Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 43 min ago

Callie Johnson

Location: Mutant Underground DC Station (E,2) -> (H,5)
Skills: Empathy

Callie stopped when she heard the bell ringing and looked over towards James and smiled towards him for a moment, and gave the kid an approving nod, since his plan did work well enough. She shoved her hands onto her pockets as she heard Colossus speak about the meaning of their little training exercise. She turned her head to look over at Waverly as she came out from her hiding place and raised an eyebrow when she mentioned some kind of transmission. And seeing Negasonic's response by actually putting her phone away was enough for her to be alarmed as well. The Underground Station was suppose to be secret, as she started to wonder who had actually found out about their location.

"We-" Callie was about to speak until, she was overcome with waves of emotion which made her lose all balance in her legs and crumble to the floor. Callie knew the emotions and feelings were like, she could feel people's emotions around her and normally she kept her empathy in check and it rarely ever showed. As she tried to fight off the feelings, Callie slowly turned her head towards the staircase seeing two people emerge. Callie wasn't sure who these people were, but she watched helplessly as Magik charged forward, towards Cayden and Colossus who was now out of his metal form. She heard blasts as Vulcan started to use his powers managing to take down one of the support pillars with no problem.

She let out a slight groan as she felt Waverly picking her up and slowly dragging her over towards the destroyed pillar that Waverly was hiding behind. Right now she couldn't do anything as she did her best to try and fight off the emotions looking over towards Waverly trying her best to speak. "Protect, pillars.." Callie told her, knowing that they were the only things supporting the entire station if they were destroyed they all would be dead.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Leighton Brooks

Location: The Mutant Underground (F3) -> (F6)
Skills Ice Manipulation

Victory, however short-lived, still felt good. Hearing the bell ring made her feel something. It was a feeling unlike that of which she felt before. Perhaps working with others was a good thing. They did well as a team. Feedback's words echoed in her mind though. The Morlocks were under attack? They had to help. She about say such before they were interrupted. Before another word other than Boo could be said, the man started blasting the beams around them. Colossus was taken aback by some woman, so it seemed it was up to them for now.

The others leaped into action. Leighton surged forward, throwing ice blasts at the man. She missed all her shots save for two, which ended up going past and hitting Negasonic as she froze in place. "Shoot! Sorry!" She flustered a bit before she clenched her fist. In her mind, she formed a giant boulder, but it wasn't that big. Instead, she formed a sizeable ice rock and flung it at the man, hitting him right in the nether region. She wasn't aiming there, but she knew a man could easily be brought down by such tactics.

"I don't know who you losers are, but you picked the wrong day to mess with us." Running forward, Leighton lifted her leg and kicked the man square in the face, feeling the crunch of cartilage as she broke his nose. She brought it back and took a fighting stance. She hoped the others could keep the pillars from dropping or they would all be dead.

Anastasia Reinhardt

Location: Frost International HQ (F4) -> (C2)
Skills Morality Manipulation, Telekinesis

Before the interrogation could begin proper, they were interrupted by the obvious allies of the woman. Even with drinks on the table, it was quite rude to interrupt. And blasting a hostess? She felt the sting as she was flung back. She picked herself up. "Quite rude to arrive uninvited, but I am a proper hostess. Let me welcome you then." Anastasia grasped on to Havok's mind, entering his subconscious. It was there she picked and prodded around until she was satisfied. Oh, he fought hard. But she won in the end. Havok would awaken anew and switch sides. Now all his friends he came with? He hated them all. He was on their side now.

She left just as the icy woman kissed him. "My, that is something. That's going to play out interesting in a second. As for you. That was a perfectly good bar you burned. Are you always so dimwitted?" She picked up Max fairly easily and flung him out through the glass door onto the balcony. He would manage to grasp on to the edge. Not her intention, but it would do.

She prepared for more attacks, knowing the others would aid. "Really now, this seems like a tad too much. Mind telling us what you hoped to gain?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Luna Braddock - Glimpse

Location: Hellfire Club C4 -- Washington D.C.
Skills: Telepathy - Binding

Luna was left with her questions unanswered. First Sapphire appeared and then one by one the rest of the people Luna had brought up were revealed and the fighting started. Luna glared at Sapphire before she stood, annoyed and frustrated. Of course she was the first one to intervene. She never trusted Luna and now that lack of trust and thoughts of something going wrong came true. Psychologist’s called that fortune telling.
There was no time for frustration however, they were all in the middle of a fight and they would all have to fight in order to get out of here remotely alive. Fire erupted in a ring around Luna and the two gentlemen. She eyed them both as the one with horrid drink taste trained himself on her and the other pulled out a gun and opened fire. Luna narrowed her eyes and entered their minds before she bound them so neither could move. Her lips curved into a wicked grin. "Down Boo Boo, down," she taunted.

Cayden Proudstar - Moonwalker

Location: Mutant Underground Third Floor CD2 ---> D4 -- Washington D.C.
Skills: Observation; Perception; Enhanced Strength - Heavy Strike

The bell being rung was a little bittersweet. Yes, they had managed to do it all together but the victory was short-lived as their home became invaded. Cayden had but a few moments to take in the intruders before they started to attack. The girl started to come after him and Colossus and when Cayden looked to Colossus, he found that the big guy had turned from his great silverness back into an average looking man. That couldn't bode well. Cayden could see that this girl meant a great deal to him. What their relationship was, he couldn't tell but there was something.
Cayden looked back at the girl charging him. ”Come on big guy, I know this may be, shocking or whatever but we need you on this team too. No matter who we are up against.” Cayden couldn’t wait for the girl to approach or Colossus to be okay with his statement. The building was crumbling and they were running out of time. Thank goodness most of the kids were out from yesterday.
He was running out of space now and he needed to get in a good couple paces before he could land a proper heavy strike. He strode forward and wound up to land a hit to her chest. Cayden nailed her and knocked her flat out. He looked at Colossus apologetically. "Grab her if you need to but we got to go!"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Washington D.C.: September 9th, 2020 - 8:00 PM

There was complete chaos in the Hellfire Club. The fire at the bar raged on, growing rapidly in temperature. On the bright side, no massive explosion had happened yet, but it was only a matter of time. Alcohols are extremely volatile and flammable substances, after all. The circle of fire that Max had set was spreading inwards, resulting in first degree burns for Requiem and Glimpse on their arms, with Jinx suffering from second degree burns on his hands. The three of them are going to want to find a way out of the circle of fire quickly, otherwise they could be burned alive like the witches of old.

Havok really did not like how often he was being hit on by guys lately. He glared at Jinx's words, contemplating attacking him but seeing the fiery mess he was stuck inside of, the universe seemed to have taken care of that for him. The mutant's annoying companion tried to shoot him as well and then in the strangest follow up ever, Sapphire came over and kissed him. Havok's first thought? Lorna is gonna kill me. He stumbled backwards, trying his very best to get Sapphire's lips off of his, but he never had a chance. She started to freeze him and he got a sudden headache, as everything he knew was turned upside down. "Get off of me, bitch!" he snapped, sending Sapphire backwards with a blast of energy. She flew into the filing cabinets, knocking them over and causing papers to go flying in the process.

