Avatar of AlteredTundra


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Current I saw a one-legged man at the ATM. He was checking his balance.
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Where do bad rainbows go? To a prism. It's a light sentence, but it gives them time to reflect.
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@LG aw hell yeah! Keepin my eye out for it for sure!
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How do you find Will Smith in the snow? You look for his fresh prints.
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tfw the colonies have better healthcare than the mainland


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It's a bird, it's a plane, no it's CYRUS STARR.



Cyrus Ray Starr, Son of Notus

You already know but move Farm Boy on over!

LocationKhione Cabin → Isaura's Room || Interacting With@Vicier

He… was running late.

Either Hayden had forgotten that they were supposed to be having lunch together, or, like in the past, he’d gotten so lost in his work that he wasn’t keeping track of time. Lost in the intense heat radiating from the flames of the forge. The mere thought had her shifting uncomfortably on her bed. She was still getting used to that- the heat. Even after having been together for years- well… on and off anyway.

A sigh passing through her lips; Issie fell back against the pillows. Her legs stretching out in front of her, and it was only a few seconds later that she was pulling her phone up in front of her. Scrolling listlessly through the TikTok videos that came across her page. That was, of course, until the sound of a familiar voice filling the air hit her ears, causing her to turn her head towards the source. Her bright blues flicking towards the figure standing in the doorway, “You know… you move slower than the ice age. What took you so long, Frost..?”

Astrid almost frowned that she actually didn’t get now wave of applause from her sister. “What can I say? I’m a gal who loves her camp.” Which was a lie, but Astrid had the charisma and confidence to convince herself that was the truth. “But if you want me to come back, I can go for round two around the camp.” Astrid half turned in her feigning attempt to guilt her sister just a tad.

“..do you have to be so dramatic..?”

A heavy sigh passing out through her lips; Isaura both locked and lowered her phone down to rest on the bed beside her. Hands pressing down into the mattress as she pushed herself up and into a sitting position; her legs crossing underneath her as she made herself comfortable, “..we have enough of that going on around the camp this summer; please don’t add any more…”

Astrid smiled, though there was a part of her that felt guilty. And a moment later that part lost to all the other moving gears in Astrid’s head. “You don’t say.” As she walked closer to her sister’s bed, Astrid pulled a chair that was nearby and dragged it with her and took a seat in it. “Who knew stealing a dove would cause such a commotion.” The Daughter of Khione laughed as she crossed her legs on Isaura’s bed and looked down at her hands.

A commotion… that was one way to put it. Exaggerated… ham… overemotional- there were a plethora of words that could be used to describe the situation. All of them perfect for when talking about the Gods; particularly when it came to the Greek Gods.

”..for what it’s worth, I don’t believe that she did it.” Shaking her head lightly, Issie once more allowed her back to rest against the pillows behind her. Her bright blues flicking across to rest on her sister, ”..not that it matters much...”

Astrid shrugged, giving the impression she didn’t care one way or another. Erin wasn’t her favorite person and under normal circumstances, she might’ve rooted her to fail. Nothing would bring a smile to the frigid bitch’s face to see the Princess of the Underworld be taken down a peg, but on her worst day, Astrid wouldn’t want to see her dead. And she knew if Erin did fail, that would be a very likely outcome. “So, do you think she’ll do it?”

”..I think she’ll do everything in her power to...”

It was a diplomatic answer; she knew that. But really, Issie couldn’t say definitively one way or the other as to if Erin and her posse would be able to succeed or fail. She didn’t have all the facts, and they never would. The only ones that would be able to say for sure were the ones that Erin had handpicked out of the rest of the camp to go with her, ”..but, that being said, I wouldn’t underestimate her and the others. We’ll just… have to wait and see what happens...”

A sound left Astrid’s lips, seemingly confirming that she agreed with her sister. “And if she fails, then I guess we’ll have some angry Gods to deal with.” The thought of throwing hands with a few of the Greek Pantheon appealed to the part of Astrid that had Vidar’s spirit flowing through her, but even that cranky bastard could grant her so much. Against full-fledged gods, even as a collective, did they really stand a chance? “Leave it to those Children of Hades to make life around here exciting!” Astrid laughed with both a genuine thrill that carried her into a grin but a subtle worry creeping its way to the surface.

