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8 yrs ago
So tired, sleep why do you spurn me?!
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Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.

Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!

Most Recent Posts

Dates: September 21st - October 7th

Dates: October 8th - November 4th

Home was a bittersweet struggle for Varis. The silence and the stillness that permeated his family home suited Varis just fine. It was a much needed respite from the chaos that came from working with Ryner and for his Lady in equal measure. But the ghosts of his old life ambushed him in the quiet of the halls, the crackle of the fire as in flickered in the library, the starlight drifting across the snow across the fields the isolated him. The stuttering violin of a younger him after his mother’s death, the shredded pages fluttering around him when he crossed his brother once too many times, and… Antwone pulled at right as expected, five minutes before their appointed time. Varis slid into the back, helping himself to his favorite travel bottle and the blood glass Eloise brought back from her last soiree with Edgar’s show mages. How the vampire managed to get anything done with all the parties Varis would never know but at least it kept Eloise busy when he didn’t have anything specific for her to do. Varis poured himself a tall glass as his mage finished putting away his luggage and pulled away.

More than once this semester, Varis wished alcohol could numb a vampire’s problems. He’d thought their little deal was an easy favor but by the Queen’s saving grace, the boy was an idiot! A perfect pedigree, an amazing affinity, an education even a noble’s show mage would be envious of and he couldn’t even figure out where to put cufflinks without cuffs and embarrassed his own master in such a public manner. Varis could only imagine Landar was rolling in his grave. A mage of the Starag line who was nothing more than a glorified side table. Anything more complex than holding something and Varis had to hold the idiot’s hand through it. Varis let his hopes get up after the brat did something passingly well and look where that got him.

Varis tapped his foot irritably against the passenger seat. He harbored little doubt that any other House would have backed out of this deal but any Sinnendel worth their name would rather walk into the sunlight. Varis wasn’t sure which was worse right now. The Count was no stranger to breaking mage’s. The more willful, the more fulfilling it was to watch the personality fade from their eyes. But the boy presented a challenge he hadn’t handled yet: a mage dependant on his servitude. He never considered that a mage could use their position as a shield. A distraction, an excuse? Par the course. But a full suit of armor? Varis was baffled and everytime he thought he found a chink in it, the boy would just adjust to it. The stubborn mage was frustrating and frustration made him impatient and impatience embarrassed him.

The ride home was silent. The privacy screen stayed up, Antwone kept the drive smooth and took the scenic detour Varis preferred when he was drawn a little too thin, and pulled into home with no fanfare. A servant, eyes kept determinedly on the floor, opened Varis’ door and scuttled away with the luggage as soon as Varis was out. He waited until he was alone again and ran his hand through his hair, a weary smile breaking through. The Count always prefered the first few hours to himself in solitary contemplation as he wandered the family’s garden, a massive maze that they’d kept up for as long as they could remember. Varis had transplanted a wide variety of flowers through the maze to add a little color through the seasons but otherwise left it the same.

“Finally home.” Varis murmured, the tension melting away as he took the first steps into the garden. It had been years since he’d let himself take his usual paths through the garden. It had been years since he’d let the familiarity fade and focus on how the moonlight played in the shrubs. Years since he’d put behind the demands of Court and Council, of the monster he served, of childish Duke and Duchess’, and now from the weariness of a deal he wasn’t sure he could twist in his favor. Here in the garden, he felt closer to… something, a vague feeling or a memory blurry and faded with age. Fleeting impressions of bitterness, of heartbreak, of laughter, of longing, of fury. He followed them more often in his youth; an escape from a tyrannical father and apathetic siblings as he ran down the hallways of his own mind. These impressions always left him with more questions than not but he’d come to a startling realization about it.

It comforted him. Knowing there would always be a new puzzle, a new riddle, a challenge in the days he grew bored with the tediousness of his projects. More than one vampire lost their minds when everything stagnated around them but Varis had his own little puzzle locked away where no one could find it. On the nights his web wove itself and the pieces of his grand schemes just fell into his lap, he could always steal away for a few hours and chase these intangible clues as far as he could. He could try again and again and again because he never seemed to make any headway. He wouldn't wish this on his worst enemy and he certainly couldn’t handle these complications every night but once in a while, it was an excellent headrush.

Varis enjoyed it for a while longer but he knew there was work to be done. He followed the twists and turns to his childhood spot, a secret little swirl that opened to reveal a jagged piece of stone tucked away under a wooden pagoda. His grandfather stole it from an archeological site he helped fund before the finds were reported to the Noilas. Archaic writings covered the stone, a language Ryner refused to teach him. Varis worried his lip at the thought, rolling his eyes at the familiar fight, and he bent down to the base of the pagoda, prying open a loose board, and pulling out a long, thin wooden box. He hadn’t opened it since the 25th anniversary of his mother’s passing but he hadn’t needed to. He knew what was inside by heart but seeing it again might help clear his head. He slipped it into his jacket, replaced the board, and headed into the castle.

His family’s castle was a dark, imposing structure. Three spires clawed at the sky as they rose out of a heavily fortified manor, dark and imposing on the skyline. The design choice was from an era before the vampire lords worked together rather than against and his twice great grandmother brutally crushed the weak territories around her and brought them under her reign. Varis pushed his way into the main hall, not bothering to acknowledge the older mage waiting with a briefcase and a tablet in hand. The man fell in step with Varis exactly two paces behind him and paused when Varis picked up the mail his mages determined important. He almost groaned at the familiar handwriting on one and immediately shoved it to the bottom of the pile. If it had been important, his presence would have been demanded immediately after the Academy.

“How is the situation with the Noble Hearts?” Varis asked as flipped through the various envelopes.

“Their preliminary evaluations of the Duke’s protections have been concluded. An estimate for their services are on your desk. I authorized the funds with your treasury two nights ago and provided the transfer account. It only needs your signature.” The man rasped.

“It’ll be signed before the sun rises. I expect the evidence will be delivered with payment?” Varis waited for confirmation and sneered. “Excellent. A kidnapping and a framing. That nosey Marivaldi will be busy for a bit. How is the Eve situation?”

“Dracul’s death has dealt a major blow to the traditionalist grip in the family. Nox originally controlled the investigation and handled the remaining estates but Countess Arianna has submitted an official transfer of estate to Princess Ryner and has opted to sequester herself in a distant family holding. Princess Nox will lose control of the estate in less than a week.” The mage offered Varis a single sheet of paper from his briefcase. “A contact in the investigation passed along a few notes of interest. It seems more than one vampire sent their mage to investigate the situation but we’ve managed to keep our Lady’s private support out of the public eye thus far.”