His normally blue eyes were now a solid black.

"Well, we know that these cannot be the X-Men, as this is child's play," Emma mused. Since Anastasia had a handle on Havok, Sapphire, and Max, while Requiem and Jinx should be more than enough for Glimpse, the White Queen calmly walked back through the chaos to where Veil had fallen in the elevator. "Now you can tell me what your business is with the Hellfire Club the easy way or we can do things the hard way, dear."

"Oh, the hard way. Always," Veil quipped. Her best chance would be to keep Emma in her diamond form, as she didn't seem to have access to her psychic powers like that. Sapphire and Havok were already attacking each other, Max had been thrown almost off the balcony, and Glimpse was surrounded by fire. To say things had gone horribly was an understatement - but they knew this wasn't going to be easy going in.

"Very well," Emma said. She shifted from her diamond form. Veil was quick on the draw and she sent a force field slamming down against Emma's head before the telepath could do much. She tried to send another one down into Emma, but her foe had shifted back into diamond form in a manner of seconds. "Diamonds are formed under pressure, you know."

Veil shoved Emma back with a force field, allowing her to come out of the elevator. If it would have done her any good, she would have turned invisible but there wasn't really much room to maneuver here anyways. Her eyes darted around the room quickly, trying to come up with a way to get the upper hand, but nothing came to her. There had to be a way to salvage this failure though, right? "Glimpse, can you fix Havok?" Veil shouted out. It was a start.

So many people had died in the tunnels, but fate had decided to claim just one more. Johnny Ward, the Purifier leader, would never wake up again. Maybe if they hurried, they could get him onto life support but he would essentially be in a coma for the rest of his life, so what was the point? And why waste resources on someone so filled with hate that he would attack innocents? It would be a good idea for someone to, for lack of a better word, loot the corpses - maybe then they'd be able to figure out just how and why the Purifiers had gone down into the Morlock tunnels.

"I got everyone out who I could," Blink told Jack quietly. She didn't want to say much more beyond that - she had no desire to go into detail on everyone they had lost to senseless violence. Even more so, telling Jack about the Purifiers she had brutally killed by accident was certainly not going to happen. Some secrets would have to stay secrets. "They're in Maryland with another Morlock community... Are you sure you want to take your brother to a hospital? Most of them refuse to treat mutants and even if they do, they usually end up calling the police as well..."

Casper's bleeding had stopped, thanks to Sunshine applying pressure on the wound. He didn't seem to be returning to consciousness anytime soon - it was likely a bad sign, given his head injury. The sooner they got him medical attention, the better the chance that he wouldn't have long lasting trauma from the injury. Of course, should Jack decide to not take him to a hospital, there was a mutant they knew with healing powers that might just be able to help. And in the final stroke of irony, Casper's phone started to vibrate and buzz as messages came in.

Sunshine pulled the phone from his pocket and squinted her eyes, tilting her head but she just couldn't read what the texts said. Deciding that they couldn't be that important, she put his phone in her pocket. "... What are we going to do about Erg?" Sunshine asked them quietly, sniffling a little bit. "We can't just leave him!" They honestly would really have to do just that. Unlike the rest of the Morlocks who died, there wasn't really anything left of Erg to recover. If they did decide to recover the Morlock bodies, where would they bury them? The Morlocks didn't have money to pay for burial plots and most of them hardly looked human, meaning that no one would want to allow for their burial in a pauper's field anyways.

"... I'll try to find a field where we can bury our friends," Blink then promised. Maybe they'd be able to find some open area in Virginia or Maryland where they could lay the Morlocks to rest. They could make little markers for them, even throw in one for Erg even though his would be an empty plot.

"...Are you fucking kidding me?! A field?! That's the best we can do?!" Sunshine snapped.

Although it may not feel like it to the participants in this battle, but the Mutant Underground currently had the upper hand in the fight. Magik was unconscious and Vulcan had a broken rib, broken nose, and some crushed family jewels down there. Negasonic was not frozen for long as well. Thanks to her more explosive powers, she was able to heat herself up rapidly and explode. The ice shattered and went flying, somehow not hitting ANYONE and just harmlessly hitting the walls of the attic space. Maybe Domino is a secret member of the Mutant Underground...

"No, we stay," Colossus argued. He didn't want to abandon the Mutant Underground Station, at least not until the others were back from their mission. They also didn't really have access to another conveniently abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the city. Where were they supposed to go? The steel mutant ran up to Cayden, picking up Magik carefully and holding her tightly. "Теперь ты в безопасности, сестра ... Это я, Петр," he whispered, smoothing the girl's blonde hair gently. Those who had been with the Mutant Underground for a while would know just exactly why Colossus was so focused on Magik: she was his missing sister.

"Not bad, Cheerleader," Negasonic complimented Leighton, smirking slightly as she saw Vulcan doubled over in pain. "I honestly didn't think you guys had it in you, no offense."

Vulcan didn't stay down long though. He was the self proclaimed strongest of the Summers brothers, though it helped that Scott and Alex didn't know he existed, making it difficult for them to argue that point with him. "You'll know who we are soon enough," he said ominously, before firing off a blast and he destroyed the pillar nearest to them. The structural support was not entirely compromised yet, but all it would take would be one more pillar going down for the building to collapse in on itself. The ceiling was dipping in above them and Colossus reached upwards, acting as a living pillar with one hand as he cradled his sister with his other hand.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

James Kingston

Location: The Mutant Underground (F7)
Skills: Kickboxing

James took a step to the side after the ice ball slammed into the blaster’s crotch, something that made James grimace in sympathy, and the girl planted her foot in the guy’s face. Solid hit. He shot her a grin and chuckled. Not going to lie, he thought she might be the kind of girl to sit back and shoot ice from the back lines. He liked this side of her quite a bit. “Damn straight. Lets kick this guy’s ass.” James laughed and launched himself at him.

Again, he missed with a left hook. He’d hoped to compound on Leighton’s wrk but he could work with this. He let the momentum take him around again, his foot connecting with the man’s leg but the lack of response broke the movement and James swung awkwardly at the torso, the poorly aimed blow just glancing off the man. He didn’t seem any worse for James’s efforts and that had him more than a bit worried.


Location: The Hellfire Club (D3)
Skills: Vocal Hypnosis

Apparently, his first command hadn’t quite settled in the way he wanted. She completely ignored the fire and moved on to try and seduce the energy blasting buffoon. An odd way to interpret that command but if it did the trick, so be it. Some brat went flying as Anastasia chided him. All this chaos was making his head hurt. Or maybe that was glimpse as she snagged a hold of him through his mind. He could feel his body frozen but he discovered his mouth still worked as an unbidden snarl escaped when the fire caught his arms. He fought against the hold, panic rising.