”..even if we had to stand against the Gods, it’s not like it’s impossible. It has been done before. Demigods have managed to take down Gods on multiple occasions.” Pausing a moment, Issie lifted her hand. Gently using the tips of her fingers to brush some stray strands of her long white hair back and behind her ear so it was out of the way, ”Percy took down Ares… Jason and others stood against the Gods as well. Annabeth and Luke both worked together to take down a Titan. Hell- even Hayden’s half-brother, Leo, took down our own mother. She didn’t win that fight. It can be done; it’s just… difficult.”

Astrid didn't intend to look up at her sister out of her stubborn pride or whatever, but when their mother was mentioned, along with a brief history of some of the greatest warriors of Camp Half-Blood -- warriors that Astrid secretly admired for their strength -- she couldn't help but feel a certain inadequacy in comparison. To them, she barely accomplished anything.

And as much as she wanted to hate on the Princess of the Underworld, she was given a chance (albeit life or death one) to prove herself. "That's a lot of praise for Miss Gloom and Doom," Astrid remarked, filling the silence she let form. "But I understand what you're trying to say. And as much as I might not like her, I wouldn't want her to die at the hands of any God if she fails." Astrid said, almost feeling a melancholic relief as she spoke. "At least not until I had a chance to test my strength against her." She chuckled at her comment and the satisfying thought of defeating Erin in combat.

”..if that’s the case, then all we can do is simply support her. At least as best as we can from here in camp.” Chuckling softly, Issie gave a light shake of her head, ”You know as well as I do that we can’t interfere any further than that..”

Astrid strongly disagreed with her sister's point but not enough to argue it, so she shrugged and nodded absentmindedly. "Anyway, enough about all this potential end of the world BS - where is lover boy?" Astrid asked her sister, acknowledging the elephant in the room that was almost as big as Hayden himself. It was clear by the tone of her voice that she still wasn't happy that they were back together.

”..in the forge.”

And just like that, the civility of the conversation they’d been having was gone. Replaced instead by the animosity of the argument that had taken place between them the night before; and it was thick enough that she could slice right through it with her axe. Really, this was not the topic that she wanted to be revisiting, ”He has work to get done. We’re planning on meeting up later for a bite to eat.”

..that was if he didn’t forget… Though Issie didn’t mention that out loud; instead keeping a straight, non-phased expression on her face.

Astrid didn’t want to ask about Hayden, especially given the way she and her sister left things earlier about him, but she couldn’t hide her displeasure when she was told they were back together. Astrid’s form of overprotection of her sister could be called tyrannical at times, but to her it was just making sure no harm came to her. And sometimes that meant saying things that she wouldn’t agree with.

And that’s why the two had a somewhat tense conversation before they came back to camp. Now, Astrid had to control what she said. “So he’s working instead of being with you?” Astrid chuckled and stood up. “How long has he left you by yourself?”

”He has a job to do, you know that…” Great… it was starting again. Unable to stop herself from sighing, even softly, Isaura stared at her sister. A light frown crossing her features, ”..he was here last night- he stayed over. And we spoke after the meeting earlier. He’s the best blacksmith in camp, Astrid. I understand that, and I support his work. Even if that means we work our lives around it.”

“I… see.” She almost visibly cringed when Isaura said that he stayed over. It wasn't that she had a problem with Hayden, but Astrid couldn’t help but be anti-him; it was a natural reaction she had. “It doesn’t matter if he’s the President of the United States, he should at least tell you when he’s going to be back!” Astrid huffed in her usual ‘I’m about to do/ say something regretful’ kind of way.

”Astrid… don’t start.” Giving clear enough warning by both her words, and the tone of voice she was using; Isaura narrowed her eyes slightly towards her twin sister.

“Don’t start what?”

”You know what.”

Astrid smirked almost as if she was taunting her sister. “I know you know we’re--I’m--amazingly gifted, but I’m not a mind reader.” Even though she knew exactly what Isaura meant, Astrid played dumb. “So why don’t you enlighten me, sister?” She asked, leaning her back against the wall behind her.

Twisting on her bed, it was all too soon that Isaura’s feet had hit the ground, and she stood in front of her twin with her arms folded, and an expression that clearly read: unamused. Seriously..? She was playing the dumb card..? Please, the girl was anything but…

”Don’t act coy- it’s not cute.” Unable to stop herself from rolling her eyes, or heaving out a sigh; Issie’s arms broke from across her chest. Sliding around until she was able to instead slip them down into the back pockets of her jeans, ”I know you don’t think much of him, but I love Hayden, okay..? I love him… so stop giving him crap, and just stay out of my relationship, Astrid. I’m happy. Is that such a bad thing..?”

