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8 yrs ago
So tired, sleep why do you spurn me?!
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Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.

Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!

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Danny Kingston

Location: Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Costume: Double Trouble

“Yeesh, chill wit’ t'e monster talk! Ain't nobody in t'is room a monster; we’re all ‘ere ta learn ‘ow ta be ‘eros and monsters don't do t'at. T’ey slither around under beds and spook kids, and stab people for fun, and commit genocide in t'e name of safety and security and ‘onestly, I ‘aven't seen eit'er one of you do any of t'at. You aren't monsters and if you say it again, we're all gettin’ up early.” Danni shuddered as he sniffled through that idea, hating that he even has to get up before noon. “We'll do yoga and t'ose awkward self affirmations t'at shrinks swear ‘elp you remember ‘ow awesome you are, although I'm always ready ta say it about y'all so idk itha'ats even wort’ wakin’ up early. And if it's more about his leat'er face and old farther wrinkles, I'll keep you're skin routine stuff stocked, filled, and ready ta roll so you don't ‘ave to worry about t'at! ‘onestly, if I turned into t'at, I'd also ‘ave a melt down, though there'd be way more property damage ‘cause like ‘ell am I lettin’ some buildin’ tell me t'at Imma be an ugly old person. I'm gunna age gracefully or not at all!” Danni declared, crossing his eyes to follow the trickle of water coming out of his hair and down his nose. Water related accidents were par the course around Princess when she was upset; you just go used to it. They’d dry up and rearrange after she was feeling a little more solid around the edges, once she didn’t need them to squeeze her back together.

“And for t'e record, I t'ink t'e turnin’ into a demon t'in’ is kinda cool. Like, I live wit’ little ‘auntlin’ and ‘e’ll just ‘ide in like, my computer and t'en when I go ta use it, t'e bastard like pops out and spooks me! I don't even like horror movies and ‘e still jump scares me! Do you know ‘ow many times I've ‘ad ta beg my ‘rents ta replace my stuff ‘cause my fight or flight is fuckin’ fireball centered on myself?!” Danni whined. “So t'ere, at least you can't jump scare me and t'at is def a positive! Well, I guess you still could like, ‘ide under a bed and grab ankles, or like grab someone's foot or ‘and like in t'ose really old memes Pops sometimes talk about. Wait, you wouldn't do t'at right? Please don't do t'at, I might set us bot’ on fire.”
Danny Kingston

Location: Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Costume: Double Trouble

Danni wanted to cry too; the whole series of events an absolute nightmare after such a promising start. His eyes stung at the edges and he knew he was on timer before he started sobbing. He stayed behind for a second as Mads worked on getting Princess the rest of the way there, instead focusing on their second damsel in distress. “Look at you Spicy! Makin’ it all the way ‘ere in one piece and still breathin’! Gotta love it. But seriously, thanks.” Danni bopped him on the nose with a lopsided smile. “It's time for the cuddle pile, so we're nearly done! We’ll ‘ave ‘ot chocolate, popcorn, chocolate bars, probably some wierd t'in’ Dee smuggled into t'e snack stash when I wasn't lookin’, beef jerky, and more physical affection t'an you can ‘andle but uts good for you so no skippin’! Unless y’all are gunna be love sick, and t’en you can stay in your room.” He ruffled Spicy’s hair, pressed a quick kiss to Dee’s cheek, and then scrambled back up the stairs.

He snatched up the stuff he had dropped when he got the call, and jogged to April and Maddie’s door clutching pillows under one arm, three blankets piled over his shoulder, snacks and movies shoved in the Bad Day Box, and mugs dangling off his fingers, which he carefully set down before shrugging off the blankets and pillows. There would be time to get comfy and cozy later, when everyone was here and they had the hands to build a fort where they could all hide in for a while.

And that was that. His own tears dripped out as he saw Princess on the bed crying, and he all but flung himself at her. He took Princess's other side, wrapping an arm around her back, a leg across her lap, and rested his head on her shoulder so he had as much physical contact as possible. He didn’t know what she’d gone through, what she’d seen or heard, but he cried because she did, because one of his favorite people was hurting and that hurt him too.
Danny Kingston

Location: Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Costume: Double Trouble

“Who t'e fuck is callin’ me right now? Does now look like t'e time ta chat?” Danni groaned, looking at the movies in one hand and the chocolate powder in the other, mugs dangling off each finger. He dropped the movies, deciding the mugs more important, and fished his phone out his pocket. He frowned at the picture of him and Dee flashing at him. “Dee, darlin’, sweetheart, baby we’re in t'e same…” Danni trailed off as he looked up and around, the open dorm door the only thing greeting him. “Well, shit.”

