Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 36 min ago

Carolina Reed

Location: The Palace - New York City, New York (4,F)
Skills: Astral Projection, Possession

Carolina looked over towards her wife seeing her launching fireballs at the various drones as they flew around in the air, as she watched the fighting unfolding before her. She looked across the way seeing Wanda had her attention fully on Max now by the looks of it, and then over towards October and gently held onto her hand. "When this is all over and we survive this, I need to tell you what I remember from the real world." She said towards her wife and kissed her once more, and started to look around she was far away from the action for now anyway. "Just watch over my body for me?" Carolina called out to October as she went to rest her back up against the wall.

She closed her eyes as she let her spirit leave her body, as she astraly projected herself around the battle field, seeing her sister was there made her smile glad she was alright still. And quickly went to try and possess Scarlet Witch as she saw the mutant instantly turn to face her, hand glowing red. "And what do you think you're doing?" Wanda asks, before her hand glows red and grabs onto Carolina around the throat. "I remember everything, and just wanted some answers on whats going on." Carolina answered Scarlet Witch as she tried to move.

Cassandra Reed

Location: The Palace - New York City, New York (E,4) -> (E,5)
Skills: Enhanced Condition & Hand to Hand Combat

Cassandra looked over her shoulder as the fighting seemed to continue, as the fighting started to get worse and Sapphire started to freeze the area. She spotted Flynn there along with Klara, though she knew that Sapphire was still on Magneto's side right now and they would be dealing with the cold. She ran forward towards Sapphire who was still more focused on the fight and quickly landed a punch on Sapphire and knocking down the mutant onto the ground.

Noticing the blood starting to form around her mouth and quickly knelt down next to Sapphire, and looked over towards Flynn. She wasn't sure if he had his memories or not from the real world, but she just hoped that he was on their side right now. "I need your help Flynn, in the real world we work together actually and are on the same team as well. I only tried to knock her out so she wouldn't ice anyone else." Cassandra said towards him and then Klara as well, turning to watch as Novikova and Maria were having their focus on Magneto.

Maria Smith

Location: The Palace - New York City, New York (B,4) -> (E,5)
Skills: (Novikova's Earth Manipulation), Archery

Maria didn't even have time to react as she felt a sharp pain going through her right shoulder as she stumbled and slid back a little bit groaning in pain. She looked down as she started to feel something wet starting to slide down her shoulder, bringing her left hand over towards the wound. Maria looked down at the blood there, as she started to focus on her healing and eventually the metal sharp was pushed out of the wound. Breathing slightly and noticed that Novikova was injured as well which started to piss her off, as she focused on summoning the largest boulder she could and launched it at Magneto.

It only really grazed him as the boulder hit the ground, she took out her bow and notched three arrows and let them start flying towards Magneto, only for them to stop, and flew straight back towards her. As the arrows came flying back towards her just as the arrows exploded, knocking her back a bit as she could feel the minor burns forming around her.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Niah Bautista

Location: Human Resistance HQ: New York City, New York. -> The Palace Grounds (D2->E3)
Skills: N/A

"I highly doubt it was Flynn considering his current choice of partner." Niah's tone was one of condescension. Something Tinley had heard when Niah thought something someone said was particularly idiotic. Sure, Niah knew who Jade was but Jade didn't know Flynn like they did. And Niah had put a lot of work into fixing the timeline she really was irritated that Bonnie wasn't here. Though her friend was human and it was probably for the best she wasn't. Niah couldn't deal with her death...again.

"That leaves Wanda and Pietro. Or is Luminous around in this world. I could see her doing something like this. Pietro doesn't have magic, does he? And reality-bending doesn't seem to be in his wheelhouse." Something was off though, why was Flynn Magneto's kid in this world? She didn't know who his parents were in the real world, but she was pretty certain it wasn't Magneto. "However, I do want to check Flynn's room. In the real world, he wasn't Magneto's son to my knowledge." She frowned trying to dig through her messed up memories and remember anything she knew about Flynn.

"Can you mind control one of the guards to lead us through so it looks like we're supposed to be here?" She asked lifting her head, her eyes wide with a part of a plan. They were less likely to be challenged or even have attention paid to them if a guard was "escorting" them.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 10 days ago

Agent Waverley Watts - Feedback

Location: The Palace

As Agent Watts watched the battlefield overhead like some sort of free-for-all chess game, she caught something strange out the corner of her eye, or rather, the camera’s eye. She wasn’t sure what it was at first, so she focused her attention on it. She quickly recognize it as some sort of arrow, and attempted to fly out of the way, but it was too late. And as she attempted to switch over to her other drone, she felt that it, too, was gone. Agent Watts pulled her focus away from the radio waves around her, the map room fading back into sight. She gritted her teeth in annoyance, breathing a deep breath through her nose. She tucked her hand into her suit jacket, pulling out her gun and holding it in both hands as she walked with purpose towards through the door and into the palace halls.

That purpose was short-lived, however, when a wave of peace washed over her. Her angry face melted off, revealing one of exhaustion and disappointment. She stopped in her tracks, blinking in confusion, before letting out a sigh and dropping her gun. She sat down on the ground, her back against the palace wall, as she picked her gun back up, looking down on it and absentmindedly feeling the well-crafted barrel. Her face was one of doped up sorrow, like a pothead who just lost their dog, not knowing that it’s just in the other room.

”Who even uses arrows anymore?” Waverley lamented, turning the pistol over in her hand. “Just get a fucking gun...”
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 3 days ago

Hello there everyone! You might be wondering why I'm back here again, but I haven't gotten to narrate one of these things. Now, you might wonder how this is going to work, since there are a lot of people in one place. If one of the characters the GM controls talks it's going to shift to their boring color and not this awesome shade of pink. Separating to talk about the group in Baton Rouge will be a little line essentially and that's it. Clear? You got it? Good, I'm not explaining that again. So let's roll with it!

So, starting things off the guy who thought it was smart to bring a bow and arrow to a fight, I mean really, most people tend to use guns as they tend to work better. Hawkeye over there sends an arrow flying at Witchy, but the arrow doesn't even get close to her, as she uses her powers to block it and it just drops to the ground! Ha! Maybe you should stop using those things, since it is waaaaaay harder to dodge bullets.

