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So tired, sleep why do you spurn me?!
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Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.

Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!

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James Kingston

Location: The Stage
Skills: N/A

James stared at the empty space that was once the strange amalgamation they’d become. There was a profound sense of emptiness in the aftermath of what they’d become. In the short instance they’d been one, James found his abilities amplified a million times over, felt the very pulse of existence itself. Everyone and everything connected in a single underlying principle with no regard for creed nor race nor philosophy. In that moment, nothing mattered but life and its expression, its beauty in the struggle against the harsh reality of mortality, and its continued illumination against the backdrop of darkness death strove to weave. James couldn’t face that, couldn’t have experienced first hand the world in a way mortals never truly could, and walk away the same. It was too much to handle at once, especially now as they stood amongst the crumbled aftermath of a place that had once seemed isolated from the problems of the world. But he knew now that their struggle, had they emerged victorious or not, had meaning. That they lived here once mattered. And where they would go next all had meaning in the fundamental expression of life.

The bitter-sweet nostalgia of the Underground long gone didn’t hurt quite so much now.

James didn’t have room for much more emotion than what swept through him in the aftermath of their connection. What little was left may have been given over to embarrassment if not for the sweeping relief of Casper’s return, held at bay in the face of annihilation. The tears rolled down his face as he crushed Casper in a hug, murmuring quiet apologies as he shook with the weight of guilt and relief. It took him several long minutes before he could bring himself to pull away from Casper. He sniffled, wiped away his tears, and turned to look back at the group as they started planning as the shock faded away.

He felt a twinge of sadness when he realized his journey was over but, there was joy there as well. He’d help with the evacuation but after that, Casper and James made a plan. It felt like ages ago. The Underground he knew would exist anymore but he’d keep a spot at his table for any of them if they ever needed it.

“I have a promise to keep. Didn’t think I have a chance honestly.” James let out a relieved laugh, “Guess New Orleans is happening after all, babes.”
James Kingston

Location: The Stage
Skills: N/A

James gaped at Casper, running up like nothing happened. He’d been dead, not even a minute ago. James had felt his life break at his feet, his heart tearing itself to shreds, it felt like his whole life had been over, and now Casper just ran up to them like he’d passed out on the field, rather than James caving his skull in. He wanted to grab Casper and fucking run, put him somewhere no one, not even James could burt him, but at the same time, he could barely bring himself to look at Casper. All he saw was his own fist in Casper’s face, the last broken plea Casper managed to get out, all the while being stuck in his own skin, unable to do anything. He couldn’t even scream.

But as Max started shouting instructions, James shook his head. He could deal with the emotions later; Casper coming back to life wouldn’t mean anything if Selene made it off the island. Max gave him his task and he frowned in response. That… was a lot of people if Max truly meant everyone. He hadn’t really tried focusing on more than one person. He’d assumed the fact that trying to sync to multiple bodies would have made him go haywire. How do you match two different people, much less those in different states of health and chemical composition, at the same time? Jesus, the adrenaline between all of them was likely to give him a heart attack trying to level it all but if that’s what Max needed, that’s what Max would get.

“Alright. Let’s finish this bullshit.” James sighed, rubbing his hands together.
The North Gate

15th of the Full Autumn Moon, 1698 P.A.
Early Morning - Overcast Skies

“Well, well! Seems like everyone is up and at them. Guess it’s a good thing I’m not a gambling man; I’d have lost half my pouch with this many showing up!” Cerric joked before Esvelee had a chance to respond, quickly doing a headcount. “Only one down. Not bad, not bad at all. We have a bit to talk about and then we’ll be on our way. Our wayward friend may yet still have a chance.” He stepped back, a half bow to Esvelee to offer her the floor.

“Uh, alright then.” She started hesitantly, bewilderment plain on her face as she stared at Liliann’s hat. “Well, if y’all need a place to store some stuff, I got some space for a pack or two in the cart. Job’s easy enough. Papa wants the stuff safe and sound in the Wilree markets so we, uh, hired some people. You, I mean. We hired…” She frowned as she counted. “Why did we hire so many people? I’m expecting some ‘gressive wolves, maybe a bear. You’re bringin’ enough to fell a forest or somethin’. How paranoid is my pa?”

