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8 yrs ago
So tired, sleep why do you spurn me?!
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Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.

Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!

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Khaemtir laughed to himself as the Novitiates interacted with their new master, especially that stiff Eldri girl. Everyone knew the Sorcerers and the Red Orders had a strained relationship. No one in their right mind could consider that tasteful. And how regrettable it was so early in her career but a public faux pas was too good to pass up and he made a mental note to bring it up at his group’s little rendezvous later. Ishara would certainly enjoy the tale and even if Radaam didn’t quite get it, Khaemtir would teach him how to enjoy the simple things in life.

His thoughts came to a screeching halt as one of the three newest Serpents was covered in tiny, iridescent butterflies when she returned. He blinked in awe at what he could only assume was her tutelary. They were absolutely beautiful, the way they glowed and shimmered. He’d thought Udjebten beautiful with her gemstone eyes and baby fat all over but those butterflies were absolutely stunning. He wouldn’t trade his tutelary for the world―Not that he would ever tell her that!―but maybe they could work together and make her eyes glow like that. The obvious superficial desires aside, he wouldn’t need to light a candle if he got up at night anymore.

“It’s rude to stare, little Khae.” Udjebten nudged him from where she sat on the bench next to him but he wasn’t fooled. Not only was she perched up on her hind legs and resting her forelegs on the table for a better look, usually she’d have commented far sooner than she had. She was just as enthralled by the butterflies as he. He smirked at her and scratched behind her flicking ears like she enjoyed.

“Alright, alright. I’ll keep my appreciation to a minimum, mother.” Khaemtir laughed, finally standing to approach the group. If their master was anything like his, they’d be dismissed shortly or at the very least sent on some inane assignment Khaemtir could steal them from. He still needed to give his regards to Ms. Faux and he definitely wanted to get to know the girl with the butterflies. He smoothed out any wrinkles in his outfit, helped Udjebten off the bench, and stood back up to see where they’d gone and…

Groaned in disappointment. They’d vanished somewhere in the crowd, the entire bunch of them including their master, which only made him think they were off on some purpose or another. Great. He had been hoping to greet all of the necessary parties away from his mother before he had to play proper but it seemed fate did not smile on him today. He sighed dejectedly.

“Well, it seems another greeting and it’s off to your family. But first, you need to drink some water. Beer is a poor substitution for hydration and it is hot out here.” Udjebten demanded, trotting off into the crowd. Khaemtir followed obediently. As long as it kept him away from his family, he was all set for it. Udjebten led him to a refreshment table, watching him drink water and eat a little before giving a satisfied nod.

“Why is being a noble so difficult?” Khaemtir complained to Udjebten. “I just want to hang out with people but I know it’ll get stuffy if I don’t greet people somewhat formally.”

“You are a Sorcerer now. Your future is yours to write. If you wish, you could disappear from your noble life and become a hermit in your pyramid.” The hippopotamus suggested, the closest thing to teasing smile on her face.

“Absolutely not. I’d die.” Khaemtir shuddered. He didn’t want to give it up; he just wanted to be a noble his way. Was that so much to ask?
James Kingston

Location: Medical -> Echo and Max’s room
Skills: N/A

James really needed to remember his boyfriend’s impulsiveness when he did things. Of course he wouldn’t just pass on the message. Who in the world needed to do something that simple? James couldn’t help the fond exasperation that he felt for Casper. He was cute when he was trying so hard but the fact remained he was sick with a potentially deadly condition. They had no idea what caused it to get worse but he seriously doubted Tylenol would protect him from the effects if he strained himself. James was about to tell him to stop, explain that just because he denied having M-Pox didn’t mean it wasn’t true, but instead his heart stopped as Casper fainted.

He felt his breath catch in his throat and he froze like a deer in headlights as Magik hitting the ground flashed in front of his eyes. Casper’s words rang in his ears. There was no way he was dead. He didn’t have the same symptoms as Magik. He just had a headache. That was all. Just a headache. No vomit, no bleeding, no hallucinations. He felt heavy as the moment stretched out into years and all he could think about was that cold, inescapable nothing that seemed to be everywhere he looked. Still James couldn’t bring himself to move even as everything in him screamed at him to do so and years stretched into eons…

Then time snapped abc and he was scrambling. There wasn’t much distance to close but it felt so much longer. He yanked Casper into his arms, checking for anything, any sign of life. James let out a shaky sigh of relief and carefully laid Casper on the bed. Everything must have finally caught up with him. It had been a long day. He’d give Casper a sponge bath and get him changed later so at least he wouldn’t wake up feeling any worse than he already was.

