Avatar of Alfhedil


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7 yrs ago
Current This is why you shouldn't use an actual toaster to host a website.
7 yrs ago
[@Dnafein] Because people are salty about didney and have forgotten about the prequels.
7 yrs ago
*angry moth sounds*
7 yrs ago
Joke's on you Dagoth-Ur, I brought eighty bottles of sujamma.
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7 yrs ago


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The Party

Khaliya al-Rihad - The Sword-Singer
Veeza - The Pit Dragon
Caddach Thraigyr - The Groundskeeper
Arvela Favryn - Telvanni Spellblade
Verinric Stieence - Breton Scholar
Kiffar - The Unbound
Kharne - Breaker of Chains
Darmon Saishir - The Merchant Prince
Yarmira - Potentially a Cannibal
Sablyn Renault - Breton Pickpocket
Verena Luscinia - The Assistant
Isai Tegulatoris - The not so misunderstood Genius
Deia - The Crone
Sildun Oath-Blood - The Legionnaire
Yashar al-Rihad (NPC) - Half-Orc Paladin
Roshanara al-Rihad (NPC) - Half-Orc Berserker
Speaks-With-Blades (NPC) - The Lizard
This is the 27th of Last Seed, the year of Akatosh 433 and though few realize it, these are the closing days of the Third Era…

It all began on that one fateful day, a day that perhaps for you it was of no importance until the moment everything changed, or maybe it had been something you had done to become a catalyst. For most Imperials leading up to it, there was no difference between this day and the last, nor certainly the next for that matter. The only notable difference was the exhibition match between The Gray Prince and a visiting Companion from Skyrim. Thousands flooded the arena to behold their own champion facing off against one of the Nords of Skyrim and the tensions between Cyrodillic Nords and their brethren began to boil as the hours passed and each bout brought them closer to the feature match.

Neither was supposed to take the fight seriously, it was just supposed to be an exhibition of the strength of the Empire as a whole, but as blood was spilt and the crowd became more and more violent, all it took was a single brick thrown amongst the refuse. Both men withstood the debris as they knew it was surely a match to inflame the rivalries between provinces, but the plan had always been to clasp hands and proclaim the Empire as the true victor. And that was when a brick struck the Gray Prince and sent him to the sands, a bellowing roar of indignation from the collective crowd as for a moment when he stood it seemed as if the initial intent of non-lethal combat was off. Keen to keep the fight from getting out of hand, the Arena officials called it then and there, quickly ushering out the spectators and getting between the two combatants.

Of course as it was the Arena and even the slightest thing can get two men to fighting over their differences, a palpable tension was in the air as irritable citizens poured from the Arena stands and into the nearby bars to drink and eat away their anger. It was there in Daggerfall Dan's Bar and Grill that a group of people had gathered, unknowing of the fate they shared, you among them. Dozens packed in as the food came hot and fresh, the wait staff doing their best to ease the worries of the crowd but knowing it was a tinderbox just waiting for that first spark.

And it came with a single spilled drink, a roar of outrage, an Altmer of the mages guild flung out of the second story window and a bar brawl that would send a group of men and mer off to their fate…

We stand now upon the precipice of one of the most decisive moments in the Elder Scrolls setting. A time when the Empire was at its height, when peace and prosperity was widespread and the people looked towards each day with a renewed purpose after centuries of instability. Yet there is a stirring in the background. The peace seems too idyllic, and while there is still the occasional civil war in High Rock or the dispute between Morrowind and anyone else, there is a feeling that a storm is approaching.

This is where our characters will come in to fulfill a role that was set for the player character in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Where we begin is in a jail cell after a rather rough and potentially injurious bar-brawl in the Arena District, waiting out the night until the Emperor Uriel Septim VII has need of using the secret escape tunnel in our cell. From there is where the RP will start and yes, we will be thrust directly into the plot of the game from the very beginning of this RP. Now, I'll go more in depth below but will cover it for but a moment here, but I would like to say clearly that while we will be following closely along the story beat of Oblivion, we are not going to be chained to it.

