Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 1 day ago

Artemis “Arty” Harrington

Location: Platform 9 ¾ -> Compartment 1
Magic: N/A

“It’s going to be totally rad! Dream team prefects, right here!” Arty agreed excitedly to both Madalyn and Penny. He slung his arm around Mary’s shoulders as their responsibilities were laid out. He grimaced at the thought of having to take away House points from his own classmates. Confrontation was totally harsh and always gave him a wicked case of the collywobbles. Hopefully, no one would do anything dodgy around him and he could leave that mess to the other prefects! He just had to pray to everything he could think of and hope a certain tosser in slytherin didn’t bother to make an appearance. Though, he didn’t have high ones.

But the news about the Celestial Ball turned his entire mood right back, especially when Mary volunteered. “Oh, me too! Me too! Mary and I know our onions about dances! Well, dancing but if you know how to do it, you know how to make it fun!” Artie laughed. Maybe he could slip in some muggle stuff and giggle with Apollo and Elizabeth when all the purebloods went totally mental over all of it. Artie giggled to himself but he could never do that. Too mean for an event that everyone was supposed to have fun at! “Oh, this is totally wicked! When is it happening this year? How long do we have? When do we get to start planning? I want to make this as amazing as possible for everyone!” Artie beamed, pointedly ignoring the very real possibility he might be overloading himself but that was a bridge to burn later. He felt a tad peckish so he crossed the compartment to ask the trolley for something to munch on only to be met with a dim patronus that he recognized well, nodding at the message.

"Oh thank you! Mary, Apollo and Georgina are right down the corridor in 3!" he told his friend as it vanished and he turned to the trolley. They hadn't brought any money their first year but Artue remembered pressing his face against the glass to look at the trolley laden with sweets and he made sure to bring a bit of money each year after. "One box of Bertie Bott's every flavour beans please! His first bean ever had been tripe immediately followed by marmalade and he'd been absolutely tickled by the idea, it quickly became his favorite of the wizarding sweets. He still preferred butterscotch but the harmless risk made it a silly thrill!

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 15 days ago

Elizabeth Flame

Location: Compartment 6
Magic: N/A

Elizabeth rolled her eyes, but grinned all the while. It was great to be back with her friend again, already loaded and ready to cause mischief. The idea of watching some smart brats try not to blow their fingers off sounded like a hell of a fun time, and she was standing back up before Fae had a chance to open the door.

"'Aye, the muggles have games they play on screens now." She said, remembering seeing shops that had demos for some truly marvelous things. Tetris, particularly, had intrigued her, seeing how easily Muggles seemed to be amused. "What about on your end? Anything new in the Wizard omg World?" Elizabeth asked, following close behind her friend.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Madalyne Crane

Location: Hogwarts Express, Compartment 1
Skills: N/A

Madalyne looked at Artie and smiled towards him, it was always nice to see him this energetic and it was always fun to see, except for the time when they met when he nearly wrecked her chess set. "Artie we should play a round of chess or something sometime this year." Madalyne suggested. As her attention turned to the Head Boy and Head Girl, she had become prefect last year she remembered showing all of the first years to the Gryffindor Common Room and Dormitories as well. Then Madalyne's attention perked up when they announced that the Celestial Ball was this year. She was about to raise her hand when Mary and Artemis stepped in and volunteered which she didn't mind either, it would be really hard with Quidditch along with her studies and Prefect duties.

"Oh it is going to be so rad cant wait to see what the two of you have planned!" Madalyne said smiling even more, as she turned her attention towards the Trolley Witch, asking if any of them wanted any kind of sweets. "I'll take a chocolate frog and two boxes of Bertie Bott's Every Flavored Beans please." Madalyne said as she dug into her pockets, her aunt and uncle gave her some money for the trolley if she wanted to. Remembering her first year ever going to Hogwarts she just stared at all of the treats there, and pretty much bought one of everything back then.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Zelda Flynn

Location: Compartment 13
Magic: N/A

"Your cat is definitely more then a little bit dramatic, and this coming from someone who can easily spend a day in the life of a cat to see what all the talk is about," she said with a small laugh, still petting Goose who was still curled up in her lap, and effectively ignoring Hestia's existence. Zelda shook her slightly, but said nothing else too much about it. The cats' actions spoke for themselves, and she knew that Goose didn't actually care too much what other cats thought about him.

