Avatar of AlteredTundra


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Current I saw a one-legged man at the ATM. He was checking his balance.
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Where do bad rainbows go? To a prism. It's a light sentence, but it gives them time to reflect.
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@LG aw hell yeah! Keepin my eye out for it for sure!
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How do you find Will Smith in the snow? You look for his fresh prints.
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tfw the colonies have better healthcare than the mainland


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curiouser & curiouser

location: The Olympic Club
interactions: Athena | Heimdall | Xipe Totec
mentions: The Death Family | Artemis | Hati

Heimdall could barely believe his eyes as he looked down at that graphic scene before him. Two divine children laid dead in a broken bloody pile as if they were mortals. He felt a chill go down his spine as his mind began to race through the possibilities that this could lead to. Not only was it bad enough that the victims in this scenario were Greeks, but they were the children of Hades and Persephone. Though Heimdall had never met them personally, the few stories he had been told by Athena cleared all doubt of how they would respond.

Heimdall crouched down, his eyes shining just a bit as he observed the bodies as best he could. Though the large amount of blood covered the finer details he was still able to make out some obvious facts. One was that Zagreus had put up a fight before being killed, the other detail was that the two children had been dead long before they ever touched the ground. Heimdall's eyes grew wide however as he noticed a small detail hidden on their body, there was a small clean cut like one left by a knife or blade of some kind. Heimdall looked up to the shattered skylight for a brief moment before standing and walking away from the scene. ‘I need to find Athena and fast’

His walk around the event was a long and purposeful one. One filled with scanning everyone who entered and exited, of the mortals and divine alike. It was easy to fall into a sense of… boredom when attending the Festivals Hera hosted yearly. Nothing exciting going on, enough to hold his attention at least. But it wasn't necessarily entertainment Xipe sought while stalking through the throng of bodies, rather someone. Xōchi had announced she would attend and yet he wasn't able to spot her. And when the bodies fell from the sky like the first heavy raindrops of a summer storm, he felt fear for the first time, believing one to be her.

After statements were made, divinities leaving after being dismissed he noticed Heimdall searching the scene; he would wait until they needed his expertise. They always did. Taking a glass of champagne and sipping it slowly he made his way to the bodies laying at his feet. Pools of blood stemmed from the young before his eyes, like roots of a weed it spread along the ground beneath them. His golden gaze sharp, examining the substance at a crouched level. Unlike other cases that had come across his desk, he would need to think with the mind of a killer. A simple enough task for Xipe Totec.

When his gaze turned up to look about the room, still bustling with too many bodies for his liking, he noticed that Heimdall was making his way towards the Wisdom goddess. 'They would be spilling what they know soon enough,' he thought to himself and snatched up a few pieces of broken glass; a makeshift slide for him to use and examine at a later time.

Athena had returned to the scene of the crime and it was definitely a slow process, but progress was being made. She had the blood from the bathroom and she spotted Xipe Totec near the bodies of her cousins who were still laying motionless on the ground. She didn’t have much of an opinion on him but she didn’t trust him enough with the vile of blood that was in her purse. This would need to be kept in-house.

“Heimdall,” she greeted him, casually glancing around the ballroom. “Any updates?”

“No way it was an accident. Beside even the setting and the falling part, the boy had scarring on his knuckles from a fight. My guess would be an altercation with the perp.” Heimdall paused for a second as he looked across the room seeing that the grieving Hades and Persephone had already been escorted out of the building. “Whoever did this, did it to send a message to your uncle and aunt.” Heimdall paused for another moment before turning back to face the goddess of wisdom. “How about on your end?”

“That’s what I deduced as well.” Athena hummed, seemingly to agree with what Heimdall had deduced on his own. Did Artemis tell him about the blade yet? Probably not. Not much time had passed and that was the sort of thing to tell when there weren’t so many ears that could hear of it. Athena wanted to divulge it now, but now wasn’t the time.

