Avatar of AlteredTundra


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3 mos ago
Current I saw a one-legged man at the ATM. He was checking his balance.
4 mos ago
Where do bad rainbows go? To a prism. It's a light sentence, but it gives them time to reflect.
4 mos ago
@LG aw hell yeah! Keepin my eye out for it for sure!
4 mos ago
How do you find Will Smith in the snow? You look for his fresh prints.
5 mos ago
tfw the colonies have better healthcare than the mainland


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A @metanoia & @NeoAJ Collaboration || featuring Marco Brady & Jill O’Brien

There was a growing feeling that Marco felt like he truly didn’t belong here. Not only because he was never the “southside” type, especially since it seemed his problems were from a different one than the ones they faced. While he was more focused on making the soccer team and passing his finals, all of those affiliated with the Southside Serpents were trying to survive life across the tracks. People like Jade Taylor were trying not to completely lose it when a wave of unfavorable circumstances came in full steam.

It just didn’t click with him. And part of Marco’s mind wondered just how...well how disconnected he was. Him being here because he wanted to be there for Lanie could only carry him so far until it lost its meaning. Because, sure there were moments during Rey Rey Gonzalez’s story that he found himself thinking about why he really was here. Danny told him he needed to be here because of what happened. That somehow he needed closure about the shooting. Was that the truth? Or did Marco, in some masochistic way, want to punish himself more by diving headfirst into the very thing that stripped him of his dreams?

He just didn’t know.

As he became so dedicated in trying to figure it out by himself, there was a moment when Allison Davies’ photo was shown and Marco immediately brought his blue-eyed gaze to Lanie. In the moments after, she dipped faster than a series of blinks. In five she was out the door and Marco felt the pressure in both the literal sense and emotionally to follow her. It pained him to walk. It was torture putting any unnecessary pressure on his legs. But Marco did it because he wanted to be there for her.

But then when he got out the door and was halfway down the steps, those steps that were...well, a bitch, to walk up, were even worse going down because the bone-crunching pressure put on them with every step was enough to make Marco keel over.

After the third one, he had to take a breather.

As he sat down, he couldn’t say where Lanie was or even what direction she ran off in. The only thing he knew for certain was how much his legs ached and his genuine shock that there were still some cannoli’s left. Truly the longest battle ever since the old Goku vs Frieza on Planet Namek fight. Or any opening/ending cutscene of a Square Enix video game with Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy in its name.

“I wonder what Ma is doing right now,” Marco heard himself say.

He had zoned out for a few minutes, thinking about an alternate reality where he skipped tonight and stayed home like he wanted to. He only registered back into the real world when someone came down the stairs. He did his best to move over that caused him the least amount of pain. As they walked down, it was only a moment that took Marco to realize who it was.

“Jill?” He called out as she was nearly down the entirety of the stairs. “Everything okay?”

It was going to be tough for Jillian to answer that question, given it had been a long time since she had even seen okay to make some sort of comparison.

If she wanted to talk specifically about the events tonight, absolutely not. Between the continued reminder that few people in her orbit during her high school days even cared what happened to her, similar to Allison’s treatment tonight by other members of their traveling party, the mental breakdown in the hallway, the gruesome reminders of what had happened to her idol on the last night of her life, Mei taking a swing at one of the most dangerous men in town and getting carted away by Roddy in the process, and now staring down a long wait in the hopes that Kylee would pick up and be able to give her a ride outta this place, even by recent standards, it seemed like things were not OK.

And she did nothing about it. All that bravado she was spouting at the start of the night had long since evaporated. She couldn’t even bring herself to defend Allison’s honor while that fucking stalker Poppy James kept trying to defend that absolute monster Charlie Decker. There were so many things she wanted to get off her chest, but she couldn’t do it. She wanted to yell at Poppy that Allison had more people that cared about her than Charlie ever would, and that she needed to shut her face. She needed to know how hard it was for those who lost so many people when Charlie took the actions he did. Jillian knew how hard it was to be in that position that Allison was in and what that stress does to your head. She wanted to defend the fallen.

But Jillian couldn’t say the damn words. Someone who had taken the lead in the face of all the adversity in the past couldn’t say a damn thing to anyone. It was like she was swallowed up by the moment. It was sad.

She didn’t even have her empty bottle for comfort anymore. After what happened, she abandoned it with the remains of parties not cleaned up and snuck underage beverages. With Mei tied up, of course no one wanted to check on her. No one gives a damn about fallen queens.

Except Marco, apparently. That he bothered enough to ask got Jill to halt her march off the premises. She rattled a couple of thoughts around in her brain, a couple of responses that would serve to deflect and end the conversation. She had gotten enough practice with her mother in recent months to be an old pro by now.

But there were so many thoughts and emotions in there. The anger at Poppy daring to throw Allison under the rug to glorify a thug who had already taken away so many in her life. The sadness that she couldn’t do anything to go back and change anything about that night, and there was a lot that could do with some changing. The fear dredged up by the trail blazed during the evening.

And the happiness when Mei’s forehead kiss pierced through all that mess for one shining moment.

Maybe it was time some of those thoughts got out of her head. There was no alcohol available to shut them down for the moment, anyway.

“Not really, no,” Jill finally answered after what seemed like an eternity but in reality couldn’t have been more than 10 seconds. She turned around, eyes still bleary from her various outbursts of the evening, and looked over the stoop to see if there was enough room for her to sit without blocking the main exit out of the building.

It looked like there was something closer to the bottom step, so she slowly made her way over and plunked herself down in front of Marco. A weary sigh escaped her lips as she settled on the rotting wood. There was another bit of doubt as to what she was about to engage in. She didn’t know Marco that well anymore. Sure, they were in similar circles given he was an athlete and she was a cheerleader. They were friendly enough at parties that they could share a beverage and not look awkward.

That was a lifetime ago, and Marco arrived with two links to that lifetime that seemed to have no interest in showing any semblance of contrition for their prior crimes. Who was to say he wouldn’t just follow Danny and Lanie’s examples and offer up nothing but scorn and icy indifference?

Maybe Jillian needed a reason to believe this conversation could be different. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to try. It couldn’t go any worse than most of the things that happened tonight.

“Tonight has been a lot. In more ways than one.” The slurring that had dominated her speech for the majority of the night seemed to be fading away without any reason to yell and spit. “I knew it was gonna be, and yet, here I am. With no answers, no friends and nowhere to go from here. So I don’t think I’m OK, Marco, if that answers your question.”

Right, so that was a stupid question. Marco should have figured that if Lanie wasn’t handling the Allison thing well, especially with how she darted out of the house not even a moment after her picture was out, Marco should’ve had the awareness to assume that Jill wouldn’t be in a great state about it, either. Yet another reason why he wouldn’t make a great detective like his father. But it wasn’t a total loss. As he sat there, looking at Jill with a slight frown, though most of it was the uncertainty of what to say, some of it faded when Marco realized Jill wasn’t completely right about something she said.

“Well, that’s not exactly true--” In typical Marco Brady fashion, he started with a misleading statement. “--I mean, you said you had no friends, but you have one sitting right in front of you.” He offered her a smile and opened up the box of lonely cannolis in his hands. A few still remained. Well, by a few, there were still about seven left. ”And I can say with confidence that this friend comes bearing gifts!” He lifted up the box. “Go on, take one. You won’t regret it!”

There was a lot of hesitation on Jillian’s part. Cannolis had once been a staple of her diet thanks to her hookup in the Belmonte family. However, she practically swore off them by proxy when she cut Danny out of her life for what he did. She knew they still were coming into the household and that it wasn’t hard to guess the source. She caught Grace scarfing down a not-so-mysteriously sourced cannoli more than once, and that was an image she did not need burned in her mind given why she wasn’t eating them anymore. She looked at the offered dessert and knew they were one in the same to the ones she previously enjoyed. Sure, the dappling on the crust was a little different, a little rougher, but the flecks in the filling indicating the presence of finely chopped almonds was definitely a Belmonte touch. It felt like she was betraying herself for even thinking of taking one of the symbols of what was lost in high school.

But this was a night of going through the past, and there were so many things that couldn’t be saved and couldn’t be brought back to life. Wasn’t it worthwhile to try and grab something that was able to be retrieved? Besides, those Hole in the Wall chicken wings seemed like eons ago.

Jillian finally took one of the offered cannolis in her hand. The lightweight pastry felt like a bowling ball on her palm. Her solution was to quickly take a bite to lessen the load and instantly, the memories came flooding back. The flaky crust, the sweetened cream whipped to perfection, the hint of almonds peeking through. It had been long years without the taste, but right now all it was doing was offering her a reminder of the good times. Long before high school, when things were simpler and the pressure hadn’t gotten to her yet. It was divine. Now the only regret she had in regards to taking Marco up on his offer was turning away all those peace offerings when she could have stayed mad at Danny and still gotten her fill.

