Avatar of AlteredTundra


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Current I saw a one-legged man at the ATM. He was checking his balance.
4 mos ago
Where do bad rainbows go? To a prism. It's a light sentence, but it gives them time to reflect.
4 mos ago
@LG aw hell yeah! Keepin my eye out for it for sure!
4 mos ago
How do you find Will Smith in the snow? You look for his fresh prints.
5 mos ago
tfw the colonies have better healthcare than the mainland


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TIMESTAMP — Three days after apologizing to Cece

A Zima Family Reunion

Very rarely did Mika ever find himself driving to Pinehurst. It wasn’t that he had anything against the neighboring town and Edenridge’s rival. Actually, the times he did venture across the bridge (so to speak), Mika had never complained about it. It was the antithesis to Edenridge. It’s north and south side were like a greater version of Eden’s northside and just slightly better. It had always been clear to Mika that the neighboring town was the wealthier city, yet something about it always had that stink of “too perfect”. Like something dark was hidden within it.

How long had it been? Two months? Three? Yeah, it’s been closer to three months since he drove across the way, taking the backroads. They weren’t well kept, but compared to the infrastructure that the majority of the southside had (or lack thereof), Mika welcomed it. Then again, his Toyota Tacoma was meant for rough terrains, so roads that haven’t been maintained over the years were more or less ideal. Almost like it was the perfect truck for Mikhial Zima. It represented the roads he left behind and how he bulldozed his way through a lot, yet always could go back if he wanted to.

Maybe that’s why he hadn’t taken this trip in a while. Dangers of his life made it next to impossible to go to Pinehurst. He had to be careful. He didn’t know when the life he lived, those dangers from New York and of Edenridge, would come around and put those he loved most in danger. In the back of his mind, he wasn’t sure if now was the right time. He could be putting his sisters in danger. He could be exposing them to a world that neither Katia nor Anastasia knew about. Yet, if he didn’t do this for himself, especially with everything going on from Hyde being back and those letters, Mika felt like he had to. He needed a few hours just for himself. Or a day.

He took a turn off the highway, making his way through the vastly different, yet somehow eerily similar town of Pinehurst. Looking at it, Mika could have sworn he was driving through a version of Edenridge that was not plagued by the demons and ghosts it had in the time he lived there. It was better looking in terms of presentation and the appearance, but if there was one thing Mika observed was that not everything was how it seemed on the outside. He wouldn’t doubt there were skeletons in Pinehurst’s closet, begging to come out.

But that’s not what he was here for.

Making his way into a suburban neighborhood, Mika made a note of the houses. They towered over those on Scott Street, where the “royals” of Edenridge’s Northside resided. He knew where he was specifically.

Knox Hill.

It was one of many neighborhoods that Mika knew of in this sister town, but not where their royals lived. But Mika didn’t care to know about that. Knox Hill, that gated community, it was where he needed to be. At the center of the gated community, there was a park. It was a nice park by all accounts. Too green grass for Mika’s taste. He was used to Edenridge’s Southside lack thereof greenery. Or at least the mild-green shade Lyon Park had. But this park was of a totally different calibur. It was the photogenic kind of well-kept grass. The park itself had a few ponds spread throughout, paths leading from all corners of the surrounding neighborhood, trees for shade, benches spread throughout where parents sat as their dogs ran through the grass and their kids that played at the jungle gym setup with old favorites that probably filled them with fond memories.

When Mika pulled into the parking lot, in his mind, he couldn’t help but think about how this was the ideal life. It was perfect. A nice slice of americana. That picture perfect suburbia that was featured in movies. It wasn’t that he was jealous because now he’s secure in where he lived for the past six years and wouldn’t change it for a damn thing. It was just a feeling of what if for him. Would he had thrived in Pinehurst? Maybe, but that was neither here nor there. That wasn’t why he came all the way out here.

As he hopped out his truck and slammed the door shut, the alarm went off (force of habit) and Mika pocketed his keys. He walked down a concrete path, observing those he passed behind a pair of aviators, soaking in all exits he could fine in his casual surveying of the land. Maybe it was his bad habits or just a genuine curiosity to rediscover this area. It’s been way too long for his own comfort since he was last here and if things had been any better, he would have came sooner. But that was neither here nor there (again).

About fifteen minutes of walking, Mika was on the opposite end of the park. He knew it was the opposite end because, though he still saw the parking lot from the hill part of the park he was now at, he couldn’t make out his truck. He laughed, almost a chortle, realizing how far he walked.

“Mikhail, you made it. Finally,” the voice of an older man said as Mika turned around.