“Put out this fire!” Requiem demanded of the room, feeling the command settle in Glimpse, Emma, and Sapphire’s minds. The panic was threatening to rise, not being able to move putting him on the verge of a panic attack. He felt the mark on his leg burn, a phantom pain from another time coming back at the turn of events. Anger was mingling with panic. Once the fire was out, he’d put a bullet in her head and use her corpse to end this fight.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: Hellfire Club: D/E6 > D/E 1/0
Conjuration and MagickNew Outfit

Max watched as the flames burned the two Hellfire members, feeling some sense of remorse as Glimpse was caught in the flames as well, though she had to have seen it coming somehow. Or did her precognition not work in this way? Before he was even able to stand up, the girl who was previously knocked off by Havoks blast stood up and was still for only a moment. Chaos ensued further as Havok appeared distraught towards Sapphire, blasting her into the filing cabinets. This was Max’s chance to use the chaos to sneak to the computer. He began to inch forward when the girl addressed him, lifting him up with her mind and then tossing him like a rag doll out the French doors and over the balcony. Max quickly gripped onto the side of the balcony floor, wondering just how many floors up he was, and how quickly the fall would be. Could he use a power in time to help? Would there be no time for such tricks?

A few ideas raced through his mind as he clung for dear life. A large silk scarf to use as a rope down, how ever many pillows or beds it would take to reach his current floor, jumping and hoping for the best. Finally he closed his eyes, quieting his mind as he has done so many times before and just called out desperately towards the cosmos, begging for a way to help him out. His eyes opened once more as he spoke the word ”Tnalov” In an instant he felt lighter, as if his feet could grasp the air and stand firmly upon it. In a leap of faith he let go of the balcony and stood there, motionless in the air. Only one issue remained, how does he move about once floating? Max quickly spoke the words to create a new form of clothing, a gliding suit to be worn over his current outfit, should his spell falter and he fall, he could at least attempt to use the currents to glide safely down to the ground. Now there was only one more thing to do, distract the Telekentic bitch. His hands swirled about in the air as he created a ring of fire around Anastasia, just as he had done to the previous two. With him stuck outside and Veil out of the elevator, his plan wasn’t viable anymore.

Peter Jackson Bernard

Location: Hellfire Club: C4

Hot hot hot. Fuck this shits hot! ”You’re going to pay for this you little shit! If my skin is damaged so help me I will hunt you and skin you alive!” Jinx’s eyes darted as he watched the blonde boy get yeeted out the window, unsure if he was happy to be rid of the fucker or upset he couldn’t do it himself. Britain stood before him, not taking a single swing at him. Fine then, he’ll do the honors of hitting first. Jinx went to go swing at her when he noticed he couldn’t move. He was stuck in this fire and couldn’t move. ”Oh come on! At least paralyze me outside of the fire.” Annoyance and anger ran through him as he glared at the woman, his chewing became fast and insufferable. He quickly wadded up the gum into a tight compact ball within his mouth, placing it at the tip of his tongue before exhaling a large breath of air and spitting it dead on her face. ”HA!” That solved nothing, but was at the very least satisfying.

Sapphire was clearly under Requiems control, Havoks attitude was either genuine loathing towards the icy woman, or Anastasia had played her little games on his mind. The blonde was disposed of and that just left the frizzy haired witch. Emma seemed to be handling things just fine but it never hurt to have a little help every now and then. Jinx went to try and lay one on her but the heat of the fire was keeping him very distracted, sure Requiem was working on it, but Jinx needed a solution now. He quickly concentrated as hard as he ever has onto the fire nearest him, sending a jinx its way to die down the flames. The flames in half the section were put out and relief began to overwhelm him. As soon as Little Britain looses control of this ridiculous bind he’s going to hit her so hard it’ll knock her back across the pond.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 10 days ago

Waverley Watts - Feedback

Location: Mutant Underground, Washington D.C. Station (H5 -> G7)

Immediately after Waverley placed Spark Plug on the ground, she took a step back, a deep breath filling her lungs as she took a moment to rest. She let her trusty rebar dangle at her side, glancing out over the battlefield. The man responsible for destroying the pillars was not looking too good, with their strategist having beat the shit out of him with some sort of jiu jitsu or kung fu, and the stylish Leighton girl having thrown a ball at his balls and kicked him in the face with her heeled boot, a move that caused Waverley to wince with both pity for Vulcan and awe of Leighton. Her eyes were pulled off the sight when she heard a voice weakly speaking behind her. She looked at Spark Plug, and gave her a quick nod.

"I'll...I'll do my best," she replied, her face host to a worried frown. Without waiting another second, she crouched down slightly and walked around back of their fallen pillar. With Vulcan being attacked from front and back, he seemed to be busy enough for Waverley to sneak up on. She stuck close to the wall, her rebar in her hands, ready for battle, as she quietly sauntered closer and closer to where her associates surrounded the villain. It didn't take her long to reach them. And once she was behind Vulcan, she raised the rebar above her head and...

When Waverley was ten-years-old, the Christmas after she'd beaten Ocarina of Time, her parents bought her a wooden replica of the Master Sword. She had been so excited, using it to fend off imaginary monsters in the living room. One day, though, during one of her little games, her dickish older brother, as dickish older brothers often do, told her that she was doing it all wrong. Immediately afterwards, she ran up to her room to get her first generation iPad to look up the proper way to swing a two-handed sword. Wikihow gave her all the answers she needed: right hand over left, pull down with left hand, and guide with the right hand. She broke her sword upon actually attempting to hit a training dummy she'd made by stuffing a hoodie full of pillows, but as she drew close to Vulcan, the instructions rung through her head: pull down with left and guide with right. And that's exactly what she did. She brought the rebar down on Vulcan's shoulder in a fierce blow, before stepping back a few steps and holding her rebar defensively in front of her, acting as if she knew exactly what she was doing.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 43 min ago

Callie Johnson

Location: Mutant Underground DC Station (H,5) -> (D,5)
Skills: Empathy

It took her a little while as she tried to pinpoint who had been the one to emotionally attack her, and knew that it had came from Magik and quickly shut her out of her mind. She was starting to feel better now, as she slowly started to get back up to her feet as Callie watched Cayden knock the girl out and gave him a slight nod. Colossus quickly catching his sister now that she started to get a better look at her, remembering her being apart of the Underground as well having been missing for quiet sometime now. Callie then quickly turned her attention over towards Vulcan who was dealing with the others. She was more than pissed off that he had attacked their home and tried to actively destroy it.

She was feeling better enough now as Waverly, Leighton and James were attacking him quickly using her empathy power on Vulcan making him experience the same exact feelings she had been dealing with prior which caused him to drop down to his knees. With both of them down for now Callie continued to just keep her empathy focused on Vulcan so he was still down. Callie turned her attention back over towards Cayden agreeing with Colossus they needed to stay, at least for as long as they can. "The others are still on their mission, leaving isn't an option. But the first sign the building starts to fall apart then we leave." Callie said, as she took a few steps over towards Colossus who was using his only free arm to hold up the collapsing ceiling.

