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8 yrs ago
So tired, sleep why do you spurn me?!
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Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.

Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!

Most Recent Posts

Interacting with: @Hero

“A grudge against a mage? They aren’t worth that. Especially the boy. No,” Varis opened the door and let them in, closing and locking it behind Eris. “The boy has the mental flexibility of a brick and the independence of the newest toy you had delivered. I have to break him before I can piece him back together into something even passingly acceptable. The Noila’s have shielded him far too long and its stunted his capacity for reasonable thought.”

“Plus, I know it makes Ryner furious and why not have a little fun while I’m working?” Varis sneered as he passed Aaron’s doorless room. “Would you care for a glass of blood? I have a bottle that will absolutely ruin you for any other taste.”

Interacting with: @Scribe of Thoth

“Aw, aren’t you the cutest thing around.” He cooed at the dog as he petted it happily. After a few playful nips at his fingers, Maxie barked equally as happy and relaxed in Max’s arms as the other mage pet it. “Well, not quite. Your owner has you beat I think.” The mage winked at Max with a laughed and backed away again. “I’m Liam by the way. I run a dog blog so I took a picture earlier but I accidently caught your face in the picture. Not that I’m complaining but I didn’t want to post it without running it by you first. And ask you if you would let me take more pictures sometime? Whenever you’re available of course. I’ll treat you afterwards as thanks.” Liam grinned at Max.
James Kingston

Location: Human Resistance HQ, New York City, New York
Skills: N/A

James just went to grab the ICER when the random energy blast slammed into Max’s barrier, shattering it and sending him flying. He winced as fresh pain blossomed from a few spots, definitely bruising in a few places. He pushed himself to his feet, taking in everything that was going on around them. He wasn’t thrilled the Hulk was anywhere near them, even if he had been flinging Magneto around like a rag doll, but Lance seemed to be doing just fine now that he was on the Hulk’s shoulders. That brought his attention back to Runa, who had collapsed on the ground for some reason and he groaned internally. He just got her back in shape. What was with people and immediately falling apart after he patches them up? He once again reached for his Icer but suddenly a portal swallowed him and he blinked, trying to gain his bearings. Where the shit were they?

“So this is the resistance base then?”James asked after Max babbled on, chuckling to himself as the man did. It was like being back at the mutant underground and at least they all had a reasonable understanding of what was going on, unlike this madhouse of a reality. Where was Spark Plug and Cayden and Leighton and Blink and Jack? Casper was apparently in Louisiana which meant Jack was probably in Louisiana as well. Well, he hoped. At least someone would be around to keep an eye on his excitable boyfriend. He pulled out his phone. Why were they seperated? Why didn’t they get to keep their memories? James was frustrated at the entire situation and he would get answers sooner rather than later but he at least wanted to make sure Casper was okay, even if he didn’t remember. He knew it was a stretch but he typed in Casper’s number from memory and hit the call button, worrying at his lower lip and shifting on his feet. He sighed as it went to voicemail, shoulders slumping but he’d expected it. Technically, they didn’t know each other here.

“Hey Casper, its James. I’m not sure if you remember who I am because I didn’t even remember who I was until ten minutes ago but if you do, give me a call back here as soon as you can. I could... really use your voice right now babes.” James recited his phone number, ironically the same one he used back when they first started dating, and hung up. He sighed again and stuffed his phone back in his pocket, making sure the ringer was all the way up just in case, and refocused on the current situation. “Anyone need patching up? I’m not really sure what’s going on in this shit storm of a world but I can at least get everyone back in one piece.”

The morning of the next day was met with a quiet murmuring in the Troodon, people suffering the consequences of their revelry and facing the sobering realization that the nightmare from before would eventually repeat if they continued. Everyone had gotten a message from the Astral Blade’s council representative that a memorial service would be held that evening and the names of any fallen should be forwarded to them for the service. A black cloud settled over most of the Players even as the sound of the market opening and the town springing to life with the calls of workers and neighbors alike contrasted their mood vividly.

Outside the Troodon, the market was a flurry of activity. Between the open stalls and shops, the day laborers hauling shipments back and forth from the docks, and the town guard making rounds, Reliquia was a flurry of activity early in the morning. Some eager Players were already stocking up for a foray into the forest just outside the city limits, eager to test out their new tricks.

