Avatar of AlteredTundra


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3 mos ago
Current I saw a one-legged man at the ATM. He was checking his balance.
4 mos ago
Where do bad rainbows go? To a prism. It's a light sentence, but it gives them time to reflect.
4 mos ago
@LG aw hell yeah! Keepin my eye out for it for sure!
4 mos ago
How do you find Will Smith in the snow? You look for his fresh prints.
5 mos ago
tfw the colonies have better healthcare than the mainland


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<Snipped quote by Matsuri>

Oh just a quick note: the arena that they're using is magically enhanced to minimize the damage to the surrounding environment so that's why Nyx told them to go all out.

Ey that's perfect. Now if Caelum dies, at least we know he would have gone out fighting his best fight!
>Caelum vs Alberta

This will either be the biggest surprise of the lineup by being evenly matched or Caelum is gonna get creamed so bad you might as well call him Butter Tempesta.
Sorry if I've been absent lately. My sleeping schedule has been very effed up and been trying to fix it and it's been messing a lot of things I wanted to do.

Anyway, threw up a last minute Caelum post!

Location — Avalice Academy Plaza

Like all good things in this world, Caelum's conversation with Ines the Silver came to an end in a few different ways. The commotion with Ty and one of the other Miracle Seven diverted any and all attention over to wherever it was that they were only for someone to say that Ty had one. Caelum didn't know what he won or even what sort of game they were playing. The only thing he knew to be a fact was Ines looked annoyed and he mirrored her reaction (for his own reasons, of course).

"This is your professor speaking. The afternoon class session starts in fifteen minutes. So get your asses back to the lecture hall, now."

Suddenly he heard the voice of his professor in his head. For a minute, Caelum had thought he was just hearing things, that maybe his excitement and possible dehydration from the dream that came true of meeting Ines and having a decent conversation (in which he didn't make a complete fool of himself) had resulted in him hearing voices that weren't really there. It wasn't until he looked around beyond Ines and Weyrose that he saw some of his classmates reacting in the same way he did, prompting him to stand up. "I am so sorry!" Caelum bowed to both Ines and Weyrose. "I have to get back to the lecture hall. But.." He stopped himself, trying to find the right words to use, looking at Ines. His eyes, which were shoddy and grey like a neutral cloud now lit up with an electric blue tint in the background of green. "If you're ever around here in the near future and you have the time, I would love to have that sparring match with you!" He said with a grin before heading into the direction of the lecture hall.
I really want to join this but my RP slate is full as it is. So I will root from the sidelines and lurk this like it's nobody's business.

Okay seriously, good luck with this fantastic roleplay!

As Stella watched Archer slide in a few comments here and there, she mostly kept her eyes elsewhere, occasionally glancing towards the dancefloor. She saw Kavi and Chrissie's outrageous moves that immediately forced her to divert her gaze elsewhere. It was then she saw Marisol and that Ryland Aspen walked over to the DJ booth and seemingly talking to the man in charge of forging the dance's soundtrack. She shrugged as she danced in place, minimally rocking her hips back and forth. Pillowtalk was such a banger and even if she didn't have anyone to dance with to it, she didn't mind grooving to it as Santiago and April caught up.

Truth be told, Stella wanted to find Carter, but for humble reasons, she had convinced herself staying by Santiago's side was the right thing to do, especially since April and Archer had just excused themselves to the dancefloor. Looking at them, she smiled and she had to think that Santiago was happy as well. She didn't want to assume that she knew what he felt, but it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out Santiago. Once she got to know him a little better, his tells were as obvious as Chrissie's dress was atrocious to look at. She knew he was happy that April was enjoying herself. Stella knew that her happiness meant the world to Santiago and something about how much he loved her made the brunette giggle for some reason.

"Oh, sorry," she said, giggling still. She tried to end her giggling fit and went back into silence. She looked away from her date and around the ballroom, once more searching for Carter. To her delight and butterfly-flapping, nerve-filled stomach, there he was, looking as delicious as he was sweet. Every inch of her body that could stay standing trembled and shook with such a pulse-pounding, intense feeling that for some reason she waved at him as he talked to Nicole. "CARTER OVER HERE!" Before she could stop herself, her voice screeched out at ear-deafening levels. If he wasn't able to see her before, now she was sure he could. "Oh my god, Santiago what did I just do..." She looked at her date, seeking an answer -- and possibly advice -- about the heart-sinking mistake she just made.

