Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.
Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!
Rania nodded at Holly but another NPC called her over, a scroll draping loosely over his arm. Fathil, Runechanter Trainer hovered over him and the few snatches of conversation the pair could overhear suggested he was annoyed with the scribe work of one of the apprentices.
“No, no. No guilds for me! I prefer to be free to wander wherever my axe so takes me.” Wrinfell declined, a booming laugh echoing around the arena as she slapped them both on the shoulder again. “We’ll meet again, I’m sure. Maybe this time on the same side of the battlefield!” The Marauder made her way out of the arena, a spring in her step as she made her way to the River Inn, ready to drink herself silly.
“Too bad. We could have used you.” Apollo sighed. “Send me a PM when you want another one of these competitions. I’ll have our Guild turn it into a full event.” He sent her a friend request and waved as he made his way out. The guards started leaving, only a few remaining on duty for the overnight shift. From here, Cecelia could get underneath the stands through a large open door that seemed to lead further into the Arena where a few large empty cages stood and piles of dusty supplies litered the area. Few torches lit the gloomy area and one could barely make out a pitch black doorway in the back of the area.
Aster remain unaware of the disgusting prank the boy was playing, enjoying the feeling of weightless from floating on the lake. There wasn’t any sense of responsibility or worrying about other people. You could just watch the world turn and not give a damn about clothes or parents. But with water came pruning and Aster would be damned if he’d be seen with wrinkles. He let himself indulge for a few minutes longer, diving beneath the surface before he stepped back up on land. His nose wrinkled at the smell of fish gut and the mess splattered all over his jacket. While certainly annoying, the jacket would disappear soon anyways. Leave it to an Ares kid to pick the worst target for a prank. Idiots.
He grabbed his sandals out of his bag and slipped them on after making sure his feet were clean of dirt. Aster didn’t bother with other clothes, lacking the typical embarrassment nudity inflicted. He made his way up to the fire, using the conjured shirt as a mat to protect him from the ground. He pulled his phone out of his bag, logging into instagram and scrolling as he caught up on the world at large.
“Have we figured out who his parent might be yet?” Aster asked, not looking up from his phone. “And by the way, I’m showing him around camp when we get back. Finders keepers and all that.”
“Oh, yeah of course.” She fumbled with the keys for a bit, opening the case and pulling out the iron bracelet. It was rather heavy but had a far more secure clasp that the lighter charm bracelets. “So… can you tell me a little about him?All my friends would be super jealous knowing I’d gotten to talk to Eris’ mage!” The girl pleaded, trying her best puppy dog eyes.
“Enter.” Despite the heavy door, his voice rang through completely unimpeded.
As the Princess walked away, drawing other students in to walk with her, a small crowd congregated around her. There was a clear tension in the set of William’s shoulders but Sariel chatted almost as animatedly as the Princess did. A few mages scuttled out of her way nervously however, sporting a variety of mismatched color patches that they were still trying to dispel with varying degrees of success.
Elsewhere, Evalyn whirled around on Cassandra, her face horrified that she’d spoken loud enough to be overheard. Hannah however looked amused as she slid over to Cassandra, slinging her arm around the fire mage’s shoulders and drawing her in closer to the trio.
“Shhh, not so loud. Just because Evalyn is an idiot doesn’t mean we all have to be.” The words echoed directly into the three’s minds. “Yep, got one of those stuck up vampires dragging around a mage on a leash in our sights today. It’s going to be all sorts for fun. Wanna join?”
“You can’t just casually invite people.” Evalyn hissed, minding her volume. “This is not a more the merrier situation Hannah!”
“I can and I will. If we need to, the Hive will be more than happy to fix that. We’re all so disappointed we didn’t get to rattle his head.” Hannah chuckled outwardly. “Abigail and Devon are in town and they were two seconds away from inviting everyone in. Would have made for one hell of a party. So what do you say? Want to join in on the fireworks?”
James was so close he could practically taste it. James carefully stepped around the puddle of water, skirting the water line so he’d have the least amount of space between him and the bell. Leighton executed the plan perfectly, swinging right to start dividing the big guy's attention. That’s what the whole plan demanded, carefully splitting Colluses’s attention until one big catalyst brought any focus tumbling down. Spark Plug swung around with Leighton rather than on the other side, definitely not part of the plan but a survivable decision. He wasn’t really sure where Feedback vanished too but his thoughts were cut off as Cayden charged and James ended up not three feet from the bell. He was still just a little concerned if he charged in now, the metal giant would still be able to knock him back and it would all come crashing down.
