Avatar of Alfhedil


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7 yrs ago
Current This is why you shouldn't use an actual toaster to host a website.
7 yrs ago
[@Dnafein] Because people are salty about didney and have forgotten about the prequels.
7 yrs ago
*angry moth sounds*
7 yrs ago
Joke's on you Dagoth-Ur, I brought eighty bottles of sujamma.
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7 yrs ago


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Great, I'll set up a server real quick and PM out the invite codes to everyone.
Nice posts everyone, still working on my own though probably could have already posted what I have lol. A good question for everyone though, how would people feel about a discord for the RP? If I made one, would everyone be interested in joining it?
In Dead 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Broad leaves rustled in the wind, a cool breeze coming down from the mountains to sweep gently into the valley below. Among the leaves the shadows moved ever so subtly. Careful steps avoided thicker brush and foliage on the ground, a path forming and disappearing from the ruins to a spot giving a perfect vantage point. That was where a hazy mirage formed, blurring until it dissipated and what it was obscuring was revealed. Absolution crouched low in the darkness, a metallic hand feeling the muddy ground beneath her and taking stock of how stable it would be for her.

It proved satisfactory, a clear route showing on her navigational HUD as she looked to either side. Thunderclaps above signaled the atmospheric entry of starships, and that meant she would need to expedite her preparations. The same hand that pressed into the damp earth started to lightly smear clumps across her chassis. Rust red might not be among the most obvious of colors, but it certainly wasn't a natural one when against the green backing of the jungle. More troublesome were the bare durasteel segments, those would definitely catch light and expose her position. All in all it took as long as it did for the Republic to soften the Cult's defenses.

She watched one of the other sniper positions go up in flames, the mercenaries within likely dying immediately, though a figure flailing to a messy end on the ruins below gave some grim satisfaction.

"Statement: Heh. Stupid tossers."

Just barely an hour before they had contested her idea of proper positioning, claiming that since the ruins were the likely target of any assault, then they should post up in them. She had left them to their bricks and towers, with only the cursory advisory given to the Sith leaders. The job was to defend the ruins, not die in them, and she didn't fancy getting bombed into scrap.

Landers were coming in now, and as she laid back against the incline, she steadied the long-rifle and sighted in on them. Republic troopers. The shape of their armor was unmistakable, as were the varied Jedi that led the charge among them.

"Notation: Setting target priority of enemy combatants. Jedi commanders expected to be most significant threat. Republic officers essential to leadership role on the battlefield… Hold notation."

The battle had truly begun now, with the Sith in the ruins and their mercenary cohorts disgorging to meet the assault. Her scope panned across the lower levels, watching the defense from the trench. Another droid was there, some kind of battle-droid model that she only glanced across before heading out. A few shots placed down on the front lines might be beneficial towards preserving the Cult's advantage of numbers, though she continued to recon the battle first anyways. Up top it seemed there was a more significant issue. A togruta Jedi had landed among the other sniper position in the ruins, killing the group before they were even aware of the threat. Cultist acolytes were already on their way, and she knew they would be quite remiss if she stole their kill.

"Resigned sigh." A distinctly metallic sigh followed, only the slightest hint of her synthesized voice within it.

"Notation: Target priority Republic officers and commandos. Beginning execution of targets."

Going silent, she dimmed the orange glow of her eyes, now all but invisible against the jungle earth to her back and the camouflage she draped across herself. The rifle slowly moved according to her light guidance, metal hands wrapped around the wooden stock and the scope sweeping across the battlefield. Frontline targets would have to do for now. One hand reached up and pulled the bolt back, a solid slugthrower round sliding in once it was open. With quiet precision, she slowly closed it once more and readied her finger on the trigger. There. A man without a helmet was behind the Republic lines issuing commands into a headset. The rifle let out a cough as the trigger was pulled, firing the bullet across the distance between the mountainside and the battle below. She didn't wait for confirmation of kill, getting up and engaging her stealth field as she quickly started navigated the brush to move to her second position.
In Dead 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@PrincePierce Looks good to me, could use more guys in Salem at the moment lol.
In Dead 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Fallen Muse Got it finished up, apologies for the delay.
@Kitty You're good to toss the CS over into the Characters tab.
In Dead 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Kitty You got a few disconnects here and there where it looks like you went back and added or edited things. Namely in the middle of the Appearance section there's a paragraph that starts with talking about her height, then a couple sentences afterwards breaks up between one topic and discussing her height again before breaking back into another topic. You also reference Katalina's sister by two different names later in the background section lol.

Other than that, it looks alright enough to me.
My fork is the most powerful of all silverware, werewolves across the globe fear it.

That aside, yes I think that it would be fitting if werewolves didn't scar as easily, as much as it takes away from the sliding scale of badass :v I mean, with their accelerated healing, most minor wounds that would leave scars on any normal person would be the equivalent of paper cuts for them.
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