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8 yrs ago
So tired, sleep why do you spurn me?!
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Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.

Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!

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James Kingston

Location: Mutant Underground: Outside Room 6
Skills: N/A

“Oh, I’m sorry! I must have misunderstood. Use this room as long as you want; no one will bother you if you just need to be alone.” James reassured her, leaving to give her whatever privacy she was looking for. He wasn’t really worried about her taking anything from there. It wasn’t like it would be difficult to track her down if she did. James wondered if she was a new addition to the group or just someone they were moving through. He was sure Veil would introduce everyone once everything settled down so he’d just have to wait. They had to help this doctor find a cure, people still needed patching up, and Casper was eerily unresponsive.

“Thanks for this. I have a feeling everyone’s going to need a touch up today.” James thanked Echo as he picked up the stuff once the door shut behind him. He cracked open the caffeine and took a long swig. “Everyone pulled the short stick, huh? What happened on your end?” James asked. He still wasn’t sure how to feel about Echo. He was definitely flashier than most of them and it wasn’t a type of person he had a lot of interaction with but Echo was nice in his own way, even if half the things he said made James feel like he was failing to live up to some weird standard Echo had in his head. James would admit. The mutant underground’s coffee quality had definitely improved with him and honestly, that was enough to put him on the good list in James book.

But James sighed as he considered where he’d find his friend. It seemed both groups had been through hell and back―a steadily growing occurrence, James noted―and Cayden was normally the first to volunteer his services in these times. He wasn’t in medical and he didn’t hear him downstairs so maybe, for once, someone was putting their mental health first and foremost. Cayden often joined him up top when he was stargazing to settle his head or just forget the world was a fucking mess, Cayden’s explanations more often than not trailing into a grand retelling of stories he’d grown up with, so maybe he was seeking solace somewhere there. James knew Sunshine’s habit of seeking solace outside had rubbed off on him; maybe Cayden needed a second to catch his breath.
James Kingston

Location: Mutant Underground: Medical -> Room 6
Skills: Accelerated Healing Factor

“Thanks, I think? I don’t know what Kid Flash looks like.” James admitted. He ignored most of Sapphire’s remarks, easily tuning out her abrasive commentary that was borderline emotional abuse, but frowned when she mentioned she got hit by a car. If it had been anyone but Sapphire, he would have expected them to lead with that since he could make that pain go away within seconds but the opportunity for theatrics always took priority with her. “I’m glad you’re doing well enough to move around then but if you’re in any pain, just sit down and let me know and I’ll take the edge off at least.” James offered just as she went to set Waverly's arm, rushing over immediately.

“Okay, I’ve got you. Let’s get you fixed up.” James spoke softly, gently putting his hands on her other arm and closing his eyes. As awful as bullet wounds were, they were actually pretty easy to heal. Most of the time they were small and compact. A broke arm on the other hand was a hell of a workout. James felt himself sync up with her, concentrating as he pushed the bone and muscle to mend. It was slow going. Much slower than he’d like but at least the pain would ebb away quick enough. If it was a simpler injury, he would have been satisfied with that but a broken arm took forever to heal in normal people and they never seemed to have the luxury of time here.

So he pushed it every time it seemed like it was slowing down. Bringing someone back from the brink of death, or trying in Magick’s case, made him feel like he’d run a marathon twice over without a break but he refused to let up. He sighed when he finally stepped back and double checked to make sure her arm was actually whole again. “Looks like it’s all set. Let me know if you still hurt at all.” James instructed wearily, giving her a smile and a thumbs up before his attention once again snapping away to Jack.

“You think so? He tried to use his powers right when we got back. He mentioned a headache before that so I thought it was like when I pass out when I overuse my healing.” James said, coming over next to Jack and Casper. James was really hoping that was what it was because if it had to do with spirits, Casper was their only ghost whisperer. But if anyone would know that something was off about Casper, it was Jack so now James was really worried. “Shit, I didn’t think of that. I hope not because the only two people I can think of to help are all wrapped up in their own personal hell. Where the fuck is that Asgardian witch when you need her?” James sighed, rubbing at his temples.