She sighed out far more dramatically than she thought she might. “Unfortunately it’s not anything good. Anteros was distraught but not for reasons pertaining to the case. Apparently Pothos is missing. I was actually on my way over here to tell you--” Athena was cut off mid-sentence as she spotted the usually-snake-like Xipe, who always had a habit of slithering behind people appear out of nowhere behind Heimdall. Her partner hadn’t noticed but she did and the wisdom goddess folded her arms over her chest, glaring at him but decided to say nothing as her eyes said enough.

Like a second shadow Xipe was there, hands in his pocket as he observed and listened to the goings on between the detectives. A type of social hierarchy going on between them, and if Xipe was any kind of mortal that wallowed in his feelings too much, he might have even been hurt by the clear and blatant exclusion he was feeling. But he wasn’t and he didn’t. He stood there, head held high, although his laidback and relaxed posture spoke volumes of someone with other thoughts on their mind.

“Seems as though this is more than just death... targeted individuals, perhaps?” His eyes danced, the muscles around his lips twitching up into a small smile, “I would think that because it was their first time back into the world of the divine, they would have been the best ones to off. And in such a fashion as they did? Tsk. The craftsmanship of the wounds and… display of their bodies could use a bit of work.” The way he spoke, like a master of their craft critiquing the works of a novice. So haughty and with distaste. Except, Xipe wasn’t upset about it, rather he saw the potential and wished to inform the killer of all the points they missed.

He didn’t know the Children of Death all that well, hell, he only really met Melinoë - an interaction he enjoyed. Having a domain over madness must be thrilling. Xipe was clearly only there for a few reasons; his affinity with blood would help - or at least they think so, and he was drawn into the commotion a pair of dead divinities offered. Truly a delightful end to what could only have been boring in comparison. “Do tell us though, Athena,” he dragged out, circling the pair of them like a vulture, “What is the significance of your niece’s disappearance? Clearly it wasn’t the killer, otherwise she'd be as dead as the others." Xipe couldn't choose between hiding his enthusiasm and looking unfazed by the whole situation, but with everything unfolding before him he was finding the latter very difficult.

Athena could never place it, but there was always something so unnerving about Xipe. His unwarranted commentary about the specific way bodies were carved up, the odd excitement he always seemed to show when talking about fatal blows, and just his energy rubbed the wisdom goddess the wrong way. That’s why she didn’t want to tell him everything she found out. She wasn’t even going to tell Heimdall everything. She was simply going to inform him of the updates that happened on her end. She wanted to take this opportunity to inform Heimdall about the norse sword, but Xipe was the last person she wanted to be privy to that knowledge.

Athena hated to admit it, but there was some merit to his questions. Pothos, to her knowledge, was not as connected to the murder of Hades’ and Persephone’s children. The crime scenes were different, as well. Zagreus and Macaria were murdered in a dramatic fashion. Intended to create a scene. Pothos was taken, presumably in the bathroom amidst the chaos. “She was taken in the bathroom - the one I just came from. Blood everywhere. There was a struggle. Not sure if it was god or mortal.” Athena knew she had to be careful with her answers and what pieces of information she wanted Xipe to be aware of (for a myriad of reasons). “Perhaps a stalker? Someone following her and used the disarray of the murders to take her?” Athena thought out loud, more for Xipe’s benefit. Indulging him in this may satisfy him enough so that he would stop digging.

Heimdall felt a small chill run down his spine at the way Xipe described the bodies and their injury almost as if he was a judge or a displeased instructor. Even being a Norseman Heimdall had standards when it came to such things. Sure he and his kinsmen had killed plenty but they usually had an honor about it rather than whatever atrocity this was. There was no sense of honor or reason to this killing, more like that of a serial killer or just a deranged madman. Of course though it could never be that simply as now a person had gone missing.

Though he could feel the tension between them, Athena and Xipe made good points about the kidnapping being unrelated to the murderers, in a direct sense anyway. “We should make sure everyone else is accounted for in some capacity. The last thing we need is more people to show up missing with everything going on. Especially on the off chance that this all is connected.”