Oh look over there! Seems like the Banner kid is awake now, hooray! But sucks for him, as green guy does not look like he's going to let go of him. Ooh, wonder if the Hulk is going to do what I think he's going to do... Wow, look at that! He's jumping out over the lake water, grabbing onto Magenta and bringing him back to land again. YES!!!!!!!!! Magenta totally deserves that! (as to what I'm talking about, figure it is better to show you lovely people a picture as opposed to describing it)

So looks like Magenta is out of the battle now!

Alright, whose next, let's see what else do we see. Ooh, looks like Witchy over there is not too happy, and she's looking at little Miss I'm Invisible since my body isn't actually here! "Now why would I tell you anything like that? Honestly, and a word of advice, don't you ever even think your little powers can work on me, you are pathetic and are lucky you weren't even wiped from existence," Wanda said to the invisible person, but hey at least... Wait not scratch that, she is totally tightening her grip on the person, might make it hard to breathe. Ooh, now she's turning her attention towards Mr. Fireball over there. "What mistake are you referring to? And warning shot? Ha! That was so pathetic I could have done that with my eyes shut and one hand behind my back!"

Ooooh, ouch, that looks like it has got to hurt! Damn, don't mess with Witch there clearly, as there is a great blast of red energy that slams into Fireball! Lifting him up 20 feet into the air and boom, slamming him down straight into the ground! Ouuuuch! Looks like a broken leg and bruised arm or something there!

Now over to other people hey wait, isn't that a DC character or something over there? Eh, whatever, he's hereby known as the Firestorm Wannabe. Oh hey it's Klara! Wondering what she's been up to, I mean it's been a while since I actually talked with her, or since she's asked for a hand in throwing people together, but that's always been fun! "Um... You know funny, you are not the only person to tell me that in the past 24 hours, like you are I think the 3rd or 4th person to tell me that," the Firestorm Wannabe said to not even sure what to call the person who was talking to her. Honestly calling people by their actual names is more then just a bit boring, so I try to come up with stuff, but I can't even think of what to refer to her as. So eh whatever.

"I need to get my sword back before I go off to do anything, so I'm going to go do that, not sure what the two of you want to end up doing or whatever," Klara said to the pair, before she ends up taking off for the Palace now. Well that either will end well or end horribly, we'll have to see.

And what does it look like the Queen person is going to do? Well, looks like she's going over to the girl who just had her powers go a little bit wacko! Her hand is glowing with a slight purple hue, and with a flash hey! Looks like she just restored the girl's memories!

Now over to the sneaky people! What's going on with them! "Mind control the guards," The Person who is a bit full of themselves agreed. "We'll be long gone before anyone starts poking at the security footage. They'll all be focusing on monitoring outside." She then considered what Niah was saying about Flynn, Wanda, and Pietro. "What about Princess Lorna?" she pointed out, raising a slight eyebrow as Niah had discounted her. "And hate to break it to ya, love, but anyone can be guilty of anything. Maybe Flynn isn't the person you thought he was."

Now onto the Thieves people! Let's see what we get to happen, starting with the two people on the west side of the facility! And what the hell is going on here? Uh... That's actually kind of convenient and the guards are idiotic. Because of the one guard going a bit crazy for whatever reason, knocking out someone, and taking off, the others seem to get it into their heads that something is going on and start fighting each other. What sort of idiots do that? And that's not all! One of them freaking shot out the security camera on that side of the base! Like what the hell!

"Let's get going then," the plant woman said, before leading the way to the door. Wow, at least she was smart enough to just figure out to pick the lock in order to get the door open. "After you..." she said, opening the door up and motioning to the kind of creepy weird girl.

Now over to the other side of the base to the team that only really seems to have one person who isn't incompetent in the group! And Pinocchio over there is taking the gun from the former drug addict while essentially ignoring the current drug addict! Now these people know that bows and arrows are horrible weapons and shouldn't be used in this day and age! Anyway, with that he aims a shot and fires the gun off, knocking out the camera. "Let's go..." he said simply, and hooray, they move on over to the door! Wait, why isn't that damn door lock? What idiot didn't lock the door? Well, whatever, they can get inside of the base now too, so fun!
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Allison Andrewss

Location: The Palace Grounds (E5) -> Inside the Palace(Outfit)
Skills: Accelerated Probability

Happy that their friendship had been repaired to the best it could be, Allison fought off an urge to squeeze Guin, knowing they still had a mission to do. And it was nice to hear Guin share her thoughts on who caused all of this. "I've been debating all night as to who it could be. I narrowed it to Magneto or Scarlet Witch, though I was more inclined to think Wanda did it. And it is easy to see why. This is Magneto's dream." And it was her nightmare, but she let that pass. Guin already knew her thoughts on the matter.

Gripping Guin's hand as she tried to run with her (hard to do in heels), they came upon Guin's machine. "Easier said than done with them attacking outside. He's going to be under intense protection. The best bet would be to get close to him. Might be easy to do with you in a relationship with his son." Allison stood by and waited while Guin did her thing. She couldn't tell what had happened, but she trusted Guin enough to know she had an idea.

Allison stood her ground and used her other power, the one she hardly used. In her mind, she saw a path, the highest likelihood of success for them to get everyone to calm down outside. "I see the path, but it takes us outside right in the middle of the fighting. Where we just were would be the best place to use it. But that means going out there. I don't know if Pietro would help, but maybe Oshea could protect us? He doesn't know about everything, but he trusts me and I was planning on telling him after."

Tinley Abercrombie

Location: The Palace Grounds (D2) -> (E3)
Skills: Mind Control

Tinley hadn't ever done a mass control before. She didn't know if she would be able to. "I haven't used my powers to that extent before. I've only ever controlled one person at a time. I can try though." Tinley closed her eyes and reached into the minds of as many of the guards as she could. She didn't want to knock them out, because then the cameras would see and know something was up. It would be better to get them away from the grounds in general. She managed to latch on to a few of them.

"I want you all to drop your weapons, go home, and forget about what happened here. Don't worry about your job, just leave." Once she exited, she saw eight of the men drop their arms and walk away. The others remained and were probably more than a little confused. "I got a few of them. We can probably take out the others easily. They are probably wondering why their co-workers are all leaving now anyway." She was still unsure about the cameras, but she would trust Jade for now.

Anastasia Reinhardt

Location: West Side Red Guard Base
Skills: N/A

Ana watched as further events unfolded in front of her, with the other guards attacking each other. "I didn't even shift their morals. They just acted on their own accord. Humans are fickle things." Truly, it was a sight. Either way, they had access. She ran over and opened the door and checked inside. A long hallway greeted them, with a door on the left and another along the end. She listened at the door and heard no noise inside. She checked it and it was unlocked. "Opening this door, be ready just in case."

