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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Carolina Reed

]Location: The Palace - New York City, New York
Skills: Astral Projection

Carolina looked at the images that started to fill the room, tilting her head to the side for a moment she was really confused at what she was actually seeing. Seeing the Norse Goddess Hel coming out of an explosion and Alexander being the sole survivor from the area that was ground zero. Then the images switched to a younger Miranda at a convention with Tony Stark as well, these images didn't even make sense to her at all and none of them fit right with what she knew either. She turned her attention towards Miranda as she addressed her, she still wasn't sure what she was even seeing.

"What am I seeing?" Carolina asked her, as she tried to piece it together, but she didn't have the slightest clue either as she looked back over towards Miranda. "It is interesting, though none of these memories even make sense to me at all, could you tell me some more about them?"[/color] Carolina said softly as she ran a hand through her hair looking a bit awkwardly, though it was pretty interesting to see as well. "But I can help you wake up, if that's what you prefer?" Carolina offered again. "Your family is really worried about you."

Cassandra Reed

Location: Red Guard Mobile Unit - Sydney, Australia
Skills: N/A

Cassandra turned her attention back over towards Banner when he answered her question, and nodded slightly it was really hard for her to piece together everything that was going on. "We can certainly help you guys disappear again." Cassandra offered looking over towards Tinley for a moment, it was her call though on what to actually do. As she thought about what to do with the prisoners who were on the quinjet still as Novikova addressed them as well. She believed that the Red Guard were pretty ruthless as well, seeing as both Kingston and Digby were pretty trigger happy.

Though she didn't want to kill them, they could be innocent in the main reality and they could be in the same position as they were in as well with just memories of this world. "If the quinjet isn't to damaged I could try and rig its auto pilot to fly off somewhere else, or we just leave them here and we can take the three of you somewhere else if you prefer." Cass said looking over towards Novikova for a moment. "They could be innocent, despite the way this reality or whatever this is. But it's your call." Cass said looking over towards Tinley.

Maria Smith

Location: Sydney, Australia - The Banner Residence
Skills: N/A

Maria just stood there as she looked at the rest of the group while they debated on what to do now as she bit her bottom lip for a moment, she didn't like the idea what the rest of the Red Guard would do to her since she had chosen to follow Novikova, Cassandra and Tinley as well. She started to look around at those who were there as she noticed that the girl was missing as well looking over towards Lance and Dr. Banner. "So where's his girlfriend?" Maria asked she was kind of worried that she was planning something right now.

Maria had to also agree with Novikova, they needed to ditch them somewhere far away or just kill them. "Seeing as we did cause a mutiny we should just kill them.." Maria said softly she knew all the members of the team really well and liked working with all of them, well except for Kingston he really did annoy her with his suggestions as well.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: The Palace: New York City, New York.
Conjuration, New Outfit

Max closed his eyes and flinched as Klara unsheathed her sword again, fully expecting this to be then end and for the world to stay as it was. A moment passed, two moments, the blood pounding in his ears, and nothing. He opened up one eye, only to see her sheathing her sword as Hawkeye, The Hawkeye was diffusing the situation. Giddy ness began to swell inside of him but he knew better than to act on it at this moment, after all this wasn’t his Hawkeye, but some alternate version of him. Max followed close behind the pair as they made their way towards the warehouse. His heart sinking into his stomach when he heard about Klara’s tragedy, as well as the news of Thors passing. His heart and stomach then sank into his bowels when he realized that made Klara an asgardian and that he’d of died in an instant had she truly tried. Note to self, don’t piss off Klara.

As they got closer, Max began to see how the others were dressed and then looked down at his attire, extremely inappropriate and practically flaunting his status. He meekly asked Hawkeye if he’d be allowed to change very quick. Sure its a benign use of his powers, but the people he was with were already weary of mutants, and didn’t know what he could do. Any use without permission could end his life in an instance. Luckily he approved the change of clothing and Max went on to fashion himself a new attire. A casual look to attempt to blend in more in the event that mutants were looking for him, as well as a small homage to the hero’s back home, the X-men. Ofcourse, there were a few modifications, all black? Really? What is this gothic Germany? Some yellow ought to brighten up the scheme a bit and still hold the semblance needed. The buttons oh the sleeves that held them rolled up, had small X-men insignias on them.

Max watched as a portal opened up and there seemed to be another woman on the other side. Ok, so mutants are bad, shield is bad, and someone is in distress now. Max tried to think on the matters, who in this universe stood against the King aside from the Human resistance? There must be some group with more power, The Avengers, X-men, anything of that like? Max walked up towards the portal and waved at the magician through it. ”Hi. Uh, I’m Max, and if you need any help I’m always willing and clearly not wanted here. Besides your portal looks a bit more stable than the ones I can conjure with my spells. So why exactly is the red guard after you and what do you need done?”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

James Kingston

Location: The Quinjet
Skills: N/A

Remember only this world? James nearly scoffed. What nonsense did they fill her head with. Obviously, this was some elaborate ploy to corrupt the Red Guard by the resistance. And these idiots were being taken in by it.

“You believe there is another world you could remember? You’re just traitors, probably working with the damn inhuman with how well coordinated everything was.” James didn’t bother holding back the scoff this time before turning his attention to Dibby. “And you believe this Diggby? Clear it’s a ploy for your sympathies. Attack you and then pretend to realize their mistake only to “prove” their compassion and empathy. Don’t let them poison your mind. When headquarters finds out what happened, there will be hell to pay and I doubt you want to be on the wrong side of that line.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ColouredCyan

ColouredCyan Wind Up Merchant

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Michelle Diggby

Location: Red Guard Mobile Unit - Sydney, Australia - Quinjet
Skills: N/A

Uncuffed, Michelle resisted the urge to get her pound of flesh for purely pragmatic reasons.

No Guns. Stay on the ship.

James was one hundred percent right about one thing. There would be hell to pay, helping the Banners escape was treason. Regardless of whether they were traitors or otherworldly twins, there wasn't any going back the moment HQ caught on. Except of course for herself, who by lay of her hands could cast her own wickedness and rebellion on her ethreal scapegoat, her phantom twin. Even without using her powers, she was an infiltrator, a saboteur, a spy, it would hardly reflect badly on her if she had to momentarily undermine His Majesty the King to keep up appearances and eventually expose the true threat to the throne.

