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8 yrs ago
So tired, sleep why do you spurn me?!
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Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.

Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!

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Danny Kingston

Location: Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Costume:Double Trouble

Danni was bored. They came to a party to have fun and here they were, talking in circles about who is having fun, who's isn't having fun, blah blah blah blah. He could practically weep with relief when Mads came back, drink in hand, and he was all too happy to accept one. “T’e best, Maddie. VIP of t'e evenin’!” Danni cheered, wrapping his free arm around her shoulders.

“Food, really? Not dancin’? Dee and Spicy are gunna come out and t’ey're probs gunna be all spooked, so t’heir not gunna wanna eat! We haven't done anyt'ing so work up an appetite! Wouldn't it be better ta actually get ‘ungry first?” Danni whined, still slipping his free arm into April's and heading towards food, all but vibrating with the need to do anything. “ ‘Cause t'at maze-’ouse t'in’ ain't gettin’ me anywhere near it. T'ose people be cryin’ and I did not put t'is much body color on ta start ruinin’ it wit’ tears. Plus, who wants me ta ugly cry in t'e middle of t'is - we're ‘ere ta bask in our victory and ‘ave a relaxin’ night after grueling days of school work and trainin’.” Danni groaned at the memory, Nemo’s insane need to booby trap everything making him a little paranoid as he stared at his drink. Was it poisoned, would Nemo come over the speaker and announce it was a fucking training exercise and they had to find an antidote with the materials in this rooms?

Danni shook his head, they wer having fun. This was fun! “Okay, okay, okay. Food t’en dance, food t’en dance!. I wanna dance wit’ everyone!” Danni declared excitedly, already doing a little jig as they headed to eat.

Danny Kingston

Location: Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Costume:Double Trouble

“Aw look at you, Spicy! All adorably grumpy like a little pug! You're bein’ so brave wit’ all t'ese people; don't bite anyone in t'e ‘aunted ‘ouse!” Danni patted Spicy's head, and promptly skipped away to hide on the other side of the friend group. “Wait, Mads!!! Get me a drink too pleaaaaaaase!” Danni called after her as she dove into the cafeteria fully, before turning his attention to the girls.

“Okay, so like, t'at's a great plan and all but can I please remind t'e group t'at Leah is in love wit’ t’e fight in fight or flight? You remember t’at time last year w'en Dee jump scared ‘er? If Dee'd been ‘alf a second slower goin’ ghost, I'd ‘ave ta ask papa ta play telephone wit’ ‘im! Not'in’ against t'at Leah, like sups ‘ot and all t'at strengt’ rawr, but like, get t'is girlie on t'e dance floor, wear ‘er out a bit, and t'en do your ‘ouse so t'en Leah only wants ta like, punch out ‘alf t'eir lights!!” Danni suggested, proud of himself for the logical sounding argument and not at all acknowledging he was nervous that the entire group was heading to the spooky shit first.

Location: D&D Dorm
Skills: Pyrokinesis, Astral Projection

“Yeah, Princess is right! You gotta do photos, group photos, and t’en mini-group photos, silly Beanie! I'd try ta convince everyone fir individual photos but time ain't permittin’ t'at one.” Danni sighed as he fiddled with his locket (costume or not, that ain't ever coming off),casting a critical look over the photos. They were def kick ass, the costumes were on fucking point, even if Spicy did ruin the overall vibe but he was a bit of a stick in the mud so it was on brand. What did annoy him was that in not a single God damned photo did Leah smile. How were they not going to have a smiling Scorpia? She was the god damn friendship is magic character in the Horde and is all about hugs and smiles and just good things all around! He knew she was a damn land mine with the emotional range of an avalanche but come on...

“Not even one smile, Leah? I took like ugh, seven of t’ese.” Danni whined at her, stomping his foot. “I'll let it slide t’is time ‘cause you still look hot as fuck but next time we do group photos, we don't stop ‘til we get a smile!”

