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8 yrs ago
So tired, sleep why do you spurn me?!
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Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.

Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!

Most Recent Posts

James Kingston

Location: Outside the Quinjet
Skills: N/A

“For starters, my top priority was securing medical services for the comrades everyone so easily dropped. Who knows what the inhuman did to Sapphire and a punch to the face from Howlett never wakes up well. Furthermore-” James continued, his temper finally rising. This is the second time one of these short sighted imbeciles have concerned themselves with him rather than continuing with the mission. James next comment froze on his tongue in disbelief as his legs locked themselves in place. Turning at the waist, he leveled a flat glare at Runa. “I appreciate your interest in monopolizing my attention but I can tell you now, I’m not particularly interested in you.” He called over his shoulder at her. He let out a long sigh defeatedly. “Next time, someone let the hulk pummel me to death.”

“Very well Niah.” James shrugged. “Since you all are so convinced this is true, what would you have me do? I shall defer to your expertise since anytime I do anything else I end up getting knocked into the spirit realm, frozen, or suffer short term paralysis apparently.” James crossed his arms, eyebrow raised at her. “Point the way and I’ll do my best not to go off “half cocked.” These people were exhausting but at this point, he wasn’t really sure what they wanted him to do. After the initial shock, James sincerely believed he would have to play the villain in this little charade to help motivate those bonds of trust Banner apparently handed out like candy. Plus, they’d probably need someone inside slowing the process down to give them enough time to determine whatever they were attempting to figure out―multiple realities were clearly a farce―but between Diggby so clearly confused and Buatista so insistent, James must have missed something. So he decided he’d just follow along with her for the time being.

“Probably a wise choice.” Aleka laughed as he stole the tankard back. He took a sip of his own, frowning as he thought for a bit. “Guess it depends on what you’re looking for. There’s any number of them, ranging from massive tiny. The Heaven's Oath is one of the largest currently, with around fourteen hundred members. If you want something a bit more… risky, there is the Legion of the Wolf. Rumor has it their leader pushed to go after a few red players for some reason and people in the process so they need to replenish their ranks. A group called Last Genesis just lost their Marauder so they’ll probably be looking for someone to replace it. Their members just peaced out of here in fact. Mage girl, Archer, Trainer just headed out after fiddling with something on their dashboards it looked like. Mage went left, the other two went right if you want to talk to them.”

“Is this a poor jest? Are you babbling for no reason beyond your own amusement? Pretend to have some command over language and try that in some sense of coherence this time.” The woman snapped, all but ready to slam the door in Prome’s face. “And quit groveling like a hound at the table. If you have a shred of self respect, right yourself and speak plainly.”

“Yes Ma’am. It, like us, is always open and its training grounds available for use. You may not find a sparring partner at this hour however. There area few training posts available for use on the second floor of the arena if you’d care to practice there.” He explained, a detailed map of the Arena springing to life on her dashboard. The main floor held the Arena proper, a massive room with a large sand pit in the center. The second floor was dedicated to training and a weapons rental area was marked. The training dummies were close by. The third floor was pure black and labelled with ????.

Interacting with: @Hero@Obscene Symphony

The relief at escaping the overcrowded transport manifested as a long sigh after the crowds dispersed. Varis found the general clamour unnecessarily overwhelming and the mingling of the inferior with the superior in such a tight space left a faintly bitter taste in his mouth, not to mention the cretins swarming Eris at every possible moment for their fifteen minutes of fame. The behavior of those left him mildly concerned for the welfare of the state. It just reaffirmed the Noila’s reluctance to push a proper standardized code of ethics and behavior across the common class supported such impudence.

“Puerile.” Varis clicked his tongue disapprovingly at the bats frolicking and had half a mind to order Aaron to encourage the loiterer to move along. Allowing the rabble to linger would only bring the attention of the others. He followed its flight when it rejoined it’s peers and Varis put it from his mind as he looked around the town. Varis had Eloise setup the appointment before she met with one of the family’s suppliers, not interested in setting foot here until he had to. The town was… homely at best, barely a step above a hovel in his opinion. The entire place was little more than a leech on the Noila Academy but it was what was available so it would have to do. Perhaps he’d stop at the bookstore. Little one like these often misunderstood their stock, overlooking the inherent worth of older titles in favor of the passing fancy of the masses.