“When Ryner gets her claws in it, that’ll be a PR nightmare.” Varis grumbled. Nox may not like the Sinnenodels but she was a stickler for rules. Any investigations would be handled quietly, privately. But Ryner wasn’t interested in solving a murder. Putting the family under public scrutiny would drive a wedge between the Queen and his Lady, giving her a little more breathing room but Varis would be the one to suffer the consequences of that decision and he would be damned if he was going to willingly stab himself in the chest. His Lady tortured him enough as it was. Literally. “Malek, handle this. Every gift, every letter, anything that would show our support, I want it gone. Dracul wasn’t an idiot but he was old and old vampires are predictable. He’s bound to have some sort of blackmail floating around. I want it gone last night.” Varis glanced down at the short list of likely suspects. Only two were verified but he wasn’t worried about them. Devon Pierce and Nintrella Sinnenodel though…

“Investigate these two. I want to know who they sent, what they were looking into, and where they went with their information.” Varis commanded and passed the list back. “Have Eloise secure a meeting with the Countess during my next break and remind Edgar he owes me for the last fiasco he caused with my Lady. I want his mages watching Nintrella until that meeting. I won’t have a horse faced gambling addict trying to usurp my position.”

“Immediately Count Varis. As well, we discovered the source of the leak while you were gone. My grandson was persuaded by an outside interest into granting them access to your private records vault. They managed to escape but we have added additional wards against intrusion. Nothing was lost but Joshua has been detained since.” Malek droned as he took back the page, adding a few notes, and slipping it into his briefcase. “Unfortunately, the Marivaldis managed to dismantle your preferred buyer. Would you care to reach out to Count Dominick or Countess Annita?”

“Really? They shut down the Grey Dancer? How disappointing. Barbaric activities aside, they had the best bottled agony in the entire realm.” Varis sighed but considered his options. “Joshua is 16? Too young for Annita so sell him off to Dominick. We’ll get less but they only buy garbage for their dogs.” Behind Varis, Malek’s shoulders slumped and he closed his eyes for a moment longer than a blink before he managed to compose himself.

“It will be done, Count Varis.” Malek bowed and vanished with murmured incantation.

Varis climbed the stairs to his room as he shuffled through his letters. Brown nosing from Countess Fennila after he ruled against her in a business dispute with one of her duchesses. Typical. He’d expected it sooner but she was always one to sulk for a few years before she moved on. Whining from some nobody about a comment he made at some party or another that he couldn’t bother remembering. And, of course, the worst of the lot. A letter handwritten by his Lady herself. He waited until he was in his room, door shut firmly behind him, to open it.

Count Varis Sinnenodel,

Your presence is expected at Lady Sinnenodel's Raining Star Villa along with all documentation on the acquisitions of Green Vision Inc and plans for hosting Chaend. Lady Sinnenodel's attendant will arrive in two days. Arraignments for your meeting with the Astorio Counts have been made. Expect to return to the Noila Academy directly from the Villa.

Secretary of the luminous Lady Sinnenodel.

He reread the letter as his plans for his break slowly crumbled around him. He thought the meeting with the rest of board of Green Vision would protect him from anything she planned but clearly he was far too optimistic. The page started trembling and red blotches suddenly bloomed on the page. Varis frowned.What an odd thing for paper to do. He tossed it on his desk and made his way around the room, immediately preparing for his next trip. He’d have his school things shipped from here to the school when it was time. He spent an eternity, or a second he wasn’t really sure, putting together his luggage for his next trip. He was sure he wouldn’t use all of it but he may as well be prepared in case she changed up how she messed with him. Though he’d really have to talk with someone about those red dots on his clothes. They were clearly blood stains. Maybe someone died doing the laundry. Just another headache.

Soon enough, the mechanical task of folding laundry was done and separated into piles of red stains and no red stains. He stared at them for a while longer, head blank and body heavy, before moving onto the next task which was… He froze again as he saw the letter on the desk but the welling dread never came. His hands trembled again, he noted with indifference, and he moved to smooth out his jacket when he felt the lump. He pulled out the box he retrieved earlier, placed it on top of the letter, and gingerly slid off the lid. He pulled out the parchment gingerly and carefully rolled them out and weighed them down. He smiled weakly at the thin, fading scrawl of music notes across the page. He knew the tune by heart but it had been half a decade since he had time to play. He fell asleep at his desk most nights unless one of his mages gently pushed him to bed or he was entertaining for the evening. With the added stress of teaching and sitting through these inane classes, Varis felt thinner than he ever had. And with his most convenient form of stress relief otherwise occupied for his limited window of freedom, Varis wasn’t sure how to make it better.

Until he looked at the violin sitting neatly on its stand. He realized with a start he hadn’t even considered picking up the instrument while he was away. He used to play it every night and he couldn’t remember when he stopped. He picked out the rosen from his desk and gently ran it over the bow and checked the strings. With every pass, every off note, Varis’ motions became more fluid and gentle. He felt the dried blood on his cheeks, the bubbling dread in his stomach, the faint but irritating tremble in his fingers but at least he felt in control again. He tucked the instrument under his chin, held the bow poised over the strings, and counted the beat in his head. His eyes closed at the familiarity.

The first pass of the bow drained the tension from his shoulders and each one after lightened them even more. He fell into the familiar melody, forgetting everything that loomed dark around him and drifted off into a time he didn’t care for all these vampires and mages and their muddlesome politics. When he only cared about the approval of one person and the words his books took them away to. When this song made him feel more alive than any drop of blood and the mysteries of the past were his only concern.

Varis played into the night and well into the day, the passing mage covering the windows before he burned himself alive, until Malek pried the instrument from where Varis slept standing with the bow still on the strings.
Human psychology class had been cancelled for the day and instead assigned them the task of viewing their partner's first day in the Spell Theory Lab. The point of the exercise was observation and evaluation; learn to identify when your mage was struggling or insecure so a vampire could smooth over any potential problems before they festered. Watching mages learn to separate an instinctive part of themselves would present an opportunity to note the physical tells of their frustrations without the distraction of serving.

Each Spell Theory Lab boasted a viewing area as comfortable as Affinity Mastery's, several full couches a step above a row of chairs and side tables that lined the edge. Unlike the other, this viewing area was set back into the wall rather than protruding out over it and a glass pane separated the vampires from the mages. Most of the class had filed in by now. Most of the vampires took the couches, more interested in themselves than their mages as they discussed the various rumors flying around about the recent murders. A few sat at the edge, watching with interest as the mages made their attempts.

Varis ignored the rabble on the couches as he took his spot as close to the boy as he could. Any opportunity to personally oversee his mage's progress at such a critical stage would be well used. The boy had shown he could barely keep himself in order, especially after that nonsense during Revel, and Varis wanted to ensure the boy remembered his place through this process. Anything less and Varis would be waiting with a lecture and lines longer than the mage knew existed.

