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Current I saw a one-legged man at the ATM. He was checking his balance.
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Where do bad rainbows go? To a prism. It's a light sentence, but it gives them time to reflect.
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@LG aw hell yeah! Keepin my eye out for it for sure!
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How do you find Will Smith in the snow? You look for his fresh prints.
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tfw the colonies have better healthcare than the mainland


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Meadow View Locations to be edited in

School Colors: Cornflower Blue & Forest Green || Discord Server

Welcome Back, _____________

If you are receiving this letter, then congratulations! You are among one-hundred of thousands who returning to Meadows University, located in the beautiful Meadow View, Vermont. You have been accepted into this prestigious ivy league school for one of three reasons.

The first reason might be due to the fact you are a legacy, the child of someone -- granted, one who had honors -- but one of our esteemed alumni. We accept ten legacies per year and if you are one of them, then consider that a high honor. The legacies are held to higher standards of following the rigid rules our university has for every student and faculty member.

The second reason is that, despite some questionable marks and activities you might have engaged in high school, you come from wealth and lots of it -- enough for us to overlook your less-than exemplary academic performances. Meadow University benefits from consistent donations and if you fall under this category of students, then your family has donated well.

And now, the third reason you might be receiving this letter: you are the perfect academic student. The sort of person this school needs. Do not be mistaken: you are not less than anyone else. You have worked hard and put in all of the hours made available to you. Your marks in your studies, time put for extracurricular, and voluntary work has finally paid off. Your “(enter gender here) with a plan” mentality has rewarded you with admission as one of our Scholarship Students.

Rejoice! You are now among a higher class. Meadow Academy welcomes you with open arms! May it provide you with a once in a lifetime experience that you’ll never forget.

Respectfully yours,
Headmistress Emelia Beaumonte



Hello and welcome to the College roleplay, Meadow University that is set in Meadow View, Vermont. The university the majority of the roleplay will take place at an Ivy League school, which should tell you a lot about what sort of college it is. That being said, it is known for being a bit of a party school (even if the administration tries their best to silences those rumors). This roleplay will center around a medium to large group of third-years who are one of three types of students: legacies, those who are children of alumni, trustfunds, those who are children of Meadow’s donors, and scholarship students, those who earned their spot at MU through hard work and perseverance.

The roleplay will start at the start of the second semester of the first year, so this will give players/writers some time to entertain possible relations. Alternatively, they could also be attending late. Your choice.

There will be a maximum of ten students per category (ten legacies, ten trustfunds, and ten scholarships).



Meadow View is often regarded as a college town that caters itself specifically to the attention an Ivy League university brings. From the outside, it may appear to be small, especially when compared to other ivy league towns, but it is quite deceiving in that way. Being in Vermont, it is afforded the aesthetic of beautiful trees spread throughout its landscape, a few parks, a thriving marketplace and nightlife crowd. Additionally, there are various places of interest that students go when they have the time such as family homes and/or cabins in the mountains that surround Meadow View.

Meadow View houses several neighborhoods all ranging from middle class and upper middle class, a few schools for the locals, but for the most part, it does lend itself to the students so that they have a quiet and peaceful environment for their studies. That and the university is so large, there’s hardly a reason to be in actual town ...unless they have to.


Being the cornerstone of Meadow View, the university that receives its namesake from the town is a beautiful campus surrounded by trees native to the green mountain state. It is a campus with a few buildings almost two hundred years old, which was around the time it was established. There have been expansions made over the years, of course, but of the buildings, the oldest that remain kept up to this day are the Administration Buildings and the Baptist Church. That and the marble fountain dead center of the campus, which has been known to be a regular relaxing spot for the students and faculty alike.

Since the beginning, as frequent presenting oneself in a respectable fashion has become tradition, so has the presence of sororities and fraternities. Of course, they’ve evolved with the times. They’ve gone from traditional groups of males and females living in peace to being an excuse for the young adults to let loose either before a major exam period or just to have a party for the sake of a party.

There are many places of interest around the campus from the dormitories, the library, respective fields dedicated to sports, a full gym, the Baptist Church for those with religious needs. For shopping needs, however, all one needs to do is go to Meadow View’s marketplace.



Meadow University’s staff is comprised of over fifty professors and personnel that cover the vast amount of subjects and topics that the classes make up. They all range from former students to professors who have been employed at MU for over three decades. Tradition is somewhat of a consistent presence at Meadow University. Despite what their ages or genders might be, they all answer to one woman: Emelia Beaumont. She rules the school with an iron fist and might appear nice, but her rule is authoritative and she is probably the worst enemy for young college student who likes to party.