Inside was a lab of some sort. She had never been interested in science much, but perhaps the plant girl was. "Nothing but a lab here. No security or anyone. Want to check this out a bit or shall we press onward?" She knew it was a matter of time before they got to their goal. What harm did it do to look around a little bit? They were thieves after all. It only made sense to look everywhere.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Guin Stark

Location: The Palace Lab (Guin's Outfit)
Skills: Telepathy
Pietro didn't seem to be aware that she had gotten out of the closet thanks to Allison's help. Guin couldn't tell where her fiancé was at the moment, just what he was quickly running around - he didn't seem to be fighting people from what she could tell and she wasn't all too sure what to make of that. "Pietro doesn't seem to have any idea what's going on and as far as I can tell, he isn't contributing to the mess outside... so there's no danger of us getting whisked off by him but also... I don't know if he would protect us," she told Allison. No one had come and found them in the lab yet, probably since she was making everyone inside the building feel stoned. "I'll ask."

Stopping the projection of making everyone in the Palace feel stoned, she then reached out to her fiancé. Hey since I never did get a Hanukkah gift last night, can I cash in for a big favor instead? What is it? Allison and I need you to protect us so we can get to the center of the fighting and calm everything down. Why would you want to go there???? Pietro, we have a way to stop people from getting hurt. Please, do it for me? Nope, no way you are not going anywhere near the fighting!

Guin groaned in frustration, kicking the wall in order to take out a bit of her frustration. "He won't fucking do it. He thinks I'm some sort of fragile, porcelain doll who'll break if I go anywhere near a fight!" she snapped, venting a little bit. Of course she wasn't mad at Allison, she was mostly mad at Pietro's overprotective nature at the moment. She took a slight breath. They had a backup plan. "Okay, I'm going to telepathically connect your mind to Oshea's - think of it like a conference call," Guin informed Allison. She then concentrated, patching together a temporary mental link between Allison and Oshea.

Hey Oshea, it's Allison. Guin connected our minds. We have a way of calming everyone down and stopping the fighting, but we need to go out in the middle of it to do it. Pietro won't help. Can you come keep us protected while we do it? I love you and I promise I will explain all of this to you.

Sure thing, give me a moment, he said before a few seconds later he raced up. "So, you have a way to calm things?"

Runa Blake

Location: the Palace Grounds D5 -> C5
Skills: Eldritch Magic
Glancing around, Runa spotted Lance in the arms of the gigantic green beast. She was instantly reminded of the giants of Jötunheimr, with the exception that they never achieved such a shade naturally. The beast was protecting him from what she could tell, but then her eyes went to an individual in peril - it was the funny, well dressed boy from before. He was being flung around like he was just a cat and not a man. "... I will help the boy," Runa told James hesitantly. "Please watch out for Lance."

Running over towards Wanda, Runa didn't hesitate before leaping and pressing her palm against Wanda's center in an attempt to push Wanda's astral form out of her body. She didn't succeed and Runa tried again, this time managing to pull it off. There was just enough time for Carolina's astral form to get free of Wanda's grip, before the daughter of Magneto returned to her body, looking livid. Runa sighed a bit. If magic failed, then she would need to settle this more physically. She stabbed her fingers forward, aiming to claw at Wanda's eyes and blind the mutant sorceress, but Wanda blocked her and shoved Runa back.

"Why not pick on someone of your own ability, rather than this silly boy?" Runa called out to Wanda. It was a technique she learned from her Uncle Loki - sometimes, all you needed to do was annoy your opponent enough. She hoped that Klara would come back soon, she wasn't sure where her cousin had gone off to and she could use her magical assistance against the Scarlet Witch. The mutant before her was formidable, her raw power more than compensating for her lack of formal training in the Mystic Arts.

Dominika Novikova

Location: the Palace Grounds E5
Skills: Russian, Metal Bending, and Earth Manipulation
Life was random. It was so random that in the midst of everything going on, Novikova watched a bit dumbfounded as a zombie penguin waddled over towards Magneto, before falling to pieces. A phoenix then emerged from the ashes. If that was the Phoenix Force, then they were completely screwed. She had heard talk at S.H.I.E.L.D. about what Jean Grey had done before when hosting the entity, but she didn't know much beyond the enormous power it possessed. "Почему мир должен становиться сумасшедшим каждый год..." she muttered to herself.

Cass had taken out Sapphire, so that was something. Her girlfriend was knocked backwards by her own trick arrows and Novikova was seeing red, wanting to pummel King Erik into a pulp for that. She loved Maria more than anything. The Hulk beat her to it though, jumping up over the lake and grabbing Magneto, hitting him against the ground repeatedly. From her vantage point, King Erik was at least unconscious - maybe dead if they were lucky. Glancing around, Novikova decided that since there were plenty of people focused on the Scarlet Witch, she could at least make it difficult for the Palace to send out reinforcements.

Feeling the wall that surrounded the Palace like it was an extension of herself, Novikova summoned all of her strength and tried to pull it down to the ground, in order to create a huge obstacle that would prove difficult to overcome. The veins on her head were bulging and her heart was pounding so fast it was liable to jump out of her chest. She just barely managed to crumble the section of the wall facing the execution area of the Palace Grounds, but it didn't fall. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a silver streak go and move two girls (October and Carolina) out of the way as the rubble would have crushed them.

Casper Theriot

Location: the East Entrance - Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Skills: Mediumship
"Well we haven't gotten caught yet, so who's the dummy now?" Casper asked Bobbi pointedly. Sure, he had thrown his shoes haphazardly and yes, one of them landed in plain view of the camera - but nothing happened. The ground didn't open up and swallow them. No one was tackled to the ground and placed into handcuffs. Magneto didn't appear to kill them, followed by a quick musical number. "What if those cameras aren't even real? They could just be decorations," Casper mused.

"Yeah, because a top secret facility definitely would NOT spring for real security cameras... I think you're really onto something there," Ben said dismissively.

"Wait, Jackie, did you seriously just use a paintball gun on the camera?" Casper asked, a bit bewildered since to him, a paintball gun was just about as effective as throwing shoes at the thing. The paintball gun seemed to have disabled the camera at least, so he wasn't really complaining. If it had just splattered the camera in paint, then they would have had more of an issue to deal with - but even then, that would still do the job, no?

