Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.
Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!
Aster was still riding high on the exhilaration of flying when the new kid dropped off him like a rope. H would kick himself later for letting him go on without a remark, instead flipping open his mirror and making sure his glamour was still holding strong, but for now he could only beam. Flying and swimming always made him feel on top of the world, sending adrenaline through his veins for hours. He let out a content sigh as he floated down off his cloud and burst out laughing at the Ares’ kids orders.
“Me, hunt? My pores are weeping already. What makes you think I’m going to get more dirt under my fingernails?” Aster scoffed amusedly at Ares. He couldn’t wait to get back to camp, take a proper shower with all his supplies, go through his routine including his sleepy time face mask, and catch up on whatever gossip was floating around camp. Maybe he could beg Theresa to charmspeak one of the Apollo campers to give him a massage. “I will however graciously give up some of my beauty sleep and take a double shift on lookout tonight so you two can get a chance to recover.” Aster took off his jacket and folded it neatly before hanging it over the lip of the chariot, proceeding to unstrap the pegasus and brush it down while cooing to it softly. The new kid brought back enough fish for the night and immediately preened when he called him “Pretty Boy.” Technically, it was gorgeous but a compliment was a compliment. Aster would chalk the mistake up to shifter head.
“We have a daughter of Hephaestus, the God of Forge and Flame, sent to pick up after her daddy’s tantrum. She can start a fire.” Aster chimed in helpfully as he finished up, patting his pegasus once more before sauntering over to grab his bag and jacket. “Now, I think I’ll take a dip in the lake before we eat. I feel absolutely disgusting.” He sauntered off to the lake shore and laid the jacket on the ground, taking off his ring and slipping it into his bag, before peeling off the rest of his clothes. Normally, he wouldn’t treat his things like this but the clothes would disappear before the next sunrise anyways. He brought his back up set, wrapped in his bag, just in case he was too tired to reapply but they’d see how traveling went. He rolled his shoulders and slipped into the lake, letting the cool water hold him as he dove under and resurfaced to float peacefully.
The employee, a girl a little older than Max, gapped for a few moments at the people in the store before registering what Max asked for. She nodded mutely, still clearly star struck at the fact a movie star―and Eris Samael at that!―graced her shift. Suddenly picking up that extra shift for her coworker didn’t seem so awful.
“Right bracelets, of course.”She stumbled over her words as she brought him to the focus section, mostly a collection of wands, stones, and the odd staff. A smaller portion was locked inside a glass case on the wall, a few broaches, amulets, and bracelets hanging inside. The bracelets seemed mostly like charm bracelets, thin and weak looking but pretty nonetheless, but three were made of thicker metal, one a dull grey and the other two gold. The girl fiddled with the keys as she pointed them out, clearly wanting to say something.
“Eris Samael is your partner?” She gushed excitedly. “That must be amazing! You’re practically set for life! And he’s gorgeous! You must be the luckiest person in the school! Tell me all about him! Is he as amazing as all the magazines say? They say people line up for him to feed from. Is it mind blowing? Tell me everything!”
“You are the absolute worst.” Varis commented amusedly as he watched Eris feed his poor mage to the wolves. The boy deserved it anyways. It was amusing once in a while but Varis grew bored of such theatrics quickly. “Is there any other business that requires your immediate attention?”
Running back to campus was uneventful but a bus load of students heading into town gave the vampire a few odd looks. The bus stop approached quickly however and Evalyn was waiting impatiently by it, Hannah from the night before reading a book. Relief washed over Evalyn’s face as she caught sight of Jory and Hannah looked up with a chuckle.
“Oh thank the Queen.” Evalyn sighed, quickly typing into her phone and stashing it away.. “Come on. We’ve got the keys to one of these human abuser’s dorms. We’re gonna go fuck up their shit. Ready to set some creepy crap on fire?” Evalyin grinned as she lead the three of them back towards the dorm.
