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8 yrs ago
So tired, sleep why do you spurn me?!
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Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.

Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!

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Okay, WIP character sheet! Still need the Lore section filled out but I have most of it done! Please let me know how its going ^.^

Artemis “Arty” Harrington

Location: Just outside Compartment 3
Magic:Legilimency, Charms

The spell ended as Arty dropped his wand to turn and summon Georgina back at Mary but Georgina had already done the deed for him. He jumped back into the compartment and slammed the door shut behind him. He let out a sigh of relief, far more comfortable with something between them and the commotion, and turned to talk to Georgina. She’d seen something awful and support was definitely something he could do, even if he could feel his hands trembling when he heard the killing curse and a subsequent thump on the floor. But his attention was snatched away from her in a flash when he saw his brother trembling on the floor, a poor job of a disillusionment charm cast over him. He couldn’t have hit his knees faster, instinctively reaching out with his mind to figure out what happened to him.

The first thing he felt was fear. Fear and dread and horror and uselessness. It was unrelenting and brutal and Artie went slack jawed as he pulled at the image in his brother’s head. All of them bound and dressed identically, all of them on slabs, all of them watching in horror as a knife plunged into his own chest. Artie wasn’t sure if he screamed out loud or if it stayed in their connection but his wand was at Apollo’s head immediately. The incantation was out of his mouth before he could stop it, sending his brother into an enchanted sleep even as he tried to keep his own breathing under control. He could feel the panic rising and flying across their connection.

Artie struggled for a moment, banishing the scene of his own death away for the time being, and conjured up far happier ones and slammed them across the telepathic bond. He smothered every image he saw with their happier ones: when they received their letters, those time after therapy they felt overwhelming relief, every aced test, every time they’d pranked their parents with their skills, or the feeling of managing to pick out perfect gifts even when they actively focused on keeping their minds to themselves. The first time they cast their patronuses after practicing day and night for so long and the relief at the first time his brother’s wolf patronus wound it’s way into his history class right after they were dismissed. Artie had been drowning in loneliness that day and it made everything so much better and he sent that, every moment of appreciation, every moment of giddy happiness, everything he could to overwrite everything he could while his brother slept safe from his own head.

Time: 1:16 - The Forest

@Versa So I got the first two parts of the character sheet but what is that last section and more specifically, how does faith figure into the equation? The others are pretty self explanatory thankfully!
James Kingston

Location: The Mutant Underground, Outside Jack and Casper’s Room

Skills: N/A

Max’s voice threatened the fragile distance James managed to create between this James and that James. Memories rushed out unbidden. Max in the tunnels. Max with the Resistance. A fire on the ceiling. A portal. Dr. Strange. The Hellfire club. James leaned on the door, trying to remember which one was here and now and which one was the other side. There was so much to sift through. Two lives to reassemble. It was like two jigsaw puzzles spilled onto a table together, the edges and pictures just similar enough that it was a struggle to figure out which piece belonged where. And all the while, this voice, this… person whispered things.

“He’s sympathetic. Use it. Establish rapport.”

“He trusts you. He reached out first.”

“He’s useful.”

His thoughts came to a grinding halt as a body hit his and he instinctively wrapped his arms around them. James stared down at this person he was hugging. He knew them, something about them made him feel so happy and he recognized they were important but his mind was still reeling through the past… how long had it been? The Hulk, the execution, the witch, portals, Max calling… Max calling… The name hit him like lightning.

“Casper.” James crushed his boyfriend, pulling him into a kiss without really thinking about their surroundings. He savored the warmth for a second before smiling weakly at his boyfriend. “I love you so much, so fucking much.” James rested his head on Casper’s shoulder and just took a second to breathe before he registered Jack had responded and then also opened the door with Waverly standing right there. James’ head whipped up and he stared at Jack for a long moment. The last time he’d seen Jack, the man was bleeding out on the floor and James was struggling to patch him up. Ben had been doing a fantastic job though and James couldn’t help himself, grabbing Jack in his other arm and bringing the three of them in a tight hug.

“Everyone’s okay. Thank god.” James sighed. Well, they needed to talk to Sapphire and… Havok. Shit. That was going to be a nightmare. James stepped back, keeping an arm around Casper’s waist and pinching the bridge of his nose with his free hand.

“We should tell Veil before we do anything.” James suggested. And Max. Shit. Hopefully, that line was still open. He recalled the spell from when he used it at the Resistance headquarters so he thought it back at Max. “Yeah, I do but what the fuck! You've been AWOl for how long and you're just now contacting me and fucking telepathically? Dude, not cool!”
It seems like a fun idea! I'll keep an eye on the check. Out of curiosity though, what are the limitations of the new world and are the skills that translate into the new life defined by those limitations?