"I got her." Callie offered, as she turned towards the others addressing them individually. "Moonwalker, and Cadeceus I want the two of you to make sure he's secured and doesn't attack us again. Ice Queen, if you can use your powers on the broken support pillars to patch them up as best you can. Feedback, I need you to listen on any and all transmissions, if there is as much as a mention of the Black King, Hellfire Club or anything that may lead to another attack I want to know about it. Negasonic, I want you as a look out in case anyone is outside the building."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 3 days ago


Location: Hellfire Club HQ F5 -> F2
Skills Ice Manipulation

Sapphire shook her head slightly, not too thrilled with what exactly just happened, especially considering the fact that Havok just blasted her backwards. She now was hoping that everyone would forget that it even had happened so that they could move on. Her hands swarmed with cold and a rush went out, as she simply put out the fire that was currently all over the room. Both sides in this fight were kind of being stupid and idiotic, even if she knew she'd have to explain why she attacked Frost and why the hell her mind decided she needed to kiss Havok. Hell she didn't even know the answer to that last one.

There was one thing that she did know, and that was that Anastasia probably was the most annoying brat of a person she had ever met or ever heard. Sapphire raced across the room, essentially ignoring Havok entirely now, until she was facing Ana. "You know, I hate little pests like you who think that they can do whatever they want without consequences," she said, before daggers appeared in her hands made of ice. Her first shot missed, however Ana wasn't so lucky with her next dagger. The shot slammed into Ana's stomach, running her through, and the clear ice started becoming stained red with blood.

Jack Theriot

Location: Morlock Tunnels -> Mutant Underground First Floor
Skills: N/A

"Rookie, we have to go... Who knows how long it'll take for them to send more Purifiers down here... Whose to say that we aren't going to be attacked again or something by them if we stay here... There isn't anything left of Erg..." Jack said to Sunshine, limping over slightly towards where she and Casper were. "Yeah, you are right about that Blink... Mind sending us over to the Mutant Underground or something? One of the newbies there had healing powers and they probably could help us out there since I'd say we definitely need some help..."

"We can't just leave him!!!!!" Sunshine screamed at Jack, tears pouring down her face.

"We don't have a choice Sunshine... It's okay..." he said softly as he picked Casper up off the ground, since he was unconscious after all, as Blink then nodded, tearing the fabric of reality as she opened up a portal that would take them onto the first floor of the Mutant Underground building. "You can come with us if you want to Blink you know..."

"No, we always have a choice!" Sunshine snapped. "Erg died to save us and we're just - just leaving him behind!"

Blink nodded, but it was a strained smile. "Oh, they wouldn't like me...."

"I think they would, you could help out a lot of people there... and Rookie, not this time, don't make me drag you through that portal... We can't stay here, and there is nothing left of him, and we aren't leaving him behind. You think that, but you have to remember, those who survived this all have memories of Erg, so he's not exactly being left behind, since those memories are all that we have left of him."

"That's not good enough!" Sunshine wasn't moving towards the portal.

"Sunshine, he exploded, there is literally nothing left, so we have to take the one thing we do have and get going, alright?"

Sunshine shook her head, crying a lot. Jack just shook his head, still carrying Casper somewhat as he dragged her through the portal he looked back at Blink. "Well, if you aren't going to come with us, guess I'll see you around Blink..."

"....What the hell, I'll come and make sure you guys don't get hurt, at least for now," Blink said, before going through.

Jack chuckled slightly, before he coughed a little bit from his own injuries and he looked around the hideout they were in. "...Hello? Anyone here?" he called out somewhat, looking around for anyone he recognized.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Leighton Brooks

Location: The Mutant Underground (F6)
Skills Ice Manipulation

Leighton was ready for a fight now. She hadn't attacked anyone...ever. Did catfights count? She pulled some hair and clawed at faces before, but this was the first time she attacked someone, mutant powers or no. It felt...good. Like an adrenaline rush, flowing through her. She felt in control of her powers and she felt very good after kicking the asshole's face and breaking his nose. Callie managed to finish him off though and seeing as the girl was handled, that left the crumbling pillars.

Leighton was worried. Her ice had melted easily before and she had never attempted something on this grand of a scale. But if she didn't, it stood to reason the place would come toppling down around them, most likely killing them if they did not leave and leaving them without a base and most others without a home. So she stood her ground, summoning her ice. She let all thoughts wash from her mind.

She attempted it, and nothing happened. She steadied herself again, feeling the cold in her veins and all around her, summoning it. Soon, the pillars began to coat with ice. Solid and thick, enough to hold them in place. She was struggling, but she was managing it. "That will hold it, but we'll need a more permanent solution for them. We need to contact Veil and all them. They need to know what happened."

Anastasia Reinhardt

Location: Frost International HQ (C2)
Skills Telekinesis

Ana watched as the wizard boy attempt to further use fire to stop her. It was cute and pathetic and only managed to form a ring of fire around her. "What pray tell was the end goal there, pyro? Burn me?" She would deal with him later, it seemed she had other pressing matters. The ice bitch seemed quite pissed off that her boy toy was no longer on her side. So much so she put out the fire. Before Ana could come back with biting wit, she felt a piercing in her stomach. She looked down, blood soaking her dress.

She loved that dress, dammit!

Moments later, she used her telekinesis to hold her wound. It would do before she got medical services. "That dress was worth more than anything you could ever hope to own. I will see you burn in hell when all is said and done." She tried to fling the woman, crush her body, but she felt weakened by her wound. She would opt for her team to aid her. Especially their new friend. "Mind taking care of her, handsome?" She asked of Havok.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Washington D.C.: September 9th, 2020 - 8:10 PM

Emma had been out of her diamond form when Requiem sent out his vocal command and she felt compelled to put out the fire, as had Glimpse and Sapphire. Fortunately for her dignity, Sapphire had already completed that task and the White Queen decided to allow herself just a moment's revenge. Take care of the invisible girl, she commanded him, the order settling into his mind. He had almost humiliated her, so she figured that this was fair. And even if it was not fair, she wouldn't care either way. She was the White Queen and he was nothing.

As the Hellfire Club leader then turned her attention to her foe, she couldn't see Veil. The Mutant Underground leader had gone invisible, and it was just a moment too late before Emma detected where she was - right behind her. Slamming her fists down on Emma's head with all of her might, Veil sent the Hellfire Queen to the ground. Emma's platinum blonde hair was stained with blood, but she was still breathing - merely rendered unconscious due to an opportunity created by reckless ego. "And that's how we do it in Canada," Veil snarked, still invisible to the rest of those fighting. She did a quick count - they had three actual Hellfire goons to deal with and then something needed to be done about Havok.

Glimpse was unresponsive for the moment, it seemed. The same could not be said for Havok. The younger Summers brother nodded, smirking at Anastasia's call to come and help her out. He was thrilled to get the chance to take out all of his anger and rage on Sapphire - especially after she had kissed him! His heart belonged to the daughter of Magneto and no one else could even hope to claim it. "I've been wanting to kill this whore for ages," he chimed in enthusiastically, cracking his knuckles a bit.

Havok walked forward, stepping around the sofa and he then fired off at Sapphire a ruby red blast of energy. His aim was off and the energy collided into the glass doors behind Sapphire, shattering the door in its entirety in seconds. He let off another blast, missing again. Was he always this terrible a shot? At this rate, he was making the stormtroopers look competent!