“‘eeeeeeeeey, so tots t'ought you were in t'e dorm, just sayin’. Lettin’ me talk ta t'e air… Yeah, I'm ‘eadin’ down now. Kay, love you, use protection, all dat jazz.” Danni giggled, borderline hysterical. Princess and Spicy flitting through floors and now one of them genuinely unconscious made him a little antsy so he unceremoniously dropped everything on his he'd and bolted from the room, scrambling down the stairs, jumping two, three at a time, and bursting out the stairwell door. He heaved in great gulps of air.

“Dis is t’e second time in like five minutes I’ve ran t’ese stairs. I ‘ave learned I do not do enough cardio. Dee, make a mental note for me. Gym, mornings. But like, not tomorrow. Def not tomorrow.” Danni panted as he headed to Princess and Mads. “Hi Princess, hi Mads. We'll get the good stuff in a bit. Dee said he'll get Spicy and then we'll all cuddle pile.” Danni took the other side of April, helping Mads support her and heading for the stairs.

Danny Kingston

Location: Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Costume: Double Trouble

Danni barely refrained from screeching in frustration as Spicy pooped out with Princess, but it was alright. Danni wasn’t a stressy spagettghi l, he was… whatever was the opposite, Danni didn't know right ‘cause he was in fact, a stressy spaghetti. “Dee, I swear to God, if Spicy and Princess didn't make it, or somet'in’ ‘appened ta t'em, Imma start cryin’ an’ t’en you'll ‘ave ta fix t'ree people instead of one.” Danni whined as they ran out of the cafeteria, not bothering to see whatever nonsense was happening.

“What t'e fuck was up wit’ t'at whole t'in’? W'at even ‘appened in t'at ‘ouse? I told y'all not ta go, but y'all went anyway and now look what's ‘appenin’. Beanie and Rocky are all scramble ‘eaded, Princess is cryin’, apparently Rocky got ‘urt, Vicky got tossed, like I t'ought ‘houses were just like people in costumes and props, not Poisson-Pas trainin’ courses. One night. Just one night. Just wanna dance wit’ my friends, but no. T’ey want ta go into t’e murder ‘ouse instead! Great, just great. Nice ta know I was t’e worse option.” Danni word vomitted as they hurried back to the dorms. With Beanie and Leah being fucking stupid, and Princess now out of sight while having an attack, spirals of fire whirled to life around him and vanished just as quickly.

Danni took the stairs two at a time, too hyper to wait for the elevator. He fumbled getting thr dorm key out and into the lock, but only a few scratches around the lock later, he burst in and began grabbing stuff for cocoa and the Bad Day movie stash. “Dee, can you get t’e blankets and stuff? Can’t promise I won’t scorch ‘em.” Danni muttered as he dug through their stuff.
Danny Kingston

Location: Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Costume: Double Trouble

“Thanks Mads! We'll get the hot chocoalte and shit and all our stuff and drag it iver. Sleep over night!” Danni cheered, eyeing Leah's injuries. Still, they were Superhero students and while Danni didn't know what kind of training Leah went through, those were just scratches if it was anything as explosive as theirs. Danni threw up his hands in defeat. “Okay, well you two ‘ave fun playin’ t'e whole machisme protector role. Make sure ta work t'at energy out if ya want ta join t’e cuddle pile.” Danni instructed, turning his attention away from a lost cause and instead focusing on the real person that mattered.

Danni supported her other side as Dee gently urged her up from the floor. “Okay so, I don't know what happened, but remember, we're here and we're always going to be, okay Princess? So you do all the cryin’ you want and I'm goin’ to tell you dumb stories about myself in the meantime. Danni said cheerily. He gave Dee a wild look, a little concerned because he'd seen Spicy’s teleportations not go as planned and not making it to the room would be a bad. A very, very, very bad and anything additional might very well end in the dorm not having water for a few days. So he urged the three of them forward, doing his best to curl around her to block the sight of her.

“Okay, okay, okay - picture t'is. It's 2026. Little Danni just turned five-I know, I know, I was an adorable kid, you've seen my baby pictures. Papa ‘ad a show so ‘e was on stage and little Danni was told ‘e ‘ad t’e run of t'e back of ‘ouse while ‘e waited for Pops ta come pick ‘im up after work. I really didn't but who am I gunna let tell me no? Pops is t’e only one who will and t'en I just ask Papa anyways. Danni giggled. “Anyways, so I definitely go wanderin’ out and about and I find t’is real pretty green boa, like super big, super fluffy, has a little gold sparkle to it. Love it. So I do what all kids do when t’ey find somet’in’ new - I bite it. T’at's when t’e screamin’ started. So, turns put, t’e queen who owned it was a but of a germaphone and it was ‘er newest, favorite boa. I don't really remember what happened after that, Papa claims a shaving cream war, but that's how I earned my first archnemesis. To t'is day, anytime we cross paths, I will always stop everythin’ I'm doin’ to bite t’eir shit just ta fuck wit’ t'em.”
Danny Kingston

Location: Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Costume: Double Trouble

Danni beamed as Dee joined him, finally getting a chance to dance with at least some of his friends, since the others all skipped out on him to go to that stupid haunted house. At least Dee wanted to have real fun. Danni laughed as he joined him and he let himself just have fun with his friends. The meltdown could wait until later for once!