Still, he shrugged off his irritation at Leah in favor of pictures with his besties. He wanted individual ones of course - Seahawk with fire around him ‘cause he’s always setting ships on fire, Princess in Perfuma’s signature pose, and himself lounging like Double Trouble up against the wall. Then group photos of the three - serious ones in their poses, silly ones where Danni tried to capture Princess or Dee, and a few with them just being themselves. Danni marked one to be printed out later - he still had some frames he could hang on his dorm wall!

Dorian watched as his best friend fiddled with his locket. He wondered what was going on in his head as he stared at the photos they had just taken. He was about to ask, to see if Danni would open up in front of the rest of them when he suddenly called Leah out. While Dorian certainly didn't expect that mountain to move enough for a smile, Danni did have a point that their Scorpia needed to at least have one photo in which she's smiling. He posed for the photos, doing SeaHawk pose as flames kicked behind him as if he'd set his ship on fire. Another of April carrying Dorian bridal style while Danni tried to “capture them”. It's what he'd expected of the group photos, though he guessed this new group was still a little stiff.

”Well if Perce ‘ere isn't opposed to t'e idea t'en I'd love some pics wit’ ‘im!.” Dorian stopped and looked at Danni, eyes rolling as he dared ask him a question. ” ‘ave any in mind?”

“Dee, Polts, ‘auntlin’, darlin’, I always ‘ave ideas. Now, gimme a little space ta work my magic on Spicy ‘ere.” Danni grinned at Percy, circling him as he abandoned all pretense of personal space. A nudge to the foot, push on an elbow, and the adjustment of his shoulders, and Danni waved Dee over to stand in front of him. “T'is'll be a fuckin’ awesome pic, but I gotta ask. You trust me, right?”


“T’en fall.” Danni said cheerily as he tripped Dee straight into Percy's arms. Just as he planned, it looked like Percy had dipped Dee rather than Danni gleefully tripping his best friend. Danni fiddled with his locket again with one hand on his hip, looking over the pair. “Now be gross and stare inta each ot'er's eyes lovingly or whatever you crazy kids do t'ese days while I work on t'e finishin’ touches.”

There was a short yelp as Dorian felt himself lose control and fall backwards. Lucky for him Percy had caught him. He'd had no time to complain, hardly listening to what Danni was saying as he'd instantly been lost in Percy's eyes, a slight breath leaving him like an adoring sigh as he swooned at the motion. He felt weightless, as if time had frozen them in place, and for a moment he'd forgotten about the others in the room. Threatening to close the space between their lips before Dannis voice pierced back in.

The lighting was off, Danni decided as he looked at the picture in front of him. It took everything in him not to scoff at them, wrapped up in their only little world, but he couldn't resist the eye roll. They barely knew each other. At least the royal trio were more than moderately acquainted. Still, it was a good picture so he kept his mouth shut, even if there was something uncomfortable threatening to bubble up from his chest. But, turning his attention back to more pressing matters, Danni opened his plan and fire crackled to life. He blew it towards the pair and shimmering flames the size of candles hovered around them. It softened everything around them, giving it a warmer glow than the dorm lights ever could, and he was snapping picture after picture - two or three from every angle.

The candle light was beautiful, wrapping the pair into a romantic scene that simply whisked Dorian away. He hadn't noticed how many photos Danni had taken, or how long it was taking. But one of his legs slipped slightly on the tiled floor, he felt more of his weight press against Percy's hands and embarrassment weld up inside of him. He closed his eyes, his body reactively phasing him out as he slipped between Percy's fingers only to phase back in just before he hit the ground. ”I'm alright. I'm fine. But maybe t'e ot'ers can ‘ave a go while I sit down.”

Danni giggled as Dee phased through Percy. “Okie dokie artichokie! Just don't lay too long lover bird, or you'll wrinkle your costume. Danni teased Dee, though he did pat Percy's head. “Good job stayin’ still for t'e pics! Didn't t'ink you ‘ad it in you. You are a freshie of mysteries!” Danni waved away the fire in the air and turned to the royal trio.