The silence stretched for longer than just a while before a slow, steady clickclickclick broke it as the vampire took his time approaching Salem, evaluating Salem, and ultimately finding him lacking. He stopped next to Salem, turning sharply, and clicking his tongue in disappointment. Salem would feel a tug on his shirt and then he was stumbling, slamming against the door as Count Julian threw the mage back by his shirt. The Count’s impassive face didn’t change as he returned to his spot.
“If you are summoned, you may assume an introduction is unnecessary. Mages should be seen, not heard until addressed at which time they should speak succinctly. Anything else is both disrespectful and rude.” He folded his hands neatly behind him as he stared Salem down. “You will address me as Count Noila for the time being. We will work on additional terms of address later. Your success, and your release from this class, are entirely dependant on my evaluation on your mastery of these skills. Failure to perform appropriately will result in disciplinary action. I expect you to present your hands any time you fail. Light injuries and pain will not be permitted treatment form a Life Mage or any medicinal concoctions unless otherwise permitted by me.” He picked up the ruler from the desk, speaking to the room rather than Salem directly as he did so.
”When entering a room with a vampire, you will always knock three times on the knuckle and announce your presence. You do not open the door until you receive permission to do so. If you are expected and do not receive a response, you wait ten seconds before repeating. If you are not, you will not enter the room unless you have permission previously.” The Count strode to the center of the room. Once you have permission to enter, you take three steps into the room and you give a bow from the waist at 45 degrees to whoever summoned you. This will change as we introduce additional vampires to the room but we will build the foundation before we attempt anything too complex. Now try.”
As Lilie approached, Sariel and William both looked up at the mage. William turned his attention away to other students wandering near the Princess but Sariel sent her a wink and a smile before she too turned her attention away. The pair were dressed in formal clothes, both in Noila color suits with little embellishment. Sariel’s staff leaned lazily on her shoulder, just a hint of a slouch breaking her otherwise formal appearance, and a far away look dominated her eyes. William was stoic and his eyes never seemed to stop, darting from one place to another and back again. His hand rested on a blade at his hip, a plain but sturdy weapon that he kept for simple escorts like this. As Lilie got closer, she could feel the air shifting slightly against the normal breeze.
“Good morning, Lilie. I hope your first night has found you well.”The Princess responded softly with a pleasant smile, chuckling at the water mage’s shock. “My apologies, perhaps I was too forward. I often forget most don’t expect me to remember my students’ names. Would Ms. Dionne make you more comfortable?”
James laughed at the movie reference. True, maybe Colossus was but this only ended if the bell rang so he could be a nuclear bomb for all that mattered. James was going to try and manipulate every advantage they had, not that it was much. The man had more experience, more determination, and frankly the muscle, or metal in this case, to tell them to fuck off. Though as Ms. Sparky Sparky Boom woman over here sprayed sparks everywhere, James got an interesting idea.
“Alright, slight change of plans. Leighton and uh, Sparky―I’m so sorry I don’t know your name but we can do introductions later?―you two go around opposite sides. Feedback will follow one of you. Feedback if you can throw the Top 40 at him, see if you can blast the most physically painful, harsh sound you can imagine right at him. See if we can keep him a bit distracted. After that, this guy and I―again, I am an awful person for not knowing your names―are going to charge down the middle to keep his attention and see if we can duck around him.” James whispered to the group, feeling awful that he was just coming up with names but right now, he was focused on winning this. Names would come later and probably more apologies. “While we’re going in, Leigton and Sparky should keep an eye on what he’s doing. If he tries to move or grab someone, light him up with lightning and ice. I’d say aim for the face but I don’t know if his eyes are invulnerable right now? Maybe the neck so he has to protect himself. Worse comes to worst, I’ll patch him back up but working together is the only way we’re making it to that bell.
Location: The Hellfire Club Skills: N/A
“Then sit down before you work yourself up any further.” Requiem suggested as Jinx paced. The boy would just work himself up and then start throwing jinxes every direction. They didn’t need the pair of woman killing the boy before Requiem was through using him. He sipped at his wine more as he considered how they wanted to handle this any further. Anastasia immediately proved herself less than helpful, intent on relying on a skewed source rather than discover her own. However, Jinx made a good point about the death . A coroner’s report would be available somewhere and Requiem already had plans on making a stop at the precinct’s office. Two birds with one stone.