As of this very moment, the other Red Guard Elite Squads weren't going to smite her off the face of this plane of reality because there was a "realer" one that was superior in a way worth fighting for. Even if James could persuade her to pick sides, the very imminent danger wasn't accounted for in his tirade, it was 2 on 10 at best, and one of those 10 was the GOD DAMN HULK. Michelle had had enough incapacitation for a day and there was no reason they wouldn't do it again or worse unless she gave them one. The only conscious and potentially sympathetic expert on disappearing might be one.

Michelle's thoughts swirled, her furrowed brow was red raw from all the rubbing needed to facilitate all the big brain thinking. There was so much to unravel and she hadn't the brainpower to structure it and also make sure she wasn't killed. The first big problem was even if it were true, what was so wrong with this one that Logan, self admitted oracle of both strands, was on there side? Although this was not something Michelle was ready for an argument on. And secondly, even if it was worth fighting for, was it worth blowing this insignificant (in the grand scheme of things) mission and being this suspicious this soon when as far as we knew it, it was 11 versus the world? The biggest quandary was why Niah didn't know whether they were telling the truth or not when she, as far as Michelle understood, had incredible powers of elucidation.

"I'm going to trust Bautista's judgement on this," Michelle replied, "If she's unclear, I'm unclear and with the Hulk outside still HQ might just have to get in line. We can't afford to go off half-cock here, Kingston."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by eclecticwitch
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eclecticwitch The Effervescent

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Location: Casino

"Aaah," she breathed out as the only reply to Ana's remark. She felt foolish and her face was flushed not only from exertion but embarrassment as well. She let herself concentrate on the issue at hand, it seemed that Mary was hurt and dying. She was tense and knew not what to do. Her abilities did not lay in healing but hurting. What she needed Bobbi couldn't give.

Then in walked Chrysi and it seemed to raise everyone's hackles. Bobbi felt on edge due to the and hefted her hammer into a more attack rather than relaxed position. She glanced at Gambit and asked, "Would ya like me tah detain her?" Her eyes were back on Chrysi, ready to pounce and maul should she be directed to do so.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: The Palace Infirmary -- The Palace: New York City, New York.

Antoinette sat in silence for awhile, watching her sleeping friend and hoping that she was getting somewhere with the Queen. She was glad October was with her, even if they both sat in silence. At least it was companionable. Prince Flynn came back a short while later and Antoinette shifted to attention. She breathed a sigh of relief. Well at least they had one; hopefully, they would be able to get the information they needed.
”And what of your sister? Princess Wanda, how is she?” She had gone after the culprits responsible for this and so Antoinette hoped she fared well. There was more commotion as another couple people entered the room. Antoinette now stood as the fiance to one of the Prince’s walked in. She cocked her head, looking to Prince Flynn curiously when Guin addressed him. What was happening now? She was rather intrigued. Who could blame her though. There wasn’t much else going on at the moment.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Allison Andrewss

Location: The Palace - New York City, New York (Outfit)
Skills: N/A

Allison followed un somewhat uncomfortable silence. Still, she was a bit peeved, but less so when she thought about it. Either way, first things first was finding people who could understand her. Or at least find allies. She didn't know who to trust, but she was sure that at least the two girls could be trustworthy.

She followed Guin into the Infirmary, seeing Miranda on the bed. She felt a twinge of guilt, knowing Guin was probably upset and the fact she was the one that drew them away. She also wondered where Oshea was, but quickly waved the thought away. She didn't know the man there, but Guin seemed to trust him.

"Umm well ok. I'll say it then. Name's Allison. You might know that, might not depending. Well there's no other way to say it than to just say it. This world is not correct. Or rather, this reality is not the correct one. I don't know how and I don't know why, but we were all transported here. It seems some of us were given memories of this reality while others remember the other one. I know of the other one where humans and mutants lived together, there was no King or Queen, and we were part of the X-Men, a group of mutants who saved the world every now and then. I know it sounds crazy, but we have science backing me up. Someone sent us here and we need to find out why, becaue I guarantee the reason is not good."

Tinley Abercrombie

Location: Red Guard Mobile Unit - Sydney, Australia
Skills: N/A

This was all new territory and she was already feeling the effects of being placed back into her leadership role. She sighed audibly. "It was kind of nice not having to make decisions for a little bit, but I guess good things don't last. The prisoners are not being killed. We are not murderers. As for ditching them, I don't trust Mystique or that James guy. Digby seems like she could go either way. I say the best bet would be to drop them off somewhere and go."

She looked back at the jet. "Any ideas where to leave them? We need to get moving soon. I need answers to this entire mess and I don't want them alone too long before they start getting ideas."

Anastasia Reinhardt

Location: LeBeau Casino - New Orleans, Lousiana
Skills: N/A

Things were getting interesting with the spirit weirdo talking to himself or whoever. She glanced over at the girl, Chrysi. Didn't seem dangerous to her, but then again who was she to judge? "So what are we doing then? All out assault? No holds barred this time around too? Maiming? Capturing? What are the limits? This is interfering with me getting a crown and that does not make me happy."

She held her hands up, ready to pounce and attack when given the word. She didn't want to jump in first in case they wanted to hold her, because she had no qualms about wasting her away. She could have fun torturing her for information too if that came up.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 4 days ago

"Oh this place? It is nothing more then place in my mind where I can glance and see all the memories a person has. It is an interesting ability, let me tell you that. That memory there," she said, pointing over towards the one of Alex and Hel, "Is also from a different reality... One in which Erik does not rule the world, one in which mutants are the minority. It is an interesting reality to say the least... There isn't too much that can be done about it... As for waking up, it is not so simple of a thing, however give it a few minutes and I should wake up, I can control the rush of memories now, so I can go through them a lot quicker so I don't have to be stuck here forever, however you can join me and sift through these memories. Any memories at all, could even look through yours if you want me to, but that is entirely up to you."

"Wanda is doing alright last I checked," Flynn said to Annie with a slight smile before turning to look at Guin and Allison entered the room.

October looked up at Allison in curiosity. "If we were all members, shouldn't it be called X-Women?" she asked. She then looked at Flynn apologetically. "There are more of us than there are you at the moment."

