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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 4 days ago

Marygold Isley

Location: Camp Half-Blood - Demeter Cabin -> 6E

Mary nodded her head at Eva, "I'll be right behind you in a minute," she said to her, before going back to making sure she had what she needed. She had her sword with her, and grabbed a packet of plant seeds that she usually had left lying around. Never knew when you'd need them, especially since they could be used to trip any opponents over. After glancing around again somewhat, she grabbed what she had and headed off after Eva towards where they were going to be playing Capture the Flag.

Eventually she'd find her way over there, and she saw that there already were more then a few people there ready to get going. She was fine with potentially being last to show up, but then again there was going to be a lot of other kids participating in it, so she doubted she actually was the last person. Glancing over, she noticed Andy there trying to figure out her armor, and she didn't hesitate to walk on over. "I'll help you out," she said, giving her a smile before she went to see about helping her put on the armor. "My name is Marygold."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Desdemona Pemberton

Location: Camp Half-Blood - The Armory -> F,1

Mona could put two and two together to determine what powers she possibly had. How they would affect the tide of battle remained to be seen though. Still, this suddenly got very interesting as she put on the armor Theresa gave her. With her weapons in tow, she followed the girl on to the Capture the Flag field. If they were on Team Athena, one of the goddesses depicted kicking major ass, then surely they had a good chance of winning.

She found herself kind of looking forward to this. Not that she would openly say such, and she was still not some fashion magazine-viewing person. She still didn't see how being the daughter of Aphrodite could be in any way useful, but she was willing to at least try. Really, she had a fricken' spear/dagger/bracelet! That at least got some major props from her.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 9 days ago

Athanasia Theroux
Location Camp Half-Blood, Armory -> F1

Athanasia wasn't one to admit to weakness or unease, preferring to brush it off and focus on what she could do. Which was far more lady like in her young opinion. As Kristin led them to the armory, she waved with a wide grin to her co-escapees from the school as they left decked in armor with a interesting array of weapons. Hopefully they were on her side if this fight. Something she wished would have been the same for Andy. The daughter if Zeus was a interesting person and Athanasia did want to be friends with her. Being about the same age did have a large hand to play in it.

Looking over the assortments, she dismissed the larger weapons as being too big. Reasonable as she was knky ten after all. It was doubtful she actually would fight due to her age but at least she could be there. Watch how events unfolded and learn a bit more about this strange new and exciting world. Bows were another choice and one she seriously considered. Her mother had helped her dabble in archery for an amusement. Though her far more serious lessons had been in martial arts and sword play. Which meant a sword would be her greatest ally. With a bow? She was more likely to hit a friend than a foe. Letting Arthur do the talking for them she kept an ear out for answers as she pursued her weapon. Grinning she pulled free a light and smaller sword. A rapier. It wasn't her first choice, her first choice would be a double edged light sword, which were super cool and amazing! But this would do for as short as she was. Sorting out her armor as well, she scooted over to try and give Andy a fumbling hand with an apologetic smile. Success or fail, the pale girl then scampered after her half brother with a quick wish of good luck to Andy."This will be lovely! Oh, la! If only Andy were on our team then it would be simply delightful."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jade Schneider

The girl was very thankful that she was going to be allowed to sit out this game, as it would be much easier for her to adapt until she started to figure out what her place at this camp was. She certainly she would ever be some sort of fighter like this game seemed to be training them for. Unlike the comics, she wouldn't turn into some sort of super-cool ninja using her other senses to see or anything fun like that. No, instead Jade would just be boring, normal Jade. Blind as a bat, but hey at least she could apparently cast magic. Though she wondered how effective that would be given that she couldn't exactly see where she was trying to cast the spell. Jade doubted anybody would want to be lit on fire by some giant fireball because 'oops couldn't see, lol!'. That just sounded like something that was almost a surefire way to get yourself hurled off the nearest cliff or 'accidentally' lost in the woods with a bunch of really hungry monsters hanging around.

Soon enough she was dropped off by her sister with Chiron, and the girl stood there clutching her spellbook to her chest. She was a little nervous hanging around a mythical creature right before some big fight, even if it was training, was about the begin. But hey, guess when you're at super-secret-demigod-fighting-camp, you do as demigods would do. Once everything was set up and they were in the right place, Jade went and found herself a nice place to sit. Pulling out the spellbook, she thumbed through to the page about the fire spell she had tried to show off earlier. Carefully she read through the braille page again, determined to take it nice and slow, figuring out where she had gone wrong earlier. She muttered a few words of frustration to herself, just barely loud enough that Chiron might hear as she was practicing, determined to get it down to show her cabinmates.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

As the last of the campers who were participating in the game of Capture the Flag, Team Ares were starting to gather around to make a plan, Bryan looked towards Zeke and smirked a little bit towards him and gave his half brother a thumbs up. "Yep, itching powder is in her armor so she'd probably start feeling the effects of it pretty soon." He patted his brother on the back while looking over towards Marygold as she went to go and help Andy with her armor. Before Jace the cabin counselor for Ares cabin finally spoke up, looking over towards Andy for a moment knowing that she was new.

"Alright, so i'd like Bryan and Zeke both of you guys are on scouting duty, find out where their flag is. And then i'd like the hippy plant girls to set up some traps in the trees by the creek, and Annabelle, to defend the flag." He said towards them she gave him a slight nod, and went to get to work now. "And new girl, just stick close to Mary and Eva." He said towards her while the others were all getting ready for the game to start.