“I fear the wide variety of tools at our suspect’s disposal may have made the death an inconsequential factor but covering every base is an excellent start. Good idea Jinx.” While correcting any behavior, a periodic piece of praise can go a long way. Requiem didn’t think it would turn up anything however. Given the people involved, the man could have simply been told to drown himself or drink a gallon of bleach and no one would be the wiser. The possibilities were endless really; creativity and cruelty often went hand in hand in this world after all. And that the suspects were in a position to alter the information they were looking for made everything just a touch more difficult. “I always find the word traitor amusing. It is entirely subjective. More often that not, a situation demands the traitor make a choice, adhere to the constraints of its organization or stay true to the ideals of the movement that the organization has ultimately abandoned in search for material power. So no matter the choice, the person is a traitor.”
James stayed silent most of the way to the palace, not particularly looking forward to the executions. While the previous members of his unit believed he enjoyed murder for the sake of murder, it was quite the opposite. Senseless murder exhausted him. The only pleasure he got from the loss of life was that of a job well done, of all the pieces falling into place with each life ended. The fall back plan with the Banner project served to further alienate him from his support, including his son, and ease the way for the next attempt. These executions? Nothing but death after death after death with nothing to show for them. Their lives brought him no satisfaction or dissatisfaction in life, why should their deaths be any different.
“It may well be.” James acknowledged Sapphire’s comment. “I believe the likelihood of their success far outweighs our ability to combat them but also long as we get a trace on them, it will be worth it. We should take the chance to slip a shapeshifter into their midst in the confusion.” James mused, side eyeing Mystique. As usual, she dropped an information bomb at the last moment, making a grand exit behind Sapphire as James rolled his eyes. Nevertheless, he was intrigued. The woman who attacked a bound man struggling to figure out what the fuck was going on did not match up with someone aimlessly wandering the streets. He nodded his goodbye to Agent Watts and made his way down into the cells to find the woman.
“How interesting. Out wandering the streets with no protection? What were you thinking?” James asked when he arrived, sincere confusion evident in his expression. First impression did not suggest aimless wanderer on their brief meeting.
”Trust me, fairly certain I’m going to get a lecture about it later knowing me, but you know, the world is screwed up and all which I didn’t know during our last encounter. So apologies for blasting you backwards,” Klara responded, looking over at him. “Not to mention someone essentially even knowing I didn’t know about the other real world basically insulted me in probably the worst way possible so I didn’t really want to stay anywhere near him at the moment…”
"I'd rip into you too if I was them. You're an idiot." James shook his head in disappointment. A slight against her? No insult, regardless of its severity, was enough to put everything she had worked for at risk like this. “But I’m not here to lecture you. I’m sure your comrades will do that plenty once they’ve secured you. Likely at great personal cost to them but I guess sacrifices must be made. Another thing for you to brood about.” James looked around for a chair, dragging one over and sitting in front of her cell. He watched her carefully for a moment, considering his options.
“The world is all screwed up? That’s nothing new. The King wants to launch research into Dr. Banner’s original experiments, we kill people for no reason other than to draw out resistances with no results, and yet we are now just figuring out the world is a mess? Unless you’re referring to my recent coworkers your organization stole and their inane idea that this is some wrong world we all have a full life of memories of.” James sat back, hands clasped together as he fiddled his thumbs. “So explain this all to me. Satisfy my curiosity and I’ll reduce the casualties your forces suffer during your rescue.”
”I was referring to the part about another reality that your co workers believed to be real, as now do I. I’ll admit, I didn’t believe them at first, one of the main reasons I wasn’t in the best mood at all, but then one of them restored my memories, and now I remember the other world perfectly. As for them coming after me, that would be assuming that they even know I’m here, I kind of took off without saying a word about where I was going. You also say no insult should result in me storming off? Well how about someone essentially telling me that I essentially am the worst and that I tarnish my father’s name, who in this reality has been dead for a while… However in the real world he is very much alive still.” Klara didn’t even really look at him at the moment, she was more of glancing over at a wall, just looking at it, her mind racing, and she clearly was thinking about things.
