Avatar of Achronum


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8 yrs ago
So tired, sleep why do you spurn me?!
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Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.

Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!

Most Recent Posts

James Kingston

Location: The Quinjet
Skills: N/A

James resisted the urge to roll his eyes at the woman. Dense, dense, dense! He’d been hoping she would polarize, another point of validation in the one trick pony’s cap. Novikova obviously planned ahead, posing the inhuman to take the blame if the gamble failed for assaulting team members and demonstrating human sympathies, and recruiting more members from the elite membership would make her plight far more substantial. Multiple occurrences lends credence to Novikova’s charade and the trust she would develop would ideally lead back to Shield.

After all, this conflict couldn’t be real. Alternate realities his ass.

“Go in? Did I say go in? What part...” James blinked at Diggby incredulously. “Contact HQ, give them a quick update of the situation idiot. The guy who can scrape you off the pavement and put you back in one piece is stuck in ice. Why on God’s green earth would I tell you to go in? No, make a log of both of Novikova’s backstab ploys. Note how quickly they all stepped in line and how they immediately assumed you’d turn against them. You saw how quickly they considered you a threat. They didn’t let you into their little club and they were obviously content to keep it that way.” James chuckled ruefully. Guess they didn’t let him in either. What a power move.

He loved it.

“But, at least I know they won’t kill us.” James jerked his head at Mystique and Saphhire passed out on the floor.“They went out of their way to subdue us so there isn’t much point in sweating it. They’ll either drop us off or keep us prisoner. Probably the former for me. I don’t imagine the human b… witch or the traitor extraordinaire to want me around long. Which means I’ll be back at shield in no time, drumming up an international manhunt while you all chase after a red herring.” James smiled ecstatically, practically purring. “I cannot wait to crush her under my heel once this is all over.”

Interacting with: @Hero

“Really? Varis let out a long suffering sigh, pulling out his phone as he glared away anyone who paused too long near their seat. He sent Ryner a message explaining he expected a car ready for four in town and, after a few regular insults going back and forth as he continued to keep attention off Eris, she confirmed she’d send one. As if she had a choice. Varis tucked his phone away.

“Yes. He was her little pet human but couldn’t keep his leash tight enough. He disrespected the wrong vampire, an official demand for his head was submitted to the Council, my Lady and Lord Peiron turned on each other, and the Queen compromised while the Marivaldis and the Eves thankfully didn’t escalate the issue for once.” Varis explained, wincing at the memory of his Lady practically tearing her castle apart when she heard Peiron was posed to grant something that could destroy a legendary talent and if there was only one thing his Lady cared for more than herself, it was the arts. So she fought tooth and nail to keep the boy alive but with the amount of distress related to the boy, the possibility of final punishment had to be present to mollify the bloodthirsty rabble. Death or turning and the Queen dismissed the matter before the situation turned to blows.

“The turned is in Treaty Law as well. I paired him with the boy. She may not have said it but if anything happens to him and it affects his Sire, my Lady will be…. displeased.” Varis twirled the key on his necklace absently, worrying his lower lip between his teeth for a moment. “You may amuse yourself with him but play nicely.” Varis would only give Eris the warning once. If the star messed up, he’d have little issue crushing that behavior.

“On a more pleasant note, we’ll have private transportation on the way back.” Varis informed Eris as the bus doors shut and it pulled out of the bus stop. “Do you have business in town or are we leaving after the boy’s appointment?”
James Kingston

Location: Morlock Tunnels
Skills: N/A

“This is exactly why I don’t like it! I again chose not to say anything and just move past the moment and yet here we are.” He grumbled internally, now fully hoping she would hear him, and then turned his attention to where Erg wandered off. “One last thing, Erg. I have to do more rolling black outs to patch your stuff up.”

“Oh, uh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know?” James returned his attention to Casper. His dad’s what? James sent him a quizzical look but decided not to press something that made him clearly uncomfortable but returned Casper’s grin when he accepted his coffee date. A handsome guy, coffee, and a mental break from everything was definitely something to look forward to. “Sound perfect then. You’re heading back with your brother after this? Got a plan in mind or just going to see how things go?” He thought for a second and turned to Max.

