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Current The Hateful eight has me inspired, whose ready for a western RP?
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@ClocktowerEchos DAMNIT... yes sir
Ninke listened as intently as she could with each of his answers... not knowing what they were going in to fight was certainly not helpful or calming... but it was when he addressed her that Ninke's blood ran cold. 'Something special planned for me? By command?! What does this mean... what am I going to be made to do?!', her mind raced, not hearing most of the rest of his answers, picking up only snippets until he had dismissed the company. She stood ad bolt upright as was possible as the man menacingly approached her. Her fingers trembled somewhat as he stood so close to her... what had been in that lho stick?! She gulped as he addressed her.

"Vox operator Ingran, you are hereby appointed as acting Sergeant; from here it is up to you to gather together a suitable squad of your own choosing, and requisition one of the regiments Chimera, and one more thing..." now he leant in so close that his breath was hot on her face, "if I ever smell narcotics on you again, I will eject you from service so fast that you won't even realise it until its far too late. Now get out of my sight."

Ninke fired off the aquilla faster than she thought was possible, and gave her shaky but dtermined response.

"Y-yes Sir!", and quickly about faced and started marching towards the chimera as fast as one could march.

'A Sergeant?! A real Sergeant?! They are going to give me a squad?! Why?!', Ninke's mind raced as she marched towards the Chimera, making it clear to anyone who saw her she was on some sort of mission... or at least thought she was... 'Narcotics?! I am going to... Persephone! Erggh...', she wiped her face with her slave as she thought about the way Persephone and the wisps had acted... and smiled, she had found her first squad members... she couldn't help but give a small laugh at that. But she would need a full squad... who else was there? Well... as much as it burned in her heart to admit it she was going to be required to take a beastman... and at least she had been introduced to Khaz... so she shivered and decided to take him as well. Then there was the felinid... a medic was to useful to not have... hopefully she wasn't still mad at Ninke. She would need someone with heavy or special weapons... there was that militia brute who had been waving his heavy stubber about, so there was a special weapon. She could always grab Ericson who she knew was yet to be assigned a squad... She needed two more... She'd handle it later.

Once she arrived at the chimera's she quickly set about finding one that wasn't already claimed for other squads. She eventually found one.

Bertolt sat atop his new urban-camo pattern Chimera, listening to the speech given by their new commanding officer. Their Chimera was situated at the edge of the vehicle line, just ahead of them was clear space leading to the cots of the Regiment, and the firing range was not too far ahead, while the rest of the regiment’s vehicles stood motionless behind them, being taken care of by crews of various different planets, each adding their own personal touch and calibrations to the vehicles to make them handle easier and more efficiently for their driver. Bertolt did not feel the need to make any significant changes to his, since he was used to the common Mars-Pattern Chimera, but he preferred it if the vehicle could respond to turns and commands on a whim, and to that end he and the crew composed of amateur Armageddon Steel Legion technicians (who had only been promoted above conscript after the Vernum Crusade) made sure that the guns turned smoothly, the brakes and accelerators were responsive, and the turning did not have any delay. He applauded Rochus as the captain finished, and listened intently as questions were asked by D-Company. One of which was even asked by Marcus. After they had all been sufficiently answered, he turned back to his work of inspecting the Chimera’s Multi-Laser and mounted Heavy Stubber. It was in surprisingly good condition.

“How’s the main engine looking, Valerie?” Bertolt asked the crew’s female technician. “Cleaner than a cathedral on Holy Terra. I hope the guns are looking just as good?” She replied. “Aye, she’s spinning smoothly.” Bertolt answered. A gruff voice called out from inside the vehicle. “Same can be said for the Lasgun firing ports. A baby Cadian could handle them easily!” The male voice shouted. “Good to hear, Leo. Now whoever gets assigned as our Chimera’s squad commander can’t shout at us for being lazy sods.” Bertolt replied.

The Chimera crew was composed of himself, who acted as the driver and secondary vehicle commander if needed, Valerie Warwick who acted as their main repairman and substitute gunner for the Chimera’s Multi-Laser, and Leonard Jarrus who acted as the main gunner who would alternate between handling the Multi-Laser and Heavy Stubber as needed (Valerie would take control of whichever gun he wasn’t using).