"Yeah... I heard about the article that Skeeter wrote, but I hadn't actually read it or anything," she said, taking the paper from Paige and looking at the article that was there. Her family did get the Daily Prophet, but she generally chose to ignore it and not read it at all. "All Rita Skeeter cares about is a story, not so much about anything about who is effected or any of that stuff. It's honestly a bit annoying... I know that if I were the families of those Aurors, I definitely would be pissed off at the idea of someone more or less brandishing what happened to my family members in that sort of way." She left unsaid the idea that since her parents were both Aurors that that sort of thing could happen at any point to her really.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Apollo Harrington

Location: Cabin 3

As Georgina told him about the events that had unfurled in their absence, he couldn't help but recall his divination. One thing stuck inside his mind on loop, her stating that shed been practicing magic to take on Death Eaters. He understood where she was coming from, knew what that meant to her, what being an Auror meant to her. But her statement coupled with his final draw sent chills down his spine as he wondered if she would be the one to fall. "Blimie. I hadn't heard of yet...these followers are no joke then huh? Quite frankly I'd say they're all just ponce's stirring up trouble that don't need be." Better words were never spoken than when the Trolley Witch came by. Apollo quickly rummaged through his pockets as he pulled out a few coins. "One pumpkin pasties please." He knew one of those frogs were for him so he didn't bother grabbing another, getting his treat as he awaited for the wench to move along closing the compartment door once the goodies were handed out.

"Thanks for the chocolate frog. Any road listen, Georgina...I know what this all means to you but...anyone would be off their trolley to go against these Death Eaters alone, let alone a student. This spread wasn't exactly a bright one and I'd be down right upset if something happened to you. I'm not saying you aren't bright or strong but all it takes is to throw a spanner in the works and then next you know it you could become another victim of their disgusting tirade. Please...if you see one, dont go at it alone, call for us." Apollo sat there for a moment, fiddling with his treat before finally taking a bite of his pastie before finally unwrapping his chocolate frog looking at his card. Cyprian Youdle - 1312–1357. Only Quidditch referee ever to die during a match. The originator of the curse was never caught but believed to have been a member of the crowd.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

Compartment 1 -

The Head Girl nodded, smiling as Mary and Artemis volunteered. She was rather happy that the fifth years were taking the initiative when it came to planning the Celestial Ball. It was a good sign that Hogwarts would be in good hands after she and the Head Boy graduated. Maybe Mary and Artemis would even replace them in their seventh year. "Thank you. The Celestial Ball is scheduled for October 9th - the night of the Full Moon. The details are up to you, though Professor Flitwick is the staff member you'll be coordinating with. Please meet with him some time this week."

"And with that, thanks everyone - that's all of the boring business we have. It'll be a rad, brilliant year!" the Head Boy concluded. The prefects were free to stay in the compartment or move to a different one.

The trolley witch had now moved on, servicing compartments 5,6,7, and 8.

Compartment 3 -

The trolley witch had now moved on, servicing compartments 5,6,7, and 8. However, Georgina and Apollo likely won't be alone with their sweets for long. They'll be able to see some prefects heading out of compartment 1, as it is right next to compartment 3, so Mary and Artemis should be joining them shortly.

Compartment 6 -

Outside of Fae and Elizabeth's compartment was the Honeydukes Express - the little trolley laden with the very best and finest in wizarding sweets. "Anything from the trolley, dears?" she asked kindly. Since she had only gone to a few compartments so far, she hadn't run out of any of the sweets yet.

Paige Atwell

Location: Compartment 13
Magic: N/A

Paige nodded, grimacing a little bit at the thought - Zelda's parents could be killed by the escaped Death Eaters. They were dangerous, dark criminals and she was certain that Zelda's parents were capable people, but it wasn't something she liked to think about. The only thing she enjoyed dwelling on less was what had become of her brother, Simon. He probably knew the escapees - maybe he was off hiding with them in some backwater blood purist hideout. She pet Hestia a little faster in her agitation, wishing that they were at Hogwarts already and she could put everything out of her mind with a proper duel.

