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So tired, sleep why do you spurn me?!
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Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.

Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!

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James Kingston

Location: The Mutant Underground, Washington D.C. Station
Skills: Strategy

James nodded as he acknowledged Collusus’s instructions, eyeing the playing field. What could they do against an experienced opponent? He’d call this sparring so James would try to think of it like any other match and that meant changing the rules of the encounter. So what could they do? Ringing the bell was the objective. Changing that would require either shifting the man’s priorities or knocking him out, neither of which seemed the easiest way of handling that. No, they had the numbers which meant that was the easiest way to change the tide. James eyes narrowed as Leighton tried a trick. Well, that was an idea.

“We need to change the flow of this. We have the numbers so let’s use that to our advantage. If some of us dive bomb past him on her ice and the others take long edges of the room around, maybe our momentum will knock him to the ground and those who get past can help those who didn’t?” James suggested quietly to the group. This wasn’t meant for anyone to get significantly hurt if it really was just sparring so he imagined the instructor would take care not to just topple on top of people, giving them a spare moment to react.


Location: The Hellfire Club
Skills: N/A

“Probably wise. Unfortunately, it is a vice I can’t seem to relinquish.” Requiem chuckled, refilling his own glass and sipping at it as he did. “And yourself, Ms. Frost would you care for a glass? A pleasant drink after a stressful day always puts me in a better mood.” He smiled politely, ignoring Jinx’s disrespect and the not so subtle jab from Anastasia. If this was how this little group would act, he was going to have a stress headache everyday when he woke up. He would rather not deal with two infants unable to put aside their differences and pride to work together but it seemed the fates were cruel these days. They had been for a long time.

“As I said the other day, we are more than pleased to work in tandem with you Ms. Frost. I wouldn’t dare to endanger such an arraignment by denying you access to our conversation. I was only catching Ms. Reinhardt up on what information we gleaned from yesterday’s tour of your facilities. And discovering that she doesn’t care to drink, a fact I’ll keep in mind so as not to offend her in the future.” He nodded politely at Anastasia before returning his attention to Emma. “We were just about to hear her thoughts on the matter. Since you were present for our findings yesterday, perhaps you’d care to share your insight as well. We’re all after the same culprit after all.”
James Kingston

Location: Outside the Banner Residence
Skills: N/A

Kingson let out a yelp and a strangled curse as the bolt of energy slammed him to the ground. Stars danced in front of his eyes and he gasped, the throbbing pain in the back of his head making it hard to concentrate on more than just what the fresh fuck just happened? He groaned as he struggled to sit up, pleased to find his legs unstuck and even more pleased to find the portal shut. Frankly, he didn’t want to go with them but Niah made him completely confused. As much as it sucked getting tossed around like a rag doll, at least James’s head was clearer now and the plan was back on track. Speaking of which…

“God fucking damn it. Clarke, get your ass in gear. Assholes sided with Banner so we need to get back to base and get our shit together. Don’t get on the Quinjet. They were talking about exploding it over the ocean and fiddled with it.” James grumbled as he hauled himself up off the ground with a grunt. He limped over to Mystique’s unconscious corpse and he tried to revive her, only partially disappointed when he failed. It was better he didn’t have to listen to her incompetence more than he needed. “I’m going inside to contact headquarters. Keep a watch out or drag her inside, I don’t care. I just want out of this heat at this point.” James muttered angrily as he limped inside. The pain in his back was slowly fading and his strides becoming more even with every step.
Can't waiiiit! Good job :D

@Nallore Here we go!

Interacting with: @Hero@Scribe of Thoth

Varis had all but forgotten Eris had a waif following him. He took the time to cast a critical eye back over the mage, once again disappointed in Alderman. Dark, brooding, and probably more than content to fade into the background. Not without its charm for some, Varis wouldn’t have tolerated that behavior longer than it took Aldeman to introduce himself. He felt something akin to jealousy. Breaking that mage would have been far more challenging than the boy. Maybe he’d borrow Alderman when he was in a particularly good mood. Eris would be more than happy to occupy the boy for a day or two while Varis picked this one apart.

Varis was shaken from his musing when Eris reintroduced his agent, eyebrow cocked in disapproval at the overbearing expression on the man’s face. Coupled with the distasteful outfit the man seemed determined to flaunt―never mind Eris spent an entire evening detailing why this look was far more practical during events. Eris indulged the modern world far too much as it was in the Count’s opinion―Varis couldn’t help but wonder why it was this sibling that made the delivery. At least the other one knew how to mind her manners in public. How they act behind closed doors in the Samael household was one thing; doing it in public was an entirely different story.

“Was there a reason you didn’t send for the quality sibling?” Varis asked the actor dryly as the duffle bag passed hands. Varis originally assumed it was some new designer toy the actor got his hands on but that would be too simple for Eris. No. Instead, Varis mustered every ounce of strength he had not to bear fangs at the thing Eris dragged out of the bag. He did let a sneer make it’s way onto his lips and a scoff wormed its way out of his throat. “While I have a few concerns about your new interest in rats, I concur with your courier selection.”