While over in the Athena cabin towards the south, everyone was starting to get ready now as well, everyone was getting into position as Alannah looked at the others who were there, seeing as they had three kids of the Big Three on her side she knew that it would be a pretty easy win for them. She still wasn't sure how capable they were though but she started to think of a plan looking over towards Tammy and Leda and spoke first. "Leda, and Tammy i'd like the two of you guys to scout out first and give us positions on where the Ares kids will be moving take Kiera with you as well. Theresa and Desdemona the both of you will be on offense along with Ash and Andy." Alannah said

"Scarlett i'd like you on defense with Isaac and Dean." Alannah said, as the both nodded towards her as everyone started to get ready, once everyone was ready and they had given out their plans, the sound of a horn went off signaling everyone in the area that the game now started. While over in the dining pavilion everyone who didn't want to participate watched the game as a projector came out to show the game was going on. "Is there anything I can get you Jade?" Chiron asked Jade as he looked over towards her.

Kiera Donovan

Location: Camp Half-Blood, 1,F

Kiera looked Leda for a moment and smirked slightly after Tammy teased her a little bit. "I'm guessing she's always like that?" Kiera asked her, though she was a little bit embarrassed about being called her girlfriend. She still wasn't really sure yet as she shifted slightly as the head of the Athena cabin started to speak up about the plan. She was on scouting duty it seems, though she wasn't sure how she would even be able to keep up with the two speedsters either, but she was more than willing to give it a try as well. She looked towards Arthur when he asked Kristin her preferred weapon she was pretty sure she preferred up close and personal combat.

Kiera then heard the sound of the horn going off looking over towards Tammy and Leda, she was ready to move forward now at this point as well. "Well ready to go and scout, lead the way." Kiera said smiling slightly as Tammy looked at her and then Leda and smirked slightly before bolting off to leave them alone for now, she blushed slightly having an idea why she just left the two of them alone.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Camp Half-Blood, 1,E

Kristin turned to look at Arthur and smiled a little bit before taking off her bracelet and it instantly turned into a spear as well, she preferred to stay at a distance but didn't like to use long ranged weapons. "I prefer using midrange weapons like spears." She said as she looked towards her half sister and nodded slightly as she was about to get ready to move out after hearing the horn going off. Kristin felt her armor getting rather itchy, quietly mumbling to herself, as she started to realize who had did it. "Damn it Bryan.." Kristin muttered to herself mostly as she got the idea of the plan now.

She was on offense as she got her spear ready to fight and the others started to move out now as well to while occasionally itching her back trying to get under the armor. She then decided to just take it off, she couldn't fight with her armor making her uncomfortable at all and tossed it to the ground sighing slightly it was a risk but she didn't really care at this point either.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Location:E6 (following Marygold if she moves)

Andy was relieved when someone stepped over to help her. "Thank you Marygold." She said once her armor was completely on. It was a little too big for her, but at least she could move in it. "I'm Andy." That was probably unnecessary to say since Chiron had introduced her at dinner, but it always felt weird to not say when someone introduced themselves. Was it proper protocol to ask who someone's parent was? It seemed like it was part of everyone's introduction. It didn't help that the guy in charge called Marygold and the other girl "hippy plant girls". Andy had no idea which god or goddess that made them the children of.

There was so much to learn, and it felt more important than any of the previous "learn the rules" she had ever experienced. She watched the other people in the group closely, trying to learn from what they said or did. She did stick close to Marygold and the others with her. Andy thought Marygold seemed nice, at least she had been nice enough to volunteer to help get her armor situated. Andy just wished she wasn't the only new kid on the team.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Leda Storm

Location: Camp Half-Blood 1F -> 4C
Skills: Superhuman Speed

Leda rolled her eyes slightly as her sister ran off and left her with Kiera. It was a little bit annoying that Kiera was being put on scouting, mostly since she would slow them down. She glanced at Kiera for a moment, debating if she should just run off without her but she decided against it, instead picking Kiera up bridal style. "Hold on tight, try not to puke," she said, before moving one hand to be on the back of Kiera's head so that way she wouldn't get whiplash. It was difficult to run at top speed while carrying another person and Leda was really regretting not just ditching Kiera. Sure, she wanted to flirt with her and maybe get lucky, but Leda loved to run above all else.

She stopped once they were at the base of Zeus' fist and she set Kiera down, figuring that they were close enough now and that the Ares people could be nearby. "This is Zeus' fist - I figure it might be a good place to start searching for the Ares team," she explained. She was willing to listen to input from Kiera and had the Hermes people not had speedsters of their own, she would have just run around at superspeed until she found them. She just needed to be a little more careful with her scouting this time.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 6 days ago

Arthur Stanford

Location: Armory -> 1F

Arthur thought for a moment. The spear was an interesting proposition. Certainly better for defending oneself in close range, but could be thrown if needed. More so, it let you engage in combat while keeping your enemy too far away to hit you, if you knew what you were doing. It seemed, actually, like a very good proposition. He'd be experimenting with defending himself in such a way. Tonight though, he thought he may try to use his dagger. Pulling it out, he ran his fingers over the blade; the metal cooler than it should be on a summer evening. The only way he'd actually know what he was good at was to try things.