“Yeah, let’s get this worked out. We’ve got to kill the old one, detach the wiring, climb around all the wiring, patch it up with what we got, and then hook up the new generator. Then we kill the other one, patch up the wiring, and fire it back up.” James explained before turning to Casper once more. “Wouldn’t mind another hand if you could spare it? God knows there is probably more wrong with this that I thought, especially those higher wires that are going to be a pain.” James set to work quickly though, used to the work. Stripping and fixing wires was a cinch and the old system slowly gave way to a variety of caps and connections. The Mordocks wouldn’t have to worry about most of their stuff for a while. James still eyed that other generator warily, not particularly pleased with its condition but shrugged. They couldn't get the other one so no point worrying about it now.


Location: Frost International HQ
Skills: N/A

“It has been, Ms. Frost, but not just today it seems.” Requiem responded almost absently, already moving into the room to inspect it. He refrained from rolling his eyes at Jinx’s antics. This wasn’t playtime but he decided to ignore the man-child in favor of the job. He found the scuff marks odd. A damaged floor was one thing but damaging expensive equipment was another. He noted the additional rooms and their purpose as he made his way slowly around the room.

“If I may Ms. Frost, what is the primary purpose of this floor?

He took a moment to look over Frost. As calm as she was, the anger was still visible just beneath the surface. It was almost worrying if he hadn’t been sure it wasn’t directed at them. One blessing at least.

The anxiety bubbled under his skin. It wasn’t as horrible as it could be, more of an itch he knew he could never scratch but his fingers twitched towards the scarring anyways. Only one way out of a room however deep beneath street level and someone controlled in entirely. Requiem paused in the room and let his hand rub comfortingly over the rings he wore.

“And what kind of security do you employ? Standard access limiters of course but anything else, technological or otherwise?” Requiem asked politely.

“You are single handedly the reason I drink.” Willow sighed at River. She would have preferred everyone took the night and rested. Just because their stats were topped off, the game still demanded they sleep and eat. After a huge battle, she’d rather play it safe but if everyone was insisting they push on then they would push on. She downed the rest of her drink before sending out a message to Cecelia.


Did you at least take a moment to eat? A level up doesn't stop the game from hitting you with hunger. We're about to head out once we finish up here. Did you want me to pick you up some bread and fruit?

Can you also keep an eye out for Prome? He was with us freaking out and now he up and vanished.

Stay safe please.

"I need to pick up the rest of the body line anyways. I overestimated how much my stat would influence it's healing power." Willow grumbled, sending the message and picking at her stew. "We really need someone working on the numbers. Wonder if that's capped behind that arithmetic skill."

The inn was still noisy, Players coming and going as they wanted. Renn was flowing freely and the alcohol was right behind it. People were really going all out.

"Our condolences for your losses. Rania said, Dracion lifting his hand off her shoulder as she stood down. Both of them have him a wary look as he continued to blather. "I am Rania Hawthorne and this is Dracion Wildbron, second to the Shaman Chief. It an interesting choice to brave the Rathan's scorn. What brings you here with such purpose?"

Meanwhile, Dracion hauled Prome up by the arm off the floor. The weight of his suit didn't seem to bother the man all that much. He patted the Tinker hardily on the back.

"Stand up, you strange man. Around these parts we look each other in the eye. We don't bow down and grovel like beasts scrounging for food." Dracion boomed with a frown. "Now 'fore I can help you, need to know a few things. One, what tower? You talkin' about the ruins on top of the mountain right. Well, that there-" Rania smacked him lightly on the shoulder.

"I can handle this, Dracion. Go do your rounds." Dracion shot her a curious look and she just shook her head. He shrugged, said his farewells, and made his way out into the rain only to be stopped by other players. Rania turned back to the pair.

"Discussing the universe's layout with the unenlightened will only confuse them further." Rania spoke quietly as her tag blinked, changing from Rania to Rania Hathorne, Shifter Trainer. "Ultimate power is an illusion of your own creation. Ascension can only be achieved through the concurrent use of many powers, not a singular one. A single fish among the sharks is sure to die but when they swim as one, they may escape. At the cost of some of course."

Quest Accepted.
A Mechanist's life for me!
See Professor Ratshrew in his home in the residential district to
unlock the Mechanist subclass.

“You are single handedly the reason I drink.” Willow sighed at River. She would have preferred everyone took the night and rested. Just because their stats were topped off, the game still demanded they sleep and eat. After a huge battle, she’d rather play it safe but if everyone was insisting they push on then they would push on. She downed the rest of her drink before sending out a message to Cecelia.