So few people could get away with calling him Mikhail. His mother, Reynoldo Gonzalez, his second father, and his father’s brother. “Uncle Gus!” With a smile, admittedly wider than Mika realized, he approached the older Russian-Hungarian man, bringing him into a reasonable embrace. Gustav Capek (born Vladimirov Zima) was shorter than Mika and due to his age, frailer than the young Zima man was. But he was indeed a Zima. Mika could tell by the way he hugged back. The Zima men had a certain pride in holding those closest to them in an under armed embrace. One arm under the others and patting the middle of the back three times.

“You have been working out, yes? I can tell. Your back feels firmer than last time we were in front of each other.” Gustav Capek stated with a gruff laugh, releasing his nephew from the embrace. He has lived in Pinehurst for many years, but because the majority of his life was spent alternating between Russia and Boston, his accent remained.

“You noticed that, huh?” Mika had a hint of red in his cheeks. Even in the sun, no doubt his observant uncle could tell there was embarrassment on his face. “I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. You always did notice the little things.”

“This is true, nephew. But I notice big things too. You seem…less troubled. Last time you had the face of a man being crushed by his demons, but now…Now, you smile wide. And smile like you mean it.”

Damn it, old man. Mika laughed because his uncle was right. Since having that meet with Cece, it was safe to say his mind was in a better place. Hyde’s presence in his life was still a shadow hanging over him, but coming mostly clean to Caitlin took some of the weight off. “I’m trying, Uncle Gus.”

Gustav nodded. “It is all any of us can do.” He cleared his throat. “But anyway, shall we get to why you’re really here?” As he whistled, Gustav’s wife and Mika’s Aunt Ester came from behind a tree.

“Mika!” Ester gave her nephew a smile as the two people who Mika had been dying to see above all else were at her side. To the right was Katie, his opinionated younger sister. The splitting image of their father with none of the qualities that made him a bastard. To the left was Katie’s twin, Stacy, his less-opinionated younger sister who was the heart of their family and always gave Mika reasons to smile

“It’s great to see you two--” Before he could get that thought out, Stacy rushed Mika into an embrace that caught him off-guard. Her arms wrapped tightly around him and he could already hear her start to cry into Mika’s shirt. “Damn sis, miss me that much?” He chuckled as he held Stacy tight for a few moments before she willingly let go and he was able to look at her. Aside from her now-puffy eyes, she had an expression of pure joy and unadulterated happiness on her face.

Katie just watched and glanced over to Gustav and Ester. “So maybe ya should leave us be? Sorry but this isn’t a regular thing and you know the deal--”

“Katie, be nice!” Mika interjected and he could see the sass come from her but she sighed.

“It’s quite alright, Mikhail,” Gus said, “we know how important this time is for you three. We will give it to you as we always have. We’ll be back in a couple hours to pick them up.”

Mika nodded and then glanced at Katie. “Satisfied?”

“Totally!” She wasn’t being sarcastic or a smartass. Katie meant it and before Gustav and Ester left, she gave them both a hug.

When the Capek’s took their leave, Mika had to take a moment for this moment. He couldn't say what it was, whether it was actually being here despite everything happening in Edenridge right now (from Hyde to Cece to the weeks that passed since finding Boa passed out in the cemetery), he needed to a moment of silence.

For which Katya put to a rest.

“Helloooo! Earth to Mikhail!” The blonde snapped, waved, and moved her arms in very obvious ways until she sighed, looking at her twin. “Think we lost him, Stace.”

The brunette giggled. “Well that’s a bummer,” she admitted, turning her head to face her twin, “guess that means he won’t be hearing about my new boyfriend--”

“I’m still here!”

It wasn’t the boyfriend part that snapped Mika out (though his curiosity was poked hard enough). It was knowing full well that he never needed a moment of silence to gather himself when he was with these two. It didn’t matter how much time passed in-between visits: three weeks or three months, there was something undeniable when he was with them. Like part of his light he had to keep buried when he was in Edenridge because of the ever-growing darkness of that town came out. It brought him back to old times. Those old times when there was still that shadow of his brother and father looming over him, but his sisters and mother always being what made him smile.

“Good to know, Mikhail. You were giving Stace some stress!” Katie teased her twin.

“He was not! He just looked like some kind of Walker or whatever those things on that show you watch are called.”

Katie shrugged. “I don’t know which ones you mean. There’s the Walkers from Walking Dead and the ones from Game of Thrones! You’re gonna have to be just a little more specific sis.” Katie had her usual teasing grin, which always happened whenever she and Stacy got into it (always with Katie giving her twin hell about how she knew very little about nerdom).

As Stacy sighed, Mika found himself smile. “So you still like things like that? You were always a nerd, Katie..” He smiled more and found himself chuckling, remember how embarrassed she was about her nerdy interests. “I remember you never spoke so…proudly about them. Now you’re fearless about it.” Mika was proud of his sister.

Both Katie and Stacy fell silent, looking at their older brother. Three months went by since they lost saw him, but even they probably knew something in Mika had changed. Stacy made a subtle turn to Katie, their twin-leptathy taking over as they had a silent conversation about what was up with Mika. They sensed it in how distant he was, but both of them were in mutual agreement that there was something else.