Her arms were folded across one another over her chest and Astrid absentmindedly tapped her left fingers on her right inner-forearm as Isaura gave her a not-so-subtle warning. “Of course it’s not a bad thing,” she somewhat confirmed with a small shrug. “You know that’s the only thing I want. I just wish you’d choose someone who wasn’t so…” She thought about what word she wanted to use that might describe Hayden accurately. He wasn’t exactly dumb despite looking like a caveman. “I just don’t understand what you see in him.” Aside from his muscles and hair, yeah Astrid couldn’t fathom what her sister was attracted to. And no that wasn’t her being attracted to Hayden. Astrid could objectively see what some might find an appeal in with that Son of Hephaestus.

”..that’s the thing...” Biting down on her lower lip- chewing on it for a moment or two as her thoughts turned to her man and all the things about him that just made her fall in love over and over again, Issie shook her head lightly.

”..you never will...”

The air in her sister’s room had suddenly turned almost as chilly as the very powers they commanded. The tension they always seemed to have (mostly on Astrid’s end) when it came to Hayden was something that naturally drove a wedge between them from time to time, but right now, it definitely seemed like history repeating itself.

Astrid narrowed her eyes on her sister, offering very few words; a simple “yeah” left her lips before she left, heading for her room. Or somewhere that wasn’t here.

All jokes aside, welcome back!
As much as Sivus wanted answers, specifically about how Jorge, who he assumed was the person that messaged him in the first place, knew about him. He made it a habit of keeping his full identity a secret from those who wanted him dead or locked up in the worst Turian prison, because that’s the sort of pull that Tarus Veritas had within the Turian Hierarchy. Just thinking about it made him want to shoot somebody. Just thinking about the death of his squad sent an incendiary grenade-sized fire through his body.

But he had to keep a lock on that temper.

Save it for whoever got in the way of the mission. Sivus always practiced that. If nothing else, he could unleash hell on some mercs and other unsavory lots.

Sivus redirected his attention to Jorge and listened to him explain. Between some person named Zakarth Daezike and the recurring theme of urgency in every word Jorge spoke, Sivus had brief flashbacks to when he ran his own team. And maybe it was his nostalgia taking full control, but being on a team with people who appeared to know how to get the job done, he was feeling like he kinda missed this. Even though he was usually in the driver’s seat, it wasn’t a bad feeling.

Though, two things flared up a few bad memories: the mention of Saren made him visibly cringe. Anger was a common emotion he felt and nobody triggered it more like the traitor of his people. The other was when Jorge mentioned Zakarth left an emergency meeting with their client. Clearly, this wasn’t Sivus’ first rodeo and usually, that meant they had a short window before the worst-case scenario was about to rear its ugly head.

And maybe it was Sivus’ own past experience of getting too excited before a mission actually began (the briefing was like what the humans called pregaming), on his face, there was a smirk that he tried to hide. Usually, someone with his credentials shouldn’t technically show such a willingness to be excited. But hey! Sivus was flawed as all hell. And this would be his first taste of real action since he went into hiding as Sivus Ritas.

Several minutes later, as Sivus put his belongings in a spot that seemed to be unclaimed and geared up, he made his way to the roof. On their way, he saw the quarian, Key, practically brushed past the group, running ahead.

“That one sure is impatient,” Sivus commented, chuckling at Key’s eagerness.

He shrugged that off as he and the others had finally made it to the roof. He didn’t know what to expect, but a simple civilian shuttle wasn’t it.

When they all got into the shuttle, Sivus had never felt more cramped among so many...different people in his life. And that wasn’t even factoring in hearing that the Vorcha on the team was, if his ears weren’t betraying him, a medic. “You’re serious?” Sivus asked more for himself as he tried to process that shocking piece of information. His experiences with Vorcha had been up and down. He’s met a Vorcha accountant before. Of course, being on Omega, Vorcha mercs were very common, but a Vorcha Doctor/Medic? That was rich and, honestly pretty fan-fucking-tastic. Sivus was all for breaking down borders. “Orsum, you’re all right. And if I am close to dying -- should it get that bad -- I’d be really curious to see just what a Vorcha Medic can do!” He laughed from deep down.