His face contorted into that of a twisted grin. A Cheshire cat who caught a taste of the cream; as it were. "A stalker, hm?" He toyed with the words in his mouth, as if they were something new and delicious he was trying out for the first time. Weighing how it sounded before he spoke more on the thought. "Perhaps. Though, safe to say that whoever it was doesn't want her dead. Just gone. Might have even posed a threat she didn't know she possessed herself."

Xipe halted his firing of the two, nodding along with what Heimdall said, about checking on everyone's whereabouts and cross referencing them; that was more their style. The Flayed One simply sought out for himself, to gain answers for what he needed - not what others desired. It's worked out for him well so far. This time would be no different. Though this tine, he supposed, if he wanted to be kept in the loop he would need to play nice with his fellow immortals.

"Before I go, have you thought that maybe with her absence it was a ploy to pull attention away from one thing only to throw it at another?" He hummed aloud as if to prove a point. "There are many a people who have quite the scandalous history with Ares. It wouldn't be too far a stretch to believe this was done in a way to get to him," and without another word, the Aztec turned on his heel and began to make his exit, waving back towards his colleagues, a wicked grin on his face, hand in his pockets, encircled around the blood slides there.

When Xipe was gone, Athena sighed out, a mixture of relief, tension, and ire built up. She never liked him, but his talents were useful. That didn’t make her feel any better when he was close to her, but she recognized he had his uses. “As much as I hate to admit it, Xipe has a solid point. Pothos being taken could be something that may be used to target my brother.” There were too many angles to consider, but she knew that was one she could certainly handle for herself. Of course, this meant talking to Ares, which, of course, was never something she was keen on doing.

“But Heimdall, there is another matter we need to discuss. Not here, though. Let’s go somewhere… more secluded. There is a matter I need to discuss with you.” Athena started walking, looking back momentarily to make sure that Heimdal was following.

Heimdall could a small part of the tension leave the atmosphere with the departure of Xipe as he heard his partner let out a held breath. While Athena spoke to him about her brother, Heimdall nodded along, understanding the hesitation she had about talking to him. He could understand where the wisdom goddess was coming from in that regard, from the bits that she had told him about her past in Olympus, her and Ares had a strained relationship at best. If he was being honest it wasn't too far off from his own relationship with his brothers or his own father for that matter. Heimdall quickly threw out those thoughts once he heard Athena asking him to move to a more private area for whatever she needed to explain next.

With a slightly concerned look on his face he nodded and followed behind her. As they continued to walk further and further away from the main plaza where the guests were gathered, Heimdall began getting a sinking feeling in his gut. Finally their journey came to a stop once Athena had led him up the roof far away from any possible listener and by the looks of it where the bodies came crashing from above. Heimdall could feel something bad was coming, rarely had he ever seen Athena like this before, of course she was always serious about her work, but this was something that exceeded that.

Athena didn’t like to waste any time and less so when it was about something important. As much as she had wanted to talk about why she was leading her partner away from the main plaza and to the top of the skylight on the roof where the bodies had originally fallen from, she couldn't risk it, especially if Xipe had suddenly decided he was going to follow them. And for that reason, she needed to wait until they were alone.

“I do apologize for the over dramatic silence, Heimdall. It is not who I am. I like to get to the point, so I’ll spare you any more of it.” With a deep sigh, Athena came out with it. “During the investigation, particularly when I came to the roof at the request of both Hati and Artemis, which of course they put me in charge of the investigation. I’m not complaining. They know I’m really the only one for the job, but there was a weapon found at the scene of the crime. Right over there--” She gestured to the skylight, “--A weapon of Norse origin: Dáinsleif. It was the sword that killed my cousins.” Athena stood with arms crossed, feeling both anger at that fact and some apprehension. She didn’t know much about that blade other than it was norse and a formidable blade.

Heimdall paused for a second as he thought about what Athena had just said. If this truly was the work of a Norse blade then it was no wonder she wanted this to be kept in secrecy. “I haven't seen that sword in a long time. The last time I saw it I was still the watchman and that sword was still on the hip of its original owner.” Heimdall paused for a moment as he thought back to the days of old trying to think of the best way to explain what the blade was. “Well it's no ordinary sword that is for sure. It was forged long ago by the dwarfs and placed with both a curse and a blessing. The sword was said to never to miss its target, but if the blade is ever pulled from its scabbard it must cause bloodshed.”