Damn it Danny. How could I let you take this away from me…

Savoring the flavors as long as she could, she finally swallowed and looked up at Marco, clearly pleased with himself seeing Jillian go into the Italian specialty. “Well, you were right about at least one thing. Gives you a pretty good chance of being right about the others.” She licked a bit of filling that looked like it might have given in to gravity’s wishes for a taste. “So, tell me friendo. How are you dealing with all this shit? I’d have to eat all the cannolis you got to feel anywhere near as chipper as you look.” I also don’t need to instantly gain 20 pounds. Especially not if I’m actually serious about making a run at the Edge.

Marco was not only happy to see that Jill didn’t hesitate to take him up on the offer, but there was an improvement of sorts on her face. Again, Marco wasn’t observant like other people he knew, but the difference was noticeable. She didn’t seem as hesitant and he would take that as a good sign. Even despite all that was revealed, there was a glimmer of hope and he took comfort in that. But suddenly the roles were reversed somehow and Marco was the one who found himself hesitating. Not because he didn’t know how to respond, but he just didn’t know what to say specifically.

“Not sure what you mean.” It was partially the truth. Marco was struggling to come up with an answer for Jill, but he knew he had to speak candidly with her. Not only because of the terror revelations they all had to bear witness to, but Marco considered Jill a friend; and she seemed to consider him as one, too. He owed her at least something. “I’m just trying to stay strong for everyone. I mean, I guess I’m just here to help my friends get through this. I mean, my relation to Alison wasn’t as close as maybe yours and Lanie’s were. I know that not only do I want to be, but I need to be that shoulder any of you guys can rely on.”

That kind of hurt. Jillian knew she wasn’t strong anymore. Tonight, she had to rely on Mei to pull her out of her depressive spiral, Danny to pull her dumb ass towards the locker triggering the depressive spiral, and now Marco to pull her away from what was more than likely going to be another lonely trip to scrounge up whatever drugs she could find to take her mind off everything. It was hard to be a pillar when everything kept getting knocked out from under her.

“At least one of us might be able to do that,” she said with a melancholic tint. It was tough to fight the waves of self-pity that were coming with this current train of thought. Her mind continued to roll all over the place, but right now sadness was taking the lead. “Feels like I’ve had to try and fuckin’ do that for so long.” Jillian didn’t look up at Marco, instead staring out into the street while her hand held onto the remaining half of the cannoli. “I can’t do it any more. I don’t have the energy. I don’t have the strength. I don’t have the fuckin’ space left in my brain to be able to add any more weight. I’m just a damn failure now. A glimpse of what awaited Ally if we actually saved her that night. I’ve got nothin’ left to give, Marco, and I don’t even know who’d want it if I had it.”

“I feel that to my core.”

Hearing Jill speak and the words that came from her mouth, he felt that familiar taste of self-sabotaging poison come back at him and it transported him back to a time when he was more than just the shoulder to cry on, but rather the friend that could do more than just that. Marco was the guy who, when he was in his best shape, he’d entertain, he would do imitations -- sometimes physical ones -- just to bring smiles to his friends’ faces. Now, however, he couldn’t do much of anything. His glory days were behind him and being here at a house where the worst thing that happened to him was being forced by Kylee Grimm to talk to Danny, he just didn’t feel like he belonged anymore.

And maybe he hated that Danny forced him here because his ex thought he needed answers. “You know, I used to be more than this.” Marco took a moment to look himself up and down. His gut curved and his legs were shaking slightly. Even when sitting, he was a mess from the waist down. “You probably remember during foot--soccer season--” The boy laughed, forgetting for a moment that what he was so used to calling football wasn’t actually that. “I mean, I was the star player on the soccer team. I don’t like to brag about it because, well given what happened cause of him, I just...well it’s not a memory I’m fond of thinking about, but before then, I know people said I could go pro. But it was more than that. I could actually be somebody to people who thought the world of me. They used to tell me that I didn’t need to be more than who I was; that somehow just me being happy was enough for them.”

Marco’s smile faded, thinking about how his parents often told him that over and over. He might’ve believed it at one point, but after the shooting and he went through hell at rehab, Marco didn’t know anymore. The pain he went through didn’t even compare to the constant pity party he has been throwing himself since then. In moments when he wasn’t around his family or people in his life who could see right through the facade -- like Danny -- he just couldn’t fake it anymore.

“So, trust me, I know what that’s like, Jill. And I don’t have any answers that will make it easier, but..” For the first time in a while, Marco smiled and took Jill’s free hand, “I’m here. And no matter what happens or, well regardless of anything, you can always rely on me if you just want to talk or anything, really.”

This was weird. Given the doubts that Jillian had been having recently about ever being able to trust a man, why was this situation working out so well? Was it the old "misery loves company" axiom at play?

It made sense Marco could sympathize given what happened to him post-Edenridge. Jillian did cheer at her fair share of soccer games. She knew what Marco could do before… well, before he couldn't any more. She kind of forgot about that when just seeing him on the stoop. Like she was forgotten. Life in the south was mean to those who couldn't sustain a pathway out.

As Marco's hand embraced her own, the first masculine touch since Mike's final one, more thoughts emerged, thoughts long dormant. What was this? Sympathy? Empathy? It wasn't sexual or anything, it definitely didn't have that energy. It was nice though. Something she hadn’t had since Danny went and fucked up. Jill let out another sigh, one with more relief behind it than anything else. Knowing there was someone out there that had a feeling of what she was going through on her side of the window. Especially if she needed a friend more than a love-… no. Mei wasn't… not yet. Was there a yet? Was that a thing?

Would Marco be able to understand that question?

"You know, I was gonna take pre-law at BC?" she started. "Because I was so calm and composed in the face of the shooting, people thought I would be a shoo-in for being a lawyer or a politician or something. But that shit took so much out of me, having to try and pretend like everything was all right and that we were gonna make it through. Maybe Ally could have done that. I don't think I did. And then when Mike came back… maybe I just fucked myself into this spot. And I don't know what to do to unfuck it. I have an idea, maybe, but…" Jill trailed off at the end, still unsure if she wanted to say the things she thought she was feeling. "I don't even know if that could be a way. If it's even possible." She stopped abruptly, unsure if she even wanted to continue down this lane of thought with someone who wasn't Mei, but Mei wasn't an option in this case.

For the longest moment to exist in the history of moments, Marco found himself staring at Jill with a weird mix of confusion and curiosity on his face. The boy’s blue eyes were narrowed slightly, head tilted to the left only by a few centimeters, and lips partially opened. Whenever Marco was trying to process something, this was the face he made. It wasn’t a great poker face, but every time he gamed and tried to figure out something that was throwing him, he made that face. “What do you mean, Jill?” He asked, trying to read her face. That’s what his father did, right? As a detective, Colin Brady had to judge the face, so Marco was trying to as well. He had a thought of what she might be wanting to say, but Marco had been wrong about things like this so many times, so he didn’t state it. Instead, he said, “I’m not sure I follow.”

Jillian’s eyes were darting around as if trying to find the words to lead this boy where she herself was trying to get to. Am I fucking sure about this? I mean, I know I told Mei I couldn’t do it, but… fuck that night. Fuck that stupid night with Mike. Would I have just been happier if I never bothered with him? Or any of those other randos in high school? Would I have been able to save Ally if I wasn’t busy slurping that piece of shit? That last thought brought a grimace to her face that she tried to hide with another bite of cannoli. Maybe the sweet treat would buy her some time. … Fuck. It just… Fuck…

She swallowed and while her face pointed at Marco, her eyes still looked away, as if to make sure that no one else was in earshot to hear her. “I… I think… I think I’m done with men… and I’m in love with a girl… and I don’t think it matters anymore to anyone except me and her… but it’s the only good I can see in this stupid life right now…” Now her eyes were locked on to Marco, with the difficult part out of the way. “And I dunno if it’s actually something, or just a product of this shit, but, I dunno. I just feel it more and more lately.”

“Damn..” Marco couldn’t find the words he wanted because, honestly, that was something that he remembered saying to himself when he was starting to feel things for Danny. That sort of doubt and various ‘could he’ -type of questions that crept into his mind and had him lay awake at night thinking of the various scenarios. Anything from the best case to worst case, Marco remembered entertaining every single one of them. Of course, it was different from Jill’s case, but he couldn’t ignore some of the similarities to them, either.

“Sometimes you just have to follow your heart. I mean, I won’t pretend to know Mei inside and out or anything, but she sounds like she’s pretty damn important to you, now more than ever.” Marco bit his lip, trying to find the right words. “You know, it’s kind of funny. You and I have similar experiences with love. Not the same circumstances, but I found myself doubting if I was in love with someone. It was complicated and not traditional, but there was a time that we were together and, I guess what I’m trying to say is that life is short. So if you really feel strongly for her, you should see if there’s anything there.”