“Quickly now. The sooner we finish, the sooner we may quit this place.” Varis sneered as he crossed the street, approaching the tattoo parlor. He paused outside the shop, eyes skating over the artwork decorating the outside of the building. Few pieces showed more than a modicum of talent but those that did shone starkly against the banality. Applied to an appropriate medium, the artists may actually make something of themselves. “A beggar’s medium crippling a savant’s talent. What a disappointment.” Varis shook his head when a sudden thought caught his attention. He hadn’t decided which ear to have pierced yet. He turned, caught the boy’s chin in his hand, and turned it this way and that as he inspected which one he preferred.

“Considering your medical files are incomplete, a fact that will be brought to the royal family’s attention, is there anything else you want to tell me about before we continue?” He demanded of the boy, turning his attention to Eris for a moment. “Can you believe the Royal family somehow managed to overlook this? I found it preparing him for dinner last night. Apparently, he wasn’t worth the effort of a thorough exam.”

Interacting with: @WeepingLiberty

Damien eyed the mages on leashes warily. Sure, that kind of play was one thing but it definitely didn;t look that play. Was that what vampires did to their mages? He took a quick look around, checking other mages’ necks. Was everyone wearing a necklace marked like an animal? Damien had thought most of them fashion choices but maybe not. He grimaced at the thought of an angry Lucan slapping something around his neck but Lucan didn;t strike him as a lock and key kind of guy. Maybe more of a corporal punishment but at least he could try and dish that back.

“Lets just keep going.” Lucan;s warning clear in the back of his head. Keep your head down or you might get killed. And looking at those poor people on the shit side of a leash, he wasn’t entirely the vampire had been exaggerating as much as he’d originally thought. “Lucan says that those inds wouldn’t have much of an issue burying you six feet under and I’d rather keep my head long enough to learn enough magic to fuck them up later.” Damien wouldn’t, conflict was not his forte and he was sure his partner would shut him the hell down, but he was always one to talk a decent game. You had to with three parents breathing down your neck and no mistake could be hidden fast enough from three pairs of eyes. It was all about how you sold it rather than how well you hide it!

“So, how do we get to town? We drove through it but I was more concerned with the terrified and attracted conflict about my partner to really pay attention.” He asked cheerfully, trying to keep her mind off the rudeness of the vampires.
James Kingston

Location: The Mutant Underground
Skills: N/A

“Thank you for having me.” James shook the proffered hand gingerly, careful of her condition. “It’s been a springe couple of days” James didn’t push to continue a conversation, both because the woman clearly had duties to attend to―not to mention some time to herself―and a sudden wave of dizziness washed over James and he clutched at Max’s shoulder as a throbbing in his head roared to life. His other hand flew to his head, attempting to rub away the tension instinctively, as he followed Colossus gingerly. Four times in a day was clearly a few times too many but now all the excitement of the “rescue mission” and the warehouse and Casper wore off, it was catching up quickly with him. He barely registered Max’s flamboyant display. The pillow and sheets were barely in his hands before he slumped to the ground with a sigh. He gave Leighton a weary wave and a matching smile.

“As crazy as you are, I envy how much you can do that Max. ” James mumbled at Max before turning his attention back to Colossus with a strained smile. “Thank you for helping us.” James would have offered more at the time but all he wanted to do was rolled himself into the blankets and let the sweet release of sleep take him away until tomorrow. He’d set out figuring out where to find a phone in the morning when he had a clear head and worked out exactly what the plan was. The way things were now, he was just kind of drifting in the wind. Not something he’d like to do when he’d recently fled from the authorities. But that was a future James problem.


Location: Frost International HQ
Skills: N/A

The times Requiem could say Jinx surprised him fit easily on one hand. However, as the boy started thinking on his own for longer than half a second, Requiem had few qualms adding this to the list. What a refreshing turn of events despite the fact that security cameras would not be affected by a standard magnet. It wasn’t unlikely that the White King, considering the breadth and depth of his mutation, could develop a strong enough field to affect the transmission lines but in higher security locations like Ms.Frost’s domain, Requiem doubted something as simple as magnetic shards would cause a lapse in footage like this.