"So... we're allowed to use weapons on the other campers in this game?" Even with access to magical healing food, that seemed... surprising. He'd never do anything lethal of course, but being inexperienced with weapons, he didn't trust himself to hurt people in a safe way. In any case, he looked at the armory, and decided getting his hands on a shield would be a good idea. Even if he didn't know how to use one, having one was better than not, obviously. Selecting one from the assortment, he strapped it to his non-dominant hand, and tried it out, tapping his blade against it, getting a feel for how it worked.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Ezekiel Kel

Location: 6E---> 6F -- Camp Half-Blood

Ezekiel grinned at his brother and clapped him on the back. He could just picture Kristin now, itching and red. Trying to fight as well as scratch. It was priceless. He held back a laugh as the Team Ares leader started to give out instructions. Game time. He nudged his brother, looking forward to scouting ahead together. Ezekiel took the time while everyone else got their assignments to get acquainted with the faces on his team and the new faces as well. There were several new faces but he recognized them from the school they had just been to earlier that day. Man, it had been a long day so far. Ezekiel stretched and yawned a bit thinking about it before he shook himself up, getting ready.
Once they were dismissed he tugged his brother away and they split off from the group.
”So I think we should cross the river here, closest to our side before we get too close to the Athena flag.” The river was close by and they reached it in a matter of minutes. The nice part about crossing now is theoretically they shouldn’t leave any tracks and hopefully they would be dry before they reached the flag. The unfortunate part about crossing a river, was Posiden’s kids were on the other team and one of them was currently itching herself to death. Or at the very least that would keep her distracted so they could cross undetected.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Seattle, Wa: The Woods

Aster Damien Luxiel

Location: Seattle, Wa: The Woods

”I’ll be there someday, I can go the distance. I will find my way, if I can be strong. I know every mile, would be worth my while. When I go the distance, I’ll be right where I belong.” Demetri’s voice rang throughout the woods, though it wasn’t his voice exactly; it sounded exactly like the Roger Bart rendition from Disney’s Hercules. It was good to try and practice these weird abilities that he had gained, and what better place than the monster ridden woods of his hometown. Though he was fully unaware that it was only infested due to his comings and goings within them, his Demi-god blood drawing them there for a feast. The lush grass felt nice beneath his converse as he kept his eyes peeled for a new kill. ”Come out, come out wherever you are. Can’t hide forever, or―don’t tell me―have I scared you all off?” A loud crash could be heard some distance away, as if a massive tree had toppled over. ”There you are.” The sound had resonated throughout the empty forest, possibly larger prey than usual, which was perfect because one could only take cyclops’s for so long.

“Of course it’s Laistrygonians, why wouldn’t it be? Go pick up after Hephaestus, they said. It’ll be easy, they said.” Aster complained to the son of Ares currently diving behind the same hiding spot Aster found. A few moments later, a heavy looking log went flying past them. “No wonder mother despises him. Throwing tantrums and making messes for us. And don’t even think about saying anything. I’m fantastic and you know it.” Aster snapped at the look the Ares kid was giving him, wiggling his finger at him threateningly. Whatever retort the other kid was going to throw at him became instantly inconsequential as the eight foot giant slammed his iron club into their makeshift cover.

“Thank Aphrodite for giving me the wisdom to wear Ford instead of Armani.” He muttered under his breath as the pair split, Aster plucking an arrow out of the wind and losing it in one smooth movement at the giant. It went wide but did it’s job as it passed through the giant’s field of vision. The monster turned to face him who waved before he bolted deeper into the woods. The quest’s leader, one of the Hephaestus kids ironically, took a hard blow to the chest earlier and was out for the count. Aster fled away from her as the giant stomped after him, hoping the Ares kid would have the good sense to take care of her first. Aster knew how to stay out of a monster’s reach for a while. What child of Aphrodite didn’t?

Demetri began to make his way towards the source of the sound. Moving as quietly as he could, his ears twitching at the smallest sounds, alerting him to his surroundings. His ADHD wasn’t much help at school or home, but out here, in his world, it was practically part of his survival instincts. He neared the area, broken tree branches, snapped and gnarled across the ground. There appeared to be a large gape through the trunk of one of the trees, whatever this was, it was powerful it seemed. Demetri moved towards the nearest bush, hiding behind its foliage as he surveyed the land as best he could. There didn’t seem to be anyone or anything around, and if it wasn’t for all the destruction, he’d wonder if it was all just his imagination.

Again there was a sound, loud footsteps like a lumbering oaf was wading through the forest. Demetri began sprinting towards the direction of the sound, going from tree to tree so as to maintain some semblance of cover as he looked for the monster in question. His heels dug into the ground as he halted himself, a giant looming in the distance. Definitely bigger than the cyclops he was used to, so range was most likely the best bet, but what was it following? As he looked closer he noticed a small boy around his age running away from the giant. He seemed way too overdressed for this fight, and clearly didn’t have anything under control. ”Oye! This is my woods, my fight!” Demetri ran 10 feet forward before his bronze earring shifted into a celestial bronze dagger which flew to his hand. He stuck his tongue out, aiming at the beast before finally doing a full spin to launch the dagger towards the giant. His dagger flew true through the air yet stopped just short of hitting anything before it made its return back to Demetri. ”Damn it!”

Aster plucked another arrow from the wind, courtesy of the ring he found laying around on his last quest, and snapped it to to his bow string, the familiar tension on his fingers a comfort as he pivoted on his feel and launched it at the giant. The child of Aphrodite swore and darted off again when another voice rang out. Both the giant and Aster halted, heads swiveling in unison at the intrusion just in time to see the dagger stop in front of the giant’s face and wisk itself back into some boy’s hand. Apparently a boy with no fashion sense, given the balck hair on black jacket on black pants and zero accessories. Always use accessories to contrast your outfit when committing to monotone. Fashion rule number one.

Aster thought maybe that was someone from Camp Jupiter but the dagger was clearly celestial bronze, not imperial gold. Had someone gotten to the objective before the team? No, whatever step-daddy’s little tantrum resulted in was only half finished so it wouldn’t have any sort of magical power just yet. That meant… Aster’s eyes practically shone as he turned and bolted for the boy so rudely interrupting them. He ground to a halt, pulled out another arrow, and this time launched it into the giant’s knee. It connected and the giant let out a thunderous roar as it snatched at the boys.

