Avatar of Achronum


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8 yrs ago
So tired, sleep why do you spurn me?!
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Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.

Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!

Most Recent Posts

The Guard would only be patrolling the perimeter of the school grounds right now, ranks reduced by the holiday. A guard station was nearby, only a minute or two if someone hurried over. Max, if he so chose to do as his sudden partners in crime suggested, would notice the green and silver gowned woman staring at the ground for a moment, her hand resting on a mage totally enamoured with her, before they turned away from the scene as she whispered in the boy’s ear.

Interacting with @WeepingLiberty

“Ari.” The boy pondered for a moment, eyes going far away as he did but he snapped back quickly enough. He stumbled on a step but caught himself with a sheepish smile. “Sorry, sorry! Uh, what was the ques- Oh! I chose mental magic as my arcane major so between the extra affinity courses, the heavy protection course load, and the first semester of blocking classes, I barely had time to sleep, let alone practice dancing.”

“How about you? What are you studying here?” Dennis asked as they moved a little awkwardly through the second turn.

Most mortals put up at least a bit of resistance when met with a vampire’s thrall, just enough to make it fun, but this one was so easy. He was so eager to please, so desperate to belong to something, have someone who thought he was valuable, he fell as soon as their eyes connected. A few words, a light touch, and he trailed behind her like a little lost puppy as she made her way out of the ballroom and back towards the campus fair. She wanted to sink her teeth into him but she’d waited longer. What was a few minutes compared to her own 800 years?

Her eyes drifted over to her precious meal. Amusement twitched at the corner of her smile as she noticed the flies buzzing around it. Someone found her little gift. How long until the chase began? Maybe she would dangle this one in front of them until she had them right where she wanted. Scar the Princess’s little flock and tear it apart. She pressed her hand to the small of her newest meal’s back, ushering him away from the body. They’d take the long way around this time.
James Kingston

Location: In the Car
Skills: N/A

James chuckled softly at Casper’s Hulk comparison. That’d be one hella of a distraction, the threat of death by fury made real. That was one person he hoped to avoid his entire life. He doubted he could heal as fast as the monster of a man could put holes in him. If someone could direct that destructive power though… James shivered at the thought and put that firmly out of his mind. They had nuclear bombs that turned entire cities to ash, rumble, and glass. They already had what the Hulk could offer.

“So what exactly are methadone and buprenorphine?” James was certain he butchered the words but life goes on. He asked the group as they made their way into the car but he kept his attention on Casper since Sapphire was driving. “More specifically, what do they come in? Pills, injections, creams, other ways that I probably don’t know? And where do they keep this stuff? Can you get it from the dispensary at the hospital or does a doctor have to administer it directly? I’m going to try and stay positive about this and hope they’re in the little pharmacy hospitals have but I’m assuming that―because nothing can be easy here―we’re gonna have to break into the hospital vault or something.”
Loot Post

“Well, that was… anticlimatic.” Willow muttered after a sigh of relief. When that many creatures burst out of the woodwork, she’d been concerned that Cecilia was going to need more than just a band aid but clearly they were exactly what the players considered them: Trash. With a brief flick of her wrist, a beam of healing light stretched from Willow’s finger to the Lancer, restoring 595 health, and then again a few seconds later to top her off. She wasn’t bothered to watch her mana. Her passive restored the same amount as soon as she finished casting it and instead turned her attention to the loot page that popped up in front of her.

Kajin stared―dumbfounded, flabbergasted, bewildered, and every other way of floored―as the Miqo’te went on and on about being cheated. Was that true? Did he really sell… his time to others? Kajin shook his head. He shouldn’t really judge that. True or not, it served a purpose other than putting him, Kikipu, and the other lalafell in smooshing range of a stampede of furious buyers. Hopefully, the stalling would give them enough time to recover the deed and anything else the ne'er do well managed to abscond with.

But then River added his two damned gil to this mess. Ill gotten gains? If Kajin could launch himself into the Void and never return, he probably would have but instead he settled for gaping helplessly like an Orobon at the stupidest lalafell he’d ever laid eyes on. Yes, his accusation may have… some truth to it, this very situation being example A, but they were here asking for help. They weren’t there to antagonize what a struggling community did to survive in the aftermath of the Calamity. He narrowed his eyes at his own line of thought, marking the hypocrisy and mentally noting it for review later. He couldn’t judge the Miqo’te on his pastime in one breath and then make excuses for the Silver Bazaar in another.