"She'll get hers one day, I hope."

The compartment door slid open suddenly. "Atwell, Flynn," Merula Snyde sneered, one of her cronies - Ismelda - standing to her side. "Should've known I'd find you two queers in here," she taunted.

"Bag your face, Snyde," Paige snapped. She had an odd relationship with Merula. Sometimes, Merula enjoyed picking on her and at other times, Merula decided to be something like a friend to Paige. It was most definitely an odd relationship born out of their forced proximity, since they had to share a dorm room.

"Why don't you eat my shorts?" Ismelda chimed in, only to be met by a death glare from Merula.

"Shut up, I'm doing the talking. Why don't you go bother some mudbloods, Murk?"

Ismelda huffed. "Fine, Merula," she muttered, sulking as she withdrew and started heading down the corridor in the direction of the prefect's compartment.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Fae Mintfree

Location: Train Hallway
Skills: Physical Combat

As the two girls walked down the hallway of the train car, Fae raised her eyebrows at what Flame had mentioned, about games on screens. To her, it didn't sound like a wildly enjoyable experience. She always enjoyed games that got her blood flowing, and anything that could be played on a screen wouldn't do that. She suspected they'd more likely be games like wizard chess, a game which she couldn't ever manage to enjoy no matter how many times Maddy talked her into playing. Still, it was interesting, just another oddity that sprung up in the muggle world. When Flame asked her about the wizarding world, her face shifted to a more thoughtful expression.

"I mean, nothin' too interesting. The Hollyhead Harpies have been - Oh, wait, shite, yeah, there was the thing about the Deatheaters!" she said, coming to the realization that she'd completely forgotten the biggest piece of news of recent events. "A load of You-Know-Who's wastoid minions managed to get away from the Ministry. So if you see anyone dressed up in black with a bad vibe going on, go straight for the throat." The way she said it made it sound half like a joke, and half like an actual suggestion to deck anyone who looked sketchy. Then, as they walked down the hall, they saw a girl coming towards them, dark hair swept over her eye. Fae's first thought was, 'Hey, she's kind of cute in a bit of an emo way,' followed quickly by her second thought, 'Shite, that's one of Snyde's girls.' Her lips turned into a slight frown as she lifted her chin up. As the girl got closer, her frown turned into a small smirk.

"Oi, you're one of Snyde's girls, yeah?" Fae asked, an amused tone in her voice that suggested she wasn't looking for friendly conversation, but rather, looking to aggravate. "Your boss around?"

"What's your damage, Mintfree?" Ismelda scoffed, a large portion of her dark hair hanging in front of her face and obscuring her right eye. Fae pursed her lips, a tad bit surprised by the girl starting off the conversation on such an obvious negative note.

"Sorry, I just thought you and all her other cronies were glued to her arsecheeks. I never knew you could go anywhere without her to lead the way." Fae remarked, a mischievous grin on her lips. There was no point in subtlety at that point. The other girl seemed content to be adversaries, and Fae felt no reason to deny her that.

"Whatever, you filthy little blood traitor. I'm surprised they let you back into Hogwarts - you're hardly a witch!" Ismelda sneered, before shoving past Fae, and then Elizabeth. "Mind where you're going, mudblood bitch," she said as she past the Slytherin girl.

Oftentimes, when people are upset or frustrated or angry, they revert back to their first language. Anyone who knew Fae knew that her first language wasn't English; it was violence. She turned around as the girl passed her and her friend, and she took a step forward, passing Flame. As she did, she looked down at Flame, a smile on her lips, though it was a smile that didn't match the rest of her face, with its flushed red cheeks and furious eyes.

"'Scuse me, luv," she said as she sidled passed. By the time Fae came out on the other side of Elizabeth, Esmelda hadn't quite gotten out of arms reach. So, with another small step forward, Fae extended her arms outward, giving the girl a hard shove that caused her to stumble a bit down the hallway. "I'd 'ave saved the insults for a more open space, 'cause we're not the kind of people you want to be trapped in a box with."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 1 day ago

Mary Winthrop

Location: Compartment 1 -> Train hall
Magic: N/A

Mary was glad Artie raised his hand too. This was going to be a fantabulous year. She was glad the ball would be early in the year so once it was passed she could focus on her studies completely again. It wouldn't totally consume her semester. The rest of the tasks for the prefect seemed okay, she just had to be certain she didn't let anyone think she had gone mad with power or anything. Mary just wanted to make sure people were safe. She decided she would do her best and probably not take points away if she could help it.