“Run and talk, run and talk!” Aster shouted over the commotion. He took off back towards his teammates, expecting the new kid to follow. “Keep up or it will eat you! Once we get back, we can―” Aster shut up as another shout rang out and Ares’s idiot charged the giant. “Oh, Athena I know mother’s had some problems with you but please help me now. Okay change of plans. I distract and you wait until you have a clear shot with that fancy dagger of yours since that idiot is going down in a moment.” Surprisingly, Ares child managed to avoid that next blow. Aster ran his fingers through his hair, dropping into that central space where he could reach all his emotions. He felt them, every form of love his mother could conjurer. So many people saw love as sexual but in reality, love was a gorgeous prism that so few fully understood. The children of Aphrodite knew the truth and could manipulate it as easily as spinning a top. Aster reached out for the one he wanted, obsessive love, and bundled it on his fingers, blowing it towards the giant with a kiss. It settled on the giant’s cheek just as the Ares kid took a few steps back after a particularly brutal swipe nearly sent him flying.

Nothing happened for a few moments. The giant did pause for half a moment though, snorting as if it was trying to clear its nostrils of a bad smell and turned to peer at Aster with… amusement. No,that wasn’t quite right. That look was far more cruel, dark and twisted, and goosebumps erupted along Aster’s skin. He immediately regretted his rash actions as the giant turned away from the Ares boy and charged him instead. “Love an ugly brat like you? You’re not even fit for eating!” The giant roared.

“I’d be the best thing you’ve ever had the luxury to eat, you pig!” Aster snapped back, goosebumps warring against an irritating prickling. Ugly? Him? He was a child of Aphrodite and no one would call him ugly and live to say anything about it! But the goosebumps quickly won out when he realized his own internal fury gave the giant enough time to reach him and he stared up terrified at the monster.

Demetri started running alongside the strange boy, demanding that he keep up with him unless he wanted to be the giants lunch. ”Yeah, yeah, I know the whole spiel. He’ll grind my bones to dust and make me into bread. How original. And just who the fu-Oh come on!” Another guy appeared, charging at the large brute like some dullard. ”Hey that’s- oh for the love of-“ Demetri’s eyes darted between the two new arrivals, wondering if he should follow the dunce charging a giant, or if he should listen to the well coiffed kid. He rolled his eyes as Aster made a “plan” and awaited some form of signal. The boy blew a bloody kiss towards the beast and as confusion began to strike Demetri, he realized this kiss must of had some sort of affect on the giant as he started to move closer to the pair, anger in his voice. ”Suppose that’s my cue” He turned his dagger back into and earring and leapt into the air, transforming into a bird and flying just out of arm’s reach of the giant, above his head. Once positioned, he transformed back into himself, dagger springing to life as he careened downwards onto the giant, impaling his blade into the top of its head while Demetri’s legs lay spread on each of the giants shoulders. ”Haha! I did it, I-“ the giant poofed into a cloud of gold dust, cutting off his celebration and having him fall eight feet toward the ground. His reactionary instincts kicked in and he transformed into a bird once more before shaping back into himself, feet firmly on the ground.

Aster brought his hand up in front of his face to hide the relief and couldn’t help but giggle at the other’s antics. He took a moment to compose himself and moved his hand, watching the new kid with a quirked eyebrow and just the hint of a frown. He pulled out his compact mirror, check his perfect as usual reflection, and snapped it shut before settling his hand on his hip and appraising the new guy now that they weren’t actively fighting. Tall, dark hair, brown eyes… Definitely needed some time in the sun to help that sickly look. And a new wardrobe but that would have to be put on the backburner. The boy had a celestial bronze weapon which meant… That excited glint returned to his eyes as Aster approached him. New meat. And new meat meant gullible. Maybe he could convince the kid to take his chores from him or at least get a lackey.

“Okay, walk and talk, walk and talk. The sooner we’re out of this forest, the sooner I can take a bath and put on a face mask. My poor pores feel like they’re dying!” Aster cried dramatically, throwing a hand over his forehead in woe. “Now have you seen a glowing metal weapon, something like that cute little dagger you have but bigger? We have to retrieve it but my admirer got in the way.” He smacked an insect off his arm with a muttered curse. “Aphrodite help me. These woods are awful. The sooner we leave, the happier I’ll be.”

Aphrodite? He doesn’t exactly look like he’s Greek but...still, do they even follow that pantheon nowadays? Weirdo Demetri followed the short kid silently, trying to get a reading on his age, or why he was here, or how he could see the monsters. ”Well i was a bit distracted by all the racket you were creating, and you know, saving your life; but I think I know where your glowing weapon dropped. There’s a small clearing just over there; a tree seemed to be ripped into by something sharp going straight through it. Whatever it is it probably is somewhere there. I’ll lead the way pipsqueak.” He ruffled the kids hair as he walked past him, leading Aster towards the area he was at just before the fight.

“Pips-" Aster gaped at the taller boy. How dare he? Aster flipped out his mirror again, despite knowing full well his glamour would hold just fine, and stormed after the bastard. “To make this perfectly clear, we had everything under control! You were just convenient! Everything would have been fine without you. We just needed a few more minutes!" It took the child of Aphrodite a few moments to catch up considering the monstrous strides the rude brute was taking. Saving his life? Ha. As if a silly giant was going to be the end of Aster Luxie. And just because he was freakishly tall didn't mean Aster was a pipsqueak!

“Is everyone around here so rude? Here I am, about to bring you back to a place where you can explore your heritage and other stuff, and you're calling me a pipsqueak! I'll have you know I'm barely under average height! You're just a monster for your age." Aster's hair had long reverted to its pristine state after the heathen had the audacity to mess with it. “And for your information, messing with a child of Aphrodite's hair is practically a one way ticket to being cursed. You're just lucky you crossed one as generous and nice as me." Aster scanned the area, peering through the tree and noting the slight glow from the rocks ahead.