“You said someone was waiting in my room?” James asked Negasonic after a second. James didn’t know who this Barbie was but if they were waiting in his room specifically, they must need some sort of top off. Maybe he’d run into Cayden along the way and he could help make sure Casper was okay. “I’ll go check on them then. Jack, I’ll see if Cayden can help with this at all. I’m not really sure the limit to his abilities but better than nothing.” James said, jogging lightly out of medical. He rubbed Luna’s back sympathetically and continued on. He’d get her into bed soon too but Jack had hi focused on Casper 100% now. James opened the door to his and Cayden’s room, looking around for his roommate but tilting his head curiously when he found someone entirely new.

“Hey there, I’m James. Negasoic mentioned you were waiting in here.” James introduced himself, stepping into the room and letting the door shut behind him. Clearly if she needed something and didn’t want to come to medical, she wanted privacy so he could give her that. “Did you have an injury I needed to fix up or were you waiting for Cayden?”

“I don’t doubt you’re correct Kho but curiosity killed the cat and all that.” Khaemtir replied, laughing at the adorable way Novitiate Bekenamun established his comfort zone immediately. “I’ll likely ask anyways. I’m quite interested in the minds of our Masters and understanding their decision making would give us a brief glimpse into that, don’t you think? And seeing the mind of a Master may help us adjust to handle something none of us know anything about yet!” Khaemtir explained excitedly. He couldn’t wait to delve into the pyramids and finally see what he’d been preparing for basically their entire schooling at this point. It was a little terrifying, trudging into something that they’d only ever heard the faintest whisper about, but it was also equally exciting.

But he wasn’t going to waste time thinking about what was set in stone when he had fun to have!

“Lucky for you, fortune favors the bold Kho. Master Dagon called Radaam, Ishara, and me to the Cult of the Crows. We may have just met a bit ago but his directness and honesty is so charming, I couldn’t help but befriend him! We all agreed that a friendship would benefit our studies anyways so it worked out perfectly! We wouldn’t want our favorite prodigy to feel left out after all.” Khaemtir beamed, his excitement bubbling up again. “So I’ve opened my doors to both of them after the festivities end barring we disappear with our Master immediately, of course! I’m just not sure what to expect.” He snapped and turned to Radaam.

“Speaking of which, we must have our families meet today even if something forces us to reschedule. Make sure you remind me after this.” Khaemtir insisted. “It’ll be a headache otherwise. Our families will have to have dinner and then an evening of entertainment before you’d be permitted in alone. It would take forever to get the family together again.” Side note taken care of, he turned back to Kho.

“I hope we’ll be friends moving forward as well! I can only imagine our studies will be far more pleasant with others to learn with!”

James Kingston

Location: Mutant Underground: Medical
Skills: Accelerated Healing Factor

“I can’t call you Sapphire anymore?” James just stared at her for a few moments, incredibly confused. Did she change her name while they were out and get upset when he didn’t know? That was a little much even for their resident time bomb but it wasn’t really his place to deal with it. Not like she’d liste even if it was; Viel’s the only one who can keep her on a leash and understandably, it’s just easier to ignore it. James was just about to move past it when he froze.

Oh shit.

“Oh, shit! I really thought I said Sapphire. Must be more tired than I thought if I’m remembering the wrong world. Sorry about that.” He apologized, turning to comfort Waverly as she panicked. Oh shit, he really fucked up didn’t he. James held his hands out placatingly, trying to comfort her without touching her. Waves didn’t need to get jostled with a broken arm. “Hey, hey. We aren’t fighting, don’t worry. I made a mistake while things are tense so I totally deserve it. I’m sorry I upset you too, okay? Sapphire’s going to get your arm straightened out and I’ll patch it up.” James smiled at her reassuringly and then turned back to Sapphire and her guests.