Willow for her part, rose with the morning sun and immediately sent out a message to the guild.

Before everyone strikes out on anything, lets meet up for breakfast to figure everything out. Cece, I have a partial translation for you. I’ll be waiting in the Troodon tavern so find me when you can.

She pulled up her spells as she waited, munching on bread and fruit as she cried inside about the 3000 renn it cost her. But she would be better equipped to keep her allies alive on the field and that was all that mattered. Though her pocket book didn’t agree.

There was lots to do today, the top of the list unearthing another quest line and the Guild focusing on clearing the bonus boosted quest. Followed by figuring out who will take over their paper work responsibilities and who is the representative at the Council gatherings. Willow let her head plop down on the table and sigh.Why was this so complicated? Why did everything go so wrong?

Well, no need to dwell for now. She opened Ceceila’s message from last night to stare at the writing. The system automatically translated most of the words. Ascend upon a well of stars and then a few extra words but she wasn’t sure what they meant. Maybe they could talk to the Shamans and ask about it.

Varis allowed Eris his clingy indulgence, rolling his eyes but otherwise didn’t bother moving. The actor was unnecessarily dramatic. They had seen each other five years ago. Considering they’d been alive for twenty times that, five years slipped by with little problem. They’d have plenty of time to catch up now that they were stuck in this miserable school. The things he did for his House. He let out a little sigh at the thought, all the other more important things flicking through his head before he pushed them away again.

“Unfortunately, the Princess focuses on offering the area to previous students for an absurd discount. Of course, she doesn’t pay tithe on the land so she can do whatever she wants and still break even.” Varis explained as the town disappeared and he gave Eris his full attention. “She encourages free marketing for them. Doesn’t bother to collect on her investments with them and supports them financially if enough of the student populace visits them. Plus, the restrictions put on the vampires there are some of the strictest in the world but that’s Ryner. The mage sympathiser.” He rolled his eyes as the thought.

“Oh, I have something for you. Since the mages at home let you roam freely, you may as well have the same power here." Varis pulled out the second house key, fiddling with it as the car pulled to a stop outside the noble dorms. He smirked at Eris. "But, I think I'll give it to you in a little bit. I should use it to make a point I think." He didn't wait for the driver to get out and left the car on his own, barely waiting for Eris before striding up to the front door and unlocking it.

The infirmary was a ten minute walk to the far side of campus, on the edge of the woods. The building was far simpler than most others, none of the fancy embellishments or metal words denoting its purpose. Instead, it had a large red drop of blood with backlighting so it would be easily seen no matter the time of day. The bottom floor seemed to boast no windows but the second floor did, small ones with curious flowers blooming in the planters hung on the outside. No one window had the same flowers but plenty of them had none.

Inside, the first floor was mostly open with only sheets tied back against the wall to act as dividers between the beds. One sheet was pulled, the solid white blocking all chances at seeing who lay in the bed behind it. Each bed, rather thin to accommodate its neighbors, had a wall mounted rack above it and a side table next to it. A few chairs lined the walls next to the doors, probably meant to be carried over and a grey haired, green robed mage sat at the back as she read a heavy book. At the group’s entrance, she looked up with a tired smile but confusion lingered in her eyes as she didn’t immediately notice broken limbs or missing body parts.


Max lucked out and catch the bus back to school just before it left. It wasn’t nearly as crowded as it was when he rode in and the ride was calm over all. Maxie demanded she be put up to the window to see the road fly by, scratching at it when she realized she couldn’t go through. Another mage over chuckled at the display, catching a quick photo of the dog and possibly Max, before he returned to his own phone.

The ride took less than ten minutes, stopping off at the Academy before pulling away again almost immediately. The crowd for the bus had thinned considerably, a few odd complaints that Eris had already left on his own, and it was relatively peaceful until the mage from the bus tapped Max on the shoulder.

“Sorry, I know this is a bit rude but can I pet your dog? She’s so cute.” The guy asked sheepishly. He was clearly around Max’s age, possibly a year older, and wore a simple shirt and shorts combination. Brown hair cut short and glasses on his nose, his only adornment was the bag on his back.