Or maybe it wasn't.

Ugh, she didn't know. All she knew was that Carter was walking towards them and every step felt like she was that much closer to her grave.
In Sentaku 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

A @metanoia, @Fabricant451, and @Hey Im Jordan Collaboration

Now that they were in the forest, they were almost at the point where they could have fun. And, luckily, he’d found his lucky charm before they’d left the house that morning. In fact, with the way his luck had been so far today, he was almost certain they’d run into a squad composed completely of beautiful, foreign women from other villages! There was a chance he could even meet a beauty from the mysterious land of Rain… Looking over his shoulder at his group, Kai wiped the dripping blood from his nose with the back of his hand, and sniffed.

“Let’s work hard to find some gorgeous babes here, guys. This is my chance to make a good impression.” Kai said, sniffing again before looking out at the forest in front of them. Here in the forest, he was in his element — all he needed now was some cute girls to show off to, and he’d be right at home. Squad 4 was already considered one of, if not the strongest Konoha squad by many people, and this was their first real chance to prove it. Blowing a door off its hinges hardly counted! That was baby stuff, he could do that in his sleep.

“Just think! Right now, there could be a damsel already in distress in the Forest of Death, waiting for Kai the magnificent to swoop in and save her. It’s up to us to find them!” Kai was far from the team captain of Squad 4, but here in the forest, it seemed like he was far and away the most passionate about their current mission.

Kai!Ren snapped his head at Kai with almost as much quickness as he did when he swung his blades, eyes glaring at his squadmate. “We aren’t here so you can get lucky. Keep your eyes on the prize.” The coldness in his eyes refocused on the mesh of trees in front of him. “Once we have secured our passage into the next round, then we can pursue personal missions.” Maybe, to Kai, that meant finding a voluptuous kunoichi to serenade or fondle, but for Ren, that meant getting his hands on a certain Senju.

That they had made it to the forest wasn’t a miracle, they’d had time to prepare for it and they weren’t exactly slouches in the department of genin ability; what had been a miracle was that they made it with someone like Kai having his mind on anything other than the task at hand. Mai knew better than anyone how...singular minded her brother could be and how incorrigible he was besides; if anyone was to jeopardize their opportunity it would be him. “Don’t tell him to keep his eye on the prize; his prize is some stupid fantasy like that.” Mai was already coming close to sighing like a disappointed parent and they’d been in the forest all of a minute. “We’ re not here to save anyone, we’re here to get what we need and get to the end. The quicker the better. We find some squad stuck in the nerves and fear of the situation, we take them out, we let nothing stop us from getting through, agreed?”

“What, like rush ourselves through the thing? Why would we do that? It’s a beautiful forest, we can take it slow. This is a great place for me to serenade someone!” Kai was protesting rather quickly, but he knew he was going to be overwhelmed. There was no way he could stop and smell the roses if they had to get in, and get out fast. Kai had to think of something, and fast. Knowing that his sister would push hard for the stealthy approach, Kai figured now was his chance to try a last ditch effort style play. With only one option, Kai figured he had to go for the pride. “Y’know, Jiren, if we took our time and got two sets of scrolls, I bet it’d really solidify us as the top squad vs Squad 1.” Maybe it was Kai’s lucky day.

It bothered him beyond his own comprehension just how sound Kai’s logic was. To Ren, Kai had always been something of a moron who followed nothing more but what fell beneath his waist and who was often emboldened by Shion-Sensei’s attitude, which was always a questionable, enabling dynamic. But right now, as he weighed what he knew right in what Mai had said and what would get him to the end goal he personally wanted to pursue, which aligned with Kai’s suggestion. On one hand, he knew Mai’s route was more efficient and wouldn’t complicate them in any regard, but the longer he sat with the unresolved feelings dwelling in his heart, it froze everything else out, making the choice all too clear for him.