“Guess we’ll have to check in later then Ben. But at least he’s okay.” James apologized to the ghost. He pressed another kiss to his boyfriend’s forehead and headed out to grab a clean pair of clothes for Casper.

A sound from Max’s room made him pause. He thought he heard Max’s voice but he hadn’t heard anyone else come back. He was expecting some angry words being tossed around after Sunshine pulled her little stunt. He paused at Max and Echo’s room, only two doors down from medical, pushed it open, and poked his head in. James frowned at Max laying on his bed, stepped out of the room, looked around, and looked back in. Yep. Max was indeed still there. He wasn't dreaming. He blinked, shook his head, and made his way in to kneel next to Max's bed.

“Hey, hey. You’re okay, you're home. What’s going on? Where are the others?” James asked softly.

Time: 3:16 am - The Forest

Time: 4:29 am - Academy Grounds

“Oh, spicy. I like it!” The outgoing guy laughed, tucking one hand in his pocket and sipping out of his thermos. “Not sure who this Ralph guy is but I have a Rolf! He’s the sleepy guy right there. Works himself half to death so Vanessa bullied Kyrian into mandating “social time”.”

“I am right here. Please don’t talk about me like I’m not.” Rold replied wearly.

“Anyways, Ander, second year, transmutation major. Nice to meet you!” Ander said, finally introducing himself. “So what you say, got some time to come hang out? There’s a few more of us all chillin’ in a study room. You know, for some of those that actually want to study while the rest of us just relax. We have snacks! And hopefully more tea. Unless those bastards drink it all before I get there again.” He said mournfully.

Time: 4:29 am - Staging Grounds

The trekk back was relatively easy, minus the random murder noises from behind them. The sounds stopped once they broke the treeline. Victor’s vision returned just as a proctor signaled Princess Ryner and she made her way over, beaming.

“Congratulations on your return, Count Victor. I always enjoy seeing my students return triumphant from their first exam.” Ryner greeted them pleasantly. “Excellent job Saelm. I hope you enjoyed exercising your magic. You may go ahead and turn in your tokens at the tent right over there and then a car will take you back to your dorms. Tomorrow’s classes have been cancelled for the first years so be sure to take the night to recuperate.”
James Kingston

Location: Medical
Skills: N/A

“I’m glad you’re feeling better.” James sighed in relief. Clearly he was if he was bantering again with Ben. At least something was looking up. He pressed a light kiss to Casper’s head at his request. “Of course babes. Let me see if I can find something.” James put the medicine the doctor gave them down on a counter while he rummaged around for something that would keep the headache off. It was sometimes hit or miss with this kind of stuff; since it wasn’t on the absolutely necessary list, it was easily overlooked when considering supplies.

As he was looking, the image of Magik dead on the ground and the utter inevitably he felt when he tried to resuscitate her. It was brutal and terrifying. Clearly, anyone who believed death was peaceful was out of their goddamn minds but his thoughts didn’t wander in the direction of the dead but rather the living. Max, Luna, Callie, Jack, Casper… all of them could end up dead, their corpses the only indication anything even happened. Maybe that’s what scared him the most. Their symptoms were completely unpredictable. One second they were vomiting blood and hallucinating and the next they were sitting on a medical bed and complaining about transphobes. And then who knows, the next one could be their last.

James checked over his shoulder discreetly at Casper at that thought before he finally found the tylenol. He portioned it out for Casper and grabbed a cup of water, even if he knew he could dry swallow it, and brought it back over to him. “Here, take that and then it’s time for a shower, a toothbrush, and a change of clothes. Hopefully everyone will be back by then and we can get some food in you guys.” James instructed as he pressed the stuff into his boyfriend’s hands. He looked around, looking for Ben and then laughing at himself before speaking. “How are you holding up, Ben? That must have been awful for you too.”