“Oh sweet, sweet nectar there it is. I don't want to be out here for one moment longer than I have to. Well come on, let's put your gangly arms to good use." Aster hurried to the outcropping. Indeed, a glowing shaft of celestial bronze embedded itself in the rock and after one glance, Aster knew he wasn't about to get his hands dirty. “Well, come on! Get this out and then I can go laugh at the scouts for not finding you first! Who's your parent by the way?"

”My parents are none of your concern. Just some blokes that live in the area, and what do you mean by a child of Aphrodite? you in some sort of LARP or something?” Demetri elected to ignore the mention of scouts or anything else the smol boy had said, attempting to focus on what he found important. He walked up towards the spear that was wedged into the stone and rolled his eyes. If that kid was part of a LARP it wasn’t very creative, a spear in the stone, really? Well that’s just nice. He tugged on the shaft of the weapon and the rock split in half, allowing the top section of a glowing bronze spear to be set free. Demetri tossed it over to the kid. ”Here, what’s your name anyway? child of Aphrodite He was fighting a grin that threatened to break out on his face.

“Aster Damien Luxie.” He responded eagerly as he caught the shaft easily. “And I mean my mother is Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty? I’m sure you’ve heard of her somewhere. Probably only everywhere honestly. She is one of the most important after all. Just like one of your parents. Obviously, someone cheated on someone and had you. Probably Apollo, considering your… demeanor. And fashion sense. But let’s not dwell on that! Let’s get back to the pegasus and we’ll be on our way! Oh, wait one second. Hold this.” He tossed the spear back to the other kid. He flipped out his mirror and checked his reflection thoughtfully.

“Do you think this outfit screams Victory? I don’t think so either. Let’s try a new look. Maybe something more whispy to catch the breeze.” Aster asked rhetorically. He took a moment to consider, turning his face this way and that, until he finally settled on an idea. With a snap of his fingers as he passed his hand over his head and a shimmer of bright blue light, Aster’s entire outfit changed. The previous suit was replaced with a much flashier version, the jacket that draped down to the back of his knees and pants practically sparkling with golden fleur-de-lis on a black background. The shirt acted as the traditional blue background with gold buttons and the boy’s hair slicked itself back. A pair of sunglasses materialized on his face and he pushed them up for a second to check his makeup, just a dash of color and glitter to accent his eyes like he liked it, and a bit of lip gloss. He slid them back down and grinned at the other.

“Just copied a little something from home. Didn’t want to put too much effort into it. Now come along. Let's see if our Ares compatriot got the Hephaestus girl in flying shape!” Aster instructed as he sauntered off, making sure to flash the Dolce & Gabbana label in the process.

Ok. So it appeared that there were others like him, well...similar in the sense that they had some form of extra-ordinary power. So we have Aphrodite, Ares, and Hephaestus it seemed. Aster never did answer if this was all part of some silly game, but Demetri didn't have much better to do at the moment and decided to play along. "So let's play pretend that gods actually exist in this world, and that they made children. How would someone know if they're a demi-god? Moreover how would they know whose child they were? It sounds to me that your limiting the spectrum to only the greek pantheon thus far, and while that would make sense in the sense that they’d be the worst at watching over the world, again assuming gods exist, it begs the question why only that pantheon?"

“Silly, silly boy. Why pretend? The Gods like to get around, not that that’s our business really, and we’re living proof of that! So be happy your family had a bit of a crack in it!” Aster practically beamed. “When we get back to camp, your parent will claim you eventually. It’ll be intense and fun and all that, you’ll be the talk of the camp for a while, and I’ll take you under my wing, teach you the ins and outs of the place. It’ll be great!” And he would get to boast he found this new kid already in fighting shape and ready to roll! Already he was thinking of ways to spin the tale so he was the main star, saving the poor lost soul from danger he was clearly barely able to hold off. Apparently, the Ares kid did have enough common sense to patch up their quest mate and he beamed at the pair, gesturing at Demetri.

“I found a new comer! Look at him, all safe and sound thanks to me! No need for applause but it probably wouldn’t hurt.” Aster was practically glowing with pride. The Hephaestus girl snorted as she leaned against her chariot.

“And how do you know that?” She asked dryly, clearly less than impressed. Aster shot her a dirty look but his glowing grin returned shortly.

“Not only does he somehow have a celestial bronze dagger but he also has a fun little trick that lets him shapeshift into animals. Probably one of the nature Gods’ kids.” Aster shrugged as he explained. “We’ll find out when we take him to camp! Mr. D can scramble to explain to the family; he’s had an easy week after all.” Aster chuckled, holding out his hand to Demetri with a grin. “Time to fly, little bird! Let’s see what real wings can do!”

Demetri could hardly contain his laughter as Aster boasted to him teammates. ”You sure that giant didn’t hit you in the head? I saved you. You were just running away in what can only be described as the worst possible fighting attire. Besides, if you’re all children of greek gods and goddesses shouldn’t you be in togas or something?” He neglected to mention that his control over his shapeshifting wasn’t absolute. Honestly he was trying to become a kangaroo earlier but had accidentally shaped into a bird. Those were never fun to be as Demetri and heights did not get along too well. ”I will say thank you however, if you hadn’t blown that brute a kiss and pissed it off I wouldn’t of been able to get so close to him in.” Aster was cute enough, so Demetri figured that he’d give him a break. After all, being called ugly by a giant? Yeesh.