"Thank you." Mary said to the Head students. "I'll make sure to set up a meeting with Flitwick as soon as possible." She had a decent relationship with Flitwick since she was one of the top Charms students.

"Let's book it and meet with the others." Mary said to Artie, she hadn't seen Georgia's Patronus, but probably because she hadn't gone out into the hall to get snacks. She had some snacks in her bag. She loved the lunches her dad packed for the train ride, and she always shared so her dad made sure to pack extra. Mary grabbed her backpack but left her trunk. "Oh and Mintfree says hi." Mary said to Madalyne as she started to exit.

Mary stepped out into the hall the witch with the trolly was pushing along asking the next group what they wanted when she heard Mintfree talking to someone, and from the sound of it not getting along with them. Mary glanced past the trolly and saw Murk, Mintfree, and Flame. When Murk started using some very derogatory terms. Mary frowned and started to slide past the trolly, skipping past compartment 3 where her friends were. Mintfree then pushed Murk, something Mary couldn't blame her for. And was actually a little impressed at Mintfree's restraint if she was honest with herself.

"No fighting." She said trying to keep her voice calm but authoritative, she had no idea how well she pulled that off though. "Murk, you're lucky we're not at the school yet. Mintfree you shouldn't be threatening people like that." She hated scolding her friend, but she knew that if someone else had caught them at fighting they both would have had detention so fast they wouldn't have known what hit them.

Mary didn't know Flame well, though she did know she was a rare student. A muggleborn in Slytherin. How the girl had survived the first couple of years of school was beyond her.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Madalyne Crane

Location: Hogwarts Express, Compartment 1 -> The Hallway
Skills: N/A

Madalyne looked up at Mary when she mentioned her friend saying hi, she knew that she should have stayed a little bit longer before boarding the train. But she had to listen to the yearly meetings held here first, she gave Mary a slight smile and nodded towards her, it was the most that she would probably get out of her anyway in the way of conversation. "Thank you." Madalyne said as she stood up, once the meeting was finished Madalyne followed shortly behind Mary, hopefully Fae wasn't to far from where Compartment One was right now. She saw the trolley witch pushing the trolley down to compartment six now.

Mary was still fairly close as well, when she went past the witch when she did Madalyne just saw Fae shoving Ismelda Murk to the ground wincing slightly. Though the girl most likely did deserve it in the first place as well, but she was a Prefect so she had to at least show some indifference though she wouldn't mind seeing Fae shoving one of Merula's cronies around. "Whats going on here?" Madalyne asked, while standing shortly behind Mary crossing her arms over her chest. Felix had followed shortly behind Madalyne and spotted Fae, he would quickly jump onto Fae's shoulder letting out a meow. Madalyne would look at Fae and gave her friend an approving smile letting her know that she did approve the shoving though.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Georgina Locke

Location: Compartment 3
Magic: N/A

Georgina thought about it and, as sweet as it was that Apollo was worried about her, she knew she needed to do this. Her father's death left so many questions unanswered. She didn't even know if it was a man or woman that offed him. She planned to find out though. She would do her own investigation and the group of escaped Death Eaters was a good lead.

"Appreciate it, mate, but I'll be fine. Going to get a good, solid year of learning in and be ready to tackle our tests. Going to have to be to pass so I can become an Auror. You know, I don't think you ever said or were ever sked, but what do you and Artemis want to do when you are older?" She figured that both of them could be good almost anywhere, with their mind-reading ability.

