maledoeons when its belly pains demand it.” Nerile shrugged as she took the coin and deposited eight room keys in front of him. They were all in poor condition, a bit dented and bent. Each one had a big wooden tag with a number between 1 and 8. “Let me know when you’re ready for the water and which room you want it in. Anu and Drash will bring it up. Fruit will be out in a jiffy.”

More people started meandering in once the storm let up and the bar filled up quickly, most people edging away from a great axe wielding guy at the end. He wore low grade armor and stared into the bar after ordering a cup of ale in a small voice.

“Don’t cause no trouble or I’ll haul you out myself.” Nervile warned him as she slammed down his cup, sloshing some of the ale onto the bar.

His name was red.

Guild Hall

As Cecilia ran, feeling the wind whip around her as she pushed herself faster and faster against the odds, her static charge grew and grew and grew. She stepped onto the bridge just past the first watch tower on the edge of town and the heavens opened up. In a blinding flash of white, a deafening roar, and boiling heat, lightning arced between the clouds and struck.

Next to Cecelia.

Half a hair to the left and Cecilia would have been struck. The small “Evade!” notice popped up and the charge restarted. The air around her still boiled for half a moment before the wind and rain whisked it away and the sharp cold returned. Another flash of lighting in the distance and another…

No boom, no epic crash. Instead, a roar that shook the ground reverberated across the storm torn world and in the next flash of lightning, Cecilia could see it. A towering monster half submerged in the wide river the bridge spanned. A massive fin rose from it’s back with lightning dancing across it and the worst of the storm writhed above it. It let out another mighty roar and sank into the depths of the river. As it did, the storm lessened, the wind all but stilled and the rain slowed to a drizzle. The Static Charge notice vanished.

The Guild Hall was only a few minutes past the bridge, with nothing more than a little mud hampering the journey. Unlike the rest of the town, the Guild Hall was a towering building of marble and stone but various plants still climbed it’s surface. A towering double door opened as a Player approached it and inside was as elegant as it was on the outside. A long single hall ending in a set of stairs and a full sized window overlooking the story sea greeted all those who entered, a variety of doors on the left side leading further into the building while a long counter was on the right and a few NPCs sat behind them. Two NPCs however, Dracion and Rania, stood towards the left side and seemed to be discussing something serious despite Rania’s periodic chuckling.

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