Sivus took a look around for a few seconds before speaking, “Don’t let these good looks fool you. I’m a biotic and one of Cabal making. But I also have a great deal of experience with leading infiltration missions. Probably my greatest asset other than being totally rad.” Sivus allowed himself to grin. He believed it because it was true and he’d prove it when the time came. “So we can go in loud, or if our leader deems it so, we can go it quietly. Probably for the best if we don’t want to risk anything important getting accidentally blasted.”
So many words


As Mika sat on the stoop of the Gonzalez front porch, he watched cars with mismatching sections of paint and one to two cars without rims pass the house and members of the Serpents acknowledged Mika with a nod with a somewhat content expression on his face. He was out there for the past thirty minutes, just ten more than when Natalia Belmonte left.

And for those thirty minutes, he had been staring almost aimlessly, deep in thought, deep in a stasis that seemed to be only enhanced every time he found himself drifting into his own mind.

Mika wasn’t the type to let himself think about the past too much. It wasn’t as though he was immune to it, but regrets rarely played a factor into who Mika was. One might say he was like Dominic Torretto in that way as he truly embodied the philosophy of living life from point A to point b. One might say this was due to the nature of the Southside life and the life that Mikhail Zima had known as long as he could remember.

Mika stood up and took a few steps away from the stoop he spent the past half hour sitting on. As he got up, his ass felt numb from being mostly still for so long, so he had to walk it off. He pushed the gate that surrounded the front yard and it made a creaking noise when he pushed it open. He walked towards the left and heard it naturally crash against the latch. The echo it made grew fainter the further Mika was from the house.

He went only to the corner and just stood there, hands in his pockets. In one pocket, he felt his keys and moved them around to pass the immediate time; in the other was his phone. After a few moments, he pulled his phone out. Seeing the time only reminded him of where everyone probably was right now.

And that made Honey Badger slightly ticked off.

Why care about the past like that? Mika thought it was stupid. Mika thought that being so caught up in whatever secrets may or may come out was idiotic. Knowing what people hid wouldn’t bring back the dead and it wouldn’t remove the guilt some felt for that damn shooting. And it sure as hell wouldn’t bring back Kai’s brother nor anyone else who suffered.

Yeah, Mika was now in a bad mood.

“Goddamn it all!” He cursed and made his way back to the house, though he wouldn't go back inside.

As he hopped into his Tacoma and it roared down the street, Mika blared whatever was on his preferred rock station. He blared it so loud that the custom bass-heavy speakers vibrated in and out of his truck. He took chances with the lights; speeding past yellow to red lights, green lights to yellow, and so on and so forth. In doing so, he not only made it out of Fear Grota territory without anyone actually knowing that Big Rey Gonzalez’s adopted son had done what nobody dared to with Heisenberg, Mika took the chance because it was the quickest way to get to the Northside.

Honey Badger really didn’t care.

In the back of his mind he was counting his blessings. The fact remained that it could have gone terribly horrid for him. Even if he had his 9mm in his glove box and a rifle in his trunk (covered up by a blanket of course), it was still a risk some might call not worth the reward.

Mika drove down Main Street at a controlled speed, no longer needing the urgent speeding one might find on abandoned backroads by street racers. Or from one adrenaline junkie who favored risk over controlled substances. As he did so, the late night that blessed Edenridge’s marketplace with minimal citizen presence made it apparent that the stench that fear and paranoia brought from that cursed shooting and its anniversary.

Perhaps that wasn’t the majority opinion, but it was Mika’s interpretation of it, stemming from his own personal feelings about the tragedy.

God, how he hated weakness in the people he shared this town with.

That selective disgust carried Mika into a blind drive down main and only would come to a stop when he pulled in front of the old stomping ground. He had parked across the street and mulled over just exactly what he should do. There was an undoubtedly large presence of people he knew, including Natalia. Just about everyone he knew was in there and he contemplated going inside. He contemplated indulging in this wild goose chase of trying to find out the culprit behind the letters.

But the longer he sat there in his truck, looking at the parking lot and centering his gaze at the main gymnasium, the less it became about wanting to know what happened and more about he became justified in his opinion that everyone was still trapped in the past. Nothing good came from being involved in the events of the past.

Cementing his resolve, though he wouldn’t drive off immediately, Mika would look at his phone. Scrolling through a few apps, Mika contracted his resolve and found himself on a page. And he saw a geotagged location.

How surreal it was. He rarely went on Instagram and thus his activity was practically nonexistent post-high school, so of course, those he followed and those who followed him remained the same. It allowed him to occasionally check up on people that might not be on good terms with.And because of this, there was one person he wronged that, no matter how hard he tried, Mika just couldn’t forget about her.