My goal for this RP is a little more than just the recreation of the game that brought the Elder Scrolls into the mainstream. While my love for Oblivion serves as the base for this RP, there will be various points where the party is intended to go off the path, perhaps even go against the main story in some ways, and we will of course have our moment where we realize that we may have fucked it. But more than that, there is the intention that this is not just the story of the Oblivion Crisis from the perspective of a bunch of random idiots tossed in a jail cell, this is in a way intended to be the origin story of our characters. While I'm not saying that the varied characters can't have their own highlights from before the bar brawl, and I'm not opposed to someone with actual skill having gotten caught up in this, there is an overarching character type that I am looking for here.

That is the idea of our characters being quite a bit out of our depth and the only real qualification for most having been in the wrong place at the wrong time. I mean sure, we will have a half-orc paladin in the way of one of my characters, a devout man of the nine and intended to provide a bit of moral and religious support for most… My man hasn't ever been to the planes of Oblivion. Very few in setting actually have, and for those unfamiliar with TES4, that is kind of the main focus. Our first foray into The Deadlands is meant to be a rather terrifying experience and the most traumatic thing to have likely happened to our merry band of idiots. We are dealing with what is essentially hell invading Tamriel and a host of daedra intending on murderburning everything and everyone in their path.

So yeah, that's the brief overview and what I hope is the expectations set for everyone. It's going to be a bit of a hectic romp through the Elder Scrolls setting, where things will start pretty metal and very likely end incredibly metal.

RP Guidelines

Right, my least favorite part of the RP aside from writing up a CS. While I would like to say that people should conduct themselves to a reasonable standard, that I can assume that everyone knows what is and isn't acceptable… Well, I've been proven wrong on that so many times in some rather incredulous ways of late. So yeah, just some things I would expect of people looking to join the RP going forward. Will say though that these are really just guidelines, not really hard and fast rules. I consider myself to be pretty fair, flexible and reasonable with people, so like keep that in mind.

- First and foremost I am asking you, my brother in Talos, to not be a dickhead. It's really not that hard an ask, and it makes the entire RP more enjoyable for everyone if there isn't that one person being an ass just because they can. Your character can be a dick all day long and while the party will hate them, as long as *you* are not being a raging cocknobbler over it and understand that there are consequences to such things, I feel like everything will be gucci.
- Secondly, communication. Also not a difficult ask to be honest, if you have a question, if you're irritated about something, or for whatever reason there may be a need to communicate… Then do so lmao. There have been so many times in not just my own RPs but in others, where an issue has blown up way out of proportion because someone sat on something that irritated them for days to weeks and then got mad because nothing happened… Because they never communicated it and just expected it to be fixed. I've got my DMs open both here on the site and on discord. It takes like five seconds.
- This is a story, not a game. On the first point of this, I would like to impress upon anyone joining that the entire point of *most* roleplays is to build a collaborative story, not to compete against your fellow players. Player conflict is not discouraged, but it's also not the entire point. We're not in the arena or the NRP section.
- And to continue on the prior point, as a whole we're only using TES4 as a guide and not a rail. Game mechanics will probably not come up at all unless there's some kind of lore-based reason and I would prefer greatly if everyone understood that to begin with. That will mean that we're not limited by a nineteen year old game in terms of what we are able to do, such as the entire party won't be frozen in place when some weird dude crawls out of a wall. That also means that there will be cases where the actual world will be expanded upon greatly. The province of Cyrodiil is mentioned to be the most populous province in Tamriel and the Imperial City home to millions.
- Absolute knowledge is not required. I'm not really looking for the most esteemed of loremasters of the Elder Scrolls to be honest, I kind of expect most people to have middling at best knowledge of things. I mean, let's be real, Morrowind is a *wild ride* from start to finish. The lore for the setting can start kind of basic in places and get so bizarre that you really start to question if Pelinal was some kind of cyborg sent from the future to murder elves. So yeah, if you know your stuff cool. If not, also cool. Oblivion was the game that brought a lot of people into the setting after all, so it would be kind of shitty to deny people based on that.
- The discord is not required, but it does make communication significantly easier. Like seriously, I'm usually on my phone when I'm not at the PC and so can usually respond fairly quickly to any questions or concerns brought up in the discord. Not only that, several of the confirmed players have an understanding of how I work already so it's not that hard to have an idea on how something will go.
- I'm going to forget things or things will happen, so this isn't exactly final. So do bear that in mind.