The administrative building was within sight from the bus stop and running away from the dog lover would take very little effort.

Stepping out from the restroom without his bracelet was one of the hardest things he’d done in his life. His hand still paused on the door handle, the muffled murmuring of the party filtering through the heavy door still unnerving. The thick black band seemed glaringly apparent, a strip of lighter skin surrounding it. Maybe to anyone else it wouldn’t be too noticeable―he inherited his mom’s paleness after all―but it shone like a beacon in his eyes. He rubbed at the mark like he used to when he was younger and hoped he could make it all go away but his hand fell away from his wrist and he took a steadying breath.

Just imagine they’re all naked right?

No, that never worked but he chuckled to himself anyways as he made his way back to the crowd. He picked up a new drink with a grateful murmur to the waiter. His nerves made him leave his drink back in the restroom and he felt too awkward going back in there for it. He sipped at the champagne glass and for once his nose didn’t wrinkle. The liquid was much sweeter than the stuff that normally circulate at the large post performance gatherings university hosted for their patrons and alumni to meet the current class. Jacob took a few more sips in rapid succession as he moved through the crowd, familiar with ducking and weaving through them. A polite smile here and a head nod as eyes met, signaling neither party was actually interested in conversing, as he kept an ear out for a topic he’d be interested in.

There were plenty of people gushing over the holograms, over the lavish wealth, over the twins themselves. Jacob’s nose wrinkled in annoyance. While that was all fine and well, how long could you talk about how impressive everything was? Everyone agreed this place was amazing and fantastic. Just tell your hosts and move on from it. Some group was discussing the technology behind everything and while it sounded interesting enough, Jacob didn’t know anything about it. Something about investment potential and various lens grades. Jacob listened in for a few moments while he finished his drink and made his way around the room again.

His nose wrinkled again as he passed a pair aggressively indulging in each other. Reunited or drunk, he decided against wandering that way again. If they had recently reunited, he was a little horrified. He didn’t care how swept up in the moment he was, Jacob would definitely not be sucking face in a public place. While he wasn’t against public displays of affection, there was definitely a limit. Holding hands, hugging, and quick kisses were all fine and dandy but anything more was just gross. The little prickle of worry reared its head in the back of his mind. No worries there. You won’t find your soulmate his own head whispered but he shrugged off the concern with practiced ease. This was quite literally his best chance to find them, maybe the only chance, and Jacob was going to seize the opportunity with both hands. He would find them this week. He wouldn’t give the damn universe any other option.

“Sure, signing on a dynamic winger will help their offense but did they really need it? The defense is absolute crap. They should have dropped that money on a better sweeper. Their first pick has some of the most red cards in the damn league!”

The frustrated comment immediately caught his attention, his head quickly turning to figure out the direction of the conversation. A small group loitered near the edge of the room, a mix of people and drinks talking about Arsenal’s horrific plans to focus on an already strong offense and practically abandon their shoddy defense. He veered off his original meandering path and beelined for them. Maybe it was a little rude to just pop into a conversation but someone finally agreed with him. Everyone thought a 72 million player would fix it but it still ignored the key weaknesses the team carried!

“It’s just a publicity trap. I’m sure they’re just luring City into doing something similar and are working on their defense far more privately.” A man waved off the comment. Unlike Jacob, he seemed quite comfortable in his attire, a simple but clearly well made suit and tasteful accents.

“Nope. Definitely not.” Jacob interjected as he made his way into the loose circle. “Arsenal has alway been offense focused. They only care when penalty shots are guaranteed to cost them the game. But that’s only fair since their sweeper cost the England team a shot at the World Cup last year.” Jacob would admit he had a hard time keeping his thoughts to himself sometimes but at this point in his life, he just rolled with it. He probably wouldn’t be seeing any of these people after the week ended anyways so he could interject as much as he wanted. Plus, he had opinions on this subject. “Anyways, Manchester tried this a few years ago. Thankfully, their coach was ready for when it failed but Arsenal isn’t exactly known for their forward thinking.”

