An @Aces Away, @LovelyComplex, & @metanoia Collaboration || Featuring The Lost Trio
As a Southie who had been in Juvie while the cheerleader- who seemed to enrapture every other group in the gym- died, Mordechai was immediately disinterested in the little audio-visual show that took place about her and her mysterious death. Ha, like there wasn't enough death in this town without throwing in mystery. Insert Jazz Hands here. But it obviously riled everyone else up enough to head to some locker that Danny Belmonte recognized the combo to.
Which. Stalk much? Why were Southies considered more fucked up again?
Shaking his head, Mordechai glared at the retreating backs before nodding at Poppy and Jade, still holding Poppy to his side like a lifeline. Likewise, he had a feeling he wasn't getting that hoodie back from her. Given the fact that it was his only other long sleeved piece of clothing he had aside from his old Serpent jacket, he was oddly okay with losing it.
"We lurkin' after them like the shadow creatures we are?" He asked with a small smirk, remembering how easy it was for the Southies to hide and jump out at unsuspecting Northie students, eliciting screams and jumps of impressive heights. Those times seemed so much more complicated, yet simpler in a way. He couldn't explain the twist of emotions he felt when he remembered those two and a half years he was out before Charlie snapped. The smirk he wore turned into a grimace and he turned his head away. "Looks like Belmonte was onto somethin'."
Jade peered her head in the direction of the fleeting mob of Northies, especially those who seemed especially affected by that show they were blessed/cursed (depending on which hill you stood on). But as noted by Decky’s less-than-enthused reaction, Jade also didn’t feel obligated to follow the herd of Northies. “Yeah, it seems like it,” she commented absentmindedly.
In true Poppy fashion, Decky would not be getting back his hoodie. With his hoodie resting on her shoulders, and Charlie’s hoodie hiding her frame, she felt completely and utterly safe. It felt like the two boys she loved the most were shielding her from what was to come and she liked that notion. She was able to press on, well, sorta, because Decky was still holding onto her tight. If they followed the group, he would have to release his grasp because walking in tandem with him as he squeezed her to death would end up being a difficult task at hand.
Squirming in his arms, Penelope looked between her friends and struggled her way out of the hold. Once she was in a standing position, she dropped down. After landing on a lower bench, Poppy took her friend’s hoodie off and tied it around her waist, stating her claim over it without saying it outloud. When the last of the northies trailed out, she turned on her heel to look at her best friends and scowled, “What the fuck does Charlie have to do with Francis’ locker?”
Her dark eyes burned with passion and determination, and if Jade, who had watched her friend’s journey, was paying close attention, she could see Penelope James changing right in front of her. Slowly but surely, the James girl was burying her grief and entering her anger phase. She was ready to face her demons head on and her friends could come join her or go fuck themselves. “If this is going to prove that Charlie didn’t lace Allison’s drugs, which he DIDN’T, we need to go. Allison was a sad girl who was scared to graduate. She knew there was nothing more waiting for her. She was at her peak. And that made her turn to drugs. But no. No one ever talks about that. All those motherfuckers—”
Poppy took a moment to gesture to the exit of the gym where every Northsider left from, putting an emphasis on all those that led to the deaths of many who attended Edenridge High. All those motherfuckers. They failed them. Everyone, including her, Decky, and Jade, failed them.
Them as in: Charlie, Allison, Maxine, Danny, Amanda, and all those that died that awful day— this whole damn school failed them. “—talked about the boy that gave the most popular girl drugs, putting all the blame on him. No one talks about the damage that girl went through. No one talks about WHY Allison turned to drugs.”
After her tangent, Poppy crossed her arms and expectantly looked at her friends to get off their asses so they could get to the bottom of this. She didn’t care who got hurt at this point, she needed answers and her friends could be with her or they can get out of her fucking way, “Well?”
Mordechai grinned and rolled his eyes as Poppy staked her official claim on his hoodie before he really tuned into what she was saying. She was right of course; everyone talked about Charlie like they knew him, talked about all the Southies like their lives were just a tv show for Northie entertainment, never mind whether the truth was in there or not. He had let Poppy go easily, quickly recognizing the girl getting riled up and knowing not to try and tame the energy. Poppy could always be damn terrifying when she wanted to, and it had taken Mordechai a little longer to learn than most. He's definitely learned by now.
"I ain't bout'a pretend that I care about that Allison girl," He spoke up, taking the first steps after pulling himself up off the bleachers. "but you're right, Street Angel, ain't nobody here allowed to put any more dirt on Hard Times' name, I-" his voice trembled before he cleared it, getting it back under control. "I failed him in high school, I wasn't the Brother I was supposed to be because I was too focused on consequences." he looked into the eyes of his girls, an apology there for them alongside the one for Charlie.
"Fuck consequences now. I'll take 'em all to get some damn clarity with him."