“Is your other self niave or just stupid? You commandeered several shield agents and our files have you listed as a known resistance agent. Do you really believe you aren’t bait? Even if they don’t know now, they’ll see you when they arrive. Or someone who looks like you at least.” James sighed. Someone insulted her father and so she stormed off. He rolled his eyes and sighed. “My condolences for your loss then. This other world, is it better than this one? Are things between the races better? Your newest additions seem intent on ignoring this world in favor of that one for some reason.”
”In the other world I’m not even from Midgard,” she responded to the first part of his question, and it was obvious from that wording that she was Asgardian in the other world. ”I think the other world is far better than this one… For one, my father is still alive, however it is more than just that. Like King Erik? He’s not actually the king of the world, he’s a terrorist and mutants are the minority, not the majority, and he constantly from what I’ve heard tries to take over the world at least every other week.”
“The Human Resistance is considered a terrorist group here. The King’s actions in an alternate reality sounds suspiciously like humans here.” James shrugged off the accusation. James didn’t know much about Asgardians other than a few notable figures and that they lived on another world but from his point of view, they seemed rather unstoppable. The other reality everyone seemed to place their faith in sounded like a mirror of this one, a reality where humans reigned rather than mutants. “Well, its no matter. This business of worlds and realities doesn’t seem to have anything to do with me. You’r resistance group however has someone I want. What if we strike a deal? You for Dr. Banner. You have several shield agents under your control so you could likely launch a rescue effort for him as well and I can quit this moronic organization once and for all.”
”Oh please, fairly certain they aren’t going to strike that deal at all, just saying. I mean, after all the trouble that they went through, I mean really… Most of the people there now don’t even actually know who I am, so why would they do a thing like that?” She asked with a slight laugh. It was intriguing to her that James thought that the group would do something like that, but she knew enough to know that the odds were they weren’t going to, especially since to most of the group she was a complete stranger, aside from those who already had been with the resistance and had their memories of the real world now.
“No but you have a connection to Banner and that’s the only link I need. Put pressure on your cousin who stresses out Lance who accidently puts pressure on the green monster.” James shrugged. “Banner’s big green friend is always the way to secure the good doctor. Like I said before, a pile of bodies often makes people think differently. But I agree with you, it won’t happen. As much as I’d like an easy retirement.” James tapped his foot repeatedly, considering his options. “I need more information about this and you’re my only link right now. I’ll make you a deal then. You have someone who can restore memories? I’ll help you and your little resistance here in exchange for you person restoring mine.”
”You’d help me, just because you want to know what’s going on? Please, you are definitely an interesting one aren’t you? Not to mention you were mean to my cousin last night from what I can tell. Besides, why in all of Midgard would you help me, and potentially destroy your own life in the process? Since you have to remember, if we are unable to right the wrong and fix reality, we are all stuck in this one.”
“If that’s what you think, then you haven’t been paying attention.” James already told her he’d kill just to stress Banner’s connections, he’d already pointed out his dissatisfaction with the regime’s methods, and pointed out he found little issues with this reality and she couldn’t put the pieces together. No wonder she ran like a child at the slightest hit to her pride. James would raze a city to ensure the job was done. James would usurp the monarchy if necessary to get his hands on Banner. He made plans, he worked plans, and he got the job done but when so many new variables enter the equation, he needed more information to move forward. Understanding the delusion these fools were under would help with that. “Help for memories. That’s the deal.” James repeated, a bored look creeping over his face.
”Problem is I can’t make that deal, since I’m not afraid to die you know. Not to mention how do I know I can trust you, and how do I know that you won’t just use that chance to essentially turn all of us in? So no, there is no deal, since yes, I too would prefer there not to be any bloodshed if necessary, however, I don’t think that’s going to be avoidable in any sort of situation.”