He could however smack some sense into the Lalafell and so he did just that, popping him on the back of the head. “Were you born in a dirty choco pen? You don’t insult someone and then ask for their help in the same breath, you glorified goblue dropping! The Silver Bazaar struggles since the Calamity stole everything from it and you don’t get to judge how they make their living.” Kajin snapped. As if he’d let someone disrespect a friend of his. The Silver Bazaar, and Kikipu, had been his escape from the brutal monotony of Ul’dah since he arrived and no one disrespected his friends. He turned back to Kikipu apologetically. “Just ignore him, please? Clearly he needs to learn some manners before he interacts with anyone. Do you know if the guy who turned all this in is staying around here? Should be able to convince him to withdraw his remaining “property” from the auction before it sells without much trouble.”
Combat Post

Chitter 1: (Dead)
Lvl 13
Health: 0/1250
Mana: 0/2500

Chitter 2: (Dead)
Lvl 13
Health: 0/1250
Mana: 0/2500

Chitter 3: Prone
Lvl 13
Health: 1250/1250
Mana: 2500/2500
Aggro: Cecelia - 100%

Chitter 4:
Lvl 13
Health: 1250/1250
Mana: 2500/2500
Aggro: Cecelia - 100%

Chitter 5: Prone
Lvl 13
Health: 663/1250
Mana: 2500/2500
Aggro: Cecelia - 100%

Chitter 6: Prone
Lvl 13
Health: 1250/1250
Mana: 2500/2500
Aggro: Cecelia - 100%

Chitter 7: Prone
Lvl 13
Health: 1250/1250
Mana: 2500/2500
Aggro: Cecelia - 100%

Willow opted to stay silent, staff at the ready as Cecelia dispatched the two creatures with relative ease. She hedged a bit closer to Cecelia as they burst into pixels and searched the surrounding foliage. There didn’t seem to be anything else but if River said they gained bonuses when they attacked the same target, she was willing to bet there were more near-

Angry chittering exploded around them as five more monsters burst out of the foliage, frills puffed out in fury, as they bombarded Cecilia. In a whirlwind of teeth and claws, they tore into her as best they could in order to remove the largest threat to their pack but it seemed… Ineffective. The Lancer handled herself well, well practiced steps earning her solid blows and turning the tide in favor of her companions. Although their numbers may have seemed overwhelming at first but Cecilia managed to slam most of the monsters on their backs.

James Kingston

Location: the LeBeau Casino - New Orleans
Skills: N/A

“Yeah, something like that.” James said ruefully. Not really like that but if it made Casper happy to think of it that way then maybe it was just best to let sleeping bears lie. James gave Max a look at the shirt comment and rolled his eyes. Seriously, now? Of all the times? James was sorely tempted to slap Max across the head but he refrained from doing so. The guy did help him find Casper so he guess he could let his less than subtle commentary slide. Next time though…

James froze as the woman slapped Max across the face. What the fuck was going on here? James helped Max to his feet and then keep one hand on his shouler, knowing how quickly he may be tempted to escalate this situation. “Or we could all keep our hands to ourselves like halfway decent people and not escale things like you apparently want to do. And before you give the I just calmed things down speech, you then proceeded to slap the shit out of someone. How about you just trail along while we do what we need and you can get the story on the way. We don’t have time to be picking up every person we know in the other reality.” James said, pointedly looking at Max. Max needed a task to complete, a goal or objective, or Max was going to escalate this far more than necessary. “Now that we’re closer, think you can find Gambit and Rogue specifically with that tracking spell? The sooner we’re out of here, the better.”

“The enthusiasm is much appreciated! We’ll do great things together, great things! I feel it in my bones!” Alfor chuckled with a clap on Prome’s shoulder.

Willow turned and lead them beyond the town borders. A soft ding went off in everyone’s ear, a symbol disappearing off their dashboard as they left the safe zone. Various animal cries bounced around the gradually thickening forest that surrounded the town and bugs almost immediately started buzzing around the group. There was a soft rustle ahead and two small creatures, no taller than Cecilia’s hip, popped out of the undergrowth.