“That’s what I need. Can’t heal her arm while her bones are like that.” James explained to Sapphire. His eyes followed past Sapphire to the doctor and his daughter. He felt a wave of relief that they managed to find someone and if she didn’t look like she was going to turn him into an ice sculpture, he might have even hugged her. He blamed Casper for that impulse. As it was, he kept himself in check and headed over to the injured girl.

“Hey there, my name’s James. Thanks for coming by to help.” He said to the pair, looking over the injured girl. “As long as her wounds are cleared, it shouldn’t take much to get her back on her feet. I am going to have to touch her and try to keep her as still as you can.” James explained as he reached out, finding comfort in the familiar and successful feeling of wounds rapid shutting after that numbing cold that nearly consumed him back in the parking lot. He stepped back after a few moments. “There you go. She’s all set.”

Time: 3:31 am - The Forest

Time: 4:44 am - Study Room 6

“See, even Aaron recognizes my potential and he’s only been here for like, ten minutes!” Hilda exclaimed smugly.

“Yes, yes. You’re amazing and you’re going to prove you don’t need magic to be successful.” Lilith interjected quickly, cutting off Ander who was almost guaranteed to turn that comment into a jab before returning to her conversation with Aaron, a curious look at Aaron’s ring. “What an interesting focus. Is that an awakening crystal?”

Meanwhile, Ander lunged for the tea while Lilith was distracted. She jerked back at the sudden movement, nearly spilling the tea across the picnic blanket and herself as the pot went tumbling but instead the liquid just hovered above the cloth before whirling together in a neat ball and slipping around Lilith and Aaron to settle just in front of Diego’s outstretched fingers. With a flourish, the liquid flowed between his fingers in a constant stream and he smacked Ander on the back of the head with the other.

“Careful there, shit-for-brains.” He grumbled, refilling everyone’s cup while Lilith picked up the pot. She held it out and the remaining ice tea was sent over to it with a flick of his fingers. “Focus aside, Firefly, what’s your plan for arcane majors? You seem like the overachiever type so I’m guessing Summoning.”

“He gets Firefly and I’m still stuck with shit-for-brains?!” Ander screeched indignantly. “We've been friends for over a year!” Diego gave a noncommittal shrug that only made Ander more annoyed.

Time: 4:44 am - Staging Grounds

“At this time, I am unable to explain the workings of the challenges. Academy policy only permits a select few access to the workings of the magic employed, for both the safety of those in them and maintaining them.” Ryner explained. “and do not worry about those who may find themselves in the forest. We’ll be able to recall them when the time is right. Enjoy the rest of your morning.” She waved as they headed away, moving onto the next group that escaped the forest.

Once the pair turned in their tokens, a car took Victor and Salem back to the dorms.

Khaemtir chatted animatedly with a few other people stopping for food and drink at the same table, passing a few minutes with idle conversation. He never understood some people’s aversion to small talk; surface level conversation was pleasant to pass the time and came with no expectations of further communication. It was calming in a way though to be perfectly honest, he had few qualms taking a conversation further. Goodness knows his family told him to control his mouth more than once. His record is 34 times in a day and he has every intent on beating it at the next family dinner.

But for now, he had a target. He politely separated from his conversation with another family congratulating their child on their acceptance and wandered his way back where he had seen the Bekenamun with the Order of the Phoenix. Khaemtir would admit it still upset him a little that the Order he would have preferred hadn’t selected him but really who would complain being selected by the Crows? In terms of social status, Khaemtir clearly got the better end of the deal and for that he should be grateful. Another tick on the family’s register. His first on his scroll, that’s for sure, and quite an impressive one at that. All he could do was just cross his fingers that his studies wouldn’t be impeded too much not having access to the Phoenix's knowledge.