Of course, it couldn't last forever; though if Dee hadn't noticed the commotion, Danni would have been content to ignore it and dance on. But Dee broken the pleasant daze he'd worked himself into and the complaint died on his tongue when he saw Princess, screaming and crying. He panicked for a moment, fire flickering at the fingertips briefly, but he waved it off. It wasn't any worse than a panic attack or nightmares. it wouldn't be the first time they comforted each other through a shitty time, and it wouldn't be the last.

Of course, Beanie and Mt. Muscle were adorably useless here and that was not the vibe. Danni clicked his tongue as he scrambled across the cafeteria, nearly tripping in his rush, and windmilled as he skidded to a halt by Beanie. “Murder t'e Sinister clone later, Beanie. Right now, ya gotta get ‘er outta ‘ere. She’s gunna feel even worse after if t'is ‘its t’e whole damn school. Oye Leah, use t'ose damn muscles! Lift and get t'e fuck outta ‘ere with Princess.” Danni demanded, a half baked (and that's being generous) plan to kick this to the curb. “Mads, get ‘er blankets and shit and drag it into our dorm, Dee you know t'e drill and t'e set up. T’e usual, but pump t'at shit up ta 11. Break out t'e big boys and all t'at. We're gunna cry til t'e damn sunrises and t'en we're takin’ a sick day, fuck t'is shit.” Danni grumbled. Fucking Haunted Houses. What was wrong with this school year?
Danny Kingston

Location: Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Costume: Double Trouble

“‘ey! ‘Ow am I supposed ta know t'at?!( Danni whined after a yelp at the flick, rubbing away the sting and sticking his tongue out at Maddie childishly. “Yeah, we'll plan it ourselves. Can't ‘ave Princess ‘elp since it's for ‘er and all t'at. Spicy, you good at party plannin’? Maybe you can ‘elp too! And t'en get a spark o’ inspiration for your fit, ya know? 10/10 fantastic feedback loop!”

Danni looked down at the little raptor that Dee pointed out. It was so teeny, tiny! “Oh! My dragon and your raptor are gunna be bffs! I mean, as long as t'ey don't try ta eat each ot'er t'ough. But I'm sure it's fine! Bffs don't each each ot'er!” Danni laughed, tempted to pet the raptor but afraid it would bite and he would go boom and the night would ruined. So using his best judgment, he satisfied his need to touch by poking Dee on the nose. “Okay, well, since t'e girls are clearly abandonin’ us for t'e ‘ous, Imma just slide out on t'e dance floor and ‘ave fun ‘cause I don't wanna wait ‘round and miss out! You should join! It'll be fun, we'll get silly wit’ it, and then we'll go and get t'e after party set up!” Danni told the couple, already heading closer to the DJ.
Danny Kingston

Location: Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Costume: Double Trouble

“OMG VICKI!” Danni squealed, ignoring Mads's incredibly unenthusiastic response to his fantastic party plan. Who wouldn't want to watch She-Ra in 3D in the training room with all their besties? “Speakin’ of magic, I was just talkin’ ‘bout you! Do you t'ink it'd be possible ta like, theaterize a trainin’ room so we could do a big ole She-Ra viewin’? I was literally just talkin’ about you! ‘ave you watched She-Ra? Mads ‘ere ‘asn't and neit'er ‘as Leah, so we wanna do a big t'in’ viewin’ and since she's one of t'e winners, I'd figure we really ramp t'is shit up! Drinks, drinks, food, music for t'e gossip interludes, all t'at stuff! It'll be so much fun! We can invite everyone!” Danni bubbled, bouncing at the idea, focused on his little day dream.