The Sinnenodel colors suited the boy far more than the pesky Noilan colors, though Varis noted he stuck close to his comfort zone despite the magazines he left in the boy's room. He'll get up at the same time as the boy tomorrow and set a few new grooming standards. Varis appreciated sticking to simplicity but one had to know how to change when it was necessary. The boy clearly struggled with that so Varis would instill some sense into him before the end of this school year. "I buy him an entirely new wardrobe and he doesn't bother to use it. What a disappointment." Varis sighed to himself.

Meanwhile, Benjamin had been positively ecstatic upon learning the class would get an observation period. The surprising amount of vampires that chose to gossip and take no interest in their mage's progress was astounding. What was the point of coming to the observatory if you weren't going to observe? The leap in logic was beyond him, albeit the one advantage was that there were plenty of free seats closest to the action. He was all too happy to approach the glass, his search for his mage overwhelmingly simple (the one advantage of her having such hair, he supposed). He kept an eye on her location as he searched for a place to sit.

A flash of red caught his eye to his left. Count Varis Sinnenodel had also taken the opportunity to observe his mage as well. That must have meant Aaron Starag was also in this class. With that in mind, he took a quick look around the classroom, but it took him slightly longer than it should have to realize that Aaron was the blonde man sitting next to Lilie. The timing couldn't have been more perfect, the setup granting him yet another chance he hadn't been expecting. All that was left to do was pass it off as casually as possible. He truly did have every intention in owning up to his word and keeping peace between the houses, however, any interaction with a Sinnenodel had a tendency to go awry. If he slipped up, he was certain he would find himself trapped in the snake's clutches. Fortunately, Ben felt confident in his ability to keep a conversation cordial. In the worst case scenario, the mages could be the topic of conversation.

With that in mind, Ben decided to approach the table respectfully, clearing his throat to catch the other country's attention. "How comforting to know I won't be observing alone," He decided to be as pleasant and casual as possible, extending his hand. "Count Benjamin Eve, how do you do?"

Varis turned his head at the unexpected noise, quite ready to chastise whoever insisted on bothering him at an important time, but he held his tongue as he took in the newest Eve. Morose was the first word that came to mind but his pleasant approach shrugged off the initial impression. Though, the conflicting personality would suit the house. Maybe it would keep one of them here longer than a fortnight. Varis considered brushing him off until he proved that he would be staying―after all, what use could a single conversation do when you didn’t know who our opponent was―but it left as soon as it came and Varis stood with a smile, shaking the offered hand.

“Count Varis Sinnenodel. Well enough, thank you. I’m glad someone appreciates an opportunity to invest time and effort into a blossoming asset. A flower is only as beautiful as it’s gardener’s effort after all.” Varis gestured to the seat next to him, retaking his own. “Please take a seat. Which mage is yours?”

Ben would do as Varis asked with cautious optimism. That optimism would come crashing down as soon as he asked a very reasonable question. He cleared his throat and gestured to the table where Aaron and Lilie sat. "I believe the mage that I was assigned is the one seated next to the blond dressed in black," He said as he tapped the table with the tips of his fingers, neglecting to refer to the glaringly obvious fault. Perhaps that was a little cold, but it was the truth. "It would seem in her generosity Princess Ryner thought it best to give a lower class mage an opportunity to taste life on the other side."

The honest reply was surprising. Considering how late into the semester was, it was clear Varis was aware of who his mage was. He didn’t doubt every noble mocked the house for suffering a clear sign of the Princess’ displeasure. He certainly did. In his shoes, Varis would have redirected the conversation rather than admit such a clear sign of disrespect. But the eves were always an odd lot. Varis would give him the benefit of the doubt this time. Hopefully, there was a more interesting strategy here.

“The Princess is known for her generosity. Far be it from us to question her wisdom. I don’t doubt that there is some deeper meaning to this sorting system she has. I don’t envy her. It is a momentous task, I’m sure.” Varis responded, turning his attention back to the boy and the Eve’s genetic mistake. “Incidentally, that blond headed boy is my mage. Aaron Starag of the Princess’ personal retinue. It caused quite a stir when it got around that she’d given a Starag away, much less to a Sinnenodel. However, it seems his name is all he’s worth. Obedient, a vaulted pedigree, and a light mage but he can’t think for himself. The curse of vampirism, forever guiding the sheep in an endless cycle.” Varis sighed in disappointment.

“How is your mage adjusting? It has been a hectic few weeks for it.” Varis asked.

The deeper meaning of nobility was usually simply reduced to passive aggressive remarks on actual opinions. The message was sent loud and clear: the royal family greatly preferred the Sinnenodel House while clearly outlining their poor opinion of the Eve House. There could be more to it, but Ben wasn't going to entertain it nor would he linger. Instead, he wanted to make it clear that he viewed this as a challenge—he had the utmost confidence that he would turn Lilie into a proper mage.

“I see this as a test,” Ben outright admitted. “The previous Eves have all but neglected Miss Dionne, and while I can’t speak for their intentions, I feel they didn’t see the chance in front of them. Aside from the obvious, the girl is a blank slate otherwise, free to be molded and to become whatever I want her to be.”

He didn’t buy that the Starag had any issue, especially when the complaint was that he couldn’t think for himself. The goal of every mage was to think for their betters, after all. “Shepherding a mage of Mr. Starag’s pedigree will likely be little more than some minor adjustments, I’m sure,” Ben said.

“There are few Houses that a minor issue can’t cost a mage, and his vampire, everything. Neither of ours are at the very least. A Sinnenodel cannot manage their mage’s every movement like a Noila. Structure is little more than an illusion meant to subjugate. If a mage wants to succeed here, the faster on their feet, the better. I am not the greatest monster in my house and he is far too close to it for mistakes.” Varis responded seriously. His Lady had already seen inside his head. Even Varis couldn’t fathom want insignificant detail she picked out and decided to poke at and, something he would deny for all of eternity, it made him nervous. It was a necessary gamble and it seemed it paid off but there was a reason he didn’t bring mages to see his Lady.

“It’s commendable you plan to put all this time into your mage. Surely molding her appropriately will take a considerable amount of attention and patience. Speaking of which, I’m glad you are handling this slate appropriately. It’s far too pale for common decency. Too much chalk from the others I assume.” Varis shook his head. “But where do you plan to find this time? I barely have enough time as it is to ensure the boy can put his shirt on properly, let alone teach him manners. With teaching and planning Chaend and a business acquisition in the process, I can’t imagine the strain on your schedule this challenge will place on you.

Varis was entirely right, but Ben was still confident. The pun nearly made Ben laugh out loud, but he did offer a polite chuckle. He pondered his response for a few seconds, choosing his words carefully. “I see now. You can’t teach a thought process, so I suppose you have your work cut out for you,” That much he would agree with and understand, as Lady Sinnenodel’s character was infamous. Unpreparedness was as much a death sentence as standing out in plain sunlight was.