“Mikhail, you seem…off? Ya okay?” Katie asked.

“Yeah sorry, I didn’t mean to worry you. Truth be told, I guess I’m just happy to see you come into your own. And you too, Stacy. Both of you are so grown now. I know things haven’t been easy, ya know with us and how we don’t see each other as often as we’d like.”

They were old enough to understand the truth. They may not know everything Mika was going through nor everything that was happening in his life, but now that they were older and the reasons they were told about them being in Massachusetts was no longer what they knew to be the truth. It was around the shooting when they found out. When they found out that Ivan was a gangster. That their mother kept it from them. That the reason they had to be separated was so his enemies didn’t find them. They never did, of course, which often kept Mika up at night, but that didn’t change anything.

“Mika…” Stacy looked at him for a few moments. Mika looked back and wondered what was on her mind. His gentle, quiet sister. What could she be thinking? “You know I was never bothered by that, right? I mean, we both never cared about how long went between visits. What matters most is that you always try to make it happen.”

“To follow up, you need to really stop blaming yourself or saying all this shit about ‘why’ this and ‘why that’. You’re our brother and both…Anastasia and I--” She realized it was dangerous for them to use their names, but fuck it. Nobody but them was within earshot, “--No, not just us but we are all our father’s children, right? Like come on, Mikhail! At the very least, let’s stop pretending like we don’t know him. Uncle Gus told us everything.”

Wait, what did she say?

“What do you mean?”

As Stacy looked down, Katie wasn’t afraid to look her brother in his eyes.. She had the fire that burned in Mika and, if he was being honest, that also burned in Hyde, Anya, and Viktor in all different ways, but she had it. “It was two years ago. Three years on the dot that we were sent to live with him. He felt like we had a right to know. Yeah, it was due to me being tired of not being told the whole truth. Only ‘it was for our protection’ and ‘you’ll know when you’re ready’. That kind of BS pissed me off in ways you can’t even understand. You live in Edenridge and I know that’s a whole different life you’ve had to live. Uncle Gus wasn’t very specific, but he told us that our father’s enemies tried to assassinate him. That’s what that explosion that one night was, right?”

Somewhere deep down, Mika knew this day would come. The day that not only would his sisters no longer be kids who were shielded from the darkness of his father’s world and his work, but from the pain that came from knowing that. For the longest time, they were protected because their mother felt it absolutely necessary that they never found out about it. The problem was the two Zima twins were children. They weren’t children but young women who were about to start their final year of high school. As much as he hates that their uncle decided to tell them, he couldn’t change that. All he could do was be proud of the women they were becoming.

“Yes, it’s true. And it’s why we couldn’t live under the same roof. I--father was adamant about that.” He may have felt the way he felt about Ivan and how he would never call him father to anyone, but to his sisters, even though they knew he wasn’t a good man by any means, they still had the memory of him as a loving father. “Did Uncle Gus explain why you needed the name change?”

“He might’ve mentioned it. To be honest, I miss being able to use my full name. Katie is so…boring!” She complained with an exaggerated groan.

“I don’t know! I kinda like being called Stacy--”

“You mean you like when he calls you Stacy--”

Mika interjected, “Okay enough of this! You two have been mentioning her boyfriend enough times. As your older brother, I need the damn scoop! Who is this boyfriend you have, Anastasia?” Mika demanded to know!

They both looked at him. Stacy damn near gasped when Mika used her full first name , but he certainly didn’t care. Well, he did but at the same time, those protective older brother instincts were dominating everything else. “It’s not like I was trying to hide it or anything. I certainly wasn’t trying to disrespect you or anything. It’s just…” Stacy looked down, fiddling her thumbs together in a nervous manner.

“This is your first love and you don’t know how to tell your older brother?” Mika laughed, almost nodding comically at how he knew he was right. “Listen, I get it, Stace. I’m not mad--”

Katie cut him off mid sentence. “No, you idiot! When did you ever take her to be afraid? And clearly she’s not worried about that. He’s just--”

“Katie, I can tell him!” Both the twins seemed to be in an interrupting mood. She coughed, cleared her throat, and looked Mika straight in the eyes. “He’s just older, Mika.”

The part of him that didn’t want to overreact knew that if he did, he’d come across as a bit of a hypocrite because, while he wasn’t necessarily the type to hook up with older women, in the world he lived in, Mika knew plenty who dated up and down their age range. Yet the part of him that was an older brother (and one who had a tendency to overreact in some situations), he was about to lose it. But Stacy was smart. She had a good head on her shoulders.

“Just older..” His voice trailed off and he inhaled deeply. Exhaling, he said, “well how much older?”

“Not much…” Stacy said, biting her lip. A clear habit of hers when she was nervous about anything at all. “Like five years, maybe a lil more.”

