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8 yrs ago
So tired, sleep why do you spurn me?!
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Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.

Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!

Most Recent Posts

James Kingston

Location: The Hospital
Skills: N/A

“Thank you very much.” James repeated Casper’s sentiment with a smile and a head nod for the nurse before he made his way toward the elevator. He chuckled at Sapphire’s little tirade, completely unphased. James never expected to sit around and do nothing. Like he told Viel when he offered to assist scouting, James knew how to make himself blend in pretty well into the woodwork even if he was around a decent chunk of people. Considering they were stealing, James was pretty comfortable that would come in handy somewhere along the trip. Sapphire was a prickly one but this whole situation was stressful; who wouldn’t be?

“That’s part of the reason I suggested I help check out the new place. I didn’t think I’d be much help here considering I don’t know Danny so I’m just here to be supportive. And if you guys want some alone time with him, just say the word and I’ll chill outside with your meds. You won’t even remember I was there, promise.” James shrugged, hitting the button to call the elevator. He flashed Casper a thumbs up before he stuffed his hands in his pockets while they waited.
James Kingston

Location: the LeBeau Casino - New Orleans
Skills: N/A

“You spent time in New Orleans?” That was a new little tidbit of information. He frowned briefly at it. Sure, they were busy getting their asses knocked around at the mutant underground but clearly he had been focusing too much on the here and now if he didn’t even know something as simple as that. He made a mental note to coax more about his past; although, he would have never guessed New Orleans considering the city’s reputation for hauntings. “After this is all over, you should let me take you out on a date. I clearly need to hear about all the Big Easy shenanigans you got into.” James teased with a nudge of his shoulder before he was turning his attention to the portal that opened in front of them.

His hand instinctively flew to his gun, only to remember he wasn’t carrying his shoulder holster and Klara wasn’t an enemy anymore, so he attempted to salvage the motion by continuing it into an awkward wave at his previous enemy. Everything was shaping up for the final conflict and everyone seemed to be settling, even if it was rather resentfully, into the fact they all had to work together to get this finished.

If only.

Just as James was sliding his hand into Casper’s, Max suddenly went on the offensive. Against the fucking Prince no less. It took everything in James not to audibly groan because as much as he appreciated the dude, he really had a knack for fucking things over. So instead of holding his boyfriend’s hand as they walked to the inevitable conflict, he gave Max a thousand-yard stare, glanced down at Casper’s hand regretfully, and then jogged over to the pair before the Prince killed Max. He paused next to them, an apologetic smile as he held his hands up in a peaceful gesture.

“Max is just a little on edge. We’re all on the same team here, no need to start anything. We need everyone in one piece for the fight.” James spoke in what he hoped was a placating manner. “He came with Klara, Max. You can trust him. ” Even though she is naive as fuck. He didn’t say that out loud though. And the second the attention was shifted off Max, James was going to smack him over the head for being so damn stupid.

Willow nodded her assent to Cecilia’s suggestion and they took a hard right once they found a clear trail. The group must have cleared out the wandering Chitters, or perhaps they realized this was not a group to be trifled with, because they encountered very little threats along the way. Most trees were simple brown trees but every now and then, the group would cross a particularly dark one with large blue and black mushrooms growing along it. These mushrooms seemed to glow faintly on the bottom side of their caps and closer inspection would reveal these as the Baby Blues. Most trees playing host to these were only covered in one or two but some hosted up to six or seven, though the vast majority preferred to grow higher up. A small glint of yellow would ping across the player’s vision when they crossed one of these trees, drawing attention to a section of their large, warped roots that seemed to claw their way out of the ground.

Those roots with little yellow flashes were each surrounded by 3 Baby Blues.

A series of soft pings caught Willow’s attention and she glanced at her dashboard, opening up the new messages when they appeared. She snorted at the messages and sent her own reply to the last one.


Perfect timing. Looks like we’re about to clear up one more quest for Ceci and then we’re moving onto the Welkins. I’ll send you an invite and then you can just follow the map to meet up with us if you don’t want to sit around. Be careful though. The Chitters like to bite from behind!


She sent the group invitation from her friend list and turned her attention back to the task at hand. “So… mushrooms with health bars. Fantastic. It’s going to be poison all around tonight folks. Got anything before we get started here, River?” Willow asked as she swapped out her staff for her wand. If poison DoTs were involved, she was going to need the MP mitigation.

Baby Blue 1:
Lvl 15
Health: 4000/4000
Mana: 2000/2000
Aggro: None

Baby Blue 2:
Lvl 15
Health: 4000/4000
Mana: 2000/2000
Aggro: None

Baby Blue 3:
Lvl 15
Health: 4000/4000
Mana: 2000/2000
Aggro: None

The Market was bustling with people and calls for wares from everything from food to textiles were overlapping the general babble. A few stalls sold iron products, though they would reveal they didn’t particularly carry the materials to craft it themselves and ultimately would send Prome along to Bidthrone’s Smithery.

A small group of people that had been walking back to the campus festivities took notice of their little trio. Not enough to stop walking but a few gestures and shrugged shoulders were sent their way. After that, more curious eyes would be turned their way as word got around that a bunch of people were just hanging out behind the ballroom.