Heimdall took a second allowing the information to settle with Athena as he took a few steps closer to the skylight that had been broken. Paring down he could still see the broken bodies of the two children lying lifeless on the tile floor looking up at him. Nodding slightly as a sign of respect to the dead Heimdall turned around to look back at Athena. “What worries me most however is the fact that they simply left that thing here. Besides trying to start a war between our houses, I don't want to imagine what they could have that could match that in power.”

Athena stood pensively, listening to every word her partner spoke about the sword and about what it could do. He described it as a blessing and a curse. Athena could see why that was so. A weapon like that was sure to bring great victory in battle. Athena had only what Heimdall told her and the little information she had beforehand about it, which wasn’t much. She didn’t know about it having a curse - only the name, origin, and rumors. These rumors were nothing compared to this sword causing death anytime it was unsheathed.

“Heimdall, what kind of hold does this sword take over who holds it? Is there anything else you can tell me about this sword. How does the curse work?” Seldom did Athena find her without the answers, but as much knowledge as Athena has about weaponry, about strategy, and about most things war-related, she is not Ares. She hated to give her brother any props, but the fact was that this was bordering on being out of her wheelhouse. She is not so desperate to seek him out…despite having her own reasons of needing to speak with him.

“That's about as far as my knowledge goes unfortunately. I don't remember anything about controlling people or how exactly it worked. All I know is that we are dealing with a weapon on the same level as my fathers spear or my brother's hammer. It never misses and is magical like the others as well” He paused for a moment as he looked at Athena, his face still holding a serious look with the slightest bit of worry mixed in. “So what is going to be our next move then partner? Cause i agree that this needs to be kept on a need to know basis or else a war is going to break out between our houses and lines are going to be drawn.” Though he dreaded the idea and believed they could solve this before time ran out, Heimdall couldn't help but get a dark feeling looming over them that threatened to tear both their pantheons asunder

“I was afraid you would say that.” By all Gods that she knew about, she dreaded this more than any potential war that may break out. Athena was hoping there was some secret Norse knowledge that Heimdall, the Watcher, would know of, but it seems this blade was one that had a reason to be feared. Whatever secrets it held was out of reach of not one, but two intelligent deities. That part angered Athena the most. The fact that, between Heimdall and herself, the most they put together was that Dainslief was of Norse origin and when it was unsheathed, it needed to taste blood. And that it can kill what is divine. The most dangerous fact of it all.

“Our next move is simple: solve it before another life is lost.” Athena had the habit of speaking arrogantly about impossible-to-solve cases. Particularly when the clues were nowhere in sight. “I know it won’t be easy, but between us, Artemis, and even that bothersome wolf, Hati, I have a feeling the pieces to this puzzle will reveal themselves somewhere. Until then, we work it like any other case.”

Xipe stood at the entrance of the roof, listening intently to the detectives. A mysterious, god-tiered weapon used against the divine? How inconvenient. This posed some real issues to his kind and though he wasn’t opposed to death and the natural - or unnatural - cycle of life, this was anything but welcomed. Especially seeing as how there could be more out there. There was no way a person as twisted as this would halt after just two kills. No. With the reaction it’s garnering, they will want more. Xōchiquetzal flashed across his mind and in one fell swoop he was descending the stairs, two at a time, cell phone already to his ear and dial tone playing on a loop.

I wholeheartedly blame @Venus for this >_>







@Wolf Mother @Akayaofthemoon @TGM



Tag you're it!
Timestamp: After Happy Reunion
FT: Sal Montero, Aves Kaine, Rosie Drake
Bron Milligan, Stacy Čapek, Marco Brady
Mentions of: Katie Čapek



With her dad leaving to help her mom with a flat, Avery Kaine and Rosalie Hawthorne-Drake had the store to themselves (which honestly was an often occurrence, since Arthur trusted his daughter and that’s that). Zella Kaine was part of the summer school program so that’s where she’s been spending most of her days at. Unfortunately, the Kaine matriarch was awful at keeping up with her car. Aves could’ve sworn a week ago that she told her mom about how shitty her tires looked. She was lucky it was only one tire that blew because lord knows, those tires were so old, they were begging for death at this point.