Soon, their vehicle was approached by the same blonde girl whom Bertolt had seen during the bonfire night, while he was drinking his worries away with the rest of his old squad. Looking at her shoulder however, he saw that she was a Sergeant. Not only was she a superior, but she was also heading straight for the Chimera and stopped right before it. He quickly understood what she may be there for and jumped off the vehicle to give her a salute.

“Corporal Bertolt Taggart at your service, sir! Are you our crew’s assigned commander?” Bertolt said, without lowering his salute.

Ninke stood upright, inspecting the Chimera before turning to face its driver, ""Indeed. You vill carry my unit into battle. I am Sergeant Ninke Ingran, I hope you can keep us alive Corporal.", with that, she gave a curt salute, and made her way back towards the main area.

Good... with that done Ninke turned on her heel and made her way back to the company proper. She started thinnking... she was going to need to increase her excercise regimen in the following weeks, get her Chainsword issued to her, go over the primer about a hundred times... she sighed this was not going to be easy... luckily, she had received NCO training on Hirisit, so at least she wasn't totally green. She stopped by the quartermaster for a list of unassigned Guardsmen before making her way to the company proper.

Her mind drifted to why she had been made a Sergeant... she remembered the breach, how when she had stareted running to it with the commissars gun mean had fallen in behind her... she remembered putting a plasma round into the back of a fleeing man. Had that report reached someone? She decided it wasn't important, and made her way amongst the military cots. She stood up on an empty one and cleared her throat... before doing something she was sure she was going to be doing alot of from now on, and shouted quite loudly and angrily to the Guardsmen intent on being heard.

"Attention! Ze following Guardsmen are to report to me immediately as thair new NCO! Private Meris Fixun! Abhuman Khaz! Private Persephone Ignatz and all other former members of the 3rd Wisps light infantry! Private John Cecil Feeney! Private Marcus Gruber! Und private Ericsson Marshal!"

She stood, waiting for those she had called to stand before her... she had to admit this felt a bit exciting if nothing else... she was a proper sergeant now.


Awake... awoken... waking... sleep... asleep... sleeping... what was it all? A broken mind wandering down its manny paths... asleep is what he was... but now waking? Yes thats what it was... he was woken, waking, awake now. How long did he sleep? Had he slept? Had he dreamed? Was this a dream? Was he still asleep? Who was he even... Cedro. He was Cedro that... that he knew. A hand drifted up to his wide brimmed hatt, feeling the worn material between two fingers... it was his hand... his hat was still there. Next it drifted to his necklace, his pendant... it was warm.... it felt nice. A crooked smile found a place on his worn features as he felt the warmth spreading through his body... a womans voice.

It echoed in his mind once more... a memory? A dream? A hope? No... a reality. He looked up to the woman. Her voice... it washed over him like the cold... like the heat... what was it like? She spoke and he heard but it drifted away even as he grasped at the strands... Hero? Training program? ... what was this place of shapes and green? A shape that moved... she called out for help... help... helped... helping... he must help! Suddenly he felt it, the weight of the club in his hand, the length of metal sturdy and heavy as it pulled at his arm. He nodded, looked to his adversary and charged. Waste not time, waste not strength he tought. He hefted the club in his hand and brought it down with great force, aimed at the figure's 'head' as it were, intent on obliterating it... destroy... destorying... destroyed... obliterate... obliterating... obliterated...
@ClocktowerEchos I'm posting right naow... as in writing it right naow... sooo yup
In RWBY 8 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@Azure Sea Edited her semblance! Is she good to go now?
In RWBY 8 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

<Snipped quote by agentmanatee>

just put up a time limit and due to the stress it puts on his body to use he can only use it for only that time limit without injuring himself in the form of torn muscles

Perfect! Will edit once I get home

EDIT: Why u using he and his and him? Febe is a girl...
In RWBY 8 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@Azure Sea So with a 'can only hold it up for a few minutes a day' It'll be fine?
In RWBY 8 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@Framing A Moose Well I always meant for it to be a super temporary thing like Yangs semblance, sorry if that didn't come across... Assuming thats the problem... I still don't know 100%
In RWBY 8 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@Azure Sea ... its vauge how much damage is massive damge needed to knock her our of it? ... it has no duration set? ... its immobile?
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