As for his plans for Lilie, that hadn’t been entirely thought out just yet. There were a few possibilities lingering around that he had spoken of with Geoffrey, but he had yet to decide. Waiting for any proposals was out of the question and Eleanore already served as his primary guard. Fortunately, he still had time to decide on exactly what he was going to do with her.

“There is always the late morning when most stop responding to calls. Whenever the case may be, it will be her priority until she is to my standards—everything else comes second,” Ben said. “I will delegate a set time every day for the rest of the semester and whenever I feel she is improving I can and will adjust accordingly. I’ve already delegated where I can, so some of that burden has shifted since coming here. If the house can’t run while I’m gone, then clearly, I’ve failed. Fortunately, Miss Dionne is not the first mage I’ve trained, so I expect her to learn quickly.” And if not, they would have to cross that bridge when they came to it.

Varis generously gave Ben a few moment seconds to speak but it seemed the conversation continued on without so much as an attempt to pick something out. No jabs, no comments, not even an underhanded question. Either Count Benjamin didn’t care or he was just wholeheartedly devoted to the failure of a mage. Either way, Varis boiled this Eve down to the same thing every other Eve had been: Boring. He turned his attention away from the Eve and considered how he wanted to continue. Varis wasn’t certain the new Eve even had anything worth his time so he could completely ignore him at this point but on the other hand, he didn’t know anything about him and that annoyed him more than the bland responses did.

“Admirable. Dedication to one task is a rare trait these days. Though, some may argue it's because it's no longer suited to its environment.” Varis commented as he relaxed in his chair, his attention shifting back downstairs. “Forgive me my ignorance but I don’t think we’ve had the opportunity to meet before this. Where do you fall in House Eve?”

The alternative was marrying off the mage and as tempting as it was, realistically it was not something that Ben could get away with. Ben followed Varis’ gaze, only to feel the shame hitting him once again when he laid eyes on that white head. The conversation wasn’t particularly going anywhere, but he wasn’t entirely sure which way to steer it. Speaking with a Sinnenodel was more about survivability than anything, but Varis was tame. At the moment, anyway. He supposed that his father was right.

That thought alone nearly made him want to retch and he nearly missed the question. “My family is the fourth oldest bloodline of the Eves,” He said, running a hand over his face. “And my father is Pierce Devan.” Of whom he would have preferred not to think or speak about, but here they were. His mood was soured, but he couldn’t tell if it was due to his father or the visible reminder of being shot in the kneecap with that mage of his.

In an effort to save his mood and keep from speaking on his father, he decided to change the topic, “I’ve heard you aren’t the only heir attending. The Marivaldi Countess must be an interesting mystery to unravel.”

“The Marivaldi heiress, if you can still consider her one, is as lackadaisical as her lack of public appearances have painted her. Absolutely plain and little in the way of wit. I believe it’s the abhorrent obsession with mage rights. They have more than they’ve had in centuries and they still dally with the help. Their holiday is representative enough.” Varis hand-waved the thought of Amaris away. “I’m far more interested in the son of Pierce Devan. With a power vacuum to fill, I’m more surprised with how much energy you’re willing to redirect to the charity case you were given.” Varis’ knowledge of Benjamin’s father was lacking. Bending the Eve’s had fallen squarely on the shoulders of his Lady and even Varis wasn’t foolish enough to trespass in her territory. He knew those Lady Sinnendodel funded and passingly of the other players but his focus was on other projects. But Ben presented an opportunity he couldn’t resist.

“I doubt there is love lost between your father and yourself considering your easy dismissal of the subject. How do you feel about the situation the Eve household is in? Openings are so rare in our society. I can’t imagine you’ll ignore it.” Varis sat forward as he spoke, resting his chin on his hand. He lowered his voice as well to try and keep the conversation somewhat private.

Varis had no information on the countess, either. Either he was as useless as Lilie on that account or Ben would just have to see for himself. But he couldn't think too much on that as instead he chose to focus on a subject that Ben was not too happy to talk on: his father. Fortunately, he was well aware that this was an inevitability that he was more than prepared for. If there was ever a time to make his goals clear, it was now.

"If multitasking between duties and training a mage is beyond a vampire’s reach, then they don’t deserve the title of count. My father would wholeheartedly agree," Ben said. He would not elaborate on the barely-there relationship between himself and his father anymore than that. This wasn’t new to anyone who was familiar with his family’s dynamics. Perhaps Varis was fishing for information. He was looking at the wrong person for that, but he supposed it is what it is.

That said, it was his chance to make a statement. "As for the current power vacuum, the solution is simple: I have every intention of taking the role of Lord for myself, of course."

Varis leaned back, adjusting his gloves absently, and cast an appraising look over Ben. What ambition. Clearly not quite cut from the same cloth as his weakling house but ambition was the trait of the bold and the stupid in equal measure. He still hadn’t settled on which this Eve was but he was still favoring the latter. “Lord of the Eves. A lofty goal, an admirable goal. But how do you plan to accomplish that? Dracul’s passing put your father in a stronger position than ever. You’d have to climb over him to get to it at this point. Not that I intend to discourage you from cannibalizing your familial relations for power but I don’t see that type of desperation in you, Count Benjamin. Where do you plan to begin?”

Ben suppressed the chuckle coming from him. He wasn’t about to show his hand to a Sinnenodel, especially when nothing was guaranteed. He was, after all, still working on getting other support, but he supposed that Varis wondered where his confidence was coming from. “There are things I would like to change, and to make that change, I need power. What better power than the seat of the Lord? Although, if it comes off as desperation, I’ll keep that in mind,” He briefly mused as he sat back in his seat. “I’m currently looking for influence outside of my father’s circle, and after seeking council from other, older vampires, I think I’ll have what I need to take the needed steps forward.”

He remained confident, but he supposed now was as good a time as ever to keep his word. “Her Highness has her reasons for choosing us as our houses’ representatives. I feel she sees something in each of us, whether it be ambition, drive, power...and as such, I think it would be to our mutual benefit to have a positive relationship while attending the academy. Maintain the peace and what have you.”

“Her Highness pulls families apart with a poorly guised demand. I’m not naive enough to believe she’s choosing us for her Academy’s reputation or to foster whatever ambiguous talents she sees in us. She’s calculating in her choices and that’s why our Queen is as lenient with this place as she is. Look at her choices from the Houses. From the Marivaldis, she summons the last heiress of the previous Lord despite the rumors suggesting she has plans to overthrow Salazar. It isn’t a stretch of the imagination Ryner is showing her support for the vampiress and is setting up a direct conflict in the public eye between the two Houses. From the Sinnenodels, she takes the favorite of Lady Sinnenodel herself. While we are colleagues on Council matters, this puts a key opponent to many of her propositions under her direct authority. Coupled with a position that already drives vampires to bask in the sunlight, Her Highness can effectively stall my ability to intervene in any of her plans while also attempting to usher me out of my position that much faster.” Varis commented, ticking the families on his fingers as he spoke. “From the Eve’s, she specifically took the children of the two most powerful Traditionalist factions. With the recent passing of Count Dracul, your father is in the prime position to combine the two and remove the modernists’ favorite from power. How interesting that she called you after a long line of others. Normally, I’d argue choosing you was intended to foster your House’s instability but doing nothing would achieve that faster.” Varis tapped on the table next to them as he spoke.