The red had spread to Jillian’s cheeks now. She didn’t realize that her friend had such a bead on exactly who she was talking about. “That obvious it was Mei, huh?”

Marco laughed somewhat nervously, a smile returning to his face. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to assume. Just seemed like an obvious thing, y’know? Kinda like how Wolverine and Jean Grey were hot for each other. Or.. ya know something like that.”

The reference went a little above what the O’Brien girl could remember at the moment. Vague memories of seeing an X-Men movie with Danny back in the day, although she knew Jean Grey was in it because Sophie Turner was goals. But that was besides the point. If even Marco could see what was happening from a broad overview of the situation, what was stopping Jillian from actually acting on it? Mei’s feelings? The redhead could still feel that kiss underneath her bangs from earlier. There was obviously some level of care there, especially given how their relationship had grown from that first night here up to tonight.

Jillian’s reputation? What fucking reputation was there to worry about? She had nothing. Just a tragic figure, drifting like a lazy ghost through the south side. She could still hear murmurs about her lost child from time to time when she dared venture out during the day. It’s why she didn’t do it very often anymore.

Her financial situation? Not like it would damage that any worse than it was now. As far as she knew, her mother wasn’t prejudiced against same-sex relationships. How could she be given the parade of people across the gender spectrum Grace brought home on regular intervals to this day? Her dad might have had some questions, but he wasn’t around to pass judgement anymore. Besides, she was probably going to end up at Mei’s tonight anyway. She spent a lot of time over there. If they lived together it would probably make things easier and…

Fucking hell. Simmer down, Jill. Stop planning the patio layout when the house isn’t even built yet.

At least Marco seemed to have an idea on how to handle it. She didn’t know who he was talking about with his experiences. She didn’t exactly pry into his love life during the high school days and she had no idea who he would be after now. She figured Lanie dragged him out. Was that a thing? No, no it couldn’t be.

She gave the impression that she was still debating the Mei question, but that was now answered. This was going to have to be something she pushed on in more lucid times. But she wanted to know. “How did that story end between you and that unconventional lover, Marco?”

“That’s...not a simple answer…”

And suddenly, like a flick of a switch, Marco’s entire body felt tight. He hadn’t thought about Danny nor their breakup (if you could even call it that) since it happened. Truth was, Marco had been running away from a lot more than the shooting and everything that seemed to come with it. He had been running away from his feelings about Danny, and maybe if he was being honest with himself, his feelings for Danny.

He secluded himself in his room under the guise that he was still recovering from the shooting. And after he finished PT with Roddy, sure that held some truth, but there was a lot more. Deep down, maybe it was that Marco hadn’t faced the other traumatic event in his life that happened. “I mean, I never really thought about it since it happened. We weren’t out out or anything. I mean, things for him weren’t like me. Or at least I don’t think they were.” Crap, Marco realized that didn’t make any sense. “Sorry, I just haven’t talked about it with anyone, really.”

And he hasn’t truly faced it, either.

Jill wasn’t expecting a simple answer, but she was going to take an answer from Marco one way or the other, and the one she got wasn’t satisfactory. Not for someone who may be the first person she just admitted true feelings to that wasn’t Mei for the first time in over a year. “Well, maybe it’s the time to talk about it,” she countered. “I mean, I just talked with you about shit I haven’t told anyone else, in the world, and you know what? It actually felt good for a change. To actually talk about that shit instead of hoping there was another bottle of Smirnoff kicking around my room to try and drown it out instead. I don’t know if the vodka’s still talking now, but if it is, it might actually be making a good choice for once. So here’s what we’re gonna do, Marco. I’m gonna sit here, I’m gonna eat the rest of this cannoli that I have fucking missed dearly, and while I do that, you’re gonna talk about it with me. Fair is fair, right? If I’m having big personal revelations and shit, then you should too. So start talking about it.” She took a fairly big bite out of the remaining cannoli to emphasize her point.

Marco didn’t speak for a while. Ten seconds, twenty seconds...twenty-five seconds of silence and thinking about what she said. In that allotted time, Marco heard Jill crunch on the cannoli. And even though he missed Danny, missed...just missed being around him, maybe for the first time he couldn’t think about Danny in a positive light.

And that gutted him worse than getting shot. The fact that he was thinking about the man he loved and not every thought that came pouring out was a good one. Maybe Jill was right. She wasn’t close to Marco but she confided in him. Maybe it was time for Marco to talk about it with someone. “Well, I guess since you’re not leaving me with much of a choice…” Marco let his words fade off into a low chuckle. “So, there was this boy. You know, I met him in freshman year. I wasn’t even out then, but he was all I could think about. And through whatever series of fortunate events, we had moments where we’d just hang, ya know? And then we’d hang out some more, eventually being together. But he was so deep in the closet, I don’t think he even knew that’s what it was. So we dated in secret. Met at Lyon Park, met at my house when nobody was home. Basically did everything we could to be out of public view. And it was nice. We had each other and that’s all that should have mattered, right?”

Marco fell silent and looked down. He fiddled his thumbs together and he felt the tension in his shoulders increase even more. Even as his arms started to shake, he continued: “But junior prom came and we got into it. I wanted to go public. I didn’t want to hide anymore but he just...well, I guess he just didn’t feel the same way.” The silence took over yet again and Marco bit his lip. This had been the first time he’d told anyone this. He didn’t even think about it as much anymore. Thinking about it and what came after was too painful. Nothing would change but sometimes, when Marco found himself feeling he needed a good dose of pain, he let himself relive that night over and over again to remind him that he wasn’t as strong as his parents like to believe he was.

As the cannoli shrunk to a bite, Jill had to pause and concentrate on what Marco was saying, especially in regards to the secrecy that was required. She should have figured it was a little harder for guys to enjoy their love freely in public than girls. But apparently Marco had to pull some deep cover back in the day. Jillian had no idea Marco was gay back then. He certainly hid it well enough. It’s a shame high-school bullshit had to go and apparently wreck things. It was good at doing that. She couldn’t remember much about junior prom. Kat was excited that she had locked down Lucas Hayes as her date, much to Liv’s dismay. Danny showed up with… actually she couldn’t remember who he showed up with. It was a little bit before he fucked up their friendship, but it had to be some bimbo given the lack of decorum he had in regards to everything. Thinking back, these would be painful memories of friends lost, but Jill had relived them so often she was usually numb to them at this point. Marco, however, didn’t appear to have that particular ability.

Seeing the boy clearly in a state trying to recall those events, twitching like he just shotgunned 12 cups of coffee, it occurred to her that maybe some comfort was needed. Some of the old sweetness long thought erased by tragedy and cocktails might just have been drawn out of the darkness after all this time. Jill popped the last of the cannoli in her mouth and turned around to grab both of Marco’s hands in her own in an effort to ease the worries. “I’m sorry you had that done to you, Marco,” she offered. “High school is fucking awful. I’m sorry you gave your heart to someone who didn’t treasure it and treat it with the respect it deserved.” Yet another painful subject that Jill had to dull with her efforts of the past year. “I know how fucking difficult it can be to feel like you have that trust with someone, and then just have it broken because… well… because they suck. But you know what? Someone out there, someone you may know now, someone you may not have met yet, that someone wants to be with you fully and completely. Someone wants to be able to go to the park with you in broad daylight. Someone wants to meet the people you care about. Someone wants that shit. I can’t tell you they are coming soon. I can’t fucking tell you if they are right in front of your face and you just don’t see it. But someone is going to find you, and appreciate the fuck out you, pain and all. They’ll be able to make you laugh and cry and give you that dance you didn’t get at junior prom. They will support you at your fucking worst. And if you’re lucky, you’ll be able to do the same for them for as long as you both want.” This was rambling a bit, but in Jill’s mind this was every pump up speech she ever remembered from the movies rolled into one. “So, I don’t know who this guy was, but he must have been a fucking idiot to not want to be seen with someone as sweet and nice as you, and I hope he feels that regret every day. But you don’t deserve that shit.” She tried to lean in for a friendly hug, but her aim still wasn’t great and it turned into more of a one-handed wrap. “And thank you for telling me that. Couldn’t have been easy, but hey, maybe I’m still a good leader by example when I wanna be.”

Marco found himself giving Jill’s hands a gentle squeeze. He couldn’t let himself smile much, though. Not because he didn’t appreciate her support and, honestly, her company as well. But what she said about Danny. Even though it’s been more than two years since all of that, Marco couldn’t bring himself to hate his ex or even feel anything negative in that regard. Honestly, he didn’t know what he felt. And maybe Jill was right about a revelation coming to him. He knew the only person who could help him sort...whatever it was he was feeling might just be the very cause of his complicated tornado that were his emotions.