“Thank you, Ms. Frost. Once Jinx is satisfied with his findings, I believe we’ll be on our way.” Requiem took the tablet from Jinx, using his phone to notetate when each person entered and left and the time missing from the footage. They had two paths to follow now: traffic footage surrounding the area and the security guard obviously smitten with Jinx. Poor thing has awful taste in men. Each option offered a nice variety of opportunities to pursue and Devon always made a point to say variety is the spice of life. A bittersweet smile twitched at the corner of his mouth at the memory, a late october night while the three of them were still in school and Devon demanded they try a few different whiskeys. A few turned into ten rather quickly and they all spent the day in bed the next day nursing vicious hangovers. A fond chuckle threatened to escape but Requiem maintained his composure while he waited for Jinx to complete his investigation. One hand rested firmly on his cane and the other pun his rings absently. “Thank you for your hospitality despite the lack of notice, Ms. Frost.
James Kingston

Location: Outside the Quinjet
Skills: N/A

James just wiggled his fingers goodbye as Diggby marched down the ramp out of the Quinjet. James sat back again, rolling his neck as he did. Considering he was still stuck in Sapphire’s ice, he didn’t have too many options other than wait for their grand ploy. Which was fine. He could take the time to organize how he wanted to hunt them afterwards. Of course they wouldn’t launch an all out manhunt. The political consequences of the masses learning of any form of dissent in the ranks would be… problematic. Since it wasn’t his area of concern, he didn’t know much of Shield’s intelligence on the Human resistance but that would be his course of action.

“We’ll aren’t you so nic- oof!” James grunted as he was unceremoniously thrown to the ground after being dragged out. Worth it for the amusement of watching Reed struggle. “Oh how original. Bravo bravo. And for your next trick, will you be pulling a dove out a hat?” James clapped obnoxiously as he stood up and dusted himself off. Shaking his head, he immediately made his way towards the Banner residence. He’d use emergency services to get the three of them away from the Banner residence and into contact with the American Embassy who should be able to get them in contact with shield.
James Kingston

Location: The Morlock Tunnels
Skills: N/A

“Anyone would do it.” James flushed under the attention and the kiss. It took him half a second to register it but he beamed back at Casper. Damn, he was cute when he smiled. He’d have to find out what else made Casper grin like that. James took a moment scrambling for something to write with as Casper rattled off his number, jotting down on a piece of paper and folding it up to slip in his pocket. Something nagged at the back of his head, something about Kathy and sobriety, but between the rush of relief at not being a useless tool and something awesome just happening, it got shoved back again along with the rest of the precarious tower of emotions building up where James firmly crushed them down until he could sort through them.

“Of all the days to have left my phone at home.” James sighed but his smile didn’t waver. “Doesn’t matter. I’ll absolutely find a way to get in contact but I guess I’d better get going before Erg tosses me out by my collar.” James joked. He paused for a moment, eyes darting between Casper and Blink. He was a little uncertain but since he apparently got himself wrapped up in all this craziness he may as well enjoy thing when he could. He grabbed Caspers hand and pressed a light kiss to the knuckles, playing off the man’s knight comment, and chuckled as he headed over to Blink. When she opened the portal, he gave Casper one last wave before stepping through, still beaming.

“Sorry to intrude! Just had to finish up fixing their electrical systems. Uh, I’m Ja- Wait, are we using the real names or not real names?” James asked quickly, remembering Tome insisted early he picked one.


Location: Frost International HQ
Skills: Diplomacy

“Thank you for your patience, Ms. Frost. We appreciate your time.” Requiem said as he accepted the tablet, flicking through it for the day of the break in. As he expected, it did little to clarify matters. A missing segment. How boringly predictable. At least it would have been impressive if they’d managed it on camera. But it does beg the question if someone altered the camera footage or if it was the result of mutant power. Every second he spent here only added more questions rather than clarifying them and that was incredibly counter productive. And of course, Jinx. Requiem could already feel the headache forming behind his eyes at being around the boy for so long.

“If you have time to jest, you obviously need more work to do Jinx. If you care to see what occurred that day, feel free to peruse at your leisure in the other room.” Requiem spoke cordially although the polite smile he kept up was a tad more strained than before. He picked up the tablet and passed it to the child, exchanging it for the shard in Jinx’s hand. Requiem frowned for a moment, unfamiliar with the shard, and offered it to Ms. Frost. Metal shards could easily just be from broken equipment, a chair or a projector, but it was the only out of place thing they had to work with so far.

“I’ll admit I’m unfamiliar with the material but considering how well you take care of your affairs, I’m surprised to find something out of place here.” The situation they were in was… unfavorable. Although she may not harbor feelings of ill will towards them specifically, the tension that would inevitably arise between the King and Queen who obviously share some connection, as fleeting as physical affection is, puts the pair of them in a situation that could turn this far more deadly than he desired. Plus, having the White Queen as an ally could only be beneficial.

