โบ Age - Twenty-Four. โบ Gender - Male. โบ Sexuality - Closeted Homosexual. โบ Nickname - N/A. โบ Occupation - Business Analyst. โบ Qualifications - BS in Business Administration. โบ Residence - Washington, D.C. โผ PHYSICALITY
โบ Scars - N.A. โบ Tattoos - N.A. โบ Piercings - N.A. โบ Style - Oleander doesn't have a particularly unique dress style. It often depends on the time of year and the weather. In the spring and summer he generally wears shorts and t-shirts. In the fall and winter, he wears sweaters. In the office, where it seems to always be cold, he wears sweaters there too. Very standard attire, nothing super flashy or over the top. However, a distinct quality about his clothes is that they always appear a bit vintage or used. This makes sense, because he gets most of his clothes second hand; thrift stores, consignment shops, boutiques, etc.. โโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโ | LIFE AT RITMAN During his high school days at Ritman, Oleander's peers used to refer to him as "that cute African guy"; although contemporarily this kind of statement isn't very welcomed. However, Oleander never did live up to the stereotype that people often assumed of him as the child of Nigerian immigrant parents. He was unequivocally unremarkable. Indeed, Oleander had no special talents; he wasn't particularly smart, nor athletic, and he didn't possess a creative bone in his body. As such, he floundered in passable mediocrity, doing the bare minimum to maintain B's and C's and maybe a few A's in between for easier subjects.
But through it all, Oleander was always very amicable; a loveable dork whom everyone seemed to like. He never had one specific group that he hung out with, as he never fully embodied the qualities of any one clique. He was like a chameleon, able to meander in and out of groups with ease without ever having to fully commit to them. As such, he had many friends and could blend in with the jocks and cheerleaders just as easily as he could with the math nerds and drama geeks. However, what this meant is that he rarely ever formed any deep emotional friendships nor had he ever made a name for himself other than most people remembering him as that "really sweet black guy".
Quite stereotypically, being the son of Nigerian immigrants meant that his parents had the standard expectations for him; marry a nice woman, give us grandchildren, become a doctor, yada yada, you know the drill. Oleander was gay, so staying in the closet was a given; even now, he's never come out openly or had a boyfriend. The 24-year old virgin, though some people have suspected it and ask him about his sexuality since he's never had a girlfriend.
Ultimately, Oleander was not adapt at achieving the professions his parents desired for him, nor did he have the motivation or interest in pursuing them. As a teen, he was a free-bird, going with the flow and seeing where life took him. But alas, with no passions or callings to push him in one specific direction, he never quite found his identity. Even now as an adult, he only became a business analyst because of his parents telling him he had to do something, anything. He just took an aptitude test and viola! No further thought was put into it. This is a man who, while appearing cheerful and warm on the surface, harbours a deep disdain for himself; inadequate, dispassionate, and unloved. PSYCHE Oleander is an easygoing, playful, and warm-hearted young man with golden retriever energy through and through. He is extremely affectionate; his love language with others being touch, words of affirmation, and teasing. Oleander is always the first to give warm hugs and play pranks; he doesn't like to take things too seriously. Because of his really social nature, he can become quite attached, clingy, and co-dependent on others, quickling feeling sad when he is alone. This is a man who likes to be included, and when he is not, it really shows up on his face, as he has never been good at hiding his emotions. As such, he likes to express his emotions honestly. As the type who bares his feelings for the world to see, some people may try to take at advantage of his unusually honest and trusting nature. Even when he has been done wrong, Oleander is quick to forgive.
He is clumsy, dorky, and adorable, the type to laugh easily and pout when something doesn't go his way. There's a certain child-like quality to Oleander that gives him little brother vibes. His emotions rule him, so he is absolutely a sensitive individual who cries and expresses his love and gratitude toward others without it being weird or awkward. However, because he is such a feeler, he can become indecisive and slow to act when it comes to making hard logical decisions that require analytical thinking; which is odd considering his profession. Outside of work, he often relies on his friends and family for advice in his personal life.
Some people may accuse Oleander of being a bit melodramatic with how expressive and emotional he is, but his intentions are good-natured and always true. He is a loyal friend, who is quick to come to the defense of others. He hates to see injustices taking place and he won't back down when it comes to standing up for his loved ones and friends, even for acquaintances and strangers. So despite being really open-minded and non-judgemental, he has a stubborn streak that is hard to dissuade once he sets his mind to something. Underneath it all though, Oleander does lack confidence in himself. He's always been mediocre and unremarkable. He's never been the type to be really good at anything. He has no specific passions and he's not really creative or smart. As such, it's easy for Oleander to compare himself to others and feel inadequate by his own unspectacular life and shortcomings.
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