Then Leightong worked some magic with the water, freezing Colluses’s feet, and he bolted at her signal, shouting out an ecstatic Whoop! as the bell chimed when he rang it a few times for good measure. They’d beaten it on the first attempt of the plan and it felt great. “Good job guys! That was great!” He beamed, riding the adrenaline high from the encounter. He hadn’t been entirely convinced this would work but it did and that was all that mattered.
But he frowned at Feedback’s comments. Black King? Magik? Tunnels? He pulled his phone out, frowning at no returned texts. He’d been pretty sure Casper was just as excited about their plans as he was and the lack of messages made him nervous. It was probably just the tunnels blocking signal. He couldn’t keep the worry that welled up inside of him, despite the rationalization.
“You don’t think they’re talking about the Morlock tunnels do you?” He asked, concern evident in his voice.
Location: The Hellfire Club (D3) Skills: N/A
Requiem raised his eyebrows in amusement at Emma’s request that Jinx make her a drink. There was just as much a chance of him poisoning the drink as there was not but it wouldn’t be anything deadly. The girl seemed at ease here and that would afford her a certain amount of protection of the chaotic mutant’s antics. He chuckled softly to himself as he found an echo of his own question revolving around the group. His guard was still up of course as he picked up his briefcase and settled it on the couch next to him. He’d like easy access to the contents. Maybe he was a touch paranoid but conquincidences rarely panned out well. Sometimes it took a new adornment between the eyes to solve those little hiccups and unlike the boy, Requiem had little issue solving such minor inconveniences regardless of who they were.
The newcomer’s answer was rather uninspiring and Requiem settled back into the sofa, his hand still on his briefcase. He watched her carefully, picking up his wine glass again but not sipping at it. He swirled the glass absently, more than happy to observe for the moment. She was an unknown variable and he would very much enjoy watching Emma handle the girl if the telepath so wished. This evening would hopefully get more interesting now.
Perception Skill roll if someone he can't see interacts with anything in the room
Although Varis was technically watching Eris through this horrific performance, he was in fact staring into the void and regretting every interaction with this vampire he’d ever had. He didn’t particularly care about the lack of personal space—Varis had long ago resigned himself to the fact that the actor would invade that if he intended to keep him around—nor did he care he’d be caught unaware against a wall. Varis had no doubt he could reduce anyone to tears if he so needed to establish his position in a situation. No, what caught him was the abhorrent display of affection. A kiss on the knuckles? Some D-list line? If Eris wanted to make advances, he should have brought something useful, something Varis could use to further his own and his House’s interests. The Count couldn’t help rolling his eyes and letting a long, irritable sigh escape him.
Varis shouldn't have played along outside.
“Would you like to try something not from a d-list film?” Varis commented, snatching his hand back out of Eris’s hold. “Where did you even pick that up, some third rate mortal written plot line? Or was it one of those pornographic films the lower classes indulge in so much?” Varis had fully intended sending Eris’s rat and waif off for the evening and spending it much like they usually did after a few years apart but this whole situation made Varis reconsider his options. He could retire early instead, enjoying a bath and a book until it was time to correct the boy later tonight. The Count had instructed him to have his first apology letter fully prepared for review. Varis opted not to remind him, fully expecting him to fail and have to beg for an extension. Maybe threatening a punishment and watching him struggle over it would be enough for Varis to forget this.
But no. Varis wouldn’t deny himself something that could handle the stress he had nor would he threaten the influence he could exert through the actor. Able to shift attention away from his other issues in the media that both vampires and mortals enjoyed made his life so much easier but he wondered whether the cost was worth the reward sometimes. Of course, he would ultimately indulge Eris. He did more often than he cared for, letting out another sigh at the admittance. But the actor would have to work for it. Varis crossed his arms, leveling Eris with an unimpressed stare.
“You have two new pets this evening. How are you going to handle them if you’re busy with me?” The Count demanded, an eyebrow raised in challenge. There was only one correct answer to this and he fully expected Eris to sweat a little bit. The first night was always important with any new mage but they would not be stepping foot into his dorm. The actor would have to choose between him and the pair and he would be severely disappointed if he didn’t choose correctly.
“Uh, attractive? No, never.” Damien back pedalled on that comment as the tips of his ears burned pink. Curse him and his lack of filter sometimes. Words just bounced around in his head and sometimes they bounced around fast enough until the rocket out his mouth before he could catch them. ““You said buses? I think I remember a bus stop on my five second tour as I was holding on for dear life. The vampire drives like a damn mad man.” Damien grumbled as he directed them where he remembered a the bus stop to be.