“Ms. Frost, I believe I owe you an apology. It’s clear you’re frustrated with the situation and it was not my intention for you to feel that we are encroaching. I erroneously believed we would be expected when we were given our instructions and for that I apologize again.” Requiem spoke sincerely, offering an honest apology for the slight. “You’re influence is far vaster than mine but perhaps in order to correct our hasty King’s incorrect assumptions, our individual investigations could collaborate for the time being. Neither I nor the boy are particularly known on the public stage and that grants us a bit more flexibility that anything with your name attached.”

All guild members got a notification as Cecelia hit “Yes” on the quest bonus.

Thinning the Herd
Kill 20 Chitters and bring back their tails as proof.
Speak to Shaman Rania for a reward.

Rania’s Bonus: Increased XP, Increased Reputation
Shared from: Cecelia Tonitrus

Willow got Cecelia’s message just as she finished her meal, content to let Holly and River drive the conversation. She shook her head when River asked about seeing enemy stats. She could only see health and mana, nothing else. It was likely linked to his monster knowledge skill, much like reading the in-game language was linked to linguistics. Looking over the message, Willow chuckled at Cece’s enthusiasm. Well, she had more of a goal now than finding her subclass Trainer.

”You two go ahead. I’m going to hunt down Prome and look into this other job Cece found.” Willow waved them goodbye and headed the opposite direction after pocketing the room key River offered and leaving several copper pieces on the table as tip.

Outside in the light drizzle, Willow took a hard left with the intention of intercepting Prome. She didn’t particularly care for Cece’s suggestion that she was “leashing” Prome but… that’s probably pretty close to what she was going to do. She hurried out towards the bridge, checking the Reliquia map the game conveniently unlocked, and she reached the bridge with nothing to show. Cece said she should be able to intercept him but apparently Willow missed the Tinker. She quickly typed out a message to Prome.


Check in please. Cece said you just ran off and after the last fight, I don’t want anyone alone for too long. Where are you?”

Meanwhile, still inside the inn…

“Course. Comin’ right up.” The man at the counter grabbed a key from underneath it, number 12, and tossed it on the counter in front of her. Stew came out shortly as well as the water and, despite not ordering it, a tankard of Ale alongside it. The man shrugged as he did, jerking his head at the mage net to her.

“Looks like you’ve had a rough one. Thought it might help take the edge off.” The guy said, deep in his own tankard. His name read Aleka, short spiky white hair still damp from the rain. A brown cloak hung from his shoulders and her wore a simple green tunic and breeches and a staff leaned against him. “Manage to make it through the floor boss alright? Or did you take the cheap way like me and wait it out?”

Like most other houses in the residential area, Ratshrew’s home was quaint and small on the outside but lacked the customary plant growth. It had obviously been cleared away and the walls washed and repainted. The door had a small plaque with Professor Ratshrew cut boldly into it and brass knocker hung just beneath it. A muted murmuring and light footsteps could be heard before the door opened and a woman stood in the doorway, clearly weary and disgruntled at the late interruption.

“Are you aware of the time, sir? Tis about time to snuff the candles and place away the books, much less receive visitors.” Rowina snapped irritably. “If you’ve shown up at our doorstep without a foot in the grave, I’ll make sure that there is how you’ll leave. Now out with it. Why are you bothering us so late?”

The trip to the docks was uneventful, the rain having let up further since the lightning subsided. The streets were still muddy and more players adventured out of their inns to explore for a while. In the moonlight, it was clear this town was once abandoned and probably only recently reclaimed. Plants still covered most buildings and almost all the paths were still dirt. Few areas had a cobbled ground, mostly only around the transport gate. Several warrior NPCs wandered the town, casting suspicious looks at all the adventurers.

The docks themselves were massive and a number of large vessels were docked there. Looking past them, the silhouette of an island could be seen further up the delta.That was where the Shaman’s hut was located according to the man. A brief search would reveal a small dingy tied at the far end and a sleepy fisherman dozing in it. Reaching him would unlock a prompt.

Travel to the Shaman’s hut for 3 copper?

“A pleasure doing business with you, Ms. Tonitrus.” Aluet beamed, transferring the Renn beneath the desk. “Is there anything else we can help you with?”

Several other adventurers filed their way into the guild hall, laughing and joking with each other as they approached the counter to fill out their Actions and Spells. Despite the losses, most people seemed to be reveling in the fact they were still alive. Grief would come tomorrow but tonight was for the living.