Avery had told Rosie that she could’ve left early to beat the storm, which was not what happened since Rosie was knee deep in her Basilisk fanfic. Hey, that was okay with Avery, having company was always nice since she was here from opening to closing most days. Ever since she graduated highschool and chose not to go to college, this was Aves life. Swerve Arcana. She wasn’t complaining. Her deal could’ve been worse. Plus! This helped free her dad’s schedule so he could reach out to some of his contacts to throw epic events here.

Pretty sure he was in the process of setting up a comic book signing with Spike Langley so that was cool. Spike was hella’ popular in Edenridge. He probably wouldn’t expect the most haunted place in America had his biggest fan base. In the backroom, which was mostly storage, Avery signed into her spotify on the computer that piped in the audio throughout the building. Going to her early 2000s playlist, she pressed shuffle and the first song to blast was Stacy’s Mom.


After turning up the volume, because why the hell not, there wasn’t anyone else around, Avery flew the door open and started shimmying, singing, and dancing down the manga aisle. She slid down from one aisle into the next, where RoRo was and she gave her friend a big, shit eating grin. Strumming her air guitar, she loudly sang, “You know, I’m not the little boy that I used to be. I’m all grown up now. BABY, CAN’T YOU SEE?”

What a day to come back to town. Bronagh Milligan, for as much time as she spent on the Internet posting pictures for OnlyFans, shooting her vlog and chatting with her adoring fans, she never checked the damn weather app. How was she supposed to know it was gonna turn into the Day After Tomorrow out there? She had spent most of her day interviewing and getting the job at the Animal Hospital. It wasn’t a permanent gig by any means, just something to help her pay a little rent whilst she was home for a few months.

College was, well quite frankly it was a bit of a mess for Bron. She’d changed her major multiple times now and she’s only gotten away with it for so long because she fucked the right teacher or teachers. Yet that was just sex, a trade of services. She had her boy chilling in Pinehurst, waiting for whenever she was around. He was an angry boy, so the sex was always amazing but he was also really sweet beneath the bravado. She’d have to let him know that they didn’t have to be long distance anymore while she was back in her hometown. Her big sister was back too! But JJ was out for the night, likely overnight if she had her way. All she said to Bron was that she was meeting a dreamboat. Knowing Eden, that boat was likely the titanic or a Russian submarine but Jessie was a big girl, she could handle it.

The self proclaimed influencer knew she had to find shelter fast or she was going to get soaked to the bone and although she would look hot as hell wet no one would be there to see it if she was swept away in a flash flood. Seeing the light on at the end of the street, Bronagh charged through the door of Swerve Arcana; a place she didn’t even know existed even when she lived in Eden the first time round. She tossed off the jacket she had stolen from the cute guy at the Vet’s to the floor to reveal her body in all its glory. Her crisp white shirt was slightly damp and see through whilst her long legs were drenched and glistening in the Arcana light. Bron flicked her hair back before sliding both of her hands into her back pockets, cocking an eyebrow as she did to look at the dancing girl in one of the aisles.

“Nice vibe.”

As if the music wasn’t bad enough (it really wasn’t bad but it was loud), but just for a moment, Rosie came out of the daze of her dreams, writing up a storm for one of her off-shoots of her Basilisk series and wrote a self-indulgant fic (let’s just say she’s taking some vague liberties about the clarity of her heroine’s love interest), she popped her head up to see Aves lost in her own groove, singing Stacy’s Mom at the top of her lungs, her dance moves nearly matching her pitch. But she loved seeing Aves being herself. Still…

“Did she have to be so loud?” The blonde artist sighed, looking up only long enough to see the hot blonde bombshell who just walked into Swerve. Her blue eyes homed in and admired from afar for the majestic hair flip, to which Rosie muttered “nice!” as she suddenly made herself available. “It is a nice vibe, isn’t it?” Rosie said, moving a little bit closer. “You look a little wet…from the storm, I mean. It’s coming down pretty hard, huh?”