Khaemtir beamed when he saw Radaam already talking with the Bekenamun. He stuck out like a sore thumb still but taking the initiative already for their little group? Khaemtir felt like a proud father. It would be a little impolite to intrude on their conversation so suddenly but he couldn’t help himself. The last time he waited, his quarry had gotten away and he had no intention of that happening again. And he really wanted to see Radaam interact with this one up close.

But, details.

“There you are!” Khaemtir beamed as he practically bounced his way up to Radaam. Udjebten looked up at Tekenhasut and greeted him politely before sitting next to Khaemtir. “I found someone you absolutely had to see but she disappeared before I could get to her. Her tutelary was amazing, wasn’t it Udjebten?

“You should apologize for interrupting their conversation, little Khaem, but yes, her tutelary was quite the spectacle.” Udjebten scolded him but she couldn’t help indulge his question. “But yes, her tutelary was quite the spectacle.”

“You’re right as always, Udjebten! It seems in my eagerness I disrupted you. I hope you can forgive my rudeness.” Khaemtir bowed in apology but the amusement never left his face. He did, after all, do it entirely on purpose but whatever made his tutelary feel better. “But it was amazing! It looked like a myriad of butterflies shimmering under the moon! Of course, it didn’t have anything on my precious Udjebten but an impressive second place nonetheless.”

Khaemtir paused a moment, taking in the Bekenamun. His name surfaced after a few moments―he only remembered because they shared the first few letters of their name―and Khaemtir beamed. They may not have been incredibly close before this but opening up some channels of communication now might make it easier to access whatever specialty knowledge the Pheonix’s have on Pyromancy. “It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance again, Kho! And congratulations on your acceptance. It's amazing that all our hard work paid off, huh? Minus the favorite of course but I can't help this sense of disbelief. I wonder if it's rude to ask what they saw in us out of everyone they could have chosen."

James Kingston

Location: Mutant Underground: Medical
Skills: N/A

Oh sweet jesus. James sighed, an unsettling mix of resignation and relief as Negasonic’s sarcastic default came back. When it wasn;t there, you knew shit had gone south and it was nice to hear someone settling back into some semblance of normalcy after everything that happened. Honestly, James was going to get a fucking whiteboard and post it at the entrance of this place and write in big, bold letters: Number of Days Since the Last Accindent. If they managed to make it past two days, he’d give them a prize. Everyone gets a goddamn bottle of vodka or something. Maybe that’d be enough incentive for everyone to stop nearly dying on him.

“Okay. Therapy sessions are next on the list, apparently.” James muttered as Max rambled on about the Princess and happiness. Max’s issues weren’t difficult to see. His crippling inferiority complex was the size of Sunshine’s ego and that was just the tip of the iceberg. Max shielded himself with material concerns, indulging in his perceived ideal person: high fashion, manners, fair tempered. Of course, Max at his core wasn’t any of those things and so the resulting friction between fantasy and reality fed a blossoming Hero syndrome. Before the Princess’ little game, James would have never put the pieces together but now he was almost 100% certain that that was why his powers would never work right the first time. A subconscious need to prove himself drove his powers to instability and then his control snapped back into place right after so he could take charge of it. That’s why the police incident resulted in such a fallout.

There wasn’t a way to save it.

“Everyone can be happy. You just gotta figure it out, dude.” He reassured Max, patting him on the back. “We can talk about it once you’re better, okay? For now, stay sitting up if you can otherwise lay on your side, okay?” Speaking of inferiority complexes… James turned at Waverly’s comment, a frown already on his face. But James glanced over at his boyfriend really quick and swore, bolting to his side and wrestling him over. And he thought Casper was doing better! James mentally ran over the list of medicine they got and sighed. Nothing they had would help right now so he just adjusted Casper, getting him on his side and his head elevated so if he vomited, he wouldn’t choke on it. He placed a chaste kiss on his boyfriend’s forehead and turned to Waverly.

“Okay what’s going o…” James stared at Waverly, where she leaned against the doorframe with a broken fucking arm. Change that god damned prize to 1 day apparently. “Waverly, that’s a big fucking deal! You’re entire right arm is fucked up!” Oh god, what the fuck. He was sitting everyone down as soon as he found the time and they were fucking talking about this. This is ridiculous. It took him a few moments to recover from the shock but he shook it off.

