Avatar of AlteredTundra


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3 mos ago
Current I saw a one-legged man at the ATM. He was checking his balance.
4 mos ago
Where do bad rainbows go? To a prism. It's a light sentence, but it gives them time to reflect.
4 mos ago
@LG aw hell yeah! Keepin my eye out for it for sure!
4 mos ago
How do you find Will Smith in the snow? You look for his fresh prints.
5 mos ago
tfw the colonies have better healthcare than the mainland


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@dh First off, let me thank you for your interest in the roleplay. Unfortunately, we're full at the moment. However, should space open up, I will contact you.
Returning to GMing
Good shit all! I'm gonna wait for a couple more before doing the first wave of reviews also so ican try and work on my own , so bear with me for a few days if you can. ^^;

Collab with @spooner Featuring Camila DeLuca & Ludvig Hellqvist

Cami hadn’t left Ludvig’s side since she left Melissa and Steph to handle the keg that they brought. Truth be told, she wasn’t sure nor confident about her place at the party, but being convinced by the thorns and maybe seeing Aria, that tall blonde bombshell was probably the only things keeping her around. And, of course, so that Ludvig didn’t have to suffer through the party alone. There was co-dependency between them. She needed to get out more, explore the area and better acquaint herself with Columbus and the neighborhood since she’s been away and Ludvig needed her to be his rock.

And so they wandered about, talking with each other, talking with others, getting a drink or two, but for the most part, Cami and Ludvig kept to themselves. The best friends from childhood who, sure had friends around, but sometimes all someone needed was some quality BFF time.

They parked it near the bonfire, though not too close because it was way too hot but close enough to enjoy the view. “Pretty crazy how fast this week has moved, huh?” Cami mused to Ludvig, stretching her legs. “I mean, I’m still readjusting to the neighborhood. Not even a week in and already it seems there are a lot of hands tugging at me.” She didn’t mind the whole ‘headfirst into the deep-end’ approach some had, but there was a part of her that wanted to relax for a few weeks and then jump into clubs or whatever came across her lap. “I don’t know, Lud. I guess I sort of miss the quiet patience that SI had, y’know?” She said with a sigh.

Ludvig, who had been entranced with the dancing flames lost in his own thoughts like he was most of the time nowadays, snapped his head towards his best friend. He hummed as he thought of what to say “Well I get what you mean…” he began, “You’ve always been popular with people… It’s hard to get why you stuck with me.” he let out a nervous laugh. He rubbed the back of his neck and took a swig from his beer. He turned back to his friend with a strained smile. “Just know that I am so so glad you are back here… and whatever you need… even if it is me letting you be by yourself… I get that.” he said quietly.

The whole week Ludvig has had this weird knot in the pit of his stomach that he was almost smothering Camila with his presence. It was just that she was the only good thing in his life right now. Sure he had Artie and the others but not really; they just tolerated him because Artie told them to. So if he had to back off to keep Camila around he would.

Camila lightly punched his arm, shooting him a teasing smile. “I was never stuck with you, Lud,” she corrected him. “You were the first friend I made and no matter how many people claim to be my friend, you have always been there when some proved to be fake friends!” She felt a surge of emotion race to her head, prompting her to bring in Ludvig into a half-hug. “I don’t care who promises me the world, if that doesn’t include you, they can kiss my you-know-what!” She laughed.

The blond boy let out a small laugh, giving Camila a half-smile. Even though he knew she was genuine because she always has been, Ludvig couldn’t help but still feel he was a burden. But now was not the time for his dark thoughts so he widened his smile and straightened up. “We’ll conquer it all together then!” he stretched his long legs out finishing off his beer. He looked around at the students that had gathered at the party spotting Aria standing around just surveying the crowd of her party he gave her a friendly nod before turning back to his friend.

“So what do you think about our fine institute? Found anything that tickled your fancy?” he chuckled bumping her shoulder with his.

The years between them had taught her a lot, such as when to read between the lines when it came to Ludvig. She knew what he meant beyond the surface. So, when he asked about something that tickled her fancy, she knew he wasn’t asking her about activities or potential friends. Yeah, she knew what he knew what she was starting to feel. He was the only one knew how she really felt and specifically, what group of people her attraction leaned.

She adjusted her legs, closing them and awkwardly shifting, which was just her way of stalling time but she shrugged. “I mean, it’s just the first week, but maybe,” she hinted. Part of her was still weird in that sense. Though Ludvig knew she was gay, talking about who, as he put it, tickled her fancy, was awkward for her. It didn’t matter who she was or how forward she might be, when it came to openly admitting who she might have a crush on, Camila was as forthcoming as anyone was. “I don’t know if I'll ever act on it, but that girl Aria.”

“Ah…” Ludvig nodded as he stared at the flames yet again. “I thought I saw some sparks the first-day back….” he smirked as he cast another look over his shoulder towards Aria. “Well good thing I’m kind of friends with her then!” he said standing up and extending his arm to Camila. “Want to go talk to her?” he offered.