Lord help me…

“Is he good to you?” When he asked that, Mika saw a stark shift in Stacy’s mood. Her eyes lit up with a delightful shock. “Why are you surprised? Did you expect me to overreact or something?”

"Yes!" The twins said in unison.

“First of all, ouch! That hurt. Second of all, I do not overreact that often.” Yes he did.

“Sixth grade. You sucker punched a boy who I actually liked because he didn’t get on his knees and simp me,” Katie reminded Mika and he scowled.

“Not my fault he wasn’t good enough--”

“I was in Sixth! Grade!” Katie stepped forward, glaring at Mika. “And you had no business doing what I was about to do anyway!”

Stacy felt her anxiety rising with every passing second. “Guys…--”

“Oh, I’m sorry! Guess I didn’t know because I’m not a fucking mind reader like that Magneto guy you always go on about!”

“Magneto doesn’t read minds, you dumbass! He moves metal objects. Professor X is the mind reader. And you wouldn’t have to read my mind if you wouldn’t let your anger guide you!” Katie raised her voice, hints of her typical anger breaking through

“Mika, Katie..”

Katie and Mika stepped close, their tempers flaring such a fiery red that one could see the auras of their respective egos surround them, causing static to clash from their foreheads. Katie was shorter than Mika by almost six inches. She was 5’5” and Mika was an inch shy of six feet tall but that never stood in the way of her standing firm on stubborn ground with her brother. “Remind me, Mikhail, who was it that nearly got expelled because you couldn’t handle a mama joke?”

“Oh forgive me for fighting for our mother’s honor.”

Katie rolled her eyes. “Typical schoolyard justification. It’s reasons like that why Daddy--”

“ENOUGH!” Stacy shouted, shoving herself between Katie and Mika, both of her arms separating her temperamental siblings. Both of them looked at her, shocked by the sudden explosion of the usually mild-mannered brunette. Katie was impressed while Mika was more shocked than anything else. “You two always do this and I hate it! We never spend this much time with each other and I literally am up to here with it!” She raised her arm up above her head, leveling her palm in a horizontal angle. “Just stop it and can we get some ice cream or something?”

It was amazing. Somewhere between the last time he saw Stacy and now, she had grown up leagues beyond what he remembered. She was never the type to display loud outbursts nor a total wallflower. She was the softest of the four of them: him, Viktor, and Katie were the loud ones, but maybe it was just a matter of time. Everyone had their limits and Stacy clearly found hers. It was funny, though. In that short moment when she had the same fire in her eyes that Mika saw in himself, as well as their mother. If he didn’t know any better, maybe she was the most like Mary-Anne than any of them were.

Mika took a moment to look at Stacy, realizing that maybe what he always thought was harmless bickering with Katie (something that has been pretty commonplace for a while now) wasn’t all that harmless after all. “I’m sorry, Stacy. I didn’t think…” Mika paused and stopped himself. There were no excuses. This was the first time in three months that the three of them had been able to be with each other and there were absolutely no excuses for making Stacy stressed.

As his eyes fell on his blonde sister, he offered an apologetic smile. “Sorry I overreacted to your…claim about me overreacting.”

“Yeah, you should be--” As Katie felt the ground beneath her be slightly vibrated from a firm stomp from Stacy, she sighed. “--Fine, I’m sorry I mocked you for still being a man-baby who can’t take jokes.” In her own way, Katie was apologizing and as she and Stacy shared a tense glaredown at each other, this was as good as it was gonna get with the blonde.

With a sigh, Mikhail decided to take the road he didn’t travel often and ignore that last, sneaky dig she made at him. He was the older brother, after all and he wanted to make the most out of the time they spent with each other. There was no telling how much time was wasted when he allowed his temper get the better of him and he wanted to use every bit of it with his sisters. Plus, ice cream sounded great right about now.

“Lets get that ice cream you mentioned, Stacy,” Mika said after a few long moments of silence on his part.

And immediately, her blue eyes lit up and she had jumped up and down in place. “Yay! Ice cream!”

Ah there was the Stacy he remembered.

As she led both Katie and Mika down the hill, tugging at both of their arms, the three Zima siblings were off. They climbed inside Mika’s truck and before he drove out of the park, Mika turned around, looking at Stacy who was in the back seat. “Oh by the way--”

“Yeah?” Her blue eyes met Mika’s with a curious gleam in them.

“You never did tell me your boyfriend’s name.”

He could see it in Stacy’s eyes: she had forgotten and wished Mika did as well, but now that the dust had settled, he needed to know. “Dylan! His name is Dylan Doyle. Uh, here’s a picture of him!” Stacy reached into her pocket, pulled out her cell phone. She spent a few seconds scrolling through her gallery until she stumbled on a photo. “This is him!”