  • We are a character-driven roleplay, so expect for there to be a heavy emphasis on communication between your fellow players. This also means interactions with your characters in the IC. That will be just as important.
  • At the least, writing expectations for this roleplay will be casual, so we expect at least two paragraphs per character.
  • We will only allow three characters per player but you are in no way required to have all three from the get-go. We encourage that you only take on as many as you can handle.
  • Though gender ratios won’t be our top priority, we do ask that if you see too many of one gender, consider making a character of the opposite gender so that the ratio isn’t too out of whack.
  • Consider making characters with flaws and complexities to them. Nobody wants to have a bunch of Christian Greys and Bella Swans running around.
  • Machine-gun posting is fine if nobody else is posting, but if there are others wanting to post, please wait until two other writers (or two character posts) have been made before making another one.
  • Collabs, while handy and encouraged, are not required. Use them as needed.
  • Please communicate! if you need time off, tell the GMs! If you don't know what to do, talk to your fellow players! Communication is 9/10ths of the law of being a roleplayer.
  • As proof that you’ve read the rules, put what your favorite rom-com movie is in your character sheet(s), or any RomCom you’ve seen.
  • And of course! Please -- oh please! -- have fun in the roleplay. There's no point in joining if you're not doing it for fun!
@silvermist1116 Sure thing! Thank you for your interest. :) <3
<Snipped quote by Altered Tundra>

If needed I can play a male, I didn't specify and as a Role Player wouldn't be my first

I appreciate that, thank you! <3


I'll be getting the thread up tonight for you wonderful people but I just wanted to take a moment and thank you all for all of your interest! I know many of us know the fear that any RP we put up might not get enough interest, or, in some very unfortunate cases, some roleplays don't receive any interest at all. So it warms my heart that I got more than I thought I would. So thank you for that!

But yes, the thread for the OOC will be up tonight. I have some last-minute tweaks to make but you all can expect to be tagged when it is up and finished. <3

A bit of an update:

Due to the immense amount of female characters, for the time being, I will be closing off any reservations for additional female characters. Unless stated before the posting of this message, I will assume your character is a male. I don't make this decision lightly, so please consider making male characters.

Now with this being said, if you see your name up in the OP, you are excluded from this. It is only for those who hadn't made gender-specific mentions of their characters that aren't excluded.

Okay, with that out of the way, I will be getting up the OOC within the next 12 hours, so be on the look out for that. Until then, thank you for all of your interest!
we REALLY need males

All of this!
In Sentaku 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
A War of Words, Part Two: Izayoi Annoys

Collab with @KZOMBI3 & @Infinite Cosmos

“Hey ya boys~ Whatcha doin’?” Iza’s voice seemed to cut the tension like a finely honed kunai. It wasn’t the most unpleasant noise but it definitely wouldn’t be something they would have selected to hear. At least not here. Not now.

Iza had settled for stalking up to Ren, gliding a finger lightly across his shoulder. He physically flinched outta her grasp and she fixed him with a glare, “Geez, Ren-kun~ no fun… I guess what Sato-kun says is true… nothing but a stick-wielding genin~” she pouted before turning on her heel and with a hop, skip and a jump and it was like Iza had teleported to Satoru’s side of the makeshift ring they found themselves at the center of. Surprisingly, even with the number of taunts and puffed chests, the area oozed threatened pubescent masculinity and yet there weren’t any spectators. Obvious ones at least.

As she leaned over his shoulder, she listened to his breathing pattern; so soft and slow and calmly maintained. Though that didn’t come as a shock or surprise to the Kiryu girl. Satoru was known throughout the academy as someone who possessed a multitude of natural talents such as controlled chakra - so his breathing should be a walk in the park.

Bangs shuffling out of her gaze as she looked straight ahead towards Ren, who looked ready to murder Satoru - maybe even her too if she were unlucky enough to stick around - however, the thrill of it all excited her and she couldn’t the buzzing of electricity that flowed in her. It was only a matter of time before it was going to build up to a tipping point and spill out in the form of her getting into a fight. Anyone would do, though she preferred someone from an opposing village. Except that Katsumi-kijo-sensei warned them not to fight unless absolutely necessary. Which Iza would probably speak on her behalf that now is not absolutely necessary.