Demetri saw the Pegasi that were strapped to some chariots and tried to hide his astonishment at the majestic creatures. Fighting monsters was one thing, but he had never seen beasts of legend that didn’t want to eat him. Ok, so the LARP idea was essentially out the door, the monsters were real sure, but that didn’t stop them from using it to fuel a fantasy. But now they have chariots and Pegasi? To say Demetri was interested is an understatement. Demetri called forth his dagger once more, his earring shifting into the form and flying into his hand. He inspected the weapon that he has held for the better part of two years now. Celestial Bronze huh? Wonder if that’s something special or if all Demi-gods get one. Oh what am I thinking? That would imply that gods actually exist and they don’t. He got onto the chariot, ignoring Asters hand and just standing behind him. "So what? We just get pulled there? Sounds like it'll take forever."

"It's okay. I know the stress of it probably put a few holes in your memory. I saved you, little bird, and that's that!" Aster sang with a chuckle. "Togas are so last millennia. Fashion moved on and so must we! Now hold on, we have quite the flight ahead of us!" With a practiced flick of the wrist, Aster snapped the reigns and the pegasus's wings unfurled. A few steps and they were off, soaring skyward as Aster let out an exuberant shout.

"I think you have a few ho-oh my gosh!" As Aster cracked the reigns, the pegasus took to the sky and Demetri's stomach began to do flips. He quickly wrapped his arms around Asters waist, holding tight as his instincts kicked in and he began to shape into a snake, coiling his body around Asters waste as he tucked his head into his back.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 4 days ago

Marygold Isley

Location: Camp Half-Blood - 6E

"It is nice to meet you Andy," she said, giving her a kind smile, before she rolled her eyes slightly at what Jace had essentially called her and the other children of Demeter. After she finished helping Andy out with her armor, she turned and looked over at him. "Call us hippy plant girls again and you'll find out just how much we can make life horrible for you. So either you actually be somewhat nice to us and not call us that, or you'll see just what we can do to humiliate you, got it?"

With that being said, she turned back towards Andy, "Sorry about that honestly, the Ares kids can be more then a bit annoying, and just between us, I honestly would have rather us be on the other team," she said, dropping her voice to more of a whisper with the last sentence she had said. "Anyway, don't worry, you'll be fine, so, let's see what sort of traps we can come up with. Let's get going then," she said with a slight smile, heading towards the creek somewhat, trying to think of what sort of traps they should create.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 9 days ago

Athanasia Theroux
Location Camp Half-Blood, F1

'Ash'tried to remember the lessons she had cajoled her mother into letting her take. If the sword was any heavier, Athanasia doubted she would have been able to use it. As it was swinging it to clash against another person who was bigger, stronger and most likely had more experience seemed like a very foolish idea. "Why put me on the offensive?" She whispered nervously. She couldn't see herself useful in a fight was slightly unsure of fighting and not sitting out had been that good an idea. She had wanted to make a good impression.

Hooking 'Chatters' my his mandible from the pommel of the sword despite the protests of the skull, Ash rubbed her shoulder were the armor sat. Needed if may have been but it was certainly not comfortable! Glancing over to Desdemona, the pale girl smiled though her nerves made it shakey. "Should be easier than Cyclops?" She offered weakly. A true enough statement. At least against other humans, of half-bloods they could swing back.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jade Schneider

Focusing on the magic around her, and within herself, Jade once more attempted to channel the magic to create a flame in her hand. Of course, it did not manifest beyond the form of a few small sparks. With a small grumble, Jade was once more back at square one. Moving her finger across the braille in the book, the girl carefully read the details of the spell once more. Truly, it was a simple little spell compared to some of the others that she had read about in just paging through. All she had to do was condense the air in her palm, and then form a magical spark to ignite this fuel-rich source to create the flame. After that, it was a mere problem of bringing in more fuel to continue feeding the small burst of flame. Jade wasn't sure exactly what point she was messing up, after all she knew she could produce sparks and at least heat up the air.

Hearing Chiron's question, the girl nodded and turned her head in the direction of his voice. "Maybe a bit of advice? I'm trying to use my time wisely, and practicing this spell to learn how to manipulate magic better." She said, explaining the details of the spell that she had figured out to the centaur, then explaining how she could create the sparks, but wasn't sure what else she was messing up to create the little fireball. The girl even offered the centaur a demonstration, which once again only yielded some small sparks for the effort and concentration she put into it. "I was wondering if perhaps you might have some advice that could help me figure this out? I imagine I'm not your first student who tried to learn how to use magic." She said in a polite tone, geuninely hoping that perhaps the famed trainer of heroes might have some knowledge that she was missing.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Desdemona Pemberton

Location: Camp Half-Blood - F1 -> F3

Mona wouldn't admit it to anyone, but she was strangely excited for this game. She knew it would not be normal capture the flag. Weapons and armor used, powers flying about. She was looking forward to seeing if she had her own powers to use. Granted, they didn't seem like combat powers, but perhaps they would be useful in other ways.

She charged forward, allowing Theresa to follow her. "I may not have ever gone here, but I take it they won't be guarding their flag with just bodies. So maybe scouting ahead to see what their defenses are like would be best. This isn't my realm of expertise though so if you have any ideas, please feel free to share."

She also hated nature and forests, but oddly did not care that she was now running around in one. This camp might actually be kind of cool.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Camp Half-Blood:

Jace just stared at Marygold and shook his head slightly. "Alright Plant Girl, just relax." He said, while Eva rolled her eyes a little bit, as she watched him starting to walk off a little bit, and started to smirk to herself a little bit. She waved her hand slightly both Marygold and Andy would be able to see a small tree root appearing out of the ground which made Jace nearly trip and fall over on his ass. He glared at the two of them, he really wanted to punch them both at the moment but just gave them both the finger as he headed off towards the creek.