Time: 3:11 am - The Forest

Time: 4:24 am - The Academy

With most classes out for the morning, the Academy grounds were quite lively. A few other exhausted first years straggled here and there but most were either wrapped up in their dorms or still out in the forest. Other students watched with sympathy, offered congratulations, or laughed at their haggard appearances to themselves. A group of seniors relaxed at some of the benches scattered across the grounds, a mix of vampires and mages, and exchanged a rambunctious conversation, their laughter easily carrying over the general din of Academy life.

The looks and rumors about the Starag on campus had mostly died down but inevitably, eyes were still drawn to the quintessential mage. Conversations still grew softer around him and most, mage and vampire alike, edged out of his way. Whether that was because of his own stature or his association with a particularly nasty vampire was inconsequential; after all, it was usually a mixture of both, but as Aaron walked, two guys fell in stride with him.

The one on his left looked like he never slept, the bags under his eyes rivaling Aaron’s own, and his mouth seemed permanently sloped down at the edges. He wore a white lab coat and a pair of safety goggles dangled from his neck, a bag slung haphazardly over his shoulder that swayed with every step. His glasses were a bit smudged but otherwise he was clean and orderly. He didn’t seem particularly interested in Aaron, instead keeping his eyes forward.

The other guy however was all smiles. He had a bounce in his step and a thermos in his hand,a messenger bag bouncing against his hip. He was a t-shirt and jeans kind of guys apparently, a few wrinkles suggesting he probably didn’t care much about his appearance other than putting clothes on because he had to. He popped his ear buds out of his ears and shoved them haphazardly into his pocket before taking a sip of his drink. He looked a little awkward but took a little breath and started talking anyways.

“Okay, not really sure how to start this since you’re kind of intimidating to talk to but since you don’t look like you’re making a mad dash around campus right now, wanna come hang out for a bit?” The guys asked. “You’re always so busy it’s hard to figure out a “organic way” to do it since we don’t share classes but we’ve been interested in asking you over for a while!” He explained, doing air quotes on organic.

The Magus wasn’t nearly as terrifying as his nerves, and the Magus’ appearance, made him out to be. He was cordial, if not a little stern, so Khaemtir offered Master Dagon another bow and his thanks. Despite the seemingly harmless conversation, Master Dagon’s eyes were haunting Khaetmir was irrationally afraid of what they may see. His worst secret, if one can even call it that, was skipping classes, procrastinating on his studies, and giving his mother the run around so he had no need to be worried but still. The Cult of the Crow specialized in Divination and he couldn’t even imagine the things they must look into about their Novitiates before selecting them. Khaemtir only hoped it was a good thing.

He turned back to his fellow Novitiates and flashed a quick thumbs up. “Well, you heard our Master! Time for us to mingle with the other Novitiates.” Khaemtir slung his arm around their shoulders, or in Radaam’s case tried to because he was a giant so he settled for around his arm instead, and pulled them in. “So since we’re all hanging out later we should branch out for now, get a little gossip on everyone, and reconvene at my place to discuss! Mother will be okay with Ishara―Mother will probably find Lady Thumotep before I do actually―but you’re a new face so she’ll want to meet your family. Make sure you find me before you leave or I’ll have to send a messenger to your house to fetch you all and that is actually more of a hassle than you’d think.”

“We should greet your mother first. She will want to congratulate you.” Udjebten piped up from his side.

“You heard Master Dagon. We need to greet our fellow Novitiates.” Khaemtir waved at his Tutelary dismissively. Did he absolutely use Master Dagon as an escape? Of course. “Plus, we’ll have plenty of time afterwards. This looks like it’ll go on for quite a while.” Udjebten gave him a knowing look and shook her head.

“A quick stop with an explanation should satisfy her for a while. I’m sure your sister would also appreciate it.” Udjebten insisted. Khaemtir only shook his head and dove into the crowd, much to Udjebten’s annoyance. If he went back to his family now, it would become about the family. He wanted to bask in the knowledge that this was still about him for a little while. He looked around a while and spied another familiar face: Beatrice Eldri. At least he thought it was Beatrice. Again, another family he recognized but a person he didn’t bother pushing to meet. It didn’t matter. He’d make friends with them soon enough!