On the first floor of the Mutant Underground headquarters, Jack, Sunshine, and Blink (along with the unconscious Casper) would see a few mutants on the ground, badly hurt. Without closer inspection, it would be difficult to tell whether they were dead or alive. The majority of these fallen figures seem to be children - ranging from preschoolers to those about Sunshine's age. Blink's face fell slightly, especially as no one answered Jack's shout. "This must have been the Purifiers... It can't be a coincidence, this place getting hit at the same time we were," she reasoned. "The Brotherhood wouldn't have done this and I can't think of anyone else who would be able to hurt so many mutants..."

Sunshine's eyes narrowed. "This had to be the humans. They should all die, honestly..." she muttered. "Mutants are superior anyways." She made a little wisp of green smoke in her hand as she searched around the first floor, looking for someone to kill for this. It had to have been the humans. Everything that had ever gone wrong in her life had been because of them, from her mother abandoning her to the destruction of her first chance at having a family again earlier this very day. She was done just trying to survive on the streets and staying out of these sort of fights. She was going to make them pay - whatever it takes.

Hearing voices coming from one of the higher floors, Sunshine hurried up the decrepit staircase, avoiding the spots where the wood had worn out entirely and left gaping holes. There was no one conscious or alive on the second floor, but she could still hear those voices so she kept on running until she hit the attic.

"Damn it, kid, wait!" Blink shouted, jumping through portals within line of sight until she caught up to Sunshine.

In the attic, as the two girls emerged, Colossus was still holding onto Magik. Even though Callie had offered to take her from him, he wasn't about to let go. He had spent so many years separated from his sister that he just couldn't bring himself to even risk something happening to her. There was clearly something wrong with her as well - Illyana had been sweet and kind last he saw her. She wasn't a killing machine - she wasn't unhinged like that.

"Look, people," Negasonic exclaimed. She stared at the newcomers, about ready to jump at them and kick their ass if they were going to try anything.

"They are friends," Colossus clarified, recognizing Blink out of the two. He knew her as both a former member of the Brotherhood and of the Atlanta Station of the Mutant Underground. She had worked alongside Havok's girlfriend, Polaris. "Blink - is good to see you. What brings you here?" he asked her, continuing to hold up the ceiling just in case Leighton's ice pillars thawed. Negasonic nodded slightly at her mentor and went outside to scout some as Callie requested.

"The Purifiers killed Erg," Sunshine explained angrily. "And the druggie is dying, so we need someone to heal him like now."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: Hellfire Club: D/E 1/0 > E3 facing the balcony (between table and sofa)
Conjuration and MagickNew Outfit

The fight continued to ensue as Max nervously floated about the ground, several floors up. He used the chaos that ran rampant as a distraction to allow himself an attempt to get back onto safety. He closed his eyes and focused for a moment, feeling the flow of his magic as he willed himself to fly onto the balcony and then let go. His feet gingerly hovered above the ground, one foot touching solid floor then the next. Max opened his eyes and saw Havok turning coat, or was it sapphire? It was so hard to tell when everyone was fighting each other. Knock out and run. Those where the orders given to him. Max held both hands to his side, as if running with a two handed sword. He began to run towards Havok, figuring that he would knock him out to show some faith to Sapphire and then knock her out afterwards. Double tap after all.

As he sprinted forward cosmic energy began to swirled around his hands and form into a long recognizable shape, something he had assumed was familiar to him. Unfortunately in the heat of the moment, instead of conjuring a cane (which he had the misfortune of leaving back at the Underground) he conjured an oversized candy cane that was black at base with pink, blue, and purple swirls with flecks of white splattered about. It wasn’t what he intended but it may still work. He channeled his years of training in Martial Arts and swung the cane swooping across Havoks head and hitting right above the ear, hearing a loud crack. Max thought it was the sound of Havoks impact before he realized it was the cane breaking in half instead. Damn spiritual weapon. He tossed the two pieces onto the floor and held his fists up turning his body so that he was in a position where he couldn’t be blasted back out of the window.

Peter Jackson Bernard

Location: Hellfire Club: C4 > C5

Jinx could feel his control coming back to him, his mind his to control again as his arms sprung free from the bind. Oh it felt good to be back. He immediately jinxed Glimpse once more, making her movements more clumsy and thus allowing her defenses to falter if struck. He felt his power click into place and settle within her being. Perfect. Jinx dropped low to the ground in an attempt to leg sweep her so that she would fall prone, yet the movements were too sudden after the bind and it only caused for him to fall back onto his tush as opposed to her. The clumsy display was quiet shameful to him, being practically raised in a carnival you would think this an easy task for him, yet there was always room for errors to occur.

Jinx grunted to himself as he stood back up, pink energy crackling around his right hand as anger seethed through him. This puppet was about to be minced meat. He jutted his hand towards her stomach, wanting to launch the psybolt as it connected with her but instead setting it off too eagerly causing a light hit against her abdomen in place of the powerful blast that was meant to send her backwards. Jinx took a couple steps backwards away from her, trying to gain some distance between the two in case she had some sort of super strenght or energy punch or something. It was always better to be safe rather than sorry in fights like these. His eyes darted slightly towards the blonde boy as he rushed in and summoned a giant sweet, finding his powers of fire and candy to be rather...odd. Maybe he wasn’t such a threat after all.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

James Kingston

Location: The Mutant Underground (F7 -> First floor)
Skills: Accelerated Healing Factor

James nodded at Spark Plugs’s orders, hurrying to snatch up the rope the training team had been on originally. He wrapped the rope around Vulcan’s forearms and ankles, effectively hogtying him. At least that was what James was going for. This way if the intruder used any of those dangerous hand blasts, he’d catch himself in the process. “If you want to double check my knot Moonwalker, I wouldn’t be offended. I just kinda winged it.” James admitted with a shrug, acknowledging his lack of skill in the area might prove to be a problem against a guy trying to bring down the building. He looked up from Vulcan just in time to watch Leighton freeze the support pillars, whistling in appreciation. She was really coming into her abilities, an impressive feat since she just discovered them the other day. He was going to make a comment about how cool it was but something grabbed his attention.

James’s head whipped around at Negasonic’s exclamation, ready to start fighting again until he saw two familiar faces. The dread set in immediately. Even before Sunshine spoke, Feedback’s message played in his head. It was the Morlock Tunnels. How did they even find the Morlcoks? Did someone rat them out? It wasn’t any of them. They were all tucked away in the Mutant Underground. No one had the chance to tell anyone about them. His thoughts stopped dead as Sunshine dropped a bombshell. Erg was dead and someone else was dying? Erg was definitely a hard ass and more than a little volatile but his heart was in the right place. He didn’t deserve to die in a senseless attack on his wards. James swallowed his feelings for a moment and focused on the dying person. At least they were still alive. He could fix dying. He couldn’t fix dead.

"I’m sorry, Sunshine.” James said sympathetically as he made his way over to her. “Who needs medical attention? Hopefully, I can get them at least out of danger and we can let them recover while we figure everything out.” He nodded his thanks at Blink when she pointed him downstairs. He hurried down, stone faced at the lack of activity on the second floor. When he finished with the morlock, he’d let the team upstairs know he had work to do with the others in the Underground. Too many people got hurt for him to stay upstairs on guard duty. Hopefully, it was just hurt.