“That thing has to be set first and I am definitely not trained to do that. Clarke came back with you right?” James ushered her inside their little medical area and popped his head out into the hallway again, cupping his hands around his mouth. “Yo Clarke! Need your brains and fantastic bedside manner in Medical like STAT!” He shouted into the Underground. Normally, he wouldn’t dream of calling her that but he was tired and worn thin. Separating the details between this reality and that reality became more of a challenge when he was tired, the two identities and their habits creating a confusing combination.

Time: 3:26 am - The Forest

Time: 4:39 am - Study Room 6

“We are uncommon but you’ll find you’re more likely to run across more of us running around the Academy than most places. We have one a year ahead of me and we had another one that was partnered with Ser Bordeleaux but they left the campus together it seems so I’ll be by my lonesome next year.” She shrugged at it. “I hope your Aunt had an easier time with hers. Mine presents as a tertiary and even though it’s mostly manageable, I still struggle with it some. As a fellow conditional, what does your present as?”

“A bit of trouble? You amplified your alarm loud enough that you woke up Rowan through her ear plugs and she sleeps like the dead. She was pissed all day.” Alex teased and Lilith sent him a withering look. “I’m just playing with you. I’m just glad I got a primary. You guys can keep all the complicated shit.”

“Ugh, magic this, magic that. Like, can’t I totally just get my degree so I can like, just get a job and spoil my sweet darling?” She complained. “I have control over my magic. That’s all I need!” Everyone but Lilith rolled their eyes at Hilda.

“But magic is money! Hell, just get Natalie to sign off on selling your blood and you'll be raking in the dough.” Ander pipped up as he poured himself a glass of pink drink and shoved a glass at Aaron. “The only reason I show up with these losers is ‘cause Lilith’s hibiscus iced tea is literally to die for. I would sell all of you to an Astorio for a gallon of this stuff, no questions asked.” Alex slapped his shoulder as Ander chugged the tea.

“Rude! I am worth two gallons alone!” Hilda screeched, throwing a napkin at him. Ander just shrugged and went to grab more but Lilith slowly pulled it away from him, keeping it just out of reach. “And like, I would sell my blood but I don’t want to. First of all, Natatlie would like totally kill me first and then she would pay someone to bring me back and then kill me again. And mages are getting more jobs these days! I’m going to get a job, I don’t know, doing something so I can drown my darlin’ in all those pretty things.” Hilda sighed dramatically. “Aaron agrees with me, right Aaron? I’d look great on television.”
James Kingston

Location: Echo and Max’s room -> Medical
Skills: N/A

James jerked away as Max bopped him on the nose, scowling momentarily at the delirious guy and sighing. Clearly his M-Pox was acting up again. It must have made him activate a portal or something. He hadn’t seen people accidentally use their mutations but he wasn’t an expert on this; for all he knew it was a possibility. Either way, Max was back in one piece and not a flesh stain on the concrete somewhere courtesy of a mourning metal giant. The whole making a deal with a demon needed to be addressed but for now, Max just needed to relax a bit. A shower and some food if he could hold it down would do him some good. “Oh jesus, you’re bleeding again. Give me a second to get something to spit into in case you vomit. Just stay here and lay down. We’ll get you cleaned up and into medical once I get something so you don’t bleed everywhere.” James sighed. He stood up and patted Max reassuringly. “No getting out of bed until I come back, got it?.”

James stepped out of Max’s room to hunt down something to put under his head in case the bleeding got worse when he heard Luna crying. He frowned. Her powers must not be working if she didn’t just find him with her telepathy. He sighed at the sight of Luna sobbing over the trash bucket. “Luna, I’m right here. Everything’s fine. Can you walk with Negasonic? She’s gonna get you to medical and then we can talk for a little bit, okay?” James reassured her as he grabbed a trash bin from medical, checked Casper to see if he was still sleeping, and headed back to Max’s room to deal with delirious patient number 2.