"Yay, no lock!" Casper cheered, opening up the door. He wished that they could have some background music during this - maybe Frank Sinatra's My Way would have been appropriate. Hopefully no one else had gotten very far in the building, as he hated to think what these people would do with an infinity stone. His brother might just kidnap more kids, Bobbi probably would do something weird, but the rest of them? He didn't even want to think about that.

"Okay, it's weird that this place isn't better guarded..." Ben muttered, looking around.

"Totally," Casper agreed.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: The Palace Assualt Team: New York City, New York. C5>D5
Conjuration, Magic.New Outfit

Max watched as Wanda closed in on him, preparing himself for either death, or at the very least a bad time. Out of nowhere Wanda had reached out and grabbed onto nothingness, seemingly choking some sort of invisible entity that may have tried to get the slip on her. He’d hoped this intrusion would allow him a moment to sneak away, slowly backing himself up inch by inch before finally getting up and turning his back towards the Scarlet Witch. That would be a mistake. She tossed Max up into the air like a kid tossing a hacky sack, his body reaching the sky then falling into a free fall as he plummeted towards the ground. There wasn’t enough time to react, his fall less than graceful, and his leg breaking on impact. This fight clearly wasn’t on his side, and it showed. Invoking the wrath of the Scarlett Witch was dumb, sure, but if it helped keep her focus on him then it was all worth it. Wanda’s hand still held firm against the invisible force and Max wondered how long they could hold out, it did however tie up one whole hand.

Before he could even utter a spell, Runa came to his aid and seemed to press her hand against Wanda’s chest, doing absolutely nothing. Max began to wonder what she attmepted, and if perhaps this fight would doom them all in the end. The goth sorceress repeated her previous endeavor, causing Wanda to lose grip, and appear to be unconscious for a short amount of time, time that Max would not waste. ”Thanks, hold her off until i return.” Max slammed his good arm into the ground, an arcane ring forming beneath him and then lifting up, his body disappearing with it. He was glad that the Scarlet Witch was knocked out during this, or she may have had sense to stop him. The ring reformed before James, sliding down and bringing Max’s body right before the healing mutant. ”Long time no see. Be a dear and heal my broken leg will you? It’s making it a bit hard to fight.” He spoke through gritted teeth and sharp breaths as the pain of the broken leg was hitting him. He muttered a few more words of power and placed his hand upon the ground once more. An invisible force sprung up around them, forming a dome over James and Max to keep them safe from any attacks while he was being cared for. Once complete the barrier shimmered and then went invisible once more. ”I’ve created a magick barrier for us to hide in while you patch me up. Focus on healing, I’ll focus on keeping us safe ok? The sooner we can get my leg working the sooner that I can get back to trying to take down The Scarlett Witch and help Runa.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

James Kingston

Location: The Palace Grounds (D5)
Skills: N/A

"Oh, wait. Runa, that's a terr- Or not, okay." James sighed as Runa bolted towards Princess Wanda. James was far more concerned with the Hulk tossing Magneto's around like a rag doll than the Princess. Frankly, everyone should be more concerned with the Hulk. If he decided they were also a problem, then they would no longer be a problem. James saw his hand and a gross idea popped into his head. He really would rather have his hand and since he wasn't sure he would regenerate it, maybe he could get his old one working. If not, maybe he could throw it at someone as a distraction. He bolted for it and snatched it up, wrinkling his nose at the smell of gore. He pressed the hand to his wound but nothing happened. Then he dropped with a help as Max--Max if all people!--dropped out of the blue. James would have rolled his eyes if he wasn't so fucking relieved to finally see a familiar face. He hit his knees and immediately placed his hand on the leg.

"Oh thank God you're here. One familiar face at least." He forced himself to talk through the usual pounding in his ears, needing a distraction from the thoughts and memories swirling in his head. He'd only had a few moments to consider who he became in this reality but what he did see wasn't particularly pleasant and James needed to focus.

"What the fuck is going on? Is the rest of the Underground here? I'm confused as fuck and I'd like some answers after this." He took his hand away after Max's leg knotted itself back together and he sat back heavily. He nodded at Max, giving him the all clear. He just wanted to lay down somewhere and fucking relax, curl up around his boyfriend and--

"Have you seen Casper?!" James jerked forward, worry in his eyes. He grimaced as he tried to wrack his brain for the man. He remembered everything from the other world but he couldn't find a single memory with his boyfriend in it. Next thing on the list, fix that. If there was something he needed right now, it was some cuddle time with Casper. God, hopefully he wasn't getting into anything crazy. The thought made him smile fondly for a second. When wasn't Casper getting into something crazy?

"Let me get my hand back together and I'll grab my ICER. Let's see if an elephant tranquilizer can stop her for a bit." James held his stump up and focused, watching as his bones and muscles and skin all patched back together. Mostly. James fell back on his back, gasping for breath as he felt the exhaustion creep into him. Scapes and bruises and deep gashes, no problem. Regrowing bone was a damn pain.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ColouredCyan

ColouredCyan Wind Up Merchant

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Michelle Diggby

Location: The Palace Grounds (E3) ->(D2)->(E3)
Skills: Identity Obscuration

Over half the guards just up and left, Tinley had done a scarily good job of dealing with them for a first go. A small arsenal of weapons laid strewn across the ground, scattered between the confused and disturbed guards. Now all they needed was someone to draw their attention so the other enemies of the state could beat them senseless within an inch of their life, sending a scarred, shadow of a man back to his wife and kids, or just slip past (boring).

Michelle sighed quietly when it dawned on her and with an exaggerated roll of her eyes, started undoing an extra couple buttons on her blouse. Beacuse thats what apemen want right? A bit of flesh, sex words and ego stroking? "What was your suggestion earlier, Cornish? Stupid and slutty?" Michelle reiterated, knowing they'd get the picture. Michelle snuck back towards the car so she could make her grand entrance without exposing her teammates in addition to herself.

Upon her return, she walked slowly with confidence, sauntering upto the remaining guards with feline grace. They were still on edge, suspecting shenanigans as a result of their collegues walking off without warning, but Michelle, her mutant and seductive powers activated, divered that uneasiness to an "unknown" assailant with a flash of her badge. She was ushered in the security hut to which she dutifully complied but at her own pace and while making very little effort to discreetly nestle her identification back down her top. All six seemed interested in finding out what she knew about what was going on. Or maybe it was just the boobs.

"Which of you big boys is going to come pat me down?" Michelle teased, making intense eye contact with the guard the looked to be trying his hardest to do his job right.