“And then of course, there is the low born Astorio. An odd choice considering the pedigrees of her other Noble representatives. I was admittedly confused about the decision, how the juxtaposition of breeding made the Astorios look, until I had a conversation with the vampire. A headhunter for the Council. And with no one else on the Council in the immediate vicinity, the Princess has direct authority over him.” Varis chuckled darkly. “Right next door to the three potential heirs. Funny how it all works out, hm? Ryner is several hundred years old. She preaches tolerance and peace but she’s as ruthless as her sister.” And didn’t Varis know that. Although, he begrudgingly admitted it worked in their favor. Getting the up and coming son of the Traditionalist faction in the Eves under their thumb was brilliant and he hated her for it.

“The Sinnenodels find positive relationships are built on reciprocation and frankly Count Benjamin, I’m not entirely sure what you have to offer me in return. I find it strange that although I know your father’s status, I was unaware of you. Curious. Most advertise their progeny with pride.” Varis considered his options. Clearly, Count Benjamin was going somewhere. That much was clear. But Varis wasn’t sure where he was falling just yet and he was hesitant to make investments into a vampire he’d barely met. If he truly was aiming for the Lordship, he was in the perfect position to take it. Just a twist of the knife in a few spots and he’d be sitting at the Council in no time. It piqued his curiosity enough to move forward. He’d add this to Malek’s task list later tonight. “Now that being said, your plain ambition has caught my attention. So I propose a gathering of the nobles here at the Academy. I’ll arrange the affair, list you as the guest of honor, start a few positive comments among the mages at the Academy, really set the foundation for these positive relations you spoke of. I imagine it’d be easier if the nobles prime council were favorable towards you and who better to act as your foil than the conniving Count Sinnenodel.”

The anonymity worked in his favor once again. Ben would never admit that there was a reason his father never mentioned him, but to be frank, for once he could say that it was for the best. That could be easily waved away by any number of excuses, but instead he was cautious about the offer presented to him. Perhaps he had been too naive to think that simply coexisting without issue was too much to ask. At this point in time there was little that Ben could offer in return and the idea of owing a Sinnenodel was dangerous. He had one or two things he could possibly offer in return but nothing concrete. He would have to take a gamble and see what would happen.

Ben ended up agreeing with Varis, leaning forward casually in his seat. "You're right. And for that, I do have something to offer in return," He kept his voice low before he continued, "I have it under good authority that there is a myriad of assassination attempts in your house—as I'm sure that much is commonplace among nobility, but what sets this set apart are the targets. Mainly those of the eldest bloodlines." He made sure to pay careful attention to the count's response.

"Assassinations against the eldest bloodlines?" Varis murmured thoughtfully. It was halfway through his career. It was only a matter of time before his rivals took aim but he doubted anyone would start with assassination attempts this early. Which left one exhausting cultript. She couldn't wait another decade or two before she started getting bored with them? He’d need to double down on the boy’s affinity practice and swordplay. “Is that all? Some baseless rumors someone, somewhere, at sometime will try and assassinate us? The list of enemies we have as a House would rival some of the longest pieces of literature known to vampire kind. Is there more to this like some sort of dramatic pause because from where I stand, I’m setting you up for a bright future and only getting vague warnings in response.” Varis resisted the urge to pull out his phone and review the update security features Malek forwarded to him.

Ben thought that was a rather disinterested response all things considered. He did, however, recall his father's information on the Sinnenodel heir. Varis was either a talented actor or a fool, and Ben wasn't going to assume the latter just yet. However, he had yet to fully convince him. That much was fair at least, he would need to get the information from the duchess.

"As a gesture of goodwill and proof of my intentions I will get you specifics—I can assure you that I received that information on good authority and can get more in a relatively short amount of time," Ben promised.

“Normally, I don’t take promises as a reasonable exchange but I’ll make an exception for a beneficial future.” Varis agreed after a few minutes of consideration and took out his phone, pulling up his calendar. “We’ll have a midnight blood tasting. I recommend your mage prepare a demonstration of a skill; the other nobles are sure to be interested in someone worthy of Ryner’s generosity.”

“Now, for invitations. They’ll go out in a few days but considering our lack of familiarity, what title would you prefer on them? I doubt Count Benjamin Pierce of House Eve is enough to do the son of Devon Pierce justice.” Varis asked.

Ben wasn’t entirely sure how to feel, albeit despite supposedly being the one to benefit he couldn’t help but feel that he had somehow lost. At the very least nothing of value was taken, with one foot in the door he could make his own impression to the other nobles. He would have to contact Duchess Perez at the first chance he could to recall exactly what it was that she had told him. As for the demonstration, he sincerely believed it to be a good idea; he hadn’t the slightest clue what his mage was capable of now that he thought about it.

He did, however, give Varis a pointed look with the arrival of his question. “That will do just fine,” He stated plainly. “Should it change, I’m certain it would be known to all.”

Varis stepped into Ryner’s office with practiced nonchalance. The Princess looked up, ready to greet him, but he held up his hand as he waited for the doors to close behind him. She gave him a confused look as he calmly walked to her desk, rested his weight on his hands as he leaned over, and smiled sharply. Varis stayed like that for half a minute, staring straight into Ryner’s eyes who returned the look with confusion and concern. She opened her mouth again and Varis brought a finger to her lips, shushing her softy.

“Would you like to explain,” He softly, his voice growing increasingly louder as he continued. “Why in Geoffry’s royal backside you encouraged mental magic?!” He was screaming at the end, his calm facade broken and his face twisted in his fury. “His affinity is a keep part of our agenda and you’re willing to gamble with it? You have waited this long for the perfect poster mage and you’re willing to throw it all away because he’s a little nervous around mind mages? Have you lost your mind, Ryner? Because I’m having serious problems putting my faith in your little scheme now.”

Ryner’s expression went from concern to boredom almost instantly. She waited politely for him to finish. “Varis, sit down and use your inside voice please. It’s exhausting keeping up with your temper so take a moment and collect yourself and we’ll start again.” Varis wanted to reach across the desk and slap that condescending smirk of her face but he knew that friendly as they were, even that would be too far. So he sat down with a huff, slinging one leg over the arm of the chair and propping his arm up against the other so he could rest his cheek on his fist. Ryner shook her head in fond exasperation.