Cocking a smirk, Ren cracked his knuckles. “Sometimes, Kai, there’s a method to your madness,” Ren said chuckling. Not once did he ever see himself uttering those words out loud.

“No, no there isn’t a method, and I expected better from you, Ren, than to get swept up in his nonsense.” What was it about these two and their pointless pursuit of excess and pointless risk taking? It was an arrogance thing, for sure, why they couldn’t just be satisfied at being the first team to succeed which was a feat in itself was beyond her. Being a ninja wasn’t about showing off or chasing pointless squabbles under the guise of pride or whatever, but that seemed to be all the boys of the squad cared about, much to Mai’s eternal chagrin. They might call it being overly strict or unfun or any number of negative terms, but to Mai it was more like having to wrangle two rowdy children who never learned their lesson. She was far too young to be a mother but she clearly couldn’t even rely on sensei given her brother’s ‘lucky charm’ so if that’s what she would have to act like then so be it.

“If you idiots - because that’s what you’re acting like - want to keep being idiots and risking everything because you’re godsdamned idiots then be idiots AFTER we advance. You do know this is an exam, right? Which means they’re probably watching us and no chuunin ever became a chuunin by taking selfish, pointless risks! Think with your brain having head for a change, Kai.” Mai was frustrated and her team would have to deal with it.

“You don’t know what comes after this, why would you bother risking everything on some pointless endeavour? It doesn’t make you or us better by wasting time and seeking out unnecessary conflict. What you’re doing is going against orders for no good reason. If you two idiots ruin my chance at this, not only will I never forgive you, but I’ll ensure the both of you will never have the ability to infect the world with little versions of you. If you catch my meaning.” Of all the times Mai wished she had an apple or something to crush in her hands, this was certainly one.

“I don’t care if you have issues with another team, settle it somewhere else. We get there first, we’re still the team to beat. Kai, unless you have anything wise to say, shut up. And Ren, don’t listen to my idiot brother lest you become an even bigger idiot yourself. Now let’s go, no distractions. I want to pass.”

“We’re gonna pass anyway! We’re the strongest team,” Kai protested, dragging his hand along one of the trees. The fact they were as powerful as they were was part of the reason he wasn’t bothering with ‘stealth.’ What kind of shinobi was stealthy anyway? Stealth didn’t earn you style points with any voluptuous, bodacious babes. In fact, it’d do the opposite! If he was silent and sneaky all the time, then the Hokage — or worse, Shion-sensei — was going to take all of his credit! Being a shinobi was about being cool and flashy — silence stuff was for the ANBU black ops, not the cannon fodder.

“I’m thinking ahead of the game, sis. If we eliminate more than one team here, then there’s less people we’ll be competing with in the next part!” Maybe that logic could convince her. The more people they beat up the more chances he had to save stunning kunoichi from foreign villages. Kai had to keep his eye on the prize, which wasn’t really a Chunin jacket, but more importantly about becoming popular. If everyone knew his name, then it’d be way easier to get a date. The jacket was just an accessory to help with the goal. “C’mon, Mai, we’ve never had a real chance to test the limits of our abilities! This is it. We can make Shion-sensei proud.”

“Relax, Mal! Like Kai said, we’ll pass this exam, but!” Ren gripped the handles of his two swords with a clear feeling of anxiety, a feeling of impatience, but most importantly, Ren was excited. He normally didn’t have this thirst, but combined with his team and the singular goal of fighting that Senju from Squad 1 again was fueling his will of fire more than anything else could. “That doesn’t mean we can’t have our fun along the way!” He shot Kai a grin, taking his position next to the boy.

“If you think this will make sensei proud then you don’t actually listen to sensei at all.” Mai wasn’t willing to just accept this without putting her foot down, she wasn’t going to simply go with what her brother and Ren wanted - and if they thought this was some kind of majority rules thing then they would be sorely mistaken. “Think for one second. You’re suggesting we get four scrolls when we just need two and we have no way of knowing which team has which scroll. Your plan is to mess around, fail to impress anyone other than yourself, and act like the superior team by picking fights? You don’t have a plan, Kai, and neither do you Ren. But I do. Now here’s the thing. I have our scroll. Mai held up their scroll of earth and promptly deposited it back in her satchel. “So you two can go off on your pointless, stupid, time-wasting endeavour, but I won’t be going with you if you do. If you’re so confident in yourselves, then while I get the one scroll we need, you idiots can waste your time and get two and we’ll see who gets to the end first.”