Those fuckers better not just sneak past and leave me in here.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: The Palace Grounds E5 ---> Wherever Carolina is after Quicksilver moved her -- New York City, New York.
Skills: Running; PTSD

Prince Flynn didn’t get to answer Antoinette and before she went to go find Wanda herself Queen Miranda walked over to Antoinette. Relief flashed across her face and she started to ask the Queen about her daughter but was stopped as the Queen did something that restored all of Antoinette’s memories from the other reality. Antoinette stumbled and images swirled in her head, her purple eye flashed as she tried to get a grip on the other reality.
The resounding gunshots set her off and she started running blindly. Antoinette was always good at running. She ran until she made it to Carolina’s body and collapsed in front of her friend. She was shaking and crying and started to shake Carolina. She wasn’t responding but she didn’t seem dead but Antoinette wasn’t able to understand that she was astral projecting. There was another person with them and Antoinette looked over at October. She had never met October in the real reality but she did have the memories of October in this reality. Still shaking, going into shock, Antoinette looked back at Carolina and squeezed her arms. ”Lina, come back. Please.” Antoinette was trying her hardest not to completely break down but there was so much piling on top of her and it seemed her personality of her was fighting against her personality of the other place.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 36 min ago

Carolina Reed

Location: The Palace - New York City, New York (4,F)
Skills: Astral Projection, Possession

Carolina started to gasp for air as Scarlet Witch's grip on her neck started to get a lot tighter as she tried to squirm and break free, looking over towards Max for a moment, hoping he would get away. Which he did and then someone else came over towards them, as Runa attempted to remove Scarlet Witch's spirit from her body. She really should try an learn how to do that on the second attempt Runa was successful and was released from Scarlet Witch's grip. "Thank you." Carolina said, though Runa probably wouldn't be able to hear her anyway, and quickly moved back to where her body was.

Seeing that the wall had crumbled down she started to worry that her real body was crushed under the fallen wall, when she looked around she spotted Annie, October and Quicksilver there and quickly moved back to her body. Carolina quickly opened her eyes and sat back up looking over at Annie as she hugged her friend tightly. "I'm here, i'm completely fine.." Carolina said towards Annie and looked over at October and smiled towards her wife.

Cassandra Reed

Location: The Palace - New York City, New York (E,5)
Skills: N/A

Cassandra watched as the Hulk came into the fray and managed to grab Magneto and started to fling him around like a ragdoll which was kind of entertaining to see as well. He was now out like a light after that it seemed as she started to relax now, she turned her attention back towards Sapphire. Klara had ran off to grab her weapon, why couldn't she just do the Thor thing and call it like he did with Thor's hammer?

Cassandra stood up and looked over at the wall, as she started to watch it crumble down as she was about to try and make her way over there. Seeing the streak of silver running by just as it had fallen, Cass closed her eyes as she started to relax now that her sister was safe turning her attention over towards Novikova and Maria there. She reached down and gently started to pick up Sapphire as best as she could and made her way over towards them.

Maria Smith

Location: The Palace - New York City, New York (E,5)
Skills: (Novikova's Earth Manipulation)

The Hulk joined in on the action finally as he grabbed Magneto and started to fling him around wincing slightly as he was smashed against the ground multiple times. [color=lightgreen]"That's got to hurt.."[/color[ Maria said as she looked down at her burns, they weren't as bad as she thought they would have been which was good. She walked over towards Novikova just as she managed to bring down a wall looking over at her with a concerned look seeing that it took a lot out of her. "Are you okay?" Maria asked Novikova as she gently rested a hand on her shoulder, they just had to deal with Scarlet Witch it seems.

Maria looked over as she watched Cass starting to walk over towards them. "Looks like we just have to deal with Wanda now." Maria said as she watched Runa and Scarlet Witch fighting against each other and so far there wasn't really anyone else coming out of the palace just yet either.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by eclecticwitch
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eclecticwitch The Effervescent

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Location: the East Entrance - Baton Rouge, Louisiana

She let out a soft cheer as the security camera was taken out by Jack. AND, bonus, it was a paintball gun she had summoned and not one of those automatic death machines. She turned a broad smile toward Casper. "Not me, mon amie. Don't be fo'gettin' y'alls shoes now." She gestured to his fallen footwear before following Jack to the door. And SCORE! It was open. How lucky. How fortuitous. How goddamn suspicious. She placed a hand on Jack's arm, looking up at him with concern creasing her eyebrows. "This smells like a trap cher," she said quietly.

She removed the hand from his upper arm and pushed her fingers into the void. A white circular light glowed around her now missing arm as she dug about in that space. After a few moments of her fingers brushing over objects she finally felt the familiar grip of her hammer. She pulled it back out through the void, feeling much better prepared for what was behind the door. "Je suis prêt à partir."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 3 days ago

Up in the sky, two figures were cast in shadow as they rapidly approached the Palace. Despite everyone more or less being required to attend the execution, Princess Lorna had been conspicuously absent for the proceedings. The same was true for her current suitor, a fellow doctorate student studying geophysics named Alex Summers. The figures drifted down to the ground gently, landing in the middle of the fray. The green haired woman sighed slightly. "Father is going to kill me for being late, today of all days..." she muttered.

"Yikes, something tells me this is not going according to plan..." Alex, a tall and confident looking blonde, replied. "Looks like your siblings could use some help."

Pietro meanwhile just looked out around the chaos around him, and he saw Guin, to say he was not too thrilled about her being outside in the chaos where she could get easily injured was an understatement, as Oshea had simply picked Guin and Allison up without saying another word and had raced them outside right where everyone else was, however he had other things to deal with. Namely the people who were currently beating on his twin sister. "Leave my sister the hell alone!" Pietro yelled out, instantly racing into the thick of things and slamming into Runa, knocking her backwards and away from Wanda. He was glaring at her, and was standing next to Wanda right now.

Lorna had seen Guin with the helmet, and using her powers threw the helmet off of her head and crushed it like a tin can. So looks like that plan is out the window at the moment anyway. Alex meanwhile started sending blasts of energy off towards just about everyone. One of the blasts slammed into Max and James by sheer luck breaking through the barrier that Max had created, while another one slammed into Runa. Looks like they weren't too thrilled at having Runa around at this rate.

Sapphire woke up and glanced around confused, "Alright, someone mind telling me what the hell is going on here?" she asked Cass. "Aren't you one of the SHIELD people who were working with the X-Men or something during the whole OMEN fiasco? Do you by chance know how we ended up in a world ran by Magneto which might I add is the worst idea ever?"