“So, now that I’m at a better viewing angle.” Varis said, free hand gesturing as he spoke. “Would you care to explain yourself? I know you’re a scheming bitch behind closed doors but really, I’m offended I wasn’t included. And when I say offended, I mean livid.”

“I believe you made that quite clear.” Ryner said drly. “And of course I’m going to encourage him. Sybil is the epitome of the worst of vampire kind and if anyone can do something to have some peace of mind around her, then let them. We’re putting Aaron through the wringer; give him something at the very least.”

Varis stared at her like she’d grown two heads. Misplaced sympathies drove her to jeopardize everything they’d worked on? How utterly absurd! Why would she let emotions cloud her judgement now? Of all the times she could have shown some inane empathy and she chose now to mess with one of the keystones of their plan. Varis contemplated leaving, he really did. Getting up and working on his exit plan would be the perfect break and, if he played his cards right, Ryner would be out of the picture forever.

“Varis, calm down. I can smell the stench of your cowardice from here.” Ryner cut off his train of thought with an exasperated sigh, a feeling she had long ago resigned herself to experience whenever she even thought about this particular vampire much less spoke with him face to face. “His choice in major also serves as a precautionary measure. If he can learn to keep his mind shut in Sybil’s presence, then anything he may learn will not make it to her. You can’t be around him all the time and I guarantee she is already plotting ways to get him away from you. It is important to make him self sufficient. Focusing on him and him alone would be detrimental after a while.”

“Yes Ryner, I am fully aware of the ramifications of his choice. I agree that it is a useful skill and an arguably critical one but the risk, Ryner. If we lose his affinity, we lose the Starag connection and we have to start all over. Which, I’m not sure if you recall this little, tiny, miniscule detail, but he is the last male heir because you and yours can’t seem to get your pets breeding properly.” Varis retorted. “His affinity is far more important that sparing him a little mental torture. In fact, it would have been beneficial. You may as well be taking the tools out of my hands and throwing them into the ocean, Ryner.” Varis narrowed his eyes. Was Ryner impulsive, emotional? Yes. Was she stupid? She wouldn’t have made it this long if she were. Something else was going on here and Varis didn’t like it. It must have shown on his face because Ryner sighed and rested her face on her hands.

“You know I’m going to ask. You don’t want him to learn to protect him from my Lady.” Varis sat up, grinning. He could smell a favor coming his way. “He knows something he isn’t supposed to, doesn’t he? You want to make sure someone else doesn’t find out what he knows. Oh, this is too precious. What did the boy learn? Tell me.” Ryner grumbled irritably and Varis kept pushing. “You have to tell me, Ryner. He’s my mage and I’m entitled to know everything that he does. And if you don’t tell me, I’ll just go to him. You might be as stubborn as an old goat but he isn’t. Devoted, yes. And he’ll resist for a little while. He’s stubborn like the rest of his lineage but I have no doubt when I give him the option of advancing his training or telling me the truth of the matter, he’ll buckle. He knows so little about the real world, has so many first experiences left, that he’ll want an out when I offer to personally give him a hands on experience.” If looks could kill, Varis knew the look Ryner sent his way would have obliterated him but he also knew he won. This is why you shouldn’t have soft spots for mages.

Ryner struggled with herself, the conflicting emotions playing out on her face an absolute joy for Varis. It sent a thrill through him knowing he backed Ryner into a corner. She leaned over the desk, beckoning him close and speaking in a low voice. “If the Council found out you know, they’d stake you and leave you for the sun. Are you sure you want to know Varis? We’re already risking as much as we are.” Varis gave her an unamused look. Of course he wanted to know and Ryner gave a defeated sigh. She beckoned him in a little closer and whispered into his ear.


Varis blinked a few times. It took him a moment to register what she said and he turned slowly to look at her, covering a grin with her hand, eyes sparkling with mirth, and shoulders shaking with silent laughter. Psych? Psychic? Psychology? Psychotic? Clearly, Ryner was messing with him but what was psych? He’d never heard of someone just using the word psych in this situation. As far as he was aware, it meant to prepare yourself mentally but clearly that wasn’t the case here.

“I don’t know what nonsense you just pulled but I’m sure I should be offended.” Varis said, bristling. He didn’t know what “psych” was but he was sure it was some sort of insult and while he had no issue throwing one back in her face, he couldn’t do it effectively if he didn’t know what the insult was!

“Oh sweet, sweet stars, your face!” Ryner wiped away blood gathering in the corner of her eyes. “It’s a cute little mortal prank that I saw on a TV show I was watching the other night and I just wanted to try it. It was so satisfying! I see why they do it.” She took a moment to collect herself while Varis gave her a flat, unamused look again. Why he liked her was beyond him. Such a queer fascination with mortal culture but he couldn’t all toegther blame her. This past month had been an absolute nightmare and they all had to find a distraction where they could. At least one of his easier ones was on campus. He had no idea what Ryner did to destress until now. Indulge in mortal culture apparently.

“No, no. I encouraged it because it will likely alienate him further away from the student body. Not that he’s making many friends but I’m hoping the initial effects of his choice drives the ones he has away. Add a little stress from the peer pressure of joining the little social club the mental students cultivated and you have the perfect kindling. Just make sure you don’t save him too quickly.” Ryner said, her face twisted like she tasted something foul. Varis rolled his eyes. Anytime she talked about doing something bad to the boy, her silly conscious kicked in and the guilt started eating away at her. This was why he was in charge of the boy. She would have given up before she even started because of her silly attachments. Varis thanked himself every day for keeping his perspective proper; mages were tools, nothing more, nothing less. Those who forgot that always lost something in the long run.

“Fine. It’s not like I can do anything about it anyways.” Varis grumbled, fiddling with his gloves. Ryner looked down at them confused but Varis ignored it. “But, aren’t you the crafty one. Benjamin Pierce Eve. Heir to the only traditionalist faction in the Eve family and an ambitious one too. How many favors have you pulled out of him or is he practically indebted to you for the rest of his existence?”

“I’m not trying to extort favors from him, thank you very much. I’m trying to cultivate a friendly and positive relationship with him. Unlike you, I understand that twisting someone’s arm isn’t always the best way to handle things.” Ryner said with a judgemental sniff. “But if he did feel indebted to me when I help lead the way to his Lordship, then who am I to refuse his feelings of good will? Plus, I assumed once you figured out who he was, you’d adjust your end of the plan. He’s quite the feather in a cap from any viewpoint isn’t he?”

"He's a mage sympathist, Ryner. What part of that makes him a good ally for the Sinnenodels." Varis shot back. "We did have the chance to talk briefly during the first spell theory lab. My first impression is boring and far too serious. He'll break under all the pressure he's putting on himself. But he surprised me. I made him an offer. I'd introduce him to the fellow nobles, get his reputation on campus a boost, and all that. He took it but I almost laughed. He offered me a rumor that there are assassinations lined up against most, if not all, of the older Sinnenodel bloodlines."

