Avatar of AlteredTundra


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3 mos ago
Current I saw a one-legged man at the ATM. He was checking his balance.
4 mos ago
Where do bad rainbows go? To a prism. It's a light sentence, but it gives them time to reflect.
4 mos ago
@LG aw hell yeah! Keepin my eye out for it for sure!
4 mos ago
How do you find Will Smith in the snow? You look for his fresh prints.
5 mos ago
tfw the colonies have better healthcare than the mainland


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@silvermist1116Just dig into some of Ezra's photoshoots. There are some out there that have him looking exactly like that.
@silvermist1116 Well, if you're deadset on the androgynous angle for your character, might I suggest Ezra Miller? They have a similar look, they're well known so finding gifs and images to use for pics won't be a problem, and, well, just look at Ezra! That's some serious adron energy if I ever seen it!

@spooner Obviously he's accepted but lemme just say the talks we (the three of us) certainly were one thing compared to seeing what you wrote. I'm personally looking forward to exploring the triplet's dynamic in meticulous detail!

@TootsiePop & @HaleyTheRandom I love that you two have a clear closeness between your characters. I always love it when multiple writers do siblings as I am one of them because it allows for a different perspective on family experiences and the like. Both of your characters are immediately accepted. <3

@silvermist1116 So, for the most part, I have no problems with your character, but I think the face claim in question might be too ...broad (not sure if that's the right word)? I mean, they are very pretty but I would definitely recommend trying to find one that is a little more well known -- or at least one that has a name when you try and search it. If you need help, I can assist.
<Snipped quote by Altered Tundra>

I totally echo that! Bex was awesome in Glee and Arrow, and just a super cool person altogether.
Also, fun fact, they were the "witch" during the airplane scene in The Last Witch Hunter.

Now that I didn't know. They must've been on Glee when I stopped watching it, which was around the time the original cast graduated.
@World Traveler you are correct about that but I think you should join the discord server we have (link is in the OP). It'll be a faster way to contact everyone (myself included).
@RumikoOhara No worries! We all can relate to the tedious quest known as picture-hunting.
@dh Eyyy that fc is great! Unintentionally have been following them for a while (first in the Killing, then Arrow, and recently in Scream). Had to double-check it was them in the first two because I was like "Wait, is that the same person?"

Bit of a wild process to say the least.
Reviews for Lance and Bas coming tomorrow. <3
@World Traveler I completely overlooked Devin during my, albeit rushed, reviews. So let me just say i admire Devin for not letting his disability hold him back from living his best life. I think that level of dedication is worthy of any success that's in Devin's life. His love for music and literature should place him in a lot of interactions with character since there's a good amount of artistic students at MU.

He's accepted <3 Again sorry for overlooking your character. I had a lot to review.

@Bee I really like Camilla. Her fiery instincts when debating and curiosity is a nice mix of personality traits. I can see her getting into it with a lot of the characters, should she want to. I also like how she took all that discrimination and hate towards her put her down. It really makes her the embodiment of sticks and stones.

She is, of course, accepted!

@Inertia Connor’s had a tough life. I can sympathize with him due to how people just saw a walking paycheck instead of the person himself. The default setting he has of just smiling must’ve been tough and then for them. I really like that he went through a lot of hell and that allowed for some self-discovery to be had, which in turn resulted in him trying to make amends. Obviously, with how terrible he was to people before, it wasn’t going to happen automatically. At least his parents eased up, though. That clearly allowed him to get away from them as he attended college.

Connor is accepted!

@Lionhearted I can relate to Blake. Solitude is naturally preferred to social gatherings (though I will go to them myself if required). Still, I can understand why he wouldn’t want to be around people. I can also appreciate the many interests/passions he has. It’s rough trying to decide between this or that, esp when you show great promise for a lot of things. I do like the idea that he has that classic “strict father doesn’t approve of the arts” background. Some might view it as cliche but I don’t and you presented it in a way that sounds a lot more original than most would go with. There’s also something to be said about the empty feeling a life that Blake has lived that remains. Truly heartbreaking.

I do adore Blake and you sold him quite well! He’s accepted!

@spooner To be expected, I love Mac. But outside my clearly-inside knowledge, you present her in a way that immediately draws me in. She has such a dynamic personality and I can already see her getting into some verbal scuffles with some characters, especially if they diss her cousin and/or friends. I also love that you didn’t gloss over her unique life situation of having two gay dads and growing up surrounded by whiter-than-sour-cream people. It’s a testament with just how shitty kids can be. She’s the kind of person who, with the affirmation from her fathers, would go to those kids the next day and probably kick their asses or something.