Mika made a noise that was an extension of a few thoughts he had. “Nice enough guy. Maybe next time you can bring him. I’d love to meet him, Stace.”

“Yeah! Maybe next time!” She gleefully smiled at Mika.

He couldn’t put his finger on it, but something about the way Stacy was acting about it seemed off. Was it his tendency to overthing certaint hings? Maybe. Was it him looking too much into something that was probably nothing? Again, a possibility. He wasn’t going to worry about it right now. There was only so much time left until their time together would come to an end and at the most, they were going to enjoy some ice cream together.

In Rangers 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

LOCATIONFood Truck Station, Angel Grove
INTERACTIONS — Rude visitors and buds who just want to eat good food @OGSG @Hey Im Jordan

"Pffft... I don't get paid until Thursday. You're paying for all of us, Jack."

With a disappointed sigh, Jackson sunk his shoulders down for a few moments. He wasn't against paying. He probably had enough for the triple threat like Su wanted. That amount of meat and other stuff (Shrimp was technically the fruit of the sea but also was categorized as meat), it would be pretty filling. Then again, in the short time that Jackson has known Ji-Su, she could put away a lot of food for such a petite little thing. So maybe she could have her own. Jackson also liked to eat. So that was another one. So he would have to put the rest on his card.

"Do you guys think they accept credit?" He'd ask both Dre and Su. "I mean, dad gave me a card under his name. It's only supposed to be used for emergencies. Feeding your friends is an emergency, right? Right?" Deciding it was even before they would answer, he nodded for himself and only himself.

As they got into line, which was longer than Jackson preferred. He was impatient as all hell. Not so impatient that he would decide it wasn't worth it. The minute Su described it, he subscribed to the idea that it was, in fact, worth the fifteen minutes it would be until the fated countdown. New year, new them, but same unhealthy eating habits.

Fuck yeah! That's how Jackson Drake liked to roll!

But just because he had decided it was worth the wait didn't mean that Jackson could put a nip on his impatience. The excitement was getting the better of him. "Man I can't wait to have that quesadilla. I fucking love Mexican food--" He had to stop himself for a splitsecond. "--Wait, is it even traditional? I mean it's still bomb as fuck, but like, it's not traditional, right? Oh, one of these days I'm gonna go to Mexico and see for myself!" Somewhere in all of that, he made a mental check in his mind to take a trip to Mexico. Maybe he could convince Su and Andre to come with him? "We all should go down there for spring break! All the hotties and babes and chicks in revealing bikinis? Fucking hell yeah! I'll take up extra shifts at the pizzaria! Oh and maybe work at my family's garage, too!"

The more Jackson spoke -- well, really he was thinking aloud -- the more the skater boy was getting excited. He had almost forgotten about the reason why he was in line to begin with. His mind, when it got fixated on something, everything else seemed to be pushed to the backburner. And right now, he was imagining the hot babes on a Mexico beach, the authentic Mexican food, and maybe even sipping a corona beer with a lime wedge. Or lemon wedge. Lime is kinda gross unless it's on tacos.

As his mind raced at all of the possibilities, that singular train of thought had crashed when Jackson heard the alarming scream of a woman and immediately followed by the loud, almost deafening sound of an explosion in the distance. In the darkness of the almost midnight hour, the beacon of orange fire and smoke stuck out like a sore thumb, prompting Jackson to react with a "what the fuck!?"

It seemed both he and Andre had the same idea almost at the same time and what they both saw was, if he was being completely honest, out of a bad dream. Or a really corny SyFy movie airing at midnight right before the 4-hour long spree of corny ads. "Uh guys, I know we're not, like, immune to the weird stuff in town or anything like that, but uhh..." Jackson slowly lifted his hand that wasn't holding his board and gestured to the row of those weird things emerging from the smoke and approaching them. "WHAT ON EARTH ARE THOSE THINGS!?" Normally, Jackson kept his cool under stressful situations, but when life was in danger and the fear of the unknown was carrying lances that looked sharper than his everyday outfit, this was exactly the right time to have a little panic attack.

Calm down, Jackson. Sure, they could probably rip you to shreds and your life may very well be in danger if you linger about, but think of the children!

Well, if there were children out here at this hour, those parents were probably bad ones, but that didn't matter. So think of the hypothetical children who might be here with crap parents! Think of the people screaming and not sure what to do in this highly stressful, deathly situation. These freaks were ruining quesadilla night! Oh, and destroying everything they touched. Yeah that was definitely more important (it wasn't).

"Hey, uh.."

Quick, Jackson! Think of a cool line to get their attention.


Nice one!