“Just like that?” She asked him almost immediately. “We just walk up to the co-host of the party and be like ‘hey, I think you’re really cool. I like you a lot. Maybe we can hang out or something?’” She asked, grooving to the rhythm of the popular vine, laughing afterward.

He mimicked the laughter “Exactly! Or you know we could just make small talk and see where it goes!” Ludvig continued while shaking his hand indicating for Camila to grab it.

The redheaded teen sighed. She knew when she was beaten and Ludvig had reduced her to the point where she visibly threw up her hands in defeat and took his, standing up. “You win!” She said, half-smiling, half-laughing as they walked off.

Cami and Ludvig kind of just wandered around like before but this time they had a set goal, so they walked with purpose. Some comments were made but Cami’s response fell flat when she saw that familiar blonmazon. Compared to Cami, at least, she was tall. And when she turned around, drink in hand, Cami flushed a light red but swallowed any nerves and went forward because she wasn’t a coward. “There you are!” Cami waved at Aria as she and Ludvig approached her. She smiled, giving the blonde a quick once-over. She tried her best not to linger too much, lest she gives off anything more than friendly vibes. “Great party so far! You and Jenna did great work!”

Monday, August 26th, 2019

Time: 8:00am || Weather: 55 F || Partly Cloudy (sunshine) — 9MPH Wind

The First Day of School
After a successful Great Bash (if not a surprisingly eventful one), the third years of Meadow University find themselves finally on their first day of the 2019 Fall Semester and that much closer to graduation.

News of the party spread like wildfire and safe to say, certain M.U. authority figures aren't happy about it, especially the Head of Campus Security, Franklin Robinson and soon Headmistress Emilia Beaumonte is made aware of it and the scheduled 8:00am assembly that was supposed to welcome back the students and give them good vibes going into the new semester is now used as a way to highlight just what happens when students break the rules

Roles Available: • M — 7 taken, 8 Available || F — 10 taken, 5 Available

M - 4, 1 Available || F - 1, 4 Available

Theodore Gustave "Theo" Bonfamille | Face Claim: KJ Apa | Color Code: #4169e1/Royal Blue Portrayed by @metanoia
Alaric Micheal "Rick" Sterling | Color: Luke Hemmings | #8882be | Unspecified Legacy Portrayed by @Otterpop
Tiberius Nero Delamar | Face Claim: Andy Biersack | Color: #8DC73F | Unspecified Legacy Reserved by @HaleyTheRandom
Jasper Viviona Delamar | Face Claim: Liz Gillies | Color: #BC8D8F | Unspecified Legacy Reserved by @HaleyTheRandom
Nathaniel Harvey Blake III | Face Claim: Grant Gustin | Color: Emerald Green/#50c878] | Third Generation Legacy (BLake Fortune) Portrayed by @metanoia

M - 1, 4 Available || F - 5, 0 Available

Joanna Penelope "Joey" Hart | Face Claim: Amanda Arcuri | Color: #BE9CDC | Trustfund (HartCorp/Hart Family Fortune) Portrayed by @metanoia
Lola Francesca Russo | Face Claim: Charly Jordan | Color: #E2404E | Trustfund (Mossos Family Fortune) Portrayed by @Venus
Juniper Baby "Juni" Macmillan | Face Claim: Laura Gwyneth Butler | Color: #ffa791 | Trustfund (Macmillan Fortune) Portrayed by @TootsiePop
Connor Adam Kennedy | Face Claim: Jakub Gierszał | Color: #89cff0 | Trustfund (Kennedy Fortune) Portrayed by @Inertia
Haruda Dana | Face Claim: Tao Okamoto | Color: #DC143C/Crimson | Trustfund (Harada Fortune) Portrayed by @Plank SInatra
Shiloh Betty Clay | Face Claim: Charlotte Free | Color: #80e5ff | Trustfund (Clay Fortune) Portrayed by @GhostMami

M - 2, 3 Available || F - 5, 0 Available

Charlotte Eliza "Lottie" Diedrikson | Face Claim: Jordyn Jones | Color: #ff00ff/Magenta | Athletic Scholarship (Tennis) Portrayed by @Venus
Elliot Lee Thatcher | Face Claim: Blake Stevens | Color: #f6989d | Creative Scholarship (Creative Writing/Journalism) Portrayed by @Otterpop
Jade Scott | Face Claim: Mallory Pugh | Color: #9F1F19 | Sports Scholarship (Soccer) Portrayed by @NeoAJ
Fiona Jade Salvador | Face Claim: Adelaide Kane | Color: #FFFCBB | Creative Scholarship (Music) Portrayed by @HaleyTheRandom
Kieran David O'Connor | Face Claim: Brock O'Hurn | Color: #87b5eb | Sports Scholarship (Hockey) Portrayed by @NeoAJ
Millie Jean Ulyana Zadorozhny | Face Claim: Dasha Taran | Color: #CBADD9 | Academic Scholarship (Comparitive Language) Portrayed by [@fiedermaus]

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