“Okay, t'is is my vision. At least 3 photos, each wit’ a different person in t'e middle. Beanie, you in t'e middle first, sword tip down in front of you and Princess and Leak kissin’ you on each side. Princess in the middle next, Beanie and Leah kissin’ Beanie's hand like knights ta a princess, and t’en Leah
” Danni tapped his locket, thinking, thinking thinking. Leah didn't usually feature in pictures so maybe they're do a different route. “Maybe Leah standin’ front and center, aggressively, wit’ Beanie and Princess looking over ‘er shoulders, kinda like she's defendin’ t’em? Or back ta back ta back, Beanie and Princess in profile while Leah is in t’e front?”
Danny Kingston

Location: Stark Hall - Floor Six
Skills: N/A
Costume: Double Trouble

“We're nukin’ t'e dickheads t'at ‘acked Beanie, duh! ‘ard ta be little assholes when you're a stain on t'e wall!” Danni cut in cheerily, even as he skipped outside, phone in hand. “Aw, Spicy! You look so adorable! T'ough, t'e accent makes you sound like Poisson-Pas and t'ats kinds off puttin’, you know? Could you imagine a mini-him runnin’ around, planting fuckin’ explosives and randomly flooding rooms in t'e same of survival?” Danni shivered at the thought, tempted to check the hallway for apocalyptic traps.

He surveyed the hallway critically, certain death already forgotten, as he thought about how the photo. Percy's refusal to play along really dampened the spirit of the whole thing and he was half tempted to demand just a She'ra photo but he could already hear Dee whining about it, so he supposed they'd just work him in just off the side so he wasn't too obviously against the grain. Though, maybe centering him would be better but Spicy barely tolerated attention; Danni couldn't imagine he'd sit still for more than 7 pictures while they got it just right.

“Yeeees, Mads you're rockin’ t'e look! Do you t'ink you can do like, a spell circle or whatevs it's called for t'e photo? It'd be so cool, you'd be so cool, like 10/10 would Magik again. 10/10 would trust wit’ my life!” Danni begged, as a perfect picture came to mind. He scrambled over to Dee, and waved at all of him. “Relaxed picture second - use him as an arm rest after you pose. Gotta do the Seahawk pose! Spicy, just cross your arms, be generally grumpy like always! No extra effort needed!”

“Course, gotta ‘ave Beanie front and center! Gotta ‘ave our She-ra in t'e middle, sword up ‘cause Beanie's a bad ass who ain't scared of no ‘acker.” Danni grabbed his tripod and camera, setting it up as he spoke. “Princess, you go between Beanie and Dee and Leah, you're on t'e other side of Beanie. And t'en Mads, spell circle next ta Leah and t'en I'll
 Danni paused considering where he could go. It was unbalanced if it trailed off on Mads ‘cause they only had one past the center three versus two but he'd wanted to be with Princess and Dee but he'd written himself out of that combo there. Ugh. “We don't ‘ave a Catrs, so I'll skulk my way between Mads and Leah. T'en we can do cute photos! Yes, no, maybe so?”
Danny Kingston

Location: Gym - Training Room A
Skills: N/A
Costume: Double Trouble

Costume party, costume party, costume party! Danni couldn't barely hold himself together the whole day, unable to maintain interest in anything for long with the looming event. He fiddled with his social media, his cooking equipment, even clothes, and tried to research more about his dragon but his head just kept drifting to the party. They really needed to add a group contest for people like them that coordinated and did all this work to look good together - hero work was all about working as a team and what better way to promote comrades than through fun and fashion - but he'd have to settled for winning Savior of Avenger's Academy with one of them!