Artemis “Arty” Harrington

Location: Just outside Compartment 3
Magic: Legilimency, Charms

Arty popped up on his feet as soon as the commotion stared. He knew what Georgina was going to do as soon as he saw the Auror run off. It wasn’t her job, not yet at least, but he doubted that anything could stop Georgina from chasing a member of the group responsible for the death of her dad. Arty’s foot tapped nervously while Kirah cast her charm over Georgina. This was such a mental idea. Arty did not approve personally but he couldn’t deny her. Georgina had been with him through so much and he wasn’t about to abandon her when she was walking into a death eater. He grumbled under his breath.

“You aren’t going alone.” Arty said as he bit back his concerns. He had to admit, Apollo’s frustrations about not learning shielding charms until sixth year suddenly had quite a bit of merit. Arty frowned as he considered how difficult it would be to get the Professors to reconsider. Current events must count for something, right? If not, maybe the group could do some private study on the topic but with the addition of his normal classes, his new duties, and his little enchanted banner project, when would he find the time? He didn’t think they had a spell to manipulate time. Though Apollo would probably know better. Maybe he could consider it…

He shook his head and brought himself back into the here and now, the idea hitting the backburner for now. For forever really because it was gone as his concern for his sacrificial best friend reared its head. “The second it seems like you're in danger, I’m summoning your back by your shirt.” Arty informed the camouflaged Georgina. “And I’m going to make sure no one is interested in poking their heads out to look at everything. We don’t need anyone getting hit by rogue hexes.” Arty said. He reached out mentally to Georgina. It was… weird not seeing her but he pushed through.

“I’m going to check in on you like this so you don’t have to talk and blow the spell.” Arty informed her. He knew she wasn’t fond of it but this was the safest way for her to stay in contact with the group. He stepped out of his compartment and frowned at the other students looking around. Hypocritical he knew but they really should be staying inside. Arty held the tip of his want to his throat and muttered “Sonorus.”

“Everyone please stay in your compartments and stay clear of the doors!” Arty said brightly, his voice booming under the effects of the spell. “Just in case, we also recommend you lock your compartment doors and stay close to the middle of your compartments in the event of stray spells!”

Time: 1:01 - The Forest

Artemis “Arty” Harrington

Location: Compartment 3
Magic: Legilimency

Arty laughed at Mary’s comment even if it hit closer to home than he cared to admit. He was better than his first two years. Past Arty couldn’t imagine becoming a prefect, much less having friends like this, but he knew he wasn’t exactly the best. He was no slouch by far but that was only in like two classes peppered in with mediocrity and less than mediocre. Significantly less than. He wasn’t naturally smart and he didn’t like studying, much less studying things he actively disliked, and he messed around more than not when his brother or Georgina didn’t bring him back to focus and magic didn’t just come to him like some sort of muse and he treated rules that mildly inconvenience him periodically as guidelines rather than… well, rules. So frankly, he wondered the same thing sometimes. Who in their bloody minds thought Arty Harrington was a great choice for prefect? Compared to his seemingly supergenius twin and ace bestfriend, who he swore was the greatest seeker of the century, who even saw him?

But he didn’t say any of that. He got chosen and he’d prove he was worth it himself. Instead, he rolled his eyes with a groan at Apollo’s “problem solving”. “That wasn’t the poooooint, dunce! I’m distracting Georgina! Even I’m not mental enough to give this up over an earring! I’m just going to wear it in the dorm so the hole doesn’t close.” Arty sent mentally to his twin. He’d been hoping for some teasing comment, some passing judgement he could escalate into a loud distraction. Arty slipped out of his brother’s head and huffed in disdain. “The Auror's will see, and appreciate, a wonderful wizard clearly doing his best to keep his friends seated and out of the way in these trying times. At least that’s what I’ll say and they’ll believe me!” Arty beamed at Mary confidently and then held out a hand to his brother, curling and uncurling his hand in a half hearted attempt at making grabby hands. “Now, gimme the goods, oh brother of mine. I know you’ve got something to snack on and I want.”

“Oh, code! It’s an oldie but a goodie!” Arty exclaimed, gesturing wildly as he spoke. “Where your piercing lets people know who you want to tumble with, if you catch my drift. Though I couldn’t get it in the right spot. Mum and Dad were barely keen on a piercing so I kept it easy. It’s barely used anymore though. Hanky’s are more popular these days. Way more specific too. Don’t know it all that well though. There isn’t really a list. People just kinda know it and they think about it. Loudly.”
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