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So tired, sleep why do you spurn me?!
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Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.

Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!

Most Recent Posts

Danny Kingston

Location: The Field (School Carnival)
Skills: N/A
First Day Fit

"Oooooh damn, get your woman, girlie!" Danny cheered Mai's interest in Katie on. Maybe then they can pry for those sweet, sweet details about what broke the two up - it was probably even worse than what the rumors were saying about the two and getting one of the squad in the inside circle would certainly give 'em the inside scoop. "T'at way we can get the sweet, sweet deets on the break up! Gettin' the most reliable deets, so even Sabeanie can't deny my info is good!" He stuck his tongue out playfully at Sabine as they made their way through the Carnival.

"Yo, fuck the x-men, and not in the fun way, but if everyone was a Sinister clone?!" Danny gasped, eyes wide as he looked around. "T'at'd be fucking terrifying and kinda awesome at the same time, right? Like, bad guy, super scare but also like bad guy, kick some ass, am I right?" At the mention of fortune telling, Danny disentangled himself from Sabine and held up a big X with his arms.

"Can't do fortune tellin'! At least, no yet! Dee really wants ta do it with everyone so gotta wait for the birt'day boy." He sang, a little nervously after Sabine mentioned wicked fortunes. "And when you say wicked, do we mean wicked cool or wicked spooky 'cause I don't do spooky very well and I always need someone to 'old my hand 'cause I get spooked by the spooks and if Prof Aggie is doing the spooks, should I get my fortune told?"

It was a serious conundrum. He did not like scary spooky things, he only liked cute and a little creepy spooky things, but Prof Aggie sounded more scary spook than cute spook. He could feel the gears in his head start to overheat as he considered the conundrum, the sound of a body hitting water and Mai's victory shrieking breaking his vicious feedback loop of concern. "Awwwwww yeah! Look at Beanie go! Droppin' Profs and looking bomb!" He couldn't help but also latch onto Sabine, shaking her in tandem with Mai in his excitement for her victory.
@Trainerblue192 Please feel free to move this character over :)
@Bert Macklin You are approved! He's such a Good Boi :D
Danny Kingston

Location: The Field (School Carnival)
Skills: N/A
First Day Fit

Danny scarfed down the rest of his funnel cake in one bite, barely bothering to chew, and offered Mai a fist bump in solidarity as he snagged some napkins and cleaned off before Sabine wound her arm through his. She was the bad bitch of the group and he knew she’d fuck someone up if he got powdered sugar all over her and frankly, the day had had enough fuck ups already (not him of course. Just the Mini-Diana and Banshee the Freshie). So instead, he leaned into Sabine’s side and cackled at the mental image of Coulsin hitting the water of the dunk tank. Of course, as soon as April mentioned using her powers for evil the Greater Good (duh), all thoughts of fuck ups left his head. “Yeah, yeah! Just like, signal, and I’ll make like a flare or somet'ing! They won’t even notice ‘cause you’ll be so sneaky and you’ll 'ave a distraction!” Danny was practically vibrating with excitement, having learned nothing from the past encounter with his abilities.

Of course, that changed as soon as Sabine’s tone turned teasing and she brought up Danny taking a ride. What was so weird about it? Mai got a piggyback ride, why couldn’t he get a… It took a few moments for it to click in his head and he gaped awkwardly at her for a few seconds before he blustered and sputtered, ears turning brighter than the fireball he set off. He didn’t mean it like that! He was just jealous of Mai! Something dark and nasty settled in the pit of his stomach, churning from something other than poorly cooked carnie food and ignore health codes, but he simply did what he did best whenever there was a problem: avoid, avoid, avoid! And he launched into a rambling spiel instead.

“Ooooh, speaking of ot'er people talking, did you 'ear why Professor Agatha is leaving? Like, yeah t'e official version is because she 'as a new job offer but I 'eard from a friend’s sister’s cousin that is superduper reliable that she actually was helping that Foucault gal blackmail Coulsin because 'e’s a not super crazy clone of Sinister so she’s being forced out too!” Danny was like, 56% sure that was what he heard and it connected so perfectly like, it had to be true, right? “What if we dunk 'im and 'e like, melts or some weird clone thing?! That'd be so cool! Do you t'ink we’d be murderers tho? Do you t'ink t'ey’d let us stay even if we killed the 'eadmaster?” Danny pondered.

The familiar chime of Dorian’s ringtone interrupted his train of thought and he whipped out his phone real quick to check the text. His smile grew even wider as he read it. “Aight, D’s gong join us in a bit! I’mma tell 'im ta meet us at the Dunk Tank, unless 'e wants ta do fortune telling right now.” Danny announced, already texting back his response.