It had been a difficult decision for some - Princess couldn't make up her mind, which was fair since she was perfect for so many characters, but Danni knew which role he'd play instantly. Double Trouble fit him like a second skin, literally in this case. The longest part of the costume was makeup primer and body paint application, covering the upper part of his arms, neck, and face since thankfully the costume covered everything else because between the full skincare routine, primer, and then the heavy duty water resistant body paint, more would have taken waaaaaay too long for him to get it looking good. His focus, excited for this or not, would have been hella shot and then he'd probably start crying when it looked crappy and it'd ruin the whole vibe and they weren't doing that tonight.

Danni popped his head over Dee's shoulder when he popped open Beanie's live and even though it took him a minute to get caught up to speed, Danni let out a scandalized gasp. "Princess got 'acked?! Daaaaamn, good for t'at bitch! Means she's slayin' 'ard enough ta get noticed by t'e 'aters, ya know? Still, we gotta support our Beanie!" Danni announced, immediately firing off a supportive update on his own channels and tagging Beanie in them. "'aters gunna 'ate, but it's good Beanie caught it so quick. T'is could have been a hell of a fight if it 'appened at t'e party or somet'in', you know? Now say She-Ra everyone!" Danni positioned himself so he could snap a selfie with the pair of them in the background as they were getting ready.

He'd just finished putting his heels on when the door was opened, so he twirled with a bow as Princess, Dee, and he were revealed to their audience: Spicy, Mads, Beanie, and
 Leah. Danni still had mixed feelings on that particular addition but he'd move on, he'd move on. Everything was great and awesome tonight. "Everyt'in' is goin' be great and awesome tonight! Danni shouted, affirming his defective thoughts. "Yeah, we're all ready Princess! If we hurry, we won't miss a t'in' but we gotta do a group selfie first and post it to support Beanie! Fuck t'ese 'ackin' 'aters! Now come on, come! Photo, photo, photo!"

Danny Kingston

Location: Gym - Training Room A
Skills: Pyrokinesis

"Awww but Spicy, we're your morons! You gotta love us!" Danni laughed as the fire ring opened, shutting behind him once he'd saunted through. He beamed at Sabine. "T'anks for lettin' me out, Beanie! Have I mentioned you look stunning yet? Cause damn, you are gorgeous." Danni turned his attention away from his bestie and scanned the field, the receding back of the Gobbler. It felt bad to kick a person while they're down, so instead he'd provide some support to Zelds!

"Ya know, we should 'ave a bestie date sometime soon. I know you and Princess and
 Leah are like, 'oneymoonin' and shit and t'ats totally cool! But like, idk just you and me sometime soon?" Danni threw out there. Maybe it was a little inappropriate to discuss these things at a time like this, but fuck it. He was feelin' good about this fight - they had this in the bag. Danni's tongue poked out as he focused, bringing a finger gun up to point at "Em". "I got some new music we can freestyle to, or there's a new fashion runway show we can judge horrendously or another bridezilla one-I just love the drama, ya know?- or we can try somet'in' new. Bang!" Fire shot out of his fingers and slammed into the target, her clothes bursting into flames.

He spun, his right hand coming out to point at the spear guy, fire already at his finger tips, but he yelped as foot caught in a loose shoelace, and a grout of fire went spiraling out instead. While thankfully no one was hurt (Thank god because honestly, Spicy would probably kill him), his pride was injured as he groaned on the floor of the training room. "Just let t'em kill me." Danni whined into the ground, ears burning from embarrassment.

Danny Kingston

Location: Gym - Training Room A
Skills: Pyrokinesis

Stuck in a bubble, fire all around, Danni wasn't really certain what to do. He couldn't really leave the bubble and he didn't want to drop the fire in case someone broke through it but
 what did he do now? They were just gonna wait out the timer or until the other team broke through and caused mayhem it seemed. Danni shrugged.

Seemed like a solid enough plan!