“Technically, you just hired me. These ones are apprentices, in a vaguely similar sort of way. Don’t worry; you aren’t paying any extra.” Cerric reassured her. She fixed him with a suspicious look and, apparently satisfied with whatever his half smile conveyed, shrugged and let the matter drop.

“Now, we just gotta make it to the main Wilree road and meet up with the Hanrish caravan and then y’all are good to go. Don’t suppose it’ll go too awful if we got so many bodies for the trip.” Esvelee shrugged.

“But that’s not the mindset to have when you’re being evaluated for your ability to get the job done!” Cerric interjected with a clap of his hands. “No, no, no. Even though this is just a simple escort, you have to take the job seriously and focus on reducing the threat to our poor, helpless employer. So to that end, I’ll will be gladly taking the seat next to Esvelee while you all put your strengths and skills together to ensure Ms. Buckman makes her way safely to the caravan! ”

“Okay. Well, Ceolfric and whoever else has a pack to stash, come ‘round to the back real quick and we’ll get you set up.” She waved them to the back, pushing a few small boxes around and repositioning the oil cloth wrapped plants so there was some room without crushing the product. Cerric swung up on the seat of the wagon and crooked a finger at Liliann.

“Now, did your search last night satisfy your curiosity?” Cerric asked, curiosity and something else in his eyes as his exhaustion seemed to melt off his face. “By the time I was freed up, you and Kyreth scuttered away to his room.”

As soon as Cerric was occupied with his own conversation, Esvelee raised an eyebrow at Ceolfric. “Y’all sure there ain’t anything that dangerous? There some nasty rumors whirlin’ around these parts and six people ‘stead of one showing up seems like there is a problem.”
James Kingston

Location: The Stage
Skills: N/A

The scene at the stage was intense. Bone and disease and light crashed against the slowly dwindling Selene, accounting to little more than mild irritation, but the ground still trembled with each of her footsteps. James came to a stop next to Max, who seemed to have pulled himself together and hardened his resolve after picking up whatever the fragments were on the ground.

At least that was one of them.

James stared up at Selene where she all but ignored the full assault on her. Maybe it was the lingering effects of whatever mind games someone had played with him or the toll of recent events but James’ felt like his head was in a fog, the wheels in his brain barely spinning. He felt tired, exhausted, and he had no idea how to stop someone that the most powerful mutants on the island were raging against to no avail.

“Tell me you got something, man.” James asked Max, ready to spring into action if Selene actually started fighting back.
James Kingston

Location: Midway between Shi'Ar Bar and the Underground table
Skills: N/A

His voice was hoarse by the time he was shaken violently out of the mind numbing pain. The tremors wracking the island were too much too ignore and James stared bleary eyed at the damaged all around - the withering plant life, the hoard of evacuees, Ben looking like he was on the verge of tearing someone’s throat out and Jack seemingly doing his best to reassure, calm… James wasn’t really sure. Everything sounded like it was underwater and he felt a bone deep exhaustion. He looked around, trying to gather himself past the fog in his head, and fixated on the massive Selene.

Normally, he’d be angry. She’d taken away Casper, she’d taken away their future, she’d taken away a father from their son. It’d only be natural to be angry. But at this point, James was just weary. He didn’t have it in him to be angry, no spark of irritation left to foster into anything. “I’ll be back, sweetheart. Just gotta wrap this up first.” James murmured sadly, pressing a kiss to Casper’s hand. He pushed himself to his feet with a sigh and jogged towards where the fighting was happening.
Soft Haven: The North Gate

15th of the Full Autumn Moon, 1698 P.A.
Early Morning - Overcast Skies

The next dawn dawned cold and dreary, weak, watery sunlight filtering over the horizon. Rain seemed imminent later in the day but still, the sounds of the city rousing slowly filled the air. The smell of fresh baked bread just barely reached the northern gate and the shouting of early risers started to fill the town. The midnight guard was a tired lot, mostly leaning with heavy heads and heavier eyelids, as they waited for their relief to arrive. Few people used the northern gate at this hour and so the road was mostly empty, save for two speaking in hushed tones twenty paces outside the gate.