Did you at least take a moment to eat? A level up doesn't stop the game from hitting you with hunger. We're about to head out once we finish up here. Did you want me to pick you up some bread and fruit?

Can you also keep an eye out for Prome? He was with us freaking out and now he up and vanished.

Stay safe please.

"I need to pick up the rest of the body line anyways. I overestimated how much my stat would influence it's healing power." Willow grumbled, sending the message and picking at her stew. "We really need someone working on the numbers. Wonder if that's capped behind that arithmetic skill."

The inn was still noisy, Players coming and going as they wanted. Renn was flowing freely and the alcohol was right behind it. People were really going all out.

"Our condolences for your losses. Rania said, Dracion lifting his hand off her shoulder as she stood down. Both of them have him a wary look as he continued to blather. "I am Rania Hawthorne and this is Dracion Wildbron, second to the Shaman Chief. It an interesting choice to brave the Rathan's scorn. What brings you here with such purpose?"

Meanwhile, Dracion hauled Prome up by the arm off the floor. The weight of his suit didn't seem to bother the man all that much. He patted the Tinker hardily on the back.

"Stand up, you strange man. Around these parts we look each other in the eye. We don't bow down and grovel like beasts scrounging for food." Dracion boomed with a frown. "Now 'fore I can help you, need to know a few things. One, what tower? You talkin' about the ruins on top of the mountain right. Well, that there-" Rania smacked him lightly on the shoulder.

"I can handle this, Dracion. Go do your rounds." Dracion shot her a curious look and she just shook her head. He shrugged, said his farewells, and made his way out into the rain only to be stopped by other players. Rania turned back to the pair.

"Discussing the universe's layout with the unenlightened will only confuse them further." Rania spoke quietly as her tag blinked, changing from Rania to Rania Hathorne, Shifter Trainer. "Ultimate power is an illusion of your own creation. Ascension can only be achieved through the concurrent use of many powers, not a singular one. A single fish among the sharks is sure to die but when they swim as one, they may escape. At the cost of some of course."

Quest Accepted.
A Mechanist's life for me!
See Professor Ratshrew in his home in the residential district to
unlock the Mechanist subclass.

James Kingston

Location: The Quinjet
Skills: N/A

Remember only this world? James nearly scoffed. What nonsense did they fill her head with. Obviously, this was some elaborate ploy to corrupt the Red Guard by the resistance. And these idiots were being taken in by it.

“You believe there is another world you could remember? You’re just traitors, probably working with the damn inhuman with how well coordinated everything was.” James didn’t bother holding back the scoff this time before turning his attention to Dibby. “And you believe this Diggby? Clear it’s a ploy for your sympathies. Attack you and then pretend to realize their mistake only to “prove” their compassion and empathy. Don’t let them poison your mind. When headquarters finds out what happened, there will be hell to pay and I doubt you want to be on the wrong side of that line.”

Lucan made to finally address Salem now that the dust had settled but a quiet chime caught his attention. He glanced at his phone and returned it to his pocket.

“Another time.” Lucan promised and he vanished as he ran from the room.

“Come along boy. We have an appointment for you and you know my feelings on tardiness.” Varis quickly patted down each of his pockets, frowning until when he realized he forgot something and quickly turned tail to grab in. He shut the door to his room once he did, shooing Eris towards the front door He tried opening the pocket watch he retrieved, only to roll his eyes when it didn’t and slipped it into his pocket.

Varis barely waited for them to leave, nearly clipping the last person out as he locked the door and then set off towards the bus. He regretted not demanding a private car for the excursion. Why Ryner thought it was even passingly acceptable for the Nobles to ride with the commoners was beyond him.

“We’re going to have to deal with your fans.” Varis sighed as they approached the bus stop, a small group already waiting. As luck would have it. The bus pulled up only moments after they arrived and Varis had little issue cutting through the peons, glaring at the few who thought to try and cut him off. He lead the group onto the bus and grimaced at the lack of privacy the seating arrangement afforded. Now he had to choose where to sit the boy. Did he want air headed fans next to them or behind them?

“Sit.” Varis pointed at the seat behind them, ordering the Starag in his place. “Eris, you’ll set there.” Varis stood in the walkway, waiting for eris to sit in the first row next to the window. If Varis let the actor near these idiots without a buffer, he’d have a headache by the time they arrived. Maybe he could force the driver to leave the others behind…

That would only cause trouble with Ryner probably.