Well, now t'at we're all in 'ere, minus Dee whose probs waitin' ta wear someone like a skin puppet and Zelds-we gotta give 'er some props for da Golem after t'is- 'ow we gettin' out of dis? Everyone's kinda outta fire range right now so we're waitin', huh? I gotta say, not likin' the guy who is eatin' light. T'at seems like a bad time for us. You t'ink if he vomits, he'll just puke rainbows? Or maybe it comes out like a flash of light?" Danni wondered, envisioning it. "Do t'ey just open t'eir mouth and sparkles fly out? T'at'd be kinda cool, you know? Kinda wish I could pop out like you, Spicy. Wanna do somet'in' ta help Zelds. Beanie, can you change your bubble? Lock me and Spicy outside, while you stay in and poke 'oles in people's heads?"

Danny Kingston

Location: Gym - Training Room A
Skills: Pyrokinesis

The cemetery dissolved away and revealed the training room behind it. It was trippy as hell, Danni shaking his head as he tried to rearrange his head properly. He felt a little woozy as his memory sharpened again. They were in the middle of the Contest of Champion and his entire team had already jumped into action. What the hell was he doing?! Getting caught up in some sort of mind fuckery! No wonder Pops hates it.

Still, Danni had to get a move on it. Poisson-Pas may not have taught them much, but he was trying to teach them how to survive an apocalypse and rule number
 whatever was control your environment! And in this case it meant fire. Lots and lots of fire! But with a no maiming rule in place-Danni was pretty certain setting people on fire would be considered maiming, right?-he was settling for a little crowd control. Like, no one wanted to be caught on fire so he'd just put a wall of fire up and his kick ass team mates could do the fighting while he concentrated on not burning anyone alive.

Yeah, team work!

Wait if everyone jumped into action, and he got ganked in the brain that meant
 He panicked with that thought, ignoring the enemy for the moment and bolted for the hostage. Since Danni couldn't set up, they didn't have anything stopping the enemy from just sauntering over and grabbing the poor baby! He was just a kid who wanted to hang back with the fun team, it'd be so unfair for him!

Luckily, he got there as one of the so called "Heroes" did as well and Danni stuck his tongue out at them as he skidded to a stop. "Aight, bitches! Let's light t'is shit up." Danni cackled, entirely unaware he was slowed down and likely slurring. None of his team was near him so with a sweep of his arms, a burst of flames wove themselves into a roaring circle. Danni left out a whoop and did a little jig, proud of himself for getting the ring up without setting the hostage on fire!

"What the hell is wrong with you?!"

Danni paused in his happy dance, one leg raised and arms thrown out. Was that Spicy? Was he yelling at him? Was he yelling at the enemy? It
 it was very hard to see past the fire and Danni realized that was
 going to be a problem if the team needed his back up. Well, that was for another day l. For now, Danni would just cheer Spicy on as he screamed at whatever silly hero.

"Yeah Spicy! Tell t'ose awful 'eroes what's what! Kick t'eir butts, you can do it, yes you can! If Spicy can't do it, no one but t'e ot'er people outside t'e rin' of fire can!" Danni cheered as loudly as he could, pleased that he was able to at least provide emotional support.

Danny Kingston

Location: Gym - Training Room A
Skills: N/A

Danni woke up a whole hour before his alarm, wired and ready. The smile wouldn't leave his face, even when he knocked over a cup of coffee on his psych homework, even when he tripped over a sloppily tossed sleep shirt from the night before, even when he started choking on toothpaste when he spat. He felt like he'd slammed back six pots of espresso and an energy drink all in one; Danni's feet barely skimmed the ground and he couldn't help but violently shake Dee while screaming unintelligible, garbled nonsense in excitement at random intervals.

It was the qualifiers for the Contest of Champions! Them, in the Contest of Champions! Danni couldn't believe it - well, he could because they were awesome and they totally deserved to be in the Contest, but it was the vibe he was feeling right now. They were like, real Superhero students now, not ones on the sidelines. They'd win this whole contest and put the Young Avengers in their place 'cause Excelsior was a way cooler name than Young Avengers. Washed up copycats, blegh. Excelsior sounded so much cooler, newer, fresher and what villain could stand against aggressive modern branding?