“I know you will be. I’m glad we had this chance to talk. It was nice being able to talk to someone who didn’t show pity on me and who I used to be, ya know?” He softly smiled at Jill.

She snorted softly at that. “Would be fucking hypocritical if I did that, wouldn’t it?” She leaned back up, still not sure if that snort really came out of her. It was something younger Jillian did, but hadn’t really made itself heard in a while. “Honestly, this may be the best thing to come out of this whole fucked-up evening. Well, that and realizing I’m probably coming out soon. But hey, at least I got someone who can navigate all this shit for me. Or with me. Whatever. Think we both got some crap on that path to deal with.” At least there was now backup in the 1% chance something did go wrong with her confession to Mei. Would it come tonight? Jill was going to spend the night at the Ramsey place one way or the other. Maybe there would be a moment. Least I know this big moment is coming. One way or the other. No surprises. Just a shot at the dark. I’ll be ready.

Marco couldn’t help but chuckle. Not to mock her, of course, but just that he couldn’t help but think about Lanie. He had come wobbling out of the house because he wanted to find her. She darted out of the house so fast that he didn’t even get past the stoop. And now he was thinking about Lanie back when he first came out. The situation and circumstances were different for him than Jill, of course, but he couldn’t help but think about how Lanie was there for him, giving him strength and the assurance that he couldn’t give himself. She was the person who made him feel confident when he finally came out as bisexual to his family and even to some others close to him.

As he tried to stand up, Marco gripped the handrail for support. Stiff limbs cracked with the kind of sound one heard when they’ve been sitting too long. He grunted and grimaced and made sounds of mild discomfort, but he did it. As he held his hand out for Jill, he’d show her at least some strength that he knew he had in him to help her up too, though he probably didn’t need to. “I wouldn’t have it any other way, friend!” He just smiled at her. Jill was definitely right about one thing: this new closeness they had, it was probably the best thing that could have happened. A surprising light in the darkness.

December 21st, 2016 || Edge of Sin, Southie

A @metanoia, @Aces Away & @BrutalBx Collaboration || Honey Badger, Boa, and ReyRey, featuring Prof, Sonny, Danny

The night the Haze/Carlisle crew got out of Juvie was the night that a Serpent Party broke out in the Edge of Sin's parking lot in celebration. There were fires lit in barrels spread out across the lot, with plenty of tables piled high with food and drink, and dozens of Serpents and Serpent adjacents roaming around and already getting started. The large van pulled into the lot to the cheers of everyone there, and one by one the boys stepped out of the back and took their first breath of home in over a year and a half. Decky had stepped out first, followed by Sonny and then the others. The first thing he did was scan the welcoming faces in search of one person: ReyRey. Charlie could wait, but Decky's big brother and veritable leader (barring only Big Rey himself, of course) would probably kill him if he greeted anyone else other than him first. Once he'd done that he could find whatever Serpent was watching over Danny until they'd gotten there.

Trailing past snake-patched jackets and receiving claps to the back and shoulder as he looked for the familiar imposing figure of ReyRey, the other freshly freed Serpents followed right after. When the other boys noticed how stiffly Decky received the friendly welcomes, they quickly made sure to bracket him from the onslaught, explaining in low tones that he was still healing from Hatchet’s attack two weeks prior. That allowed Decky to breathe and for their whole group to move a little quicker. And there, at the back of the lot near the Serpent entrance to Edge of Sin, was the man they had been searching for. Decky walked up to him, waiting on the edge of his personal boundaries as always, right hand pressing into the injury on his left side as if it were the only thing keeping him up. As always, he kept still and waited for the man’s conversation to end and to be acknowledged.

His fever had broken two days after Poppy’s visit, but the infection had been in constant flux, and unfortunately, it was not a mild day for him. He felt aggravated and a little dizzy, and he hasn’t been able to stomach anything for the past day. He just wanted to greet ReyRey, find Danny and keep him at his side all night, and maybe do a damn line or two to forget about the fact that he felt like a warmed-over pile of shit on a hot day.

Maybe he could even avoid seeing Hard Times altogether tonight. He wasn't sure he could keep his cool with his already short fuse.

Cigarette between his fingers, drink in hand and girl on his lap, ReyRey glanced past the whore and at the small crew heading towards him. He spat on the floor and shoved the girl off of him "Go find yourself a pole to ride, mami. I got business” R2 pulled himself up to his feet and opened his arms wide to greet the newly arrived Decky and his boys. ”Well well, it’s the juvie boys. Tell me guys, which one of you dropped the soap the most? I reckon it was lil Sunshine over here. Lord knows you been just waiting for Decky to give you an Eiffel Tower. Get in here, you little jerk offs.” He embraced all of them with a hug and a kiss to the cheek.

There were laughs had throughout the group as they received their welcome, Sunshine with a little more of a blush than the rest at ReyRey's words. While luckily none of them had dropped the soap- at least not with other Serpents around to watch their back- that didn't mean none of them had gotten any action on the inside either. Aside from a very dedicated-to-Findley Prof, all the Serpents had managed to keep themselves busy but that didn't make hearing ReyRey's depiction of Sunshine any easier on the boy's ears.

"All safe an' unmolested, if not unmarred," Decky finally replied for the group, grinning at ReyRey past the pain the hug had caused. A welcome back was a welcome back, no matter your current wounds.

"I'm certainly scarred from sharin' a cell with you two Energizer bunnies." Prof muttered from behind Decky, receiving a middle finger directed at him from behind the younger's back.

"Least ya didn't get stabbed, bitch!" Decky singsonged in response, generating a truly impressive eye roll from their chemist. "So R2, wa's new?"

ReyRey returned to his “throne” and for a brief moment became lost in thought. Whispers of sweet nothings, and the image of green and white… Snapping out of his trance, he looked at his amassed underlings and let out a hearty laugh. ”You mean besides you ass bandits being home? Well, let’s see. Profits are up but our rep is way down, wanna know why?” the kingsnake sprung to his feet and slapped Decky hard in the face, with enough force to knock the youth to the ground. ”Cos your boy Decker killed the fucking Queen of this stinking town. He fucked up, kid.”

Decky stared at the ground for a hot second, his side burning from the twist to the ground and breathing short as pain flared from his hip to his ribs. Sonny had lunged toward Decky on instinct, only to be grabbed back by Prof and Ransom as the two pulled him to the back of their little group. Everyone knew that ReyRey barely stood Sonny, that the boy's natural attitude seemed to personally grate on the man for reasons unknown. Having him jump in the middle of something between him and Decky was like asking for a beating.

Decky was grateful for that. At least the second of lively distraction allowed him to regain his breath. The slap had been hard- R2 never did things half assed after all- and Decky had definitely bit into his cheek when the hand had connected. He pushed himself back up to his feet and squared his shoulders, eyes void of his swirling emotions as he met ReyRey's similar browns. Nobody needed to know what he was feeling right now, emotions had no place here. They needed their captain, not some kid who chose the wrong replacement but still felt loyal to him as a friend. But he was always more loyal to ReyRey, and that had to show. He pulled his hand away from his wet side, the stitches once again torn and wound leaking blood and infection, and spoke up.

"I'll take care of it. He could avoid me before by not visitin' me inside--" he spat a glob of blood to the side to show his opinions on that cowardly move. "--he ain't 'boutta skirt away any longer. His shady ass needs ta gimme some answers." he kept his gaze on ReyRey, no shake in his voice as he asked, "Til I see 'im, what's my punishment for the bad Vouch?"

He'd beg later. When it's just him and ReyRey alone he'll get on his fuckin' knees and beg ReyRey to allow Charlie to stay on as a Serpent. If only to help his mother, if only on a low-ranked basis. He may be pissed at Hard Times, but Momma Decker didn't deserve to suffer for his stupidity.

Behind him, his crew held their breath.

”I haven’t decided yet” Rey adjusted the rings on his fingers after the slap. ”At least not in full but to start…” the serpent monarch glanced at Decky’s crew, his support bubble, his familia and grinned like a rattlesnake. "To start, you get ten lashings. You are going to get on your hands and knees like a dog, begging and your boys are gonna hit you, one by one, with my belt. Then some pledges are gonna hit you some more, then I’m going to tear you up and you will say thank you, ReyRey, may I have another?. That, that’s where we start”

The older man picked up his beer from the side and took and downed it in one. His face was tired and he looked like he hadn’t slept. The night was beginning to wear thin on him. ”You be at the Sin tomorrow. In the meantime, enjoy your first night of freedom. Get your hole, get a drink. Make peace with the fact that after tonight, you got ground to make up. My boy HB is around here somewhere, find him. Show him the South Side way. Welcome back, Boaz.” Rey turned away and headed off into the crowd of people, soon disappearing from view.