“See, exactly my point! This is just a royal fuck up no matter how they try and painting on the news!” The familiar voice belonged to a woman Jacob inadvertently took his place next to. Her hair cascaded down her shoulders over a navy dress. Her attire was far more similar to Jacob’s, nice but obviously not something she wore all the time. “See at least my friend…”

“Jacob.” He supplied helpfully.

“Jacob understands that. If it failed for Manchester, it’ll fail for Arsenal, that’s all I’m saying.” The woman rolled her eyes at the man’s scoff before turning to Jacob and holding out her hand. “Nickola. It’s a pleasure to meet someone with more than half a brain. Publicity stunt my ass. Who drops a 72 million pound contract on a publicity stunt?”

“Seriously though! I get that he is good at what he does but that guy has barely been in the league for half the amount of time as some of the veterans and his contract value is way above his stats. There has to be something going on behind the scenes on that one.” Jacob shook her hand with a grin. He did spare his wrist a glance but the black band still sat there. It was clearly unimpressed with Nickola. He felt a twinge of disappointment but moved on from it. “Arsenal should have followed Munich’s example and picked up an all round player if they wanted to try to push their offensive strategies. Definitely would have given them more flexibility.” Nikola nodded in agreement but a glint in her eye said she had more to say.

“So I work for ESPN actually. I’m one of the fact checkers and something hit my email a few months ago that suggested Arsenal’s newest recruit has some intimate relations with some of the organizers for the league.” She added conspiratorially. “The story died in editing like all the fun pieces do. ESPN doesn’t want their contracts slashed over things like that which fair but it would have been fun to follow the breadcrumbs at least.”

“Nepotism makes the world go round. In music, it’s either a friend, a mentor, or your bed partner that gets you paid. Although, I think that applies to most of the performing arts.” Jacob sighed with a shake of his head. “Luckily, it’s the mentor way for me. The things people do when they can exploit someone.”

“So you’re a musician who doesn’t have to sell themselves to a patron like a thirteenth century starving artist. Good to know.” She laughed, sipping at the glass in her hand. It smelled like vodka and his nose wrinkled again. He didn’t particularly care for the stuff. “What do you play then?”

“Piano for 16 years. I just graduated from the Manhattan Schoolof Music with more debt than I can imagine but I got a job already lined up. My host family while I was in Europe studying put in a word for me so I’m the secondary concert pianist for a traveling orchestra.” Jacob explained. “One less thing to worry about, thank god.” The group around them started to disperse as the conversation moved away from sports and into more personal discussions.

“Well, if neither of us find our soulmates by the end of the week, we should have our hosts have a separate event for us poor souls. You’ll have to play something for me when we get there.” A cheeky smile plastered itself on her face but a twinge of bitterness could be heard beneath it. Jacob felt sympathy for her, It was too easy to shut yourself away from the possibility that you’d find your soulmate here; for most, it might even seem the safest option. Shattered hope could be far more debilitating than resignation but Jacob’s life taught him he couldn’t afford to give up that hope.

“You don’t think you’ll find your soulmate?” Jacob asked quietly to which Nickola shook her head.

“What is the likelihood? The odds are stacked against us from the moment we discover this.” She shook the arm with the fragmented mark. “It’s not that I don’t want to find them. That’s why I’m here after all but I have to accept the fact that becoming Lost is far more likely than being Reunited. And then what if… what if you can’t stand them? You’re stuck with this person you hate for the rest of your life. There is just so much potential for everything to go wrong. I wish I could just scrub off the mark, wipe it away and be whole on my own.” She lamented. There was a pause in her speech, wiping away a stray tear, and then a watery laugh came out. “Sorry. A little too much to drink I think. I don’t normally vomit my concerns on strangers.”

Jacob shared a lot of the same sentiments when he was younger. After seeing his family torn apart by the horrors of the Lost, Jacob certainly shared the sentiment for a long time. He couldn't count the times he spent a few minutes longer in the shower, scrubbing at the mark after a few stray photos of his mom popping up on his feed or seeing another story about a Lost person’s death. He’d managed to move past the need now after years and years of work but it didn’t change the fact that everything would be easier if that black band wasn’t permanently stained around his wrist.