"Already? Isn't it a little early? It's only been five decades. I didn't realize assassinations were planned this far in advance." Ryner said frowning. Varis waved off the thought.

"If they are true it's not likely any of my rivals. Assassinations protocol is the last decade and a half. Too much chaos otherwise. No, no." Varis sighed and shrugged. "This is my Lady's doing if the rumors are true. She'll probably hold them off a little while yet. I lined up a new pet for her to torture for the next decade at least. Feliks Valscoffie or whatever his name is. His mage fetishist vampire and he should provide ample entertainment for me to extort some favors from my dear family in the name of defense."

"Its Vasiliev, Varis, and I would greatly appreciate it if you stopped treating a premier artist and his wife like garbage. And further-" Ryner blinked as she processed everything past the blatant disrespect. “You served them up to Sybil as a distraction? You know she’ll try to ruin their marriage right? And if that doesn’t work, she’ll just kill them. Oh stars above, Varis. You are a heartless wretch.”

“What is your problem? I’ve kept one of our biggest threats distracted and it only cost us two societal anomalies. Imagine how much more his remaining works will be when they’re colored by tragedy. And anyways, isn’t that a bit hypocritical? You’re utterly destroying someone you like for the sake of your goals while I throw someone I wouldn’t grace the time of night if I could avoid it to the wolves and you say I’m the heartless wretch?” Varis laughed. “Please. I suggested we avoid the mage all together. We have the Red Hand’s daughter. That should have been enough to unite these idiotic renegades that are too busy fighting each other to do anything substantial.”

“At least I know what I’m doing is horrible and I will hate myself for as long as I live but it’s for the greater good. You on the other hand are a selfish jerk who prioritizes the suffering of these poor people over the benefits it reaps.” Ryner explained. “And yet, I still enjoy your company. Probably because you’re the only one who isn’t afraid to actually talk straight to me. Everyone else dances on eggshells in the event I express my displeasure. Now, I have another meeting in twenty and I’d like to have some time to prepare. Was there anything else you needed, Varis?”

“Not particularly. I thought I’d bother you for a while before I returned to running my enemies into the ground and expanding the Sinnenodel business empire but if my time is up, my time is up.” Varis sighed dramatically as he pushed himself up from the chair, tugging at his gloves again and smoothing the wrinkles from his clothes.

“You know, I think you somehow managed to slide back a century. I don’t think gloves have been a fashion point since I was a fledgling, Varis. Why are you wearing those? I’m surprised your diva can even stand the sight of them.” Ryner teased and Varis glared at her.

“I know what you’re insinuating and we are merely acquaintances who understand having a mutually beneficial relationship is a good thing. He’s useful.” Varis snapped.

“Really? And what are you getting out of him?” Ryner asked.

“He’s a foot into an industry I didn’t have easy access to before and he’s the one who put me in contact with your pet tailor for Chaend. Plus, his sister has a reputation for quick dramatics. The cover ups are excellent.” Varis retorted. Ryner lifted her brow, a thoughtful frown on her face.

“But I could have put you in contact with him and it probably would have been done faster. What’s worth more, a recommendation from a Princess or a child actor? And yet you went to him. That speaks volumes, Varis.” Ryner pointed out. “And you are obsessed with efficiency, So why didn’t you come to me?” Varis leaned over the desk and she smiled sweetly at the darkening of his eyes.

“Listen here, you meddlesome old crone. You will not spread slander and lies about my relationships with my business associates. There is nothing more between us than convenience, especially now that he is here. No, I will not “settle down”. We aren’t all emotional fools with attachment issues.” Varis glared at her and pushed off the desk, turning sharply on his heel.

“Then, you wouldn’t mind if I took an interest, hm?” Ryner said slyly. Varis paused for just a moment, sending her a look over his shoulder.

“He’s not your type.” Varis said as he left. Ryner laughed with a shake of her head.
James Kingston

Location: The Mutant Underground's New HQ
Skills: N/A

”Good.That was a nasty burn.” James said when Cayden cleared his worries. He stifled a laugh at Blink’s idea, an image of Vulcan dropping out of the sky onto a random street corner quite amusing. Extra points if they left him tied up. It was literally the least he deserved. His attention was quickly snapped back to Casper and if he had to guess from the panicking, he guessed his high was wearing off and the ghosts were coming back. But Jack was there and he was probably better at handling this episode thing but at least he could explain the situation to Veil before their resident frost queen decided to snap and make the issues worse.

“Casper can see ghosts and he’s scared as shit of them.” James spoke softly, hoping Casper’s panicking would keep him from being overheard by anyone else. He stayed in the room, hovering a little as the situation unfolded. He definitely felt like even more of an ass for his behavior earlier and he hoped Callie could help, even if it was just enough to get him to stop panicking. “Shit, is there anything else we can do to help? Can Ben do anything to help?” Although, once the question was in the air, James immediately regretted it. Clearly, Ben couldn’t do anything to help otherwise he probably would have already.

Artemis “Arty” Harrington

Location: Platform 9 ¾ -> Compartment 1
Magic: N/A

“It’s going to be totally rad! Dream team prefects, right here!” Arty agreed excitedly to both Madalyn and Penny. He slung his arm around Mary’s shoulders as their responsibilities were laid out. He grimaced at the thought of having to take away House points from his own classmates. Confrontation was totally harsh and always gave him a wicked case of the collywobbles. Hopefully, no one would do anything dodgy around him and he could leave that mess to the other prefects! He just had to pray to everything he could think of and hope a certain tosser in slytherin didn’t bother to make an appearance. Though, he didn’t have high ones.

But the news about the Celestial Ball turned his entire mood right back, especially when Mary volunteered. “Oh, me too! Me too! Mary and I know our onions about dances! Well, dancing but if you know how to do it, you know how to make it fun!” Artie laughed. Maybe he could slip in some muggle stuff and giggle with Apollo and Elizabeth when all the purebloods went totally mental over all of it. Artie giggled to himself but he could never do that. Too mean for an event that everyone was supposed to have fun at! “Oh, this is totally wicked! When is it happening this year? How long do we have? When do we get to start planning? I want to make this as amazing as possible for everyone!” Artie beamed, pointedly ignoring the very real possibility he might be overloading himself but that was a bridge to burn later. He felt a tad peckish so he crossed the compartment to ask the trolley for something to munch on only to be met with a dim patronus that he recognized well, nodding at the message.

"Oh thank you! Mary, Apollo and Georgina are right down the corridor in 3!" he told his friend as it vanished and he turned to the trolley. They hadn't brought any money their first year but Artue remembered pressing his face against the glass to look at the trolley laden with sweets and he made sure to bring a bit of money each year after. "One box of Bertie Bott's every flavour beans please! His first bean ever had been tripe immediately followed by marmalade and he'd been absolutely tickled by the idea, it quickly became his favorite of the wizarding sweets. He still preferred butterscotch but the harmless risk made it a silly thrill!