He didn’t in fact remember where they were but they managed to find there ways there anyways, the mage apologizing with a sheepish smile. As the pair approached the bus stop, it was far more crowded than one expected, excited students clamouring about Eris Samael being in town and complaining that the bus couldn’t move fast enough. A few were showing pictures of the back of Eris’s head over his seat. A few others were discussing his seeming friendship with the vampiric nobility that more than a few had noticed in Treaty Law. The line for the bus was quite long but Dakota would be able to pick out Joryldin off to the side of the group, talking with a vampire and two mage girls. One mage looked bored and the other concerned while the vampire looked relieved as she spoke with Joryldin.
James slipped into the crowd, the familiar sense of disappearing into a mass comforting. He would never admit it but he felt a slight twinge of nerves at the coming conflict. Straight face to face combat had never been his strong suit, capable enough to keep himself alive long enough to escape but probably not going to out match anyone without some luck. The Resistance, and the defective Shield members, gave more than two shits about the mass of people James integrated himself into. It was the safest place to be, at least in the beginning before everyone started panicking He kept his eyes and ears open as he scanned the crowd. For a moment, he thought maybe he was in the wrong place and should evaluate a new position but then he saw him.
Lance Banner.
“I have visual on the Banner boy and his girlfriend. Can we get a drone at my position?I want to make sure we can keep eyes on them when shit hits the fan.” James texted quickly to Agent Watts before slipping his phone away and making his way quietly behind them. Like he told Klara earlier, James didn’t care about any of this. If letting whatever insanity occur got him one step closer to snagging Banner, then let chaos rule. He slipped up behind them and waited. He knew it would happen. He just had to be patient.
And did the Hulk deliver.
After the initial aftershocks and whatever nonsense was happening with the water, James fished out his pistol and fired into Runa, not bothering to check his work as he transitioned over with the ICER on Lance. He dropped the ICER as soon as Lance hit the ground, refocusing on Runa. She was a problem and he sent a quick kick of foot at her, only to be blocked by some damn magic again. But he did manage to get Lance down for the count and he pulled out his phone again, texting Watts If you see her, dive bomb a drone into the girl I shot. He put it away and grabbed Lance, starting to haul the boy away in the confusion.
James nodded as people broke, watching Leighton and Spark Plug swing to the right. He ignored their spectator, focusing on working the plan. A good plan meant success and provided a foundation to work with in case things changed in the middle of it. He sighed as Spark Plug immediately broke the plan, sending electricity slamming into Colossus. ‘Oof, that’s gotta hurt. Need to stay on her good side.’ He thought to himself. While he appreciated taking an opportunity, he did not appreciate the plan being broken so early. It put Cayden and him behind before they even had a chance to try!
“Alrighty, lets try this. You and me down the middle. Take the ice if you want, I’m going to firmly avoid that.” James muttered to Cayden, waiting for him to take off. James was going to try and slip by in the confusion, hoping the various blasts would keep Colossus off balance enough for him to do it. Well, Leighton’s. He wasn’t sure he could trust Spark Plug not to just aim for the bell repeatedly. He didn’t notice Feedback quietly slip away.
Hide in Plain Sight skil roll to avoid Colossus in the confusion of the battlefield
Location: The Hellfire Club (D3) Skills: N/A
Requiem silently agreed with Anastasia, ready to get his fingers wrapped firmly around a fee of hsi ideas. He didn’t bother with the report since Jinx took pictures. He’d have the boy send them his way later so they could review it privately. An omega level killed without much of a fuss? It sounded like sabotage, a person he trusted slipping past whatever warriness the mutant may have had and Requiem believe security personnel with that much responsibility would have their guard up more often than not. The personal details Emma shared only raised more flags than not.
But the new arrival pulled him away from his thoughts. Glimpse arrived with little warning in the club but that was relatively unsurprising. Most of the members didn’t advertise when they were showing up. He tilted his head as Jinx prattled on in his usually obnoxious way, noting the woman wasn’t intending to fight but he wasn’t entirely sure what she was here for and in his original line of work, that meant nothing good. “Why don’t you take a seat with us? We don’t get to see your face very often. Can we get you a drink?” He put his own drink down on the table, grabbing his cane in case she cared for something.
