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Current I saw a one-legged man at the ATM. He was checking his balance.
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Where do bad rainbows go? To a prism. It's a light sentence, but it gives them time to reflect.
4 mos ago
@LG aw hell yeah! Keepin my eye out for it for sure!
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How do you find Will Smith in the snow? You look for his fresh prints.
5 mos ago
tfw the colonies have better healthcare than the mainland


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In Ju-V 1 yr ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay

INTERACTIONS: Aegis Agent, Mountain Man and Freshwater/Saltwater Otter, everyone who heard him
LOCATION: San Francisco International Airport → HOP ON THE BUS → Boats n Hoes~ → Fun Playroom


"What a total bummer."

Those words echoed in the usually empty head of one Skylar Vass as he flew on a commercial flight, escorted by a couple of Aegis agents, no less, from Kahului Airport to San Francisco International. Flying coach with special circumstances or something to that effect made no sense to Kyle, but it wasn’t because he was looking too much into being escorted by these agents but, honest to god, he wasn’t even thinking about it. His mind was elsewhere. It was back on Hawaii and he kept thinking about what led up to this moment.

When he got his powers, Kyle didn’t know what to think or feel about it. He had always been an agile kid. His parents were the best and let him find his own way. He was homeschooled, which gave him the freedom to learn at his own pace. He wasn’t the kind of kid who would go on to be a big time scientist or even become a teacher. Kyle passed with average marks and made use of the free time. He loved to surf. He loved cliff-jumping. He loved swimming and skating. Extreme sports was not just part of the soul of the island but it was his lifeblood. Both of his parents were famous for their talents on a board. His mom was a famous skater while his dad was for the water.

So somewhere along the lines, Kyle developed a love for both. Excelling at speed like his mother did on land but took after his father for a love of water. Combine that with friends who often encouraged Kyle and his bad habits of doing some insane, crazy stunts that often led to broken arms, bruises all over his body, and an impressive amount of trips to the local clinic. It got to the point that Kyle was on a first name basis with every nurse and they didn’t need to bring up his information. It could be assumed by his injury at that time.

But getting his powers was a totally different story. Kyle didn’t change when he got it. One might say that his stunts grew in scale and so did the attention he brought on himself. The friends he kept encouraged him to go big or go home.

As it turned out, going big wouldn’t let him go home. Because within half of a fortnight, Aegis came-a-knockin on at his home, explaining the reason for their visit. One of Kyle’s bros convinced him it would be a good idea to use his powers on them and the other filmed it. That’s how he wound up on a plane to San Francisco.

Not your brightest idea, Kyle. Not at all…

When the plane landed and Kyle retrieved his singular luggage that wasn’t the backpack he had as a carry on, he waited with the good agents of Aegis, thinking about his life choices, but as he did, the simple-minded Hawaiian felt whelmed by his environment. No matter the reason, the fact remained that he was in a city that he always wanted to visit. He loved the idea of California. To a lot of his ohana back on the Island, California was like the distant cousin of Hawaii. The cousin that didn’t do everything they could but had enough of the working pieces. Plus, Beverly Hills 90210 and Katy Perry always made it seem like its own paradise. Even though Kyle wanted to think about the reasons that brought him here, all he could do was enjoy finally being in Cali. He wanted to see some California girls, with daisy dukes and bikini on top!

As he started to board, dressed in shorts and a tank, big hoverboard under his arm, Kyle found himself humming California Gurls as he took a seat in the back. Despite everything happening, Kyle was just happy to be here. Happy to be able to keep his board. It didn’t even occur to him until he heard a commotion that there were some interesting people on the bus. He spent so much time gazing out of the window like the tourist he was, taking in the sights of San Fran. It only really clicked when someone made a big deal about an otter.

Brown eyes glanced at the little critter and he mused, “Ay brada, you think that’s freshwater or seawater otter?” He asked the Aegis agent that sat next to him.

The man shrugged. “No clue. My knowledge of otters is nonexistant.”

Shoots. Kyle responded before returning to his previous activity of gazing at the sights that they’d pass. There were others that came aboard or that he had only just realized such as the man made of stone and the winged angel, but he was still going through the motions of jetlag that Kyle kept to his own devices.

