Guin Stark

Location: The Palace Lab (
Guin's Outfit)
Skills: Telepathy
Pietro didn't seem to be aware that she had gotten out of the closet thanks to Allison's help. Guin couldn't tell where her fiancé was at the moment, just what he was quickly running around - he didn't seem to be fighting people from what she could tell and she wasn't all too sure what to make of that.
"Pietro doesn't seem to have any idea what's going on and as far as I can tell, he isn't contributing to the mess outside... so there's no danger of us getting whisked off by him but also... I don't know if he would protect us," she told Allison. No one had come and found them in the lab yet, probably since she was making everyone inside the building feel stoned.
"I'll ask." Stopping the projection of making everyone in the Palace feel stoned, she then reached out to her fiancé.
Hey since I never did get a Hanukkah gift last night, can I cash in for a big favor instead? What is it? Allison and I need you to protect us so we can get to the center of the fighting and calm everything down. Why would you want to go there???? Pietro, we have a way to stop people from getting hurt. Please, do it for me? Nope, no way you are not going anywhere near the fighting! Guin groaned in frustration, kicking the wall in order to take out a bit of her frustration.
"He won't fucking do it. He thinks I'm some sort of fragile, porcelain doll who'll break if I go anywhere near a fight!" she snapped, venting a little bit. Of course she wasn't mad at Allison, she was mostly mad at Pietro's overprotective nature at the moment. She took a slight breath. They had a backup plan.
"Okay, I'm going to telepathically connect your mind to Oshea's - think of it like a conference call," Guin informed Allison. She then concentrated, patching together a temporary mental link between Allison and Oshea.
Hey Oshea, it's Allison. Guin connected our minds. We have a way of calming everyone down and stopping the fighting, but we need to go out in the middle of it to do it. Pietro won't help. Can you come keep us protected while we do it? I love you and I promise I will explain all of this to you. Sure thing, give me a moment, he said before a few seconds later he raced up.
"So, you have a way to calm things?"
Runa Blake

Location: the Palace Grounds D5 -> C5
Skills: Eldritch Magic
Glancing around, Runa spotted Lance in the arms of the gigantic green beast. She was instantly reminded of the giants of Jötunheimr, with the exception that they never achieved such a shade naturally. The beast was protecting him from what she could tell, but then her eyes went to an individual in peril - it was the funny, well dressed boy from before. He was being flung around like he was just a cat and not a man.
"... I will help the boy," Runa told James hesitantly.
"Please watch out for Lance." Running over towards Wanda, Runa didn't hesitate before leaping and pressing her palm against Wanda's center in an attempt to push Wanda's astral form out of her body. She didn't succeed and Runa tried again, this time managing to pull it off. There was just enough time for Carolina's astral form to get free of Wanda's grip, before the daughter of Magneto returned to her body, looking livid. Runa sighed a bit. If magic failed, then she would need to settle this more physically. She stabbed her fingers forward, aiming to claw at Wanda's eyes and blind the mutant sorceress, but Wanda blocked her and shoved Runa back.
"Why not pick on someone of your own ability, rather than this silly boy?" Runa called out to Wanda. It was a technique she learned from her Uncle Loki - sometimes, all you needed to do was annoy your opponent enough. She hoped that Klara would come back soon, she wasn't sure where her cousin had gone off to and she could use her magical assistance against the Scarlet Witch. The mutant before her was formidable, her raw power more than compensating for her lack of formal training in the Mystic Arts.
Dominika Novikova

Location: the Palace Grounds E5
Skills: Russian, Metal Bending, and Earth Manipulation
Life was random. It was so random that in the midst of everything going on, Novikova watched a bit dumbfounded as a zombie penguin waddled over towards Magneto, before falling to pieces. A phoenix then emerged from the ashes. If that was the Phoenix Force, then they were completely screwed. She had heard talk at S.H.I.E.L.D. about what Jean Grey had done before when hosting the entity, but she didn't know much beyond the enormous power it possessed.
"Почему мир должен становиться сумасшедшим каждый год..." she muttered to herself.
Cass had taken out Sapphire, so that was something. Her girlfriend was knocked backwards by her own trick arrows and Novikova was seeing red, wanting to pummel King Erik into a pulp for that. She loved Maria more than anything. The Hulk beat her to it though, jumping up over the lake and grabbing Magneto, hitting him against the ground repeatedly. From her vantage point, King Erik was
at least unconscious - maybe dead if they were lucky. Glancing around, Novikova decided that since there were plenty of people focused on the Scarlet Witch, she could at least make it difficult for the Palace to send out reinforcements.
Feeling the wall that surrounded the Palace like it was an extension of herself, Novikova summoned all of her strength and tried to pull it down to the ground, in order to create a huge obstacle that would prove difficult to overcome. The veins on her head were bulging and her heart was pounding so fast it was liable to jump out of her chest. She just barely managed to crumble the section of the wall facing the execution area of the Palace Grounds, but it didn't fall. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a silver streak go and move two girls (October and Carolina) out of the way as the rubble would have crushed them.
Casper Theriot

Location: the East Entrance - Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Skills: Mediumship
"Well we haven't gotten caught yet, so who's the dummy now?" Casper asked Bobbi pointedly. Sure, he had thrown his shoes haphazardly and yes, one of them landed in plain view of the camera - but
nothing happened. The ground didn't open up and swallow them. No one was tackled to the ground and placed into handcuffs. Magneto didn't appear to kill them, followed by a quick musical number.
"What if those cameras aren't even real? They could just be decorations," Casper mused.
"Yeah, because a top secret facility definitely would NOT spring for real security cameras... I think you're really onto something there," Ben said dismissively.
"Wait, Jackie, did you seriously just use a paintball gun on the camera?" Casper asked, a bit bewildered since to him, a paintball gun was just about as effective as throwing shoes at the thing. The paintball gun seemed to have disabled the camera at least, so he wasn't really complaining. If it had just splattered the camera in paint, then they would have had more of an issue to deal with - but even then, that would still do the job, no?
"Yay, no lock!" Casper cheered, opening up the door. He wished that they could have some background music during this - maybe Frank Sinatra's
My Way would have been appropriate. Hopefully no one else had gotten very far in the building, as he hated to think what these people would do with an infinity stone. His brother might just kidnap more kids, Bobbi probably would do something weird, but the rest of them? He didn't even want to think about that.
"Okay, it's weird that this place isn't better guarded..." Ben muttered, looking around.
"Totally," Casper agreed.