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5 yrs ago
Current "To fear death is to fear the beginning of a new book in a series of many." a qoute from myself


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In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Night
Location: Desert
Interactions: @baraquiel Jomari, @13org Nuallán

As the two were traveling across the desert sand, an ambush was being prepared by six members of the bandit group that was responsible for kidnapping the princesses. The goal was to keep the pursuers from reaching their primary bed down location. They had been assigned to scout as it was expected that the princesses would be pursued.

“NOW!” The shout of the hyena demi-human lookout came out as more of a roar that sent the bandits springing into action before the two. The scorpion demi-human burst through the sand in front of them, pointing his lance towards the elf before him. “You ain’t goin’ anywhere bud.” His voice was coarse and cold.

Four torches lit around the elf and human as the six bandits surrounded them.

“You missed, you blind fool!” A monkey demi-human chastised.

“It’s better ta let’em know theyze gonna die. Let’s the fear kick in Shah, you’re too hasty.” The crocodile demi-human retorted to the monkey.

“Let me crush them, I wanna hear those bones snap.” The rhino demi-human added.

“We’re paid to kill, not talk!” Not wasting any more time, the ibis demi-human lunged forth with her polearm to strike Jomari down.

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Night time

The night has set over Avalia. Nocturnal creatures around the continent have woken up, filling the land with various calls and noises. Larger cities have opened their clubs and other questionable businesses. The time is currently 8 pm. Those who enjoy clubs or other night activities: the time is now to get yourself out there and find what the nightlife brings to you!
Ryomen looked at Bob Blobson. "You will die here."

Bob had a knack for knowing when it was safe to move. When he felt his captors were vulnerable. But he didn't move, having counted three dead and twenty-one wounded. Ryomen realized that he'd have to fight his way free, or die with them.

"I'll kill them," was all he said, never breaking eye contact.

"They're too many to take out. Even with a knife," Bob replied. "You want to trade with me?"

"Yes. Even if you kill me. But I think I can kill some."

"I have a new hammer," he replied, pulling a large, black iron weight from a deep pocket.

Ryomen eyed the weight, but pulled out a knife.

"No," the drifter said, "you have a hammer."

"And you have a knife."

"That's true. But we have a hammer here now."

Ryomen couldn't argue with that.

"Why are you doing this? Are you punishing us?"

"Somehow," Bob said, "yes."

"Not like that," Ryomen protested, but Bob held up a finger.

"When I was a boy," Bob told him, "I had a dog. It died. The man who owned it didn't feel bad about it. My mother told me I should be angry, but I wasn't. I still remember the man laughing at me in front of the whole village. The day after he had me and my mother come to take the body away. When I'm angry, I like to take the edge off by losing myself in violent action. I put myself in the shoes of the other guy. I try to understand the motivation behind his actions. When I'm done, I go into my own world and think about my frustration with my father. My own world,"

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Dante Blackbourn

Time: Morning
Location: River Port
Interactions: @FunnyGuy Darius @samreaper Menzai
Equipment: Old hat, Clothes from a dead elf, Steel Sword

Dante looked at Darius for a moment with a smirk then looked back Menzai. “You can skip the sir in our names there Zai.” He laughed and continued talking. ”So, what kind of agreement are you looking for?” Dante asked before the waiter came back with their food. The smell was delicious and he was starving. “Ah, this is the slime day special; it looks amazing.” He told the waiter. The dish was multi-coloured jello surrounded by a variety of fruit alongside another plate containing a beefsteak with mushrooms and some mashed potatoes decorated with a variety of herbs and spices.

Dante took a bite of the steak and it was the juiciest mouth-watering steak he had ever tasted. The herbs complimented the steak with divine flavour. Dante was speechless as he neatly yet hastily zoned on his meal as he waited for a reply.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Dante Blackbourn

Time: Morning
Location: River Port
Interactions: @FunnyGuy Darius @samreaper Menzai
Equipment: Old hat, Clothes from a dead elf, Steel Sword

Dante paused a moment confused as to why someone would come up directly to them. He looked at this man who had stood before the brothers at the table. He was a pretty strange looking guy; something out of an anime convention. Dante leaned over and quietly spoke. “Uh… I think there may be a better place to speak about such things.” He said then leaned back again. “Nice to meet you Menzai, I am Dante Blackbourn. Why don’t you take a seat? We are just waiting for our food to arrive.” Though he did not feel any ill intent from Menzai’s words, he decided it is best to be friendly to those he did not know. Dante still looked around the room to make sure nobody else was looking at them. He was cautious after the scene that Pride showed only wanting to keep him and his brother safe and out of danger.

Dante looked toward his brother and ordered, “Darius welcome our guest and introduce yourself.”
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Barboda Teff

Time: Morning
Location: The Ship
Interactions:Lizzie @Tae, Nym @Helo, Helio @princess, Tigerlily @Potter Tesoro [@InfiniteCosmos]

Barboda held his breath noticing those around him gasping for air in the darkness; he couldn’t see anything but the heat signatures coming from those around him. This could go very wrong quickly. He could feel water was now at his feet. Was the ship going to sink? Barboda had been trying to figure out a plan to get out of this situation when the darkness finally dispersed from around him. He watched Lizzie get impaled by a tendril of darkness from the dark elf and fall to the floor shortly after.

Barboda looked around and ran towards Lizzie grabbing her limp body and slinging it over his shoulder. “We need to get off this ship now or we are going down with it.”He stated in an almost demanding tone. He did not waste time as he climbed back up the ladder and to the deck. He made his way back across to the Harem and laid Lizzie on the floor and knelt next to her. “I am sorry, Lizzie..” He said to Lizzie. It was obvious she wouldn’t make it. “I will avenge you, Ardyn has taken too many lives. Now he is taking those who do not even belong in this world.” Barboda stood up and looked towards the other ship waiting for the rest of the crew. He briefly glanced at Tesoro and Tigerlily, ” Lizzie will pass soon. I do not think there is much we can do.”

Caelan Knight

Time: Morning
Location: Myriamor
Interactions: @princess Sophie @Mole Aurora @FunnyGuy Slick @Helo Leaf
Equipment: A D&D miniature, a blunt, and the clothes he was given

Caelan stood up and picked Sophie up onto her feet by her forearms. He felt upset and angry seeing this affect her so deeply. “Come, we need to go.” He looked towards the others. “So where are we going? The blacksmith or the inn.” Caelan awaited an answer but looked back at Sophie, “Listen I know you are scared but we need to stay strong at least until Princess Rosaria returns. She said she can send you home if that’s what you really want. I am going to stay and help these people who are in dire need of saving from creatures like those.”

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Barboda Teff

Time: Morning
Location: The Ship
Interactions:Lizzie @Tae, Nym @Helo, Helio @princess, Ardyn (Transmission)@FunnyGuy

Barboda looked at Ardyn on the transmission. “Your cargo was ruined by your own crew killing them so you can’t blame us.” He paused before speaking again. “Captain Ardyn Croft your head is worth a lot more than mine ever will be. I know at least a dozen who would pay more than fifteen thousand Amas for you alone. You have been a plague on the waters for far too long and don’t worry I will kill you just like I did to most of your crew. And worry not, you will be writhing around on the ground in agony wishing I killed you outright.” Barboda’s tone had a sense of fury that he had never shown to anyone in a very long time. “I will make sure that you suffer.” He stopped and raised his arm to his helmet, grasping it tightly in his fingers.“This will be the last thing you ever see when I inevitably find you”Barboda lifted it off his head and revealed his face, his snake-like eyes void of emotion despite his lethal tone, “and I kill you.”
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