"You're totally ruining quesadilla night! Stop it now!" Jackson yelled out at the same moment Andre rushed them. For a moment, he was cheering for his friend. "Yeah go Dre--"

And before long, Dre was kneed and then whacked in the jaw. "Well... that was a good attempt, man!" Almost chuckling, Jackson realized one was coming his way and he didn't think. He rushed for them. Their lance came down and Jackson tucked and rolled under it, the sound of the metal hitting the concrete ground sending a screeching sound in the air. As he got to his feet, Jackson rushed the freak from behind to the ground, legs wrapping it and securing it on the ground. "Hey! I got one! Dre! Su! I actually got one--"

And much like how Dre experienced pain in the gut, he got the same treatment as his buddy did by the butt of the lance finding a temporary home in his midsection and Jackson fell to the side on his back, clenching his stomach from the immense pain he was currently experiencing. "Okay..maybe I didn't get one."

a @metanoia & @BrutalBx collaboration
featuring The Angel Princess & The Devil of Eden
TIME STAMP: The Friday before “Paint the Silence”


Maybe for a while now (probably a week tops), something has felt off for Jade and her usual routine. In the past, any time she felt like she was having a bad day, taking a small bump or a pill of E courtesy of Prof or whoever was handling the corner whenever she came by (maybe it was Sonny?), and she would immediately feel the weight on her shoulders and crushing her into oblivion feel like it was being lifted off of her neck and shoulders.

But what was she to do with a feeling that was nothing like her usual stress? Stress about Charlie, but that was a common thing and she hasn’t necessarily thought about him in a self-destructive way since the week after the carlisle house. That wasn’t to say she didn’t have images of him occasionally pop into her head and also in her dreams, but ever since going to the diner every week and meeting with Anya, getting to know her just a little more for the last three weeks, that was the highlight of her every Sunday.

And when she went to visit her uncle every Monday, bright and early, she’d tell him about the girl simply known as Pancake. She’d gush about how with every week, she was falling back into a routine.

And it was no different this week, but at the same time, she felt something in the air. No, it wasn’t the cheap perfume she found at Victoria James’ Well Loved Wonders shop. It was an almost fruity scent of cherry and had a slight minty aroma. In Jade’s crummy apartment, it hid the odor of cigarettes and Jack Daniels. It wasn’t even the day old bread she bought from the corner mart. What felt off for Jade wasn’t anything in the apartment — it was something in the air like a ghost or some bad feeling that she couldn’t shake.

The blonde tuned out whatever crappy rerun of Cops that played on whatever channel she had it on and she sank into her couch. She had recently decided to go to the rent-a-center in Boston and pick up a new couch. It wasn’t anything fancy, but it was more comfortable than the crappy one she had a few months back. At least it had cushion this time around. She sank into it, feeling herself become relaxed. It might help that she may have taken some kind of xanax with a shot of whiskey to help with ridding herself of that bad feeling that might not be hovering over her head like a rainy winter night in Edenridge.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Jade shook herself slowly out of a light sleep. “What?” She looked around, noticing the time and that she was out for at least an hour. Something woke her up and it wasn’t until another series of knocks until the neon sign came clear and she whipped herself off her bed, falling to her knees since she stood up while still half-asleep, knees bouncing off of the hard floor.

“Yeah, I heard you the first time! Just give me a damn fucking minute!” A certain impatience that those closest to her would recognize from a happier time in the distant past came through as she rose to her feet, brushing off whatever dirt was on her sweatpants. Jade wore a red top to match her black pants and she had white socks on it because she had to add spice and surprise to her comfort wardrobe.

As she opened the door, her eyes were half open, so Jade hadn’t registered exactly who was at the door. “Yeah, what do you want?” She asked, a hand behind her neck as she tried to massage it somewhat. Her blue-green eyes had that temporary flare of someone in a foul mood only to be replaced with something that she couldn’t put into words, but the closest she was feeling at the moment was complete and utter shock.

”You must be Jade. Hi, I’m Cameron!”

Hyde’s tone was jovial, almost pleasant but even still, underneath it all was the same vile venom that he had become his signature. He scanned the young woman very quickly, he had heard things and stories about Jade Taylor whilst he was still locked up. He had heard about the suicide blonde dressed in leather and looking to kill all of man and women kind with her edge which was sharper than any blade.

Jade’s routine wasn’t hard to figure out. Hyde had been following her for weeks and by this point pretty much knew where she was going to be at what time and with who. The most curious of the things that she did was have breakfast regularly with his sister. That was something interesting. Hyde had never seen Anya be anything other than what she was but in the brief moments with Jade, she was a new beast entirely.

He did not wait for an invitation, the cold hearted handsome devil simply brushed by Jade and entered her shitty apartment. As he did with every room he ever entered, Hyde looked around for escape routes, weapons and surveillance; a force of habit of course. He went to her fridge and pulled an ice cold beer from it, popping the cap off using the counter top.

“Your uncle sent me.”