Interacting with:@Hero @Trainerblue192

The main administrative building muffled all sound as soon as the door shut behind them. A small reception area met the pair, a few comfortable chairs scattered around a couple tables with various forms stored carefully in vertical leather magazine holders. The receptionist wasn’t present behind the counter, a little sign with a clock on it reading another ten minutes, but several plaques acted as signs for various departments in the building. Student Housing, with Inquiries and Requisitions printed in cursive beneath the department name, stood out among Library, Tutoring, Finance, Student Government, and various other areas.

Following the Student Housing sign would take students down a few hallways and up one flight of stairs before depositing them in front of a large frosted glass wall with a door titled Student Housing. Beyond it, a small row of chairs lined the inside and three receptionists sat behind counters. A muted clicking filled the air, the sound of three pairs of hands typing into their computers, and a few students either trying not to doze off as their vampires chatted after running into each other in the office.

“Did you hear? Rumor has it Lord Pieron is going to host next year’s Sanguinem here on the Academy grounds.”

“Well, I got a grudge to settle with that dick from Ethical Consumption. If that's true, I’ll wait to kick his ass in front of everyone then.”

“Welcome to the Student Housing office. How can we help you this morning?” The male receptionist called out as Salem and Lilie entered.

The bus only took a few minutes to reach town after it stopped by the dorms. It seemed a few groups were already making the rounds, window shopping here and there. Mages and Turned lounged on some benches enjoying some of the house made ice cream from the town’s family run dinner and several groups of bats fluttered through the air. The bus hummed with energy as the newer students fidgeted in their seats.

The town itself was quite small, the entire business area able to be seen down this one street with a single crossroad and a single light. Almost no vehicle traffic came through and when it did, most people ignored it. A general store was immediately next to the bus stop followed by a diner and a bookshop. Across the street, a tattoo parlor covered in various styles of street art sat next to an art store followed by an alchemist’s shop.

Joryldin’s phone buzzed with a text from Evalyn. “Uh, hello? Where are you? We got shit to do and we can’t find you. Pres is pissed!

Interacting with: @WeepingLiberty

Almost all at once, the campus sprung to life as classes let out. The serene quiet from early was lost to the muted roar of hundreds of students pouring out from various buildings. Some made a quick beeline for the cafeteria, shouting something about early morning snacking as they whipped past Dakota and Damien.

A small group of vampires, five or six, brushed past the pair as they made their way down a path. They were talking about the newest fashion trend the designer Vasiliev started but more noticeably, all of them held a leash with their mages cowering behind them. Only one mage didn’t look particularly upset, instead using the cord as a guide as they read a book titled “Affinity Sickness and Alchemical Solutions.” One girl murmured a quiet apology to the pair after her partner knocked shoulders with Kota.

Across from them, a pair of mages started slinging small spells at each other. Their clothes constantly changed colors as they pelted each other with charms. A few others joined in and pretty soon, color changing charms were flying wildly. Professor Baker made her way across campus, a few older students in her wake, and she shook her head with a laugh as she dispelled anything that got too close to her.
James Kingston

Location: The Morlock Tunnels
Skills: N/A

“Thanks for the help!” He waved at Max as he wandered off, still putting a few finishing touches on the generator and packing up the rest of the materials for the mutant underground to use later. Without the distractions, James would admit he was a bit nervous now. He’d never really asked someone out before and after his repeated failures in front of the guy, James willing admitted he felt rather foolish. Maybe incompitent suited the situation better, though the familiarity of wiring helped more than he expected. James cleared those feelings or at least pushed them to the side. He had a date and his silly insecurities weren’t going to get the better of that. He grinned at Casper.

“And you too Casper. I know it’s not all that fun but always goes faster with others around. James cocked his head curiously after an appreciative smile. He’d let it slide into the background before but this whole Ben thing came back to him as the man talked to himself. His eyes lingered just a tad too long, appreciating a handsome guy not really something he’d had the opportunity to do between school, work, and… He shook that thought away quickly. Casper was definitely good looking and the quirks James had the opportunity to notice were mostly endearing or amusing but he was curious about this whole Ben thing. Maybe that was a good question for coffee.

“Now that the little stuff is done, onto more pressing matters. Normally I’m a no-time-like-the-present kind of guy but considering the search and rescue mission from earlier, I’m not sure if that is such a good idea.” James said thoughtfully. He chewed his lip as he considered the options. On one hand, there was literally no time like the present and he wasn't really sure he would have the time or resources to reach out consistently to Casper. On the other hand, he only knew one place and it was close to his Uncle’s which presented obvious challenges.