Her voice dripped, like the warm honey of his locks, as she spoke to him. Taunting words like she did with the other boy. Trying to wane his patience and weather the calm. “Sato-kun~ you’re supposed to be intelligent but you lack the intelligence to wield a blade as skillfully as Ren-kun,” she released an audible gasp, bringing a hand to cover her mouth as slid away from the boy, her touch seeming to linger as she did, her eyes narrowed in mirth moreso than concern, “You aren’t even on the same level as your own teammate; Tetsu~”

As she pulled away Izayoi could sense the hawk-like gazes the three of them were warranted by opposing nin from other villages. Suspicious looking Suna and Iwa-nin were slowly making their way closer to them; trying to close the circle without their notice. Apparently, believing Ren and Satoru were too engrossed in the other to pay them any attention. Which, as Iza saw it, it did seem like.

She had to curse herself for being too good at getting into their psyche if they couldn’t ascertain the threats around them, not just the ones in front.

Ren’s composure and dedication remained intact regardless of how many times Izayoi tried to get a reaction from him. His chuckled did come when she started to direct her attempts to annoy on Sato, which Ren couldn’t help but gaze towards his opponent's way, trying to see exactly how badly Iza was getting to him. Someone like Sato was sure to be bothered by the things she said about him and how he doesn’t compare to Ren or even Tetsu, his teammate.

Satoru’s attention went from goading Jiren on, to the diminutive Izayoi. Her voice typically incited some sort of drama, given their interactions in the academy. Her comments, as typical of her nature it would seem, were meant to incite even more chaos than there already was. The sword comments, Satoru did not mind. Using a sword wasn’t something he bothered himself with anyways. Given his natural talent, and whatever else the gods deemed fit to bless him with, he has gotten this far without relying on weapons too much. “Its alright babe. I don’t need a sword in my hand to prove that I can fight. As far as being on some sort of level, I can show you some levels.” He said, ending the sentence with a small wink.

Even walking away from the nin she rolled her eyes. ‘Who does he think he is, huh? Ugh!’

Moments away from Ren having a comment ready, he saw the approaching Sand and Stone ninja start to close in. “Great, now I have to deal with these nobodies before dealing with you, Satoru.” Ren sighed, exchanging a quick glance between Izayoi and Sato, though focused on Iza. “So, was this your plan all along? To get me from taking out Sato and instead show why Konoha is the best village represented at the chunin exams?” He asked Iza.

The grin that split her face was almost too good to be true, as she hopped from one foot to the other, “Maaaaaaybe~” If she were being honest with herself it was all in good fun just to egg them on to fight - regardless of Karu’s idea on the matter. However, with this turn of events, it provided her with a much more entertaining situation than having two friends battling. At least before a proper setting was established.

As Jiren exchanged some more words with Iza, Satoru took stock of the approaching ninjas. Sand and Stone fodder. It is known that the Leaf stands supreme. Even still, the lower rank and file needs to be put in their place once in a while. Asserting dominance and whatnot. Turning and tilting his head low to avoid showing his Byakugan anymore than he has, He spoke lowly to both Jiren and Izayoi “If those fuckers take another step, I’m going to hitting them. No questions asked. They don’t seem friendly, anyways…”

Iza noted that it wouldn’t be long before the opposing ninja would be on them, asserting some type of force unknown to the three of them. However, upon hearing that Satoru was all in for throwing punches, the elation she felt was almost palpable. With a giddy laugh and a clap of her hands, Iza was bouncing up and down excitedly, before she was seen swinging kunai around her fingers that seemingly appeared out of thin air, “Yatta~! This is gonna be sooo much fun~! Hey, hey! Maybe the others are gonna wanna join, ya?”

Jiren had his two kodachi swords out, inhaling a breath to center himself and his eyes fixated the Sand and Stone ninja, their annoyance seemed to be multiplied when Iza had jumped excitedly. “Aw, they look mad,” he laughed, turning his attention to Sato. “After these poor excuses for shinobi are done, I’ll give you that loss you were pining for earlier, Satoru.”

“Exactly. As soon as we handle this bunch, I’ll be sure to take it easier on you than I was already planning to. Make sure you can still hobble to the exams…” Satoru said, in response to Jiren. Turning and holding a small smirk, Satoru said to Izayoi “And after the exams, you let me take you to get some dangos.” Taking a step forward and rolling his neck slightly, Satoru keeps his gaze low, and started his move towards the other ninjas.
Thank you everyone for your interest! I have updated the post with a mostly accurate account of the current interested parties. If I left out anyone, please let me know!

Also, while I am in no way saying you have to, but consider males too! We need some dudes as well!