Cerric stood next to a large covered wagon, dressed far less elegantly than at the house. He opted for a simple set of canvas pants, a high collared long sleeve shirt tied up at the neck, and a hooded, heavy woolen traveling cloak all in sensible dark greens and browns. He carried two heavy water skins, hanging off a rope tied at the belt on each hip. Despite his bubbly and animated gestures he made as he conversed, it was clear the early hour took its toll, sluggishness evident in his movements and the downward droop of his mouth matched the droop in his shoulders.

His conversation partner, a young woman who barely reached his shoulders, was an entirely different matter. Brown hair tied back in a neat braid that fell to the middle other back, she laughed cheerily in response to Cerric’s commentary. Dressed in similar attire for the trip ahead, she stood a head shorter than Cerric and was filled with an energy misplaced in the dreary morning hours. Her foot tapped with a restless energy in front of the covered wagon, piled high with red fern bundled in oil cloth, attached to a large brown horse.

“Honestly, Master Cerric. Each tale more outlandish than the last.” The woman shook her head with a giggle before gesturing at the water skins. “You certain you don’t wanna throw those in the wagon? Got a little space if we shuffle some supplies around. Won’t take but a second.”

“Very gracious of you, Esvelee but I’ll decline once again. These are the tools of my trade and no self respecting tradesman would dare part with his tools, even for a minute!” Cerric denied dramatically, turning his nose up at the very notion.
James Kingston

Location: Midway between Shi'Ar Bar and the Underground table
Skills: N/A

James frowned. Something buzzed in his ears, the sound of… people talking? People screaming? James shook his head, trying to focus on the noise but he couldn't make anything out. It was far away, he could tell, but where exactly it was, he had no idea. Maybe Luna and Max were doing something and it backfired or had consequences they hadn't considered. He grumbled to himself and pushed off the bed, upset that his morning with the love of his life was being ruined by mind fuckery.

It was always mind fuckery.

The house shuddered and shook and James caught himself on a wall as he stumbled. He whipped around to find Casper but the bed was empty. Something heavy filled his chest, dread thick and viscous, and reached into his lungs and crawled up throat, bitter like bile. He could barely breathe as he struggled to scream, to call out, to do anything. A chunk of the ceiling collapsed, taking a chunk of the floor down to the first floor. James clutched his head as he struggled to breath. Where was everyone? What was happening? Why did everything hurt? He stumbled and the building collapsed…

James screamed as he woke, scrambling to his knees and taking deep, heaving breaths. There was ground beneath him, familiar but out of place. There was blood on his hands but from where… His memory was hazy, struggling to piece together the bizarre occurances. How did he get here? Where was here? Who attacked them? It hit him like a ton of bricks. The party, Selene, suddenly conscious in his own body but trapped, fighting…


"Casper." James whispered in horror, as he vividly remembered whose blood was on his hands. "Casper?! Casper?!" He spotted his corpse on the ground, unnaturally still. He remembered screaming, clawing, fighting himself to no avail. He remembered how his body lunged, knocking Casper to the ground. He remembered how easy it was to kill him, how he crumpled like paper with just. One. Hit.

James scrambled on hands and knees to Casper's corpse, horrified at what he saw. He felt bile rising in the back of his throat as tears burned his eyes and his breaths grew shorter and shorter as the memories of everything slammed into full force. He couldn't hear anything, couldn't see anything, everything was too much, all of it was too much, too much, too much, too…

He buried his face in Casper's chest and screamed.

James Kingston

Location: Midway between Shi'Ar Bar and the Underground table
Skills: Reactive Adaptability

James rubbed his forehead where he’d bumped into the door frame coming in. He stood aside, waving off Cayden’s concern as he passed by for his morning run and wished him a good morning.Normally they jogged together but James was in the mood for an easy morning. He’d only gotten up for the bathroom but he had the sudden urge to watch the sunrise. He let the door shut behind him, thinking of leaving the door unlocked but deciding against it. Someone would just have to let Cayden back in once he returned.

The sound of fighting rang from the room they’d transitioned into a training room and he leaned against the door frame just to watch. Sunshine and Magik sparred but it seemed more like flirting, if the playful banter and pulled blows were anything to go by. He caught Sunshine’s eye and quirk a brow with a smile and she just rolled her eyes at him, flipping him the bird while Magik set up for the next demonstration. He made a mental note to give her the talk soon, adding it to his next ending to do-list. His attention moved to Callie and Waves. Usually only armed with a rebar, Waves had gone to Callie for some more formal hand-to-hand combat training and Callie was always more than happy to oblige when someone on the team needed advice or help. He watched for a few more moments, noting a few pieces of equipment that needed some maintenance, before shoving off the door frame and drifting to the dining room and kitchen.