“You lot are all the same.” Rowina sighed, opening the door to let the Tinker in. The space beyond the immediate entrance was a small living room, a couch and two chairs around a small coffee table. Two bookshelves framed a window and a fireplace recently quit sat smoldering still. The kitchen could be seen to the right and a short flight of stairs would take people up to a study and a bedroom or down into what was presumably a basement. Rowina tugged on a thick rope just barely in reach of the fire place as she stocked it back to life. Muted jingling could be heard upstairs, scuffling and muttering accompanying the sound.

“You’re the one we’ll see tonight. Can’t be up at all hours and still put things together without them exploding after all.” The woman sighed as she got a fire going. “Now what exactly are you looking for? If you’re coming to us, you’re looking to specialize but we each have our methods. Guns and explosives? I can teach you a trick or two. Something a bit bigger, more complex? My husband can- Speak of the devil.”

“Yes, enlighten us my dear boy. What grandeur do you plan to provide this poor world?” Alfor Ratshrew clumped heavily down the stairs, a delighted smile on his face at the sight of a fellow Tinker, drawing another sigh from his wife. Even if the boy only wanted Rowena’s expertise, it would be with a hovering husband and another hour of work to get him back into bed. “Are you trying to reach the heights of the Windswpet Ribbons or dive to the depths of the Viscken Whirl? Survive the tempestuous Friliand Flames? Come come. Tell us what majesty you intend to impart with vision, imagination, and gusto!”

There was some muttering among the forty of so adventurers milling around the guild hall, none of them immediately taking to the idea. One man however, stepped up adjacent to Cecilia and grinned. “Come on, you yellow bellied curs! Riches and war? What other ways can we work off a little stress before we lay our heads down to rest? How will you be prepared to take on the day if you don’t practice and why put off until tomorrow what can be done tonight!” The player, Gauis, grinned as fifteen others agreed, all focusing on the money.

“Lead the way, fearless leader. We’ll all be snapping at your heels on the battlefield soon enough! Gaius chuckled with a slight bow. “I can’t wait to see what confidence brought this about. I hope you can dodge a bullet.
James Kingston

Location: The Mutant Underground
Skills: N/A

James slept through most of the day, the repeated attempts at fixing his crush up taking more than he expected. When he did wake up, it was the afternoon and he groaned as he rolled out of bed. He still forced himself through stretching and several laps around the area just to stay active. His next goal was a phone, which he was temporarily side tracked from when food was announced and frankly he didn’t care what the fare was. Hunger is the best spice and was he ever starved His food disappeared almost the instant he got it and his hunt for a phone resumed after he helped clean up. He found one as the mission team assembled and James couldn’t help but poke at Max or Tome or whatever he went by.

“No fire this time, alright? You’ve got enough arson under your belt already.” He chuckled as he passed Tome before he left. “Break and leg and all that! But don’t really. Still a bit worn out. I recommend waiting til tomorrow!. James suggested as he headed over towards Colossus. He pulled out the piece of paper Casper provided and created a new contact, Casper <3. He typed out a message, still a little nervous, and turned his attention back to the group.

Hey, its James! Still not 100% about coffee since I slept through the entire day but at least we can chat through here in the meantime. I hate for you to think I ghosted you!

“I bet you’ll do great! It’s not so hard after the first few sessions and it’s easy to practice even without a partner.” James encouraged Leighton, only thinking about the sparring and not the power part of the issue. “I’m definitely down to spar. Been a few days since I could get work up a sweat not related to pissing off the authorities.


Location: The Hellfire Club
Skills: N/A

Requiem sipped at the red wine he procured earlier from the club’s reserves, a younger vintage than he normally indulged in but surprisingly pleasant nonetheless. Pleasing hints of cinnamon contrasting a silky elegance proved the wine’s vintage inconsequential. Requiem hummed as the other two spoke, ignoring Jinx as usual and affirming his opinion on the newest member of their team. Confidence and resolve etched themselves into her every movement, something Requiem could appreciate since they manifested in a far more mature manner than the brat’s, and she clearly held herself to a certain set of standards. The two were like night and day, though he wasn’t sure which would cause him a greater headache. On one hand, there was the jester whose behavior was a chronic pain and caused him to play the diplomat far more than he liked. On the other hand, there was Anastasia who seemed like the type with ambition and those with ambition often caused more problems than they solved. She’d probably push to take over the investigation and Requiem had little problem letting her.

He worked better behind the scenes anyways.

