Guin Stark

Location: The Palace - New York City, New York (
Skills: Telepathy (Mental Link)
So far, the evidence supporting Allison wasn't completely persuading Guin. The more she thought on the tests they had run with her grandfather, they hadn't been sufficient. What they knew from those tests was that Allison's brain was fighting back against changes to her memories. And from this weird little blonde woman, apparently she had determined Allison was telling the truth. Her grandfather and Allison's hypothesis was that Allison was fighting against a warp done to reality - but couldn't another simpler explanation be that some psychic had messed with Allison's head? Maybe a psychic block had been left behind - and her powers were fighting to break through that, not to protect her memories from being altered by a reality changing force. One experiment wasn't enough to make a theory.
"Don't go putting words in my mouth - I never said you were doing this for a selfish reason," she muttered under her breath. She then had more questions for her. Allison didn't remember anything of this world, from what she had said - so where was she getting the thing about humans being treated like slaves? She had just been to one of King Erik's parties briefly and then to Stark Tower. It infuriated her even more how Allison thought that Guin was willing to let others suffer, just because she was happy - but the ultimate insult was that Allison was claiming to
know what Guin was thinking.
Her eyes were narrowed.
"No, I don't know you're right. We ran one test - that's hardly proof! I'm not helping you change the world. No way in hell." Flynn's words had calmed her temper slightly - namely, Guin hadn't screamed everything going through her mind at Allison and she hadn't actually hit her, before storming off in a rage. She wanted to though.
I want to fucking throttle her... she muttered into the mental link.
Why? What's going on? She hesitated for a moment, not wanting to tell him exactly what was going on - namely, Allison's claims about the world changing.
Trust me, you would not believe the bullshit going on here even if I told you... Uh, okay... Something Flynn said did give her an idea however - a way for them to get more evidence, as well as potentially pinpoint where this had happened.
"Changing reality would require an enormous amount of energy. There's got to be a ground zero somewhere if that happened - which can point us to who did this and how," she reasoned. They had some basic equipment here at the Palace that they could modify for this.
Maybe I'll just punch a wall...That does tend to help get rid of some anger, or punching a pillow or something. Nah, wall is more fun. She was mildly surprised he didn't start immediately insisting on the pillow and worrying that she would hurt her fist, since she didn't know how to throw a punch.
If you punch a wall feel free to draw a smiley face on it first or maybe tape a picture of her face on it before you punch it. Ooh tempting. Maybe Flynn'll show me how to throw a punch too first... I don't like that too much... Whatever. You don't have to like it. The other blonde did have a point, and combined with Flynn, it seemed pretty clear that most likely, someone in the Royal Family was responsible from this. She had no doubt that Allison was going to instantly point fingers at King Erik, given what Allison had told her about him when this all started.
Casper Theriot

Location: LeBeau Casino - New Orleans, Louisiana
Skills: Mediumship
So many people were talking at once and so many things were happening, it felt like the world was closing in around Casper. He could hear the ghosts yelling at him to do things (namely the Ginger one), his brother shouting about Gambit's decision, and Gambit calmly ordering them to kill the other Ginger. Add in the voices of the Pretty Little Killer and Captain Rehab, and Casper felt like it was the perfect cocktail for a killer migraine. Putting his hands to his head, the blue glow faded and Ben was no longer visible to everyone else.
"Shut up shut up shut up!" Casper pleaded, hitting his hands against his head repeatedly.
The poor thing was having a major case of sensory overload. He kept on hitting himself slightly, knowing that he didn't have any drugs on him. There wasn't anything he could do to get rid of the Ginger ghost. Ben was fine, he knew not to overwhelm Casper's senses, but this one didn't seem to care. He started breathing in and out rapidly, about to hyperventilate. He started to back up until he hit the wall, each of his nerves feeling like they were on fire as more ghosts in the room started to appear rapidly.
"Woah, deep breaths buddy, okay?" Ben tried to say encouragingly. The ghosts were popping up by the second as his powers spun out of control, a sea of spirits screaming at him and demanding attention.
"Stop it!" Casper pleaded. The fear wasn't there like it normally was, paralyzing him, but the noise was still enough to drive him bonkers. He started hitting his ears, as if that might make things quiet down and he shut his eyes tightly, finding even the fluorescent lighting to be painful to look at. There was no way he would be able to channel Ben like this to help kill and/or protect the Crazy Ginger.
He was a bit of a hot mess.
Dominika Novikova and Runa Blake

Location: Outside the Quinjet - Sydney, Australia
-> Human Resistance HQ, New YorkSkills: Eldritch Magic
Runa stared through the portal at the man Klara had referred to as the weirdo. She knew that her cousin hated mutants and it made her sad, since her boyfriend was a mutant. Most of the people coming through this portal, as far as she was aware, would be mutants. Hopefully, this wouldn't be too much of an issue. Maybe she could try to get Klara to remember...
Novikova smiled slightly, her glasses back on in place. She had restored Maria's memories then. Not only did it mean she had her girlfriend back up to one hundred percent, but they now had a way to remind people of what once was. That could be handy, depending on what happened next in this crazy little adventure they were on.
"Abercrombie, I found a new use for my powers - restoring memories," Novikova said, calling out to their Field Commander. Since Barton wasn't here, she really was just their Commander though.
"Once we're through the portal, I can try restoring the memories of anyone who wants them back," Novikova offered. She knew that for most people getting memories back, it would bring about a lot of pain. Some people had more tragic backstories than others did. Her eyes flickered over towards Niah. Niah would remember more than most people would. But given the plan that was in place and Wolverine saying they needed to be quick about things, Novikova took Maria's hand and then went through the portal, hoping her girlfriend came with her.
"I need to hold it open, I'll come through once they all do," Runa said softly, continuing to hold the portal open for everyone. She hoped that they hurried, since she wasn't an Asgardian goddess in this world. She was just human and she was tired, having been holding this open for what felt like an eternity. Her arms were trembling slightly from the effort.
"Please do hurry, I can't keep this up forever...." She shivered a bit from the rush of cold air.