As she uttered it, she saw Mary walk by, eager that the gang would be together again until she saw her glance to the side and go off. She looked over to Apollo. "That was right odd. Wonder what got her distracted." Georgina stood up and opened the door, glancing over to see Mary confronting Fae, along with Ismelda looking upset. She chuckled at Mary's authoritative command to not fight. She knew it wouldn't do much, but it was nice to see the prefect in her. "Mary, let it go and come back in here and leave your prefect duties until we get to the school." Though Georgina kept a careful eye on Ismelda as well as the others. Something happened she missed and she wasn't about to miss it again.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 1 day ago

Artemis “Arty” Harrington

Location: Compartment 1 -> The Hallway
Magic: N/A

As the Head Boy and Girl spoke about the ball, Arty couldn’t resist popping open the the box of delicious and horrific beans and shove an entire handful in his mouth. What better way to reintroduce yourself into the wonders of the wizarding world than a totally horrible flavor combo straight out of Berty’s worst nightmares. Any hope of a scrummy mouthful was dashed as a wave of earthworm, dirt, and possible booger slammed into his taste buds washed down with banana, rotten egg, and sausage. He coughed and laughed, eyes tearing up as he chewed the disgusting combination and swallowed it. It took him a few moments to recover from it, laughing horribly at the pear shaped attempt, but he nodded his understanding to the Head Boy and Girl.

“This Celestial Ball is gonna be totally sweet with the best mates in Hogwarts on the job!” He announced excitedly after they were dismissed. He couldn’t wait to tell Apollo and Georgina! He bet they’d be totally chuffed! He bounced out after Madalyn and Mary, needing the extra second to recover from his first fist full of beans, and picked out two at a time. Marshmallow and Cherry this time. Not a terrible combination. He kinda wished he got Blueberry but cherry was still a delicious combination!

“Oh, codswallop!” Arty shouted as he nearly ran into Madalyn, having missed the minor pile up as engrossed in his flavor experience as he was. He watched the bean he lost at the sudden stop hit the floor and roll a bit, picking it up and pocketing it for later cleaning. He turned his attention to the group and froze. Ismelda, one of the ultimate wanker’s cronies. Those collywobbles kicked in and his eyes darted between everyone gathered for a few moments before he slowly edged his way to Georgina.

“Yeah, what Georgina said!” His enthusiasm sounded weak, even in his own ears, but he was determined not to lose his voice. And with so many of his friends around, everything should turn out fine. “No one needs to be gettin’ mental in the corridors or the Heads will have to get involved and then the Professors will totally spazz and then everything will be a downright bore. So let’s all be totally chill, head back to our compartments, and just have a rad time with our mates, yeah?.”
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 15 days ago

Elizabeth Flame

Location: Train Hallway
Magic: N/A

Elizabeth playfully rolled her eyes, "As if I was already gonna do anythin' else." Truth is, the thought of death eaters running free and escaping from Azakaban struck a touch of fear into her. She'd never admit it, but those are the people who'd kill her if they had the chance, and that was something that she wanted locked away, forever. She wished Hogwarts was a place free of that kind of hatred, but she knew that wasn't true, as the girl approaching was about to demonstrate.

Not for a moment did she think that this interaction might be something close to civil, Snyde's crew was far past that. No, it was a question of how horrible is was about to be. Answer, very, but not as bad as it could have been. As the words slipped from the bitch's mouth, a fire lit in Flame's eyes. "How thick can a girl be?" Elizabeth asked herself quietly, and closing the distance between her and Ismelda, walking along Fae's outstretched arm, "Tell yer boss, and pass it all along the chain. My blood's red as ever." And as she said that, she came down with a quiet, but forceful stomp on Ismelda's foot, "But I reckon that foot of yours'll be a bright purple sometime soon. Best tend to that, love." There was a deep, cold hatred in her voice. Anybody who'd call her that would pay, that was something she'd resolved to long ago.

With a dramatic hair flip, she turned her attention toward Artie, and flashed a lovely smile his way, "Artie, sweetheart! It's been too long!" She grinned, seeing the badge straight away, "And a prefect too? I always knew ye had it in you, you know!" She gave a gentle tug on Fae, and offered, "We were just about to feck off and watch some Ravenclaws blast their digits off, wanna join?"
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Zelda Flynn

Location: Compartment 13
Magic: N/A

"I honestly hope so too, she's a bit of a menace if you ask me," Zelda said to Paige with a bit of a shrug before she turned her head to see who it was that opened up their compartment door. Goose in her lap hissed slightly at Merula, and Zelda partially wanted to turn into a cat and hiss at her as well, but she didn't. She was used to Merula's existence, and for the most part tended to tune her out considering the fact that she tried to bully literally anyone and everyone she comes across. It was stupid in her mind, if you don't like people, just ignore them! It isn't that hard!