"Suit yourself." James said, standing. He put the chair back where he found it and turned to look at her again, smiling cordially. "Living is what you should be afraid of, Klara. Death is the easy way out. After all, you aren't going to die." He nodded and headed out, heading to find where he was supposed to be.
I adjusted his age because I can't do math but yes, he was born raised in New York. I mentioned it in the other section but I added the raised part for clarification!
Appearance: Standing an average 5’ 10” and weighing in at 145 pounds, Jacob on a normal day prefers the simplest attire. A colored t-shirt, cargo pants or jeans, a pair of converse, and a hoodie or a beanie make perfectly acceptable attire as long as they’re clean. He wears a brown cord necklace with a pearl woven into the front of it that, despite it not leaving his neck since he put it on, only has a few fraying strands around the pearl where he nibbles at the cord. A tattoo covers his right shoulder, four honeycombs each dripping with a different color: green for Christopher, red for Jacqueline, purple for Anezi, and gold for himself. He is almost always wearing a thick leather bracelet over the band that marks him as Fragmented, only forgoing it in public when he is meeting another Fragmented in an attempt to find his soulmate.
Personality: The first three characteristics that pop into anyone’s head when discussing Jacob are determined, driven, and passionate. Jacob experiences his opinions intensely and once he sets a goal, very little can stop him from getting there. Brought up by his outspoken and blunt father, he isn’t one to mince his words or hold himself back if he thinks something needs to be changed. That isn’t to say he is rude; more that he doesn’t have an issue pointing out a mistake and offering a solution.
In fact, Jacob often notices the good before the bad and just like with a flaw, has little issue in pointing the good out. His penchant for positivity and optimism can be overbearing for some but he just wants to leave the world better than how he found it, a worldview too few share in his opinion.
Biography: It probably wasn’t his first at some point. He probably has earlier ones, maybe of Manhattan in the fall or a nasty injury, but the memories of his aunt dominated his early childhood. Like him, his mother’s sister wore the mark of the Fragmented. Unlike him, and he would damn well make sure of it, she was Lost. Angelica, his mother, and Joan, his aunt, were half sisters and Joan was almost a decade older than her sister. Joan moved in when he was only three and often babysat him when his parents were out. She taught a small piano class to help pay her bills but as she grew older, her groups became smaller and smaller until she only taught Jacob. He had inherited her love for the piano early on and happily devoted himself to its play. Memories of his unsteady scales gradually growing into complex pieces played with confidence and gusto to a laughing family would keep him going when, his second year in elementary school, the music changed.
Joan committed suicide.
It took Jacob a long time to process it. His music, once expressive and upbeat, took a turn to the morose as his family suffered through the aftershocks. Angelica could barely stand to look at him. The mark only reminded her of her sister, of all the work she did to save her, of all the times she tried to find Joan’s soulmate, only to have it bleed out on the floor of the bathroom when no one was home. Every time she saw she son, she saw him withering away and dying before her, saw herself burying another family member sentenced to a horrible fate. Jacob took to hiding the band so she wouldn’t start sobbing as soon as she saw it. It seemed to help for a while; she would pick him up and talk with him as long as she couldn’t see it. As long as she could try and forget.
Jacob’s father was the reason the family held together as long as it did. Quinn O’Sullivan was the type of man who would rather die than see his family fall apart and so he worked endlessly to keep them together. He didn’t blame his wife for seeking solace in another man; he was too close to everything and he just reminded her that their family had problems. He enrolled them in grief counseling. He didn’t blame her when the pile of bottles grew higher than the edge of the recycling bin on the regular. He found her help. When his son’s music started lagging and he couldn’t play at his Aunt’s keyboard, he invested in a new piano so Jacob could make new memories. When Jacob cried about wanting to play with mom and not him, he covered the mark so his wife could bear to be around their son for a little while again. He pushed and pushed and held on as long as he could but things eventually fell apart.