School Colors: Cornflower Blue & Forest Green || Discord Server

Welcome Back, _____________

If you are receiving this letter, then congratulations! You are among one-hundred of thousands who returning to Meadows University, located in the beautiful Meadow View, Vermont. You have been accepted into this prestigious ivy league school for one of three reasons.

The first reason might be due to the fact you are a legacy, the child of someone -- granted, one who had honors -- but one of our esteemed alumni. We accept ten legacies per year and if you are one of them, then consider that a high honor. The legacies are held to higher standards of following the rigid rules our university has for every student and faculty member.

The second reason is that, despite some questionable marks and activities you might have engaged in high school, you come from wealth and lots of it -- enough for us to overlook your less-than exemplary academic performances. Meadow University benefits from consistent donations and if you fall under this category of students, then your family has donated well.

And now, the third reason you might be receiving this letter: you are the perfect academic student. The sort of person this school needs. Do not be mistaken: you are not less than anyone else. You have worked hard and put in all of the hours made available to you. Your marks in your studies, time put for extracurricular, and voluntary work has finally paid off. Your “(enter gender here) with a plan” mentality has rewarded you with admission as one of our Scholarship Students.

Rejoice! You are now among a higher class. Meadow Academy welcomes you with open arms! May it provide you with a once in a lifetime experience that you’ll never forget.

Respectfully yours,
Headmistress Emelia Beaumonte



Hello and welcome to the College roleplay, Meadow University that is set in Meadow View, Vermont. The university the majority of the roleplay will take place at an Ivy League school, which should tell you a lot about what sort of college it is. That being said, it is known for being a bit of a party school (even if the administration tries their best to silences those rumors). This roleplay will center around a medium to large group of third-years who are one of three types of students: legacies, those who are children of alumni, trustfunds, those who are children of Meadow’s donors, and scholarship students, those who earned their spot at MU through hard work and perseverance.

The roleplay will start at the start of the second semester of the first year, so this will give players/writers some time to entertain possible relations. Alternatively, they could also be attending late. Your choice.

There will be a maximum of ten students per category (ten legacies, ten trustfunds, and ten scholarships).



Meadow View is often regarded as a college town that caters itself specifically to the attention an Ivy League university brings. From the outside, it may appear to be small, especially when compared to other ivy league towns, but it is quite deceiving in that way. Being in Vermont, it is afforded the aesthetic of beautiful trees spread throughout its landscape, a few parks, a thriving marketplace and nightlife crowd. Additionally, there are various places of interest that students go when they have the time such as family homes and/or cabins in the mountains that surround Meadow View.

Meadow View houses several neighborhoods all ranging from middle class and upper middle class, a few schools for the locals, but for the most part, it does lend itself to the students so that they have a quiet and peaceful environment for their studies. That and the university is so large, there’s hardly a reason to be in actual town ...unless they have to.


Being the cornerstone of Meadow View, the university that receives its namesake from the town is a beautiful campus surrounded by trees native to the green mountain state. It is a campus with a few buildings almost two hundred years old, which was around the time it was established. There have been expansions made over the years, of course, but of the buildings, the oldest that remain kept up to this day are the Administration Buildings and the Baptist Church. That and the marble fountain dead center of the campus, which has been known to be a regular relaxing spot for the students and faculty alike.

Since the beginning, as frequent presenting oneself in a respectable fashion has become tradition, so has the presence of sororities and fraternities. Of course, they’ve evolved with the times. They’ve gone from traditional groups of males and females living in peace to being an excuse for the young adults to let loose either before a major exam period or just to have a party for the sake of a party.

There are many places of interest around the campus from the dormitories, the library, respective fields dedicated to sports, a full gym, the Baptist Church for those with religious needs. For shopping needs, however, all one needs to do is go to Meadow View’s marketplace.



Meadow University’s staff is comprised of over fifty professors and personnel that cover the vast amount of subjects and topics that the classes make up. They all range from former students to professors who have been employed at MU for over three decades. Tradition is somewhat of a consistent presence at Meadow University. Despite what their ages or genders might be, they all answer to one woman: Emelia Beaumont. She rules the school with an iron fist and might appear nice, but her rule is authoritative and she is probably the worst enemy for young college student who likes to party.