“If I were you, Ren, I wouldn’t go with Kai. He’s just as likely to be lured into a trap because a girl is pretending to cry than he is to become a great ninja.”

Ren laughed, choosing not to say anything in response to what Mai just said. Instead, as he readied himself for the final takeoff, he glanced at his team. With a deep breath, he glanced at the two. “With us around, there’s no way that’s going to happen.” Ren was convinced that he and Mai could guide Kai away from obvious traps. And if not, well then they’ll have to pick up his slack.

“It’s not a race sis, geeze. I don’t know why it’s such a big deal to want to have some action. But fine, whatever… We’ll do it your way, okay? We’ll just rush through the thing with minimal cool moments.” Kai huffed, pushing his hair out of his eyes. Didn’t she understand the problem with something like that? He wasn’t going to have a chance to run into any shinobi girls at this rate… “I’m just as strong as you are, sis, we’re like the strongest Konoha team and we’re gonna have to slink around the forest like a bunch of… a bunch of cowards. If we run into more than one team, we’re fighting them! Maybe we’ll just end up with two sets of scrolls through luck...” After all, Kai did have his lucky charm.

And so, with a grumbling Kai, Squad 4’s plan was set in stone.

A @metanoia & @HaleyTheRandom Collaboration
Featuring Kavi Salvador & Ariel Grey

As he stood there, swallowing everything that was tugging at him to clap back at her, Kavi instead took it because he was better than that. He was better than the 2018 Kavi Salvador that might’ve said something underhanded that was only said out loud to bring out some kind of reaction out of her. He wasn’t that guy anymore. It didn’t matter to him if the entire school was against him nor did it matter to him.

“Right.” His response came out neutral and mostly without feeling. Kavi stopped the thought that wanted to come out and smiled. “Well, you look nice. So you have that going for you tonight at least,” he noted, keeping his eyes on her dark eyes. Those same eyes that had always been his weakness were now something that glared at him with such a disdain it brought him back to Santiago’s party at the start of last semester when she had her first freak out on him. Going from then to dating to where they were now, he often wondered what domino effect must’ve been in place to lead them to this very moment.

Leaning back on the table, Ariel rolled her eyes. She didn’t have time for fluff or fake compliments. She was done biting her tongue and filtering what she had to say.

”What do you want, Kavi? I know you didn’t come over here just to have a boring conversation and hand out compliments.”

”And what if that’s exactly what I wanted to do?” He asked her, staring her dead in her eyes. ”I mean, am I not allowed to acknowledge when you are a stone-cold fox anymore? Did I forego that right when it was decided we weren’t boyfriend and girlfriend?” Kavi knew he was being just a smidge overdramatic. Perhaps his time with King’s own drama queen was rubbing off on him. Or perhaps he was slowly easing his way into letting out all of what he buried the minute Ariel asked for the break.

”Oh please,” she scoffed, taking another sip of her drink. ”We both know that I was never really your type. But congrats on landing Chrissie! She’s a total knockout and I’m sure you two will get along fabulously.” Looking him up and down once again, she pursed her lips before speaking again. ”Maybe don’t let her dress you next time though.”

Yeah, you weren’t my type but that didn’t stop me from falling for you. Safe to say her comment actually stung and the decisive blow of him giving a shit anymore came when she mentioned Chrissie. It was in usual Ariel Grey fashion. She knew she liked him and he knew she knew he was heads over heels for her as well, but the one thing about his ex that didn’t always have an attractive appearance was her not-so-subtle way of projecting her jealousy into a hardly passive-aggressive attitude. He knew this about her because despite everything, Kavi paid attention to the things that mattered. Like right now, he knew she was moments away from blowing a gasket because she was tightening her fists in the same way she did when she broke up with him. He knew she was already at her limit because of how many times she took a sip from her solo cup. “Well don’t stop there, Ariel. Go on! Tell me how you really feel since you obviously got something to say.” No, Kavi don’t do that. It’s peace you’re trying to maintain. “But hey, maybe Great Value Kavi is rubbing off on you and you’ve lost the fire that made you stand out in a crowd.” Well, it’s not like he was good at peace talks. Bring on the war, baby!