“If there was ever a place to do it, it’s here. Probably the largest group of people who can come anywhere close to understanding.” Jacob smiled sympathetically at Nickola, patting her arm. “I’d rather hate my soulmate than not find them at all. At least we’ll still be whole.”

“It sucks we have to feel that way. We have to play with the lesser of two evils.” Nickola sighed but smiled nonetheless. “I’m going to step away to the restroom for a moment. Hopefully, this week will end without us throwing a party for each other.” Jacob agreed, laughing as she made her way out of the group. Well, there went his first try at finding his soulmate. He sighed, knowing it wouldn't be that easy but wishing it would be all the same.

Aster Damien Luxiel

Location: Wyandotte County Lake Park
Skills: N/A

“You are disgusting.” Aster complained as he peeled the fish off his face, sticking his tongue out at Jackson. “And congrats, your dad is Ares. He can snap all of us in half like a twig. Not sure why you bothered to bring that up.” He snapped at the Ares kid, thoroughly annoyed now. Why were all of them so damn gross? Why mom was interested in that God, Aster could only guess, but his children were awful. A wicked idea bubbled up in his head but he wasn’t sure if he wanted to be on Jackson’s extra shit list that badly. He’d see how dickish the asshole was.

“Oh right. You need the ego boost. Your dad is the second best war god after all.” Aster replied cheerily, feeling much better with the back up plan in his head. He unlocked his phone and handed it over to Demetri, unconcerned with the device. His other siblings were just as nosey as himself so Aster made sure to log out of everything every time he left an app. Unless Demetri wanted to see page after page after page of selfies and photos with various filters and settings. There were only so many good hours of light a day and Aster would always make sure he had something on hand for every scenario. He wouldn’t want an ugly contact photo of him going around, would he? “Go ahead and call. It’ll probably go faster if you just ask who your mom cheated with.” Aster suggested helpfully, digging into his food carefully. It wouldn’t do to make a mess of himself just as he finished drying.
James Kingston

Location: The Mutant Underground (F7 -> First floor)
Skills: Accelerated Healing Factor

James nodded at Spark Plugs’s orders, hurrying to snatch up the rope the training team had been on originally. He wrapped the rope around Vulcan’s forearms and ankles, effectively hogtying him. At least that was what James was going for. This way if the intruder used any of those dangerous hand blasts, he’d catch himself in the process. “If you want to double check my knot Moonwalker, I wouldn’t be offended. I just kinda winged it.” James admitted with a shrug, acknowledging his lack of skill in the area might prove to be a problem against a guy trying to bring down the building. He looked up from Vulcan just in time to watch Leighton freeze the support pillars, whistling in appreciation. She was really coming into her abilities, an impressive feat since she just discovered them the other day. He was going to make a comment about how cool it was but something grabbed his attention.

James’s head whipped around at Negasonic’s exclamation, ready to start fighting again until he saw two familiar faces. The dread set in immediately. Even before Sunshine spoke, Feedback’s message played in his head. It was the Morlock Tunnels. How did they even find the Morlcoks? Did someone rat them out? It wasn’t any of them. They were all tucked away in the Mutant Underground. No one had the chance to tell anyone about them. His thoughts stopped dead as Sunshine dropped a bombshell. Erg was dead and someone else was dying? Erg was definitely a hard ass and more than a little volatile but his heart was in the right place. He didn’t deserve to die in a senseless attack on his wards. James swallowed his feelings for a moment and focused on the dying person. At least they were still alive. He could fix dying. He couldn’t fix dead.

"I’m sorry, Sunshine.” James said sympathetically as he made his way over to her. “Who needs medical attention? Hopefully, I can get them at least out of danger and we can let them recover while we figure everything out.” He nodded his thanks at Blink when she pointed him downstairs. He hurried down, stone faced at the lack of activity on the second floor. When he finished with the morlock, he’d let the team upstairs know he had work to do with the others in the Underground. Too many people got hurt for him to stay upstairs on guard duty. Hopefully, it was just hurt.