Khaetmir paused a table over instead of calling out to Berdine when he realized she was approaching a Sorcerer-Magus that he recognized from being on one of the daises. That must be her new master and the Novitiate next to her radiating annoyance must be one of the others called. Kjaemtir didn’t recognize her in the faintest, suggesting that she didn’t attend Pesedjet and she wasn’t part of the aristocracy, but she clearly wasn’t part of the commoner class like Radaam. She was still dressed well and appropriately. Maybe her family just hadn’t made it into the upper levels of society or perhaps they were new to their wealth. Radaam still had that quaint accent so maybe it was just that he was new to the city and her family wasn’t.
Either way, Khaemtir settled down at his table to watch. Whatever this mystery person was going to do was probably going to cause a little excitement and he wasn’t one to deny himself the fun. And then afterwards, he’d introduce himself. It was perfect!

Peacing out on @Crusader Lord@Obscene Symphony til later and then waiting for @Hero@Vec to get bossed around.
James Kingston

Location: Mutant Underground: Entranceway -> Second Floor
Skills: N/A

James had no words. He stared for a long time at the now missing portal. His future plans all included that being the end of that ordeal and getting people cleaned up, back into bed, and medicated as quickly as possible. This he had not expected and everything just went quiet in his head as he processed Sunshine’s newest bout of stupidity and selfishness. Her outlet for her grief included manipulating an emotionally compromised man into killing off some she disliked at the expense of people she didn’t hate, arguably even tolerated in Jack’s case. He couldn’t look away from where the others were getting into God knows what, how their illness was changing without someone there to help, how a grief stricken Colossus probably snapped Max in half by now, and who knows if the police were already there.

Now that he started thinking about it, the blue screen in his head finished rebooting and the only thing left was anger. A small part of him was proud―twisting your friends against your enemies? What a power move!―but it was easily overwhelmed by the betrayal. Sunshine had it hard, he knew, but what excused this? What excused petty revenge, excused being responsible for the likely death or capture of their allies, excused any of this? That was their way to safety and her inability to think of anyone but herself just… James had no idea how to even respond to this. He could feel the fury trembling in his hands as he supported Casper who he realized was talking about horns or something. His boyfriend and Luna still needed taking care of and Sunshine would probably sequester herself away with Magik’s corpse or something. So, he made an executive decision about Sunshine.

Do nothing.

“Everything is going to be fine. They’re competitant. They’ll get through to him and explain to him that she succumbed to M-Pox.” James assured Luna, even if he didn’t believe they’d be okay. “I don’t know what you saw babes and we can talk about it in a little bit but right now, we need to get you cleaned up and in bed with some medicine, okay? Some rest after all that will do everyone good. Negasonic, I know you’ve probably got other stuff going on but would you mind helping Luna upstairs real quick? At least so she can get cleaned up and then I can get her some medicine too.” At least one thing went relatively right. He sighed at that and started heading upstairs to get Casper and himself cleaned off. He was sick of smelling vomit on everyone.

Time: 3:06 am - The Forest

“It is okay, little one. You may look if you ask properly.” Udjebten spoke to the other tutelary. “Just remember, you see with your eyes and not your nose.” Khaemtir watched the little snake cower under Radaam’s reprimand. How nice would it be if his own tutelary would listen to him like that? It wasn’t that she would ignore something he asked of her but any request came with commentary that Khaemtir would gladly do without. It was like having two mothers and he spent half his time ducking out of the way of the first; why did he get one that he couldn’t escape even if he wanted to?

“Overwhelming? I don’t think so. This is a reasonably sized event. I was expecting it to be a little bigger honestly but I guess the guest list does limit it somewhat.” Khaemtir considered the crowd around them. It was like being at the market, with all the bustling and noise as people started filling the tables and emptying the food off them just as quickly. Standing in the heat did work up a bit of an appetite and a vicious thirst. Sure, he;d been a little nervous before his Cult had been called but he’d grown up at these events; there was nothing new about it. If anything, all the people calmed him down. “Amenemhatanhk is fine. Honestly, I think the building will collapse before he does. Though once I get permission I should probably send a notice to him. He’ll get fussy if I don’t.” Khaemtir thought about it, shrugged, and moved on from it.

“Of course we aren’t leaving before we greet Master Dagon. I’m not interested in disrespecting the man gracious enough to bring us into the Cult. I just wanted to greet you two first.” Khaemtir replied seriously, though the pout crept into his voice nonetheless. He wouldn’t dream of shrugging off their master. He was their key to all of the knowledge locked away inside those pyramids. He wasn’t about to do anything that would jeopardize his place here. He wasn’t about to become a disgrace to the family. “And we still have to make the rounds. With the families I’ve spotted so far, I’m guessing at least an hour and a half to two hours before we can make our escape. So many social responsibilities. The curse of the aristocracy.” He laughed with a shrug.