Interacting with @WeepingLiberty

Dennis ducked his head, hiding the faint blush on his cheeks but his ears betrayed him. He smiled at her a moment later as Ari spoke and his smile fell at her comments. The dance came to an end, giving Ari a bow as they separated.

“I don’t think it is! There is a lot to learn here so taking the time to figure out what you want is admirable!” Dennis spoke earnestly. “Plus, you don’t really have the same kind of time limits as we do, do you? Nothing wrong with taking advantage of that.” He turned his head to the side and although his lips moved, nothing came out but another flush ran across his face and he shook his head.

“So I’m getting a little overheated. Would you like to join me upstairs for a little bit? I, uh, really need some water.” Dennis asked sheepishly. “But uh, you don’t have to! There is still lots to do and I don’t expect you to settle for chilling with me at a party.”

The vampiress had the boy pinned against one of the lecture halls, some inane color or another, and he looked so vulnerable, so uncertain. She barely gave him a second to process as she whipped forward and sank her fangs in his throat. She recoiled the second the blood sprayed on her tongue, having the common sense to at least seal the bite before she did, and nearly lost her dinner. She wanted sweet but this was so sweet it physically hurt. What a useless blood bag. Can’t even have the common decency to taste right. She gave him an appraising look as he blinked for a few minutes.

Well, that could be changed.

She was pressing against his throat in a heartbeat, closing his airway as his bite addled head caught up with the hear and now. He clutched at her wrist, trying to dig his nails into her as he kicked out. Anything he could do to shake her off. He could feel his heart racing and his lungs screaming against the lack of oxygen. It dawned on the poor mage what was about to happen. Spots danced in front of his eyes but he relaxed against her hand, letting her support him, as he reached out. His magic was sluggish to respond, tired and worn out from the lack of oxygen, but when it settled he yanked as hard as he could.

The ground beneath her collapsed and she leapt back just in time to avoid falling into the hole. He hit his knees as he gasped for breath and his vision swam but his victory didn’t last long. In a blink, she had him against the wall, fangs bared and sinking back into him. He went slack as she drank, much more pleased with the sour tinge breaking through the sweet.
James Kingston

Location: The Hospital
Skills: N/A

Okay, Methadone is however the fuck they want it and Buprenwhosawhatsit was also called Suboxone and came a s a white tablet. James’ lips moved silently as he repeated all the information Casper gave him. It was like trying to cram the last chapter for a midterm; probably futile but hopefully it wouldn't be a major part of the exam. Unfortunately, it always was. James nodded as he committed the information to memory, or hopefully did, and disembarked along with the team. His brow quirked at Casper; he was addressing this Ben again. So far he’d figure out this Ben person was Casper’s friend but he wasn’t speaking to him telepathically. Even though he was the son of one of the strongest telepaths in the world.

First thing on the list after they get away from this: Ask who, and where, Ben is.

James listened carefully to Sapphire and grimaced at her explanation. Lying, sure that was bound to go well. He was terrible at it plus he didn’t exactly have a fake ID. He was going to have to use his real name and hope that he wouldn’t be recognized as that guy in the wierd cummberbun situation from a few days ago. He gave her a weak smile and a thumbs up.

“Now’s probably a bad time to mention lying isn’t exactly my strong suit, huh?” He said sheepishly
James Kingston

Location: the LeBeau Casino - New Orleans
Skills: N/A

James knew it had to be a matter of time. Anytime a few members of the Underground showed up, things always go out of hand. Case in point, Max’s magic. James shook his head. He didn't miss that of all things. The girl brought him back around quickly though with her continued commentary and he refrained from rolling his eyes. His initial judgement was correct: She was a total bitch. But, any help in this whole shit show was needed, not necessarily appreciated, so he wouldn’t voice his concerns. Worse comes to worst, he’ll just trip her up in an unfortunate situation and then poof, a little shit head gone. Perfect.

James blinked at Klara as she spoke, eyebrows raised high as she spoke. Yeah, it definitely wasn’t far fetched that she hated this world. She only completely abandoned her group and got captured wandering the streets alone after someone insulted her. Probably was trying to test if a swift execution could send her home. But that definitely wasn’t James place to say so he stayed quiet on that matter. Pus, he wasn’t sure if saying something even jokingly would end in a sword in his gut and he really didn’t feel like taking the time to heal that. He watched Klara walk off but instead of following turned to the others.

“Your turf, your lead, Spirit Box.” James nudged Casper with a soft smile, the butterflies still in his stomach. And if he decided to take the back seat to enjoy a bit more time with Casper, well he wasn’t going to say that. Plus, if he was left alone, he’d more than likely take a hard turn to the blackjack tables. It was just a math game and he wasn’t too shabby but saving the world was a little more important that getting cheated by a Casino.

The rest of the trip was similar, a few Chitters popping out to distract the group before the remaining pack members swarmed them. They didn’t encounter any other packs the size of the first but their tactics did change. More often they started going for the back and, in one case that River had only a few HP beneath his maximum when they started, aggressively attacking already damaged party members.