"It is good to see you too Merula, how was your summer? Anything fun happen for you?" she commented to her, figuring that she'd try to make some sort of conversation since Merula was there anyway. There wasn't too much she could do, as she wasn't dumb enough to pick a fight with her right now, especially not before they even got to school. She also had a typical personal rule where unless she was provoked and needed to defend herself, she wouldn't fight someone, at least not where there were witnesses, and definitely not someone younger then her. She did have some standards as to what sort of trouble she'd get into. Tossing words around was one thing, but trying to throw spells or actually hurt someone even though they deserved it was a bit random. "You should be a bit nicer to your friends if you ask me."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Apollo Harrington

Location: Cabin 3

Apollo took his glasses off and began to clean them wiping the left lenses first as Georgina asked him what it was that the twins wished to do when they graduated. In truth this was something that he had given some thought, but was still unsure about. He wanted to be a Curse Breaker, though whether he would do that legally under the guise of the ministry or if he would do so by himself was still up for debate. It wasn't so much that he didn't trust the ministry, so much that he didn't believe they owned the rights heard magical artifacts when they could scarcely stop two wizarding wars and now they've managed to let even the underlings slip through their hands. Who was to say that they hadnt lost important and power artifacts already? Sure Apollo knew the Deathly Hallows, from the children's story he'd picked up for pleasure reading, were a complete farce but if that Elder Wand did exist he was certain the ministry had mistaken for a stick and tossed it away.

"Well...I had been thinking I might want to be-" He hadn't noticed as he was in the process of placing his glasses back on but Mary had just walked right passed their cabin. Georginas statement however alerted him to the fact while cutting off his sentence short. No malintent, he wouldve done the same had he seen Mary acting strangely. She opened their compartment and one by one people began to speak up about whatever commotion that no doubt Merula was stirring up. Apollo slid his wand out halfway, ready to strike her down when he recalled that his bestfriend was currently in her first year of prefect, as was his twin brother. He wouldn't want to make the start harder on them by losing house points so early on due to a low life like Merula. Apollo sat back into his seat and closed his eyes, drowning out all the other minds save three. He spoke to Mary, Georgina, and Artie through the chaos of it all. "Leave that shirty Slytherin be, she isnt worth your time or emotions. I'm sure the other prefects can handle it and strip them of house points."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

The Corridor Near Compartment 6 -

The trolley witch had seen a lot in her lifetime - she had been working this job on the Hogwarts Express for over a decade now. She remembered a particularly rambunctious group of boys from Gryffindor who called themselves the Marauders. She even had sold candy to Severus Snape when he attended school. She heard Ismelda's racist insults and saw Fae shove Ismelda, giving her a good knock. She saw a Ravenclaw prefect threaten Ismelda and scold Fae. A Gryffindor prefect then appeared. And a blonde girl added in her two cents to the situation from one of the compartments, followed quickly by a Hufflepuff prefect. The crowning achievement then was seeing the muggleborn girl threaten Ismelda.

She hated being an authority figure - she preferred to sell sweets - yet as one of the adults on the train, it was her duty to supervise these children. "You four, that is quite enough," she scolded, locking her cart so it wouldn't roll. "Especially you, as a prefect, ought to know better than to threaten your fellow students," she added, eyeing Mary.

"Tell me your names, now. I will be informing your heads of houses and they shall decide the appropriate punishment for each of you," she said sternly, looking at Ismelda, Fae, Elizabeth, and Mary in turn. She knew the surnames already of two of them - Murk and Mintfree. A muggleborn Slytherin was easy to remember and rare, plus Mary had a prefect badge on. Lying about their names wouldn't get them out of this, it would only make matters worse.

"Ismelda Murk," Ismelda answered, smirking slightly despite all of the threats and the shoving. She was betting that Professor Snape wouldn't punish her. "Come on, fess up you tossers. I think this'll be a new record, Winthrop - shortest prefectship ever."