Bryan followed Zeke's lead as they walked more towards the creek that went down the usual battlefield of their Capture the Flag game, he took a moment and looked at his half brother. "Oh I am just getting started, we could easily prank her all night long." He said with a slight laugh, he really wished he could see her face right now having to be in itchy and uncomfortable armor. He nodded a little bit towards Zeke liking the plan for now at least though he did know that the Athena team had that Poseidon girl on their team. "Though since they have the water girl on their team we shouldn't stay in the creek to long." He said, it would cover their tracks pretty easily.

Theresa followed shortly behind Desdemona and looked over her shoulder at Ash and motioned for her to follow them as well, and nodded towards the pale little girl. "Don't worry, just trust me okay?" Alannah said giving her a smile, and looked towards Theresa as she spoke up. "This is way more fun then killing Cyclopes and at least they aren't actually trying to kill you." Theresa said towards Ash, Theresa strapped her sword over her back in it's sheath as they moved out. As she started to think a little bit about the team set up, they did have the Hecate head counselor on their side which was certainly going to be harder to get by. "The Ares team has Annabelle on their team. So it's going to be a lot harder since she's like really good with magic and controlling the Mist." Theresa said.

Chiron leaned back in his wheel chair as he listened to what Jade had said, and that she was having trouble with understanding the use of magic from the book she was given. "Just close your eyes, and try to relax you are trying to hard, and just relax and concentrate. It is pretty hard to learn and takes a lot of time." Chiron said, as he watched the game as it continued to progress.

Somewhere Just Outside of Kansas City: 6:05PM

Demetri, Aster and company had been traveling for awhile now since they all had left the woods near Seattle Washington behind and having pretty much traveled half way across the country their other two quest mates were getting pretty tired out as well. "Hey, we are going to settle down for the night." The Hephaestus girl said towards the two of them. "We should be able to get back to camp by tomorrow or the next day if we don't run into anymore screw ups." The Ares kid said, as their chariot started to land down in Wyandotte County Lake Park.

The girl started to get off and gently patted their Pegasus as she started to unload their sleeping supplies, luckily they had came prepared for the cross country trip, as she started to set up camp along with the Ares kid while looking over at Aster and Demetri. "You two get us some food yeah?" The Ares kid asked, only thing they sadly had ran out of food.

Kiera Donovan

Location: Camp Half-Blood, 1,F -> C,4

Kiera looked towards Leda and yelped slightly when she picked her up bridal style and blushed slightly as she was carried, and feeling the sudden burst in speed. The wind going through her hair, as they ended up moving quiet a ways from their starting point, as soon as Leda set her down she felt a little bit dizzy and stumbled slightly. She shook her head slightly and looked over towards her, it felt like riding a roller coaster actually. "Don't worry I wont puke all over you and ruin your clothes." Kiera said with a slight smile as she took a moment and leaned herself up against a nearby tree.

Leda would also remember a few years ago during the Second Titan War, that there was an entrance to the Labyrinth, and that it was the scene from one of the battles there. Tammy would appear nearby Leda and looked over the three of them would be able to hear one of the Ares kids nearby quietly singing to himself, armed with a sword and shield as well. Kiera looked over towards Leda. She really wasn't sure what to do and never actually fought anyone before either with a weapon.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Camp Half-Blood, 1,E -> E,2

Kristin continued to really itch her arms groaning a little bit more to herself in frusteration as it didn't really stop even after removing her armor. "Yep, we are allowed to use weapons on our fellow campers during the game." She said, and watched as they all started to spread out now, and looked over towards Arthur and motioned for him to follow her, figuring that he could use a little bit of company as she watched Theresa and Desdemona headed off towards the woods as well.

"Think of it as more of a practice battle." Kristin said towards Arthur as she made her way over towards the creek and took the time and looked around. So far there wasn't anyone there and quickly started to try and use the water from the creek to get rid of the itching powder and sighed a little bit. As it started to help a little bit but not to much either.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Wyandotte County Lake Park

Demetri’s scaly body began to de-constrict as he felt the wheels of the chariot touch ground. His form relaxing and slithering down the Aphrodites kids body before transforming back into his brown eye’d self. ”Well that was unpleasant. Who decided the best mode of transportation was a vehicle with no safety measures and flying? Hm? Bloody Hell, and just where exactly are we right now?” He placed one hand above his eyes, scanning the beautiful scenery in search of some hint of where they had taken him. Surely his parents would begin to worry about him. Well when in Rome. Demetri pulled out his Polaroid camera and began to take some scenic shots to document his adventure. After a few snaps, he began to mutter to himself. ”Call to adventure, check, Supernatural aid, check, it appears Demetri that you are at the threshold between the known and unknown, about to cross through and gain a mentor just before trials and tribulations. Bloody Hell.”

Demetri had heard the Ares kid mention they needed food, and although both he and Aster were tasked with finding it, he highly doubted the kid would do anything that could potentially mess up his hair. He looked around searching for any life he could use as food, deer, fish, rabbits, whatever.”I hope you like fish, cuz I think I just found a lake full of them.” He began to rush off, letting his feet gain speed for an aerial take off. Sure he hated heights, but unless he wanted to be a bigger fishes food, a bird of prey was the optimal choice. He jumped up and closed his eyes thinking of a deadly hawk with razor sharp talons only to become a great horned owl. Ok, still a bird of prey just not...menacing at all. His wings fluttered, the wind between his feathers as he spied his prey. Swooping down, talons skidding the water before he grasped the fish tightly. He flew back around towards camp and tossed it at the kid who rushed the Giant earlier. Demetri doubled back again and again until he grabbed four fish, one for each camper.