When Jacob was in seventh grade, just after placing first in his first classical music competition, his mother filed for divorce. Pregnant with another man, Angelina decided to leave the memories, the fear, the dread most of all, behind and start a new life. Quinn and Jacob were devastated, especially as she gave up her rights as Jacob’s mother, and she disappeared from their life, not even a year later. This abandonment would give rise to Jacob’s unease around the Lost and his desperate attempts to find his soul mate. His dad already went through enough; he couldn’t do it to him again.
He met Christopher and Jacqueline just after his mother left, partnered on a project in music class. The siblings, fraternal twins, made quick friends with Jacob after discovering a sincere interest in music (and it helped no one was in the class for an easy grade). It was Jacob’s first real friendship, outside of acquaintances and brief connections from his extracurricular passion, that would last through present day. Christopher played the guitar and Jacqueline sang beautifully, bringing the three together to practice after school more often than not. Jacob and Christpher dated for a few months but between Jacob’s determination to find his soulmate and his demanding practice schedule and Chris’s tendency to laze, the pair quickly agreed they made better friends. Jacqueline only rolled her eyes at the news with an “I told you so” and they moved on from that.
They met Anezi a couple of years later, sophomore year of high school, when the three erroneously thought they could be a cover band before breaking out into something more. An art student with excellent skills but a less than stellar social record, the trio commissioned her for “Album Artwork” that never made it to the light of day. She still swears she never drew anything like that for them, even if she always keep a copy of her work, but she was drawn into the group anyways. She clicked perfectly, almost as if she had been around for the forming of the group. Christopher made a soulmate joke about it once. Jacob almost slugged him, his fear of becoming Lost making those jokes land poorly with him, and it took days of apologizing before Jacob finally forgave him, much to Jacqueline and Anezi’s amusement.
The four moved on from their musical aspirations pretty quickly, with the exception of Jacob. Christopher dropped out of high school and entered the workforce, later earning his GED and working his way into management. His life was stressful but he liked it, especially once he found his current girlfriend. They became the sickeningly sweet couple and the three teased him constantly for it, even if Jacob was a bit jealous. Jacqueline went onto major in biochemistry, losing contact with the group most often as she got swamped in classes, while Anezi moved onto animation, crying over long days and sleepless nights in the public workshops drawing and moving images. Jacob got lots of late night calls when her programs would crash and the others were asleep.
As everyone’s life was picking up, Jacob continued to have some issues at home. Out of curiosity, he found his mother on social media under a fake profile since she blocked his. He may have stalked her for months, crying himself to sleep over the constant posts of how much she loved her family and how great her life was. Not that he wanted her to have a bad life but he wanted her to have a good life with him. His father found out a year after Jacob created the fake profile and quickly shut it down, knowing it was doing nothing good for his son. It caused some tension but his father believed seriously in therapy, finding someone who would just listen. Jacob stayed with the therapist voluntarily until school obligations took him away from them but he still writes them every few months just to say hi.
His senior year of high school was his big debut in the world of music. After months of competitions around the US, Jacob qualified for one of three spots from the country for a prestigious music competition in Sydney, Australia. It was his first international trip and top placers were almost guaranteed scholarship offers. He purchased the pearl necklace he always wears for good luck and played his hardest through each round of judging. He performed Beethoven's Diabelli Variations for the competition, a lively twist on a more stately piece, not only to challenge his comfort zones but also because it was Joan’s favorite. Playing it for the world helped close wounds he wasn’t even aware he had. His emotional gamble won him second place and a full ride to his first choice university, the Manhattan School of Music.
His school career was a whirlwind of busy, between full time course work, working at small bars as a pianist, and searching for his soulmate. Time seemed to fly, studying abroad in germany his junior year. Although he never quite picked up the language, he spent a great deal of time searching for his soulmate since he was determined to find them. Antagonistic, platonic, or, if whatever fate gave him this mark was kind, romantic, he didn’t. He was just terrified of being lost. His senior year was even busier, putting a hold on searching for his soulmate unfortunately, but just after graduation, he got an offer to join a New York based orchestra thanks to a few connections he made in Germany. He would start in August, while practicing pieces they sent him on his own time, and in October they would be on the road around America. He couldn’t say yes fast enough.