"Yeah, I totally noticed that, and offense not taken at that," he said with a bit of a shrug towards October, looking over at Guin again. "How sure are you that reality shifted or something or whatever. Since no offense to you, but that does sound a bit far fetched honestly... Another world or something? How do we know that someone just didn't mess with your mind or you don't belong in the madhouse or something?" He wasn't sounding angry or annoyed or anything, he was just raising a valid point. So far Guin and Allison hadn't given any sort of indicator for them to just flat out believe them.

Klara glanced over at the portal that Runa had opened, thinking for a moment about things. It had been a little while since she had talked to her cousin, and now the Red Guard apparently attacked them. She shot a glare at Max, "Might I ask yet again why you should care about anything?" she asked him with an eye roll. It was more evident that she didn't care too much at all for Max, but she looked over at Runa. "It's been a while since I've seen you Runa... Or talked to you really... So, Red Guard is on your doorstep? Why would they go after you in Australia?"

Runa bit her lip slightly, looking at Max for a moment in confusion. She didn't recognize him, so she figured he was one of her cousin's friends. "They're after Lance and his father.... The Hulk...."

"Give me a moment Runa, and feel free to ignore this weirdo," she said with a slight nod towards Max, and she went to go ask Hawkeye something. "Hey Hawkeye, my cousin and some of her friends were attacked by the Red Guard, I was wondering if maybe they could come here," she asked. Klara was at least nice enough to ask something like this first aside from just assuming. She contemplated mentioning the fact that it would include the Hulk, but decided against it. From what she knows the guy hasn't had any problems for years, so hopefully he wouldn't have any problems now.

Hawkeye gave Klara a nod. "Only because it's your cousin, Pipsqueak."

"Thanks, and don't call me pipsqueak," she said with a slight laugh and wandered over to the portal opening again and looked at her cousin. "Alright, got permission from Hawkeye, you guys can come on through and come here, okay?"

"Thanks, Klara," Runa said softly. "I'll go get the others, then...."

"See you in a little bit then."

"You're wanting to do what now? Seriously Casper that is probably the dumbest thing ever and likely would result in your death! Look, don't do something dumb, please, I don't want to have to deal with that, seriously... And yes, infinity stones are bad news, they are crazy and everything like that, but still..." Mary said instantly, looking over at Casper. Honestly was he that stupid? Besides, in her mind just about most everyone else in the Guild would be an even worse leader then Remy was. "Would you really want one of them in charge?" she asked, nodding her head towards the others.

"Ooh. a mutiny sounds like a fun idea," Chrysi said a bit gleefully, before looking over at Anastasia. "Please, I seriously doubt you'd be able to fight me girl."

"See what I mean!"

Jack meanwhile had gotten Lexi settled down in a spare room, and walked back in to what looked to him like a bit of a stand off. "What are you people talking about?"

"How about you shut up and pretend you aren't even here or around or something. If you weren't here and weren't paying attention then that is your own stupidity!"

Jack fell silent at that a bit, before looking over at Casper. "So... What exactly were you talking about?"

Gambit was still in the other room with Rogue and hadn't heard what Bobbi had said, seems like at the moment they were on their own a bit for how to deal with Chrysi.

"Thank you," Banner nodded at Cass. "Kill them or not, it won't stop the Red Guard from coming after us," he muttered. "I recommend wiping their minds, if you can."

"I'm on the whole let's NOT kill them team, I mean, don't you think that would just make them come after us a whole lot faster? A bunch of agents disappear or are killed, they aren't going to not go after us." Lance pointed out, not really wanting to kill anyone if they couldn't help it.

"I'm fine either way, but honestly, make up your damn minds soon, it'll take a while for us to get back to the US from here." Wolverine grumbled, getting a bit impatient with the others.

Hearing the question about where Runa was, Lance had a slight guess as to where she had gone. "I can see about going to find her," he said, before he headed back off towards the house to see if Runa had gone over there.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Guin Stark

Location: Stark Tower - New York City, New York (Outfit)
Skills: N/A
Guin almost didn't notice the woman tending to Queen Miranda - she didn't recognize the blonde, but she doubted her future brother in law would have let just anyone try to heal his mother. Her heart was heavy as she looked at the queen, seeing how vulnerable she was in this state. Why would someone do something so horrible? She could have understood someone attacking King Erik but Miranda? She had the compassion and kindness that her husband lacked. At least that compassion would rule the world when Flynn took his father's place on the throne. He was a lot like his mother. Allison started to fill the people in the room in on what she believed had happened and Guin glanced up, tearing herself away from Queen Miranda's side.

"Okay, so now for the version that isn't coated in so much bias that if it was sugar, a diabetic would have a heart attack," Guin said pointedly. The people in this room deserved the facts - not just Allison's opinions. Flynn raised a good point as well - especially since Allison hadn't really given him the facts yet. "Allison remembers a world where things are different - where King Erik does not rule the world and humans are not beneath mutants. It seems to be the other way around in her memories. My grandfather and I were able to determine that it looks like her brain is fighting back against her memories being altered, though we couldn't tell what sort of force was responsible for the alteration."

"Under the hypothesis that she is right - then we are in a different reality than what could be dubbed the normal world. However, that doesn't mean that one reality is correct - just that one predates the other and has massive differences," Guin finished. She could tell that one of the girls in the room was out cold, so it was really just the medic, the other blonde girl, and Flynn here to listen to them. "The only action that we need to take is to figure out how this was done and prevent it from happening again. Allison wants to change things back to match her memories, which would result in the death of Oshea, her fiancé, and probably other people she has neglected to tell us about."

Casper Theriot

Location: LeBeau Casino - New Orleans, Louisiana
Skills: Mediumship
Anastasia didn't seem to hear what he had said, which was moderately annoying to Casper - but Ben didn't seem to care at all. Casper ignored his comments often enough that he didn't see much of an issue in someone giving him a taste of his own medicine. Besides, Chrysi a.k.a. Crazy Ginger was a bigger problem that they needed to deal with. Of course, Anastasia a.k.a. Psychopath of the Week seemed to just want to turn capturing the murderer into another training session. Casper wasn't sure how to feel about that, but he did know that she probably would have fit in fine with his father and his friends.

"Telling him not to do dumb things never really works," Ben told Mary sympathetically. "I've been trying that tactic for years, trust me."

"Hey, at least I didn't set a warehouse on fire!" Casper protested.