Veil and Harry spoke in low tones in the kitchen, the occasional laugh breaking the siblings’ conversation as Harry prepped breakfast like he usually did. Sapphire was wandering into the dining room with a pile of utensils and the plates they’d managed to swipe on their last supply run and placed it all in a pile in the center of the table for everyone to grab their own stuff. James wished her a good morning and headed back for the stairs, his help not needed there at the moment.

Max and Luna were discussing something that sounded vaguely magical and mindfucking related but it died out quickly in favor as they exchanged greetings on the stairs. The three of them chatted and a strange pang of nostalgia shot through him, quickly waved off in favor of the conversation. It wasn’t anything exciting, just how everyone slept and plans for the day and ideas for what they needed to help stabilize their new headquarters (and no Max, decorative tapestries were not necessary even if they were free), but he felt like he missed it for some strange reason. He was reluctant to end the conversation but he had something to do so he bid his farewell, wished Luna a safe trip, and took the stairs two at a time on his way to his and Casper’s room.

He crossed paths with Jack, who was just closing his door. Jack looked better, better rested ad sure of himself, than he had in recent days. They paused as well, the conversation not flowing as easily as it did with his previous conversation partners but he still made the effort. Jack was important to Casper and that meant he was important to James, even beyond how much he cared for everyone here. But Jack and James both had business to attend to so instead of delving into deeper conversation, they went their separate ways.

He hummed softly as he cracked open their door and slipped into the semi-darkness of the room. Casper was half under the covers, mouth open and drool running out of the corner of his mouth, and hair wild across his face and pillow. Still, he looked like an angel straight out of James' dreams. He let out a breathy, fond noise and gently pushed his boyfriend's hair out of his face, wiped the drool away, and pressed a kiss to his forehead. People said a lot of things about Casper, about his past and his behavior, and he knew some people-cough, Max, cough-didn't see why James was so infatuated with him.

But they didn't really look at Casper. James couldn't deny he had a colorful past and he was erratic and eccentric but none of those were bad things. They made Casper unique and interesting and beautiful, coupled with a heart of absolute gold. James wouldn’t lie and claim he saw past everything. He’d thought the guy flirting with him was cute so he took the chance, one that paid off way better than he expected. They balanced each other well, Casper’s chaotic and boundless energy pushing James to grow and James' steady nature keeping Casper more grounded than he once had been.

He chuckled quietly as Casper babbled some dream nonsense and fidgeted in his sleep. James settled on the bed next to him, soothing his hand up and down Casper’s back. He was going to marry this man one day. He wasn’t sure when or how he’d do it but Casper deserved the stars and the moon and every damn thing James could offer him. It wasn’t much now but James had hope that one day, things would be better. He’d show the world how much he loved the beautiful, loving, crazy man who James had given his whole heart to.
James Kingston

Location: Midway between Shi'Ar Bar and the Underground table
Skills: Omega Level Healing, Kickboxing

James' knees buckled as the lightning hit him, every nerve on fire as he struggled to get his swimming vision to focus. His hearing was little more than a dull hum in the background and his skin, where he wasn't numb, felt like he'd pressed several hot pokers to it. The wounds started to heal immediately, burns fading into nothing, but soreness radiated through every muscle as he slowly recovered. It'd been a hard hit and it left him weak-he couldn't even move from where he knelt.

Slowly, his hearing keyed back in, his vision settled, but he couldn't move. He studied the scene in front of him with mild confusion. Casper was on ground, Sapphire's spirit and Jack were here, the table had vanished, and the weather was out if control. Fighting could be hear elsewhere and James tried to turn his head but the damage done by the lightning strike was too much for his healing at the moment.

Why was their fighting? The last thing James remembered was Casper sitting in his lap while he chatted with Selene. Max, Veil, and Callie were coming back with drinks but after that it was all hazy. Shit, did someone slip then some weird alien alcohol that didn't go well with human physiology? He could see someone pulling a horrible prank like that and as soon as he recovered, he was going to have a stern talking to with whoever thought drugging him was a fun prank idea.