”Don’t you even think about dragging Kavan into this,” Ariel said, her voice dripping with acid. Her left hand gripping her drink cup, she raised the right one, pointing a finger at the taller boy. ‘Great Value Kavi’? What kind of shit?! Kavan was nothing like Kavi. ”You don’t get to waltz over here and pretend like you want to have a semi-normal conversation with me in front of all these people to make yourself look like the good guy. You haven’t dared to message me in weeks, yet you want to conversate with me at the first school related thing we’re both forced in to?”

Ariel was fully aware that she was the one to call it quits and that Kavi didn’t owe her anything. It wouldn’t have killed him to answer a text or two though. ”I just don’t understand why out of all of these people - out of the whole senior class - you approach me? Why me, Kavi?” she asked, echoing her inner most thoughts. ‘Why me’ was a question that had been coming to mind a lot here lately. Maybe Kavi could shed some light on an answer for her.

“You seriously have no idea how hard it’s been for me, do you?” That was the first thing Kavi said and it was put out there before he even had a chance to think about it, but when it was, he took in a deep breath and continued, “I know, you’ll probably say ‘well look at how you were acting!? You have no idea how hard it’s been for me to be consistently humiliated by you’. And, fine, you’re right. I have no idea what it’s like, Ariel. I can’t possibly understand what it’s like inside that head of yours. I will never presume to understand how you feel or what you think on a day to day basis.” If she knew him at all, Kavi knew Ariel knew there was a but on its way. He took in a momentary breathe, letting shaking arms relax themselves a bit before continuing. “Listen, I get it. I know I could have texted or called or whatever’d you, but just because you decided we needed to take a break didn’t stop me from still loving you.”

For the second time, Kavi hadn’t realized what he just said until he took a moment to quietly reflect. When he did, he took a step back, looking first down at his hands as they tightened into loose fists. As he relaxed them, his eyes were back on Ariel. He inhaled and tried to relax himself, tried to give himself something to not make a slip of the tongue again. He hated putting himself out there when there was no guarantee that it wasn’t for nothing, but whenever he was near Ariel, he couldn’t help but feel exposed.

A wave of shock hit Ariel so forcefully that she would have sworn it nearly knocked her down. All of the things that Kavi did, all of the things that he had said - Ariel had all but chalked it up to him not loving her. He was always known for having a girl on his arm, and why Ariel had ever thought herself to be different, she didn’t know.

Turning away from him and tossing her cup in the trash in a basketball like fashion, Ariel grabbed yet another drink from the fountain. Taking her time with it so as to not look at Kavi, she took a moment to think. Eyebrows knit together in obvious confusion, the red head turned back around to do her best at looking him in the eye.

”It didn’t change it for me either but… I couldn’t put up with it anymore, Kavi. I couldn’t put up with you. I could have handled looking like a fool for a little longer if you had actually meant what you said on Christmas Eve. But that first day back at school with you calling Chanel a bitch and turning on Rye like that I just… it really didn’t make me think that you meant it. I’ve told you time and time again that you can’t just keep making me empty promises.” At this point Ariel wasn’t even sure if she was making sense. The alcohol was getting to her, and Kavi’s confessions were helping nothing. ”But it’s okay now!” she said with her best fake enthusiasm. ”You’re working to become the man you want to be, and you’re free of anyone - including me - holding you back. This isn’t a sitcom. I’m not Rachel, and you’re not Ross - you don’t owe me anything. I said for us to take a break because I just have so much shit going on right now and you aren’t helping. You weren’t helping and you standing here is just making it worse. I’ve drank and I’ve smoked and I’ve danced and I’ve written shit and I was just nearly over all this bullshit and now here you are again.”