  • We are a character-driven roleplay, so expect for there to be a heavy emphasis on communication between your fellow players. This also means interactions with your characters in the IC. That will be just as important.
  • At the least, writing expectations for this roleplay will be casual, so we expect at least two paragraphs per character.
  • We will only allow three characters per player but you are in no way required to have all three from the get-go. We encourage that you only take on as many as you can handle.
  • This roleplay will operate on biweekly deadlines, which will be enforced heavily by the GMs. This means you must have at least one post per character every 14 days. There will be an option for 3-day extensions that will be made three days before the set deadline.
    • Getting characters cleared for deadlines can happen either through collabs or solo posts. In the case of collabs, there must be at a decent contribution from the characters in it for it to qualify as a passable green light.
  • Though gender ratios won’t be our top priority, we do ask that if you see too many of one gender, consider making a character of the opposite gender so that the ratio isn’t too out of whack.
  • Consider making characters with flaws and complexities to them. Nobody wants to have a bunch of Christian Greys and Bella Swans running around.
  • Machine-gun posting is fine if nobody else is posting, but if there are others wanting to post, please wait until two other writers (or two character posts) have been made before making another one.
  • Collabs, while handy and encouraged, are not required. Use them as needed.
  • Please communicate! if you need time off, tell the GMs! If you don't know what to do, talk to your fellow players! Communication is 9/10ths of the law of being a roleplayer.
  • As proof that you’ve read the rules, put what your favorite rom-com movie is in your character sheet(s), or any RomCom you’ve seen.
  • And of course! Please -- oh please! -- have fun in the roleplay. There's no point in joining if you're not doing it for fun!

Character Sheet

Reservation List
Remaining Female Roles:
Remaining Male Roles:
  • | Face Claim: KJ Apa | Color: Red Orange | Second/Third Generation Legacy Reserved by @Altered Tundra
  • Madeleine Bonfamille | Face Claim: Loren Grey | Color: #FF69B4 | Second/Third Generation Legacy Reserved by @Dirty Pretty Lies
  • Tiberius Nero Delamar | Face Claim: Andy Biersack | Color: #8DC73F | Unspecified Legacy Reserved by @HaleyTheRandom
  • Jasper Viviona Delamar | Face Claim: Liz Gillies | Color: #BC8D8F | Unspecified Legacy Reserved by @HaleyTheRandom
  • Bastién Bonfamille | Face Claim: Luke Powell | Color: #8f1900 | Second/Third Generation Legacy Reserved by @spooner
  • Leonidas Ajani Windsor | Face Claim: Remi Otun | Color: some orange or red color | Unspecified Gen Legacy Reserved by @Amore
  • Unknown Male Name | Face Claim: Unknown | Color: Unknown | Unspecified Gen Legacy Reserved by @Otterpop

  • Unknown Female | Face Claim: Unknown | Color: Unknown | Trustfund (Unknown fortune) Reserved by @Altered Tundra
  • Lola Russo| Face Claim: Charly Jordan | Color: #E2404E | Trustfund Reserved by @Dirty Pretty Lies
  • Unknown Name | Face Claim: Hwang Hyunjin | Color: Dark Blue/Black/Grey | Trustfund (Unknown Fortune) Reserved by @Amore
  • Unknown Name | Face Claim: Unknown | Color: Unknown | Trustfund (Unknown Fortune) Reserved by @RumikoOhara
  • Juniper “Junie” Baby MacMillan | Face Claim: Laura Gwyneth Butler | Trustfund (MacMillian Fortune) Reserved by @TootsiePop
  • Unnamed Female Character | Face Claim: Sharon Alexie | Color: Unknown | Trustfund (Martin Fortune) Reserved by @Ejected

  • Charlotte Diedrickson | Face Claim: Jordyn Jones | Color: #FF00FF | Sports Scholarship (Tennis) Reserved by @Dirty Pretty Lies
  • Unnamed | Face Claim: Cynthia Nabozny | Color: Unknown | Unspecified Scholarship Reserved by @HaleyTheRandom
  • MacKenna Diedrikson Varma | Face Claim: Yoon Young Bae | Color: #7ab085 | Academic Scholarship Reserved by @spooner
  • Jade Scott | Face Claim: Mallory Pugh | Color: #9F1F19 | Sports Scholarship (Soccer) Reserved by @NeoAJ
  • Kieran O'Connor | Face Claim: Brock O'Hurn | Color: Some sky blue. Newfie blue | Sports Scholarship (Hockey) Reserved by @NeoAJ
  • Lance Parker Page | Face Claim: James Scully| Color: Unknown | Creative Scholarship (Fashion Design)Reserved by @TootsiePop
  • Unknown Name | Face Claim: Unknown | Color Unknown | Unspecified Scholarship Reserved by @Bee
  • Unknown Female Name | Face Claim: Kai Bottcher | Color: Unknown | Unspecified Scholarship Reserved by @Otterpop
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