He barely heard the familiar sound of a portal opening before he was assaulted by fabric, a jacket or sweater or something flying straight into his mouth. He dropped his phone, pulling the offending garment off his face, as he heard a familiar giggling. He pulled it off his face in time to catch Maxie giving him a shit eating grin while his Pops reached over a fancy looking table to smack him, Papa blowing a kiss, and the familiar sound of Benjie’s disappointed sigh. “What fuck did they just…” Danny grumbled as he actually looked at piece of clothing. It was the Mini-Diana’s replacement jacket. He only got it as a peace offering for Dorian because Dorian was obviously butt-hurt about the whole situation. It seemed good enough for him so he shrugged, threw it over his shoulder, but his step faltered and he turned very, very slowly to look at Sabine.

“Wait a minute… Did you just offer ta mind wipe de teachers but you wouldn’t mind fuck some freshman for me?!” Danny fake gasped, clutching at his neck as if he had a string of pearls around it. “Rude!”
@Bert Macklin I like him so far! The creepy blood preferance is absolutely fantastic but as I am a Magistrate and more, I would like to see his redacted background please 😊

@Scribe of Thoth Quinn is a precious bean and I'll be devastated when he dies. He's approved once I know what is that blue stuff at the bottom of his sheet?

As for Chadwick, he is also approved pending some mage names 😊

@Obscene Symphony Approved! 🎉🎉🎉

@Hero I'll give you a few post cycles before I start exploiting all the fun stuff you've given me in Lyra. Approved! 🤩🤩🤩

As for Stacia, you can move her over but we still gotta discuss her future a little more 😀

@Trainerblue192 ⏳️⌛️
Danny Kingston

Location: The Field (School Carnival)
Skills: Fashion Sense
First Day Fit

“Why would I want- Aaaaand t'ere she goes. Ugh!” Danny stuck his tongue out at Diana’s receding back. Forgiveness, psh. If anyone needed it, it was her freshie brother! Leah departed and April looked like she was going to pass out any moment now and oh gods, that’s just one more thing that’s going to go wrong and he still had to cook and they still had to do presents but now the birthday boy was gone and maybe Danni was being…

He stared at Mai clambering off a familiar giant with awe. Danni didn’t know he gave piggyback rides! “Non, non, non it was just a freshie dat ran into D. T'ey ran away though so like, whateves but more importantly,” He flailed widely at Mai’s impromptu horse. “Edward gives rides?! Non, wait Freddie. Non, that’s not it eit'er. Frankie? No… Oh, Teddy! Like a Teddy bear cause you’re so big, cute, and cuddly!” Danny snapped as he remembered. He’d really only spoken with the gentle giant a few times, mostly to oh and awe over how big he was. “Teeeeddy, when do I get ta ride you?” Danny offered the bear bear puppy eyes that were immediately interrupted by another random person.

Danny peered at her for a moment, and frowned as he couldn’t place her. “Are you another freshie? Ugh, why are de new meat t'is year so rude? At least, I say please.” Danny grumbled but was immediately distracted once again by his Best Beanie stepping up and taking charge like the bad bitch she was. “You’re right, fuck dat freshie. 'e started it and 'e got what 'e deserved, hmph! But yeah Mai, everyone’s good! Freshie was a little toasty but not'ing injured, sorry I panicked and you were the first person I t'ought of! Sick face paint, btws!”

At the mention of Sabine’s outfit, Danni inspected Mai and Sabine for a moment. “Damn, we’re a good looking group of 'oes.” Danni offered solemnly, like a pearl of wisdom from an ancient philosopher. He nodded silently for a few moments. “Now, as for what we should…”

Danni shivered as a misty rainfall pittered onto them. He looked around for a fire, or something he’d done by accident because, let’s be real, 9 times out of 10 that’s why his favorite mermaid princess was whippin’ up some water but he didn’t see anything and she was off at the food truck by the time he turned to ask her. He shrugged. Maybe he was overheating or something! Not like it was a nice change after all the pyrotechnics!

“Wait, ‘old on. You mean,” Danni paused as he snagged a funnel cake from April’s hand and pressed a kiss to her cheek as thanks. “You mean, I get ta choose?” Danny shoved a handful of the funnel cake in his mouth, getting powdered sugar all over his hands in the process. “Well, we wanted to do fortune telling but now dat D’s not 'ere, 'e might get a little upsetti if we do dat wit'out 'im and 'e’s 'aving a shit day so maybe…” He lucked the sugar off his fingers as he considered the question. There’s 'ook-a-duck, there’s t'or’s hammer, there’s t'e archery club-Oh, we should see if the rumors are true about Kate, btw. Dat sounds like some spicy stuff, right there! Oh! We should go do group… No, D will be pouty about dat too. You know, let's dunk some teachers! D should be chill with dat while we’re waiting for fortunes.

Speaking of D… Danny pulled his phone out and started typing to the family chat, sending a link to the jacket he ruined once it was sent.