Kavi knew he was faced with a choice. He knew what Ariel wanted him to do: to walk away and leave her in whatever half-drunk state she was in. He knew this because unlike others he had been with, he cared enough for her to know those little tidbits about her that not everyone knew. So many times in the past, Kavi had always walked away from would-be relationships. It happened with countless girls that he couldn’t remember their names. But Ariel was always different. He fought for her more times than a younger, selfish version of Kavi Salvador would have. In the past, he would have just given up after the first freak out, but time and time again, he kept coming back.

“Yes, here I am again.” Kavi felt that repeating it back to her might give him an answer or two, but all it did was make him angry that he didn’t know why. “I guess there’s no real point in saying anything now. I told you I still love you but that won’t make any difference, will it, Ariel? No amount of grand confessions or ‘empty promises’ (as you put it) will change things because you have already decided that I’m better off without you.” Kavi let out a sigh.

Pursing her lips, Ariel nodded her head as she looked towards the ceiling, quickly blinking away the forming tears of confusion. ”I don’t know what you want me to do,” she said hopelessly. ”I thought that maybe if we took a break we could think things over and it would be better.” Shrugging her shoulders, Ariel took her millionth drink for the night, the slight burn of the vodka no longer existent in her throat. ”But all I know is that you still love me and I still love you and it’s taking everything in me to not just walk to your house at three am, ask for forgiveness or whatever and be the fool again. I feel like I’m going insane - and not just because of you. There’s Trillian and the whole thing with my mom being dead and how my life is coming together and falling apart at the same time and everything is so, so confusing and then there’s you, Kavi. There’s always you. So tell me what you want from me so I can finally scratch off one of the many things from my list. Please.”

If he was paying attention at all, Kavi would see how sincere she was really being. It wasn’t that Ariel had lost her fire - she was just tired. What little buzz she had conjured was gone, and all that was left was the side of her that was pleading for an answer.

For whatever reason, while everyone around him was experiencing the best moments of their high school lives with those they knew they were going to spend their lives with, Kavi kept going around in circles, repeating the same mistakes and hardly learning from them. The person he had professed his love to multiple times or swore to be this or that ended up getting burned every time. He never intended to hurt her, but nevertheless, his actions had consequences.

“I guess I don’t know what I want.” Maybe that was the truth or perhaps it was him trying to not be selfish for once. He could say she was what he wanted. He could tell her that ever since they broke up, no matter who came at him, there was never any question who had his attention or who met more to him than Ariel Grey. But it was clear to him he was doing more harm to her mental health than anything else. And the last thing he wanted to do was be the reason she cried. “Sorry for bothering you. I’ll leave you be.” He gave her a minimal wave. “Hope you enjoy the dance,” he said, turning away in an attempt to go back to the dancefloor.

”Kavi,” she called out, reaching forward to grab him by the arm. ”I’m sorry. Really - I am.”

He smiled back at her, shaking his head. “Don’t be. You’re doing what you know is best for you.” As strange as it was, he didn’t feel sad or anything close to it. Truth be told, Kavi was happy for Ariel for focusing on herself and what she thought was best for her. If that meant being without him for a while, he could accept that. He gave it his best shot, but at the end of the day, what she needed wasn’t a proclamation of his love for her but just space. “I mean it. Don’t feel guilty for putting yourself first. You deserve to be happy, Ariel.”

Love was a complicated thing. While Ariel needed space from Kavi, and he needed space from her - they both still loved each other. Maybe at another time and place things would have worked out differently. Perhaps they’d both have their shit worked out and they would compliment each other rather than fighting all the time. Standing on her tiptoes to give him a peck on the cheek, Ariel let go of his arm and looked him in the eye one last time.

”Just know that I’m still here if you need anything, yeah?” Slapping an academy award-winning fake smile on her face, Ariel did her best to sound a little more upbeat. ”Now go enjoy the rest of your night!”

He didn’t know how he could but for her, he’d do anything. “You better have fun too!” He flashed her one last smile before disappearing into the dancefloor, his attire proving to be beneficial to him because the soft watermelon pink had blended in with the pinks and reds originating from the disco ball that hung above.

Potential interest. I'mma need to think about some character ideas and see which fcs fit said ideas.

EDIT: Reserving Chloe Bennet with a possible shade of purple.
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