“I’m a little moist,” Bronagh playfully responded to the pretty girl that was addressing her with a crescent smile across her face. “Nothing wrong with that though.” Her tongue gently caressed her bottom lip for a second, just a little tease before she stepped further into Swerve and looked around to get her bearings. Bron had to wonder where she had wound up. Lots of those comic book things, someone cut outs of Chris Evans, total Daddy and board games. Either she was at the comic book store she had heard her cousin Clay mention before or she had been struck by lightning and sent to the wrong heaven because this was obviously a nerd's biggest fantasy. “Nice place. You got anything hot to drink? Or gin? Either is fine.”

Damn. No one wanted to party. How lame. Where was Clay when she needed him? “No to the booze. But yeah to the hot drink. We got hot drinks in the backroom. And if you want soda, we also have vending machines. My mom likes every tea under the sun and my dad has a caffeine problem, so what would you like?” Avery asked, frowning that no one wanted to sing and dance with her. Then again, that was immediately left behind when her eyes couldn’t help themselves. They had a mind of their own. Before she knew it she was checking the newcomer out from head to toe.

Once she had taken in the sight, realizing man this girl did not belong here, Avery turned to Rosie and grumbled, “I GUESS I’ll turn down the music. But you’re lame. I wanted a dance party but you’re over here drawing disproportionate boobs that defy gravity.”

“I’m lame!?” Rosie huffed, offended by what Aves just implied. “Excuse me. These are works of art! They represent the level of power and general badassery. Just look at Power Girl. Her hooters are out of this world!” Rosie shouted, getting somewhat emotional. “New girl!” Rosie’s voice and eyes pinpointed on the blonde bombshell that just walked in who Rosie felt could bring a solid expertise into this debate. “You agree, right? Bigger is better!”

Bron really had no idea what she had stumbled into and she was missing valuable vlog filming time. She glanced at the two women staring at her and tilted her head. This entire conversation gave her an idea and this was going to be quite the unique opportunity. Sliding her phone from her pocket, Bronagh turned on the camera and placed it on one of the nearby bookshelves. “Is bigger better? Well…” Without warning, the Milligan girl peeled off her white t-shirt slowly to reveal her toned body, now only covered by a simple lacy black bra. “…is this the answer you were looking for or does it just open up more questions?”

Hold up. Hold up. Hold up.

Avery found herself staring right at Bron’s chest, stunned. Who was this girl? She looked familiar but she couldn’t put a name to her face. That bra was sexy though. Lace was kind of a vibe. She always imagined Jamie in a mesh lace dress. Lingerie. God she wanted to see Jamie in lingerie so bad. Closing her mouth from being ajar for a little too long, Avery snapped back to reality and met the other girl’s gaze, “Well you’re fucking hot, I’m just going to… get you cocoa. You seem like a hot chocolate kind of girl,” Begrudgingly, and almost like a robot, the older girl turned on her heel and marched to the back room, her face beaming bright red at the boldness of this stranger. Today was a day. A day that really made her stupidly hot and bothered. Fucking hell.

All sense of anything and everything around here just…stopped working. Rosie was a proud pervert. A respectful one. She liked to look but she did it with class. And sure, she drew outrageously large hooters on her characters and even liked to read comics with the same bra sizes, but when it was happening in real time and totally unprovoked, she froze. The fact that the blonde bombshell just pulled up her shirt without even so much as a warning not only sent Aves into her version of waving the white flag, but Rosie was frozen and her cheeks felt hot.

Does it open up more questions? Yeah probably…

She had to get a handle on things. Shaking her head lightly, Rosie had to force herself to not stare too obviously and just…focus. Focus on her face, not boobs. “Y-yeah that…”

Be it divine intervention or right place, right time, the boob-obsessed girl’s attention went from blonde bombshell to the door as the bell dinged and two new customers graced Swerve with their presence at the best time. Rosie let out a rather obvious sigh of relief when she saw it was Marco. Thank god and he was with somebody that seemed…familiar, but she couldn’t place. “Marco!” She exclaimed.