But his plans were nearly thrown out of the window. The letter. An invitation that got Jacob’s pulse racing. After all his searching, after all his fears, after everything… how could he say no?
star ★ for Obby! 07F169 is my color!
Chews on the collar of his shirts or his necklace.
Scrunches his nose whenever he disagrees with something or finds it unpleasant.
Always purposely mismatches his sock.
Character Notes:
Born and raised in Manhattan, New York
Enjoys sports.Can’t play because of the possibility of injury to his hands but gets really into them.
Drinks socially but always asks for it cut a little weaker. Got drunk once and had to fly home on the hangover. The experience still haunts him.
His favorite alcoholic drink is a Mojito.
Prefers sparkling water to still water.
Likes popcorn extra buttery with chocolate pieces melted into them.
Rom-coms are his favorite genre of movie. Gets easily spooked during horror films but still enjoys watching them (will never watch one on his own)
The general din of the inn had settled a little as people’s adrenaline highs wore off and the alcohol and the warmth started settling in their bones. People chatted much more pleasantly, a pleased buzz running through the room, and Anu was chatting with Drash but turned around when he gave a nod and a wave at the newcomer’s entrance. The girl beamed and made her way over.
“Welcome to the Tipsy Troodon.” Anu said cheerfully. ”You lookin’ for a meal, a room, or both? We got a seat open at the counter if you’d like.”
The town was still quiet, most of its NPCs turned in for the night. A few guards patrolled the area, throwing wary looks at the new adventurers but otherwise leaving them alone so long as they weren’t too rowdy. The clouds had mostly disappeared by now and a full moon and a black sea of stars shone down on Reliquia. Here in the dark of the forests, the entire sky was flooded with speckles of light.
Approaching the bridge that spanned the mouth of the river as it deposited into the delta, Aura would see another girl standing on it and muttering irritably as her fingers danced in the air. She was likely messaging someone. A closer look would show her name Whispering Willow < Last Genesis >.
The man accepted both person’s money happily and rowed them across the delta. It was a short trip but what had originally been a small island rapidly grew into a large piece of land and the word hut was rather misleading. The circular building took up almost all of the land space, a few shamans outside staring at the sky. They made no move to greet the new arrivals as they would pass by past the animal skins that hung in the doorway.
Inside, a bonfire dominated the center and its smoke curled up through a hole in the domed ceiling. Various people lounged inside, some weaving baskets, some telling stories, and a few passing around a long pipe. A hummingbird zipped past the pair that entered and shimmered, shifting into Rania who looked at them curiously. “Why have two bothrian made there way here?” The woman’s posture was calm and collected but her tone held an edge to it.
“You may need to consider refining that vision, my boy. Saying you wish to produce things of grandeur and actually creating something are two entirely different things.” Alfor proclaimed. “But of course I shall guide you on your path! But you’ll first need an idea, a base from which your inspiration to grow and shape, to expand outside your own mind and take on a life of its own!”
Quest Complete: A Mechanist’s Life for Me! Rewards: Mechanist Subclass 2500 EXP 2 Silver Coins
Accept: Yes No [sub]Please be aware that accepting this subclass will stop you from accepting other subclass of your class[/sub]
With Cecelia’s proclamation, the group she gathered burst into the Arena behind her and the sound bounced around the vaulted ceiling. The Arena dominated the majority of the tower’s height, a large pit covered in a thin layer of sand dug a bit below sea level and tiers of seating rising almost as high as the ceiling. Hundred of cut gems glowed with near natural light, illuminating the space perfectly. There were few shadows available for those who’s magic relied on them.
The NPC had no issue agreeing to hold onto their coin, procuring a small pot from somewhere in the Arena for everyone to put their coin in. 1700 Renn clinked as she carried it around after she sealed it with a wooden top and several feet of rope. She called in a few other guards, all eager to see some of the new arrivals show off their skills, and no one complained when they were asked to take positions around the arena to make sure they could catch all the bouts.