Character Creation Guidelines

So with all that hopefully understood, there's some things I do want to touch on before slamming down the CS and giving my final words. Following are just a few things that I want everyone to keep in mind when building a character for the RP in addition to the footnotes in the CS template.

- To reiterate, this is a story not a game. This comes in the way of not only would I rather not set up stat sheets and have to keep track of them, but I would greatly prefer it if characters weren't made as if competing against others. We're all building a story here and there will be moments where certain characters fall short and others shine. Flaws make for more immersive and interesting characters after all.
- *On that note*. With some very minor exceptions, the party is really not intended to be a high level party. We're not rolling with arena champions, the chosen of daedric princes or Vivec's bestie. To be completely honest, in a way the party is kind of a bunch of losers and some people who were really just in the wrong place at the wrong time. That's kind of intended to be the theme of things, in that while some are capable in their own ways, we are so far out of our depth on this.
- Though I did say that knowledge of the lore wasn't necessary, do try to keep within the confines as much as possible. There is a rich history of strife between most of the provinces and several thousand years of daedra trying to fuck with things. A worshiper of Mehrunes Dagon would quite obviously be right out, but a devotee of Azura could potentially be alright. Just the same, there are reasons why certain groups don't get along. Just kind of understand that when making your character.
- If there are any questions on your character, *ask*. Like honestly, I'm pretty flexible and if you've got an interesting idea I'm more likely to be cool with it if it is brought up to me first before just yeeting out a thousand year old Maormer veteran of the Legion. On that note though… Please try not to get *that* wild with your character ideas. I like weird and sometimes nonstandard things, and I'm willing to defend outlandish ideas but only to a point.

All that out of the way I do hope that regardless of the interested parties we can all fit in the same jail cell and have a good time of things. I'm not really going to be implementing a limit on characters out of the gate, or a post requirement, only that people be aware of each other while going forward. That aside, I'm looking at starting everything in a week from this post or when everyone is ready to go, depending on how I'm doing at the time. Understand I can kind of write slow at times, so we're not exactly going to be fast paced and hit a thousand by the end of the year lmao. So, that said I hope to see everyone in the discord and hear what ideas are floating about.

Shadow of Oblivion Discord
I'm thinking of reviving a character concept from a similar RP from years ago

By all means, throw up the idea and we can see how workable it is. I'm leaning more towards characters with a lot of potential rather than established bad-asses as a forewarning, not to say that someone can't have a character with a notable background lol.

I cannot promise I shall be able to join, but I'll know in a few days and likely play an Argonian

If you've got the time, we've got the space. Would make our NPC Argonian a little less lonely.

On that note though, there's quite a bit of interest so I'll get a discord server cobbled together here in a few hours or so and see about what needs sorting out with the OOC. Considering it's a relaunch there's not much that should need doing, but you never know with these things.
I'm interested, I need a comprehensive ES guide now

The UESP is an excellent resource to explore the world of the Elder Scrolls, though I will make note that it's not something that will be strictly adhered to, as at the end of the day the story matters more. I am someone with a rather distinct disdain for "Lorehammer" lol
So don't go by the game ranks and get descriptive is the gist?

Pretty much. The idea is to have this be a story, not a game lmao.
Soooo how deep into skills/magic are we goin? >.> Cuz I am scrounging my way through that wiki and memory and I don't wanna go overboard XD

Primarily I'm not really looking for a one to one game mechanic type of thing, with numbers and stats lol. Something along the lines of how Lurk detailed Caddach's skills works excellently, like explaining what kinds of skills they may have and to what degree they are skilled in them.
This sounds pretty good actually

Ayyyyyyyyyy Oblivion really was the best Elder Scrolls game, and at the very least the one with some semblance of a color palette :v

I'd be interested if allowed.

Unless you've secretly kicked one of my cats without my knowing, I don't see why not lmao.