“I recommend ignoring his antics. Acknowledging the behavior is an err you will ultimately regret.” He commented amusedly after another sip of wine. “As for our discussion, Ms. Reinhardt has the right of it. We must move forward with the assumption surveillance is constant here so we’d do best to catch our newest addition up to date. After our debriefing yesterday and confirming with Mr. Shaw no investigation report was made due to the primary security contact’s death, Jinx and I made our way to Frost Headquarters where Ms. Frost intercepted us. She escorted us to the holding area for the Sentinel and after a short investigation, we discovered very little. As was to be expected. Scuff marks on the floor, metal fragments not handled in the theater, security footage showing all four of the inner circle accessing the room along with the triplets with Reeva and Mystique with Magneto. Ms. Frost and Mr. Shaw indulged in carnal pleasures, Ms. Payge and the triplets access the equipment and then made a phone call, and the last pair used the medical room before leaving for the day. The Sentinel appears up until an hour long blackout and then is missing when the footage resumes. Again, as expected. Ms. Frost is apparently running her own investigation and superficially is willing to collaborate.” Requiem explained. Although they’d discovered little, they had a few avenues available including Jinx’s little love interest. And he planned to fully take advantage of that particular little instance.

“Would you care for a glass of wine while you give your opinion on the matter, Ms. Reinhardt?”

Interacting with: @Hero@Obscene Symphony

“Hm. If the boy enters my service after I finally leave this inane institution, that may not be the worst idea. But something to consider another day. For now, I believe I’ve made my choice.” He stated, releasing the boy’s chin. “As much as I’d like to mark that same one, it’d unbalance his entire appearance.” Varis gestured at the sword resting on the boy’s left hip, the sword that never seemed very far out of reach for the boy. He’d have to keep an eye on that. It wouldn’t do to have his mage dependant on one particular item. The boy was past his dependency age; Varis would find a way to deprive him of the item if deemed necessary. He made yet another mental note on this boy, the number of them quickly piling up, and pushed into the store.

A soft bell chimed as Varis walked in, a bright “Welcome! Take a seat and we’ll be right with you.”coming from the vampire behind the half counter. The inside was a modern aesthetic, a black leather couch against the wall behind a coffee table covered in various art albums and a simple rug sat beneath them, separating them from the wood floors. A student chatted amicably with the woman behind the counter as she typed into a tablet. The back of the store could be clearly seen, framed between two rows of partitions that held a tattoo station. A plethora of art examples and pictures covered almost every inch of the parlor, presenting plenty of inspiration. Soft music played through the store as a muted whirring came from behind one of the partitions.

“You’ll handle this now.” Varis corrected her as he approached the counter. The woman looked up and the retort died in her throat as she looked at the individuals entering her shop. It took her half as second as she blinked between Varis and Eris but her customer service smile finally made its appearance. The student at the counter stared slack jawed at Eris and his hand slowly crept towards his pocket. “Your business is done here. Any tab remaining will be added to mine. You are dismissed. Boy, escort him out. Now.” Varis informed the other at the counter without so much as a glance. The vampire at the counter frowned briefly at the treatment but kept her commentary to herself as she pulled up the Sinnenodel’s reservation.

“Your reservation requests magic only but it was noted he has a minor resistance to life magic. Depending on the degree of tolerance, we may still have to use the machine to ensure a clean piercing.” The vampire finished typing into the tablet and looked up at the group again. “The one getting a piercing is Aaron Stra-” She double checked the screen and the blond. She seemed confused, for good reason, but she pressed on nevertheless. “Did Mr. Starag need to select an earring?”

“No, he does not. Just see that he gets through this as quickly as possible.” Varis pulled out the box he brought from the dorm and set it on the counter. The woman opened the box, eyes the two earrings critically for a few moments before closing it again.

“Well then if everything is in order, we’ll have you on your way in less than an hour. Feel free to sit. We’ll have him back as soon as Jacob is done with our current client.” Varis turned away and snapped his fingers, pointing at the couch.

“You’ll stay there until you are called. Once you are finished, you are free for the rest of the evening. I recommend you take the time to familiarize yourself with the area. Remember your curfew.” Varis instructed him before turning to Eris. “Now that my official business is finished, you had something to attend to right?”

Interacting with:@Hero @Trainerblue192

“That is concerning. Lets see what we can do to get this all sorted out.” The male receptionist gave a reassuring smile as he accepted the documents and started typing into his computer. “Alright, Salem Spellman let's see where you ended up. Here we go! Your partner is-” The man blinked for a few seconds, typed again, frowned as he clicked and typed away. “Ah.” an uneasy look passed across his face for half a moment before a polite calm replaced it.

“Due to some concerns, it seems you were reassigned and your belongings were moved to your new dorm. There were a few items confiscated and I’ll print you that list in a moment, but you’ve been reassigned to Victor Astorio. Your new partner has your dorm key as well.” The receptionist pulled a form out from underneath the desk after a few moments of a printer whirring to life. “Here is that list. It seems like a few varieties of poisonous plants mostly. You can find them with the Plant mages. Is there anything else you require help with? He handed over a new map of the dorms, circling the Astorio dorm for Salem’s convenience. The other noble dorms were also labelled.
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