"So, you remember some other world too then huh Sapphire? Guess we're leaning towards the fact that you people aren't completely nuts or something..." Flynn said, shaking his head.

"Uh, hey Hulk? Mind putting me down now please?" Lance asked the Hulk once he was done throwing Magneto around. Instead of putting him down, the Hulk ended up putting Lance on his shoulder. "Well, guess this is better then just being carried around or something," he said, letting out a small sigh.

Hawkeye could tell that the group was out matched at the moment, and their goal had essentially been accomplished. He signaled to the others who were still around them to fall back to the base, before he fired off several arrows into the air, creating a smoke distraction of sorts in order to cover their escape.

"...Maybe we should go with them Ally," Oshea said to her, seeing that Hawkeye looked to be covering their escape or something.

Inside the Palace
The stealth group would have no trouble getting inside the Palace, and Shelly would be able to just slip inside after distracting the guards. The place seemed fairly well deserted at the moment, and the group actually wouldn't be too far away from where Waverly was currently. However, whose to say that there wasn't someone, or more of something, standing in their way from getting the info that they needed. For some weird reason in their pathway at the moment was a turtle who looked like he was wearing a small mini crown or something was sitting in the walkway. The turtle looked over at them, slowly turning his head, before he looked down a different hallway. The group would be able to hear a jingling bell of sorts, before a red tabby cat come racing into view. "Mrow?" the cat said once he saw the group. Tilting his head to the side as if to decide if they were friend or foe.

Jade snickered slightly. “A bloody cat and a turtle? That’s the best they could do?”

"I used what was literally given to me, it was better then you just throwing your shoe at the camera!" Jack responded with a bit of an eye roll as they headed inside of the base. "Odds are that the crown isn't going to be in the first few rooms, it probably is in a more central location..." With those last words, he started down the hallway. He was being somewhat careful as he led the way into the facility, they didn't seem to run into any sort of resistance at all.

Eventually, Jack decided to try out a door, and found one that was indeed actually locked. Rolling his eyes slightly, he put his hand to the lock and morphed it so that he matched up the key to the door, and opened it. "...You have got to be kidding me, don't tell me that we actually got that lucky." he said towards Bobbi and Casper, as sitting there on a pedestal in the room was what looked to be a crown with a glowing yellow gem at the center of it.

Now, Mary and Ana weren't quite so lucky, as they would be able to continue along the hallway, footsteps could be heard coming down the hallway towards them. Mary grabbed Anastasia by the arm and pulled her off to the side before a group of 10 SHIELD agents walking in the hallway, the group was more or less blocking their path forward and weren't really moving very quickly out of the way.

"...We need to be careful, otherwise who knows what'll happen..." Mary said softly, looking at the group in front of them.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Guin Stark and Runa Blake

Location: The Palace Grounds (Guin's Outfit)
Skills: Telepathy
None of this was going to plan at all. Oshea had whisked them outside incredibly quickly, only for Pietro's oldest sister to forcibly remove the helmet from her head and crush it. Without Cerebra, Guin knew that she didn't have the strength to telepathically calm down all of these people. Their emotions were running high, they were chaotic and loud and messy, and there were just too many of them for her to really be effective. Her eyes were darting around rapidly as she tried to come up with a plan. Pietro, Lorna, and Alex were helping out Wanda. The King was unconscious, but he was always harsh and distant to Pietro and from what Allison told her about this other world, he didn't deserve her help at the moment. Allison and Guin needed to talk to Wanda about everything and she bit her lip slightly. "Please tell me I'm a badass in the other world, as I would love to secretly have ninja skills or something waiting in the wings," she quipped to Allison.

Runa had been attacking Wanda, only to get knocked back by the speedster. She forced herself back up to her feet, ignoring the aching protests of her arms and legs. Lance was sitting on the Hulk's shoulders, so he seemed to be okay for now. Princess Wanda though was definitely the strongest combatant here and she doubted that the boy and the man with her (Max and James) would be able to do much up against her. It was a shame that Klara wasn't there - or even Freya or Frigga would have been welcome help right now. But with just basic Eldritch Magic, Runa was outmatched and bleeding.

Guin spotted Runa going to attack Wanda again and tried to use her telepathy to knock her out but to no avail. Runa was glaring at her, clearly figuring out who had just tried to knock her unconscious, and her hands started to spark but nothing happened. "Shit, Wednesday Addams is pissed," Guin muttered. Runa formed a full fledged fireball this time and chucked it at Guin, only for a streak of silver to intervene as Prince Pietro took the fireball hit himself for Guin. It resulted in burns, but most were already starting to heal - some of them were more severe though. Fueled by guilt and determination, Guin managed to break through Runa's psychic defenses and knocked her out, sending the Asgardian to the ground as she fell unconscious.

Piet?!?! You okay?! she asked through the mental link quickly, worried about those burns. I'm fine, why the hell did you first of all LIE to me about needing to be inside where it is safer then essentially go over my head to get another speedster to bring you outside! I wanted to help, Piet! I had a way to stop all of the fighting and you didn't want anything to do with it and I know I wouldn't have been able to convince you. You lied to me Guina!

She fell silent for a moment, not really sure what to say as the battle raged on around them. I know. I did. So tell me why the hell you did that, since you're last excuse makes no sense at all if you were planning on lying to me! I wasn't planning on lying to you! Well you did! I am just trying to help stop people from getting hurt or killed!!!!!! Whatever! You still lied to me! he snapped back at her, before he blocked her out mentally.

I'm sorry, Pietro. Guin took an uneasy breath, before looking at Allison for some more guidance on what they were supposed to do next. This entirely situation was seriously messed up and confusing. "Your call what we do now," she said, her voice cracking slightly.

Dominika Novikova

Location: the Palace Grounds
Skills: N/A
She spotted Barton giving the signal to retreat - it was the same one they used on S.H.I.E.L.D. missions when Hawkeye went into the field, rather than having Abercrombie lead the team. She missed those days - it was such a simpler time. She didn't regret what she had done to bring Sparky back home, but it had changed everything. No one had been the same afterwards and then, Hill had taken it one step further once they all returned home. Novikova didn't disagree that she deserved the punishment she had received for her part in creating that apocalyptic timeline, but that didn't mean she didn't miss this. It was going to be harder to say goodbye to this a second time. "Wanda, Pietro, and now Lorna, and Alex Summers... Fantastic," Novikova muttered. She took her girlfriend's hand carefully.