By the time the bus came to its destination, Austin, the name of the aegis agent that sat near Kyle who didn’t give him his name technically, but Kyle estimated that he looked like an Austin, had gestured to him to get up. “Roger dat, Austin!” Kyle saluted Austin with the hang loose hand gesture.

“My name’s not Austin. It’s Steve.”

“Really? Roger dat, Not Austin, It’s Steve!” He gave Not Austin, It’s Steve a simple grin and descended off the bus and the dark-haired Hawaiian felt at home when he saw where they were. He looked around and couldn’t help but feel at peace being near water.

Then came the ferries to carry off them off in batches of two to the giant island in view. Kyle was in group two because they had to account for Mountain Man. A hui hou, Mountain Man and Otter! Did they actually acknowledge Kyle’s simple farewell to them as they boarded their ferry? Probably not, but Kyle did it anyway because he didn’t know what else to do.

After the ferry came back and he rode on it himself, he pondered about how it would have been easy for him to just go across the sea with his board, but due to reasons of if he tried to do anything with his powers and Austin/Steve might attack him for it, Kyle knew that wasn’t a good idea. He didn’t have his bros to convince him it would be, either, so that meant he had to ride it out.

If only people would have told him all hell would break loose once they got to the island. People bled, a feather was used as a weapon, some cute Japanese girl got hit with pepper spray after she started to disappear (Wow that was killer!). But the worst of it all and probably the one thing that lingered in Kyle’s mind was his board being confiscated. He felt naked without it. He felt incomplete. What was a surfer, a kid from the island who spent his entire life on a board, without one? Whether skate, hover, or surf, him and his board was the closest thing he had ever come to finding his soul mate.

And now that he had to be without it, no matter how overdramatic it was, Kyle lost part of his free-spirited soul. Not even the residual hummings he tried to focus on of California Gurls could mend his broken heart. No amount of activities he saw as they went further into the facility, not the pool nor sauna nor steaming room could take his attention off the fact that he really needed to know where his board was.

But then everything changed when the activity empire attacked.

Okay, maybe more like a small battalion, but Kyle soon found himself in better spirits. A twinkle lit up his eyes when he saw the consoles. Something to know about Kyle: while he was an avid gamer, he didn’t play a wide variety, but he loved skating games. Skate, Tony Hawk Pro Skater - you name it. He loved playing those. He lived for those to an extent. He even liked Shaun White’s snowboarding game.

Honing in on the part of the rec room where the consoles were, both of the boys who were playing it went up and left and, Kyle being the kind of guy who never let a situation pass him by, he made a beeline for the console, making himself comfortable and continued playing whatever racing game it was those two were having a ball with. “Kinda wished it was Skate but a game is a game.” Kyle understood he was talking to himself. Most might find that weird, but then again, Kyle wasn’t necessarily the kind of person people looked at and thought ‘wow that kid is someone who totally fits society’s definition of a tool’.

Kyle was not a tool. He rode the waves and often crashed and burned when he went too high up.

@Supermaxx With a day to spare, here's one of two hunter twins dabs

In Ju-V 1 yr ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay

Of course the Smut Duchess herself, @Venus, had to claim the 69th post.

In Ju-V 1 yr ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
Wave Rider

Skylar “Kyle” Vass February 19th ( 18 ) Male

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"Wanna touch my hair? It’s soft. Like a cloud."
◼ HEIGHT | 5’7

◼ WEIGHT | 153lbs/69kg (nice)

◼ BUILD | Think Slender Man’s body but with muscle

◼ HAIR COLOUR | Dark brown || Soft like a cloud

◼ EYE COLOUR | Brown

◼ 'VOICE' TEXT COLOUR | Aquamarine/#7fffd4

◼ OTHER | Kyle has his earlobes pierced. Also he's bisexual! *dabs*

Kyle is someone that doesn’t typically dress out of comfort. He isn’t a formal kind of guy and doesn’t like to wear physically-restricting attire. At the very most, you might catch him in a pair of jeans but only when it’s on a cold day. His wardrobe, whether it’s the clothes he has on his back or the clothes that he might pick up while at some thrift shop almost exclusively consists of tank tops, shorts, some sweatpants, a lot of beanie caps and windbreaker jackets. He has a lot of hair ties to, well tie his hair up in a manbun - his preferred style to wear his hair other than down in its natural, silky form.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"I need better friends."
There are a lot of wonders in the world that nobody understands how they can be so perfect. The feeling of getting that one trick shot on Rocket LEague that cements a person's legacy in the hall of fame. Being able to eat a whole five-course meal at the local buffet all by yourself. But the one that tops it all for a one Skyler Vass, often nicked Kyle by his friends, is the ability to find inner-peace before you turned ten by just embracing life to its fullest and not giving a care in the world.