As soon as he made his way onto the first floor, he spotted Jack and nearly waved in his direction until he noticed he was carrying someone. He nearly ate it when his stride faltered at the sight of Casper, limp in his brother’s arms. Shock and horror flashed across his face as he beelined to the brothers. “Oh shit, Casper is who Sunshine told us is dying?” James demanded, taking in the man’s condition. Neither of the brothers looked like they were doing too hot. And Casper was dying. James didn’t care for the stillness. Casper was animated and quirky and that suited him perfectly. Far better than being one foot in the grave at least. “Put him down gently. We don’t need him flailing around if he wakes up.” James ordered, hands on Casper in an instant. He almost retched at the faint thumping that invaded his ears, the sound of a heart struggling to survive in a broken vehicle. He’d never healed a person this close to dying and he felt himself struggling for air as his own heart rate plummeted, feeling wobbly and weak. But he would try his damndest, just to see the man smile again or there would be hell to pay.


Location: The Hellfire Club (D3)
Skills: Vocal Hypnosis

Requiem sighed in relief as the ice child whisked away the flames and he immediately went to put Glimpse on the receiving end of a bullet but he froze, Emma’s voice whispering in his mind. He was getting tired of being puppeted with an ability too close to his own, even if the command was an excellent move. The absolute disrespect of being forced rather than asked grated on his nerves. There would be pay back in the future. Once all this fighting had been dealt with, he’d look for something to humiliate her with. There was always something to find and he’d plaster it everyone once he got his fingers on it. He couldn’t see the person Ms. Frost wanted handled but from the way she dropped―to no end of satisfaction on his part―he could deduce she was somewhere in the vicinity.

“Cease using your powers, invisible girl.” Requiem commanded, repeating it when he felt the first attempt slide against her mind. Invisibility was a useful trick but he wanted to be sure she didn’t have anything else nasty up her sleeve. The last thing they needed was another person bending wills in the room. He watched a boy with a candy cane come rushing by and a confused frown as he turned his gun, just waiting for this invisible girl’s powers to wear off. Once he dealt with this, he’d use the ice girl to deal with Glimpse. She’d proven rather easy to control so far.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Luna Braddock - Glimpse

Location: Hellfire Club C4 ---> E3 -- Washington D.C.
Skills: Enhanced Speed

Time moved quickly in the Hellfire Club. As one thing happened, Luna’s attention would shift but than someone else would step in and take care of the problem or make it worse. For the most part, everyone was handling their own. There was the slight problem of Havok having been turned and now attacking Sapphire. That was ironic.
Luna watched as Jinx spit his gum at her after realizing he was bound. It hit her face and she merely blinked before taking it off and put it in her mouth. ”Still minty,” she commented. She then felt a command to put out the fire but before that could be achieved, it was done.
Veil called out to her to help Havok. How the bloody hell that was going to be achievable she hadn’t a clue but first thing was first, she needed to deal with her two foes first. She looked at Jinx since Requiem was seemingly busy with a new target. That would have to be remedied later. As Luna changed attention back though Jinx was trying to attack her. Trying and failing horribly. It was almost laughable and Luna had to smirk a little after he fell back and then punched her in the stomach as soft as a baby. ”Jinx, it seems your own power is working against you.” Luna advanced forward, putting on a burst of speed to try and knock Jinx down, only his jinxing was working well on her too and she merely got enough force into shoving him a little; however, she was close enough to wrap arms around him and pinned him to her.
Now that Luna had Jinx, she needed to get to Havok. Perhaps Havok could take him out but if not, this gave Luna a moment to figure out how to subdue Jinx and wake Havok back up.
” Oi, lover of a criminal’s daughter. Who’s in your head?” Luna’s accent was thicker in the heat of battle but she was also thinking that if she annoyed Havok enough, his distaste of her would knock whoever was invading his head out. Either that or Luna would push in. May as well try both.

Cayden Proudstar - Moonwalker

Location: Mutant Underground -- Washington D.C.

Colossus came and picked up the girl with ease, back in is iron form. Cayden relaxed a little, feeling better about seeing the big guy this way. He looked about the room. The ceiling was still crumbling and the guy responsible was being rather ominous with her words before taking out a major support beam. Cayden’s eyes widened and he scanned to see if anyone needed help getting out. Waverly made an impressive show of knocking the man out while Colossus went to work being a living support beam. ”We need to get to an exit. This place could still go down!” He was then instructed by their temporary leader Spark Plug to tie up the man on the ground. James was on it already but Cayden did decide to check on the knot tying before he was distracted by all the newcomers. He shifted again, tensing up to attack more when Colossus explained they were friends. The newest ice queen meanwhile had saved the crumbling roof temporarily and Cayden relaxed a bit more. ”We should look for a safer place to talk,” he still pressed.
It seemed quite a few people knew who had just shown up and those people seemed to know who or rather what, had just attacked them. Purifiers. But how did they find them? Were they tracking them or tracking Cayden. He had just shown up. He ran a hand across his neck, squeezing slightly as he worried over the idea of endangering his new friends. He didn’t think the Purifiers would have any reason to track him specifically.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 10 days ago

Waverley Watts - Feedback

Location: Mutant Underground, Washington D.C. Station
Skills:Perception, Pop Culture Knowledge, Radio Wave Interpretation

Waverley watched as, after her blow to his shoulder, Vulcan dramatically crumbled to his knees. Her eyes went wide with surprise, still holding her rebar in front of her. She lowered it slightly, poking the man, looking for any sign of retaliation from him. When he showed none, she took a step back, a gasp escaping from her lips, followed by those same lips turning into a goofy grin. Just like with the training exercise only minutes before, she knew that the whole team was to thank, but it just felt good to execute the final part of the mission. Though the feeling she felt after taking down her first ever villain was a thousand times better than what she expected it felt like to ring the bell. She let her rebar fall out of her hands and clang onto the floor, breathing as if she had run around the block. She was about to celebrate with her new friends when the blonde lightning woman began to spout off orders. As she did, Waverley got onto her knees behind Vulcan, cautiously sticking her hands into his pockets, rummaging around until she pulled out a radio and some sort of card. She took more interest in the card, having known from the man's previous transition that he'd have some sort of radio on him. She turned it around in her hand to see the logo of some big corporation she'd heard of, but didn't really have any knowledge on. She nodded at Callie's command, standing up and holding the card out to her.

"I'll see what I can find. But I, uh, found this on him. It looks like a keycard, not just a business card. Do...you think that this company has anything to do with anything?" she asked, following it by scanning the room for Magik. "Someone should search the oth-" Waverley cut her comment short when she saw the villain girl in Colossus' arms, the large metal man seeming all too intent on keeping her with him. "Er...nevermind."

Without further ado, Waverley closed her eyes, and let the radio waves of the city sift through her mind. She scanned as far out as she could, tuning in to the best of her abilities and ignoring the noise coming from those around her. It didn't take too long before her efforts were rewarded.

“Magik and Vulcan haven’t responded. Neither has HQ.” she finally heard, tuning in more closely the transmission.

“Tunnels are clear.... Black King, I think I found the remnants of a sentinel.”