Marco was with Stacy. They were just coming from the park and he had intended to come here only so she could meet back up with her sister, but with one scan of the immediate area, Marco…well, he didn’t know what he just walked into. Looking at Rosie Drake, he just waved and awkwardly at that. “Hey…Rosie. And…friend.”

Following Marco’s lead, Stacy had followed his eyes, but at the same time she met the blonde who was exposed quite indecently, sending her face red with secondhand awkwardness, it was the song she heard in the background that really made her flush red. What kind of place did Katie like to frequent? Was this why Katie couldn’t wait to come here? Not like she wouldn’t fit in. Katie was certainly different than Stacy. “Hi…I’m Stacy…” She just waved too, mirroring Marco in a very awkward and tense interaction (not to mention uncomfortable for the Zima girl).

Sal had fallen asleep in the bathroom. After leaving Swerve on the recruiting mission he had accepted from the good lady Butterscotch and the Dungeon Master, he spoke to the Quill for directions wound up in a place called Westwood looking for the member of the Midnight Society they called the Sword, Dallas Drake-Davies. Arriving at quite a nice house, Salvador was greeted at the front door by a grungy girl who legit looked like she belonged either on the runway or at a Nirvana concert. She said her name was Adelaide and she reeked of awesomeness and weed.

Sal enquired after Dallas and was led into a small room to see a pretty girl looking after three kids. He introduced himself and mentioned who had sent him which piqued the girl’s interest. He informed her about his current predicament of trying to reunite the Midnight society so that he could enter their campaign and at first Dallas thought it was a joke. When Sal told her how serious he was, she had to mull it over for a second. Eventually Dal offered Salvador a deal. Beat her in blackjack and she’d help him on his quest. Sitting down at her kitchen table, the pair played one hand and luckily, Sal won. Now having recruited the parties Knight, a happy Sal headed back into the street but realised very quickly that this was still his first day in town and he was lost as fuck. He somehow managed to find his way back to Swerve and the bathroom he now found himself asleep in.

Emerging from the bathroom with a yawn, Sal moved down the aisle towards the entrance, hoping the rain had subsided so that he could find his way back to his new home on….fuck what street did he live on now? The young Mexicano stopped in his tracks when he saw the amassed group at the entranceway, specifically the topless beauty in the centre of it all. “Ay dios mío!”

Rosie forgot what she was going to say, but she was grateful for the distraction that Marco and…Stacy - yeah, that was the cute redhead’s name - provided. And even better, Salvadore (that’s his name, right?) showed up. Though, when Rosie glanced over at the latino boy, she couldn’t help but notice he was feeling some type of way. Welcome to my world… “Sal! Hey!” Rosie switched gears. As much as it was tearing her up inside to turn away from the free preview of some model’s Fansly or whatever it was called, Rosie made Sal the focus of her undivided attention. “Thought you left a long time ago. Where were ya?” Rosie definitely was trying to not get too beet red over the fact that the blonde bombshell still had them out. Yeah, for someone so boob-obsessed, she still had to work on how she handled the real thing in the moment.

“Erm erm I err…” Sal averted his gaze from the girl in the eye of the storm and over to Rosie. “I spoke to Dallas, she’s erm, yeah she’s in with helping us with the campaign.” The young boy was really at a loss. What was this place? Was it magic? Maybe they were all Bruja’s and this was some sort of curse? It was the most haunted town in America after all. “I got turned around in the storm, I didn’t know how to get home so I came back here.” He swiftly turned his head to look at the other newcomers, especially the girl, Stacy? He smiled awkwardly and offered a barely there wave.