Once he was gone, all the statues behind him came back to life, his crew murmuring worriedly as they closed around him again. His head was pounding, his side was burning and bleeding, his mouth tasted like copper and he was in for a beating in less than 12 hours. He deserved it, anyway. First, he let his guard down in Juvie and got jumped, and then Hard Times fucked up under his vouch. Now after tomorrow he's gonna be walking funny in the least enjoyable way possible. Decky's staring past all the faces of his crew and in the direction ReyRey had left.

He'd still brought him into his arms and kissed his cheek in welcome. He'd just entrusted him with someone he called HB- and who the fuck was that that he's so important to ReyRey?- so it wasn't like he was getting dropped to the side for his failures. ReyRey was giving him leeway: a rare thing for the man.

"-ain't gonna fuckin' belt ya Mob, yer still fucked up from Hatchet!" Sonny's words cut through his thoughts, bringing him back to the real world. As real as it was while gray tinted the edges of his vision and each breath felt like embers flying within his lungs. He blinked at Sonny slowly, still trying to process what the other said as all the stimulus of the night started filtering back into his senses.

"Yes...you are." he finally replied, spitting a glob of blood out of his mouth and shakily wiping his mouth with the back of his arm.

"No I ain't!"

"Then he'll put you on the fuckin' ground next ta me, Sunshine." Decky growled weakly, pinching the bridge of his nose as if it would help the headache at all. The others were watching on as though it was a fatal tennis match.

"So let 'im do it then!" Decky flinched back violently at the words, the final twist in his stomach's coffin as he found the nearest fire-less barrel and emptied the meager contents he had been able to take in in the van. Jokes and Creed fell into place on either side of him on instinct, and he could feel and hear other partygoers' attention on him despite it already being well known that he wasn't in the best of health.

“So do it!” Decky yelled, making his father jerk back in surprise before the scowl retook his features and another sharp crack! was heard through the room as Beni left a hand shaped mark on his cheek.

“You wanna take his beatin’,” Beni replied with a poisonous glare.
“that’s just fine. Lana, keep the other watchin’.”

"Wait wh-”


“You didn’t think he’d get off that easy did you? You taking his punishment doesn’t teach him anythin’ unless he fuckin’ sees it!”


Decky picked his head up from the edge of the barrel and reached a hand back, blindly reaching for Sonny's jacket. The other boy didn't disappoint, stepping into Decky's space so he could latch hold.

"Never take a fuckin' beatin' for me, 'specially one ya c'n fuckin' 'void," he half slurred, half pleaded as he finally turned around and buried his face in the crook of Sonny's neck, the familiar scent of his Serpent jacket helping him to relax a fraction. Sonny stared at the top of his head as he tried to figure out his violent reaction. Suddenly, his arms tensed around the dark eyed boy as he remembered the night they joined the Serpents.

“They kept Danny in our room,” Decky let out with a broken sob. “They made ‘im watch and now he’s in there ‘n’ I’m stuck out here. They made him watch, Sunshine.”

"Okay, Mob," Sonny finally replied, kissing the top of his head as the other still wouldn't leave his spot. "Okay, I'll…fuck idunno, I'll pretend we're doin' some exhibitionist crap or somethin'," they both chucked weakly while the rest of the crew exchanged hushed conversation around them, creating a bubble of privacy for their Captain and Lieutenant. "We always figure it out, us two."

Decky finally pulled away from Sonny, and at this point the rest of the crew had glared away the curious partygoers. Prof looked over his shoulder and gave Decky a stern glance, eyes tracing over his now very red tank top.

"To Fins. Now."

Decky stepped back out of the Edge feeling more grounded than he had in two weeks. Prof had stayed behind so he and Findley could celebrate his return. Ransom had disappeared with Prof's cousins and fellow Serpents Ducaleon "Duke" and Dolce "Dutchess" Booker, and wasted no time in pulling his literal partner in crime away to dance after the siblings had been properly reunited with their cousin. Jokes and Creed had gone to their dorm as soon as they were sure Decky was in Fin's safe hands. Molotov had broken off halfway to the dorm in order to indulge in the Edge's bar, muttering something about wanting to get blitzed and stay that way.

Sunshine stepped out behind him, sucking obscenely on the lollipop Fin always gave them as a joke. Decky gave him a rough grin in response to the noises he was making, rolling his eyes and taking the lollipop out of Sonny's mouth and giving him a bruising kiss before keeping the candy for himself, popping it into his own mouth. Fin and Prof always made great pills, and luckily Prof wasn't the only producer for the serpents. But since she had been helping him make pain meds for her MawMaw since they were kids it was something Fin did completely on her own while the crew was inside. They worked damn well too, the pain in his side was still there, but it was as if there was a layer of softness over everything. She had cleaned out the infection as best she could before stitching him back up, and told him to take it easy in that long suffering tone that meant she knew he wouldn't. Pain no longer flared at every step and while the world was a bit muted along with it, he felt he was ready to actually experience the party.

"Go find Danny for me, will ya Sunshine? I'm gonna go find this HB kid ReyRey spoke 'bout." Sonny nodded and headed off into the crowd, Decky doing so in the opposite direction. He spoke to a few of the groups milling about and after a few minutes was finally directed towards a guy about an inch taller than him with dark brown hair in one of the corners of the lot. He approached slowly but confidently, his walk still stilted from the wound but much smoother than before Findley had gotten ahold of him. His cheek was already bruised from ReyRey's hit, but he couldn't feel it at all.

"Oy, yer HB yeah?" he asked, leaning against the brick behind him as he settled beside the other boy. "'parently I'm a new tour guide for ya." he popped the lollipop out of his mouth and gave the guy a sharp, toothy grin. "'N' I've always got somethin' ta show."

Mika rolled his eyes as soon as he heard someone whose voice he didn't recognize call him by his street name. And when he turned around, he met this boy's gaze with something in the neighborhood of boredom and unamused. "Were you now? And lemme guess, you're supposed to be the cure for my apparent need to loosen up, right?" It was clear in the way Mika spoke that he wasn't in the mood to do anything that even resembled what this Urban Justin Bieber knock-off had in mind. "Just go tell Rey I'm fine. Or whatever ya need to that'll make him happy."

Realizing he had approached this guy the wrong way, Decky released his playful air and came back with an eyeroll of his own. "I'm not goin' back to ReyRey ta tell 'im anythin' but the truth," he said blandly. "don't think my side could handle another smack if I lie to 'im. He told me ta show you the way an' I'mma do that whether or not either of us likes it." He frowned as he stuck the lollipop back in his mouth, watching the rest of the party from their secluded little corners. "Just 'cause I can be a lil' fun don't mean I'mma be your personal fleshlight or some shit, I'm not some hanger-'round. Besides, looks like your ass is already occupied by that stick up it."

He barely registered his last words, and had to suppress a flinch when he did. He still had almost no idea who this kid was, either. He had been half worried that HB was meant to be his replacement before some of the party goers' gossip had reached his ears. HB was favored and taken in by the snake royalty, and he was from outside Edenridge. That's all he could go off of right now. The pills were working too good if he was going to be running off at the mouth like Sunshine always did. Speaking of, he couldn't see Danny or Sonny in the crowd and his shoulders were tensing the longer there was no sight of either. It was a damn parking lot, how hard is it to find one twelve year old in a sea of serpents?

“Excuse me?” Mika raised a brow at this guy at that last comment he threw at him. “Who the hell says I have anything south of the border?” He asked, clearly offended at this presumptuous asshat’s words.

He was already in a bad mood. He told Rey Rey he didn’t want to come. He even told Big Rey that he didn’t want to come, but it wouldn’t be until it came at the behest of Ley, that fucking viper who Mika found himself having a soft spot for, that he had been convinced to give it a chance. Ley, the only person who thus far had been getting through to Mika ever since he was forced to live in this shithole of a town. Not even that brief moment of understanding with that Belmonte girl a few weeks ago had any lasting effects on him. He still hated this place. He still hated that he was forced to live here for whatever reason.

And he hated whoever this fuckass was and his inability to take no for an answer. “Are you hard of hearing or just a balvan? Because I said I don’t need any tour guide and I'm already in a pretty bad mood.” Mika turned away from him. “So go find one of your butt buddies or whatever it is you need to do to leave me the fuck alone.”