“Actually before that…” James reach out again and gently took Casper's wrist. Trying to plan coffee when the other person was still suffering. He sent up a silent prayer. "Fourth times the charm, right? James concentrated and this time it felt familiar. He heard his heart rate match Casper's, felt the exhilarating rush of connecting with another, and then it was over. James felt like he'd run a marathon and he took in heat gulps. He felt his kags baking with the effort and he sat heavily. Apparently, four attempts was more than he should reasonably try moving forward.

"Alright, how do you feel? James asked, not waiting to check in case he failed again. He had been starting to think he'd hallucinated it and it had all been circumstantial before.


Location: Frost International HQ
Skills: N/A

Requiem ignored Jinx as much as he wanted to throttle him, nodding attentively as Ms. Frost listed the various security protocols they employed for this area. They outdid themselves, reaffirming that the job was either inside or someone cased and recorded every little detail involved in the security web Ms. Frost spun. Cameras meant footage and possibly people to review. Additional telepaths, armed guards, terrigen mist… All his type of assets. Plus, the dispersal mechanism and the inhibitors should generate error reports if anything triggered them but rendered them unable to complete their designated purposes.

All issues Ms. Frost would have considered once she knew it was missing. “Ms. Frost, would you give us access to the security footage for this floor from the past month? And how many armed guards and telepaths rotate on the shift for this floor?” Requiem asked, completely ignoring Jinx. The boy was making a fool of himself and he found that if he ignored him long enough, eventually he lost interest in whatever mischief he intended. Requiem would like to exonerate Frost in the Black King’s eyes and hopefully bring her in as an ally. Not only would that be tremendously helpful, seeing if their little team could borrow her telepathic resources, but it could help provide a certain edge of protection they didn’t enjoy now.

“Jinx, search the theater and the medical room please.” Requiem instructed as he continued to rub his rings. Something clicked in his head and he stared at Ms. Frost speculatively. Considering her company just lost a major asset that could potentially harm her company’s reputation if it ever got out, she was rather calm about the situation. Someone obviously knew where it was and what it could do. “Are you running your own investigation on the matter Ms. Frost?

Interacting with: @Hero

“If your mage doesn’t find a spot in your household, the Astorios are always willing to purchase second hand merchandise.” Varis recommended. It was true. The Astorios price gouge anyone who took advantage of their services but it was oftentimes a better investment than spending one's own time and resources in a mage whose utility caps too early. Varis never had used it but he knew a few other Sinnenodels had. Countess Adianna took advantage of it often whenever she grew bored of her bed warmers.

“If you do decide to rid yourself of him, I may have a more profitable option. Favors are always better than money after all.” Varis looked outside for a few moments, watching the scenery outside as Eris continued. A package in town? How odd. He’d never go fetch how own package. What was the point of his prestige if he couldn’t get someone else to do that for him? Delegate, delegate, delegate.

But then again, Eris was always the odd one.

His thought process was interrupted with another one of Eris’s fans trying to catch a photo, an attempt Varis quickly dissuaded with a practiced look. Was public transportation always this awful. Varis berated himself for not thinking about the car but he’d been so preoccupied with the feeding, it entirely slipped his mind. If this was how he was going to feel afterwards, he’d probably return to bottles rather than the boy. Feeding directly would only be for days he reserved for relaxing, right before he kicked the boy out for the day, so he wouldn’t have to worry about silly things like private cars. That flavor would put him in the perfect mood for a long soak.

“How does your family feel about putting your career on hiatus for this school? Varis asked, turning his full attention back to the vampire.

Interacting with: @WeepingLiberty

Damien grimaced at the thought of having to kneel in front of Lucan. If it was for anything other than their mutual enjoyment, then Damien wasn’t sure he could do something like that. And calling him Master? What a joke! The poor guy’s vampire must get off on some weird shit. Was that really allowed here?

“Oof, that’s awful for the poor dude. Is that even allowed? I feel like someone at this school should say something.” Damien demanded. “Like I get it. Apparently we fucking lost all rights to our own existance but have some damn sympathy. What is wrong with these fuckers? You’d think maybe the Princess would step in on that. She seems like the type that wouldn’t care for that very much, especially since her name is plastered all over this place!” Though he chuckled at her description of her vampire.

“Oh, so he’s stuck in his teenage “I hate everyone and everyone hates me” stage? Yesh, that’s a terrible time. Gotta suck that he’ll be like that for all eternity.” Damien laughed. “So now we get to prank him right? Gotta brighten up his mood and everything! Probably needs a friend or two and that’ll give him a new outlook on… Life? Unlife? I don’t know but one of those!”

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