Paige Atwell

Location: Compartment 13
Magic: N/A

Hestia didn't mind Merula very much, given that Merula and Paige shared a dormitory together. She was used to seeing the self proclaimed best witch of Hogwarts. Merula even would give her treats from time to time, when she wasn't busy terrorizing the school. A soft meow was the only reaction Hestia gave as Merula entered the compartment fully, sliding the door shut behind her. She didn't care what Ismelda was doing. "I don't have friends," Merula told Zelda with an eye roll.

"You don't have to say that twice," Paige grumbled. She was a bit annoyed that Hestia hadn't hissed at Merula as well - she wanted to have a united front here. But she supposed it was probably better for her cat and Merula to get along. She didn't want to know what Merula might do to an animal that she didn't like. "If you're looking for Barnaby, he isn't here," she added. She had heard a rumor last year that Merula and Ismelda had a crush on him.

"Relax, Atwell, I'm not interested in your man," Merula said, staring at Zelda as she spoke. "My summer was great, thanks. Parents got locked up in fucking Azkaban, so that was bloody brilliant. My aunt's wicked though - she got me dueling lessons from a professional."

"Great, more things for you," Paige rolled her eyes. "Did you just come in here to brag? Since we have an entire year of living together again, so you really don't need to get a head start on that."

"I thought you'd want to know, Atwell - my tutor's a Curse-Breaker. Pureblood, went here to Hogwarts and all with Snape," Merula boasted. "Y've seen all the awards for Patricia Rakepick right? That's her. She's rad."

A small part of Paige was jealous. Curse-Breaking was supposed to be her thing, but then that tosser in Ravenclaw was trying to steal it from her. And if Merula was getting interested in that as well, she was going to raise hell. This was the year that they started getting career counseling with Snape - the year she would finally be able to declare her intended path in life. "Maybe I'll have to invite her to come to an event - since I am captain of the dueling club," Paige snapped, trying to recover her wounded ego.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 1 day ago

Mary Winthrop

Location: The Corridor Near Compartment 6
Magic: N/A

Mary gave a half-wave to Georgina, mostly to let her friend know she had heard her. And while she agreed completely with her, and Apollo who was doing her least favorite thing. She ground her teeth a little and pushed back at him, reminding him that her head was her space. Dealing with it.

She then turned to Madalyne and through her half clenched teeth, which were totally Apollo's fault and not any of her usual dislike for Madalyne, she was actually surprisingly thankful for the older girl being there, she said. "Murk said some very foul words to Mintfree and Flame." She didn't want to throw Mintfree under the train, and she had a feeling Madalyne had seen the shove. Though with the trolly witch standing there Mintfree wouldn't get off scot-free.

Mary looked at the trolly witch very confused when she was scolded. "I'm sorry. I'm Mary Winthrop. I was saying that I can't take points away yet since we aren't at school yet. Or at least I've never heard of anyone having their points taken away before getting to school even." Mary looked at Madalyne "Can we take points away when we aren't even at the school yet?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Madalyne Crane

Location: Hogwarts Express, The Hallway
Skills: N/A

Madalyne was pretty sure that Fae and Ismelda were the ones to end up getting into trouble, even maybe Elizabeth as well who she hadn't really gotten to know just yet either. She looked up at the trolley witch for a moment who scolded and demanded everyone's name who were there initially at the scene. Felix all the while was still playing a little bit with Fae's hair while purring contently as well completely oblivious to what was going on exactly. Madalyne though really hoped that Fae wouldn't get into any kind of trouble yet, the year hadn't even started yet and it seemed that she had found herself in a little bit of trouble.

Madalyne turned her attention towards Mary when she asked if they were able to take away house points even before they were on the school grounds. "I'm not sure, technically we are on school property, and its not like the first time something like this has happened here while on the train to school." Madalyne said, though she had only been a prefect since last year. "I could grab the heads and see what they say?" Madalyne offered.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Fae Mintfree

Location: Train Hallway

Fae's eyes flicked from Ismelda to the pair of approaching prefects. Her lips, still in their sinister smile, twitched, rearranging ever so slightly to a more playful one. It seemed luck was on her side. Rather then sending a pair of strangers, fate had instead elected to send her best friend and her tutor.