Both Decky and Poppy became fired up, something that she was particularly shocked to see in Poppy. Of course, the blonde knew her sister was adamant in getting to the bottom of this whole mystery. And of course, she wanted to know as well. That wasn’t what kept Jade from externally showing it. She couldn’t say what it was exactly.
But what she knew for certain was that, no matter how she was feeling internally, doing this for Charlie -- that is, finding out the truth and truly seeing if they could clear his name -- that’s what was most important. And as she stood up, looking between both Poppy and Decky once more, where a vulnerable loss of life had been present on Jade’s face and in her blue-green eyes, a sense of determination and conviction to see this through had taken its place. “For Charlie,” she found herself saying almost as a call to arms like she was Braveheart or some shit.
“For us.” Penelope gently corrected. While clearing the stains in Charlie’s name was a good motivator, she knew they all needed this. They needed closure so they could stop clinging to the past and all the guilt. This would be the first step in the right direction and it was time for Poppy to take the lead. And so she did. After rushing down the bleachers, she looked back at them and adjusted her face mask. As much as she wanted to get ahead of herself and run to the next clue, she knew she was just on an adrenaline high and who knows if being amongst the crowd once more would put her body through a state of shock. But at least… She had her friends and they had her.
Instead of going ahead, she waited for them to join her so she can latch onto them both once more, “Fuck consequences.” Poppy reiterated Decky’s words. Together, they could handle whatever was ahead of them. As long as they had each other, they would be fine. No matter how daunting the truth may be, together, they’d be okay.
"For us." Mordechai reiterated, following after Poppy with one last look to make sure Jade was also moving. The quick walk down the halls was silent, and Mordechai could feel himself tensing up and pulling ahead. He didn’t like the way the school felt, and he really didn’t like the moldy smell of the damp hallways; his throat was feeling tight and he could feel a migraine coming on. He wanted this night over already. He wanted to go curl up with Sonny in the Serpent’s Den at EoS, he wanted to beat the shit out of whoever was doing this, he wanted to catch up with Poppy and Jade and maybe even visit Danny’s grave. Maybe even visit Charlie’s.
He wanted to cry.
Instead, he and his girls made their silent way to the rest of the group that was huddled around a photo with an air of confusion, and he caught the last bit of conversation. Unable to quell his curiosity, Mordechai came up behind Jill and peered over her shoulder to see what was causing such a fuss.
"The fuck was your brother doing in a Serpent house, Callahan?" He spoke up from directly behind them, eyes sharp on the recognizable background in the photo. "Not for nothin’, but 13 Carlisle ain’t exactly a Northie-friendly residence."
Which. Stalk much? Why were Southies considered more fucked up again?
Shaking his head, Mordechai glared at the retreating backs before nodding at Poppy and Jade, still holding Poppy to his side like a lifeline. Likewise, he had a feeling he wasn't getting that hoodie back from her. Given the fact that it was his only other long sleeved piece of clothing he had aside from his old Serpent jacket, he was oddly okay with losing it.
"We lurkin' after them like the shadow creatures we are?" He asked with a small smirk, remembering how easy it was for the Southies to hide and jump out at unsuspecting Northie students, eliciting screams and jumps of impressive heights. Those times seemed so much more complicated, yet simpler in a way. He couldn't explain the twist of emotions he felt when he remembered those two and a half years he was out before Charlie snapped. The smirk he wore turned into a grimace and he turned his head away. "Looks like Belmonte was onto somethin'."
Jade peered her head in the direction of the fleeting mob of Northies, especially those who seemed especially affected by that show they were blessed/cursed (depending on which hill you stood on). But as noted by Decky’s less-than-enthused reaction, Jade also didn’t feel obligated to follow the herd of Northies. “Yeah, it seems like it,” she commented absentmindedly.
In true Poppy fashion, Decky would not be getting back his hoodie. With his hoodie resting on her shoulders, and Charlie’s hoodie hiding her frame, she felt completely and utterly safe. It felt like the two boys she loved the most were shielding her from what was to come and she liked that notion. She was able to press on, well, sorta, because Decky was still holding onto her tight. If they followed the group, he would have to release his grasp because walking in tandem with him as he squeezed her to death would end up being a difficult task at hand.
Squirming in his arms, Penelope looked between her friends and struggled her way out of the hold. Once she was in a standing position, she dropped down. After landing on a lower bench, Poppy took her friend’s hoodie off and tied it around her waist, stating her claim over it without saying it outloud. When the last of the northies trailed out, she turned on her heel to look at her best friends and scowled, “What the fuck does Charlie have to do with Francis’ locker?”