Music pounded from their dorm, cranked up at 6:30am with the She-Ra theme song taking first pick. It was the cartoon that inspired them to superheroics after all, and what would the dawning of the Championship be without their
 Danni lost that train of thought as he considered their opponents. They hadn't gotten anything useful on them - something about bugs bugging out or whatever, but he could just feel the determination oozing around the campus and he had to shake Dee again as his excitement overwhelmed him again.

Did it bother him that they had been practicing survival exercises over and over when they were going into a battle? Not really. They had a great team; Beanie there to keep things focused in her mean, sharp, cool way, Dee with his jokes and lighthearted way of helping, Spicy with his teleporting and his nasty little temper, and Zelds with
 well, shy, timid, but creative brain juices. And of course, the diamond on the crown, Danni Kingston, the fashionable, loveable sharpshooter, heartthrob of the team and beloved by all of them, just like he loves them! They're the perfect team and no one can stop them!

Well, they weren't really the perfect team. The only thing undertone of disappointment was that it wasn't the perfect team. Princess would be fighting her own battle alone and without them. She was a kickass Warrior Princess so duh she didn't need them, but he wanted them all together. It's been the only real damper on the everything and for the briefest second, the room went blurry but a quick wipe of his eyes and a sip of coffee brought the mood back up. He whipped out his phone and shot off a morning text:

Danni was ready. Dressed to kill and oozing confidence, he knew they had this on the bag. "Spicy, we don't need t'em ta tell us. All t'ey know 'ow ta do is fail. Danni smirked, responding to Spicy's dry comment. "They look so drab, maybe we can spice t'in's
" Danni trailed off as he looked at the yellow eyes girl, the soft humming sound a second thought as he blinked and found a familiar scene

It was his favorite place back home. When the City that Care Forgot woke, she woke slowly with a heavy blanket of fog encouraging her children deeper into their blankets and bundles and it was that moment that Danni found his little nook a special place. Somewhere that, as the sun painted the sky pink and burned away the fog, he'd willing wake up early to hike to and just watch the sunrise. He'd chat with Lt. Colonel Whittnebane, or that was what he thought the faded inscription read, for a bit, keep them updated on his daily life and the weird events of the world. It was a special place, one that he didn't talk about much because it existed in that liminal space and any disturbance would break the magic. He liked his early morning dates with the Lt. Colonel.

Which was why, he was shocked when someone else was there. Danni thought it his place, carved out and waiting for him to discover it after time stole it away from the rest, and yet here stood... Danni felt a blush on his cheeks and in his ears as the most beautiful person in the world stood, staring at him. The soft crooning in the background faded away, meaningless as the brief feeling something was off, because she looked like she belonged there with him.

She just fit and it felt like something he'd been missing all his life clicked into place.

Yellow eyes caught his and he saw images of them weaving flowers in each other's hair on summer nights, the crackling of a bonfire miggling perfectly with their laughter. He felt her skin beneath his finger tips as their breaths mingled where they lay in their bed, the intimacy of secrets and confessions shared lulling them to sleep together. Danni knew in that moment that his soul mate found him and he was helpless as he approached, his heart pounding in his chest and butterflies in his stomach but a smile, soft and secret just for them, on his face.
Danny Kingston

Location: Avenger's Academy, Library
Skills: N/A

Madalyne Crane

Location: Avenger's Academy, Library
Skills: N/A
Grimoire: N/A

Danni skipped out of his dorm and right down the hall, basically right next door. Vicky's comment the other day brought up a good point - Danni really had no idea how to handle a dragon, let alone raise one. What if he'd already killed the poor baby? Maybe it didn't want to be snuggled up under a heat lamp, maybe it wanted to sit in a freezer or be buried like a turtle. He'd forgot Mads's offer in the chaos of their first day but he was here to take her up on it now.