She wasn't about to stay behind here and risk Maria's life. Hopefully the stealth team had gotten what they needed inside the Palace, but staying longer in this fight would be suicide. They were outmatched and outgunned. "Come on, let's go," she told Maria, dragging her along as she navigated their way through the fray. There were so many people and then the smoke obscured everything in sight, making it difficult but luckily, she was able to find her way back to the cars they had arrived in. She let out a slight sigh of relief that Maria had largely gotten out of the fight unscathed. There could have easily been another outcome. "I'll drive. We'll wait a few minutes, load up our car with as many people as we can, and then we'll bail."

Casper Theriot

Location: the Crown Room - Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Skills: Mediumship
Casper didn't really feel a need to go back for his shoes - if he needed shoes, it seemed like Bobbi could just stick her hand through a hole and pull out a pair for him. Was she able to summon designer things? Where did her items come from? Was that what happened when something went missing and was never found again - was it because Bobbi stole it across space and time? Did she have all of his missing socks that went into the laundry and never came back again? He had so many questions for her and he opened his mouth to ask, but Ben shook his head like a disappointed parent.

"Please don't get started," he asked his friend.

"What? I'm innocent!" he protested, as Ben rolled his eyes. Casper followed his brother and Bobbi down the hallway, heading after Jack into what seemed to really be the first door they tried. The crown was a little too shiny and wealthy for his tastes, but he could see why people liked it. The Infinity Stone that served as its centerpiece was the real problem.

"It definitely is boobytrapped, so be careful!" Ben cautioned.

"Please, not everything is Indiana Jones! Do they have Indiana Jones here? Or is it Alabama Smith in this universe?" he wondered, heading up to grab the crown but he tripped and knocked it to the ground. Nothing really happened though so Casper grabbed it - and planning on seeing what all the fuss was about - he put the crown on his head. It sent a jolt of electricity through him and he jumped, the crown falling off of him and landing on the ground with a clatter.

"... I'm not worthy! Boo!" Casper complained. "Yeah, sure, I don't have abs like Thor but I think I have what matters...."

"...Dare I ask what that is?"

"I have a heart, duh! Just like Thor does! And I would be great in the Avengers since I already hate the X-Men!"

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: Human Resistance HQ: New York City, New York.
Conjuration, Magic.New Outfit

Max felt as his bone mended itself, snapping back into place while his muscles reattached and helped to form the bone back into its proper position. He knew he was placing a lot of faith into James when teleporting to him, having seen him struggle with even minor aches like black eyes before, but something inside of him told him that he could trust his old friend or die trying. As Max lay there waiting for the healing to fully take place he watched as the battle ensued, new faces emerging from the castle, walls toppling down, Magneto now fully out of the fight, and Runa holding her own against the Scarlet Witch. It seemed to him like the battle was going in their favor, that is, until Lorna and Summers showed up. A bright flash of brilliant energy flew towards the pair of mutants and slammed into his barrier, blocking much of the impact until shattering and hitting him and James. Luckily the repairs were done and Max was back in the fight and ready to roll. He stood up and scanned the area once more, watching Runa get her ass handed to her as she lay there unconscious on the ground, Hawkeye sent smoke arrows into the fight calling for a retreat and Max felt more than happy to oblige.

Concentrating as much as he could, he thought of all those who were with him and that he wanted to help save. Klara, Runa, Lance, James, and all the others that had come with him on this suicide mission, those save for the stealth team who were no doubt still doing their work as theyd heard no sign of them. As he locked on to each individual, personal portals would form behind them all at once and slide forward, passing them forcefully through and them immediately closing up so no others could make it in. The group was teleported en masse back to the Resistance headquarters and Max just sat back down on the cold hard ground as his eyes flitted across the lives he managed to save but there was one more that he needed to check up on. Max closed his eyes and focused his breath, steadying it as he attempted to locate Casper for James. Got him. His eyes opened back up as he addressed the room. "Sorry about that, but it seemed that a speedy retreat would do us better than the chance to get murdered in a metal death can of a car with the children of Magneto. Speaking of...the way Wanda was acting...is she capable of having done this? More importantly, how do we stop her. She seems so...godlike. Oh and James, Casper's fine, he's somewhere in Louisiana but if we play our cards right then he'll be back in your arms once this nightmare is over."
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

James Kingston

Location: Human Resistance HQ, New York City, New York
Skills: N/A

James just went to grab the ICER when the random energy blast slammed into Max’s barrier, shattering it and sending him flying. He winced as fresh pain blossomed from a few spots, definitely bruising in a few places. He pushed himself to his feet, taking in everything that was going on around them. He wasn’t thrilled the Hulk was anywhere near them, even if he had been flinging Magneto around like a rag doll, but Lance seemed to be doing just fine now that he was on the Hulk’s shoulders. That brought his attention back to Runa, who had collapsed on the ground for some reason and he groaned internally. He just got her back in shape. What was with people and immediately falling apart after he patches them up? He once again reached for his Icer but suddenly a portal swallowed him and he blinked, trying to gain his bearings. Where the shit were they?

“So this is the resistance base then?”James asked after Max babbled on, chuckling to himself as the man did. It was like being back at the mutant underground and at least they all had a reasonable understanding of what was going on, unlike this madhouse of a reality. Where was Spark Plug and Cayden and Leighton and Blink and Jack? Casper was apparently in Louisiana which meant Jack was probably in Louisiana as well. Well, he hoped. At least someone would be around to keep an eye on his excitable boyfriend. He pulled out his phone. Why were they seperated? Why didn’t they get to keep their memories? James was frustrated at the entire situation and he would get answers sooner rather than later but he at least wanted to make sure Casper was okay, even if he didn’t remember. He knew it was a stretch but he typed in Casper’s number from memory and hit the call button, worrying at his lower lip and shifting on his feet. He sighed as it went to voicemail, shoulders slumping but he’d expected it. Technically, they didn’t know each other here.