Her dark eyes burned with passion and determination, and if Jade, who had watched her friend’s journey, was paying close attention, she could see Penelope James changing right in front of her. Slowly but surely, the James girl was burying her grief and entering her anger phase. She was ready to face her demons head on and her friends could come join her or go fuck themselves. “If this is going to prove that Charlie didn’t lace Allison’s drugs, which he DIDN’T, we need to go. Allison was a sad girl who was scared to graduate. She knew there was nothing more waiting for her. She was at her peak. And that made her turn to drugs. But no. No one ever talks about that. All those motherfuckers—”
Poppy took a moment to gesture to the exit of the gym where every Northsider left from, putting an emphasis on all those that led to the deaths of many who attended Edenridge High. All those motherfuckers. They failed them. Everyone, including her, Decky, and Jade, failed them.
Them as in: Charlie, Allison, Maxine, Danny, Amanda, and all those that died that awful day— this whole damn school failed them. “—talked about the boy that gave the most popular girl drugs, putting all the blame on him. No one talks about the damage that girl went through. No one talks about WHY Allison turned to drugs.”
After her tangent, Poppy crossed her arms and expectantly looked at her friends to get off their asses so they could get to the bottom of this. She didn’t care who got hurt at this point, she needed answers and her friends could be with her or they can get out of her fucking way, “Well?”
Mordechai grinned and rolled his eyes as Poppy staked her official claim on his hoodie before he really tuned into what she was saying. She was right of course; everyone talked about Charlie like they knew him, talked about all the Southies like their lives were just a tv show for Northie entertainment, never mind whether the truth was in there or not. He had let Poppy go easily, quickly recognizing the girl getting riled up and knowing not to try and tame the energy. Poppy could always be damn terrifying when she wanted to, and it had taken Mordechai a little longer to learn than most. He's definitely learned by now.
"I ain't bout'a pretend that I care about that Allison girl," He spoke up, taking the first steps after pulling himself up off the bleachers. "but you're right, Street Angel, ain't nobody here allowed to put any more dirt on Hard Times' name, I-" his voice trembled before he cleared it, getting it back under control. "I failed him in high school, I wasn't the Brother I was supposed to be because I was too focused on consequences." he looked into the eyes of his girls, an apology there for them alongside the one for Charlie.
"Fuck consequences now. I'll take 'em all to get some damn clarity with him."
Both Decky and Poppy became fired up, something that she was particularly shocked to see in Poppy. Of course, the blonde knew her sister was adamant in getting to the bottom of this whole mystery. And of course, she wanted to know as well. That wasn’t what kept Jade from externally showing it. She couldn’t say what it was exactly.
But what she knew for certain was that, no matter how she was feeling internally, doing this for Charlie -- that is, finding out the truth and truly seeing if they could clear his name -- that’s what was most important. And as she stood up, looking between both Poppy and Decky once more, where a vulnerable loss of life had been present on Jade’s face and in her blue-green eyes, a sense of determination and conviction to see this through had taken its place. “For Charlie,” she found herself saying almost as a call to arms like she was Braveheart or some shit.
“For us.” Penelope gently corrected. While clearing the stains in Charlie’s name was a good motivator, she knew they all needed this. They needed closure so they could stop clinging to the past and all the guilt. This would be the first step in the right direction and it was time for Poppy to take the lead. And so she did. After rushing down the bleachers, she looked back at them and adjusted her face mask. As much as she wanted to get ahead of herself and run to the next clue, she knew she was just on an adrenaline high and who knows if being amongst the crowd once more would put her body through a state of shock. But at least… She had her friends and they had her.
Instead of going ahead, she waited for them to join her so she can latch onto them both once more, “Fuck consequences.” Poppy reiterated Decky’s words. Together, they could handle whatever was ahead of them. As long as they had each other, they would be fine. No matter how daunting the truth may be, together, they’d be okay.
"For us." Mordechai reiterated, following after Poppy with one last look to make sure Jade was also moving. The quick walk down the halls was silent, and Mordechai could feel himself tensing up and pulling ahead. He didn’t like the way the school felt, and he really didn’t like the moldy smell of the damp hallways; his throat was feeling tight and he could feel a migraine coming on. He wanted this night over already. He wanted to go curl up with Sonny in the Serpent’s Den at EoS, he wanted to beat the shit out of whoever was doing this, he wanted to catch up with Poppy and Jade and maybe even visit Danny’s grave. Maybe even visit Charlie’s.
He wanted to cry.
Instead, he and his girls made their silent way to the rest of the group that was huddled around a photo with an air of confusion, and he caught the last bit of conversation. Unable to quell his curiosity, Mordechai came up behind Jill and peered over her shoulder to see what was causing such a fuss.
"The fuck was your brother doing in a Serpent house, Callahan?" He spoke up from directly behind them, eyes sharp on the recognizable background in the photo. "Not for nothin’, but 13 Carlisle ain’t exactly a Northie-friendly residence."