Waverley's brow furrowed, and her eyes slid back open, only to see two new faces standing where the other two villains had come from. She quickly crouched down and began to scramble towards her rebar, only to hear Colossus greet one as if they were old friend. It caused Waverley to stand back up straight, and turn over to Spark Plug, her voice lowered in fear of interrupting any other important conversation her coworkers might be having.

"The one from earlier, the one that they were calling the Black King, he's worried that they're not responding. And apparently neither is their HQ. If you want, I can try to mimic the wavelengths I felt from the girl's voice, and send him a message back saying the plan went without a hitch. It...might get them off our backs for a bit..." she began, glancing back down at the defeated villain in Colossus' arms, before continuing. "And there's a new one, a woman, who said that the tunnels are clear, and that...they'd found the remnants of a...sentinel?"
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 43 min ago

Callie Johnson

Location: Mutant Underground DC Station (H,5) -> (D,5)
Skills: N/A

Callie watched as everyone started to get on with their assigned tasks, she leaned back slightly as she calmed down just a little bit and turned to look at Colossus. "Can you check your sisters pockets, anything that wasn't hers that you don't recognize? Anything that we can learn would be great." Callie asked him, she was glad that Leighton started up on the ice pillars it was a temporary fix until they either found something to replace it or a new place to have their base of operations. Her attention then turned when she saw a girl she didn't recognize and then Blink coming up as well. The news that the Murlock tunnels being attacked were pretty bad, but also made sense now with the message Feedback managed to intercept. "We weren't attacked by the Purifiers, the Hellfire Club decided to pay us a visit." Callie said gesturing towards both Vulcan and Magik as well.

Callie looked towards Moonwalker for a moment still thinking that they should go to safety, sighing slightly they would be fine for now as long as the ice held up enough. "We don't have a second place to go to, we will leave when it becomes unsafe, can you help Negasonic with the scouting?" Callie said rubbing the back of her neck slightly. "I don't know if we can help out the Murlocks right now, since we were just attacked ourselves, but we will help if you need it." She said looking over at Blink for a moment and Feedback went to Vulcan and rummaged through his pockets, pulling out what looked like a keycard and a radio, as she accepted and started to look it over. She had mixed feelings on having Feedback mimic Magik's voice through the radio. The Black King will probably end up sending more, and the situation on their end seeing as they lost contact with their HQ. "Whether we respond to them or not, they may just send more on their way, stay silent for now."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 3 days ago


Location: Hellfire Club HQ F2 -> E3
Skills Ice Manipulation, Hand to Hand Combat

Sapphire rolled her eyes slightly at Havok. "You are all bark and no bite, honestly, you make stormtroopers look like they are expert shooters!" she said towards him with a bit of a laugh, before she got a different idea and looked out the window. This whole plan had been a mistake from the get go, who thought that infiltrating the Hellfire Club's main headquarters was a good idea? Not to mention the fact that freaking Emma Frost, a telepath, probably could have figured them out easily!

Her hands started glowing with a white frost, and she pointed her hand out to the balcony, and after a few moments, there seemed to be a slide of ice that went all the way from the balcony to the ground. "Everyone, we have got to get out of here, I can handle the horrible storm trooper over there! Slide down to the ground and go!" she said, nodding her head towards Havok. With that she charged straight at Havok, managing to tackle him to the ground.

Jack Theriot

Location: Mutant Underground First Floor
Skills: N/A

Jack let out a sigh at Sunshine's comments. "Not all humans are bad Rookie... Just like not all mutants act for good causes," he said, shaking his head slightly at her. He understood her frustration and anger, hell he was more then a little pissed off about everything that had happened. Everything with Erg, all that had happened in the tunnels, Jack couldn't help but blame himself for. Maybe if he didn't constantly go up to the surface, the Purifiers might not have been able to find the Morlocks.

He said nothing when Sunshine and Blink took off, but he wasn't too surprised when James ended up being the one to show up. Nodding his head slightly, Jack lowered Casper onto the ground so that James could heal him. Though he'd been doing fairly well up until this point, but now his injuries were definitely catching up to him. "You heal Casper... I'm going to see about laying down for a little bit, okay?" he muttered, before he ended up practically collapsing to the ground because of how dizzy he was, but he was still conscious at the moment. He wasn't even really paying attention to the fact that James was healing Casper completely at all.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Leighton Brooks

Location: The Mutant Underground (Attic)
Skills N/A

Once things had calmed down, things started to come together until she saw her the Morlocks all coming. She wondered if they were perhaps bringing more people until she saw the signs of a fight. Was it just a coincidence they were attacked along with the Morlocks? It would explain Waverly's message she heard. Leighton was about to ask for more information until Sunshine shared the fate of Erg.

Leighton felt a knot in her stomach. Something she had not experienced before. It was like her blood was running cold without the use of her ice powers. She felt herself getting hot and heated. Angry. Clenched fist and all. Erg was...dead? Out of everyone she had met in the Morlocks, Erg was the one she found herself caring about. He was a dedicated leader, she knew that when he had a gun on her, but he still helped her out, trained her to some capacity, showed he cared, and brought her here. And now he was gone.

She held in the anger for now. It would do no one any good for her to unleash it, especially with the foundations already crumbling. "I got a hold on the pillars, but there is no telling how long it will last. I suggest we grab everyone and leave as soon as possible. Take these two with us and question them. I want to know more about the attack and this Sentinel."

Anastasia Reinhardt

Location: Frost International HQ (C2)
Skills Telekinesis

Ana found her vision growing faint and she knew she would not have long unless she got medical attention soon. She tried her best to hold her wounds closed more, but she struggled. Growing weaker. It was pitiful. She should have been able to handle these fools and her new ally was doing a less than stellar job of handling them, but she took some satisfaction in the thought that one of theirs could be so easily manipulated. Made her feel good.

She glanced around. Emma was down, Jinx and Requiem were handling things, more or less (most likely less), but she couldn't think about that much more. She closed her eyes and slumped to the ground, out for the count. Hopefully, she would wake up later in bed having her wounds treated, but if it was up to the two she was teamed up with, she had a feeling she would be hurting more.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Washington D.C.: September 9th, 2020 - 8:20 PM

To recap, both Anastasia and Emma had fallen unconscious, leaving Requiem and Jinx (and Havok) to deal with the Mutant Underground invaders. Max had struck Havok over the head with a gigantic candy cane. Jinx's jinx on Glimpse had already been fulfilled, only for her to give him a taste of his own medicine. Requiem had used his abilities on Veil, forcing her to stop using her powers. And Sapphire made an ice slide before tackling Havok to the ground! To say the least, this battle was a clusterfuck.

Veil dropped her powers of invisibility, as well as her force fields. The wild haired leader of the Mutant Underground was standing behind the prone form of Emma Frost and despite her best efforts, she couldn't bring herself to use her abilities to defend herself. It reminded her of those times when they had mental defense lessons at the Institute - she always hated those days, the feeling of something prying into her head. Requiem's intrusion made her skin crawl.