Interacting with: @WeepingLiberty

“I got pretty sick almost immediately after getting the invitation so I had to wait.” Damien shrugged. “And unlike these fancy pants rolling in the dough, we can’t just snap our fingers and get a life mage to us so I came in late. Never doin’ that again. Showin’ up next time if it kills me. Hey, do you think that town has something good or is there a place to chill with some snacks on campus?”

“Is that… a pineapple?” Damien asked, confused as he looked around excitedly. His tour with Lucan had been rushed and now he had the opportunity to explore the campus and everything! If Lucan wanted him for something, he had little doubt the vampire would be able to find him. At the thought of him, Damien looked around and let out a sigh of relief when he didn’t find nightmare fuel stalking him.

“So, uh, since you’re actually the first other mage I get to talk to here, is your vampire absolutely terrifying? Cause Ser Lucan insert-massive-title-here is scary as fuck.” Damien paused for a moment, thinking about how he showed him around and how Lucan took care and stayed―a slice of ham and a soda, pfft―and reconsidered. “Sometimes. Like, 65% of the time. Is that a normal thing?”

Interacting with: @Hero@Obscene Symphony

“Don’t dote on him.” Varis snapped as he took the cloth, wiping away the remaining blood. He used his phone to check and handed the cloth back. “Competent mages deserve praise and the child is anything but. Flinching during feeding and leaving our guest’s mage loitering in the entryway. Yes, I heard your half hearted apology. If I didn’t know better, I’d assume wolves raised you. Dispose of that and we’ll be on our way. And be thankful I don’t add more lines.” Varis dismissed the mage with a flick of his wrist.

“A pity about your mage. Here I hoped one of us would get something more refined.” Varis sighed irritably. “No matter, I suppose. Every mortal can be useful in someway, even if it is only when they die.” Varis strode past Eris and into the living room, conversation not stopping as he moved with the expectation that Eris would follow. “I was taken aback at how eagerly my Lady procured the boy’s adornments though. If I didn’t know better, I’d expect my Lady and the Queen had some sort of arraignment. These are hand made to order. I’d barely sent out the letter the night before.” He blinked briefly for a moment at the sight of Max in the living room.

“I had hoped another Mr. Alderman existed and you hadn’t be stuck with an Astorio chew toy. My condolences.” Varis continued past Max and into his room, leaving the door open behind him for Eris as he opened up the top dresser and moved a few items around to pull out the box. He unclipped the front, popped it open, examined the pieces critically for a few moments, and closed it again. “Absolutely perfect. Next will be replacing half his closet. The boy only has photocopies Of the same three outfits. Dressing him for dinner was a nightmare."

James Kingston

Location: Morlock Tunnels
Skills: N/A

James gave Erg a flat stare. He fully intended to protest being kicked out until he did his job and got it running but the Grimlock thing wasn’t funny. Portals, time travel, magic cumberbunds, burning warehouses―all fine, no problem. He’s pretty sure someone could summon a straight up demon and at most he’d question that rational behind that decision but someone picking into his head crossed a line he hadn't realized existed.

“I’ll get my job done, don’t you worry. I’ll be leaving yeah but I can’t leave you around in the dark. I’ll get out of your hair as soon as everything is fixed. And I expect a call back if something goes dark. James demanded before turning back to Casper. “You’re gonna have to one up a manhunt if you want to get that far but if you’re still here when I’m done or we meet up at the Underground sometime, I’m definitely taking another stab at that. Explain to me how I can get a concussion up and running but a balck eye and head pains escape me.” James grumbled. “And maybe at some point we can have that conversation over breakfast or something? I think I could use an Irish coffee after the past 48 hours.”


Location: Frost International HQ
Skills: N/A

“We’re honored Ms. Frost.” Requiem replied pleasantly, considering his options. The most likely scenario was she already lifted it form their minds and she was waiting to see if they were foolish enough to try and deceive her. On the other hand, and a best case scenario, she may not have and instead discovered Requiem’s intricate plans for educating the carnival child. In both cases, maintaining an appropriate vagueness was likely the key to survival in this endeavor.

“I wouldn’t dare presume someone of your caliber wasn’t already aware of our business but if discussion is needed to be had, may I suggest we move away from here? Tis always best assumed an equal but opposite force in play and something that finds its equal in you madam would be truly terrifying indeed. Requiem requested. "It is far more difficult to find something misplaced when too many eyes are watching.
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