Name: Yuji Otawari
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Appearance: Standing at roughly 5'8 with a pale complexion, Yuji is of above-average height for his age. He has a toned and athletic build developed from his highly active lifestyle and a large, but faint, scar on his chest. Following his near-death, Yuji's hair is now nearly pure white, with only a few strands of its original colour, usually kept messy and unstyled, and his eyes are bright golden with slitted pupils. Yuji usually has the lower half of his face covered by a mask of some sort.
Personality: Despite his outward appearance, Yuji is a person who cares deeply for people regardless of their background or whether or not they reciprocate; in essence, he lives for the sake of others. He views the life of every single person as precious and as such considers it his obligation to preserve them, which is why he chooses to fight Grudges without hesitation. More than anything, he believes it is morally wrong for anyone to take a human life and tries to avoid any situation where such is a possibility. When he wears a mask, Yuji has learnt to emote almost entirely with his eyes.
Backstory: Yuji was a boy cursed. Not in the literal sense, though it may as well have been. He was born to a former shrine maiden of the Kōtai Jingū, the eighth and only surviving child of her family, though he spent very little time there himself in his youth. His mother left the shrine for reasons unknown to him soon after his birth and he was raised away from it for much of his life. While less invested in religious practices than his mother, her teachings nonetheless formed an important part of his childhood and his fate was ultimately intertwined with the Shinto religion.
For the most part, the early years of Yuji’s life were uneventful. That was, however, until his mother’s health started failing. It started slow; first, she became weaker and weaker until eventually, she could no longer stand. At first, he was hopeful that she would get better, but as time passed, it seemed less and less likely that she would make it. Inevitably, the moment he had dreaded did come to pass.
Her last words were for him to “live a beautiful life without bitterness or regrets”.
It didn’t take long after that for the funeral to take place. Yuji decided then and there to always honour his mother’s final words to the best of his ability.
Days after the ceremony, Yuji rescued and befriended a wounded serpent near a riverside whom he affectionately nicknamed “Niji”. With his new friend at his side, Yuji set about making himself useful to anyone and everyone who required his help. Unbeknownst to himself, he made something of a name for himself within the town as a dependable worker. On his fifteenth birthday, Yuji was fatally injured while protecting a child from a newly-manifested Grudge. He was meant to die, and yet against all odds, he survived the experience due to the intervention of a then mysterious being, whom he later came to know was the Dragon god, Ryujin, as a reward for his previous actions. When he awoke some days later, his life was irreversibly changed.
It wasn’t until much later that the changes became noticeable. He felt better than ever before and recovered faster whenever he got hurt, among other things, as he soon discovered. Not long after his awakening, Yuji was approached by a shrine maiden of the Kōtai Jingū who informed him of a way to control his newfound abilities and use them to protect others.
An opportunity in Tokyo.
Skills: While still somewhat inexperienced in combat, Yuji is proficient with a blade, particularly the naginata, and is also capable of holding his own in hand-to-hand combat—if only barely. Additionally, due to his time spent doing all sorts of odd jobs in his hometown, Yuji has developed skills in various fields such as gardening, carpentry, sewing, cooking and some knowledge of medicine.
Spiritual Energy Grade: A
Contracted Being: Ryūjin/Watatsumi
Contract Rank: C
Contract Abilities: The contract provided by the dragon god affords a variety of powerful abilities; most notably, absolute control over snakes, the ocean, seas and water in general, as well as authority over all of the inhabitants thereof, immunity to most toxins and diseases, potent regeneration and the ability to transform into a serpentine dragon, though the use of many of these abilities requires an immense amount of spiritual energy that would take him out of commission with a single use. As such, until he gets to the point of being able to utilise the full extent of the contract, it merely allows him to take on some draconic characteristics and grants him the ability to speak to the subjects of Ryūjin. His blood also has a mystical cleansing property, allowing it to treat minor afflictions in others and affect impure beings.
Cost: Ryujin is well-known to be a very generous benefactor to those who have earned his favour, and a terrifying disaster to those who have earned his spite, as such the primary cost of the contract requires Yuji to be the same. Providentially, his previous lifestyle meshes quite well with such a pursuit. There is also a lesser cost that requires him to occasionally make offerings in his contractor's name.