Avatar of Achronum


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8 yrs ago
So tired, sleep why do you spurn me?!
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Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.

Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!

Most Recent Posts

James Kingston

Location: Mutant Friendly Clinic -> The Car
Skills: Reactive Adaptation

“They aren’t partying there, hon. Just people being dumb.” James sighed, shifting his delirious boyfriend a little and sighing. The frustration drained out of him as a loud crash shuddered through the building and the fatigue of the week came back with a vengeance. Getting upset right now wouldn’t help anything. He shrugged at Luna. He didn’t have the energy to be frustrated with Sunshine honestly. She was getting a hell of a lecture later but for now, he was just focused on keeping her alive. “We might as well. I can patch up Sunshine on the way.” He made his way through the nightmare scene of the clinic, frowning at Max when he mentioned Sunshine was suddenly okay.

“How did you stabilize her? I didn’t know you knew first aid.” James asked, surprised. Maybe it was something he picked up in the other world or during his time at the Hellfire club. Either way, he was thankful for it. He definitely wasn’t up to his normal capacity. He wasn’t confident he could have fixed her all the way. “It’s going fantastic, Max. Just start heading to the car. I’m ready for this to be done and get you all back to bed and medicated.” James sighed again, heading towards the car. He’d think about what to learn from this mess on the drive home.
Okay @Dead Cruiser Here is an updated version of my CS so far! Still doing some cleaning up on it though.

@Dead Cruiser Another question! What are the technical details of casting in this world? Does a Sorcerer just will it to be and thua ut happens or are their incantations, glyphs, sigils, etc? I'm really just curious for future descriptions!

Time: 2:51 - The Forest

@Dead Cruiser And speaking of Tutelary, what size are they? If they take the form of a vulture, would they be the size of the vulture or would they be smaller?
This idea looks awesome! I'll keep my interest in this and when it hits a full RP, I'll have an idea put together!
James Kingston

Location: Mutant Friendly Clinic
Skills: Reactive Adaptation

James let out a torrent of curse words as he tried his best not to slam his head into the wall. Seriously, why did everyone have a god damned hero complex? Everyone, minus Casper and Luna, had already decided to bolt back into the hellhole looking for Sunshine and Magik and who the hell knows what else. At this point, he was certain everyone was high on m-pox no matter what their symptoms were. After this, everyone was getting confined to bed until a cure was found. No more fucking clinic visits; James would just steal the medicine now that he knew what would help tide them over.

And of course because the Universe didn’t do anything in half measures, Casper got worse. “No, hon. It’s not.” James sighed, trying so hard not to lose his composure but he was about two seconds away from it. “Glimpse, literally every single person has told me that at this point. For the love of God, please come with me. If we lose the car, we lose an easy out when the cops show up and then everything goes from bad to worse and―” An explosion from inside the building cut him off and he paled, hoping that none of theirs were caught in that. James picked up his suffering boyfriend and gave her a pointed look.

“Look you can monitor them from out here and if you can get a lock on the assholes attacking this place, see if you can lock them down, but over half our group is in there. I need help and once the primary objective is secured, we can catch them between us and them. It’s the safest route for us and ultimately them right now.” James told Luna as he headed out. He just hoped they survived that long but he couldn’t piece them back together if he died too. He was frustrated and angry; hopefully, they left him a few skulls to crack otherwise every single one of these assholes was in for a lecture of their lives. No. Even if they did, they were still getting the lecture of a life time.

James made a mental note to invest in child leashes.

Maddie continued to consider the table while Amaris took on a harsh outlook on history. Maddie didn't know the political subtleties of the various families but she made a mental note to learn. She was the partner of one of the highest Marivaldis. It was only proper she take the extra time to educate herself. She had a unique situation to help: unfiltered access to other family's mages, even if only one vampire was of any note among the humans. She would think how best to exploit that but they had a challenge to win.

"I don't know enough about either family to say." Maddie agreed with Amaris' observation. There wasn't enough to tie the riddle to any of their choices specifically but if they assume their logic is sound, they had far greater chance of winning than losing on either face. "That seems the best bet."

The dealer broke into a grin as the bets were settled and set. "Bet's are made, let's see the game!" He shouted cheerily, drawing the first card and slapping in down. He pulled his hand away to reveal Lord Peiron. He snapped his fingers and sighed in mock disappointment. "A few cards down and I woulda had ya! Let's see if you win this round!" He whipped out the next card, Lady Sybil Sinnenodel.

"And lookie here! Your first win at the table, congrats!" He cheered, flicking a chip on top of theirs and pushing it all back at them. "Now, now into the next round we go!"

"A blade long sealed away for keep, with care and love does it sleep, this one who wields with it perfect skill, equal to tongue and pen in kills."

Interacting with: @WeepingLiberty

Time: 2:46 - The Forest

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