“Okay Max, hold onto me with one arm and hold this with your other.” James gently worked Max up and somewhat standing, arm thrown over his shoulders for support, and shoved the trash bin into Max’s other arm. “If you vomit or spit up blood, do it into that okay?” He instructed calmly as he helped Max walk. They were going to have to do something about Max’s bed. Another thing to add to the list, fantastic.

Time: 3:21 am - The Forest

Time: 4:34 am - Academy Grounds -> Study Room 6

Ander wrinkled his nose at master but otherwise ignored it. “So I hope you don’t take this the wrong way but the only favor I want from that is never being in the same room as him.” Ander pretended to gag at the idea of sharing space with the Sinnenodel. “But uh, I dunno why? Not really a reason other than you’re kinda totally off by yourself a lot and you seem like a cool dude? Gotta admit, haven’t really thought about it besides let’s hang out with him, right Rolf?” Ander asked the haggard looking summoner. Rolf only gave a noncommittal grunt as a response and Ander beamed, clearly taking that as a positive response.

Ander led the trio to study room 6, pulling it open and leaving Rolf to hold it open for them. A fresh crisp breeze flowed over a lake surrounded by colorful wildflowers. The sky was still bright but the sun was dropping towards the horizon, leaving long shadows across the lake from the trees on the other side of the lake. Four students relaxed at a bunch of picnic tables, books and notes scattered around the surface while they murmured among themselves. Rolf silently beelined for the table and plopped himself down unceremoniously next to another mage who squawked irritably as he snatched up a book. He sent them a flat look and the whole table quieted, suddenly focused and working.

Nearby, a checkered picnic blanket was stretched out on the grass where a louder group was laughing as a girl who must have been a little older than Lilie was gesturing wildly as she talked. One guy, sporting several piercings and bright blue hair, rolled on the floor as he clutched his stomach and another girl, dressed in modest black and white finery, covered her mouth as she laughed. A red headed guy only rolled his eyes at the story as he smiled, his attention more focused on the guitar he was fiddling with. Between them, a few plates of food were set out, mostly cheese and fruit, with a glass pitcher full of a light pink liquid. Ander grabbed onto Aaron and pulled him over to the laughing group.

“Alright! I got him!” Ander cheered as they approached, everyone’s attention on them. “Okay so the guy currently dying is Diego. He’s a third year, charms major cause he’s lazy as fuck with a Water affinity.” Diego was still busy trying to keep himself composed but managed a wave at the very least. “Our resident gossip queen is Hilda, second year like me with an Earth affinity and an evocation major. Every need to know who’s who, she’s got you covered.”

“Okay, like, you have to totally spill Aaron. Did you get a girl sent to the mines?” Hilda gushed, brushing her hair out of her eyes that were quite intent. “Like, I totes don’t believe it for a second but no one’s had the balls to ask you yet. So gimme the scoop!

“Please keep in mind that anything you say to her will indeed make it around the student body.” Ander made a show of whispering in Aaron’s ear, “And she had a bet riding on it that it was all lies. Let her suffer for a bit longer.” He stuck his tongue out at her outraged gasp before continuing on with the introductions.

“The modest maiden here is Lilith, treasurer of Student Government. Her partner is Rowan, the President. She’s a fourth year student with a Sound Affinity and a Protection major.” Lilith offered a head nod and a smile as Ander barreled on. “And the last member of the fun train is Alex, fourth year with a Fire affinity and evocation major. He also TAs Evocation for Primary Affinities so he’s over with the study monkeys as often as here.” Alex waved lazily at him.

“And you fell for the puppy routine, huh? Well, you’re stuck now. Ander won’t let you go once he’s got you.” Alex laughed. “You just came back from your practical right? Take a seat. You’ve gotta be dead on your feet.”
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