As soon as he made his way onto the first floor, he spotted Jack and nearly waved in his direction until he noticed he was carrying someone. He nearly ate it when his stride faltered at the sight of Casper, limp in his brother’s arms. Shock and horror flashed across his face as he beelined to the brothers. “Oh shit, Casper is who Sunshine told us is dying?” James demanded, taking in the man’s condition. Neither of the brothers looked like they were doing too hot. And Casper was dying. James didn’t care for the stillness. Casper was animated and quirky and that suited him perfectly. Far better than being one foot in the grave at least. “Put him down gently. We don’t need him flailing around if he wakes up.” James ordered, hands on Casper in an instant. He almost retched at the faint thumping that invaded his ears, the sound of a heart struggling to survive in a broken vehicle. He’d never healed a person this close to dying and he felt himself struggling for air as his own heart rate plummeted, feeling wobbly and weak. But he would try his damndest, just to see the man smile again or there would be hell to pay.


Location: The Hellfire Club (D3)
Skills: Vocal Hypnosis

Requiem sighed in relief as the ice child whisked away the flames and he immediately went to put Glimpse on the receiving end of a bullet but he froze, Emma’s voice whispering in his mind. He was getting tired of being puppeted with an ability too close to his own, even if the command was an excellent move. The absolute disrespect of being forced rather than asked grated on his nerves. There would be pay back in the future. Once all this fighting had been dealt with, he’d look for something to humiliate her with. There was always something to find and he’d plaster it everyone once he got his fingers on it. He couldn’t see the person Ms. Frost wanted handled but from the way she dropped―to no end of satisfaction on his part―he could deduce she was somewhere in the vicinity.

“Cease using your powers, invisible girl.” Requiem commanded, repeating it when he felt the first attempt slide against her mind. Invisibility was a useful trick but he wanted to be sure she didn’t have anything else nasty up her sleeve. The last thing they needed was another person bending wills in the room. He watched a boy with a candy cane come rushing by and a confused frown as he turned his gun, just waiting for this invisible girl’s powers to wear off. Once he dealt with this, he’d use the ice girl to deal with Glimpse. She’d proven rather easy to control so far.

James Kingston

Location: The Palace Grounds (D5)
Skills: N/A

"Oh, wait. Runa, that's a terr- Or not, okay." James sighed as Runa bolted towards Princess Wanda. James was far more concerned with the Hulk tossing Magneto's around like a rag doll than the Princess. Frankly, everyone should be more concerned with the Hulk. If he decided they were also a problem, then they would no longer be a problem. James saw his hand and a gross idea popped into his head. He really would rather have his hand and since he wasn't sure he would regenerate it, maybe he could get his old one working. If not, maybe he could throw it at someone as a distraction. He bolted for it and snatched it up, wrinkling his nose at the smell of gore. He pressed the hand to his wound but nothing happened. Then he dropped with a help as Max--Max if all people!--dropped out of the blue. James would have rolled his eyes if he wasn't so fucking relieved to finally see a familiar face. He hit his knees and immediately placed his hand on the leg.

"Oh thank God you're here. One familiar face at least." He forced himself to talk through the usual pounding in his ears, needing a distraction from the thoughts and memories swirling in his head. He'd only had a few moments to consider who he became in this reality but what he did see wasn't particularly pleasant and James needed to focus.

"What the fuck is going on? Is the rest of the Underground here? I'm confused as fuck and I'd like some answers after this." He took his hand away after Max's leg knotted itself back together and he sat back heavily. He nodded at Max, giving him the all clear. He just wanted to lay down somewhere and fucking relax, curl up around his boyfriend and--

"Have you seen Casper?!" James jerked forward, worry in his eyes. He grimaced as he tried to wrack his brain for the man. He remembered everything from the other world but he couldn't find a single memory with his boyfriend in it. Next thing on the list, fix that. If there was something he needed right now, it was some cuddle time with Casper. God, hopefully he wasn't getting into anything crazy. The thought made him smile fondly for a second. When wasn't Casper getting into something crazy?

"Let me get my hand back together and I'll grab my ICER. Let's see if an elephant tranquilizer can stop her for a bit." James held his stump up and focused, watching as his bones and muscles and skin all patched back together. Mostly. James fell back on his back, gasping for breath as he felt the exhaustion creep into him. Scapes and bruises and deep gashes, no problem. Regrowing bone was a damn pain.