"We interrupt your program for an emergency broadcast. One week ago, the terrorist group known as the Red Hand launched an unprecedented attack against the students of the Noila Academy. The terrorists kidnapped Valentina Ricci, once an anti-treaty activist and known isolationist, and forced her to frenzy hours before releasing her into a campus of Reveling students. While the threat was contained quickly, six students suffered critical injuries before the vampire was apprehended: fourth year Andres Santiago, fourth year Sofia Andrich, third year Elijah White, second year Mallore Dalish, second year Isabella Smith, and first year Cassandra Roth."

As their names were called, a photo of each student flickered across the screen.

“All students were transferred to intensive care immediately following the attacks and while there has still been no official word on their condition current condition, most are expected to make a full recovery in the next few years. The students and their families have been taken into protective custody until Princess Nox confirms that these students were not selected intentionally. We go live now to the steps of the Grand Citadel where the Council and Princess Ryner have gathered to release an official statement."

The Grand Citadel loomed above the gathered reporters, the Council standing at the top of the steps looking grim. Queen Anastasia stood directly in the center, Lady Sinnenodel's proxy and Lord Astorio on the left and Lord Eve and Lord Marivaldi on her right. Princess Ryner stood at the base of the steps, the Royal Guard separating her from the crowd of reporters murmuring among themselves. The Princess held her hand up for silence and the murmuring stopped.

"Tonight, I stand here to take responsibility for a brutal and horrific attack against the innocent. In an unprecedented move, the rogue mage group known as the Red Hand tortured a vampire into animalistic instinct and directed her at a campus of unprepared and unaware mages. Thanks to the actions of Victor Astorio, Eris Samael, and countless other students, the intrusion came to the attention of both campus security and the Royal Guard who quickly and efficiently secured the campus and ended any further threats to the students. I am eternally grateful to those who stood up against this cowardly, unjust attack."

"But as quickly as the threat was subdued, six students still suffered injuries. Even one would have been too many but six students under my protection breaks my heart." Ryner paused a moment as her calm and determined demeanor fell, showing the frustration and grief. It took her a moment to blink away the tears prickling at the corner of her eyes but she got herself back under control. "We stand in our grief with the families of these students. This attack has not only hurt their child but has taken their sense of safety and peace of mind. Yhee Council has provided them with a secure location to stay together for the duration of their child's recovery but that is a far cry from the stability the families had before this. As the person who was responsible for protecting everything they've lost this past week, I beg both their and the peoples' forgiveness."

"But I will not cower in the face of my failures. If anything, my resolve has never been stronger. Never will such an atrocity occur again so long as I still walk under the starry sky. But, I do not expect you to believe me after my incompetence led to such a disaster. In the words of a dear colleague, promises are little more than the empty shell of actions. This past week, I’ve spent evenight, midnight, and morn securing additional security measures for the Noila Academy. Princess Nox is currently occupied leading the investigation but she has graciously given one of her top mages leave to retrain the campus security, review and bolster existing wards, and develop security policy that will set the standard for all mage colleges across the realm. I am personally funding these improvements both here and at other colleges; I will not rely on public funds to cover my shortcomings.” Ryner spoke with determination, making eye contact with the cameras. “Furthermore, I have decided to develop a community outreach program to help reduce the ease with which this group can recruit. I will not be doing this alone. Many of the realm’s top empaths will be assisting, including Isadora Starag and her partner Count Alder Noila. I know nothing I can do will fix what has already happened but I can ensure this will never happen again.”
Okay guys! Here is the Official Time Skip post format! I’ll always update the dates. If a section doesn’t work for the update, then feel free to ignore it. Dates for your pieces don’t have to be exact but a close approximation would be excellent.

James Kingston

Location: The Mutant Underground's New HQ
Skills: N/A

“Well, I’m probably not gonna be able to fix it up that much but with some hard work and supplies, we can at least get electricity running in here. I think.” James beamed back at Casper. “And hopefully deal with the rats. That’s definitely not something we need if we plan to use this as a long term base. But I’ve got to admit, I’m a little nervous about a supply run after last time we did one.” James led the way into the dining room, pausing to look around real quick. He ignored Vulcan and made his way over to Cayden.

“Hey, how you holding up after everything man? Face working properly?” James asked as he looked him over real quick. He didn’t see any lingering damage but he couldn’t feel it like Cayden might be able to. “So we got a plan for him? We can’t just leave him unattended after he crashed the hospital right? Also, anyone seen Jack? Casper said he wanted to find him.

Artemis “Arty” Harrington

Location: Platform 9 ¾ -> Compartment 1
Magic: Legilimency

“Look at this sibling! Coming in clutch!” Arty beamed as his trolley rolled to a neat stop next to him, still laughing as he spun a few steps with Mary. That was another thing he was looking forward to. His muggle friends didn’t mind dancing but none of them ever wanted to spontaneously boogie like he did at Hogwarts. It was football this, football that, and they always looked at him oddly when he didn’t know the newest songs and TV shows. Arty didn’t mind the occasion jog down the pitch but when Quidditch was an option, muggle sports utterly boring. He whirled out of Mary’s steps to wrap his best friend up in another hug when the clattering of his luggage hitting the floor made him jump and turn on his brother, horror written across his face. “What’s your dama- Oh, you have Nonnie! Aw, baby come here!” He cooed at his cat in her carrier, taking her from his brother with a reassuring clap in the arm. “Don’t worry, Apollo. Its common to have performance problems.” He snickered as he picked up his scattered luggage. He gave his parents a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek before he bolted after Mary.

“Georgina, Apollo we’ll be back. Can’t be skipping on the first year!” Arty said to them. “Send me a Patronus once you pick a compartment so we can find you without looking more legless than we need two!” He bounced off down the train, excitedly waving and greeting at anyone he passed. His wave may have been a little less excited around the Slytherins but as long as they weren’t part of her little group, it should all be peaches! He hooked his arm in Mary’s as he caught up with her, throwing the compartment door open, and immediately dove for a window seat. “Penny! I’m so chuffed! Prefect buddies!” He beamed at the other hufflepuff and he looked around, waving at Madalyne. “This year is going to be totally happen’en! Look at this rad group we got here!” Arty turned to Penny as she spoke and nodded. “Oh, she’s old enough to attend! If she’s as awesome as her older sister, she’ll totally be a hufflepuff! Gosh, it totally slipped my mind she was coming with the prefect letter. We should have put her with Gerogina and Apollo. I don’t know two better mates to hype up all the fun of school! How excited is she? I can only imagine she's absolutely bonkers right now!”
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