“Hey Casper, its James. I’m not sure if you remember who I am because I didn’t even remember who I was until ten minutes ago but if you do, give me a call back here as soon as you can. I could... really use your voice right now babes.” James recited his phone number, ironically the same one he used back when they first started dating, and hung up. He sighed again and stuffed his phone back in his pocket, making sure the ringer was all the way up just in case, and refocused on the current situation. “Anyone need patching up? I’m not really sure what’s going on in this shit storm of a world but I can at least get everyone back in one piece.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Niah Bautista

Location: The Palace
Skills: N/A

Niah was trying to sort her memories again. Who the heck was Jade talking about? Magneto had another child? She did not remember any other than Wanda and Peitro...well and Luminos. But her memories of this world did have something about more children. There were swirls of other stuff. Her memories were a wreck still. She put her hand up to her head trying to figure it out.

Niah followed Tinley into the palace and saw Goose. There was something she knew. She also recognized the turtle but not as well. "Goose. Please tell me you remember." Niah leaned down and held out her hand for the cat. God she really hoped he rememebred she did not want to be tossed around like a doll by the 'cat'.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Allison Andrewss

Location: The Palace Grounds (E5) -> Inside the Palace(Outfit)
Skills: Psychic Powers Combined

Thankful to see Oshea, she kissed him quickly, forgetting herself, before she blushed and stepped back. "Yes, Guin has a way of calming them down with her machine, but we need to get outside to do it. Let's go quickly!" She turned to Guin, feeling happy to have her friend back and on her side. "No ninja skills that I'm aware of, but a badass none the less. I never told you this before, but I looked up to you during my early days in school. Still do, actually. Now, let's go solve this."

But outside was still chaos, with fighting. Oshea had picked them up and ran them outside, but a figure had used whatever power she had to take Guin's helmet and destroy it. She didn't appear to be targeting them specifically though. In fact, she was targeting the members that started this. And soon, in a poof, they were gone and the fighting subsided. She glanced around. Magneto was unconscious and the siblings were still there.

She didn't know what to do. She tried to connect to Guin and enhance her telepathic powers, but it was no use. She didn't have the same capacity as Cerebra. "Then we go talk to Wanda. No holds barred this time. I'll back you up if you do the same and you can't let your boyfriend/fiance stop you. We need to figure this out." She faced Oshea now, kissing him again. "Go with them if you want, but I need to fix this. This reality is not real. There's another one, where humans are not forced into slavery. Mutants aren't either, but it isn't perfect. We are still targeted and scrutinized and attacked, but it's life. And there...you are dead. You were killed on a mission and I never got to tell you how I felt, so I will do it now. I love you Oshea. Always had. Always will. I know this makes me sound crazy, but its the truth, and we are going to go find out why this happened and what we can do to ensure this all ends peacefully." She kissed him again before she grabbed Guin's hand and led her over to Wanda.

"Wanda, we need to talk. And we can do it out here or we can see about getting your father some help, but we are going to talk."

Tinley Abercrombie

Location: The Palace Grounds (D2) -> (E3)
Skills: N/A

Tinley, thankful for Shelly's intervention in distracting the remainder of the guards, followed the others inside. Eager to complete this and find out why she was brought to this stupid world in the first place, she hadn't expected to face an old...acquaintance. A turtle and a cat. But not just any cat.

Fricken' Goose.

Tinley put a hand on Jade's shoulder, preventing her from going father. "That's not just any cat. That's not even a cat, I don't think. That is Goose and he is...an old friend, to some extent. But be warned, he does not take kindly to people and he has an interesting way of showing that."

Tinley inched closer, holding her hands out. She tried to get a sense if the cat recognized her, but he appeared not to. He wasn't angry, more curious if anything. "He doesn't recognize me, but he seems only curious at us. Still, be careful. This is not how I intend to die."

Anastasia Reinhardt

Location: West Side Red Guard Base
Skills: Morality Manipulation, Telekinesis

Ana was about to continue on her way before she felt a grip on her arm and was pulled into a side room by Mary. She was about to lecture her on the benefits of personal space before she saw why. Guards had entered the hallway, armed and ready to unload on them if they saw them. She nodded her understanding. "Thanks for the assist then. Allow me to clear the way." Ana faced into the hallway, entering the mind of the closest guard. "You hate it here. You hate those that are with you. The things they say, the things they think. Wouldn't it be nice to just take matters into your own hands?"

The guard would grab his gun, and a shootout would ensue. If anyone was shot, they were either dead or crumpled to the ground and would not make it far or be long for this world. The remaining guard was still there, either aware of what he just did or didn't care. She picked him up and slammed him against the wall, knocking him out.

"There, taken care of. Feel free to grab a gun if you want to, there will probably be more. You lead this time." She had, thus far, done a lot of work. She wanted to see Mary in action now.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: The Palace Grounds -- New York City, New York.
Skills: PTSD

Antoinette let out a cry when Carolina appeared back into her body and moved. She wrapped arms around her friend, crushing her into a tight hug and cried. ”I remember everything Lina. The other life, October, my mother,” she cried. She felt just like a child again, waking from nightmares and needing her father to hold her simply so she could get a couple hours of peace before needing to go to school. "We need to go," she said, desperate.
Antoinette turned her head, hearing more gunshots and yelling. There was a terrible roaring from the Hulk and then two figures descended from the air before they got into the fray. It was the missing princess and her prince to be. Antoinette was shaking from the shock and adrenaline, along with the desire to run. She had never been in a battle quite like this and in such circumstances of being blinded to a reality and then having everything flood your mind about said reality within seconds. It was completely overwhelming.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ColouredCyan

ColouredCyan Wind Up Merchant

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Michelle Diggby

Location: The Palace Grounds (E3)
Skills: Identity Obscuration

Michelle rounded off her performance with a demonstration of oral skills she had zero intention of ever using with some of the discarded firearms, seductively tucking a pistol into her waistband. With a final sexy flourish, Michelle slung a rifle over her shoulder, saluted the boys and sashay'd into the palace. Round the first corner the deception was brought to a close. She pinched her eyes closed and massaged her forehead, seriously contemplating misusing her powers on herself to forget the last few minutes. "Urp, gross... Another good reason to undo this reality." Despite how little she had enjoyed the experience, it had gotten her team in, which was the important bit.

A couple of deep breaths later, Michelle continued following the signs for Royal Quarters, hoping to catch up with her team already investigating the source of this madness when she bumped into them only a little further down the hallway, distracted by some cute pets. Michelle resisted the temptation to do many things to Tinley and Niah from pushing them both over to startling them, weapons drawn. Instead Michelle leaned in stealthily, between the pair.

"Questioning a key witness? Is Tiddles here responsible for restarting the universe?" Michelle asked Agent Abercrombie before turning her head and asking Agent Bautista, " I take it you know this sweetheart from the real world."
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