Ben snickered. "I miss Max, damn it... That kid is funny," however the smile on Ben's face was a little bit forced. He didn't like how much of Jack's attention Max took up in the real world. Sure, he was dead but that didn't mean his crush on Jack had stopped after he died. Though as Jack entered the room, Ben perked up and stood up a little taller.

"Well, the name of the game, my dear little bro, is knock out the psychopath and tie her up or something," Casper proposed. "Is there a secret jail in this place? We could put her in there. Every group honestly needs a secret jail... even the X-Men have one!" He then decided to just get this over with, since everyone else here was just standing around talking, and he had discovered a new-ish power anyways. Casper's eyes turned a brighter shade of blue and a blue light surrounded his hands, as Ben became visible to everyone.

"Now, Kraken!" Casper shouted.

"Ugh, I do not like that codename..." Ben complained. Large, massive tentacles sprouted from his midsection and Ben grabbed Chrysi tightly, slamming her repeatedly against the ground. Sadly, he didn't manage to knock her out just yet, just badly bruising her so far.

Dominika Novikova and Runa Blake

Location: Outside the Quinjet / Inside the Banner Residence -> Outside the Quinjet - Sydney, Australia
Skills: Dimensional Energy Perception, Eldritch Magic
Novikova got an idea all of the sudden, as she looked at her girlfriend. Her power had been used in the other world to guide a robot through the Quantum Realm. She could see alternate realities in a rush. Could she use her abilities to give back just one of those realities to Maria? "I'm going to try something," Novikova said softly. Ordinarily, she probably should have asked for consent before doing this, but she had the idea and she felt a need to test it right then and there. Reaching out, she put a hand on Maria's face, glad she could control the absorption in this world, and Novikova removed her glasses. Instead of seeing the normal rush of alternate worlds and lives... she just saw Maria. Maria's memories of the real world would be restored. "...How do you feel?" Novikova asked, putting her glasses back on.

Abercrombie was asking for suggestions as to where to ditch them. Novikova's first instinct was at the bottom of the ocean. "We could just leave them here and run," she suggested. It would save on fuel for the quinjet if they didn't need to make a pit stop to drop them somewhere. Of course, there was also the option of the Australian outback, but she had a feeling that they would be able to make their way back to civilization quickly anyways. They were Red Guard agents, after all.

Inside the Banner home, Runa closed the sling ring portal after her conversation with Klara and Klara's friend. He looked a bit too well dressed to be Human Resistance, but Runa could appreciate the taste in fine clothes. Runa took a breath for a moment, mumbling a prayer to Baldur under her breath. She knew that he wasn't her father in this world, but still, it helped to center her mind for a moment. "Oh, Lance..." Runa said quietly as he came into the room.

"Hey Runa, was wondering where you had gone... Figured you had gone back in the house..."

She hesitated for a moment as she looked at him. "...Would you still love me if I was a monster?" She could feel in her bones that things were going to come to light. He would find out what she really was - that she was Asgardian, that those on Asgard dismissed her as no better than Loki - that she was a force of darkness.

"Of course, why wouldn't I?" he asked, a bit confused now.

Runa blinked her eyes slightly, trying not to cry. "It's..." she started to say, before she shook her head. "I contacted my cousin in the Human Resistance. I can open a portal and get us all to their headquarters safely."

"Uh, okay... Let's go back outside and tell the others that then," he said, nodding his head.

She nodded, just looking at him for a moment - as if she might never see him again - before she headed outside. She cleared her throat as she approached the others. "I'm opening a portal to the Human Resistance in New York - your team is allowed to come through to seek refuge from the Red Guard there with us," she told Tinley. It took her a few moments, but eventually Runa managed to open up a portal large enough for people to walk through. On the other side, they would be able to see Klara and Max again.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: The Palace: New York City, New York.
Conjuration, New Outfit

Max stood behind Klara, hands on his hips as he mouthed what she’d just said to him, silently mocking her after she asked him why he should care. He paid close attention to the conversation however, trying to gain any knowledge he could about the situation even if his help wasn’t wanted. Max caught the fact that Klara called Runa her cousin; great, another asgardian who he may have to deal with if Klara gets her way. His hands dropped to his side, tapping his finger on his pant leg as he waited for their little chat to end and to see if this Runa was any kinder than her cousin with a cane so far up her bum Max doubted even he could’ve conjured something of that size. Then he heard two very interesting points, one was that the Hulk was with them, the second being that they were in Australia. That got him thinking as he realized he didn’t even know what city he was in, sure the chances were great that it was still in New York, but being that he didn’t recognize the area, for all he knew he flew states away with that portal.

The portal closed shut for a moment and that was that. Max was left with what he could only assume was the worst of the two cousins, granted he didn’t have much to go by as Runa never even spoke to him. Ofcourse Max wasn’t quite sure how to take much of this, electing to wait until her cousin came back before speaking again so that he wouldn’t have to repeat himself. As soon as Runa stepped on through a grin overcame him as he could finally speak up a bit. ”This weirdo, as you so eloquently put it, cares because the potential fate of his reality is at stake. Sure I may not know how to fix this issue yet, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to lay around while innocents, I’ll be it of another reality, are potentially in danger. It’s great that you were able to find them a safe space here but this is the Red Guard we are talking about. Chances are they’ll not only find what they’re looking for, but now thanks to your inane sense of thinking, they can most likely track the Hulks gamma radiation in order to find what I can only assume is the headquarters to the Human Resistance. But sure, keep painting me like I’m the bad guy and ignoring my want to help. Now given you’re major anti-mutant stance, can I safely assume you don’t have a single person here who can alter the Red Guards memories so they forget this whole fiasco?”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

James Kingston

Location: The Quinjet
Skills: N/A

James resisted the urge to roll his eyes at the woman. Dense, dense, dense! He’d been hoping she would polarize, another point of validation in the one trick pony’s cap. Novikova obviously planned ahead, posing the inhuman to take the blame if the gamble failed for assaulting team members and demonstrating human sympathies, and recruiting more members from the elite membership would make her plight far more substantial. Multiple occurrences lends credence to Novikova’s charade and the trust she would develop would ideally lead back to Shield.

After all, this conflict couldn’t be real. Alternate realities his ass.