Jade was frozen. The usually hot-tempered angel princess whose passion and words often oozed out a reckless fire met its match with Cameron Hyde. She had never met the man, but the stories alone from both news outlets and from those within the southside, the name Cameron Hyde was one that you didn’t forget. Jade sure as hell wouldn’t. And that’s because of the things he did to Aleyda. She and Ley may not have been romantically involved since her freshman year (if you could say it was romance), but to say that Jade wasn’t still very much protective over her friend would, at the very least, be a mistake. Despite that, Jade found herself overcome with so much that it took her a few moments after he stepped into her apartment to process it.

But when she did and he said her Uncle Charlie sent him, alarms went off in her head. It’s like her body, from head to toe, had entered a forced defrosting mode. Her fire returned and under normal circumstances, Jade would be in his face, smacking the beer out of his hand for even implying that her uncle Charlie would associate himself with the likes of Cameron Hyde. But if the stories were true, which she almost definitely believed they were, Jade had to exercise caution. “Did he now?” She asked, taking a few cautious steps forward. Her legs shook but she tried to not let it show by keeping a direct gaze with his eyes. “And how is it that you’d know my uncle? Personally, I mean. He’s been in prison since last year. If you want me to believe you, you’re gonna have to try a little harder than what you just said.” Let it not be mistaken, Jade was experiencing more fear, more anxiety, more absolute dread than even she felt when she had heard Charlie died or even when she heard the sounds of ReyRey beating up Charlie, but out of self-preservation alone, Jade had to appear unphased.

“I was locked up with him.” Hyde spoke very matter of factly. His eyes never left the young woman as he took a drink from his stolen beverage. The stories he had heard were true; beneath those baggy clothes was a body to kill for. Who knows? Maybe one day he would? Or he could just take it? Who could stop him? Nobody, they daren’t even try. “He heard that this place was going to hell, got worried and knew I was getting out so he asked me to keep an eye on you.” He put the beer down on the counter and folded his arms. She was living in borderline squalor, it was almost a turn off. ”I would tell him not to be worried because this place’s smell alone would send anybody packing.”

Jade took a hard glance at Cameron. And then another until she couldn’t decide if she should slap him for disrespecting Edenridge or if she should laugh because despite the stories she’s heard about this man, she also knew a good joke when she heard it. “And yet I’m still here,” she remarked, moving past him and opening the fridge. She let the cool air hit her face and she grabbed one of her crappy beers. She closed it, leaned against the fridge, feeling it tip back, and gathered herself. Thoughts and other unsavory crap flooded her mind. Even as she pressed her lips against the tip of the bottle, took a sip of the mediocre beer, she hadn’t allowed herself to not look at Cameron Hyde.

She was pondering why her Uncle Charlie had decided to send him as her protector? Or why would he even accept? “If my uncle really did ask you, then he must’ve spoken a lot about me, so then he may have told you I don’t take nobody’s crap.” Jade was terrified right now, but she didn’t feel threatened. Well, it’s not like she ever shied away from any situation where her well-being was in danger and when it wasn’t. “What’s in it for you? Nobody does anything, especially when it involves me, if they don’t get something out of it for themselves.” Everything in her was on fire. Why did she suddenly feel the need to be so careless and fearless? Maybe she truly had a death wish and that bad feeling was the preparation for her demise. “There must be something in it for you.”

Hyde enjoyed bringing fear into a room, it was like nectar from the Gods. He could feel terror in every vein, in every pore. It was his sustenance. He could tell Jade was scared but he wasn’t afraid. That was interesting. She was trying to play games with him, a self preservation technique no doubt. It was reminiscent of someone else that he used to know, someone who challenged him like no other and funnily enough, Hyde knew that Jade had a history with that person.

”I can think of a few ways you could pay me back.” He has heard all the talk and Hyde would be lying if he wasn’t curious as to what was beneath the clothes. Jade seemed to have a presence that attracted different dangers. Aleyda, Anya and now him. ”But it’s not that complicated, I owe your uncle a favor. He took care of me whilst I was inside, his mistake naturally but that’s all there is to it.”

Making his way over to the window, Hyde looked out across the Southside; his fingers drumming together in the way that Mrs Ramsey had taught him. A simple method to keep the monster in check. He wasn’t particularly fond of Charlie Taylor but a promise and loyalty went a hell of a long way. Still, it didn’t stop him from imagining grabbing Jade by her throat and throwing her through this window. Why? He could see it coming. She was going to break his sister's heart. Hyde could see it in their interactions, the way Anya’s face lit up in a way that didn’t involve pancakes. ”I won’t interfere with your life. You keep doing you but if I get a whiff of trouble, I’ll be there. You need me, I’ll be there.”

The Angel Princess spent a few moments processing everything Cameron told her. After she got over the sheer grossness that consumed her at his not-so-subtle offer. She heard that kind of offer from one-too-many guys at Edge and generally anywhere she went, thinking that the only way to thank them was by taking them somewhere with minimal privacy and showing them a good time. It wasn’t and she would rather poke the beast than ever go down that road.