And honestly, that's just what he did.

Kyle has always been a carefree kid. He was born on the Island of Maui. His mother was born there and his father was too. They met through their careers. She was a skating icon and he was a surfer who went mega famous before he was thirty, so naturally Kyle has been active most of his life too and embraced that as a key part of his identity. The lax environment of the Aloha state, for one, allowed him to grow up stress free. Akoni and Suki were the kind of parents who let their child find out who they wanted to be instead of pushing some kind of agenda on them of who they thought he should be. So there was going to be no tragic backstory for this kid.

His first love was surfing and his second love was food. One might argue his third love was enjoying life, but the first two are most important. Kyle was homeschooled for the majority of his adolescence. Another thing his parents believed in heavily. He wasn't without friends because when he wasn't studying for half the morning, he was always by the beach. Always in the water. Always being himself. Even with all the discourse around the world surrounding metahumans and anyone who didn't like that, Kyle was free to be who he wanted to be.

Well, that was until he developed his own powers. It was quite fitting for someone who just went through the motions of the world, someone who became so carefree and oblivious to the harsh realities of the world. He was out surfing one day when he was eighteen and he was facing the largest wave he'd ever encountered. He had been slowly working himself up to The Big One, but he wasn't quite at that level at this point. But Kyle was always a bit reckless when it came to being out in the water. He swam deeper into the great blue than he should. On this day, he caught a big one and rode the wave as much as he could, but as it would turn out, he wasn't ready and he wiped out.

Or, he should have.

By the miracle of whatever deity was looking out for him. By Johnny Tsunami himself, Kyle wasn't just surviving the big one, but as wind itself gathered around him, he began to ride the wave from the top, floating over it all the way into the ocean. This caused quite the stir. His ohana was willing to protect him, but there was only so much they could do to prevent the word of a literal flying kid from the Paradise in the Paciific riding a two-story wave on a specially-made hover board that was definitely waterproof that carried him to safety.

Speaking of safety, Aegis agents came to know about his new-found feats due to a rather accidental posting of the video. See, in addition to having unconventional parents who raised him through unconventional means, Kyle surrounded himself with friends who never thought that far ahead. He never did, either, so they didn't think twice when posting the video on Tik Tok and it went crazy viral. When they approached his family, there was a lot of it that went over Kyle's head. There was a lot that went over their heads too.

Junior Vigilante Program.

What was that? Kyle didn't know. Akoni nor Suki had any idea what it meant either, but even though he had technically didn't do anything illegal per se, Kyle was also a bit at risk, too. He literally had just developed these abilities of his within the last few months and in those few months, if you really wanted to be technically truthful, he did hurt a few people when showing off. Nobody cared because, again, Kyle and his friends weren't the brightest of bunches. They were the kinds of boys that would get inside a giant bubble and Kyle would use his powers to make it fly into the ocean. It's makes sense why they would want to get Kyle far away from irresponsible people that enable that kind of recklessness.

Well, suffice to say, Kyle was packed, took his special hoverboard, and was on a plane to California.

Pretty sick considering he's always wanted to see California girls. Now he had his chance!

Cowabunga dudes!

▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:

"Where are the california girls at? Daisy dukes optional."
Kyle doesn’t want to hurt the people around him. He had a bad experience with how his powers got just a little out of hand and he saw this as an opportunity to learn how to get stronger. But a personal motivation, while somewhat materialistic on his end, he just wanted to see California girls. Is that too much to ask? It was a great opportunity to kill two birds with one stone, so he went with the flow. Riding the wave of life.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"Be like the wind, brada!
◼ Aerokinesis| Kyle has the inherent ability to generate and manipulate air.
◼ Wind Generation| Kyle is able to generate his own source of wind. It comes quite natural to him as he can turn it on and off almost like it’s an instinct…though controlling the rate he generates wind is a matter altogether.
◼ Wind Aura | Simply put, for a very limited amount of time, Kyle is able to wrap himself in a constantly-spinning “aura” of wind. It not only helps him control certain hard-to-manage feats, but grants him a significant boost in his speed and offensive, as well as defensive, capabilities. Control over it is great despite how long he can maintain it.
◼ Aerokinetic Surfing| Though typically done through the use of his hoverboard, Kyle can surf using the wind around him. Its easier with his hoverboard because it gives him a vehicle to move around on and it’s significantly easier for him to control since he had spent nearly his entire life surfing. It’s no different than if he was on water with his normal board.
◼ Wind-aided Jet Propulsion | Another case of “it’s easier with his hoverboard”, Kyle is able to manipulate the wind he generates by riding through the air currents and move at faster-than-normal speeds. On his board, it’s easier cause he can control how fast he goes and drift to avoid any major collisions, but when he’s not using his board (or can’t), he surrounds his body with an aura of air and TRIES to control his movements, but it’s a major WIP.

◼ Acrobatics| For his entire life since he could walk, Kyle has always been an athletic kid. It’s been part of his life for as long as he could remember. And especially growing up in Hawaii, it’s part of the culture. He has trained his natural feats to be able to move quite efficiently, which makes his meta ability very fitting. When he’s not using his ability, he can move around easily by flipping all around, jumping over rocks, jumping long distances, maneuvering like a stuntman, and above all else, embodying what it means to be a spider monkey.
◼ Stormwatcher| Being able to know when a storm was coming and when it was long gone is almost as second natured to Kyle as breathing is. Kyle can tell when it’s going to rain by the positon of the clouds. Are they bigger ones? Is it going to be overcast? Partly cloudy with a chance of meatballs? Clear skies? All of this became second natured to him through trial and error. Because he always preferred to surf when the storm was just about to hit so the waves were slightly more chaotic and larger. At a certain point, he became something of a meteorologist himself. If Surfing didn’t pan out like the way he wanted and if was allowed to go back into his normal life, he might do that. Be the hottest weatherman in paradise sounds nice.

◼ Lack of total control without his Hoverboard| As impressive as his feats have come in just months of having his abilities, Kyle lacks a fundamental control over them. He’s like a plane that has lost its landing gear as it comes in for a landing. He might somewhat have a grasp on how to land safely, but the ability to guarantee complete safety when landing is out of his hands when he is going with pure wind. The speed prevents a clear line of sight when trying to land and he mostly has to hope for the best.
◼ He’s only human, after all While he has impressive feats physically and metahumanly, Kyle is still human. He doesn’t have any super resistance or anything like that. Hit him hard enough and he’s bound to bail terribly. Like they say, all it takes is one lucky punch.

◼ Fire = Bad | Simply put, pit him against a pyro head or in a place where a lot of fire or heat is bound to be present, Kyle is bound to totally bail! Fire will suck out any of the wind he might generate and make it into a WILD FIRE!
◼ Ice = Also bad| | Kyle sucks when it comes to ice too. Anyone who can freeze things can also, theoretically, freeze the air, too. And considering that’s his main gimmick, if it’s cold as balls and someone is intentionally trying to make everything below freezing, Kyle might be in trouble. Simply put, hot or cold, Kyle no likey.

▼ N O T E S:

Akoni Vass | One part of my Ohana! Pops always pushed me to follow my dreams and that’s what I’m doing now, makua kane!
Mitsuki “Suki” Vass (nee. Watanabe) | Makuahine always believed in me and I couldn’t ask for a better mom!


Too many to count| Kyle surrounded himself with way too many enablers of bad habits. It’s how he wound up getting checked up on Agent Bubbles…”I mean Aegis agents.”

◼ USA | The Island of Maui, Hawaii

Hoverboard | Isn’t technology grand? Kyle was never one to ask for anything too fancy outside of the variety of boards he has collected over the years. He’s had a skateboard and obviously had plenty of surfboards, but the one that he cherished above all else and what, honestly, has been the best investment, has been this highly expensive and highly innovative hoverboard that responds perfectly to his needs. Even before he developed powers, he used it to get around. Now that he does have powers, it’s DEFINITELY been a godsend. It’s also a nice minty green color.

In Ju-V 1 yr ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay

In Ju-V 1 yr ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay

This seems dope. Consider me interested
Been a hot minute but the digimon cravings are real, so digitize me captain!

That means me bumping this thread out of its graveyard
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