"Madame Prefects. We were just leaving," Fae said with some minor amusement, giving a small bow to the trio around them. As her upper body dipped forward, she felt the familiar feeling of paws hopping onto her upper body. She straightened up, raising a hand to gently pet the gorgeous cat that rested on her shoulder, a look of complete adoration on her face as she looked at the little thing. She'd always felt that Felix was a sort of a surrogate pet for her, showing her what it was like to be around an animal that didn't detest every fiber of her being. She'd missed the little feline, even more than she'd missed a couple members of her Quidditch team.

She turned back to face the other girls, replying to Maddy's smile with her own knowing smirk. She suspected she'd be able to get out of this with little more than a slap on the wrist, or perhaps even with two more people to accompany them to the Exploding Snap tournament, maybe even three more, if Artemis accepted Elizabeth's invitation. But before Fae could extend the offer to them, her attention was pulled away by someone Fae hadn't even noticed was nearby: the trolley witch. It's funny how people like that blend into the background, not to be noticed until it was too late.

She didn't mind enough to let it steal the smile from her lips though. Punishment wasn't new to her or Flame. To her, Hogwarts wouldn't be the same without detention. A large portion of the time, whatever they got in trouble for was worth whatever punishment the school had in store. She was about to give her name, when the trolley witch made specific mention of the Ravenclaw Prefect, an action that caused look of confusion took up residence on Fae's face. Trouble might not have been anything special for her and Flame, but as far as she knew, it was pretty new for Mary. New and unwanted. And, in Fae's mind, unjust. Her confusion picked up a light tone of annoyance as she tilted her head, eyes on the sweets saleswoman.

"Wait, that's bullshite, innit?! You can't get a prefect in trouble for bein' a prefect." She asked, her eyes flicking from the trolley witch to Maddy and Flame, flipping between the two, looking for confirmation. "She can't do that, right? It'd be like reportin' her trolley-totin' arse for sellin' overpriced treats, yeah?"
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 1 day ago

Artemis “Arty” Harrington

Location: The Hallway -> Compartment 3
Magic: N/A

Oh bullocks. Everything was totally chill not even five minute past and now everythings gone pear shaped! Merula’s gang, the posers, turned any and every pleasant situation into a shambolic mockery of it all. They acted like a bunch of cornish pixies, taking the piss out of any bloke unlucky enough to cross their paths. Well if taking the piss was all they did, then maybe the bloke was lucky. Arty shivered at a few of the worse memories he had of their little gang leader. There really was no lucky when it came to Merula Snyde, the tosser she was.

But he turned his attention back to the present. The sooner this was all over, the sooner they could have a kickin' time. “Come on guys. Just give her your names and we’ll wash our hands of this whole mess. Any miscommunications can be cleared up with your head of house afterwards, right?. Professor Flitwick will totally understand once you explain it to him, Mary.” Arty pleaded, silently asking for support from Madalyn since she was the senior prefect here. It was absolute rubbish that he was already getting in these situations. Why couldn’t he have the ride to hogwarts to enjoy? They’d been with muggles their whole summer! He just wanted to have fun with his friends. He barely kept the pout off his face at the utter injustice of it all.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Georgina Locke

Location: Compartment 3
Magic: N/A

Georgina was never one to shy away from injustice as she saw it. Granted, she hadn't seen the confrontation that happened in the hallway, but from her point of view, both as she saw the key players as well as her knowing her good friend, that Mary was innocent in this. She was doing her "job" though Georgina still believed a prefect wasn't a prefect until they were on the school grounds. Others seemed to share her belief. Mary appeared to question what she could and could not do and the beater girl, Fae, though it was odd to punish a Prefect. Georgina had to agree.

She stepped a bit further into the hallway to speak to the trolley witch. "Ma'am, I know this is most likely not my place, but I don't see why Mary should get in trouble. Unless she was fighting or, as you said, threatening, which I highly doubt she did, then what cause is there for her to be punished? I know you have a job to do, so perhaps we can clear that up right away and we can all move on and enjoy the trip until we get to Hogwarts?"

In her mind, this was unfair. Mary was doing what she thought was right and, in the context, she was. She had not threatened anyone, as far as she heard. The trolley witch may be jumping to assumptions, which also was not right. Georgina gave a winning smile, hoping she could persuade the witch, but she wasn't going to back down easily.
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