Of course, Dee was enough to snap him out of it. He practically felt when he was making his way over and Danni threw his arms around him and shook him excitedly. “Deeeeeeee!!! We did It! Not t'at I was surprised. Spicy’s presentation was a touch off but ‘is skill def made up for it, but we looked so ‘ot out t’ere t’at t’e judges ‘ad ta let us t’rough! We're just t'at good!” Dannie exclaimed, giving Percy a thumbs up. “Now, we're just talkin’ about t’e after party ‘cause Princess, Beanie, and Leah won savior and we're gunna do She-Re but like, theater style you know? It's gunna be great! Do ya t'ink t'ey'll let us have sparklers or will we need ta smuggle t'em in? T'ey let Poisson-Pas blow us up so we gotta be good wit’ fireworks in t'em, right?”
Danny Kingston

Location: Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Costume: Double Trouble

Danni's attention shifted, his She-Ra lecture dead and forgotten, as Colson stepped up on stage. Danni could practically feel the excitement in the air, or maybe that was just him trying to stay still. Excelsior made it in - he never had a doubt. They were too good, and frankly they deserved it after dominating the way they did. Of course, none of that really mattered - Danni knew they'd get in the second they all suited up. They looked too damn fine to get skipped over. Definitely helped that they crushed the opposing team- Danni meant to look up the spear guy cause he had some moves and he wanted to tango but It'd slipped his mind completely. Danni cheered along side the rest of the group, doing a spin just to get the bubbles out.

Of course, Danni was just as confident that he’d get Saviour this year. He just had a feeling and since he was right about Excelsior, why wouldn't he be right about winning Saviour? his only question was who would he be sharing It with? Princess? Dee? Beanie - they could do something with a lot of flair accepting it too. He cheered with Princess was announced because hell yeah she deserved it for being the absolute best bitch of the school and he was so excited to go up with her that he nearly missed the second announcement.

He was wrong. He felt his stomach drop. He was wrong. He'd already taken a half step forward but froze. He was wrong. Danni swallowed back the lump in his throat.

He didn't win.

Instead, it went to Beanie and… Leah. Danni got Princess and Beaniece but, Leah? He turned to make a joke about it with Dee, maybe less of a joke and more of a cutting remark about piggybacking, but he remembered that Dee wasn't there either. He was off with Spicy doing Haunted House things and other gross stuff probably. Couldn't even be bothered to be there when they announced the teams. Whatever.

Still, Beanie and Princess deserved to be celebrated and Danni fixed his best smile on and cheered and hollered with enthusiasm. Danni even grabbed Maddie and spun with her in excitement. “T’ey won, t’ey won, t’ey won! Isn't t'at awesome?! We gotta t'row a party o’ somet'in’! I can make dinner and snacks and we can get drinks, maybe sneak in some drinks, and celebrate and She-Ra!” Danni babbled, his excitement only partially forced. “Maybe t'ey'd let us borrow a trainin’ room or somet'in’. Vicky can ‘elp us set it up ta make a t’eater room, I brin’ food, Princess, Beanie, and Leah are winners so t'ey just show up, Dee and Spicy can brin’ drinks and maybe little poppers. Oh, yeah I like the confetti poppers, so fun, especially the glittery ones so def t'at, and t'en Dee would probs brin’ t'at retro girl, who'd probs bring her girlfriend, and….” Danni frowned as he tried to count on his fingers. “T'at's a lotta people but we can get Dee ta beg Poisson-Pas if it gets denied. we can start plannin’ tomorrow, right Mads? I'd bet t'ey'd love It!” Danni beamed, adamantly ignoring the sinking feeling in his stomach.
Danny Kingston

Location: Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Costume: Double Trouble

See, Danni was ready to fly off about body paint, the different types, setting sprays, and other things he definitely didn’t go down a spiraling research hole specifically for this costume that certainly wasn't him procrastinating on homework, no matter what Dee said, and he was ready, so so ready, but he couldn't help himself when he heard the horrible, awful, fantastic question Leah posed to the group. Well, Princess really but what's the difference?

“Who is Swift Wind? Who is Swift Wind? Danni screeched, clutching his imaginary pearls. “Merde, Leah! Swift Wind is She-Ra's loyal steed and a fighter for horse freedom. He's an alicorn wit’ rainbow wings and a gorgeous flowin’ mane and tail, and he is a strong independent ‘orse who don't need no She-Ra because ‘e's ‘is own ‘orse, ya know?! No, you don't but you will ‘cause now we ‘ave ta ‘ave a She-Ra marathon. No ifs, ands, or buts!” Danni decided, detaching himself from April as he gestured wildly.

“You're gunna love it! My first dance was ta t'e t'eme song and I still say it was iconic. Oh, I could show you t'at too and t'en we can perform it toget'er for t'e group!” Danni bounced up and down excitedly, getting closer to Leah as he did. “My favorite episode is Princess Prom, ngl. The Catra suit when I first saw it as a kid was absolutely fuckin’ fantastic. Like, slayed. Insta-death, one hit K.O. Omg, Beanie, Princess, idea time. Leah, muscles, Catra Princess Prom cosplay. Omg, I gotta find Zelds and get her on t'is. Such good team outfits, suit's gotta be not'in’ right?” He stood up on his tip toes, holding himself steady on Leah's shoulder as he scanned the room fruitlessly.
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