Then James stood.

Normally, this would be a good thing, a great thing even. However, James was not trying to stand and yet here he was, ignoring the screaming muscle pain in favor of scowling at the blue apparition. His gaze dropped down to where Casper lay, clearly terrified and hurt, and James panicked as he tried to move, to speak, to do anything. Nothing happened. No one responded. James realized whatever was happening, he was made a prisoner in his own body. Someone else-

Fucking Selene. The hazy memories came back slowly, the fog parting to reveal Slene's performance and his last glance up at the moon. If he got out of this, he was chopping her to pieces, separating them, and fuckong burying or sinking them or whatever other bullshit immortals needed to be dealt with.

"Maybe if you were more than a worn out rubber band, you'd realize I want him alive a little longer. No wonder your daughter barely tolerates you. I'd hate sharing blood with you too." James heard himself say to Jack before turning to Sapphire. "And while I'm sure you're just dying to remind everyone how much of a bitch you are, save it. You've served your purpose just showing up. James tried to curse out Selene, beg with himself, scream out for help but it didn't matter what he did. He caught the dragon as the not-him looked up at Max's creation, terrifying in its majesty and danger, but the recognition was far away. James was a prisoner in his own body, one that wanted to kill everyone he loved, and he couldn't do shit about it.

As miserable as James was, it seemed the enchantment controlling him didn't know or didn't care about how James felt. Instead, he was more concerned with the tight, itchy feeling skittering across his skin, overshadowing the quickly fading soreness. It felt uncomfortably tight and for a moment, James could have sworn his skin would split.

Then it did and internally, James was horrified and disgusted. Not-him couldn't move fast enough, the dry, tight, itchy feeling maddening as he tore at his face, rolling layer after layer of skin down his cheeks and neck and shoulders. He tore it out in patches from under his clothes, through the holes left by the lightning strike, with the faintest glimmer of ooze on the freshh, new skin beneath. Both James and not-James needed a moment to recover after that but it wasn't long before the enchantment overrode his needs and drove him to bloodlust again.

James screamed and railed as his body went for Casper again, vulnerable and defenseless. It was obvious he didn't want to kill him-after all, an unlimited supply of mutant souls seemed like the greatest gift of all from the Goddess-but the shaky, unsettling aftermath left James's control lacking and what was meant to be a stunning blow turned into a crushed skull. James watched in horror as the blood of his beloved dripped off his fingers.

"Not what I wanted but it isn't every day you she'd your skin, I suppose." James heard himself say followed by a shrug. The voice was distant and tears pricked at his body's eyes as he wept, his devastation equal parts fury and sorrow. When he broke free of this shit, Selene wouldn't get the chance to die. He'd torture her for all eternity before he was satisfied. "At least, he can rejoice in his contriubution to the Goddess. We finally found something his pathetic ass was good for."
The Soft Haven Bounty House - First floor

14th of the Full Autumn Moon, 1698 P.A.
Noon - Clear Skies

“Don’t worry. Mr. Liadon will vouch for you.” Cerric laughed, ruffling his hand through Ermes’ hair. He paused, blinked at his hand in Ermes’ hair, and then doubled down, ruffling with both hands. “It’s so soft! Honestly, I was expecting my hand to just pass through but it’s just so soft!”

“Yes, Mr. Liadon will be enough to vouch for you.” Aleka continued, unbothered by Cerric’s display of child-like wonder at Ermes’ abnormality. “If you have concerns about Mr. Liadon’s honestly, then I will maintain the token already negotiated. Either way, I am confident that if you fail, you’ll likely flee as one of the area’s most influential people will have a nasty grudge against you.” As he spoke, Aleka continued to write in the new tome, adding names beneath the job record as well as the promised earnings so that upon completion.

“While you are in town, I would also recommend you consider what you would like to happen to your belongings should you be accepted and die. Standard policy states that if we recover your belongings, they are property of the House unless otherwise stated so please submit letters of intent or a will and we will follow them in the event of your death.” Aleka continued, still scribbling in his book. “We will not contact anyone unless that is noted as well. If you need assistance writing, please do not hesitate to ask after your acceptance.”

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