James contemplated the map, leaning on the table slightly as he considered their options. He quite liked Agent Watt’s suggestion of maintaining visuals through drones. It would allow them to coordinate hairpin reactions rather than waiting for communications in the event of the inevitable distraction. As for him, he tended to work well without a hundred other agents with him. He knew how to blend into the background relatively well so he’d play to his strengths. He looked up at the group, his face expressionless.
“I’ll do a sweep through the crowd and then patrol the prisoner’s route. It shouldn’t be hard to keep myself undetected while everyone’s attention is focused on the prisoner’s and I’ll take an ear piece so Agent Watts can reach me when necessary.” James suggested, following Watt’s lead and waiting for confirmation. “Whenever prisoner’s are moving is when they are most vulnerable and if they value their allies’ lives rather than making a political statement, they’ll take them when they have the least risk of failure and injury. Have the guards been briefed on the defected Agents and their abilities?”
If given the go ahead, roll for James’s Hide in Plain Sight Skill as he patrols the route and a perception (No skill) to see if he notices anything as he does please!
“Sounds like a plan! I’ll go grab a key.” Anu zipped away, picking up an empty tankard and dropping it off behind the counter before returning with a room key. “3 copper for a night or buy a week for a silver and eight copper and you only pay for 6 nights. 4 copper for hot bath water if that’s you fancy. Always fixes me up when I’ve had a rough day, especially if you pick up an herbal sachet from the market. The Baby Blue sachets are so expensive since they’re a pain to kill but the medicinal qualities are amazing.”
“I see.” Rania’s demeanour soften slightly at the mention of Shifter, nodding at his request. “Knowledge is a right owed to all. If you can prove your dedication and resilience, nature itself will reward you but if you falter, you may find yourself stuck as what you become.”
Accept: Yes No Please be aware that accepting this subclass will stop you from accepting other subclasses of your class
“Elwyn Gage.” Rania’s face twitched in irritation. “I just explained to another girl that she recently fled from our realm in an attempt to hide from our head warrior. If she is here, she’ll be off gambling her night away before she does on her next hunt. If for some reason you wish to curry the woman’s favor, a Bird of Paradise bloom should suit your needs. She’s quite fond of it. She grows them in her own gardens in Raltra. But if you can’t make it to the other side of the island where they grow, slay a few blue bells and you should be able to get enough of their pollen for the woman to use.” A menu popped up in front of Holly as Rania explained,
Quest Accepted: Taking the Shot Play dice with Elywn Gage at the River Run Inn.
Optional: Bring her a Birds of Paradise or 3 piles of Baby Blue Pollen.
“This is good and all but it's late. You can plot your machinations with my husband on the morrow. Now leave us be, preferably before more new arrivals demand our attention.” Rowina snapped impatiently, holding the door open for the new Mechanist. Winston laughed, walking over and placing a fond kiss on his wife’s temple.
“I’ll have to agree with the lady. I’m on her poor side often enough as is. Come find me in the morning if you need help with your design!” Alfor offered.
The Arena was full with sounds of fighting, metal crashing on metal, muttered incantations, and the thwap of bow strings as arrows flew threw the air. Missed shots and spells careened into the wrong duels, throwing players off balance in an ever growing pit of mayhem. A few players quickly shone through however: Wrinfell Nightbane, a thin looking marauder woman currently without a guild but nevertheless cackling as she laid waste with every blow she landed. Apollo Regalia, an officer of Heaven’s Oath and a brutal fire mage. Cecelia Tonitrus, the graceful lancer of Last Genesis eagerly knocking her opponents around.
At the end of it, Ceclia placed third behind the other pair. Wrinfell quickly proved a difficult match against Cecelia, her high Stamina and Champion’s Pelt armor making it difficult to stun or disable her and the absurd rotation of self buffs and auto attack healing keeping her coming back for more. Her fight against Apollo had been absurdly close, less than 100 HP difference between them. Unfortunately, the Burning DoT ticked just before she landed her attack and the duel ended. The Arena emptied quickly after that, leaving just the three after a few minutes of congratulating the top three.
“And what a way to work off the stress!” Wrinfell boomed, her voice much louder than her stature suggested. “That was a nasty little trick with the DoTs and the wind. If I couldn’t heal myself regularly, I think I would have been toasted. And you are a fun thing to fight Cecelia, aren’t you?” The grin she wore was wolfish as she addressed the other woman. “Cecelia was a great match. Thank goodness for Burn or I would have lost.” Apollo laughed, clapping Cecelia on the back. “You both should join Heaven’s Oath. You’d rise in the ranks pretty fast with your skill set.”
Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.
Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.<br><br>Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day! </div>