“One quest down, one… er, two more to go.” Willow corrected herself as she accepted the gift, remembering that Cecilia mentioned picking up an additional quest. “The Welkin quest is gonna take us on a hard east along the coast. I’m not sure where yours is so if it’s closer, we can knock that one out while we are at it. Hopefully, we’ll find something more fun than these shitty ankle biters.” Willow’s enthusiasm was waning with the heat and she used the equipment menu to equip the new clothing. She wished an equipment menu was a thing in real life. How easy would it be just to change clothes and get ready without leaving bed.

The woman looked up from her prayer and gave Aura an unimpressed look over. “Excellent. Yet another wet behind the ears welp here to claim devotion to our Goddess in hopes of fame and riches. If that is your intent, leave while you can otherwise you’ll find yourself in the next realm before you raise your blade again.” Ser Wilka’s words dripped with bitterness and resentment, a sarcastic snort at the end of her statement. A myriad of jagged scars crossed her face and one eye was clearly damaged beyond use.

“But if you really think you’re up to the task, I’ll give you your trial. The path of the Battle Cleric is one destined to be endless and drenched in blood, both yours and your enemies. We are beacons of hope on the battlefield. We provide succor and relief to our allies and crush our foes beneath our blades. And your trial will reflect that. Steel yourself, Paladin. For your time of reckoning is nigh.”

Quest: That which is stone cannot falter.
While in a party of at least two members, maintain 100% aggro on a cumulative total of twenty enemies without falling beneath 20% of your maximum health.

Rewards: XP, Reputation, Battle Cleric Class
Accept Quest?

“Well, what are you standing around for?” Rowina asked waspishly. “Are you staying for tea or are you going to run off to God knows where and get yourself in more trouble?” While the pair had been speaking, Rowina had been laying out some snacks and tea for her husband and herself, a third cup set off to the side just in case.

The Guard would only be patrolling the perimeter of the school grounds right now, ranks reduced by the holiday. A guard station was nearby, only a minute or two if someone hurried over. Max, if he so chose to do as his sudden partners in crime suggested, would notice the green and silver gowned woman staring at the ground for a moment, her hand resting on a mage totally enamoured with her, before they turned away from the scene as she whispered in the boy’s ear.

Interacting with @WeepingLiberty

“Ari.” The boy pondered for a moment, eyes going far away as he did but he snapped back quickly enough. He stumbled on a step but caught himself with a sheepish smile. “Sorry, sorry! Uh, what was the ques- Oh! I chose mental magic as my arcane major so between the extra affinity courses, the heavy protection course load, and the first semester of blocking classes, I barely had time to sleep, let alone practice dancing.”

“How about you? What are you studying here?” Dennis asked as they moved a little awkwardly through the second turn.

Most mortals put up at least a bit of resistance when met with a vampire’s thrall, just enough to make it fun, but this one was so easy. He was so eager to please, so desperate to belong to something, have someone who thought he was valuable, he fell as soon as their eyes connected. A few words, a light touch, and he trailed behind her like a little lost puppy as she made her way out of the ballroom and back towards the campus fair. She wanted to sink her teeth into him but she’d waited longer. What was a few minutes compared to her own 800 years?

Her eyes drifted over to her precious meal. Amusement twitched at the corner of her smile as she noticed the flies buzzing around it. Someone found her little gift. How long until the chase began? Maybe she would dangle this one in front of them until she had them right where she wanted. Scar the Princess’s little flock and tear it apart. She pressed her hand to the small of her newest meal’s back, ushering him away from the body. They’d take the long way around this time.
James Kingston

Location: In the Car
Skills: N/A

James chuckled softly at Casper’s Hulk comparison. That’d be one hella of a distraction, the threat of death by fury made real. That was one person he hoped to avoid his entire life. He doubted he could heal as fast as the monster of a man could put holes in him. If someone could direct that destructive power though… James shivered at the thought and put that firmly out of his mind. They had nuclear bombs that turned entire cities to ash, rumble, and glass. They already had what the Hulk could offer.

“So what exactly are methadone and buprenorphine?” James was certain he butchered the words but life goes on. He asked the group as they made their way into the car but he kept his attention on Casper since Sapphire was driving. “More specifically, what do they come in? Pills, injections, creams, other ways that I probably don’t know? And where do they keep this stuff? Can you get it from the dispensary at the hospital or does a doctor have to administer it directly? I’m going to try and stay positive about this and hope they’re in the little pharmacy hospitals have but I’m assuming that―because nothing can be easy here―we’re gonna have to break into the hospital vault or something.”
Loot Post

“Well, that was… anticlimatic.” Willow muttered after a sigh of relief. When that many creatures burst out of the woodwork, she’d been concerned that Cecilia was going to need more than just a band aid but clearly they were exactly what the players considered them: Trash. With a brief flick of her wrist, a beam of healing light stretched from Willow’s finger to the Lancer, restoring 595 health, and then again a few seconds later to top her off. She wasn’t bothered to watch her mana. Her passive restored the same amount as soon as she finished casting it and instead turned her attention to the loot page that popped up in front of her.

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