He swooped back down onto the campsite and turned back into himself. ”There we are, four prime fish ready to be cooked. Owl bet that was impressive ey? Anyways, Pretty boy here mentioned three Greek gods. Ares, Aphrodite, and Hephaestus. Assuming these gods are real and exist and can interact with this world, I know that he’s the son of Aphrodite or so he claims, he mentioned a Hephaestus girl and Ares boy so I can only assume you’re the child of Ares and you’re the child of Hephaestus. I overheard you mentioning that i could be the child of a nature goddess due to my powers so i have to ask, what are all your powers? And can any of you start a fire?”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Leda Storm

Location: Camp Half-Blood 4C
Skills: Rainbow Manipulation

"Good, tie-dying a camp shirt is not as easy as it looks," Leda commented. While a lot of the campers wore the standard orange shirts, she had gone out of her way to get a white one and then she dyed it to be an explosion of colors. It wasn't too uncommon a practice for the children of Iris - most of them loved colors. Limiting themselves to just a single shade? That was torture. It didn't matter if the Aphrodite kids teased her for her vibrant dress - she didn't care what they thought. She had her own personal style and that was all that mattered at the end of the day - that she was true to herself.

Their current location at Zeus' Fist was near a Labyrinth entrance - and there was no way in hell that Leda was going to go down there. She was claustrophobic, so the idea of being in a confined, ever changing magical maze that also would try to kill them? It sounded like a fate worse than falling through Tartarus. She spotted her sister, Tammy, and then one of the Ares kids. The expectation of course was for her to run off without being seen, but... Well, the instant Leda saw him, she was ready for a fight. She didn't really think about it as she stepped into view and tried to blast him with a beam of rainbow light, missing him unfortunately. "Fucking Stormtrooper Aim!" she cursed, not bothering to be quiet since the Ares scout had noticed them by now.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Aster Damien Luxiel

Location: Wyandotte County Lake Park
Skills: N/A

Aster was still riding high on the exhilaration of flying when the new kid dropped off him like a rope. H would kick himself later for letting him go on without a remark, instead flipping open his mirror and making sure his glamour was still holding strong, but for now he could only beam. Flying and swimming always made him feel on top of the world, sending adrenaline through his veins for hours. He let out a content sigh as he floated down off his cloud and burst out laughing at the Ares’ kids orders.

“Me, hunt? My pores are weeping already. What makes you think I’m going to get more dirt under my fingernails?” Aster scoffed amusedly at Ares. He couldn’t wait to get back to camp, take a proper shower with all his supplies, go through his routine including his sleepy time face mask, and catch up on whatever gossip was floating around camp. Maybe he could beg Theresa to charmspeak one of the Apollo campers to give him a massage. “I will however graciously give up some of my beauty sleep and take a double shift on lookout tonight so you two can get a chance to recover.” Aster took off his jacket and folded it neatly before hanging it over the lip of the chariot, proceeding to unstrap the pegasus and brush it down while cooing to it softly. The new kid brought back enough fish for the night and immediately preened when he called him “Pretty Boy.” Technically, it was gorgeous but a compliment was a compliment. Aster would chalk the mistake up to shifter head.

“We have a daughter of Hephaestus, the God of Forge and Flame, sent to pick up after her daddy’s tantrum. She can start a fire.” Aster chimed in helpfully as he finished up, patting his pegasus once more before sauntering over to grab his bag and jacket. “Now, I think I’ll take a dip in the lake before we eat. I feel absolutely disgusting.” He sauntered off to the lake shore and laid the jacket on the ground, taking off his ring and slipping it into his bag, before peeling off the rest of his clothes. Normally, he wouldn’t treat his things like this but the clothes would disappear before the next sunrise anyways. He brought his back up set, wrapped in his bag, just in case he was too tired to reapply but they’d see how traveling went. He rolled his shoulders and slipped into the lake, letting the cool water hold him as he dove under and resurfaced to float peacefully.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Location:E6 (following Marygold as she moves)

Andy nodded in agreement with Marygold when the girl said she wished she was on the other team. It wasn't that she had anything against the Ares or anyone on this particular team it was more that she at least knew people on the other side. Though that did give her a bit of an advantage. The others sort of knew her, but no one here really did know her. They knew in theory what she was capable of or could be capable of.

Andy started thinking about traps. She hadn't really used them, usually, they were used against her. She had gotten okay at ambushes. Andy also had gotten good at using her innocent-looking face to get out of trouble more than a few times. Here she might get away with it once. She looked unarmed, though most of the campers here would know who her father was and therefore what she was capable of. Did all children of Zuse have control over electricity?

"Not sure how much help I can be with traps, but I can be bait. Also, I don't know what you are capable of." She didn't mention that she knew Eva could at least trip people. "I can fight a little bit, and control lightning" She had never said that aloud to a human before. It felt a little surreal if she was honest with herself. "But the others don't know me all that well. I didn't go to school with them. So, maybe I can lure them into a trap."

She wondered what the others might be planning. What were Ash and the other new campers doing on their teams?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 6 days ago

Arthur Stanford

Location: 1F -> E2

Following Kristin, he had a bit of a surprised expression on his face. Cutting or piercing their fellow campers seemed like a bad way to make friendships, but he assumed that people went out of their way to not have to actually hurt people. Not that he expected to best anybody in combat right away, but it did lift a load off his mind to know that if he had the chance, a space cut or scrape on somebody wouldn't be out of line.

"How long have you been doing this?" He did wonder what the average age of campers was here. This sort of life had to be dangerous, which meant that, as uncomfortable as the thought was, kids might not stay here long once they actually got themselves here. In any case, surely a game like this would help improve the odds of survival. However it was, he was determined to stay alive as long as he could, not one to become a statistic. "I just hope Ash and I aren't a burden on the team, you know?"
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