Give to me elder scrolls! (Morrowind forever favorite but oblivion is a second fave)

Morrowind was truly one of the Elder Scrolls games of all time, but is also one of my favorite RPGs, so more than welcome

As an aside, I have posted up the actual CS we'll be using into the first post. Just in case anyone wants to work on something while waiting for the OOC proper and such. I do also want to be transparent on some things just so no one comes in and is surprised.

Primarily this will be more based on the setting itself, rather than the games. Yes, we're working alongside the plotlines of Oblivion and will be bringing in some of the quests and characters of it, but we're not limiting ourselves to the mechanics of a game engine. Cyrodiil will be huge, the Imperial City huge, and overall the world of Tamriel will be a lot closer to how it is supposed to be.

That said, as I always maintain in any fandom RP... Canonicity no longer applies the moment the RP starts. There will be divergences, alterations and some things happening that very likely shouldn't. I will of course be doing my best to keep things as close to ES Lore as possible, but we're not on rails for this lmao.
This is the 27th of Last Seed, the year of Akatosh 433 and though few realize it, these are the closing days of the Third Era…

It all began on that one fateful day, a day that perhaps for you it was of no importance until the moment everything changed, or maybe it had been something you had done to become a catalyst. For most Imperials leading up to it, there was no difference between this day and the last, nor certainly the next for that matter. The only notable difference was the exhibition match between The Gray Prince and a visiting Companion from Skyrim. Thousands flooded the arena to behold their own champion facing off against one of the Nords of Skyrim and the tensions between Cyrodillic Nords and their brethren began to boil as the hours passed and each bout brought them closer to the feature match.

Neither was supposed to take the fight seriously, it was just supposed to be an exhibition of the strength of the Empire as a whole, but as blood was spilt and the crowd became more and more violent, all it took was a single brick thrown amongst the refuse. Both men withstood the debris as they knew it was surely a match to inflame the rivalries between provinces, but the plan had always been to clasp hands and proclaim the Empire as the true victor. And that was when a brick struck the Gray Prince and sent him to the sands, a bellowing roar of indignation from the collective crowd as for a moment when he stood it seemed as if the initial intent of non-lethal combat was off. Keen to keep the fight from getting out of hand, the Arena officials called it then and there, quickly ushering out the spectators and getting between the two combatants.

Of course as it was the Arena and even the slightest thing can get two men to fighting over their differences, a palpable tension was in the air as irritable citizens poured from the Arena stands and into the nearby bars to drink and eat away their anger. It was there in Daggerfall Dan's Bar and Grill that a group of people had gathered, unknowing of the fate they shared, you among them. Dozens packed in as the food came hot and fresh, the wait staff doing their best to ease the worries of the crowd but knowing it was a tinderbox just waiting for that first spark.

And it came with a single spilled drink, a roar of outrage, an Altmer of the mages guild flung out of the second story window and a bar brawl that would send a group of men and mer off to their fate…

Hey hey all you Ehlnofey, once more I am coming in from the top ropes with my concept of an Elder Scrolls RP set in the closing days of the Third Era. This is one of my favorite moments in the Elder Scrolls setting, as it is the precipice of one of the most pivotal moments in the timeline. A thousand years of Septims have ruled in off and on stability, and though this is set just thirty years after the end of the Imperial Simulacrum along with all the conflicts within... The Empire itself has rarely seen such stability and prosperity as it does now. But just like in real life, no one is allowed to have nice things for long and thus already there are motions to bring the Empire down. Once more the fate of the Empire, the provinces and Tamriel itself lays in the hands of the chosen few, a group of people who just so happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. That place being a popular Arena tavern, already packed full of angry people. The time, shortly after a botched exhibition match with unclear results that had been meant to promote provincial unity. Those chosen few? Our characters, who ended up being caught up in a bar brawl turned riot in the Arena District, and for their safety they have been escorted to the Imperial Prison and stuffed into a very specific cell to wait out the riots.

So basically, in summation. It's Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, but with a group rather than one singular protagonist. And we're using lore rather than the game to define the world, so the Imperial City is an actual city of millions rather than some shitty island lmao.

A bit sloppy in places, and probably not my best work, but here is our resident face-puncher:

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