Now, Danni wasn't really the studious type. Danni would even argue that libraries were his natural enemy. The silence was suffocating, the general stillness made his skin crawl, and the weird smell every library had made him nauseous, and it never failed to make Danni itch for a itsy, bitsy light show. So, it was for the greater good he went with a chaperone who he could bother and annoy instead of setting this on fire. Plus, he didn't want to be a dead beat dad! He need to know how to take care of his baby properly; neglect wasn't an option.

"Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaads, open up, open up!" Danni sang as pounded loudly on the door, bouncing on his toes. "Wanna take ya up on your offer ta go ta t'e library for a Dummy's Guide ta Dragons!"

Madalyne sat in her dorm she was doing a little bit of light reading she was enjoying her day as she stopped and heard Danni’s voice from outside of her room. She had nearly forgotten that she had offered to help Danni with his new little baby dragon. She needed to return a few books anyway to as Madalyne made her way towards the door and grabbed the books that she was going to return.

She gave Danni a friendly smile as she opened the door and looked at him. “I was just about to head down to the library so lets go and get you hooked up with some dragon learning material.”

"Yaaaas! Lets get t'at lit!" Danni cheered, immediately winding an arm in hers and setting out. "So Vicky busted on in, nearly gave me a 'eart attack too 'cause Dee played a prank on 'er wit' some electrical doodads. You know, Dee always geeks over Vicky's stuff anyway but guess he wanted to be a shneaky shnake about it and I t'ought they got in a fight and Dee was unconscious but 'e wasn't but more importantly, Vicky asked 'bout the egg and I don't know up from down about takin' care of it so figured we could chill and read about it together!" Danni spoke animatedly, waving his free hand around with gusto as they walked.

"Plus, we 'aven't 'ad any 'angout time in aaaaages. Killin' two birds wit' one stone and all t'at! Oh, I'm so excited! You t'ink t'at it'll be easy ta take care of a dragon? Oh jeez, what if it's t'e size of a tree? Like t'e 'aunted tree! You know, t'e one t'e little child 'aunts here!" Danni paused a second as something in his head seemed to click and he practically vibrated as he walked. "OMG, Mads, Mads. Listen, listen. You 'ave magic, and magic people can like, talk ta ghosts and shit right? Can you ask t'e tree ghost it's name? I am dyin' ta know."

“We hangout all the time whenever you guys come over to my dorm to visit April you know. But it’s nice to just hang out the two of us actually.” Madalyne said with a slight laugh as she gently patted her friend on the shoulder as she led him down towards the library. "I’m sure Vicky loved it when Dorian decided to prank her or whatever.” She said as they got closer towards the library.

“Do you mean a seance or something?” She asked him, it really wasn’t that hard if you knew what you were doing, people without magic did them all the time anyway. “We could do that sometime if you want I just need to get some stuff for it.” She told him as they finally made it to the library now.

"Obvi, between just us! Hangin' wit' t'e group hits different, ya know?" Danni giggled as he pulled open the library door. It was rare that he came in here, group project partners nearly dragging him by the collar to get his help. The soaring, vaulted ceilings contained rows on rows on rows of shelves and his head just started spinning the second he tried to process it all he swore he was allergic, but most people just ignored him when he insisted he was allergic to the library. "Oooh, yes a seance! We should tots do t'at sometime! Get answers and spread t'em around ta see what craziness happens!" Danni smiled sheepishly at the few people who shushed him, forgetting to adjust his volume as they came in.

"Okay, dragons. Where can we find books on t'at?" Danni asked, looking around thoughtfully.

Madalyne smiled as she shook her head slightly at Danni’s antics as they entered the library some of the other students in there shushed him. “But yeah we can do that sometime i’ll need some stuff for it though.” She said as she entered the aisle that had the spot for magical creatures. “The books should be here in the magic section follow me.” She said as she made her way towards her usual spot where she spent a lot of her spare time in. “So you got a name for the little guy yet?” She asked as she started looking at some of the books.