“Go in? Did I say go in? What part...” James blinked at Diggby incredulously. “Contact HQ, give them a quick update of the situation idiot. The guy who can scrape you off the pavement and put you back in one piece is stuck in ice. Why on God’s green earth would I tell you to go in? No, make a log of both of Novikova’s backstab ploys. Note how quickly they all stepped in line and how they immediately assumed you’d turn against them. You saw how quickly they considered you a threat. They didn’t let you into their little club and they were obviously content to keep it that way.” James chuckled ruefully. Guess they didn’t let him in either. What a power move.

He loved it.

“But, at least I know they won’t kill us.” James jerked his head at Mystique and Saphhire passed out on the floor.“They went out of their way to subdue us so there isn’t much point in sweating it. They’ll either drop us off or keep us prisoner. Probably the former for me. I don’t imagine the human b… witch or the traitor extraordinaire to want me around long. Which means I’ll be back at shield in no time, drumming up an international manhunt while you all chase after a red herring.” James smiled ecstatically, practically purring. “I cannot wait to crush her under my heel once this is all over.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Carolina Reed

]Location: The Palace - New York City, New York
Skills: Astral Projection

Carolina stared at the memory of Hel and Alexander for a moment, it still really wasn't jogging anything as she turned to look at Miranda as she started to explain the memory a little bit. A different kind of reality seemed to be kind of far fetched to her, but then again mutants had all kinds of powers around the world. And she was a little more open minded as well it was also a little bit confusing for her as well. Sometimes when she did possess someone she would be able to memorize a thing or two about them but nothing to significant, but she was interested regardless.

"I certainly wouldn't mind knowing a little bit more." Carolina said softly, she wasn't sure how long it would actually take and she had a feeling that she could be worrying everyone else. She was also kind of curios if she was also with her wife in that reality that Miranda had actually mentioned in the first place as well. "What are you like in that reality anyway?" Carolina asked.

Cassandra Reed

Location: Red Guard Mobile Unit - Sydney, Australia
Skills: N/A

Cassandra looked to those who were still within the Quinjet and stared at Sapphire, and then started to remember her now it was really brief since they kind of dropped her off where she wanted after the mission at OMEN HQ. Though Cass didn't personally speak to her, she just remembered her face. She then looked over towards Banner and have the man a slight nod towards him, she had worked with him a bit during her time with the X-Men and with the SHIELD team. "Anytime." Cassandra said towards him while looking over towards Digby who seemed to want to go and looked over towards Tinley. "We should bring Digby with us, I can keep an eye out on her but she seems to be willing to trust us, but it's your call." Cass said.

Cassandra watched as Novikova did as she used her ability to jog Maria's memories of their own reality, she wasn't sure if it was going to work or not but she watched them for a moment. Cass watched as Runa came back and mentioning the Human Resistance, she wasn't sure how they would react to a bunch of Red Guard defectors right now. But she watched as the portal opened up seeing Klara and Max on the other end, while hearing Kingston ranting on about them being traitors she looked towards Tinley. "We should at least wipe their memories that way they wont know where we are going."

Maria Smith

Location: Sydney, Australia - The Banner Residence
Skills: N/A

Maria turned to look at Novikova when she said she wanted to try something, and felt her girlfriend's hand on her face, she was still a bit on edge with everything going on, but she ultimately did let her do it anyway. And then she started to get hit with a lot of flashes of memories of her own from the reality that the rest of the team were talking about. Remembering her time in the academy, meeting Novikova during the only class that all three SHIELD academies had together. Then her being approached to be apart of the Phase Three project that gave the team their powers.

When Novikova pulled her hand away she stumbled slightly from all of the memories that she had and looking over towards her and then the others. "I remember everything now.." Maria said softly. "Phase Three, the first mission we had against Von Bardas, everything." Maria said smiling a little bit before looking over her shoulder at Kingston. "Can I atleast knock him out first?" Maria asked she really didn't like the guy, as Runa came back and opened a portal to the Human Resistance.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Niah Bautista

Location: Red Guard Mobile Unit - Sydney, Australia
Skills: N/A

Niah was glaring at Kingston. Every time he talked he said something that upset her all the more for it. "That inhuman is twice the person you are. If this is some crazy snap I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner considering how she's been treated. And no this wasn't some coordinated conspiracy, but I'm willing to at least listen to what they have to say." She did relax toward Diggby. Niah wasn't comfortable with the idea of killing any of them, especially since that might include herself since she didn't remember this other world either, but a pragmatic side of Niah thought it might be for the best. Her hand went to her phone, but she didn't pull it out to look at it.

She did step out farther to see what was going on and saw some sort of portal and people she didn't know on the other side. "You can use my ICER." Niah said to Maria, mostly as a joke since she didn't even move to offer the weapon, though the temptation of punching Kingston had been increasing. "If we're going through that," She gestured to the portal. "We can send the ship up into the air looking like we succeeded on our mission and have it blow up somewhere over the Atlantic. It'll take them ages to figure out what happened."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: The Palace Infirmary -- The Palace: New York City, New York.
Skills: Enhanced Intuition

Antoinette sighed and nodded, pleased to hear that the Princess was alright. She rocked herself back and forth, looking away from the newcomers and back to the still form of her friend and the Queen. Both of their chests slowly rose and fell so she knew they were still alive. It was always eerie when Carolina went under like this and projected herself into someone else’s body. It was neat when she would take over but Antoinette always had this irrational fear of it. She managed to pull her eyes away though as Allison’s story reached her ears.
Antoinette’s purple eye started to flare and she glanced at October while Allison continued to speak. Beyond her words, Antoinette would sense nothing else amiss. No flashbacks or anything of the like. The mention of people being dead in this other reality who weren’t here, worried Antoinette though. She liked her life here, they were happy and well off here. Allison’s reality sounded the complete opposite and not very welcoming.
”She speaks the truth. No matter how horrible it sounds. Why though? Why would you want that back? I mean if there are alternate realities, why not just stay here?”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by eclecticwitch
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eclecticwitch The Effervescent

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Location: Casino

She felt a bit foolish, realizing Gambit was not in the room to give orders. This meant it was up to the team to make a decision. And crazy Chrysi was baiting them. She held back a growl as she tightened her grip upon her hammer. She swayed back and forth mentally. To maim or not to maim? This person was technically part of their group, however, she had grievously harmed another person. And then Cthulu came to visit.