She’s got my stamp of approval!

@Dirty Pretty Lies Previous experience with Lottie might make me lean a certain way but that doesn’t make her any less of a wild ride than if this was the first time I saw her, because you just present her in a way that tells me a lot about Lottie (and the kind of shennanigans she might get into). On top of being fashionable as all hell. The bubbly personality mixed in with the wild streak is something I can already tell is going to be fun to see (and that’s excluding what I already know about her ).

And in a completely opposing direction, we have Lola. Fancy-pants, might-steal-your-man Lola. Likewise, I know her a little bit before hand from our talks but still, what a character she is! There is certaintly something to be said about just how conceited she is and how the “c-word” (not the obvious one. Duh!) scares her. I bet any relationship she gets into -- whether it’s getting back with Harrison or someone else -- might make her catch the first private jet out of there and to “not here city USA”. On top of that, the real life models you compare her to really tells me something about her. Personally, I think she has more in common with Kaia because of who Kaia’s mother is.

Regardless, Lola’s gonna be a lot of fun for whomever gets involved with her. I just hope they don’t expect a life-long commitment, or hell even a moment longer than when they finish ...getting to know each other.

Both your blonde bombshells are accepted! <3

@Otterpop I cry for Rick. His life has been a struggle since his brother died and I can’t help but feel sad for him because that had a very large impact on his life. I also can’t help but think that he’s on a very self-destructive path and he’ll eventually get to that point of no return. I hope he doesn’t cause that would be awful and he seems like a good guy; he’s just blocked off for obvious reasons.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, Eli, though suffering a similar tradegy, he seemed to handle it differently. Instead of letting it break him down, he used it to build himself up and aspire to be just like his father. It’s understandable his mother preferred him to be closer to her in case something ever happened to him, but i can also see that he has dreams and even though causing his mother to worry might be on his mind constantly, he has to do this for him. That’s a very admirable thing and I’m sure that’ll carry over as he interacts with characters.

I would love to accept them both but you’re missing something important in your misc section in both sheets. Please read the rules and let me know when you’ve added it. :)

@Amore They should call him Prince Sunshine because looking at him will not only bring a smile to anyone’s face but he must be observed closely to be fully appreciated.

Okay but seriously, what a guy this one is! Comes from royalty but, in a way, doesn’t seem like a prince. I mean, aside from the ego and somewhat bratty demeanor vibes I’m getting, he has a somewhat regular guy perosnality (as far as I can tell, at least). On top of that, he also has a lowkey prince charming vibe about him, which I like. Though he has that, it’s clear ot me (and I’m sure to anyone who has read his sheet), he has a very princely vibe about him.

There’s something about Cass that immediately drew me in. His perfect face aside, I found myself in love with him because, well mysterious people alway smake you wonder about them. What are they like? What sort of thoughts are going through their mind? Are they kind? Are they assholes? SO many questions make you think and want to know more about him. I 100% understand why you refer to him as “icy boy”. He certainly has that air about him. Whether hot or cold, he’ll leave a frosty chill when he departs a scene.

Both Leo and Cass are accepted!

@TootsiePop Right off the bat,t he aesthetics alone give me an artgasm but even that aside, I can’t help but admire her beauty. Her traits list just go from “aww how sweet” to “I’ll cut a bitch if needed”, which makes me both absolutely curious to see that side of her and also afraid for anyone who happens to be on the other side of her wrath. Truly her mother’s daughter without a doubt!

She definitely has shade sof both of her parents, what with that arrogance and aspen temper (though I have to imagine her mother’s traits are more dominant ). Still, I’ll be interested to see how she develops alongside the rest of the cast.

She’s accepted with gusto!

@Ejected Let me just state how much I love her! Such a beautiful woman (just like her mother was ). And what a surprise she is to be on the lowkey side of things, being more of a introvert than not, but at the same time, she is a Martin, so of what I know about them, there’s still a certain “emotional reaction first” aspect to her. I love that she had a bit of a bad girl vibe, but home ec changed the course of her life and made her buckle up and work for a chance in M.U.

I also like how she’s spiritual because cooking/baking can also become spiritual if one believes in it enough. So that’s an interesting little tidbit I found fascinating.

Mona is accepted!
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