"Jesus, I'm just tryina do my fuckin' job here," Decky growled out, staring up at the heavens like they would help him just once in his life. "Yer over here actin' like sayin' no to R2 is a common thing 'round here. I dunno if that's privilege or ignorance comin' from you but if it's the latter it'll change fast enough." He wiped a hand down his face and took a deep breath. "Look, I got a hole in my side and a brother to find, I don't know how ta talk to ya and I don't actually fuckin' wanna but yer my assignment now so-" he was cut off as someone collided into his side, and suddenly the painpills seemed nonexistent once more. His breath-and the lollipop- was punched out of him all at once and he half crumpled over the small figure of Danny, who had wrapped himself right around the elder Boaz.

"Decky!" He called in excitement before he saw how white his brother's face had gotten. "Ohmygod! Your wound, I'm so sorry!" He went to lurch backwards as if his touch was poisonous, before throwing himself right back in place as Decky began to collapse.

"W-were ya that mad 'bout me goin' insi-ah-inside, Boychik?" Decky attempted to joke, but it all came out much more strained than he had wanted it to. At Danny's distressed face he huffed and dropped a hand onto the younger boy's mop of curls, pushing his forehead to his own. "'M kiddin', know it was 'n accident. 'M fine"

"The slurred speech says otherwise, lekish!"

Sonny stumbled out of the crowd then, eyes wild in his search for the young Boaz boy. His shoulders relaxed when he saw the two brothers, despite the fact that Decky had obviously taken another hit to his wound judging by his curled posture and pale face. He grinned weakly at the sight before calling to Danny.

"You should join a fuckin' track team you lil' speedster," he said with an eyeroll before reassessing something in his mind. "Or maybe I'm outta shape…" he trailed off as he watched the brothers, taking in the moment for a second before turning his gaze to the outlier of the little group. Decky had completely lost interest in the other boy in favor of his brother, but he still knew he was there. It was evident in the way that even though Danny was fluttering around his brother like an excited puppy, Decky always made sure to remain between the young Boaz and the unknown player. Jeez, the guy seemed to take brooding lessons from ReyRey.


There was a lot that happened in the past few minutes and Mika wasn’t sure what to focus on. Seeing hearing something about a wound reopening or something along those lines wasn’t the sort of thing Mika could completely ignore. He witnessed the whole ordeal when a younger kid hugged Urban Biebs, or Decky but Mika was still going to call him Urban Justin Bieber and then when that hug made all hell break loose. But amidst the chaos, there was something else Mika fixated on.

Growing up in the house he did, Boychik was a term used so often from a few of his uncles that visited. Mika knew it and, maybe it was just him being homesick, but he kind of focused on that. They might have not seen it, but Mika half-smiled at everything. Even Decky, the Urban Justin Bieber, was getting some kind of reaction from him.

“Hey,” Mika finally said to one of the guys who decided to acknowledge him, “So, Decky is that guy’s name, huh? He gonna be alright? The fuck is up with his wound, anyway?”

"Mob's fine, it happened two weeks ago," Sunshine tilted his head, tracking the boy's small smile. "They didn't treat him in juvie so it's been gettin' infected on an' off." He answered easily. Decky had allowed himself to slide down against the brick so he was sitting against the wall, Danny immediately curling up under his arm on his uninjured side.

"'Tis but a flesh wound 'n' all that shit," Decky gasped out. "I'll get more pills from Fins an' I'll be all ready ta go. Gotta be, for tomorrow."

"What's tomorrow?" Danny asked, eyes wide. "You shouldn't be working again already Decky, you couldn't even get out of bed last week to see us at visitation."

"Nothing's tomorrow bubbe." Decky replied quickly before Sonny could put his foot in his mouth. "Just Serpent business, gotta get my corner back in order after a year an' a half away."

"An' I get to sit in the dorm waiting for you, right?" Danny pouted, expecting to be left to his own devices until Decky would return to him. His brother winced slightly before rubbing at the back of his neck.

"Nah, sorry bubbe but you're either gonna be with Pops or Phil tomorrow, I'll pick you up once it's all over."

Danny frowned at his older brother, but kept his mouth shut. He could tell something was up, but there was a lot that his serpent family wouldn't tell him. Always for his own safety, they'd say. Decky tilted his head up towards HB, unsure if the boy would be part of his punishment in the morning as well, or if he had known about ReyRey's ideas for punishment before Decky had.

"So, since we ain't got much choice in seein' a lotta each other: this is my baby brother Danny, he's almost always around with one of the Haze/Carlisle corner crew," his voice was coming back a little stronger now that he was sitting down and taking in enough air. "I'm Decky, newly returned corner Captain, and that's Sunshine over there, my lieutenant."

Mika gave the little kid a soft smile. He reminded him of his younger sisters. Stacy specifically came to mind. They both had soft eyes. “Sup--” Mika said as he looked at Sunshine for a few seconds and then drew his eyes back to Decky. “I’m Mikhail, but everyone calls me Mika or whatever the fuck you want.” Mika didn’t know how to do this...pleasantries thing. Even when he didn’t have a ‘stick up his ass’, he wasn’t sure how to be friendly, let alone with people he barely knew. But maybe it was the fact there was a sense of familiarity with Decky and his friends, it almost reminded him of his own crew back in Brooklyn.

Decky quirked a brow at the boy's change in tone, catching his gaze on Danny and slowly putting things together. So he had a soft spot for kids, huh? Danny remained buried in his side, but pulled his face away when Mika had spoken. The black eye Sonny had mentioned after visitation was almost completely healed, the coloring a light yellow and brown instead of the angry purple and black it had been when it was fresh. He was watching Mika warily but curiously, and Decky nudged the younger boy in his side.

"You got a question or some shit?"

Danny mumbled under his breath in response, and Decky could barely hear him when he was right next to his ear.

"Speak up Danny, he ain't gonna hit ya-" he sent a glare towards Mika in warning as if he would be able to stop the boy from hitting his younger brother in his current state. "-an' I can't understand yer mutterin'."

"Mikhail Krutikov has really good books," he spoke up, eyes shifting anywhere but Mika's eyes, but at least now facing the older boy. "There's one with Yiddish kids tales, That's the one I'm reading. And then there's one called Yiddish Fiction and the Crisis of Modernity 1905-1914 that Decky was reading me before he got pinched." His eyes were wide as he recalled the information, a spark of excitement alight within them. Decky was staring at Danny like he'd grown another head. Danny loved reading, but he didn't realize the boy memorized the titles that Decky was reading to him, especially when it had been almost two years since the book had been cracked. And who pays attention to the author like that? Given Decky had told Danny about him and they'd watched his lectures, but Decky didn't even remember until Danny mentioned him!

Damnit, his brother was probably some genius and no one even knew because he's been left behind by anyone that would be able to help him forward in that regard. He was wasted potential in human form, and Decky didn't have enough foothold or good grace to propel him forward the way he needed to.

Danny seemed to notice Decky's bewildered expression, and shrunk a bit before his brother caught the action and threw him a reassuring grin.

"I...uh...just wanted to know if you ever wanted to read him maybe? No one else around here does…"

Mika had just looked at Danny for a few moments and briefly did the same with Decky. “I’d be honored, Danny,” Mika said sweetly, kneeling down to Danny’s eye level. “You know, my mom told me that my father named me after that very author. Said it was one of the few authors that he enjoyed. And I kinda just grew up on stuff by him and others like him.” Danny's eyes practically had stars in them as he stared up at the new boy. This had been the first time Mika actually opened up about his parents or anything. Since coming to Edenridge, Mika had shut himself off and hated the fact that he didn’t feel any sense of familiarity or belonging despite him living with his godfather. But he was starting to feel that with Decky’s crew. “--If that’s okay with your brother, that is,” Mika said, looking up at Decky.

Decky stared at Mika with as much bewilderment as he had Danny, wondering briefly if Findley had slipped a hallucinogen into his meds. What a fuckin' attitude change. The thought made Decky grin, knowing that with masks like that the other boy would do just fine with the Serpents. He gave Mika his first genuine smile, approving of his actions towards his baby brother.

"Danny could always use more readin' buddies," he offered in response, giving a shallow shrug with his right shoulder. "He can read the kid's tales on his own but Krutikov's heavier shit is a bit too wordy, he needs some runnin' commentary for it."

"I like the running commentary," Danny corrected with a pout, causing Decky to turn his grin on him. He blushed and crossed his arms muttering, "I like the way you explain things."

Decky laughed, catching Sonny with a relaxed grin as he took in the scene before him silently. Even he knew when not to kill a moment every now and then. He turned his attention back to Mika.

"We caught one of his free lectures usin' one'a the library computers a couple years back. Lotta it went over my head but I did what I could."