At first, when the boy and tentacles appeared Bobbi felt a great amount of fear and apprehension. There was an understanding in her head though that this eldritch horror was not all that strange. Casper could do this sort of thing, this was not weird. At least, not weirder than anyone else. Since the first move had been made Bobbi did not waste any time joining the fray.

She watched the way the tentacles tossed the girl around before finally seeing an opening pause. She took it, quickly running up with her hammer raised and brought it down on the girl's exposed hand. Bobbi must have misjudged the amount of strength she used or perhaps the tentacles pulled her out of the way of most of the harm she intended to inflict. She only heard the soft thud of the hammer making contact with flesh and not the crunch of bone she had been going for.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ColouredCyan

ColouredCyan Wind Up Merchant

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Michelle Diggby

Location: Red Guard Mobile Unit - Sydney, Australia - Quinjet
Skills: N/A

Michelle did not resist the urge to roll his eyes at the man. If he kept going he was going to jeopardise her chances at getting her hands on something that could expose the whole operation, traitors or not.

"We don't need a manhunt, they're right fucking there." Michelle stated, exasperated, guesturing down the jet ramp. "But best of luck shuffling paper and stamping forms Field Operative Agent Kingston, I hope it also exposes their co-conspirators back at HQ."

Michelle hoped that was enough of a clue that he'd get what she had actually meant by "half-cock" because she sure as shit wasn't going to spell it out anymore for him. If he was right and a clandestine sleeper cell just activated, this was much bigger than a handful of their co-workers. Nonetheless, Michelle was reluctant to leave without Kingston, especially while he was threatening to make this more difficult than it had to be.

Michelle scooped up her diary and approached the ramp, chewing over how she was going to ingratiate herself to the inhuman, the ring leader, who clearly already had reservations about her. Not a pleasant position to be in, but an occupational hazard. However, this was Tinley we talking about, not the Tinley she knew, but still undoubtably Tinley, no amount of grovelling or brown nosing was going to change her mind and it would be impudent to talk about their plan before being made a part of it. Michelle figured it was best for Agent Abercrombie to start, if she wanted to start.

A bead of sweat rolled down her nose.Jesus fucking Christ is was hot outside.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Allison Andrewss

Location: The Palace - New York City, New York (Outfit)
Skills: N/A

Allison rubbed her temples, feeling a headache coming on quickly. How was it she was still being painted as enemy #1 when there was literal proof on her side, thanks to Guin's grandfather? She got that people still had the altered memories and it would be hard to convince them, but Guin should be on her side, given facts.

"You assume that I want this world changed for some selfish reason? That I don't stand to lose just as much, if not more if I let this reality be wiped? Again, don't you think I want Oshea to be alive? I mourned him and barely got over it so seeing him here and now made all of that come back and I would do anything to keep him with me. But that is not reality. That is not the true reality. The world I know of may not be 100% perfect. Mutants may still be looked down on, but they aren't slaves! They aren't treated like humans here. There is no royalty either. Mutants and humans live together. Mutants even have the X-men, though I will concede on that X-Women front. And there are mutants who want to see humans suffer and pay in the other realty. So yes, it is not perfect. I do not know why someone altered everyone's memories and formed this new reality, but they did it and that should be the main concern. I intend to find out who and stop them and bring things back to how they were.

You saw it yourself Guin. My own mind fighting back against some altered force. You know I am right and I get the hesitancy. I'll do it alone if I need to, but I'm hoping to have help."

Tinley Abercrombie

Location: Red Guard Mobile Unit - Sydney, Australia
Skills: N/A

Tinley thought a moment. She liked the ideas being brought forth. "We leave them here and go through the portal then. I don't want them conscious though, so knock them out. Especially Kingston because I want to hurt him and I am afraid I will let it get the best of me. Then leave them somewhere safe from the elements, but hard enough that it will take them a bit to find aid. Anything that could be used to contact the Red Guard should be taken or destroyed."

She glanced over to Niah, who defended her when she had no need to. "Thank you Niah. And yes, I like your idea. Program it to crash somewhere farther away from here and let them deal with that. I don't want any more hassles than what we already have on our plate. Hopefully we can find out the solution to this mess before that."

Anastasia Reinhardt

Location: LeBeau Casino - New Orleans, Lousiana
Skills: Telekinesis

Ana tilted her head to stare at Chrysi, judging the girl. She didn't appear to be much, but if what the others said is true, she was a danger and could not be trusted to be among them. At least Bobbi thought so as she used...whatever it was that powered her to hold the girl down with tentacles. She attacked with the hammer, only wounding the girl.

Ana shook her head. "Let me take care of things." She walked over to the pinned girl, looked down upon her and smiled. "Goodnight, cherie." She used her telekinesis to lift the girl's head and brought it crashing down on the floor, knocking the girl out cold. She turned back to the others.

"There we go. She's out cold. Enough to tie her up nicely or put her completely out of her misery. The choice is yours. I don't want blood or anything on my clothing."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 4 days ago

"Well, I met Erik in that reality way back in 1983, long before you were born. However, our lives took a different path, as in that reality he wasn't a king of anything at all, and our relationship was not exactly the best. In that reality he is still mad at me over the fact that there was a point in time when we weren't together and I had a relationship with Tony Stark... Which is what that image over there is of, when I met him at the Stark Expo," she said simply, pointing towards the image of her and Tony from before. "Mutants are the minority in that world as well, and are not exactly treated the best at all there either..."

"Look, how about we calm down a little bit okay? Watch what you're saying and how about everyone stops pointing fingers about what's going on. Alright, say you are right, reality was warped in some way, who would do that? And why? I mean, warping reality and completely rewriting everyone's memories in the process in order to accomplish that? That is not a good thing at all, they probably could just snap their fingers and we'd be gone like dust in the wind," he said, shaking his head slightly at Allison. This was definitely a bit of a screwy situation, that much was obvious, but how were they going to get out of that situation was a better question. Finding out who messed with everything was a priority, but the problem is, they don't know who, and they don't know what this person is capable of.

"I'll help you out, but let's just be clear, we have to be careful about every little thing that we do from here on out. Since think about it, odds are that whoever did this is likely close to those of us here at the Palace in some way. So if we draw attention to ourselves it's game over..."