“Boston Logan International Airport,” he muttered.

That wasn’t very far from where he was.

As he spent a couple of minutes contemplating, something that Mika has been doing frequently in recent weeks, his mind was made up when he started up his truck.

How contradictory was it of him to shame those who clung to the ghost of Charlie Decker, yet Mika is doing the very same with someone he claimed not to care about. He always wondered what could’ve happened if he didn’t choose the coward’s way out? He could even hear their voice when he decided to not return their feelings.

Or rather, when he lied to their face.

He still didn’t know if he would return them, but in the year that’s passed, Mika’s changed...somewhat. He still has those demons that like to come to the surface sometimes. It’s a constant struggle, but he’s better than he was a year ago.

As he continued to drive down the I-90, those thoughts kept persisting, so Mika blocked them out to the sounds of Machine Head. This is the End proved to be an almost biblical soundtrack for what was undoubtedly a mistake in the making, but he didn’t care. Mika knew what he was doing even if everything in him that from a year ago was telling him to turn back.

He took the nearest exit that led him down a road. He took a left and circled around the terminals. There were four and, honestly, Mika was having an internal struggle about whether or not he should do this. It wasn’t so late that he couldn’t go back home and forget any of this happened. It wasn't as though anyone of importance saw him. And by circling around, which at this point he’s done so twice, he was wasting gas. If anything was going to make his decision, it would have to be something so glaringly obvious that he couldn’t just ignore it.

Glancing at his phone and coming to a stop across the way from Terminal C, Mika just waited.

I shouldn’t be here, he thought as he didn’t budge.

In an evening where Mikhail had spent the majority of it mulling over how everyone he knew was still stuck in the past, here he was waiting for a sign from his. He needed to know that he was doing the right thing.

Soon, he learned God had impeccable timing.

Coming through the entrance, hands interlocked, there he saw Caitlin Cleary. She was as sexy as he remembered. But she wasn’t alone. As he gripped the leather covering of his steering wheel, Mika gritted his jealous teeth when he saw who she was with. IT didn’t matter to him that she was happy.

“Niles Sinclair…” Mika cursed his name into oblivion, curses that his father taught him. He cursed it with green envy as they kissed, the grip on his steering wheel getting so tight that parts of the covering ripped.

Mika would follow them wherever they went. Tonight would not be a celebration for anyone.

I am of the opinion that coffee is always best when it's black.

I see you, too, are a man of culture.

An @Aces Away, @LovelyComplex, & @metanoia Collaboration || Featuring The Lost Trio

As a Southie who had been in Juvie while the cheerleader- who seemed to enrapture every other group in the gym- died, Mordechai was immediately disinterested in the little audio-visual show that took place about her and her mysterious death. Ha, like there wasn't enough death in this town without throwing in mystery. Insert Jazz Hands here. But it obviously riled everyone else up enough to head to some locker that Danny Belmonte recognized the combo to.

Which. Stalk much? Why were Southies considered more fucked up again?

Shaking his head, Mordechai glared at the retreating backs before nodding at Poppy and Jade, still holding Poppy to his side like a lifeline. Likewise, he had a feeling he wasn't getting that hoodie back from her. Given the fact that it was his only other long sleeved piece of clothing he had aside from his old Serpent jacket, he was oddly okay with losing it.

"We lurkin' after them like the shadow creatures we are?" He asked with a small smirk, remembering how easy it was for the Southies to hide and jump out at unsuspecting Northie students, eliciting screams and jumps of impressive heights. Those times seemed so much more complicated, yet simpler in a way. He couldn't explain the twist of emotions he felt when he remembered those two and a half years he was out before Charlie snapped. The smirk he wore turned into a grimace and he turned his head away. "Looks like Belmonte was onto somethin'."

Jade peered her head in the direction of the fleeting mob of Northies, especially those who seemed especially affected by that show they were blessed/cursed (depending on which hill you stood on). But as noted by Decky’s less-than-enthused reaction, Jade also didn’t feel obligated to follow the herd of Northies. “Yeah, it seems like it,” she commented absentmindedly.

In true Poppy fashion, Decky would not be getting back his hoodie. With his hoodie resting on her shoulders, and Charlie’s hoodie hiding her frame, she felt completely and utterly safe. It felt like the two boys she loved the most were shielding her from what was to come and she liked that notion. She was able to press on, well, sorta, because Decky was still holding onto her tight. If they followed the group, he would have to release his grasp because walking in tandem with him as he squeezed her to death would end up being a difficult task at hand.