Yes, but after she got past it and as she watched him gaze out the mirror like a wolf or some other kind of howl-at-the-moon beast, Jade marinated on the things he told her. Charlie Taylor had helped him out and his payment was Cameron Hyde being her silent protector.

What were you thinking, Uncle Charlie?

She didn’t quite understand what he was thinking, but her uncle always had a reason for his actions. Even if one of them resulted in his initial incarceration. “I don’t know, buddy, this is the southside. It’s a pretty dangerous place. Take one wrong turn and it’s lights out.” Jade walked over back to the couch and took a seat, keeping her eyes on her new protector. “Not that I’m saying I would go where I shouldn’t, but you speak as though you’d be able to prevent any harm coming to me. That’s a pretty bold statement to make.”

Was she being serious?


With a great crack, Hyde launched his glass bottle into the wall and like lightning shot across the room, which caused Jade to flinch in the worst way. He stood behind Jade on the couch and placed his hands on her shoulders; his grip was firm and tight but not painful, yet. ”You know who I am?” Cameron hissed. ”You know what I can do?” With every pause in the sentence, his fingers pressed a little harder into her collar bone. ”The word is already out on the street. Your Uncle made a deal with the devil and you are protected.” The vitriol in that final word. Protected It was as if a cobra had spat its poison directly into your ear to make its way into your central nervous system and kill you in an instant. This was the man they told stories of.

Jade. No one will touch you or they will have me on their doorstep but don’t take this as a friendship.” His hands made their way around her throat, he didn’t squeeze, not her. ”Like I said, I won’t interfere but you do me wrong, in any way, I will reach my fingers down your throat and I will rip off your jaw.”

He released her and took a few steps back before walking back to her fridge and grabbing another beer. ”One for the road.” He popped the cap of the beer and looked at the blonde. ”Are you having breakfast with that girl from the diner soon?”

What…what just happened?

Only a minute ago, Jade was half-grinning, watching Cameron with a curious gaze, asking him about some hypotheticals that might happen and, like a domino effect from hell, loud crashes, raw terror that Jade had never felt before in her life, and the closest to death that the Angel Princess has ever come all flashed before her in a flash. For all she knew, it could have been longer and it probably was. Somewhere from the crash of a beer bottle and the touch of hands pushing on her neck and throat, she checked out yet heard every word.

This was the side of the man that she heard so much about…no not necessarily a man. A demon…

“Huh?” She shook her head as Hyde asked about the diner. She averted his direct gaze, looking down. She held the beer in one hand and the other shook, a clear result of what she experienced. “I..” She froze, finding it extremely difficult to find her thoughts. Her throat was dry and she couldn’t stop shaking. So she took a deep swig of her beer, downing it in a few more. “N-not until Sunday” was all Jade could force out.

Hyde nodded his head before having a swig from the bottle. ”Her favourite color is Royal Blue. You want to impress her? There’s a dress in your closet that is close to that. Jade it up, add leather whatever it is you do to make yourself more fuckable. She’ll like that” A pleasant almost wholesome kind of smile covered the devils freckled face.

He polished off the bottle very quickly, throwing it into the recycle when he was finished. Still grinning, Hyde made his way over to Jade once again and knelt down in front of her. He popped a finger beneath her chin and raised her blonde haired head up to lock their eyes together. His baby blues were ice cold, emotionless, a great dichotomy considered just how full of rage the young man was. ”Look into my eyes.” His finger soon turned to a grip as he held her chin. ”Look into them and see me, Jade.” The Devil released her and smiled again. ”I’ll be seeing you!” He pulled himself up to his feet and brushed a strand of hair from the shaken woman’s face before departing the apartment.

When the door shut as calmly as if nothing had happened just now, Jade couldn’t bring herself to move, let alone process anything that happened to her at the hands of someone her uncle handpicked to be her protector. Jade was stunned. Terrified. In a state of uncontrollable confusion. Her heart was beating so fast and then it wasn’t, which terrified her more than she realized.The Angel Princess has always been able to handle herself with unsavory men. They always found ways to think what she wanted was their gross bodies. Ugly, fat men who told her how pretty she was. One even called her his golden delight.

But Cameron Hyde? He wasn’t like any of them. He didn’t come into her apartment with any intent of trying to get into her pants. As cold as he was emotionless, Jade for the first time felt every ounce of power stripped away from her in ways that no man or woman has ever been able to do. He went from hot to cold to hot again and when he had demanded she look at him, she complied.

This was the guy that she heard so many horror-laced stories about. The Devil of Eden. Her uncle’s cellmate and now her protector in the darkness.

“A Devil and an angel.” In her last moments before she laid down on the couch, Jade let out a morbid chuckle that had so many things within it, it was hard to say, but she just laid on her couch, curled up and let her mind drift.





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