“Well this is adorable,” Bronagh stood with her hands on her hips, her breasts still on full display. Her light green eyes fell upon her camera and a bright smile crossed her face. “As you can see guys, a big pair of tits can stop a room dead.” Bron brushed away her long blonde hair and flicked it behind her shoulder. “Does that make bigger, better? Why don’t you tell me? I’ll post a voting link in the comments. Don’t forget to like, share, subscribe. Love me, love you.” Blowing a kiss to her audience, Bronagh moved forward and turned off her camera. “I like this place, you nerds are fun.”

“Glad you think so!” Rosie acknowledged the bombshell’s comment with a small smile, once again trying not to lose herself in what remained out in the open.

Turning her focus on Salvadore, she noticed him and the pretty brunette (redhead?) exchanging a…something. Odd yet adorable. “Yeah it’s pretty crazy out there, isn’t it? Won’t get any better, I’d imagine.” Rosie had to take control of the group somehow, so she made a small clap with her hands. “So we got a bunch of familiars, but also a new girl--sorry, your name was what again?”

“Stacy!” She repeated.

“Right, Stacy. Stacy, this is Salvadore. Sal, this is new girl Stacy. Came inside with Marco here. Where were you two even coming from?” She asked both Marco and Stacy, the latter of which looked a bit too simp-esque to speak.

Marco coughed, finding himself increasingly uncomfortable. Boobs didn’t bother him but it felt just so awkward with them just…out like that. He shook his head. “Came from the park just down the street. Stacy said her sister was here. I just came to make sure she got here okay, but given the storm outside, guess I have nowhere to go.”

“Oh really? What’s your sister’s name? Maybe we can find her or something.”

She broke her boy-crazy eyes away from Sal to answer Rosie. “Oh! Her name is Katie!”

“Oh that loud mouth? Yeah, she’s around. Not sure where, but last I saw her, she was somewhere in the back. Aves was heading there, so I’m sure she can find your sister for us. And if not, at least you know she’s here, right?”

After Avery turned down the music and changed the playlist to something more relaxed, like lo-fi relaxed, she strolled into the employee break room to make some hot chocolate. There were quite a few people here so it was only fair to make a cup for each person, assuming they even liked hot chocolate. How many were even here? Unceremoniously, Avery poked her head out the door and called out, her voice booming throughout the entire Swerve building, “AM I MAKING ONE CUP OF COCOA OR DO YOU ALL WANT SOMETHING TO DRINK? IF I REMEMBER CORRECTLY - THERE'S LIKE…” Six? Seven people? There was Katie on the beanie and if she remembered correctly Sal came back and went straight to the bathroom. Perks of being at the front all the time. You remembered who came and went. “…fuck it. WHY DON’T YOU GUYS JUST COME HERE? DON’T TELL MY DAD! THERE’S BROWNIES AND OTHER SHIT MY MOM MADE!”

“Oooh brownies!” Bron exclaimed. Despite the fact if one looked at her impossibly perfect figure it appeared as if the OnlyFans model had never eaten a brownie in her life, that would be an incorrect assumption. Bronagh had a huge sweet tooth and when chocolate was in the cards, she was ready to play a full deck. Not bothering to pick up her shirt to cover her modesty, the green eyed temptress simply slipped her hands into the back of her short shorts and made her way towards the voice that had called them. The freckled girl, whatever her name was.

Avery’s yell snapped Sal out of his staring contest with the new arrival: Stacy. As the fantasy of having two kids and a dog with her gave way to the true visage of Swerve Arcana, the Latino boy watched the growing crowd head towards the back of the store. Not wanting to tempt fate, Salvador made his way to the entrance and made sure to lock the door. Sure, heaven had opened up above them but he had seen way too many times the lengths people would go to if they had a vendetta. For a brief second, his mind wandered to the bottom of those damned hotel stairs before he took a step backwards into reality.

Spinning on his heel, Sal hurried to follow the eclectic group that had been selected and gathered by unknown forces to protect the world from devastation. They weren’t exactly teenagers with attrition but they weren’t far off. He wondered as he entered the break room behind Stacy what great new adventure was about to take place.

The saga begins…

@RBYDark@Fish of Oblivion - Here's my sheet finally! :)

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