Guin Stark

Location: Stark Tower - New York City, New York (
Skills: N/A
Guin's eyes narrowed as Allison told her that her family wasn't real. Ironically, just as Allison suggested that Guin would want to smack herself, she really wanted to punch Allison in the face. She loved her family - her grandparents, they were real. Her parents, they were real. Nothing Allison had told her or any of the facts suggested that that wasn't the case. The only thing she could think of that Allison could have meant by that was that her family was dead in the real world - and that would be why they weren't real. But hell, Dumbledore had said
just because it's happening in your head doesn't mean it's not real and she was certain that applied here.
Real was an arbitrary term.
She fought the momentary urge to flip one of the tables in the lab over out of frustration.
Her grandfather was right - no matter what, they needed to catch the person responsible for all of this. It was too much power for one individual to have, to be able to reshape reality. As for the treatment of humans in this world - Guin knew that it was bad, but there also would be a regime change coming sooner rather than later. King Erik was rather old and Flynn would be taking over. He was very directionless and easy to influence, meaning that Guin could nudge him in the right direction, make this reality perfect even if it wasn't the real one...
"I'll work with you on figuring out who did this - but I'm not going to play god and dictate how a world should be. That's too much power for one person, even if you are one of the good guys. It should be a group decision." She then left the lab, heading back up to the main floor of the tower and she grabbed a pair of shoes, slipping them back on. Guin quickly conversed with her bodyguards, telling them that she and Allison were going to be returning to the Palace at once.
Casper Theriot

Location: LeBeau Casino - New Orleans, Louisiana
Skills: Mediumship
There was no reaction from Bobbi or Anastasia about Casper's news that Marygold had been almost killed - and he wasn't sure what to think about that. Was this sort of thing normal for them or were these two girls just sociopaths who didn't care?
"Psst, Ben, on a scale of one to ten, how indifferent would you rank these people?" Casper whispered to his ghost friend, trying his best to be discrete but failing at it.
"...Five," Ben answered after a slight pause.
"Ginger, your name is Ginger," Casper said, before waving his hand slightly at the coma spirit. Thankfully Jack was handling Gambit, since Casper was more or less focused on the other people in the area. Ben and Marygold were both being talkative, which unfortunately was the case with ghosts - they never tended to shut up! - and then Anastasia and Bobbi just seemed heartless to him. Unfortunately, though, that meant that Casper was the one available to talk to Rogue (yay!)
"Tell the truth," Ben agreed, chiming in on Mary's comments.
Casper nodded slightly, thinking of how best to put this.
"Well, Crazy Ginger is a serial killer and insane, and she told me that the crown you guys are after is actually an Infinity Stone, which would destroy the universe if it falls into the wrong hands... And no offense, these people here seem to be the definition of the wrong hands to me. And she got mad at my brother, which I get, women tend to get upset with him - and I got mad at her for being mad at my baby brother, since duh, he's my little brother and it's my job to protect him! Anyways then Crazy Ginger Number Two came and tried to protect us, and then Ben somehow came to life and fought too, but Crazy Ginger managed to hurt her twin and seems to have put her in a coma since I can see her ghost..."
Dominika Novikova and Runa Blake

Location: Outside the Quinjet /
Outside -> Inside the Banner Residence - Sydney, Australia
Skills: Eldritch Magic
Dominika raised a slight eyebrow. Niah never struck her as the type to be tying up and securing prisoners, since from what she knew, Niah preferred to work behind the scenes and stick with the science. At the very least, Niah seemed to be working with them like Maria - that was good and it felt normal, like they had gotten the majority of the team back together. She threw a glance back, having been able to hear the conversation from the bottom of the ramp.
"Actually, it isn't Cass' team - it's Tinley's," she informed her, before walking out completely.
She then nodded at Maria.
"...Just don't look at me after you absorb it," she told her softly. She didn't want to know what her life looked like across the multiverse - she didn't want her girlfriend seeing a trend of evil, if that was what Novikova was destined for. It might have been a bit selfish, since she never hesitated to look at other people and use her power in order to get information, but Novikova didn't need the question of her moral character to be answered like that. The next few minutes went by with a blur and as the Hulk tried to strike at Maria, Novikova took a slight breath, only releasing it once the beast stood down and shifted back.
"Dr. Banner... We need your help," Novikova told him plainly.
Runa meanwhile had heard the word
X-Men drift off of the plane. She knew that they were a group dedicated to stopping mutant terrorists on Midgard, but not much more beyond that. Unlike the Avengers, they weren't really a high profile enough group for Thor to tell stories about on Asgard. He was where they got most of their information on Midgardian warriors from, as most Asgardians dismissed Midgardians as nothing more than petty flies.
"You're more irritating than my brother..." Runa muttered at James, thoroughly annoyed with his astral presence. She shoved his spirit backwards and James would wake up in his body a moment later.
She stared for a second at Dr. Banner and Lance, but her heart was heavy. The young sorceress then turned and quickly walked back into the Banner residence, heading for Lance's room. She was still wearing her pajamas from earlier and she started to search the room for her sling ring, finding it quickly underneath the bed. It must have fallen there or something. Runa then
quickly changed her clothes and she slid the sling ring onto her finger, taking a slight breath. As much as she loved Lance, she knew that this wasn't her world. It was Asgard's duty to protect the Nine Realms - evidently, they had failed.