“I think I’ve already claimed this dance first.” Gauis slid right up to Cecelia, a 3 barreled steel flintlock pistol in hand and a smirk on his face. “Let’s see if I’m as fast as lightning.” Off to the side, a woman in heavy robes and a staff leaned against the wall, waiting her turn.
“Hm, perhaps you should.” Varis agreed with Eris’s suggestion, raising an eyebrow expectantly. “One of my vassel’s was prattling on about it a decade or two ago and now that you’ve reminded me, it would be an interesting experience. Probably wouldn’t have to wait more than an hour either.” Varis contemplated the idea seriously. The vampire probably hadn’t expected Varis to react, much less like this, but catching the actor by surprise was always amusing. The corner of his mouth twitched upward in brief amusement. And if the actor followed through... well, Varis wouldn’t waste the opportunity.
Alderman’s comments caught his attention quickly after that though, eyebrows shot up in surprise. His words, if genuine, wouldn't have caught his attention but the insolence in his tone grated on the Sinnenodel’s nerves. The Starag boy may be incompetent but at least he knew how to keep his tongue still. Varis eyed the waif critically. While normally he could just allow Eris to handle his own problems, blatantly disrespecting a vampire known to be in regular contact with himself would be paramount to approval.
“A ugly bark fitting an ugly mutt. Here I thought you merely had the good sense to keep your council but I was mistaken. Hold your tongue in the future otherwise you’ll find yourself without the choice to loose it. Whatever insolence you had the opportunity to develop should be quelled now.” Varis warned the mage before turning back to Eris. “You have some work cut out for you with this one. I recommend investing in a muzzle for the mage straight away. If he continues to act like this, we can have his magic artificially bound over his breaks. Deprive the boy of his reprieves until he behaves.”
“Let’s be about getting your mage his toy. The sooner we do that, the sooner we can rid ourselves of mages for a while.” Varis sighed. Frankly, he wanted to leave as soon as he dropped off the boy. It was the whole reason he gave him the night off despite his performance issues.Varis would be more than happy just to leave Alderman here to find his own if it meant leaving sooner but he understood leaving a dog without its master on the first day was never a good way to establish the relationship.
Meanwhile, Jory receives a very angry text message response.
“What do you mean, what do we need you for? Remember, we were supposed to talk at lunch but we couldn’t find you? And now you’ve disappeared into the wind again? You know, the whole you have to help us or the Hive digs through your head deal? Ring a bell?”
Plenty of students made their way around campus now that their last class was done for the evening. Mages and vampires roamed in groups in various degrees of haste, the newer students clearly a little overwhelmed by everything they’ve gone through today. Students separated for various extracurricular activities, some heading towards the arena and others heading back into the halls. As she often did, Ryner could be seen walking around campus and talking excitedly with various staff and students with Sariel and William trailing close behind her.
Salem’s next class was held in the Library’s Study Room 1, easily found on the side of the massive room. His name and another, Julian Noila, were written in neat script on the marker next to the door. Various sconces glowed along the walls covered in soft tapestries depicting various scenes from history and a fire crackled on the back wall. Plush carpet muffled the sound of footsteps and the various chairs from the room were lining the walls. On the far end of the room, a small round side table held a ruler and a metal rod. A stool sat in the middle of the room.
But perhaps most noticeably, the walls rose and rose without end and faded into the sky to reveal a million stars shining down softly. This would be the sky above the academy without lights, without civilization, as if the room hovered ten thousand feet in the air. It was one of the most popular ones, especially with astronomy students, and plenty of people just came in to star gaze for an hour.
Far less exciting, a vampire stood on the back wall. Hands clasped behind his back, his face neutral as he awaited his newest pupil, Julian Noila instructed every Noila and every Starag to grace the royal household in the past 300 years in manners and etiquette. The man towered over most, looking down with a haughty expression at those who didn’t reach his standards and incorrect behaviors were quickly met with a swift snap of a ruler or, if the individual was particularly stubborn, a metal rod. The man wore a simple three piece suit, hair pulled back tightly and just the hint of a scowl twisted his otherwise blank expression.
Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.
Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.<br><br>Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day! </div>