The Snakeburrow Woods

15th of the Full Autumn Moon, 1698 P.A.
Night - Overcast Skies

Cerric’s eyebrows moved higher and higher as Kyreth all but whispered his words. He followed Kyreth’s fleeting glance at the flint strike and he seemed more and more confused as the Tainted continued with this strange line of conversation. “What in the world has given you the impression you are a burden? If I shared that belief, you wouldn’t have made it across the lake, let alone traveled with us a full day.” Cerric laughed, waving away the boy’s concerns. “Listen, Kyreth. I understand you’ve suffered a difficult life thus far and I do not want to make light of it, but it’s time to put that away. You’ve stepped foot in a world that demands more confidence and selfishness than the, and forgive me my bluntness, sniveling you’re doing now. Buck up. You don’t need to thank me for following orders.” Cerric clapped him on the shoulder, giving him a thumbs up. He murmured a soft word and held his hand above the trough, a steady stream of water pouring out to fill it.

“At the end of the day, our Lord respects my opinion on our business. If I said your presence would compromise the job, he’d have found another task for you, but you are already serving an important role: the unknown variable. If five people can’t handle an extra, unanticipated addition to the team that is more hindrance than help, then they shouldn’t be pursuing this line of work. Flexibility is the key to survival.” Cerric shrugged. “And this is an excellent environment to practice. The aether is calm and stable, more willing to work with you than against you. I can’t exactly fault our Lord for wanting to give you an opportunity to learn outside of the House for a bit. But if passive assistance isn’t your style, I’ll keep your offer in mind.” Cerric shook his wrist sharply a few times, the water stopping before he moved onto the waterskins. He tapped each one and commanded them to fill, the water skins plumped back up to brimming.

Meanwhile, Esvelee had removed the tack from her horse and had started brushing it, humming a soft song. The clouds above continued to sit, darkening over the course of the day and threatening with a quiet rumble of thunder, but it still stayed miraculously dry. The faint music of Snakeburrow wound its way through the campsite, a constant companion on travels through the woods, and the soft shushing of leaves and grasses as the wind snatched playfully at the branches of the trees and the edges of clothes. The last bit of sunlight faded away, leaving only the flickering campfire to cast long shadows amongst the clearing.
Danny Kingston

Location: The Field (School Carnival)
Skills: Pyrokinesis
First Day Fit

Danni froze, hand outstretched and mouth agape as the nasty freshie went scrambling off like the dick he was. Why couldn’t he understand it was all just an accident?! He didn’t mean to set him on fire, he didn’t mean to get spray in his mouth (what, was he just supposed to let the freshie burn like a monster?!), and he wasn’t gonna turn his jacket to ash!!! Sure, it may have been too much for a tiny thing like that but all’s free in fucking and fashion so Danny was just going to ask Maxie to make a new one! What was so bad about that?!

Thankfully, before the steadily rising frustration, confusion, and hurt could cause another configuration, his knight in shining armor, his memory bending maiden, his dancing soulmate, Sabinnie showed up. He could practically sob, and he did, while throwing himself at her and tossing the popcorn he’d been munching on just moments ago, thrown in his emotional roller coaster somewhere in the fair. “Beaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannie, fix dis!!!!! Make de meany freshie forget about de possession. Ee’s bein so dumb over not'ing!” Danny whined, stomping his foot. “Ee yelled at me because I was trying to 'elp an accidentally set somet'ing on fire, and now dese two,” He waved at Leah and Diana, “Are pickin' on us for a mistake! T'ey’re just being jerks! Both of them are saying I tried killin someone but I want to save people, not kill dem! I’d never kill anyone!” He shouted. He didn't even notice the flames flickering around him in long ribbons, entirely focused on how awfully the day was going, how awful these people were being, and how shifty he felt, and as he threw his hands in the air dramatically, the flames curling together and following, launching into the air a massive violent, roaring fireball. Danni blinked against the bright light for a few moments.

"Omg, omg! Did I do dat? Dat's so cooll!!!" Danni, distracted, practically sparkled, turning to look at his friends. "Wasn't dat cool?! Dee loo- oh" Danny stopped as he remembered why he made the fireball in the first place, vivid excitement twisting into an irritated pout.

“No, today was supposed ta be fun, not ruined by some punk ass freshie who just wants to get into trouble, like 'e didn’t shove Dee first!” Danny seethed, working himself from upset to frustrated. “And now, Dee’s birt'day is ruined and de first day of superhero school is ruined and and and…” Danny ran his hands down his face and groaned. “Ee’s gonna be pissed for like, ever. Merde, merde, merde! What are we gonna do? What am I gonna do? Ugh, should we go after him? But t'en 'e’ll be doubly pissed because we didn’t give 'im 'is zone but then I’m a bad bestie, and not the good kind of bad bestie, but then I’m not because that’s what 'e wants and oh God,que fais-je? Beanie, what do I doooooooooo?”
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