"If humans are enslaved in this reality compared to your own, who stands the most to gain from that?" October proposed to Allison. "People do not do nefarious deeds for no reason - except for Cousin Elmor, but he's always been a bit funny that way...."

"I probably could with magic, or I could just walk over and start pounding on their heads. You see, we don't tend to have mutants who hang around us all the time, so yeah, that sort of thing, not very likely, at all. Punching them in the head sounds like fun though, if you hit someone hard enough in the head to put them in a coma you can cause memory problems, bit of a fun fact there just for you," Klara responded coldly towards Max, glaring at him.

"...So, portal to what feels like somewhere in the US?" Lance asked slightly, there was a chill of cold air coming from the portal. As it may be the winter time in New York City at the moment, but it was summertime in Australia, and Lance shivered slightly at the cold air coming through the portal.

"Uh, no need for all of this," Banner said, rubbing his head slightly. "The team here has that thing handled...."

"Whatever you say, so, you coming through cousin or not?" Klara asked, looking over at Runa before wandering away slightly from the portal.

"...She seems like a nice one doesn't she?" Lance couldn't help but mutter.

"Not sure if ya can wipe their memories, Abercrombie maybe if she tries hard enough, mind control could potentially do that. Well, not really wipe memories, but probably hide them from view completely so that they in a sense can't remember what happened. Should hurry up still, the longer we stay here without checking in, the more quickly those at SHIELD will realize that something is seriously wrong. So if this plan of yours can potentially get us through that portal really really quickly, I'm all for it, but you need to get a move on, since odds are SHIELD is going to call and check in I'd think in the next 15 minutes to maybe a half an hour if we're lucky."

"I'm in the don't kill her side of things... Since I also doubt Casper would want to risk being haunted by a psychopath's ghost," she said simply, looking over at Casper and Ben now, since they were the only two people that she could talk to at the moment.

"Look, killing her is not going to fix anything at all!" Jack said, shaking his head and looking over at his brother. "...Also fairly certain my brother doesn't want her ghost hanging around or something, like seriously, that would be messed up and suck horribly..."

Gambit walked into the room, blood on his hands. His sister had been taken to the hospital, but the other sister was still here. He knew that a prison wouldn't be able to hold her. She was a danger to everyone in this room. Before, she hadn't tried to kill a member of the Guild. "Tuez-la," he then said simply.

"Wait he can't be serious can he? No way! Don't kill her at all! Bad Remy damn it! This is not a good idea, at all, so what the hell????"

Jack was a bit taken a back by Gambit just flat out saying to kill Chrysi, she was his sister, but apparently it seemed like it didn't mean much to him. "...Wait are you serious? Like, really serious?" he asked, looking over at Gambit now.

"Bien sûr," Gambit said coldly.

"Casper, I know for a fact that you have been ignoring me for a little bit, but still, you need to do something right now and stop them from killing her, otherwise I can almost guarantee you'll be stuck in a living hell because I doubt she'd leave you alone!"
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Guin Stark

Location: The Palace - New York City, New York (Outfit)
Skills: Telepathy (Mental Link)
So far, the evidence supporting Allison wasn't completely persuading Guin. The more she thought on the tests they had run with her grandfather, they hadn't been sufficient. What they knew from those tests was that Allison's brain was fighting back against changes to her memories. And from this weird little blonde woman, apparently she had determined Allison was telling the truth. Her grandfather and Allison's hypothesis was that Allison was fighting against a warp done to reality - but couldn't another simpler explanation be that some psychic had messed with Allison's head? Maybe a psychic block had been left behind - and her powers were fighting to break through that, not to protect her memories from being altered by a reality changing force. One experiment wasn't enough to make a theory.

"Don't go putting words in my mouth - I never said you were doing this for a selfish reason," she muttered under her breath. She then had more questions for her. Allison didn't remember anything of this world, from what she had said - so where was she getting the thing about humans being treated like slaves? She had just been to one of King Erik's parties briefly and then to Stark Tower. It infuriated her even more how Allison thought that Guin was willing to let others suffer, just because she was happy - but the ultimate insult was that Allison was claiming to know what Guin was thinking.

Her eyes were narrowed. "No, I don't know you're right. We ran one test - that's hardly proof! I'm not helping you change the world. No way in hell." Flynn's words had calmed her temper slightly - namely, Guin hadn't screamed everything going through her mind at Allison and she hadn't actually hit her, before storming off in a rage. She wanted to though.

I want to fucking throttle her... she muttered into the mental link.

Why? What's going on?

She hesitated for a moment, not wanting to tell him exactly what was going on - namely, Allison's claims about the world changing. Trust me, you would not believe the bullshit going on here even if I told you...

Uh, okay...

Something Flynn said did give her an idea however - a way for them to get more evidence, as well as potentially pinpoint where this had happened. "Changing reality would require an enormous amount of energy. There's got to be a ground zero somewhere if that happened - which can point us to who did this and how," she reasoned. They had some basic equipment here at the Palace that they could modify for this.

Maybe I'll just punch a wall...That does tend to help get rid of some anger, or punching a pillow or something. Nah, wall is more fun. She was mildly surprised he didn't start immediately insisting on the pillow and worrying that she would hurt her fist, since she didn't know how to throw a punch. If you punch a wall feel free to draw a smiley face on it first or maybe tape a picture of her face on it before you punch it. Ooh tempting. Maybe Flynn'll show me how to throw a punch too first... I don't like that too much... Whatever. You don't have to like it.

The other blonde did have a point, and combined with Flynn, it seemed pretty clear that most likely, someone in the Royal Family was responsible from this. She had no doubt that Allison was going to instantly point fingers at King Erik, given what Allison had told her about him when this all started.

Casper Theriot

Location: LeBeau Casino - New Orleans, Louisiana
Skills: Mediumship
So many people were talking at once and so many things were happening, it felt like the world was closing in around Casper. He could hear the ghosts yelling at him to do things (namely the Ginger one), his brother shouting about Gambit's decision, and Gambit calmly ordering them to kill the other Ginger. Add in the voices of the Pretty Little Killer and Captain Rehab, and Casper felt like it was the perfect cocktail for a killer migraine. Putting his hands to his head, the blue glow faded and Ben was no longer visible to everyone else. "Shut up shut up shut up!" Casper pleaded, hitting his hands against his head repeatedly.