Squirming in his arms, Penelope looked between her friends and struggled her way out of the hold. Once she was in a standing position, she dropped down. After landing on a lower bench, Poppy took her friend’s hoodie off and tied it around her waist, stating her claim over it without saying it outloud. When the last of the northies trailed out, she turned on her heel to look at her best friends and scowled, “What the fuck does Charlie have to do with Francis’ locker?”

Her dark eyes burned with passion and determination, and if Jade, who had watched her friend’s journey, was paying close attention, she could see Penelope James changing right in front of her. Slowly but surely, the James girl was burying her grief and entering her anger phase. She was ready to face her demons head on and her friends could come join her or go fuck themselves. “If this is going to prove that Charlie didn’t lace Allison’s drugs, which he DIDN’T, we need to go. Allison was a sad girl who was scared to graduate. She knew there was nothing more waiting for her. She was at her peak. And that made her turn to drugs. But no. No one ever talks about that. All those motherfuckers—”

Poppy took a moment to gesture to the exit of the gym where every Northsider left from, putting an emphasis on all those that led to the deaths of many who attended Edenridge High. All those motherfuckers. They failed them. Everyone, including her, Decky, and Jade, failed them.

Them as in: Charlie, Allison, Maxine, Danny, Amanda, and all those that died that awful day— this whole damn school failed them. “—talked about the boy that gave the most popular girl drugs, putting all the blame on him. No one talks about the damage that girl went through. No one talks about WHY Allison turned to drugs.”

After her tangent, Poppy crossed her arms and expectantly looked at her friends to get off their asses so they could get to the bottom of this. She didn’t care who got hurt at this point, she needed answers and her friends could be with her or they can get out of her fucking way, “Well?”

Mordechai grinned and rolled his eyes as Poppy staked her official claim on his hoodie before he really tuned into what she was saying. She was right of course; everyone talked about Charlie like they knew him, talked about all the Southies like their lives were just a tv show for Northie entertainment, never mind whether the truth was in there or not. He had let Poppy go easily, quickly recognizing the girl getting riled up and knowing not to try and tame the energy. Poppy could always be damn terrifying when she wanted to, and it had taken Mordechai a little longer to learn than most. He's definitely learned by now.

"I ain't bout'a pretend that I care about that Allison girl," He spoke up, taking the first steps after pulling himself up off the bleachers. "but you're right, Street Angel, ain't nobody here allowed to put any more dirt on Hard Times' name, I-" his voice trembled before he cleared it, getting it back under control. "I failed him in high school, I wasn't the Brother I was supposed to be because I was too focused on consequences." he looked into the eyes of his girls, an apology there for them alongside the one for Charlie.

"Fuck consequences now. I'll take 'em all to get some damn clarity with him."

Both Decky and Poppy became fired up, something that she was particularly shocked to see in Poppy. Of course, the blonde knew her sister was adamant in getting to the bottom of this whole mystery. And of course, she wanted to know as well. That wasn’t what kept Jade from externally showing it. She couldn’t say what it was exactly.

But what she knew for certain was that, no matter how she was feeling internally, doing this for Charlie -- that is, finding out the truth and truly seeing if they could clear his name -- that’s what was most important. And as she stood up, looking between both Poppy and Decky once more, where a vulnerable loss of life had been present on Jade’s face and in her blue-green eyes, a sense of determination and conviction to see this through had taken its place. “For Charlie,” she found herself saying almost as a call to arms like she was Braveheart or some shit.

“For us.” Penelope gently corrected. While clearing the stains in Charlie’s name was a good motivator, she knew they all needed this. They needed closure so they could stop clinging to the past and all the guilt. This would be the first step in the right direction and it was time for Poppy to take the lead. And so she did. After rushing down the bleachers, she looked back at them and adjusted her face mask. As much as she wanted to get ahead of herself and run to the next clue, she knew she was just on an adrenaline high and who knows if being amongst the crowd once more would put her body through a state of shock. But at least… She had her friends and they had her.

Instead of going ahead, she waited for them to join her so she can latch onto them both once more, “Fuck consequences.” Poppy reiterated Decky’s words. Together, they could handle whatever was ahead of them. As long as they had each other, they would be fine. No matter how daunting the truth may be, together, they’d be okay.