Khaemtir ignored Ishara's tutelary comment completely and the residual tinge of frustration at it. The Presedjet instructors had praised her work as exemplary and amazing but a tutelary wouldn’t even respond to her call. Other people had worked just as hard and actually managed to conjure one and they weren’t praised the same way. But that was in the past and they were here now. Both of them had been accepted into the most prestigious Cult of the five and now they stood side by side as Sorcerer-Novitiates. So he ignored that, ignored Udjebten’s concerned look, and turned to stare up at their new master.

Khaemtir would admit that Master Dagon inspired some fear in him. He seriously doubted his usual shenanigans would slide; between the scowl and his intense stare, Khaemtir instinctively understood this was a man he shouldn’t cross unless it was on the threat of death. Honestly, he was surprised someone with such intensity wanted him. He was a passionate student but he wouldn’t say that necessarily amounted to a good student. Sorcerers were serious, somber people utterly dedicated to their craft right? Khaemtir was a little flashy for the man with an intimidating look and a scowl longer than his robes. But whatever the case may be, Khaemtir knew he’d have to be careful around this man for a little while.

“Master Dagon, thank you for the opportunity to learn under you.” Khaemtir spoke solemnly as he bowed. Next to him, Udjebten did the same, her snout brushing the ground. “I will not disappoint you nor squander your good faith.”

James Kingston

Location: Outside of Clinic -> Mutant Underground
Skills: Healing Factor

Casper was screaming. Why was Casper screaming? James was tired and worn out and frankly, the words coming out of his boyfriends mouth went so far over his head this time that he didn’t even bother trying to piece it together. James turned to comfort him, anything to calm him down, when he heard the thump. He half turned and froze when he saw Magik’s body crumpled on the ground. Images of Luna flooded his mind: on the floor of the lab, blood seeping through her clothes, her final request ringing in his head, the frigid, emptiness of inevitability clawing at his chest. It was a familiar terror, something he’d never shake off, something he’d come to own in another life. Something about it here and now grounded him. It was a catharsis of all the worrying and panicking from the past week as the disease spread through the Underground and he could finally do something. Maybe bringing someone back from the brink would actually fix it.

So James lept into action, ignoring the sting of parking lot concrete on his knees as he pressed his hands to Magik and seeping his power into her body. He waited for the sync, waited for the usual pounding in his ears, and everything else that came with the satisfaction of bringing someone from broken to whole.

It wasn’t like that at all.

His blood felt sluggish, slow, still. His heart all but stopped. The all consuming emptiness that he’d pried Luna from came back viciously and it hooked him, sinking razor claws into his own chest and dragged him further and further and further, his breath caught in his throat, his lungs screaming for air, every fiber of his being revolting against it, but he couldn’t escape, he couldn’t breath, he couldn't see, he couldn’t find Magik anywhere. She was gone and her was going to disappear with―

James snapped out of it as Sunshine shoved him aside. He gulped down air as fast he could as he backpedaled away from Magik, twisting so he was on his hands and knees as he vomited. He’d never felt someone go so fast, with so much certainty, and almost take him with it. He thought he had been afraid before. He had no idea how easy it would be to just… disappear. He’d almost lost himself in someone else’s death and he would have been powerless to stop it. Something inside him curled up tighter as James pushed himself unsteadily to his feet, picking up the medicine where he’d dropped it. That was enough thinking for one day.

“Come on babes, let’s get you up.” He said quietly to Casper as he went to him, coaxing him up off the ground and into his arms. The various bodily fluids covering Casper really left a foul stench wafting off him and James definitely knew the first thing that was happening was a shower. “Yeah, Max’s right. We gotta go. Let Sunshine bring Magik home guys. We can bury her once we get everyone checked out.” James said as he looked at the scene. Something in the back of his mind took a snapshot of the moment: Sunshine screaming at anyone who would listen hunched over Magik’s corpse. An involuntary uptick of his lips and the thought was gone, leaving James leading Casper through the portal as he whispered reassurances in his boyfriend’s ear.
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