River finished up his business and turned to leave, a sudden exhaustion overwhelming his face. He gave Holly a weary smile and made his way back to the boat, paying for the pair of them. River was silent, clearly somewhere else as he watched the gentle waves brush against the boat and oars dip in and out of the dark water. The silence that lingered around him was comfortable and welcoming, the lack of noise and alertness that could come around in unfamiliar territory because a friend was close at hand.

The trainer led the pair back to the inn and disappeared into his room with a soft good night.

A long winding staircase greeted Cecelia, disappearing into further gloom. Spiderwebs lined the lightless crystals that lined the wall and dust only grew thicker as the lancer ascended. Faint, faint footsteps could be noticed if one paused long enough, barely peeking through another layer of dust. It seemed to go on for sometime before another dark archway rose up in Cecelia’s sight.

Around the edge of the stone arch, someone carved the Talraean language in large swooping letters. Looking past it, a waist high stone ring dominated the room. Small holes were evenly spaced around the top of the wall even three feet. Empty bookshelves and desks were scattered around the room, some toppled over and other in pieces as if they’d exploded. The room smelled stangant and all noise was immediately muffled, even the crackling of the lancer’s torch, despite the open ceiling. A view of the star riddled night sky was only obscured by a series of metal hoops affixed near the opening.

A notification pinged on Cecelia’s map. The same writing from the doorway now marked the dark space this room should occupy but the area stayed dark despite discovering it.

Dracion turned around at Aura’s question, giving the girl a once over. “Throwing your hat in with that bothrin, huh? Well if you really want to get roped into all that Godly nonsense, head to the backside of the market. You’ll find an old home that Cleric of Morrigan converted into a shrine. Bunch of nonsense if you ask me.”

Quest Accepted: Peace through Superior Firepower
Speak with Giddeon of the Three Fold Order.

Varis watched as Eris skipped off to deal with his newest mage and his new rat. Why in the world anyone wanted that around their feet. Varis would step on it the first night but Eris was always whimsical. He’d probably lose interest in it fast enough. But he would admit watching Eris weigh his options, choosing dealing with the absolute mountain of things the actor likely had piled up and him, was fun but only because Eris made the right choice.

“Very well.” Varis lead the pair of the shop. A black car pulled up in front of them and a mage stepped out, dressed in Noila colors, and held the door open for them as the slid in. “I’m ready to retire for the evening. Between the atrocity that is public transport and the idiocy of the masses, I’d rather never see this pathetic collection of buildings again. The sooner we are back at the dorms, the better.” Varis shook his head as he relaxed into the seat, leaning his head back.

Count Julian switched to the metal rod halfway through the class, clearly displeased with Salem’s performance. The entire class was spent on the same lesson, how to properly enter the room and hold the bow until given the right to release and step out of the line of sight. Salem’s knuckles were split and long stripes of bruises painted the back of Salem’s hands. When the muted buzzer rang from his desk, Julian made Salem hold his bow for a few minutes longer as he cleaned the flecks of blood of the dark metal.

“You are dismissed. I recommend you try harder tomorrow. You may bandage your wounds but painkillers or other medical attention is not permitted.” The Count reminded him, not bothering to face the mage.

“You direct the blame.” Hannah shrugged. “Vampire heads are a bit trick but most of them open up when you shock them. Queeny will use me to plop an idea in her head. Turn the blame on one of the Nobles. Apparently, the Queen slapped one of the newbies with an investigation so we’re going to hop on that train and see if we can thin the hounds a little.”

“You’re really just telling anyone what we’re doing?” Evalyn sighed with a shake of her head. It really didn’t matter. If the Hive wanted to do something, far be it from her to take issue. That was Rowan’s headache, not hers. “Anyways, we’re hitting up some rich brat of a mage “accessory” tycoon. Want to make a statement early in the year. If you’re with us, lets go.”

“And if you’re not-” Hannah cut off suddenly, her eyes glazing over before she blinked and her face turned sour, a bored look on her face. “We’ll drag you along kicking and screaming. Sorry Eva, Queeny needs Hannah’s skills over at the Arena. We’ll give her back in a bit.”
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