The Guard would only be patrolling the perimeter of the school grounds right now, ranks reduced by the holiday. A guard station was nearby, only a minute or two if someone hurried over. Max, if he so chose to do as his sudden partners in crime suggested, would notice the green and silver gowned woman staring at the ground for a moment, her hand resting on a mage totally enamoured with her, before they turned away from the scene as she whispered in the boy’s ear.
Interacting with @WeepingLiberty
“Ari.” The boy pondered for a moment, eyes going far away as he did but he snapped back quickly enough. He stumbled on a step but caught himself with a sheepish smile. “Sorry, sorry! Uh, what was the ques- Oh! I chose mental magic as my arcane major so between the extra affinity courses, the heavy protection course load, and the first semester of blocking classes, I barely had time to sleep, let alone practice dancing.”
“How about you? What are you studying here?” Dennis asked as they moved a little awkwardly through the second turn.
Most mortals put up at least a bit of resistance when met with a vampire’s thrall, just enough to make it fun, but this one was so easy. He was so eager to please, so desperate to belong to something, have someone who thought he was valuable, he fell as soon as their eyes connected. A few words, a light touch, and he trailed behind her like a little lost puppy as she made her way out of the ballroom and back towards the campus fair. She wanted to sink her teeth into him but she’d waited longer. What was a few minutes compared to her own 800 years?
Her eyes drifted over to her precious meal. Amusement twitched at the corner of her smile as she noticed the flies buzzing around it. Someone found her little gift. How long until the chase began? Maybe she would dangle this one in front of them until she had them right where she wanted. Scar the Princess’s little flock and tear it apart. She pressed her hand to the small of her newest meal’s back, ushering him away from the body. They’d take the long way around this time.