Character Quote: “All press is good press!”
Name: Aster Damien Luxie
Aliases: N/A
Age: 14
Birthday: February 4th, 2006
Ethnicity: American
Birth Place: Manhattan, New York
Godly Parent: Aphrodite
Cabin Number: Cabin 10, year round.
How Many Years At Camp: Four years
Gender: Male
Occupation At Camp: Gymnastics Instructor
Languages: English, French, Ancient Greek
Height: 5’ 4”
Weight: 124 lbs
Body Type: Lean
Eye Color: Clear blue
Hair Color: Brown
Skin Tone: White
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: Although Aster can appreciate the aesthetic value of a piercing or tattoo, he would
never get one. He’s meticulously striven his life to avoid being injured―he’s too cute for that after all―but a small faded scar can be seen on his foot from where he dropped a knife on it as a child.
Personal Style: A frequent flyer between Paris and New York, Aster’s standard look takes inspiration from both. Button ups, slacks, and some type of jacket or vest are his most common adornments, a tasteful piece of jewelry or two adorning his arms or throat as necessary. If the day promises more work than play, he prefers a short white sleeved shirt, a bracelet on one arm, a pair of well cut jeans, and boots. And Zues would have to abdicate his throne before anyone would find him without glitter somewhere on his face.
Optimistic * Pushy * Confident * Vain * Passionate * Disorganized
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationship Status: Single
Personality: Anyone who knows Aster, even if they only met him for half a second, knows he cares more about his appearance than most. With his pocket mirror flipping out as often as a late student checks their watch, he has little issue having a melt down if he leaves it behind for some reason. The boy is bubbly and fun loving on the surface but he loves socializing, gossiping and spreading rumors just to watch the chaos, and strives to maintain his position in the as the center of attention even if it means getting the wrong kind of attention. After all, all press is good press.
However for those his care is more than skin deep, he is constantly pushing them to be better, strive for more, building their confidence, and defending them against any vicious harpy interested in taking aim at his circle. More than one person called him overbearing or pushy but Aster knows its for their own good and has little issue ignoring complaints. And if something gets in a friend’s way to the top? Aries himself would struggle to keep the boy at bay.
Fatal Flaw: Vanity
Habits: Checking his reflection, patting his hair, biting his lips when stressed
Hobbies: Sewing, games, partying
Fears:- Being abandoned
- Needles
- Dogs
Likes:- Parties
- Gaming
- Fashion
- Chocolate
- Coffee
- Glitter
Dislikes:- Embarrassment
- Boring People
- Being ignored
- Blood
- Reading
- Chores
Demigod Abilities:General Skills: - Sewing
- Gymnastics
- Reading People
- Persuasion
- Swimming
- Dancing
Combat Skills: Magic Item: (It can be something like Percy's Riptide, Annabeth's invisibility cap, ect)
- Dove Band: A pair of fine good bands with doves playing along then that wrap around the bicept and grants it's wearer just a golden glow. Gifted as part of his mother’s claiming.
- North Wind’s Bite: A simple celestial bronze ring with swirling winds around a sapphire, it allows its wearer to pluck arrows from the wind. Discovered as part of a quest that took him past Boreas’s home in Canada.
What Do They Carry On Them:- Clothing - Sandels, slim tan capris, white polo with gold embroidery on the sleeves, and a simple gold necklace.
- Messenger Bag - Wallet with 50 dollars and a picture of Damien, Bernadette, and Aster, two sticks of lip balm, lotion, sunscreen, water bottle, Dove Mirror, and a pair of black gloves.
- Watch
- Google Pixel 3
- Bluetooth headphones
- Fitbit
Possessions In Cabin:- Bow and Quiver
- Celestial Bronze Dagger
- Bluetooth Speaker
- Various clothes, shoes, and accessories
- A box full of beauty and health supplies
- Charging cable for his phone
- A framed picture of his father and mother together in Paris
- Laptop and charger
- Diary
Biography Aster’s father, Damien Luxie, worked as a senior financial analyst for a company with major operations in both New York and Paris. Worked demanded he frequently travel between the two cities, no time for anything that didn’t immediately benefit his work, but a chance meeting with Aphrodite in the city of love. A whirlwind love affair left the busy man with a child he couldn’t take care of and the love of his dreams in the wind. He wouldn’t give the child up, it would reflect poorly on his career, so instead he kept a french nanny to handle him from birth.
Aster spent most of his early years in New York with Bernadette, born and raised in Manhattan. Later, he’d accompany his father on trips to Paris and discover a passion for fashion. His father was frequently away and even when he was home, his dismal attempts at developing a relationship with Aster only frustrated the man and drove a wedge between the pair. Damien never bothered to hide the boy’s origin and Aster grew up knowing he was the son of a Goddess. He learned as much as he could about her, making regular offerings to her on her sacred days and privately celebrating her holidays as best he could. Their mutual interest in the Goddess slowly but surely brought the two together.
In school, Aster established his social presence immediately. Everyone at his school knew him and he knew everyone. For better or worse. He never excelled in his studies, never displaying an interest in anything that wasn’t directly related to his celestial heritage. The report cards sent home always had the same two comments,
incredibly outgoing and
disruptive to the learning environment, but his father would just shrug. He figured it was part and parcel as the son of the Goddess of Beauty and Love, just as he did when Aster took an obsessive interest in his appearance and fashion.
However, Aster didn’t seem to inherit his mother’s natural grace. He adopted his father’s clumsiness and that
infuriated the boy. After a little research, and some heavy recommendations from Bernadette, he enrolled in dance and gymnastics classes to develop the effortless grace he imagined his mother moved with. He didn't particularly care for either but he had to admit after a few years, he was well on his way to achieving his goal. He started classes when he was six and continues to fevertly practice to this day.
How Long Have They Been At Camp Half-Blood: Aster told everyone who and what he was. He was proud of it and he had no problem announcing it to the world. His father wasn’t around to stop him and Bernadette thought it was nothing more than a bedtime story. It wasn’t difficult to find or convince him. The second a Satyr found the son of Aphrodite when he turned 10, Aster told his father in no uncertain terms he would be attending this place over the summer and all his father could do was acquiesce like always.
Aster decided to become a full year camper when his father told him they were relocating permanently to Paris once Aster returned. The boy nearly broke down, sobbing until his father agreed to let him stay at Camp Half Blood as a full time camper. Was he as upset as he played? No. But he wasn’t willing to leave the only place he felt like he could really be himself behind.
Glamour - Similar to Aphrodite’s blessing when she claims a child, this magical ability allows Michale to create clothes, do make up, and style hair on a person with a wave of his hand. He needs a clear idea of what he wants and the effect only lasts for a day, including the clothes, but otherwise functions similarly. This can be used both as a blessing or a curse, one he uses liberally if someone he considers under his wing is wronged.
Theme Song: ConfidentExtra Information:Past PostEgyptian Pantheon: Nekhbet
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