Mika watched in silence, a small curve of a smile on his lips as he watched the brothers talk about Krutikov and how Decky couldn’t handle the heavier stuff. When he mentioned that they caught one of his lectures, Mika heard himself chuckling before the others would. “Don’t blame yourself too much, Decky,” Mika said, placing a hand on his shoulders, smiling at the boy. He made sure not to press too hard because of his fragile condition. “I’ve been reading his stuff for half my life and I still have a tough time comprehending it on a literary basis. My father was so intent on grilling some aspect of literature in me -- at least whenever the govnosos was around.” Thinking about his shithole of a father always made him feel sour, but right now, he couldn’t help but think of Ivan fondly. Even if he wasn’t always around and Viktor always seemed to be his preferred son, especially when it came to showing any sign of affection or acknowledgement, Mika wasn’t completely ignored by him. Or at least in those early years he wasn’t.

Decky and Danny had both flinched slightly when Mika had raised his hand, relaxing once all it did was fall onto Decky's shoulder. The other boy even maintained a gentleness to his condition that only his crew seemed to before. The way Mika spoke of his father seemed to be with a bit of yearning and a hint of bitterness. Decky only understood one of those emotions in regards to parents, but he wasn't going to begrudge someone for not getting their body beat or sold every day of their childhood. From behind Mika's crouched form, Sonny nodded to Decky and slowly melted back into the crowd, most likely to find the parts of his crew that wasn't fucking each other's brains out and give them an update on this Honey Badger character. Sonny could run information with the best of them, so long as it's not required to go Northside to deliver it.

Looking back to Mika, Decky smiled and gave a mock-pompous sniff. "Well, I guess ya ain't so bad if Krutikov is in your library." He said, keeping his nose in the air until Danny started giggling uncontrollably at the face he was making. He then broke down with laughter himself before grabbing his aching side and taking in a sharp breath through his teeth. "Motherfucker, this is bullshit. Over two week and this thing's still actin' like it's new."

"It's because of the infection, Decky. It basically keeps everything from healin' 'cause it's irr-irritatin' everythin'." Danny stumbled a bit over one of the words, blushing as he did so. He was always so embarrassed when he pronounced a word wrong or used it in the wrong context. Decky would always respond that he learned everything through books alone and that it was nothing to be ashamed of. One of his few lessons that never stuck. He was about to give the same speech anyway when something at the edge of the lot caught his eye. Charlie Decker had arrived, and with him all the bitterness and anger Decky had pushed aside. ReyRey and the others were gonna beat him tomorrow because Hard Times fucked up. Some chick was dead because Hard Times didn't check his batches right. He was Decky's responsibility.

"Watch boychik for a sec. Got someone ta...talk to." His eyes were stormy as they latched onto Charlie and didn't let go. His adrenaline was already pumping as he stood up and pushed himself off the wall despite Danny's protests. His unoccupied crew seemed to melt out of the woodwork behind him as he watched, as if they'd felt their Captain's rage. As he got closer to Charlie, he masked his face with a large smile, arms wide as if he were greeting an old friend for the first time in a while. Which is what he should have been doing. Instead, once he got close he called out, "Hard Times!" before darting into his space and giving him a full force right hook to his jaw, sending him to the ground. Decky then crouched over him, grin still on his face as she stared his friend down with cold eyes. "Ya stopped visitin' me!" The smile finally dropped to a scowl as he glared. "Any particular reason?"

Once again, Charlie Decker had found himself in a situation he didn’t want to be in. This time; he was at a serpent party but this wasn’t just any party, it was a serpent welcome home party. He didn’t want to be there, he had no right to be there considering what had transpired over the last few weeks but yet there he stood or at least, where he now lay after a punch from his friend, from his brother, Decky. He spat a glob of blood onto the floor and looked up at the visage of the elder Boaz glaring at him with rage.

”Deck I…” As Charlie raced through all the words that he could say, all the things he could do to try and convince Decky that he had nothing to do with the bad batch and Allison’s death he reached an epiphany of sorts. It wouldn’t matter if he managed to prove to the Carlisle crew his innocence; the town had already judged him. They had judged him from before he was even born, a bastard, a criminal born; he was guilty as charged before there had ever been a trial. Decky's narrowed eyes were watching his every moment.

The boy stood up to his full height; he was always the tallest in class and now they were in high school a lot of people confused Charlie for a senior. He towered over Decky and the rest of his boys, his deep set dark eyes staring almost blankly at them.”Life isn’t always what we want it to be, Decky. You should know that more than most” He placed a hand on his friend's shoulder, the smaller's flinch was more violent than it has been in years. ”Welcome home buddy, enjoy your party” He turned away from the crowded group and walked back towards Lyon Park.

The crew watched the distance between him and Decky grow, which just seemed to make Decky's face redder with each step. His blood was practically singing and he couldn't tell if the pounding in his head was blood rushing or just a damn fine migraine in the works. His vision tunneled in at Charlie's retreating back. The boy had barely glanced at him before taking his leave, barely stood his ground.

"Decky Boaz!" Danny's voice called out, making Decky turn and wobble as he caught sight of his brother again, the boy has dragged Mika through the crowd by hand and was looking at him with confusion and alarm. "You're bleeding again! Just to punch Charlie?! Why'd you punch Charlie?"

All the words hit him but didn't process. He did indeed tear Findley's new stitches with the twist he threw into his punch- and she would make him pay dearly for that later no doubt- and Charlie's quick retreat had practically taken all the wind out of Decky's sails to make way for confusion. He stared at Danny as if waiting for the words to process. He took one step towards his distraught brother before his world tilted and went black.

Struggling with inspiration
In Gif the User 3 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
Howdy! Welcome to the guild! Enjoy your stay in our little asylum of fucked-uppery!



☠️ LOCATION ☠️ Hades Cabin — Graveyard
☠️ INTERACTION ☠️ Old friend @MarshiestMallow


Damien Blake had laid on the dirt for...well, he couldn't tell you how long it's been. Whenever Serafina left to Gods-know-where, probably annoying the crap out of some unlucky sap, he'd just been laying next to the same tombstone everyone at the cabin knew was his. The same one that Sera had found him sitting on. Even as Shadowhunter whistled, his selectively sentient pair of short swords who seemed to care more about what he did more than he could muster in a single grunt. The same pair of swords that were imbued with the very souls he commanded, yet was nothing more than a tool for his powers to extend themselves through.

Yeah, his Shadowhunter was hissing in his head, but it was in an unique frequency. Probably its way of telling him to stop sulking about losing.

"You try losing because you were tickled into submission. Oh wait."

hiss hiss

Yeah yeah, you go off like that. Ain't like Shadow can do much about it, now can it?

And maybe this was the moment where Damien had reach new lows. He lost to Serafina, who was a worthy, if not creative sparring partner, but now he lost the battle of common sense to his own fucking swords.

As he contemplated just how low he could go, for some reason he was thinking about Erin and about how she probably was on her quest by now. He wondered if Zeru was really going to look out for her better than he would have. Well, that's impossible but laying on the ground did give Damien the time to think. No, it didn't change his mind that Zeru was a tool and would never hear the Son of Hades say anything other than that, but even he could admit that the Son of Zeus was strong. There was a reason why neither of them won a match against each other. For as much as Damien wished it and as much as he was certain Zeru wished it, they both were equal in pure strength and there was no beating that.

So maybe that's why he found peace in the fact that he was on that quest with Erin. It made him curse himself into a kip-up to his feet, grunting as he did so, but Damien would remain content on that matter.

Just as he was about to head in, Damien felt something in the earth. And a moment later, Shadowhunter hissed in its "danger is approaching" frequency. Holding his hand own, both swords were at the ready as Damien faced towards the cabin. He was ready to strike, channeling his power into the hilt of both swords. It wasn't until he saw who was approaching the graveyard did he have a moment of anticlimactic disappointment. "Oh, all the people." Shaking his head, he sheathed his sword. "What are you doing here, Kalinda? Kinda far from your usual place of sunshine and rainbows, ain't ya?" He teased as he took a seat on his tombstone throne.
In Oi! 3 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Welcome to the Guild!

December 4, 2016, The Streets
A @metanoia & @LovelyComplex Collaboration || Featuring Danny Belmonte & Marco Brady

As scary as ReyRey seemed, Danny was too drunk to process anything he was saying. When Marco went to retrieve his coat, the young jock wondered if they could stop and get some food somewhere. He was kind of hungry. Was anything even open? Since being drunk wasn’t really something Danilo was used to, the best parts of his brian, which were minimal to say the least, had turned completely off. Unbeknownst to him, the rest of the night would be led by a fool and the next morning, he would not remember anything.

Nothing. Nada. Zip.

After thinking about greasy diner food his mind went to the fading music and how he didn’t get to dance. Weren’t parties supposed to have dancing? Why did it all stop? He could’ve gotten a pretty girl and showed off how smooth he was. He could’ve become like an uncoiling rope, one with the music, one with the girl, and let the adrenaline shoot up his veins like some hardcore drug he’d never experienced before. He missed the part where people were feeding off each other’s energies… he got too caught up with impressing his team that he had forgotten to have fun.