"For us." Mordechai reiterated, following after Poppy with one last look to make sure Jade was also moving. The quick walk down the halls was silent, and Mordechai could feel himself tensing up and pulling ahead. He didn’t like the way the school felt, and he really didn’t like the moldy smell of the damp hallways; his throat was feeling tight and he could feel a migraine coming on. He wanted this night over already. He wanted to go curl up with Sonny in the Serpent’s Den at EoS, he wanted to beat the shit out of whoever was doing this, he wanted to catch up with Poppy and Jade and maybe even visit Danny’s grave. Maybe even visit Charlie’s.

He wanted to cry.

Instead, he and his girls made their silent way to the rest of the group that was huddled around a photo with an air of confusion, and he caught the last bit of conversation. Unable to quell his curiosity, Mordechai came up behind Jill and peered over her shoulder to see what was causing such a fuss.

"The fuck was your brother doing in a Serpent house, Callahan?" He spoke up from directly behind them, eyes sharp on the recognizable background in the photo. "Not for nothin’, but 13 Carlisle ain’t exactly a Northie-friendly residence."

Curiosity. Excitement. Paranoia (mild).

These mixed feelings clouded the Turian’s mind as he rode in the skycar, en route to the Bachjret District. And most of the journey was spent in his own head. He rewinded the message he received and how it was addressed to his full name. Only a select few knew he was on the Citadel. After you got set up by your own father and your whole unit was sent into a death trap, trust wasn’t in high demand and him being here was on a need-to-know basis. As far as Sivus was concerned, the only person who needed to know that Sivus Veritas was on the Citadel, working as a CI for C-Sec was Sivus Veritas.

So how did this person know? How could they have known who he was?

The first thought he had was this might be a trap. He considered that to be very likely, especially since he had fallen for it before. And since that fateful day on Omega, SIvus made it a personal mission of his to recognize the signs. But with this message, which he kept repeating in his head, didn’t indicate anything close to it being Family Betrayal 2: Citadel Boogaloo.

And that’s why he was riding in this skycar. And why he saw the Livilla Towers come into view.

Sivus decided the best way to find answers was to see what this was all about. If this was truly the day he was going to die, then it’s a good thing he wore his best armor and brought his pistol and assault rifle that had saved his ass more times than he can count on his hands.

“And we’re here, Tur-Clan.”

Sivus stared up at Kav-Esh, a volus. It was strange for him to see a volus be a skycar driver, but it wasn’t the strangest occurrence in his life. “Right on, uh --Kav-Esh, was it?”

Kav-Esh’s sigh of annoyance was echoed due to his suit and helm. “Correct, Tur-Clan.”

As a moment and a half of silence passed, Sivus scratched the back of his head until he decided to give his patient driver a tip almost twice what the meter said. It only seemed right since he was obviously rude to him. And he didn’t want word getting around that the new Turian on the block was cheap.

Okay, maybe he wasn’t new. He’s been to the Batia District a few times. Some Batarians knew him because his CI work frequently forced him into unsavory company, but he didn’t need to worry about running into them by the tower. It wasn’t like the Batarians he helped put away were getting released anytime soon. Right?


Sivus made his way through the entrance to the towers and, after a brief exchange with the man at the desk, a few moments spent in the elevator paled in comparison when the moment of truth had come.

When he entered the code on the console and the apartment door slid open, which had been around the same time that he heard someone shriek -- a human female’s voice by the sound of it -- screech worse than a Krogan battlecry (yes those are unpleasantly tolerable at most), Sivus just knew this was going to be fun.

“Guess the party’s in here,” Sivus noted with a smirk.

He gave the room a once-over. Between the Quarian, a bearded human, an attractive human female, and an Asari, he figured it was the unexpected delight in the Vorcha that seemed to be the source of that scream.

“Man just when I think I’ve seen it all.” He let his eyes scan the room and he felt an underwhelming feeling pass through his body. “Tiny place and a lot of people.” When he set his bags down, he cracked into a chuckle. “Name’s SIvus Ritas, by the way. I’m what you call a lifesaver. Need someone to break into a warehouse without being noticed? I’m your guy. Need someone to shoot pirates and other scummy criminals? I’m your guy. Need someone to get you so blacked-out drunk you can’t even remember where you are? Meet me at Haven and you’ll experience a good time that you never thought was possible.”
I am of the opinion that coffee is always best when it's sweet. And black.
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