"Oh, it's been 'ard settlin' on one! I t'ought 'bout Aggie 'cause t'e old witch gave 'im ta me, t'en I was like nah, it's not epic enough. So t'en I t'ought 'ydras are super intense and t'en I t'ought what about Kraken cause t'en I could be like "Release t'e Krakren!" And it would be my adorable baby chewing faces off!" Danni cackled as he inspected the books.

The only book he could find was beaten and battered, clearly having seen better days. Danni pouted as he pulled ot off the shelf. "Gross. What is t'is t'in'? Is it any good?" Danni flipped it open, scanning it. The information, something about another dimension, made his head spin and he quickly closed it. "Nope, not'in' good, just gross."

Madalyne looked at Danni as he managed to find a book that looked like it was in pretty rough shape, and it looked like the other dragon books were taken and checked out. “Here let me see it.” Madalyne said as she gently took the book that Danni had and looked it over. It looked like it was actually really useful. Her knowledge on dragons was good but this had more info than she could provide.

She then started to chant a spell quietly, since they were in the library she didn’t want to be loud at all really. The book started to slowly repair itself somewhat the book was still in rough shape but it was in better condition now, and it didn’t look like someone’s dog tried to eat it. "It’s the only book we have really, the others look like they are checked out.” She said to Danni as she handed it back to him.

"Aww, you're t"e best!" Danni cheered, throwing his arm over her shoulder. "Still, it doesn't seem like such a great book? It's like
 a guide book from somewhere I don't know even exist? Mads, you're a magic person; do you know anyt'in' about dragons? Like, I know not everyone magic will but people wit' magic are probs gunna know more t'an someone wit'out it. I really just need ta know what temp it likes ta snooze in, how long it's gunna be before it 'atches, and if it needs like
 17.2 sheep or somet'in' once it does for food. Also, I gots ta figure out what kind of horde it's gunna want cause I'm gunna be t'e best dragon daddy and I need ta get a 'ead start!"

Madalyne gave Danni a smile as he wrapped an arm over her shoulder. “Well text books aren’t supposed to be all that interesting unlike fiction books.” She said teasingly as she started to think about her knowledge on dragons Agatha did do a small unit on them awhile back during her first year attending the academy. “From what I remember one species of dragon the European kinds their flames can melt reality.” She said with a slight shrug as she looked back at the book. “Thats about all I know, that book though does have a dimension you could go to and they’d give you more information about it than I could. Maybe they could even find out what kind of dragon yours is to.” She pointed out.

"Well, I mean sure, but like, 'ow do I do t'at in the middle of the semester, ya know? I don't t'ink dimension 'oppin' is as easy as openin' the library doors, right?" In any show he'd seen, it took enormous amounts of magical energy to open portals between dimensions and Danni def didn't have that! "Well, I'll check it out and see if Dee 'as any ideas. He does more wit' t'at kinda stuff."

Madalyne thought for a moment, she did have a class on other dimensions and stuff. “I can see about asking my Study of Ethereal Realms, Planes, and Dimensions teacher about it that should be helpful.” She said giving Danni a smile. “I think thats about all we can do at the moment though i’ll help whenever and wherever I can to.”

"Yes, tell me all t'e magical secrets! T'ough, do you t'ink t'ere is a magical creatures class on campus? Or like, a myt'ical biology class? I could just ask t'e prof t'ere about it, right?" Danni pondered, tapping the book on his chin. "Oh well, t'at's a question for anot'er time, anot'er day. Right now, we have a seance to play!" Danni cheered, wrapping his arm in hers and marching to checkout the book, all while chatting on about his theories for who the ghost haunting the tree is.

”I do have a cryptozoology course as well to so you could swing by sometime and ask the teacher about that as well to.” Madalyne said as she smiled and started to take out her phone as she started to make a list for the seance later for all the materials that they would need for it while they went to check out the book.
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