Requiem got his shot off expertly, hitting Veil in the chest. She was incredibly lucky that the bullet missed the vital organs and veins and whatnot, but that didn't take away the immense pain as blood blossomed from her upper body. It wasn't her first time taking a bullet, but that didn't matter. Sometimes even the most experienced of soldiers were dropped by a well placed shot, unable to cope with either the pain or the shock. She swayed slightly, before collapsing to the ground and landing on top of Emma Frost. Had the Mutant Underground's luck finally run out?

Using her telepathy, Glimpse was successful in binding Jinx to keep him from moving - although he would still be able to talk and move his eyes. And likely aided by the fact that Anastasia had fallen unconscious, Glimpse also was able to push her out of Havok's mind, restoring his previous sense of morality. The blonde mutant shook his head slightly, his eyes widening as he realized that Sapphire was on top of him, having tackled him to the ground.

"Please get off of me, Frosty!" he requested. He remembered everything he had done under Anastasia's influence, but he was taking it surprisingly well. Some people would have been horrified and shocked at what they were capable of - but to be fair, he hadn't really done much during his time as Anastasia's minion. He did have some opinions on Sapphire kissing him, but they were private and likely wouldn't even be shared with his girlfriend, Polaris. Lorna could be a bit unhinged at times and he didn't want to see her drive up here just to pummel Sapphire out of jealous rage.

"Did someone get what we came here for?" Havok then called out. He couldn't really see, since he was pinned on the ground and had everyone crowding around him.

The Attic...

"Yeah, I bet you're all fucking sorry," Sunshine muttered under her breath. These people had abandoned the Morlocks - if they had been there, maybe Erg wouldn't be dead. She would much rather have Erg alive and well than one of these people anyways. The Ice Princess just struck her as overly wealthy and privileged, probably one of those mutants who would be able to just buy their way onto a team like the X-Factor or the Avengers. James was annoying and Max was a walking disaster. She didn't know who the other people here were, but she didn't care about them so they didn't matter.

"Aren't you a ray of sunshine?" Negasonic quipped, prompting Sunshine to flip her off. Negasonic smirked slightly, since that would have been exactly what she would have done had someone talked to her like that. "I like this one." She then glanced around the room, seeing that Colossus was too focused on his sibling and they needed to do something to keep the ceiling from collapsing the entire building. Rubbing her hands together, she took a deep breath.

"You guys might want to close your eyes or something," she commented, before taking a running start and jumping upwards. Her body released a huge blast of concussive force, blasting the roof off of the building. There was no danger of a collapse now, as there wasn't anything to collapse. Instead of an attic, they now had a roof venue for parties. "There, problem solved," she said, panting a bit.

"Be more careful next time," Colossus scolded, but he had his long lost sister back so he didn't really care. He searched Magik gently as Spark Plug had asked, finding almost nothing on his sister. She didn't have a radio like Vulcan did. There were no bus tickets or keycards or anything that would help identify where she had been. The only thing he found was a little box - the sort that Tic Tacs come in - with a few pills.

"I already evacuated the surviving Morlocks - with the exception of the brothers downstairs and Sunshine here," Blink clarified to Spark Plug. "... What is the Hellfire Club?" she then asked, not having heard of them before. Sunshine glanced over towards Spark Plug as well, wanting to know who they were and how they could get vengeance for Erg.

The First Floor...

Nothing seemed to happen at first - and then, miraculously, Casper's heart began to beat stronger. The wounds on his head closed up. The color returned to his cheeks and his eyes fluttered open, revealing his grey-green eyes. The first thing that Casper saw as he awoke was James' face and he smiled slightly. "Stalker much?" he chided. Ben rolled his eyes, trying to smack his best friend upside the head but his ghostly hand just went straight through Casper's head.

"You really just nearly died and got brought back in full on Disney Princess fashion and THAT is the first thing you say?" Ben scoffed. "Sometimes you're unbelievable, Cassie."

"Only sometimes?" Casper mused. He then saw his brother lying down on the ground next to him, looking extremely pale, and his grey-green eyes widened considerably. He was the older brother - it was his job to make sure that Jack was okay. If their mother had been there, she would have already murdered whoever did this to her boys a thousand times over... but she wasn't here, so it was up to Casper to be overly protective of Jack. "Hey, sweetheart, could you please heal my brother? I-I can pay you if you want, I'll get my dad to wire you some money... Whatever you want, you just name it," Casper begged, grabbing Jack's hand and holding it tightly.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: Hellfire Club: E3 > D5 > E1
New Outfit

A lot appeared to be going on at once, Emma Frost was down, the girl I'm the fire fainted, Havok was on the ground thanks to Sapphire, the annoying mutant who seemed to do nothing in this fight except talk was no longer squirming around, and shots were just fired. Max noticed the change in tide and wanted to make sure that this mission wasnt a complete wash, his first mission...it had to succeed. He turned on his heels and ran for the computer set up he noticed earlier. A simple HDMI and power plug connection, no other clutter of wires or deal with, perfect. Max took out the plugs, cradling the modem to his chest as he now made his way towards their convenient escape, with everyone down or grappled no one was able to grab the slippery twink. He heard as Havok sounded like he was coming back to his old dickish self and called out to him and Sapphire. "Get Veil out of here! She didnt want a fight so let's go! Oh, and thanks Frosty"

He finally made his way to the slide and took a leap of faith. Sliding down onto it, gripping the computer still as the slick slide allowed his descent to be a smooth transition. cold cold cold cold cold cold Even through the layers of clothing the ice bit at him as he went down, nipping at his cheeks and back until his feet found purchase on the ground. Max took in his surroundings and attempted to see where he was in relation to the parked car they took, recalling it was in the back of the building. His hopes were that no one would stop him, and if they tried to he wished they wielded guns and not powers, at least the kevlar would keep him safe from that.

Peter Jackson Bernard

Location: Hellfire Club: C5

As Anastasia fell down, Jinx rolled his eyes at the two womans display in this battle. So easily downed by ice and parlour tricks. Requiem on the other hand was working exactly as intended, invisibility held no sway if they could still hear his honeyed words, and that gave his teammates openings. Jinx had hardly noticed his was bound again as his attention was fully caught up by the flames that now licked his fallen partner. Many thought that his powers were simply used to bring bad luck to others, an ill omen to cross paths with him on a sour day, but in truth his powers brought bad luck to all. Why jinx someone to get hurt when you could simply do it to the shelf above their head? His mind went and did just that to the flames around Anastasia, putting it out before any real damage could be done. Now the real fun could begin, he saw the blonde haired boy rush passed him on the other side of the table and Jinx went to go stop him when it finally hit him that he was bound once more.

Casper you better have a good reason for not replying to me, I could've really used your connections right now. Annoyance ran through him as he was unable to do so much as a single blast at the woman. His focus quickly switched to her as he attempted to jinx her mind into faltering with these childish binds so that they could fight like men. It didnt hold, feeling the powers slip away from her as his patience grew even thinner. "Just you wait Little Britain, I'll find you wherever you go and your life will be nothing but one big curse after another. You think yourself a hero but all you'll do is wreak havok wherever you go!" As soon as this was all over Jinx would have to find out where that damned druggie of a mutant scampered off to so he could give him a lesson on timely responses.
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