The poor thing was having a major case of sensory overload. He kept on hitting himself slightly, knowing that he didn't have any drugs on him. There wasn't anything he could do to get rid of the Ginger ghost. Ben was fine, he knew not to overwhelm Casper's senses, but this one didn't seem to care. He started breathing in and out rapidly, about to hyperventilate. He started to back up until he hit the wall, each of his nerves feeling like they were on fire as more ghosts in the room started to appear rapidly.

"Woah, deep breaths buddy, okay?" Ben tried to say encouragingly. The ghosts were popping up by the second as his powers spun out of control, a sea of spirits screaming at him and demanding attention. "Stop it!" Casper pleaded. The fear wasn't there like it normally was, paralyzing him, but the noise was still enough to drive him bonkers. He started hitting his ears, as if that might make things quiet down and he shut his eyes tightly, finding even the fluorescent lighting to be painful to look at. There was no way he would be able to channel Ben like this to help kill and/or protect the Crazy Ginger.

He was a bit of a hot mess.

Dominika Novikova and Runa Blake

Location: Outside the Quinjet - Sydney, Australia -> Human Resistance HQ, New York
Skills: Eldritch Magic
Runa stared through the portal at the man Klara had referred to as the weirdo. She knew that her cousin hated mutants and it made her sad, since her boyfriend was a mutant. Most of the people coming through this portal, as far as she was aware, would be mutants. Hopefully, this wouldn't be too much of an issue. Maybe she could try to get Klara to remember...

Novikova smiled slightly, her glasses back on in place. She had restored Maria's memories then. Not only did it mean she had her girlfriend back up to one hundred percent, but they now had a way to remind people of what once was. That could be handy, depending on what happened next in this crazy little adventure they were on. "Abercrombie, I found a new use for my powers - restoring memories," Novikova said, calling out to their Field Commander. Since Barton wasn't here, she really was just their Commander though.

"Once we're through the portal, I can try restoring the memories of anyone who wants them back," Novikova offered. She knew that for most people getting memories back, it would bring about a lot of pain. Some people had more tragic backstories than others did. Her eyes flickered over towards Niah. Niah would remember more than most people would. But given the plan that was in place and Wolverine saying they needed to be quick about things, Novikova took Maria's hand and then went through the portal, hoping her girlfriend came with her.

"I need to hold it open, I'll come through once they all do," Runa said softly, continuing to hold the portal open for everyone. She hoped that they hurried, since she wasn't an Asgardian goddess in this world. She was just human and she was tired, having been holding this open for what felt like an eternity. Her arms were trembling slightly from the effort. "Please do hurry, I can't keep this up forever...." She shivered a bit from the rush of cold air.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Carolina Reed

]Location: The Palace - New York City, New York
Skills: Astral Projection

Carolina listened to Miranda as she started to mention more about what her life was like in the other reality, it was pretty interesting to hear what she had said. It was hard for her to think that Queen Miranda and King Erik never got together in that reality, she ran a hand through her hair as she listened more. She ended up hooking up with Tony Stark in that reality which was weird to hear as well since Tony was married to Pepper as far as she knew anyway.

"Mutants being treated in that reality and in the minority doesn't seem to sound right at all." Carolina said softly, she couldn't imagine mutants being treated poorly in that reality. "So, whats King Erik like in that reality anyway then?" Carolina decided to ask her she was curious what he was like and how he was actually viewed in that world, she didn't really want to know what she was like in that reality right now, she was really happy and content with being with her wife and her art work as well.

Cassandra Reed

Location: Red Guard Mobile Unit - Sydney, Australia
Skills: Computer Coding, Enhanced Condition

Cassandra looked towards Novikova when she found out a way to try and restore everyone's memories which was a good thing and smiled towards her. "That will come in handy." Cass said as she listened to Niah as she spoke and nodded slightly that would probably be the easiest to get rid of the Quinjet. "I'll get to rigging the autopilot to crash somewhere in the ocean." Cassandra said, and then thought for a moment. "And everyone take off whatever communications gear you have and toss it in the Quinjet, or destroy it whatever you want to do just make sure you don't have it on you when SHIELD does call us." Cassandra said as she took off her ear piece and radio as well and entered the Quinjet tossing them onto the ground of the Quinjet.

Cass then went to pick up Sapphire remembering her briefly during the whole OMEN downfall thing, groaning a little bit as she started to slowly drag her out of the Quinjet she wasn't going to kill their team members even if she didn't know them at all. Then she went towards Mystique and as well as James as much as she wanted him to stay there. She started to do the same thing simply dropping their unconscious bodies on the ground.

It was really taking a long time to get the bodies off as well as taking off their radios and communications gear off tossing them onto the pile she had collected in the Quinjet. Then the last thing Cass did as she started to take out the computer and started to rig the autopilot to take off once they had left to fly a few miles and crash into the ocean. At least she thought she did get the coding just about right to do that. Cass started to wipe off the sweat off of her forehead. "Alright it's done, the quinjet should be rigged to take off and crash once we are all gone." Cass said, and didn't waste anymore time and jumped through the portal as well, seeing Klara there and Max, she figured that she shouldn't be armed right now and took off her ICER and set it on the ground kicking it over towards her. "Figured you'd want us to disarm as a sign of good faith you don't kill us." Cass said.

Maria Smith

Location: Sydney, Australia - The Banner Residence
Skills: N/A

Maria looked towards Cassandra and nodded slightly as she took off her own communications gear and radio off, watching the agent taking the bodies one by one off of the Quinjet. She tossed them into the small pile that Cass had made, watching the agent doing her job, which was taking a lot longer then she had liked. Maria looked towards Novikova she was really grateful to have her memories back, she took a moment to look over towards Tinley. "I'm sorry for anything that I said to you." Maria said towards her, since she was her commanding officer in the real world. "I could try and replicate that as well if you need help as well." Maria offered to the others since she could use her girlfriend's power as well if Novi allowed it.

She felt Novikova taking her hand and quickly followed her through the portal and looked over towards Novikova for a moment and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. A few seconds later Cass came through once she had finished up her job, she decided it was a good thing as well taking her bow and set it down on the ground again and kicked it over towards Klara and Max. "And what Cass said, i'd rather not be shot either as well." Maria said holding up her arms up.
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