Chitter 1: (Left)
Lvl: 13
Health: 1250/1250
Mana: 2500/2500

Chitter 2: (Right)
Lvl: 13
Health: 1250/1250
Mana: 2500/2500

The two Chitters hissed softly and then a rapid chittering, not unlike squirrel's conversing, sound came from their throats as their heads twitched in unison. Their neck frills only partially expanded as they seemed to watch the group’s movements.

“The enthusiasm is much appreciated! We’ll do great things together, great things! I feel it in my bones!” Alfor chuckled with a clap on Prome’s shoulder.

Willow turned and lead them beyond the town borders. A soft ding went off in everyone’s ear, a symbol disappearing off their dashboard as they left the safe zone. Various animal cries bounced around the gradually thickening forest that surrounded the town and bugs almost immediately started buzzing around the group. There was a soft rustle ahead and two small creatures, no taller than Cecilia’s hip, popped out of the undergrowth.

Chitter 1: (Left)
Health: 1250/1250
Mana: 2500/2500

Chitter 2: (Right)
Health: 1250/1250
Mana: 2500/2500

The two Chitters hissed softly and then a rapid chittering, not unlike squirrel's conversing, sound came from their throats as their heads twitched in unison. Their neck frills only partially expanded as they seemed to watch the group’s movements.

James Kingston

Location: The Mutant Underground
Skills: N/A

James chose to watch his new teammates rather than jump in with any comments. He didn’t really have anything to add as it was. This was very much outside his scope of expertise so he chose to listen. Casper seemed to have some knowledge on the subject, enough to give a ballpark estimate about her condition. His brow wrinkled. Something Sunshine mentioned earlier came to mind and the dots connected. He was the druggie she mentioned when they escaped the massacre. Which would explain how he knows the symptoms of addiction.

Damn. Poor dude must have been through a lot with someone like Professor X as his dad. The expectations were probably astonishingly high. His own power was stupidly easy to hide. What could being the son of one of the most well known mutants be like?

“What do we need for her then? I know an engine like the back of my hand but humans not so much.” James asked.


Location: The Hellfire Club
Skills: N/A

Requiem was entirely aware of the consequences of his decision but frankly the children behind him were too much of a headache to care. He joined their little club to employ their resources to his end and all he’d done so far was get bounced back and forth in a silly turf war. He had goals and plans. This little club of overgrown toddlers backstabbing one another proved little to no use. Where they powerful? Yes. But history taught a house divided would fall and the Hellfire club was as divided as an organization could get.

Requiem left the room without a second look. There was work to be done and they could handle their little issues without him. If they had time to plan and scheme against each other, they clearly had plenty of time to deal with their own issues. He made his way back to the elevator and hit it, waiting for it to arrive.

Interacting with:@Obscene Symphony

“Nothing more than indulging in passing curiosity. It isn’t every night you stumble across a Noilan lap dog playing all alone.” The vampiress responded easily, following Aaron’s lead as he maneuvered them. She was already growing bored, deciding the underlying aroma wasn’t worth thralling the naive child out into the moonlight. Too sharp for what her palate demanded right now. She’d keep him in mind for later however. What a fun point to prove.

She sniffed the air as something absolutely mouthwatering caught her attention. She caught sight of her next meal. A wall flower, jealousy etched into every tense line of his body as he watched some pair twirl around on the dancefloor, and an unassuming one at that. What a delicious target. “I believe you’ve managed to satisfy my interest. Little pets that do tricks don’t particularly amuse me.” She broke away from him midstep and swiftly made her way back through the crowd, thoughts of the Starag taking a backseat as her hunger reared its head. She’d give the boy some time to enjoy his last moments and then she’d take the sweet sweet nectar pumping through his veins.

Interacting with @WeepingLiberty

“Re- really? The boy beamed, his smile lopsided. He held his hand out, leading her to the dance floor as the music started a new round. “My name’s Dennis. Sorry if I uh suck at this. I’m still new to dancing. Last year didn’t give me a lot of time to practice.” A blush erupted across his face, traveling all the way to the tips of his ears, and he shook his head slightly before with fumbling steps, started the simplified version of the dance.

Interacting with: The body

The glowing symbol pulsed weakly one last time before it shimmered away into the night. The clenched fist fell open. A few strands of green and silver thread sprung outwards from the tight messy bundle and lay loose on her palm.

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