Sucks, man.

In his stupor, deep in thought, Danny hadn’t realized he already left the party house and beside him was the boy he randomly befriended tonight. Trying his best to push all the negative thoughts aside, he threw his arm around his new friend, dropping a lot of his weight on him, but also pulling the acquaintance close, as they walked down the sidewalk. “Did I ever ask you your name? I feel like if I did I would know what to call you right now… the name’s Danny! Well, Danilo. But pleeeeeeaseeeee, call me Danny. You probably knew that already because I was great tonight. You said it yourself! I was great. I like being great.”

“Oh yeah! You definitely were!” Marco said in a sudden rush of excitement when he was pulled close to Danny.

He didn’t know if it was his lack of muscle on his own body or if Danny was just physically stronger than him or if being so close to Danny in general made him physically weak from...whatever it was that he might be feeling at this moment, Marco let it happen and now he found himself trying to support the full weight of this boy who smelled awfully a lot like the top shelf booze that he remembered his Granpappy always kept when he lived in Ireland for a time. He didn’t know why he thought of his Granpappy Sheamus, but the fact that the scent was the same made Marco smile.

Grunting, Marco yanked on Danny’s arm as he struggled to keep both of them up. “You totally killed it out there tonight!” Somehow he said that without a gut-punching grunt in-between.

There were a lot of compliments thrown at him which put a goofy grin on the freshman jock’s face and then he blinked a couple of times, realizing he still did not know a name. How could he be friends with someone with no name?! Well, Danny could always give him a nickname. A nickname. His acquaintance was small, kind of energetic, and cute.

Cute like a…

“Puppy!” Danny shouted out, deciding this was good to do so in his drunken state, which probably sounded like he saw a dog from afar, but really, he was referring to the boy holding him up. “Besides X-Men, what else do you like? I like strawberries.” Seeing a stop sign, Danny let go of the boy and latched onto the pole and started spinning around it like a kid. “Strawberry milk. Strawberry shortcake. Strawberry fields foreverrrrrrr. Do you know Cece? Or, uh, Caitlin Cleary? She makes the bestest strawberry cupcakes. Oh man, the more I think about them the more I want to eat…”


Marco looked at Danny with a confused expression as he hugged the pole the stop sign was drilled to and how he went on about his fondness of strawberries. That wasn’t why he was scratching his head like he was right now and it certainly wasn’t why he took a few glances behind him to see if anyone else was around.

There wasn’t.

But that seemed to help the feeling go away. Truth was, as much as he was enjoying spending time with Danny and probably would have been filled with nerves about what to say, Marco was clueless on what to say while the star athlete of today’s game against Pinehurst was acting like...well like how he was right now. ”Yeah, I know CeCe. She was, uh, the first person I met and became friends with…” It was strange because Marco, as well as his family, had fit in so well with the town and everyone seemed to love his parents, that it was strange he had only been living here for less than half a year. And as much as he felt anxious around Danny (for different reasons than he had in the past), he was now thinking about Cece's cupcakes. ”I have actually tasted her cupcakes. They’re quite yummy!” For some reason, Marco patted his stomach for emphasis.

“Cece forgot me today,” Danny’s demeanor became somber as he let go of the pole only to tumble backward on his feet. Oh man, he drank way too much tonight. With hardly any body fat to store his alcohol, Danny could feel he was past the point of no return. He was truly and deeply feeling it.

Looking around him, he searched for a frosted looking grass patch and found himself dramatically dropping on the ground, laying backwards and staring up at the starry night. “It’s kinda’ crazy, huh? You grow up with people, you go through so much with these same faces, and then you think… wow, one day, I’m going to have to graduate and become a star, like my parents want me to be.”

”Uhh, maybe we should—”

With loose lips and no restraints, Danny got lost in his thoughts, on someone’s lawn, in the cold, with this boy he barely knew, “I know it’s too early to think that far ahead, but don’t you just wonder… what if all these faces start to disappear? Life continues to move and I just want it to stop, right here, right now. In time. I don’t want to grow up.”

What seemed like one of those ‘against your better judgement’ moments, Marco took a seat next to a laid out Danny.

God, the grass was cold. And of course it was because it was winter. In Massachusetts. Why on earth was he not trying to help Danny up? Maybe because he didn’t feel like that’d be an okay thing to do while he was talking and some of the things he said. They felt foreign to Marco. He never thought of those things. Never thought about the day his parents would never be around or that he’d never see people he went to high school with. And maybe he was confused why Danny was.

“I guess I never really thought about it.” Marco would say after a few moments of silence and trying to figure out what he could say. “I figured that if my friends go away, I’ll see them again soon. You know, kinda like how we grew out of our playing-with-our-toys phase when we were younger—” You say that as if you’re out of that phase.. “—And you develop other interests and play with other things that are better suited for us. But like, at some point, you might find yourself wanting to go to a toy store and indulge in the latest X-Men figure with the money you saved up from your allowance.”

“You really like X-Men, huh?” Danny found himself no longer laying down. He didn’t know when his position changed, but he was now sitting up, as he intently listened to Puppy. Getting closer and closer to the back of Marco’s head, as if the Leaning Tower of Pisa was actually falling, Danny went forward and rested his forehead on the geek’s back, “You’re very optimistic.” And smell nice. “You know that right?”

When Marco felt the touch of Danny’s forehead on his back, there was a rush of adrenaline that made him jerk his entire body slightly that was almost immediately followed by a foreign hotness coming over his cheeks. And when he complimented him, Marco didn’t know what else to say than “y-yeah, I know--” as if it explained why he was like that. “I mean, I guess, like, I don’t know it’s just who I am. I’ve always been a lot more hopeful than most in my family.” Thinking about it, Marco hadn’t realized that he was literally the only one who was like this. Between him and his younger siblings, he was the only one that didn’t see the bad of any situation.

Danny’s head felt foggy, the alcohol having taken him to oblivion. His eye lashes weighed more than they should and gravity was pushing him into a sweet, drowsy dream. Absentmindedly, he nuzzled his face to the warmth in front of him. His chest rose and fell to the sedative lullaby of the night. His breathing was calm, gentle, and close. He felt at peace, even if other people in the town of Edenridge were not. Danilo Belmonte had fallen asleep and it felt good. For once, he could relax and be himself, with this boy he barely knew.

And as Marco looked over, he didn’t pay Danny any mind because he seemed like he was just resting his eyes at first.

Yeah, at first.

But then a minute went by and Marco grew concerned on the face as he turned around, shaking Danny as he tried to shake and wake him. When the first, albeit gentle, attempt produced no results, Marco tried again, this time he went faster and started to exert whatever pathetic strength he had in him.

And still there was nothing.

And Marco’s concern increased still.

He grabbed the larger boy’s shirt and tried to raise him up, but if you have ever lifted a hundred and something pounds of dead weight with a shockingly low amount of muscle (and in the cold at that), then you might be able to understand Marco’s difficulties. His lack of strength wasn’t the only issue because it was butt-freezing outside and the fact that Danny was asleep spelled bad things for both of them if he couldn’t think of a way to lift the soundly asleep hunk.

“Yes yes, he’s very cute sleeping like that. And this is the most you’ve spent with him since you started to drool over him. But this is not the time for that.”

And of course, Marco considered that it was next to impossible that he would be able to lift him up.

“But ma didn’t raise a quitter--” Marco stopped himself with both a lightbulb-over-the-head-worthy idea as well as a frightening realization. “Ma. She could help. But is it really that bad that I’m left with no outcome but to call her?”

Marco stood up, brushing the cold grass blades off of his pants and looked down at sleeping beauty. On one hand, maybe if Marco really dug deep, he might be able to drag this boy the few blocks it was to his house. But on the off chance that he collapsed from the overexertion of what remained of his physical strength, or ya know, he died form hypothermia, there was the other hand to consider.

Calling his mother.

Both presented a scenario Marco wasn’t keen on experiencing. The latter would expose Marco’s interesting situation to his mother and the former meant they’d both probably die.

“God, why did this have to happen? Why couldn’t Kylee just let me gawk from afar?” He shook head and decided that one problem was enough for him.

As he stepped onto the sidewalk, there was a tense, almost dramatic moment that led up to Marco pulling out his phone from his jacket pocket. With a deep breath, he called his mother. And as the dial tone ended, he didn’t hesitate. “Ma? Yeah, it’s me. Listen, can you come pick me up? Oh, where am I? Uhh…” Marco put his hand over the bottom of it and whispered a Catholic prayer to himself. “I’m about three or so blocks away from the house. Ya can’t miss me. I’m on the sidewalk with sleeping beauty.”

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